I.;.' ( 1'JHtJfl KED CLOUD CHIEF, tfKLDAl, JLY 2. 1897. w Its l; V 1, i; iv w. :f ., Family Jedicine ievoro Aktnck of Dyspepsia Cured by Hood's Sarsaparllla A Skin DIsohso From Childhood, "aiiico we came to North Dakota wr have never had ocemlon to cttll physi cian. Wo take Hood' Bnrsaarilla for all ' our ailments. About three yean ago my htioUnd had the misfortune to strain his ntonMch by heavy lifting. This brought on dyspepsia and he suffered very muoh, especially at night, and ho could not kip. IT decided to take Hood'a Bart partita and after using two bottle he waa completely cured. He waa alao gratified to final that Hood'a Sarsaparllla relieved him of a roughness of the skin with which ha had bean troubled from child hood." Mm. John Abbams, Petnblna,N.D. N. B. It you decide to Uke Hood'a Bar aaparMla do not be Induced to bay a sub Mltute. Insist upon Hood's Sarsa parllla The llcit-ln Met tho Oae True Mood I'ltrlflar. Hold by all ilrumlsts. tit six for IB. . . rui are tasteless, mlll,eBeo- tlOOd S PHIS tlvo. All druggists. 230. THE CHIEF roBLMUao nr W. L. MoMHiLAN. Oaayoar II to feMaonins to PVatimiBO KVEHY FKIDAY catered at ftio post office at Red aloud, Nob.i leoonaetaMmaM matter. WASHINGTON NOTES. A stawger at Hit eapltol would kuow without nctag told that tlio trtrifl dobato la drawing to n close hi tho senate. Tho senators show It by their general good nature. Of cour.su, thoro aro sanators to whom tko bill, wkieh will bo passed this wcuk, is any thftigbut pleasing, but Ills doubtful whoUior thoru is a single senator who does not rejoice to kaow that tho end In naur at hand. Unless tkuao shall bo himoh grouter delay tlinu is expected in reaching an iigtcunmut us to tho senate amendment in cufaruiict), tho tariff bill wiH be a law before July l!H4i, and congress can adjourn by that date, as it is generally understood that no okhei' legislation is to be attempted at this 8emiH. Sossator Harris' resolution, declaring that tko government should at oucu re deotn tho tlie Union 1'uclflo railroad from prior liens and theu tako steps to forcaloso Iks mortgage, with an amend moat offered by Senator Morgan, re questing tho president "to suspcad proceedings to carry into effect tko agreement alleged to have been made to sell tho interests of the U. S. in the U. P. K. U. and in tho slukingfund, un til further action of congross is had in reference thereto," has been favorably ropertud to tho senato. Senator Harris, of Kau., wrote tlio report on tho resolution, und ho presented figures to snow that if tho proposed re organization Is allowed to go through, tho government will loso noar 125,000, 000 and other creditors wHl loso quite hcavly. The report makes whut Is very Bear a direct chargo against the last administration f trying to aid the reoBganlzabJon scheme, and of wrth holding information on tlio subject from cuogross. Senator Hoar's report in favor of soahig ex-Seuator-Corbubt on tho cer tltluato of the governor of Oregon has been ordered printed by tho commit' tee on privileges and elections, but the noiHinitateo lias not voted either for or against the report and is not likely to do so at Hie present session of congress Senator Htitler is much pleased that his resolution as to the fcasibililv.of ap plying the prinoiplo of the Initiative ami refeveadum to federal legislation In to o Investigated by n (mb-commit too A proposition is being talked of among some senators to present Vice President Uobart with a good naturcd potieiofi asking him to speak louder. Mr. Nobart makes a fairly good presid ing ofMcor, OKcept that his voico can scarcely bo beard uven by the oocu panto of tko scats nearest to hits when he states his decisions on points of order or says nnykhiug relating to tko ImisIuosh of tho sotiubo. s)uring tfco last two weeks eight patent attorneys have boon disbarred front practtco bofore the U. S. patent oOleo. Two were from Now York, two from Ohio, and ono from Michigan, Pennsylvania, Maine and Touucasee, respectively; and Commissioner But tor worth has ordored John Wedder burn & Co. to show causo why thojr should uot bo disbarred, charging thens' among other disreputable practices with making "fraudulent, decoptlvo, improper aud iucomploto searches, with intent to defraud and the result ofdefraudiug clients, to their Injury; aud wrong doing, to tho scandal, and reproach of the patent office and con trary to oquity and good morals," Tho opponents of tho treaty for tho annexation of Hawaii aro playing it smart by trying to keep as quiet as they can, lest the programme of allowing tho treaty to go over to tho next sen. One Minute Cough Cure, cursm That U wast It was nude for. . rt'. m- u ,T-11 -j . uUitLir. cj-JuSlto., ,,aiWRv-. 4iuu si oiild be abandoned, and the treaty ratilled before the present ses Ion udjourns, Aecoidlng t sotm dints dropped by opponents of tke treaty, they hope to accomplish the re jection of the treaty by a lavish ex penditure of money to throw public opinion in the U. S. against It. It is 4nid that the money is to come from European governments who wish the treaty to fell, but do not wish to appear to be opposing it, and from tho sugar trust, which has opposed it from the first. The fnjends of tlio treaty say they have no fears. They believo that the sonate will ratify the treaty, but if it falls, tho Morgan bill, already In troduced, will bring annexation at noe, and there is not a kit of doubt nboaH their ability to pass tkat. Fewer ox-scnatora have been on the floor of the senato aineo Setialor Hale offered his resolution, to amend tke rides in exclude from tho privelegrs of tke floor ex senators engaged in lobby ing, than fur u lung time. Some of the ox-suiintot'i me hopping mud, but the activity of ex-senators as lobbyists was fast becoinlm; scandalous and Mr. Hale's nulls generally considered wipe. SBLP-riOTECTION. A siildeii shower is only one of the many vlci-sUmles to which a woman is exposed. Many women aro cureless; bnt snmiillniea U is Impossible for evtn tho most wise to foresee very com mon dangers. Tho day Is fair, the air balmy, nolaoioud in tho sky, and without any pro tvetlou against raia, tain woman ventures away from koine. Tlio gathering storm gives tin warning of l approach.. Al most instantly she Muds herself drench ed. Thousands of time this oft-re-peated orcurronce in hko beginning of the end. A cold is caught which set tles In soiho oriran: it soon becomes catarrh; then btoomes chronic. Tko cutarrh gradually oats U way through to some vital orcjau A few doses of rVrH-aant tho begin ning of tide very uotvmon history would changu tho coanse of events oi tiiely. It (ipuwates directly mi tho mo eons UMinbranoi of tho whole body. It absolutely own-en U oatarrh frwn fastening itself npon any part of tho organism. Women have found it to be tho surest and most effective remedy in tho illspecnliurto their sex. So-called female diseases are almost invariably polvlc catarrh. Local treat meat Is worthless waste of valuable time. Po-ru-na is an internal remedy that oures catarrh wherever located. Some prefer to correspond with Dr. Hartman while they are taking lib) remedy, Pe-ru-nii. and thus thousands of women aro constantly writing him. haeh letter receives, prompt answer wlahout charge. The I'c-ru-iiu Drug Manufacturing Company, of Columbus. Ohio, aro sending freo to any address n book written expressly for women by Dr. Martmau. Low Rates to Milwaukee. .luly :i,l and 5, via tho UurUngkm route on account of tlio annual mpet lug or tho National Ktcutlial usso elation. Ono faro, plus if-.', for tko round tulj). Special truki of Hloenkii? and roolUilng ohalr cnrM Inwm Omuliii for Milwaukee at 5 p.m., Monday, July Gth. For tickotH mid sloeidiii car res- orvatious heo nounwt. UurllugtonHouto agont. J. Francih, Gen. Pass. Agt, Opiakn, Nob. Beware 0! the Me. Mr. Lincoln Nelson, of Marshfield, Mo., writes; "For sac years I have been a sufferer from a scrofulous affection of the glands of my neck, and all effort of physlcratiB in Washington, D. C, Springfield, Ml., and St. Louis failed to reduce the enlarRewetuy After six months' constant treatment here, my physiclau'urged roe i to submit to a re moval of the gland. At this critical mo ment a friend recommended S.S.S., aud laying aside a deepspoted rireju-. dice against alt patent medicines, I be gan its use. Before I had used one bot tle the enlargement began to disappear, and mow it is entirely gone, though lam not through with my second bottle yet. Had I only used your S.S.S. long ago, I would hava escaped years of misery and saved over $iso." This experience is like that of all who auffer with deep-seated blood troubles. The doctors can do no good, and even their resorts to the knife prove either fruitless or fatal. S.S.S. is the only real blood remedy; it gets at the root of wn aiscase ana torceo it out perma aaatly. 8.S.S. (guaranteed purely vegetable) A Real Blood Remedy m a K1ni1 -.milv fir1 llAywl 4vM..tlA it cures the most obstinate cases of Scrofula, Eczema, Cancer, Rheumatism, etc., which other so-called blood reme dies fail to touch. S.S.S. gets at the root of the disease and forces it out per manently. Valuable books will uuauic uuukb wil sss be sent free to any address by the Swift Specific Co,, At lanta, Ga. .1 ... . from U.tt. Jonm 3ttHni Trtt. W. H. ?eeke, whe makes a specialty ol Kpllepsy, ha without doubt treated and cur ed more caM than any living- Phyi-Jctani hla aucceis la nitonJr.hlng'. '; imii nearu ot canes Cured cured By hlra. Ho publliheia valifkble work. on thla dla- oate, which ho aonda with a large bot. Ue.ol his atMotoc ear, fraoo any auff.rara wtfcriaay aeod Milr P. p. and Expraaa aJdrata. C LIUUC II NOTF.8. MKTIIOOUT. Preaching Sunday moruing at 10:30 also Sunday evening at 8:10. Snaday school at 11:1)0. Junior league at I p.m. Senior league at 7:00. Chapel Sunday school at J .00. Prayer ami Praise service on Wed nesday livening at 8 o'clock. J. V. Howlus A. M , P. N. D., of Nebraska Wesloyan University, IA coin, Nehr., will .-.peak for Ho v. J. M. Darin in First M. K. Church Sundav mortring und evening. Subject at 8:151 p.m., "Oliarlty." Hkv. J. M. Daurv, Pasuir. IIAITrc;ilUIM-iI. Mornhig sorvioo at lOdW. Snnday Sehool at llMa. in. Junior Union nt4:00p. m. ' Yong Pcoplo's Society at 7 p. in. Evening service at 8 o'elock. Mid-week prayer meetiug Todnos day nt 8 p. m. Wo wish to extend t uvery ounaud especially the touchers of the county who may bu in attendaueo at tho in- stiUito, to worship with us. O. H. Weliibn, Pastoi-. CUHISWANCIIUIWH. Uvening service at 8. Wblo scJiool 12:00. JiiuirtrC. K. :t p.m. Senior C. E. 7 p.m. MorniiiK sorvlcu at 10:00. Tho community and strangers kind ly invited to attend all our meeting!. L. A. HuseoNO, Pastm. CONimKOATIOKA'.. O. 11. Benver of Wisner, Nob., will prcneh In tho Congregational Church neKtSahhath morning and evening, Sunday School at 11:15. Junior Society at 1 p. in. Y. P. S. O.K. at 7 p. m. "They don't make ihuuIi fuss nboat." Wo am speaking of DoWitt's Liltlo Rariy Risers, the famous little pills for consUnatiou, biliousness, and all stomach and liver troubles. Thev uever gripe. C. L. Cotting. You may IihiU tho world over and you will uot lind another medicine equal to Chamberlain's Colic. Cholera nnd hhiKihoea llomedy for bowel com plaints. It is Pleasant, sufo and r- liable. For sale by II. E. Grlce. Druir- gist. Half Rate to Crete Chautauqua. Juno 30 to July. Oo via Burlinsron Itotlte. BrilHailt IMOornm.L-nlnrna band conuorsH, Slayton's "I'otines seeans", Edison's moving plotures. July fi, Uunlington trains 2 and will stop at all staWons Hustings t Crete, onaonng rcsiilents of townsa one nuilii Lllne to spend pmotlealry tho wrlioJo day at Crete, reaching homoutascasouablo nour same evening. For information about special train sorvioo, seo bills. For tiekets, call at nearest B. & M. It. H. MBk0t ollleo. Burnlng.ltcUing skin disease instant ly relieved by DuWltt's Wkeh HaKel Salve, uucqalled for cuts, bruises, burns. It heals wilhoHtlciving a sour. C. L. Cotting. - For Solo. Onohnndrcd and sixty acres of uu- improved land, four miles northwest of Red Cloud, Nebr. Terms cash'. Ap ply to, Mus. Jamkh Kamwooa, Fair fax, Missouri. Vrni, vigor ami vietory: theso aro tho chiiraotorlstics of DoWitt's Lttlo harly Risers, tho fnmoas little plls lor cousHpation, biliousness and nil stomach and river troubles. O. U. Cot ting. It heals everytliUig eseept a broken hoar t, may be said of DeWitfs Witch Ha!cl Salro. Piles and rectal diseases,. outs barns, bruises, tetter, ecjoiua and all skin troubles may bo cufed by it quickly and permauontly. O. L. Cot tiB Try Allen's Foot-Ease. A powder to be shaken Into the thno a i ihi. teaiou your feci feci swollon and hot, hU get ureu eamy. u you have mnartlng feet or tight ihoej, try AIIcii'h foot Kau. itrnni ih t aud make walklng.eany. Cures and preventa woiicn ana nweaiiug root, blister and callous pou. Relloyea conn and bunions of all pain and gtvci reit and comforL Trr it trwi.v b,m by all druggist and .hoo mores for aso. Trial lciage iree. .inilreM, Allen H. Olmsted. iHiltoy.N. Y, IWl fuborro bpit aud Smuke Tuar lir inay, To ault tobacco nnullv nn.i ipn. ,,... netlc. full of life, norvo pud vlor. take No-To .iuu, mo wiinuupnorKi-r, inui niaxea woak men strong. All druggists, Mo or II. Cure guaran teed. Booklet and samplo free. Address Sterling ItomoJy Co, Chicago or New York; Or. Price' CroajB Baktag PowOor World'i FoJr HlihoM Awar. taaaawanMsPaatfaaWtaWM Fits BURLINGTON ROUTE. Only 822.50 to San Francisco. June '.Hi to July!), neoount Hatlona Convention Clinstiaa Knduavoieis Special trains. Through tourist ami palace sleepers. Stop-ovwrs allowed at and west of Denver. Return via Port land, Yellowstone Park and Black Hills k desired. Rndeavorers and their friends who take the Burlington Hontcure guaran teed n quick, cool, comfortable journey, line scenery (by daylight) nnd first class equipment. Berths reserved and descrlpH volitera lure furnished on request, See nearest B. 4k M. K. U. tieket agojnt or write to J. Francis, O. P. A., Burlington Bnute, Omaha, Neb. Less than half tutes to Sail Franeisco Jane SO to JulyU, via tko Burlington Iluiste. See neaiyst B. & M. K. R. ticket agent. To Benefit Others. The Editor of The Bloomflald Iowa Parmer Writes of tho Good Done he OR. MM.E8' NEW HEART OlRC. TUERB AKB a great marry imtelflah men and women who wish others to know what has rcatorcd them to health aud happiness. Mr. O. V. Davis, pub Honor of one of the best newspapera in Iowa, writes from IHoomQeld la., Auk K 1B96. "My desire to benefit other prompts me to write this. 'WenavousodDs. Mflcs' Itomedles In my f-rmtly for nearly two yoass with most gratifying results. We would'nt now de with out thorn, Mywlkhud been weakly und down nearly every summer for the uait fUteea yonre. Dr. Miles' Iloart Oure is onaclly whut Ms name laipllcs; a sure euro for u weak, llutterhitr, patpttattng heart, and Dr. Miles' Itervu nnd I.lvcr Pills are most oxcellout." Dr. Miles' Hemcdles are sold by all drug gists under a posltlvo guarantee, first bottle benefits or money refundvd. Hook on Uoart and Notvc scut free to all applicants. DB. MILB8 MEDICAL CO.. Elkhart, Ind. Raking and health making are included in the making of HIRES Rootbeer. The prepa ration of this Kreatt'em- perance drink is an event of importayce in a million well regulated' homes. HIRES Rootbeer Is full of good health. Invigorating, appetiz ing, satisfying. Put some up to-day and have it ready to put down whenever you're thirsty. Made only by The Charles K. Hires Co., Philadelphia. A pack age makes 5 gallons. Sold everywhere. aaiMv-KA.aa iBHnnrHnB"lw-eBBB"s,-B-BBvBsST ii gjOj araa bjB gMgnj "Bran ig sr-aTifkv Caveat, and Tride-TTlirlt obtained and a 1 eatbuaineuconductedfor modbratc rcisv ausrotrricc osioaiTC U v ay.aviNr orsaoi oadwoMn secure pateutin IcM Use taaa tSosi ote Irom WUMnitoa. . . . . Dad model, drawing or photo., with dtserip . We adVis. if pattntlbls or not. frr of! lion, charge. Onrfeenotdue tBlfcttlscwed., , jon uee. Airas, C.A.SROW&CO. Off. paraNT Orncc. WaetUNQTON. D. O. . v AHKlU't IMO TONIO laosta Um( ltaabUo, pioatty. UtttMsbw "ji-ti aa inula Ui. mad U.DOUcTbt tduiat ran tMi fJToSUt rtirnMlili. Stmt motSu ul Inribd ihwilBlhVt. tt. mnj lnrab(l,ihwilB h-.lL KftKUl. IAI lil'l5!!fJ?JSfroSs FRED E. McKEEBY, M. D. PHYSICIAN and SURGEON. City and couutry calls promptly an swered day or, night. NIGHT CALLS AT OFFICE. OrvicK ovku CorrtNa'u Ditua Stukk. afceaarNhr A maw i GnWnaVniBniBniBV h?i intVBs , ' ftaOjWbSt. wf,, ii. jut, .H saaaiaaalBTsBTsTI uain softs mkmm I BipennfYHBetta steBtaMnn. I 1W ' i"1 rv8WvtwfriJMAiwTr Beat Cousb 8; tup. TswrnUooii. Um M Ifitlto Bold bf drotgUX- W aaai AXii.j;IJ5ii LUMBER CO., DKALKKS IS LtUJVlBEH and COAli. BollcllMjC IVIaterial, Etc. Red Cloud, - - Nebraska. Nets ! Nets ! ! Nets ! 1 ! Special - Sale - on -Nets. FROM JUNE 19 to JUNE 26 We will a special inducement for all to get fly nots at a low price. We havo a largo and elegant line to select from. AIJO SPECIAL SALE OF OTHKll GOODS IN THE HARNESS LINE. Uopairing aud trimming done neatly on short notice. J. O. BCTL BR, Prop. eity Dray and ROSS Si RIFE, PROS, Goods Delivered to any part of the. Charges as low as the Lowest. CITY ACENTS FORIADAmS EXPRESS CO. I The Latest and Neatest . p PERPECT TMe '.... to t NEWHOUSE J3RO., j SHERWOOD CROC6RS BOOTS AND SHOES. AOBNTsi.FOU Chase 8c Sanborn's Coffees. FltESH VEUETABLBS AND FRUITS OF ALL KINDS IN SEASON, DCALKIt IN Far mine;- I rri i 1 3 ixx 3 rxt OUR SPECIALITES FOR '97 loOointxilolc - and - tu.olc:39rc3 7WtOlA:BRS 7tND BIND6RS, EAGLE LISTERS and FAMOUS OHIO Sulky or . Walking CULTIVATOR. COMPLBTB LIN6 OF LERDINC COODS. a: 0 During the m of June, Ski Ii I will sell everything at Reduced Prices. Many articles at ctmt and some lli 'it, f moiin $m a , S u ' namSf mmmMMMWMAit'm iij 11 ifmirmmrr'mmn ' ' -1 1 --- m The Kalby Shoe Co. Successors to A. H. KALBY. See Our Ox Blood and Chololate Oxfords and Shoes. We have a Bargain in Black or Tan Oxfords at $1.00. ltl! Butter and Eggs taken W-j an "" !, ' 1 RS3 All kinds ffl Cincinnati Cash Shoe Store. iM9aVa4 ij- Express Mne. LINK OK I J E W E Xv 1 Y AT THK Lowe'-t Prices. LADIIvS'HHACKLETS, WATCH (JKAIN9. SHIRT WAIST SETS, SILK OUAUD, SHjrKU THIMBLHS, and many other usoiul nrtieles. Oouio ) and sen our stock befciru purchasing J clsowhcro. 2 Wi' do tho best roparning. 4 & ALBRIGHT, Month ' below cost. Come in and seo &?Srt whnt I shv fCllrt -, t uwics, nco. w in exchange,1 forlShoes. san.rfiiss inianrTaT--rnr of repairing neatly done, a-IhjiJSvi.. -ifa- "jJi .v irt sj 'f&&y$py H ;