I era,. MitMwtt-. -,.,- Wp HiMi!tu -.- u .. I ' -' -J im . SWIW,ftiajrtM(M THE BED CLOUD CHIEF, FRIDAY, JULY 9 1897. ifc . ? ) i rli- s jf'VXi wiX-fCiE u w INTERNATIONAL CHAPTER V. HE public 'Vrtgon etto in which Mar Jorle was to Jour ney home ran daily between Dumfries and Annanmouth, a small sonsldo vil lage much frequent ed in summer for its sea-bathing, nnd passed within halt a mile of Mr. Lor- ralno's abode, which was Just six Scotch miles away from Dumfries itself. The' starting place was the Bonny Jean Commercial Ink an establishment said to havo been much patronized by the poet Burns during his residence In the south of Scotland; and hither Marjorle, after leaving her tutor, proceeded with out delay. Tho wagonette was about to start; and Marjorle hastened 'to tuke her place. Tho vehicle was drawn by two powerful horses, and could accommo date a dozen passengers inside and one more on tho seat of the driver; but today there wero only a few going thrco farmers and their wives, u sailor on hia way home from sea, and a couple of female farm servants who had come In to the spring "hiring." All theFo had taken their seats; but John Suth erland stood by tho trap waiting to hand Marjorle in. She stepped in and took her place and tho young man found a seat at her side, when the driver took the reins and mounted to his seat, and with waves and smiles from tho Misses Dnlrymplc, who kept tho Bonny Jtnn Inn, and a cheer from a very .small boy on the pavement away they went. At last tho vehicle -reached tha crossroads where John and Marjorle were to alight. They leapt out, and pursued their way on foot, the young mai carrying a small hand-vallso, Marjorlo still holding her school books undernoath her arm. Presently they came to a two-arched bridge which spanned the Annan. They paused Just above tho keystone. The young man rested his valise on the mossy wall, and both looked thought fully down at the flowing stream. "It's many a long year, Marjorle, since we first stood here. I was a bare footed callant, you were n wean scarce able to run; and now I'm a man, 'and you're almost a woman. Yet hare's tho Annan beneath us, the same as ever, and it will be tho samo when wo're both old always tho same." Marjorlo turned her head away, and hor eyes were dim with tears. "Como away," sho said; "I cunnot bear to look at ltl Whenever I watch tho Annan I seem to see my mother's drowned face looking up at mo out of tho quiet water." Tho young man drew closer to her, and gently touched her hand. "Don't greet, Marjorle!" ho mur mured softly; "your poor mother's at peace with God." "Yes, Johnnie, I ken that," answered the girl in a broken voice; "but It's Bad, sad, to havo neither kith nor kin, and to remember the way my mother died ay, and not even to be nblo to guess her name! Whiles I feel very lonesome, when I think It all o'er." "And no wonderl But yon have those that love you dearly, for all that. There's not a lady In tho country more thought of than yourself, and wherever your bonny faco has come It has brought comfort." As he spoke he took her band In bis own, and looked at her very fondly; but her own gaze was far away, fol lowing her wistful thoughts. "You're all very good to me," she said presently, "Mr. Lorraine, and Solo mon, and all my friends; but, for all that, I miss my own kith and kin." Ho bent his faco close to hers, us he returned: "Some day, Marjorle, you'll havo a house and kin of your own, and then ii Ho paused, blushing, for her cloar, steadfast eyes wero suddenly turned full upon his faco. "What do you mean, Johnnie?" "I mean that you'll marry, and " Brightness broke through tho cloud, and Marjorlo smiled. "Marry? Is it me? It's early In tho day. to think of that, at seventeen!" "Other young lasses think of It, Marjorlo,- and so must you. Our Agnes marr)ed last Martinmas, and she was only year older than yourself' Marjorlo shook her bead, then Iher face grew sad again as her eyes fell upon Annan water. "I'm naebody's bairn," she orled, "and shall bo naebody's wife, John nle.' "Don't say that, Marjorlo' an swered Sutherland, still holding her hand and Desslpg It fondly. "Thoro's one' that loves you dearer than any thing else lo, alt he world." She looked at him steadfastly, while his face flushed scarlet. "I know you love me, Johnnie, as if you were my own brother." "More than thai, Marjorle more, a thousand times!" the young man con tlajied passionately. "Ah! it has been on my mind a thousand times to tell you how much. Ever since we were little lass and lad you've been the one thought, and dream of my life; and If qdjis- l WW rtJl AfNl-ri.n. ypyybirwwawiy. PRESS ASSOCIATION. I've striven hard and hoped to become a painter, It has all been for love of you. I know my folk are poor, and that in other respects I'm not a match for you, who have been brought up as a lady, but there will be neither peace nor happiness for mo In this world un less you consent to become my wife." As ho continued to speak Bhe hail becomo more and more surprised and more surprised and startled. The sudden revelation of what so many people knew, but which she herself had never suspected, came upon her as a shock of sharp palnj so that when he ceased, trembling and con fused by the vehemence of his own confession, sho was quite pale, and all the light seemed to have gone out of her beautiful eyes as Bhe replied: "Don't talk like that! You'ro not serious! Your wife! I ahull bo 'nae body's wife,' as I said, but surely, sure ly not yours." . "Why not mine, Marjorlo?" ho cried, growing pale In turn. "I'll work day and night; I'll neither rest nor sleep until I have a home fit for you! You Bhall bo a lady O! Marjorle, tell mo you care for me, and will make me happy!" "I do care for you, Johnnlo; I cart for you so much that I can't bear to hear you talk as you have done. You have been like my own brother, and now " "And now I want to be something nearer and dearer. Marjorle, speak to me;at least tell me you're not oagry!" "Angry with you, Johnnie?" sne re plied, smiling again, and giving him both hands. "As if I could be! But you must be very good, and not speak of It again." She disengaged herself and moved slowly across the bridge. He lifted his valise and followed her anxiously. VI know what It Is," he said sadly, as they went on side by side together. "You think I'm too poor, and you would be ashamed of my folk." She turned her head and gazed at lUm in mild reproach. "Oh, how can you think so hardly of me? I love your mother and father aB If they were my own; and aB for your being poor, I shouldn't like you at all if you were rich. But," she added gent ly, "I like you as my brother best." "If I could be always even that I should not mind; but no, Marjorle, you're too bonny to bide nlone, and if any other man came and took you from me, it would break my heart." "What nonsenso you talk!" she ex claimed, smiling again. "As If any oth er man would care. If I wero twenty, It would bo time enough to talk like that; but at seventeen oh, Johnnie, you almost make mo laugh!' "Tell mo one thing," ho persisted; "tell mo you don't llko any ono bettor than you like me." "I don't like any one half so well, except, except Mr. Lorraine." "You ore sure, Marjorle?" "Quite Bure." "Then I'll bide my time and wait." By this time the village was In sight, and they were soon walking along the main street, which was as sleepy and deserted as usual. Even at the tavern door not a soul was to bo seen; but tho landlord's face looked out from behind tho window-pane with a grim nod of greeting. A few houses beyond the inn, Sutherland paused close, to a small, one-storied cottage, In front of which was a tiny garden laid out in pansy beds. "Will you como in, Marjorle?" he usked doubtfully. Marjorle nodded and smiled, and without another word he opened the garden gate, crossed tho walk, and led the way Into the cottage. CHAPTER VI. S they entered the door a loud hum ming Bound came upon their ears, mingled with the sound of voices. Turning t o the right, they found themselves on the f threshold of a room, half parlor, half kitchen, at one end of which was a large loom, whero an elderly man, of grave and some what careworn aspect, was busily weav ing. Seated on a chair close to him was a girl of about fourteen, dressed in the ordinary petticoat and short gown, and reading alaudfrom a book. At the other end of the room, where there was an', open fngje,,and a fire, an elderly matron waa.cooklng. gulden ly (there was an exclamation from tho latter, who was the first to perceive the entrance of tho newcom ers. "Johnnie!" she cried, holding out her arms; and in another moment she had folded her son in her embrace, and was kissing him fondly. The young girl rose, smiling, book In hand; tho man ceased bla weaving, but remained quite still in his chair. "Yes, here I am, mother; and I've brought company, as you see!" "Hoo's a' wl' ye, Marjorle?" cried the matron, holding out her hand. "H'e a treat to see your bonny fact. Sit ye down by the Are I" "Is that my son?" said the weaver. VUg .. u ISSSSStiaKJV: rSJBiZVlHi In a deep, musical volc,e, but wtttwat turning his head. His Infirmity was now apparent ho was stone blind. John Sutherland walked acroM the rauftn, gave his sister a passing kiss, and placed his hand affectionately on Uio old man's shoulder. "It's yoursel', my lad! I ken you Boo. I feel your breath about me! Wht way did ye no wrlto to tell us you ware on tho road name?" "I was not sure until tho last mo ment that I could start so soon, but 1 jamped Into the train last night, and down I came." "Who's alang wl' you?" asked the weaver, smiling. "I'll wager It's Mar jorle Annan!" "Yes, Mr. Sutherland," answered Marjorle, crossing tho room and Join ing the little group. "I met Johnnie In Dumfries, and we came home-together." Tho weaver nodded his head gently, and tho smile oh his face lightened Into loving flweetnesa. "Stand cloao, side by side," ho said, "whllo I tak' a long look at balth o' yo." "While you look at us!" echoed Mar jorle In surprise. "Ay, nnd what for no? Dlnna think, because my bodily cen aro blind, that I canna see weel wl' the een o my soul! Ay, there you stand, lasa and lad my boy John and Marjorlo Annan; balth fair, balth wl' blue een; John prood and glad, and Marjorlo blushing b. his side; and I see what you canna see a light all roond and abuno ye, comiag oot o' tho golden gates o' Hoavent Stand still a wee and hark! Do yo hear nothing? Ay, but I can hcarl A sound like klrk-bells ringing far awa" As ho spoke ho Bat with shining face, as If he Indeed gazed on the sweet vis ion ho was describing. Marjorie grow red as fire, and cast down her eyes; for sho was only too conscious of the old man's meaning, and, remembering what had taken place that day, she felt constrained and almost annoyed. Joan Sutherland shared her uneaslnoj, and to divert the conversation Into another channel, he spoke to his young sister, who stood smiling close by. Marjorle, uneasy lest tho old man's dreamy talk should again take an awk ward turn, was determined to mako her escape. "Goed-bye now, Mr. Sutherland; she said, taking his hand, rn hers, "I, must run home; Mr. Lorraine will be expecting me." And before any ono could say a word to detain her, sho was crossing the threshold of the cottage. Young Suth crland followed her as far as tho gar den gate. "Marjorle," he Bald, "I hope you're not angry?" "No, no," she replied; "but I wish your father would not talk as if we wero courting, Johnnie. It makes me feel so awkward, and you know it la not true." "Old folk will talk," said John Suth erland,,"and father only speaks out of the fullness of his heart. He t very fond of you, Marjorlol" , "'know that, and I of him that la yrhjvi.t troubles 'me, to, nearh.m"talk like that." ' Thc.ro waB a moment's pause; then Sutherland sadly noia out nis nana "Well, good-byo, Just now. I'll be looking yo up nt tho mansei" "Good-byo!" sho answered. "Como soon! Mr. Lorraine will be so glad to see you." So she hastened away", while Suther land, with a sigh, stood looking after her. He had loved her so long and bo silently, and now for the first time In his life ho 'began to dread that she might not lovo him In return. To him, Just then, it seemed as ir an tne world was darkened, the bluo sky clouded, all the Bweet spring weather touchd with a wintry sense of fear. (TO OB CONTINUED.) OBANOES WITH HORNS. Some (Krange Varieties of the fruit Grown by the Chinese. The Chinese are very fond of mon strous forms of fruit and flowers, and any departure from the normal form Is usually cherished and highly valued. In their gardens they have numerous formB of monstrous oranges some will produce fruit with points llko flL'gers, and are known as tho Hand Orange. Another form, says Meehan'a Monthly, has a long horn projecting from tho apex, and they are known as the Horn Orange. Another varloty, which botanists have known by the name of Citrus aurantlum dtstortum, bears a fruit in the resemblance of a cluster of eea shells. To one Ignorant of tho laws of vegetable morphology, theso spells of wandorlng from the normal type aro very mysterious, but when it is understood that all parts of tho orange, as well as other fruits, are mado up of what would have been leaves or branches changed so as to constitute the various parts of tho seed and seed vessels', and that a very little difference In the degree of life energy will change them into various different parts that come to; mike op the fruit, the mystery In a'ireacneas ure Is solved. There are few branches of botany which give tho lover of fruits and flowers so much pleasure as the study of morphology, A Oood Idea. '4 see from the war news,' remarked Mrs. Snaggs, "that several magazines havo been captured." "Yes' replied Mr. Snaggs. "I aup poso the object la to prevent the ad ltors from filling their pages with war articles for tho next twenty-five years." Pittsburg Cbroalcle-Telegraph. The countries relatively richest in horses and horned catle aro Argentina and Uruguay. Australia has the moat ehcsp; SerVia has the greatest number of pigs to the population. KEEP WARM NOW. PHYSICIANS ADVICE TO HEALTH SEEKEnS. Uot Water anil tint line Slinnlit Ho Kept Neay In the Vvrjr Warnteat Weather Keep tho Feet Dry pint Warm. T may seem a far fetched caution to tell my patlentR to be fiuro nnd keep warm when the thcrmomcto r 1 8 ranging around In the seventies and eighties, but thnt Is just what I 11ml It needful to do,' said ono of tho most successful practitioners of the present day. "And Just hero I want to say that hot-water bags and hot-water cans, If kept handy by, and used whenever thoro was any reasonable excuse for It, would savo many n sick spell nnd more doctors' bills than those who never use hot water can Imagine. I havo a patient who 1b and has for many years been almost an Invalid. Only the most painstaking care has kept hor on her feet. Sho is subject to neuralgias and chills and a low state of vitality gen erally, and finds It Impossible to keep warm In a qulto comfortablo tempera ture. Somo yearn ago she had several cans made for holding hot water. They hold about ono gallon each, and had screw taps to close them. Thoy aro filled with hot water and kept at her feet at night or In her easy chair dur ing the day. Whenever she has ono of tho chilly Bpclls from which sho Buffers so much, alio wraps herself up warmly, places one can at her feet and another nt her side or back and curls herself up for a cozy nap. In almost every lnstanca she wakens up re freshed and bright and able to go on with whatever she has In hand. Before sho adopted tho hot-water theory, sho used to try In vain to get sleep or rest. She tossed and writhed nnd ached with weariness and exhaustion. Now' tho cheering warmth rests nnd restores her, and almost Immediately she falls Into a sound aid refreshing sleep, from which she nwakens really bene fited In mind nnd body. Tho heat draws tho blood from the brain, equal izes the circulation nnd increases the vitality. "It Is ono of tho most difficult things Imaglnablo to mnko people understand the value of heat In almost all minor disorders. Whenever the system be comes what Is popularly spoken of aB run down,' thero Is a feeling of chilli ness which 1b not only exceedingly un comfortablo, but may bo tho forerun ner of Illness. If tho temperaturo can bo kept up to tho normal one may as sist naturo to shako off the disease. Wo aro very far from knowing Just what tho effect of medicine Is on the human system. We know that It helps to romovo obstructions nnd restores lost conditions, but precisely how It docs this 1b not as yet given to us to comprehend. "There nro certain things that we know will produco certain results, nnd many of these are exceedingly simple, and within tho reach of every one. To keep tho feet dry and warm, the body protected from chills, nnd the diges tive organs moderately well supplied with nourishing food is to go a long way on tho road to good health. It Is not generally understood that a hot water bag applied to the stomach Is a better aid to digestion than nil of the dinner pills and powders ever com pounded and put upon the market. It seems quite as little known that a glass of cold water at tho end of n meal has been the first cause of more dyspepsia than doctors havo ever cured. A little hot drink at meals, and a great deal of hot water bags and cans would savo untold suffering, nnd keep many a per son In the enjoyment of excellent health." CANARY-BIRD CULTURE. Tho Milwaukee Sentinel claims that that city supplies the United States with tho bulk of the Hnrtz Mountain canaries, and that there Is no great crlmo In tho deception, for tho Milwau kee bird Isreally'an Improvement on the Imported article, having Just as fine a voice nnd being much hardier. Experience has shown that tho Im ported singer loses tho power of trans mitting his voice to tho young after passing through an American winter. ThiB Is tho case, also, It Is said, with tho Tyrolean singers who como to this country, the!i voices losing the pe culiar Alpine youung quality when they have been here a year. Before they are mated the hen blrda ire kept in separate cages in tho music room, carefully fed and mado to listen to the mujlc of tho singers and tho ma chine used In training their voices. In this way the hen la enabled to trans Kilt the best musical quality to its off spring. The muslc-roora Is a large one with a south exposure, and is kept with the same scrupulous neatness as the breeding-room. In the corner of this room Is the bird organ, and with It the little birds aro given their vocal training. When the machine Is start ed the notes omitted are wonderfully like the song of the untutored canary. These notes are known to bird-trainers by tho term pfelfTen. Gradually the whistle strikes on to a different line. It Is an Improvement over the pfelffen, nnd It Is called kllngel rolle. A higher step still Is called th,e kllngel, and a etlU higher step hohl kllngel. Lastly comes what Is called hohl rollen, and a bird whose voice Saa ben developed up to that point Is worth $50 In tho market any day. There aro Innumerable small cases, made of wood and wire, In this room, nnd also two or thrco largo cages In which a number of the birds aro placed togothor. Ncnr tha bird organ Is what AjipearH to bo an ordinary cupboard, Tho two front doors have an orna mental opening cut In them, qulto sim ilar to tho openings In tho body of a violin. Examination bIiowb that tho affair Is really built on the principle of n Violin, the front covers nerving as Bcundliig-boanls. When tho birds nro having their voices trained they are placed In this dark cupboard and nlso In some smaller ones, constructed so ns to Just tnko In ono of tho llttlo wood en cnges onch. Kept thus In tho dark, they havo nothing to distract their at tention from tho notes of tho bird or gan, nnd so long hours are Bpcnt by tho llttlo pupils in piping up their little voIccb to tho lend of tho mechanical teachor. When tholr education has been completed thoy nro "hipped in tho little circs to tho Now York, Cincin nati und Chicago markets. Purchasers supposo that whon thoy buy a bird In ono of these llttlo cnges It Is a guarantee thnt thoy havo been Imported. Not bo, however. Tho cages aro mndo In Milwaukee, oven to tho llttlo earthenware drlnklng-Jug that Is fastened within. And Just hero a word of advice to buyers of canaries. The male birdB are, c-Y course, tho sing ers, and It Is Important, to bo ablo to tell tho malo from tho female. Tho femnlo has a white shade or'shlmmor across the feathers on tho top of tho head. Tho eye of tho femalo atso Is surrounded by a llttlo whlto rim of tho flesh, easily detected by tho fancier. SMART YOUNQ SAILORS. "Tho boys responded with surpris ing quickness and good order. This Is tho second life they have saved this winter." Theso wero the concluding words of a statement made by Com mander Field of tho school-ship St. Mary's at a meeting of tho Board of Education of New York city, a few months ago, regarding a rescue mado by tho boys of his ship. On the night of tho 23d of February, after tho boys on tho 8t. Mary's and turned In, tho cry was raised on tho wharf at the foot of which tho ship lies, in New York, that a man had fallen overboard In tho North River. Tho boys turned out, lowered a boat, and In a moment wero off to tho res cue. Just ns the man roBO for tho lust tlmo they pulled him In, and In an Insensible condition he was taken to the hospital, where he revived. Tho next moment would havo been tho man's last, and tho least delay on tho part of tho handy boys would havo been fntal to him. But If thoy had been capablo of delays thoy would not havo been good sailors, and they mado no delays and did no bungling. The school-ship on which theso boys acted bo bravely and promptly this tlmo, and havo acted as promptly and cffcctunlly beforo, Is, though command ed by un officer of the United States nnvy, a part of the public school sys tem of Now York city. Tho boyB aro Just such as go to tho public schoolB in tho most crowded parts of tho mo tropolls. Thoy are good material for the mnk lLg of prompt, quick, ready and intelli gent sailers, and for much tho samo causes as those which make them good Bailors for the making of good citi zens as well. At th Whltt Clnb. Mr. Wiggles "Did you go to tho whist club today?" Mrs. Wiggles "Yes." Mr. Wiggles "What was the bubject for discussion this afternoon?" Somerville Journal. MEN. Man rollglouB peoplo In England nro criticising Dr. Nnnsen's book bo cause there Is no recognition of God In It. Archduke Frnnz Ferdinand d'Esto, tho heir to tho Austrian throno, whoso llfo has recently been despaired of on account of his Bufferings from con sumption, but whose health has rccsnt ly been Improved by residence in tho Riviera, is now In Southern Tyrol, where bis condition continues to Im prove. Senator Doboe, the senator from Kentucky, visited tho stationery room of tho Ecnata the othor day and ma '? a selection of paper, pens, pencils, paper-cutters, blotting pads, a i-ciknlfe and other appropriate articles. "I think that Is all I want," lie said, as ho turned to go. "Haven't you for gotten a corkscrew?" asked the clork. "No," said tho senator, "that Is one thing I do not want, even if I do come from Kentucky. I do not drink and I do not smoke," James Gordon Bennett is returning from European his yacht Nnmanna. Ho has a party of friends on board. He had sailed before tho great disaster in Paris occurred and the news nust only have reached himself and friends nhen the yacht touched at MaderJa. Tho victims of that awful Arc. must have included many of their friends and relatives. It will be Mr, Bennett's first visit to New York since tho war of the "now Journalism" has taken on its bitterest phases. Gloves for use In husking corn aro made with a at.eel point Inside the palm to, project out beyond the forefinger and rip the auika open. "FUNCTIONS" IN COAL MINES. Iowa Church Member Unearth Xew 1'laro for Vantilonablo Capers, ' From tho Dotrolt Frco Press: The; latest fad In lown Is tho holding of un derground church socials. Tho Pres byterian church members are tho latesi; to glvo ono of theso unique onter Uilnnieatfl that nro becoming popular all ovor tho stato In district whoro coal mlncn exist. Tho latest, hold at 8oymour, wns 240 feet bolow tho sur face of tho earth. Ono hundred and sixty men, women and children, In re sponse to an Invitation Issued by ihe young Indies of tho Presbyterian church, gathered at tho opening of thu mine, whore they wero provided with common miners' lamp", thnt wore placed In caps furnished them. They nil carried lunch baskets and a tin cup-' and wore dressed in old clotlKM. 'j'.i4ro were many who had never before been down in a coal ml no, and to them 'an, explanation of tho details of the, ml no wore most Interesting. Courteous nlirt obliging minors wero thero to oxplaln everything to tho satisfaction or the uninitiated. Excursion trains wero run to ovory part of tho mlno, and the on ly charge was to keep "heads down.'" TOO RISKY. If It Is true, as is generally conceded,, that ono must bo easy in mind and body to go to sloop quietly, It seems un likely that a recent sojourner In a western stato can have passed a restful n'ght on ono occasion. He was dotalncd by a snbw-storm'in a email town, tho one "hotel'"of ihtcn could scarcely bo said to dOHorvo the nnmc. It was crowded to over-flowing, and tho travolor waa assigned to a room In company with a tall, hard featured backwoodsman, who BccrWed Inclined to give the stranger a cordial welcome. "Thero'a only ono objection to your sleeping with mo," ho said, heartily, "and that alnt any objection to me, but you may feel different about It You sco, I'm an old trapper, and I gen orally hark back to the past In, my dreams, and live over tho days when I was shooting wild animals and kill ing InjunB. "Whero I stopped last night the charged mo two dollars extra because I happened to whittle up part of tht foot-board while I was dreaming. Bui I feel kind of calm and peaceable to night, and llko aa not I may lay still as a kitten," The travelor surveyed the narrow bed, and reflected that ho was about halt tho size of his prospective bed fellow, and a sound sleeper Into the bargain. Ho sat up in ono chair with his feet in another that night. lie Had Ileen Taught to Follow Cop) i and Ha Did Do. My friend, tho nowBpaper man, told me a funny little story which happen ed during tho last election in n certain nowspapor office in this city, sayit thi St. Louis Republic. , Thoy wero pressed for men, and bad to take on somo of the old printers that wont out of tho office with the nrrlval of the type-setting machines. One of the editorial writers wrote what, he considered a flno effort of rhetoric on McKlnley. Every page was aoroly. crowded and tho flat had gone forth that nothing should bo leaded, not. oven editorials. In tho midst of tho editorial effusion occurred the sen, tence: "McKinley'a name led all the rest." i This ptero of copy waa turned over to ono of tho old discharged men. To,, everybody's aitonlshment half tho ed itorial in point waa loaded, making a,, very offending column to the eye. -t Tho old printer waa sent for. He. declared that he had followed copy exactly Asked to bring proof, he hur ried upstairs, and from a bundle ol written sheets extracted what he want-. ' ed. In the meantime the editorial writer had discovered that "led all the rest" had been omitted entirely, and he waif madder than ever, "Whero Is tht rest of that sentence,' he growled, when the ancient fossil ap- peared with the copy. "You've chop- 4 ped this off at 'McKinley'a namol' " h ' "There la tho copy," eafd tho aged file. "Right after McKinley'a nam you wrote 'led all tho rest' and J leaded it, of course." The editorial writer had nothing moro to say after that. learning- the Town. Kentucklan "Well, sir, havo you canvassed our town pretty thoroughly in order to secure tho vlows of our citizens aa to tho success of your en terprise?" Capitalist "I think I have ' called upon about all'of your prominent business men." Kentucklan "Have you talked with Col. Potts yet?" Oapl- f laiisi rouar o; i aon't believe I A b.VA TTIAt film " VAn.,AlrlnM MV . 'l ut,u '- ... .KHiuvnmu IOU . ought to see Col. Potts by all meant. ':. Ilo'a one of our moat Influential ' c'ltl- n zena." CaplUllat "I gueas I'd battel V hunt him up. What atreet la' Col. Potta aaloon on?" New York WorM. ' , V It Italiea a Doabt. i Boxey "I am beginning to disbelieve the classics." Knoxcy "I don't tin- 'f - a a it m iiimi . . - i- aerstann.- ooxey "ine oiu urea poets anq nisioriana cracked up their ,Sj countrymen as fighters, and I think the M old codgers must have been novelist writing in rhyme." Pittsburg Nowa. V, . s l Ahead at Hl. ,;v ' Mr. 8prockett "You are Improving $ in. your bicycle riding, then?" Ml.. . Bloomer "Oh, yea; I rode,. oyer 'VwV41 miles today and I ktft ahead of yotir J brotner an me way." "you doft't My so! " "Yea; re, were en a 'riiltjaj'' L Tonkert MjUtwu. ....-- ti- 1 x 3 f J L. i ii m . '171 . '.-