The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, July 09, 1897, Page 5, Image 5

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Absolutely Pure.
CeUbraUd far Its nt lcvenlaKttrenth and
hekUMulneitN. Anurci the food ignltmt lm
nnd U fornw of adulteration common to the
chenp brand. HOYAl, HAKINO POWDKII
Twine at Peterson's furOJ per pound.
J. W. Runchoy was In Lincoln this
JuHan Sapp was in Superior tho llrst
of Hie week.
Geo. Buck of Eiunklin was in tho
citf this week.
Bernard MoNcny returned from
'Colorado Thursday.
Dr. DarnereM of Hastings was hutu
tho llrst of tho week.
Pabst Beer on tap at the Bohemian
baloon. Alwhys fresh.
Mud Lavnllee of Uivarton was in the
cltv Sunday n business.
Editor Jeukin of the Argus was In
Lincoln the fouo part of the weok.
LMiuhwr til cost at Cowles, Neb.
Closing out. A. L Hildroth, Munnger.
Mrs. F. M. Kinsiy of Dallas, Texas,
is Tiilinu her sister Mrs. A.M. Sapp.
Xulsc Longbin lvft Wednesday for
Coticotdio and Clyde, Kansas, on a
BJUov. James Murk Darby will preach
Sunday evening tilSslG to tho Fire De
partment. Bobbin LuFubur who has been visit
ing with Elmer Crone left for his homo
at Superior Tuesday.
The W. 0. T. U. will give an ice
cream social, Thursday evening July
Ifi. Plneu announced later.
J. A. Hoimiorof Dc. Moines, Iowa,
brother of A. C. llosmc-, spent several
days hore the lust of the week.
C. C. Cowden left Thursday for St.
Joe, Missouri, having received tho sad
intelligence of tho death of a sister.
Miss Minnie Peat who has been visit
ing with Mlsw Georgia Blockiuoro re
turned to her home at Superior
Excursion to Hot Springs, S. D.,
TnursdaT. J uly 10th. One faro for the
round trip. Seo noarest Burlington
Itouto agent.
Lottie Madson who has beon visiting
with Miss Lulu Sellars and other
friends loft for lior home at Saporior
Tuesday uiurning.
Lumber Yard tor salo cheap for cash
or will trade for good farm lands in
Webstar county. A. L. Hiluketh,
Mauagor, Cowles, Nebraska.
Lester Koontz, formerly aresidontof
this place but for tho last year or so a
resident of ludiaua arrived Saturday
morning. Ho says Nebraska has the
best looking prospects of any stato
that, ho has been iu.
Ono of the heaviest ratus of the sea-
.son visited tho section of couutry lying
south of this oity and near the Kansas
lino last Monday. A rainfall f seven
inckos is reported in several localities
and to tho southwest in tho vicinity of
Sherwood, Kansas, considerable hail is
reported to have fallon, doing a largo
amount of damage to growing crops.
A good story is told on ono of our
barbers who askod another fellow to
have a glass of beer but said be dldu't
want uny . An hour or so after ho went
la tho barber shop, got shaved, and
tendored the barber a nickle in pay
meut. Tho barber told him the price
was ten cents, but ho simply remarked
that ho did not take any beer Sinco
thoaWovo event took place no doubt
tho Slocum law has one more in favor
of its enforcement.
Highest Honors World' Fair,
Odd Medal, Midwinter Fair.
A ton Grape Cream ef Tartar Powder.
Auoirxn Towy. I
l)r FulKcr-ou of Hluo Ulll wn hole
IhU week
TurCiiiMf Is prepared to do ywu
job prlatlng
I.ovellCljdeof MaCook was In tho
city this week.
Dr. Wnldcu of Kivorton was hero tho
Drat of the week.
Pabst Boer ou lap at the Bohemian
Saloon. Always froth,
Pabst benr on tap at Huhemlan
saloon. 0 cents a glass,
Seward Garbor and wife retttrned
Thursday from Colorado.
Beor at wholesalo at 12.50 por.kog at
the Sonth Sldo Sample Room.
Sec Peterson's twtao beforo you bny.
Ho has jttBt received a oar load.
Will and GharJey f.lndtoy wsro hero
from Eshon, Kansns, the llrst of the
Mrs. Holla Isom nnd daughter of
Dunkorton, Town, is vfeillng Mrs. A.
M. Saap.
W. P. Ktiuhn returned ThuYaday
from a few day's Wesinosa aHd pleasure
trij in Missouri.
Robert Potter wHi leave thw even
ing on a trip to Salt Lake, San Fran
cisco and Portland.
O. C. Bell und family loft Tuesday
morning for Lincoln where Hicf will
utake their futiuo homo.
Mrs. Alex Dentloy and ahrhlrcn who
hare been visiting friends hero left for
their home in Lincoln Wednesday.
When you want a nice smooth shave
or hair cut, give Wet. Fctitrco a call.
Ono door south of tho BuuTonBnltory.
Geo. lladell formerly of this city,
now with Tootle, Wheeler, Motter &
Co., of St. Joe was here hu last of the
John Pettu'e and wife who have been
visltring with friends here left lor their
homo nt Shwlton, this state, Thursday
D.J. Juduou left Tuesday for Lincoln
to leok after the welfare of his wife
who Is tuKiug treatment at the sani
tarium. The Union Firulnswuuco Company
Is the bust mutual. Combine rk$ ia
installments I per cent. J. 11. Smith,
Special Agent.
The ditch along the cant side of
Webster street was cleaned out this
week aid a levee rhrowa ttpjto koup
tho water ! the sidewalks.
J. H. Smith writes combined insur
ance for a term of flvo years at 8 per
coat. On schools boases, churches and
farm property oo the installment plaa.
Drop him a card at Red Cloud, Neb.
Durlag the mouth of June I will soil
everything at roduoed prices. Any ar
ticles at eost, and some even below
cost. Come in and see that I mean
what I say. O. A. Harbk, Cewles,
Oat of about four hundred boys who
had their girls out baggy riding last
Sunday only one was noticed particu
larly as ho passed up and down tho
street. He had one of tuoso S-iude-baker
bugciea that terson soils.
List of letters remaining uncalled for
at the postolTlceut Red Cloud, Neb
raska, for the week ending July 8th,
These letters will be scut to the dead
letter oflioo July 23d, if not called for
before. Prank VT. Cowdkn, P. M.
I Biohard Lee wishes us to state that
iu ono particular un Item in a city pa
per telling of the killing of his haittcby
a B. fc M. train was wrong. His horse
was not lariated near the track as
stated but was over a quarter of a milu
off mid tho lariat rope had been cut
thus allowing the animal to ktray onto
the railroad truck.
With a monumental amountnf cheek
Jack, of tho Matian, after calling tho
teachers at tho institute ignoramuses,
tries to make out this week that it was
dono by mistake and that if the words
"this is a joko" had boon added t the
article it would have beon all right. It
won't go down Jack. Yon can't joko
the teachers that way.
Commencing with tho issue of July
Sd, this paper will chargo all sooltles,
churches and organizations (ivo coats
per lino for first insertion nnd two and
a half cents each subsequent insertion
for any notice relative to an entertain
ment where an admission fee is charged
or for any entertainment where a
chargo Is made for the purposo of
raising money. This rule will be
strictly adhered to and must be recog
nised. Mr. Isisdor Freymark of Mattoon,
Illinois, who has been here for a week
or so past, closed up negotiations this
woek for an interest in the woll known
Golden Eagle Clothing Store of this
city and this popular establish men t
will in tho future be conducted ttuder
tho name of Freymark & Co. Mr.
Freymark is well acquainted with the
clothing business, baving had exper
ience with largo clothing houses In tho
oast. He Is a pfoasqnt gentleman and
wo wolcomo him to our city,
Dr. Hall of Cowlu win ht- tho llrst
of tho week.
Harry Muiiu Is home again after a
visit ia Kansas.
Ben McFurland loft Thursday noon
for Grand Island.
Oo to O. A. Harris, Cowles, Neb., for
hats nnd caps at cost.
Pabst Beer on tap at tho Bohoinl iu
K.uoou. Always fresh.
You onu buy twiuo at Peterson's
cheaper than aurwhwo.
Leslie Craves returned the last of the
weak from a visit in Iowa.
Boor at wholesale at l'J.50 per hog at
tho South Side Sample Room.
A. P. Ely of McCook was visiting
ft lends hero the first of the week.
Buckeye binders und mowers, the
lust on earth fix' sale by Jus. Peterson.
Beer sold at Hie South Side Sample
Room in" quantity from one keg to onu
tius Boats returned Thursday night
from Kansas City, where ho had made
a shipment of cattle.
Walt Kaley left Tuesday morning for
St. Joe, Missouri, where if things turn
out right ho tuny remain.
Mrs. Jos. Williams Is having her
residence property in tiro south ward
honutillcd by a coat of paint.
Tho Orange Jjidd Farmer and thu
American Agriculturalist Almanac to
gether with The CuiKif for St.3.1.
C. L. CotMng, sole agent, will refund
your Miotic if not sutisticd after utdug
ono bottle of Dr Pcnncrv famaus mcdl--clne.
Jno. O. Yeiser who has beon visiting
relatives and friends hero for come
time past lett Monday for his home at
Misa Cora Oarbcr who has a position
on (lie lituooin umi camo down me
lastof the week to visit her parents and
other friends.
Why try to harvest your wop of
small grain wkU an old blndor whan
Jns. PeloiMon soils now ones as cheap
as he docs now.
Tho caso against the parties arrested
on tho street last Saturday tor lighting
was dismissed at i tic ruqucst 01 tuo
chief of the lira department.
Tho American Agriculturist Almanac
a book which treats on hundreds of
subjects, Tho Orange Judd Farmer,
one of the best farm papers published
and The CiiiKr all ono year for tl.85.
Wra. Bonse our popular restaurant
man has moved his stock and fixtures
la tho room lately occupied by tho
Kaley SboeCotnpany'nnd whon hogeU
Uraightcned up will have a very
pleasant plaoo.
Frank Seibert, who is working for
Mrs. Oliver McCall, met with a bad
accident last Friday, being thrown
from a horse and having his loft shoul
dor dislocated. Dr. F. E. MoKcoby
was called and reset tho member.
Tho small son of Wm. Bohrorfoll
out of orni of the wagons hitched on
behind Jas. Peterson's threshing ma
chine engine during tho celebration
parade and was run over by ono of
the wagons but not sufficiently injured
but wlint ho could cot around In tho
afternoon and celebrate.
Dii't use bill bends or stutementa in
which you have to wrlto your own
nniHo. (let them printed in an up-to-
date stylo. There Is nothing which
will make your customers think you
aru of the disposition t-o be penurious
so much as this. If you ara stiniry in
ono wny what reason is there to be
lieve that you wont be in other ways.
Get your printing dono right nt the
Chihv oUlco.
is the time that tries all the care
of the mother and all the skill of
maternal management. Baby
comfort comes from fat ; fat
babies hv nothing to do but
to sleep and grow.
If your baby does not seem
to prosper, If he does not gain
in we'ght, you must ge. more
fat there. A few drops of
leach day will put on plump
ness; tat outside, lite inside,
baby and mother both happy.
Your baby can take and rel
ish Scott's emulsion as much
in summer as in any other
Vor mI by all dragaliu M m- m4 ti.
Let us try
Ouo of Cutting's
freshing drinks
this hot weather.
tor MOXIK,
Nectar or
will oool you off
life worth livng.
toda isn't so bad.
and tuako
Ice cream
Rocky Road to Red Cloud.
Considerable hns been said by our
bigness men and farmers during the
past two wooks about tho condition of
the road between this city and tho
river bridge and oonisidorablo more
wlM bo said unless something is ouo
to fix them and tin eltiu-k should bo
mndo by tho biiMnes iowj of this lty
and the farmers lling south of tko
river to get an lypiMopritdiou of 1100 or
fKH) from (no iiottnty board to repair
and grade this road. While this piece
of road is oul a little over a mile in
length itbas lout more business to thu
merchants of Bed Cloud than atl the
other roads leading into town, and has
driven lote of Bed Cloud's good cus
tomers to Lebanon, Ksbixi, aud ortior
Kansas points to do tberv trading and
will oontittuo to do .so until it is lixed
ho that people living south of thu
river cun bo sure of starting to town
and gutting hero without breaking a
vehicle or kilting a luuwe. No matter
bow small the rain, at phicos ia the
road tho water will form a mud hale
and stand until enough hot sua comes
to dry it up, and tlion leave the road
so full of ruts and shuck holes Hint
It is dangerous hi cross them with a
light rig or a loaded wugon. During
the past month this road hiw been
woso than evw beforo and tho sooner
our merchants see that it is fixed thu
better it will bo for them.
"Hobos" Arrested.
Quito a nttmbor of hobos who seemed
to have enough money to buy beer
wero rounded up by Sheriff Kunohoy
and bis deputies and placed in jail t
ofitwu-tin Thnv km) 'Pnalin. yinnin"
enough to got in n good quarreling
mood and it was thought best to put
them out of harm's way for a time.
One of them who was being taken up
to the jail by 8am Foe got obstinato
and tried his powers as a wrestlor in
good sbapo. He tried his maneuver
the seooad time and both bo nnd the
officer went down togothor. Somoono
at this juncture of the proceedings
rapped him over thu head with tho fiat
side of a thin pieco of board mid an
other party shied ti banana peel athim.
Withassistanoo he was dually loaded
into Snerwood & Albright's "hurry-up"
wagon nnd hauled up to jail. Some
parties who saw tho proceedings
pictuicd tho woapon lie was hit with as
being a feuce rail aud wero loud in
their denunciations of this part of tho
proguim. Tho fellow was resisting
aftivr arrest aud did not get half what
he desorved. Some people seem to
think that it is nil ofllerr's buainess to
be Kicked and thumped by a prisoner
and would stnud and look on without
an oiler of assistance. Eight of Uio
hobos in all were taken iu.
Should Be Seen to.
Although it has beeti known for
some time pust that an institution just
outside the city limits has bueu iu tho
habit of dispeusing liquid refresh
ments which have u tendency of mak
iug cue drunk who partakes of them,
with the exception of thu (Jiiier none
of tho city papers havo bad tho nerve
to say anythlagm regard to tho mat
ter. Several of tho young sport of tho
city havo been observed to nuiko this
place their headquattutn and havo sev
eral times bsen noticed to bo tho
worse for liquor. Our saloon men in
the city pay a liotnsu of 11,000 in order
to run respectable houses and havo
been criticised for drunks which have
ominated from this place, The law In
casos of this kind docs not seem
adequate to got at the offenders for tho
reason that some one must make a
complaint and although tho youth of a
number of our well known families
are on the do-vn road to destruction as
acousoquence of this rusoit no com
plaint has been made. As the county
Is being beat out of licenso mouoy our
county commissioners should see to it
that a complalut Is made and the
county attorney instructed to do his
Don't uauseato your stomach with
teas and bitter herbs, but rcgulato
your liver aud sick hoadacho by using
those fatuous little pills kuowu as Do
Witt's Little Early UUers. C. h. Cot-ting.
Commencing June 28
and continuing up to!
. and including
will be your opportunity to purohase Z
Millinery Goods A
For the dates above we will place our en
tire stock in the millinery
We Have Umbrellas
All sizes, kinds and prices.
They are Being Sold at Cost
Aaaeased Property Valuation.
Some comment has boon made In re
gard to tho fact that a roturn of only
fourteen acres of alfalfa in cultivaUon
in this county has been mado and so it
appears that way In the abstract of
assessment. The fact of tho case is
that thore is very likely from 1,500 u
2,000 acres planted in alfalfa In the
county, but tho assessors iu making up
their books have most likely put it
dowu as meadow. Tho number of
aoros in cultivation In potatoos is giv
en as soventy, when everybody knows
thai tho acreage is away over tltBt.
The valuation on gold and silver pinto
and phuted warn is put dowu as $17. It
is evident from this that thoro aro no
fashiouablo table sots in this county
Diamonds and jownlry are valued at
$110, so that whoa you soo these blood
ed gentlemen who protend to be wear
ing diamonds you cun dopond on It
tlioy nro bogus or else they have lied
to tho assessor. The fact of tho ease
is that when choosing uu assessor the
best lima iu the township should be
elected a man who knows values aud
Is not afraid U call a man down when
he is putting iu n dishonest assessment.
Drowned While Bathing.
"Tho bodies of O. 11. Hoymour and
wife, who wore drowned In tho Hluo
rlvor, wero touud about a half mile
from wlicro thoy entered tho water.
Tbev bad boon in the water about
twontf -night hours. Thoy wore found
about six o'clock this ovening and tho
bodies worn badly discolored. The re
mains were Uikcn to Dimmitt's under
takkig rooms', whoro thoy wero pro.
pared for burial. Mr. Seymour has
lived hero for nluo years and was for
soveu years democratic committeeman
and for sovornl years chief of the lire
department. He was ono of the oldest
engineers on the Uurlingtoa at this
point." The above was taken from a
Wvniore i snatch to the stale Jour
nal dated last Sunday, and will be
read with deop regret by miuiy iu this
city. Charley, as ho is familiarly
known, has been engineer on Mo. 15,
between this point aud Wymortf for a
number of years past and bis demise
will be mourned by his many friends
in this city.
Happily Wadded.
A very pleasant wedding occurred at
tho residence of Mr. and Mrs. J. D.
Calder of Hardy, Nebr., tho contract
ing parties being their daughter Uer
trudo to Mr. Mlltou J. Ulclmrdson, of
Red Cloud, Nebr. The bride. has boon
n teacher in the Hardy high schools
for tho past four years and is loved aud
esteemed by everyone.
Mr, Wohardson Is a self mude young
man, ho having held the pilnelpalsblp
Tuesday, July 6th,
of thu Reynolds, Nebr., high schools
for the past two years and is elected to
that position at Guide Rock, Nciir.r
for tho ensuing year. Thoy loft for
San Francisco the-next day, tho potato
of interest which- they will visit being
Denver, Pikes Peak,. Colorado Spring.
Salt Lako Oity nnd baek by way of
Portland and Yellowstone Park.
The young ooupio will bo at borne to
friends after August 15th, at Guid
Rock. A host of friends join In wish
ing them a pleasant journey through
Badly Powder Burned.
Molviu MoUord nr.rt F. P. Had ley
met witli quite a suriotts accident last
Saturday while tiring tho ennnoa for
thu morning salute for tho celebration.
Tho cannon went oil white Mr. Hadloy
was putting in a ohurgo of powder and
filled his arm and hand full of powdor,
and Mr. McCord, who was Ui limbing
Hmj vent hole, had his face badly
powder burned. At lirst it wat
thought Hadloy would lose his hand
and McCord one of his eyes, but up to-?
tho present both aru getting along
nicely and In fairway to rooovory, but
both will lie considerably , powder
marked. Tho iron rod asod in foivding
tho cannon was fouad driven com
pletely in the ground In front of the
mnrblo works, where it still roamlns.
It is indeed fortunate that tho accident
was not move serioas.
A Card.
Mr. Isidore Kreymark of Mattoon, III.,,
lias bought an interest in my biLsineas
anil will eonduct the samo hereafter
in the manner It has boeu run for tho
past lifteun years. He has had maay-.
yours experience in this liue. The
house will be run under the old name
of tho "Golden Kaglo" and the firm
name of Froynmik & Co. My custo
mers will rocolvo tho same lust treat
ment as thoy have received, aud they
can roly on getting goods just as rep
resented. Mr. Froymark will shortly
go east with mo to purnbaso the fall
stock with my assistance. The firm
will continue to buy for cash, and will
be able to offer you good bargain thla
fall. I thank all my patroBs far past
favors and kindly request their pat
ronage for the new firm. -Tours
CUAS. WlKlflB.
1 will start the oil wagon next Mon
day when a daily trip will be made
overy tho city each day,
11. J.Clakk.
Dr. Prlce'a Creasa Baking Pewtftor
WmM's Pair Hlthct Mtfel aaa Dlffcm.