fc V. - ' . Tnni.iijiufi-iTT'.niiriritinrtn-MinlliWtfr-r-l .jW wr.-""'""""""'--"'"'' - -' t- Vvll jr Jt ttmti. WlWW-jWirBCTU-,!; 1 ' ' .. rt, , ,-n mmP S ,- " ! rw"yf rJ- - . --w . -rr'"?.'V '''''aasWBBsPn - V ,Mijmnrp., sBBBsBssBEHr''"'lBT5crii jsv"bbbbbbm EIflpHIBVH .bsbbbbbV ft bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbjKj bjbbbbbbeEx ym BBBBBBBBBKlBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBf9BBtBBBuBBHBBBBBBBHBBBBBBBBF bbbbm bsbbbi bbbs Tvbbbbb BBBBBBBBVsBBBBBBBBBk? bbbbV bbbbbl rBBH4C9aspBBBBBl BppassBpa. Tgfffffffffl xBbbsEbbbbbbbbbbbBje BWijpHMfJifwiaBjIiB IT' v -' r p "fl VOLUME XXV. RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA. JULY , 1897. NUMBER 2" County Institute. With an enrollment of ninety eight the Webster county Teacher's Institute closes It second week. Every mem ber teems to be alive with enthusiasm and interest. Ailtbe ministeis of our city have held devotional exercises in the morn ing, thus instilling a spiritual as well as mental drill Into the minds of our teachers. Another noticeable feature of the Institute is th frequency of vis itors and reporters. L. P. Albright of this city conducts flinging every morninK and afternoon, ills position as instructor is a difficult one when you take Into consideration diverslbility of his hearers somo can icad notes, som'd not, some can sing, and somo cannot but nil arc bencllted considerably. Dr. Bowlus In bis Instruction Is fieo and easy und for real interest and solid common sense shown in his didactical work has probably no equal hero. A. K. Tope's source method in his- toty and civil government nas met with a decided success. His physi ology class is making deep research in the anatomy of the brain and nerv ous system. Mrs, E.J. Case in her amicable way is developing a very active and w'.de awake olass In arithmetic. In her ad vaaced work in first grade studies the teachers are deriving much benefit. la the primary work the mim of Mrs. Jt.F.Taekerhas been to present the sfjfecalt subject from the standpoint of a oaM ' This Is the line of the meet dvaaeed eduoelenS)VtlMiM the 4ft. It la the Mission of the Most progressive teacher, in any grade, to ascertain how the clrild may best be helped to a higher intellectual and aytritnat development. In numbers the "Spier Method of Arithmetic," nor attracting so much attention, is Inbght. In gmgraphy ami language the 'toacuei sire shown by actual lessons how to begin their teaching with the child's knowledge already acquired. The laigest class in the Institute is tho drawing class. This Is tnught by theory and practice combined; the Teacheis diaw olels and then do luce tbo theory froni them Bunt. Hunter Is wisely giving a pi aml ncnt plawn to "beginners" in all branches. In this he Is following the practice of all first class insliuctois It is no longer thought that "anyone can teach little chlldiou." I'o llmm should come tbo best iu art, litciaturo and science pibsonted by a practical hand, guided by a cultivated mind and doop spitiUiality. Hut theru is oho thing wo do not fully undeistand and that is how any teachw can rigidly in sist on punctuality in the school and thou continually come straggling in long after the othcis are at wotk. The outline fbr this year's reading circle is as follows; Source method iu history, child study and studies in literature. The official organ of the state will be the North Western Monthly iu which certain places will be"dcvpted to these different lines. i . Tired people are tired beceuse they kave exhausted their strength. The oaly way for thtui to get strong is to eat proper food. But eating is not all. Strength comes from food, after digestion. Di gestion in made easy with Shaker Di gestive Cordial. People who get too tired, die, Life is strength, Food Is the maker of strergtb. Food is not food until it is digested. Tired, pale, thin, exhansted, iick sufferers from indigestion, can be eured by tbo use of Shaker Digestive Cordial. It will revive their spent energies, refresh and invigorate them, create aew courage, endurance and strength, all by helping their stomachs to digest their food. It aids nature, and that ta tho best of 1t. Itgiyes immediate relief and, wiih pereevevenoe, permanently cures, 8eM by druggists. Trial bottle 10 cents. COUNTY TREASURER'S SEMI-ANNUAL REPORT. RECAPITULATION, showlug the amount on hind January 1, 1897, the collections since made, disbursements, and amount remaining on hand at the close of the 80th day of June, 1897, In each and all of the several funds staled. ran or ruNDa School and University Land.. State Consolidated County General County Bridge County Railroad Bond County Bridge Mandamus.... County Poor County Poor House County Insane County Hoad County Soldier's Relief Red Cloud City Red Cloud Water Bond , Red Cloud Water Works Red Cloud Kloctrlo Light. ... Red Cloud "Special" lilue Hill Village Blue Hill Water Bond ' Blue Hill Side Walks Blue Hill "Special" Guide Rock Village Guide Hook Bridge Bond.... Road Districts Township District School District School Bond School Mandamus High School School District 71 "Special". 8late Apportionment Fiaes and License I a teres t j Advertising. ... ..--.- .; V f- f a- a G 7 8 1) 10 11 12 18 14 10 10 1' 18 10 SO 21 39 28 24 25 27 2018 M 4728 71 290 00 558 18 U145 42 a o - "8 la a a t.r?fYf !M3 24 2007 08 1508 02 4a 85 238 2!J 251 00 04 G8 411 70 41 70 13 48 8 12 852 40 0 09 2 88 7 41 27 1540 GO 37579 4178 86 128 48 7 10 8 84 110473 20 0088 02 7075 Oft 1944 90 8310 81 89 439 70 1148 29 475 01 47 35 278 84 896 87 825 81 227 82 239 75 205 09 450 58 301 55 FUNDS TRAK9FKMIIKD rilOM. lOlhor Funds. I 223 58 259 31 79 40 00 01 20 7 20 20 77 15 0(1 0 50 7 551 12 40 27 11 0 09 5 85 80 27 95 13 53 Batln Township. Townships. 751 "r 245 48 115 89 1 28 5140 62 15987 06 2001 57 55 274 68 94 87 97 79 182 90 H8G 4W 75 7 81 01 Townships. Ill 12 586 73 Various Funds.. 101 00 I District Schools. 88 88 7 r no I '156C96J J665460 4X6fW S1H8 Ml t I Fines and License. State Treasurer, . , . , '"i . 8709 98 7199.88 26 84 0018 00) If 1916 54' 7 TOTA.U 18491 70 11585 81 8022 84 2582 43 0555 24 59 903 10 3230 14 2058 09 1087 10 524 02 1190 70 887 00 277 20 287 80 280 27 504 05 007 53 9 09 249 01 181 11 2 16 8700 98 0801 84 27458 90 71. 51 158 15 289 61 98 78J 0018 75 71 0 FUNDS TKANSKRRKKn T 5 tt TOTAL. i - . 18118 03 6 1849170 084 24 079 78 2601 00 5542 74 59 j N't-1. -. County General 3 a i, E V C s -3 ei5373 74 10051 07 7943 11 5S1 37 1012 60 018 21 100 05 105 00 U7 00 1004 53 050 70 257 15 133 83 205 17 373 57 0 10 108 12 87 47 04 824 41 1803 76 Various Funds 20435 08 School Mandamus 9700 42 District School. . . , District Sohool 259 M -"if 75)6114404 33 96 4JlWw8 24 District Schools State ApportioaraeBt vitiuui ruBtw ... zrtpviferr, t 4988 58 28 84 188 96 102 82 j 0918 76 r ' 349 98 8230 14 1952 04 982 10 387 02 120.23 230 30 20 05 158 53 15 10 191 08 058 4M 0 99 140 89 43 04 9 12 2944 871 ....... il loSja.aftl rr 18 4998 88 9J06 j96 8o 008 11585 81 8632 84 2582 48 0555 24 50 003 19 3280 14 2058 69 1087 10 524 63 1190 70 887 00 277 20 287 96 280 27 504 05 667 58 9 99 249 01 181 11 2 16 8769 98 t 080184 27458 90 7186 81 ins in 288 ft H'78. ' i tS 7a (195 lMaVA - infIBH,T-,' aA roes and commissions received froai January lr 1887, to Juno 30, 1887 1714 71. Registered and unpaid General Fund warrants . 467 10. Registered ami unpaid High School Fund warrants , 79 00, Registered and unpaid Township Fund warrants 119 80. Railroad Bonds .' 47008 00. I, J. S. White, county Treasurer, certify that the above is a true and correct statement of the outstanding indebtedness of the county and of all moneys received and dis bursed by me as County Treasurer of Webster County, Nobraska, from th.j 1st day of January, 1897, to the 1st day of July, 1897, to the best of my knowledge and belief as per statement herewith submitted. ' J. S. WHITE, County Treasurer. Subscribed and swore to before me this 5th day of July, 1897. (seal) L. H. FORT, Coynty Clerk. "-LSI 48 Council Meeting. Coucil met in icguiar session with the mayor and nil couNcilmcn ptcscnt. Minutes of lust meeting were read and approved. After first, second and third lending au ordiuutUMj which will bo fouad iu another column was approved and oidoicd printed. Tho following bills wcio presumed and allowed and win rant mdered drawn on tho piopur funds for same: .1. W. KtiiKCl, waurcommlloiier . 1 18 ai J. 51. feellrtrx, eiiK'liiiiecr .......... IS m Nonh I'orn.. .... ...,. 9 no Row lufi! r, ks t i Wntii - . .- - rr. anttnl'erciiaKubU'rCo 3 Hfi (I W. DOW- .. . ..... ... . h8 w W.w. Wrljrix - .- , Uo G. ir. Hollftior .. .... ... 12 so I.. K. Tslt .. , on 8. F. SpokeiUeld . . .......... .., 12 re H. I". liufcliltoii .. lorn .1. W. Klncl . is oo h II. Beck ..- . . . Vi fin O. W. Uow ., . . oo T. W.IUUleld- .- . oo Mayor leferred matter of fixing the bell tower to committee on lopairs. Council then adjoin ned. All the People Should keep themselves healthy and especial care should be given to this matter at this time. Health depends upon pure, rich blood, for when the blood is impure and impoverished diseases of various kinds are almost certalu to result. Tho one true blood puritier is Hood's Sarsaparilla. By its power to purify and vitalize the blood it has proved ilMdf to be the safeguard of health, aud the record of remarkable cures effected proves that it has won derful power over disease. It actually aud permanently cures when all other prepaiaKons fail to do any good whatever. Joei Sunday School Rally. There will be a Sunday school rally at the Fisher school house on Indian Creek, she miles northwest of Red Cloua, in school district No. 14 Sunday afternoon at 3 o'clock P. M. July 11th. All are most cordially invited to attend and especially the schools of Red Cloud township, J. 8. White, towaship presides. The Fourth of July. The gloiioiu foitli has come and gone and Red Cloud hud iHfiill sbaio of celebration With tho early morn ing tho tiling of ci ackers comaiuuced and was kept up iucexsnntly until late into tint night. The ornwd was one of thulaigest that ever atteuded a cele bration iu this city and oreryoue ap peal ed well pleased with a good day's spoit. The oration was delivered at tlin com l house giove by Elmer U. Uverman of Watikegau, Illinois. Mr. (), is a very able orator and command ed the strictest attention oi tho large crowd for over an hour, during the de Hvmv of his speech, The music fur nished by the young ladies'iiMartetwas well received, being of the patriotic kind and calculated to arouse patriot ism In the hearts of both old and young America Tho Modern Wood- men captmed the prize of a large tlfteeu foot Hag, offered for tlie largest delegation fiom any civlo society, which was presented to tlipiu in a very neat and titling speech by Randolph McNitt. After dinner tho sports in dulged in on the streets, especially the water light, caused much amusement lor the crowd and a couple of black eyes to the participants, when thoi streams of water hit them. After the water light the fire alarm was turned in and a run made to avbuilding north of the Hi email's ball whloh had been tilled with hay, saturated with kerosene and set on tire. Uwlog to the liborrl amount of kerosene need the boys had hard w.irk to save even the charred boards of the walls, aud had the lire been started a little sooner would have burned up before the hose team could have arrived. In the oveulng the S. tif V. baud gave one of their usual first class concerts after which the lire works were shot off and thus ended another celebration of our nation's In dependence. Dancing at the bowery was kept up until the wee ama hours aad everyone returned to their homes with tho avowed intention of celebrat ing again in lite future should they get a chance. COWLE8. The ttoru is looking fine. Aw Hunt is woi king on tiiu fat in for G.YV. Frauds. Paul Story went to Hastings on Mon day font visit. J. L. Fuller and W. Hind nie work ing on the new rcHtaiirnnt at the Red Cloud depot. Htisiuess must be looklag up in this locality. Fuller L Good have recently shipped sevoial car loads of hogs. Uur buuemy school woikcrs aio unking full time holding tallies and louking up Sunday school Intel -hts genei ally. Cur village druggist, J no. Story, seems to prefer phuimacy to hit farm. He is now to be seen at the old stand with a tiuw line of goods. (j. W. Francis hoatded the cars on Wednesday for' a visit to his old home iu New York State, also to take is various places ofiutoicst on the way. Un .Sunday morning u Fourth oft July sermon was givua at the Congre gational church by the pastor. In the evening the Y. P. S. C. E. had a very interesting meeting, several addresses belug given on the topic for the day- patriotism. The Inlet est of this ser vice was greatly increased by a stirring speech fiom an old soldier giving some peisoual reminiscences of the clval war. Uur celebration patf&ed off vwy pleasantly on Saturday. There was no orator brought from a distance, but ap propriate addresses were given by F. A. Good, J. Paul and the two resident pastors Revs. Deakin and Chad wick. Good music was rendered by a quartet choir under direction of W. Scott. TLe Congregatioasl Ladles Aid served refreshments in tho new pestoffluo building. Font races, base ball and other games amused the crowd during the day. In the evening a very pretty display of fireworks wound up the day's pioceedlngs. BLADEN. Harvest has begun in earnest, farm ers are all busy cutting their grain. (iiaeo Hicks is spending a few days in tho country witli Mrs. Clias Host. V. S. Hall aud W. K. Thome drove to I he county seat Wednesday. A. P. Johnson has been appointed postmaster L. R Speneo and lady celebrated at Kdgar. Bladen was rcprc4outud at Campbell and Red Cloud Hie iltlid to hear the Aimti lean eagle scream. On Tuesday while Mr. Johnson was driving Mr. Zijeok's mules on a har vester one was overcome by the heat and fell dead. S. J.Wheuler and wife drove over UiRIuqUUI Wednesday. C. E. Hicks find family spent Sunday at the home of A. Cnuffmsn. Mr. Kankleliann of Blue Hill came over the first of tho week and painted the roof of Mr. Wheeler's houso which adds durability and fmpinves appear ance. Several patties spent a quiet Fouith pionioing in Mr. Thome's grove. They report a pleasant time, Mis MoClanm of Blue Hill attended Uic conference mas meeting in this city Tuesday evening, A uew coal house is being erected by W. C. Mooiu. Mrs. Rov, Springer who has boon quite ill is again able to attend to her duties. Harry Byrne of New York ai rived in the city Saturday morning and sur prised his brother Dave who was not expecting bitu, Mlas Rosa Springer gave a party Tuesday afternoon from S to 4 o'clock, to her young friends in honor of her tenth birthday anniversary. Miss Pansy McKclvay is visiting friends iu Hastings. Spend the Summer at Hot Springs, S.D No dust. No hot winds. No sudden changes iu tempeialtirn. hlupaut bo lots. Largest plunge bath in the west. Thermal waters of inestimable valno to suiTui'eis from iheuiuatisHi, kidney complaint, etc. Altitude just i Ight for cousuuip.tlves. Kndoiacd by tho leud lug pliysluliinH aud medical join uals of Nnbiaska and Iowa as tun hoalthicu. health lesort on the continent. Half rates July 15th via tho Burling ton Route. Ask local ticket ugent for particulars. Beautifully illustrated advertising matter mailed on request. J. Fiancls, Ueu'l Pass'r Ageut, Omaha, Neb, Money to Loan. In any amount at ft per cent years on western town aud for fl farm property. H. C. Wilcox Co., Bank' Iters and Brokers, 253 Bioadway, New? York Olty. DcWitt'a Witch Hasc itJv DeWkt'allc CHokra Cure. vmmw saws wyssassty a RHEUMATISM la caused by Uric Acid and other Im purities lingering In the blood, which have net been filtered out by the Kid neys through the urine. The aeat of the trouble Is not in the akin or mus cles. It's sick Kidneys. Electricity, liniments or plasters will not reach the case. But the disease can be CURED a Mine was a case of rheumatism of the muscles and joints with kidney trouble of two yeais standing, Ono year quite bad. I hayo taken three boxes of your Sparagus Kidney Pills, aad feel so well that I have slopped taktug them I bey have done mo more good ten times over than all the medicine taken from doctors, aud I can heartily recomraeud them to my neighbors. ' Wiijon Wakbmn, Brock, Neb. . HOBBS . 8ssVttsVU0 ssbWssbW 'HHss aspasj usssss gasssuusjn g svgasg oana MMumj oo., rasswsstessvCasjajaav n si 9 rj nt-l f '-?$ i '21 .1 Hi i i .,, &rft I ft-" u l.tfA tl W .t Wjjt J- ... " . ' .YP-VJ li $fl ! ET," ' "' ' " "j " J4$Mt .V. . . t ... ... if, m wt aaft- ":