p ' MHJRWKau,. i i 1 I I I W aMWBWfciaMaWa M ! 'MeWBrMgiMaaiBMMBiMMMWiMWMMBMMMii VOLUME XXV. Have Our Merchants Degenerated?. This Is a question which it seeniB to us could ho answered by the woru I OHO " Several yea ago this city drew trade from a radius of foi ty or fifty miles and the linn nanio of some of the merchants were a by-word forty miles down in Kansas as well as In Nebraska. It is not that way today and it is getting worse instead of bet tor. What is the reason for this? We have a number of the same merchants; they carry Just as good stocks of goodk; sell just as low and of course lower in accordance with the times than they did then. The fact of tho case is this. The merchants have de generated and have fallen into back oast ways; they have got to be moss backs. Thoy wait for trade to come to J w their doors and do not seek for it as limy did in timet) past. Five or .six years ago most men in business who pretended tube merchants adveitised; the columns of the home papers weio tilled with announcements and prices. People read these announcements and were drawn to Red Cloud to do their trading. Then it was hard for the pa pers to find room for all the advertis ing the. merchants wanted to place in their columns but uow a newspaper itigu has to get on his knees to even get a little bit. The merebnuta have declined in business push and are penny wise and pound foolish. Leaving out tho fact that trade is gained by ad vertining there is nothing which speaks so well away from home for thrift of a city than the advertising that is seen la the local paper.- You' way b away troin home and some friend will re ceive paper and if it is well filled with advertisements of the home mer chants you will hear him remaik that the town must be a It ve one for the rea son that the pnpers are well patronized. If Ih ovine hicMng in this respect he will say that the towu don't amount to much. I'oudi'r over thi and if you aonoi plartt a ttn dollar advertise ment in i tie papei put in a one dollar one. -- Tlieio is more oiuairh in this .section of Hit! country than all other diseases put together ami until the last few yearn was supposed to In1 iuctiinbl. For a great many jears doctors pio uouucctl it a local disease, ami pre scribed local remedies, and by con stantly falling to erne with local treat ment, pronounced it incurable. Science has proven catairh to be a constitu tional disease, and thoieforu requires constitutional treatment. Hall's Cu lm ih Cute, manufactured by F. J. Chwiey At Co., Toledo, Ohio, is tho only constitutional euro or. the market. It is taken internally In doses from 10 drops to a teaspvonful. It acts directly n the blood and mucous surfaces of tho system. They offer one hundred dollats for any case it fails to euro. Soud 'for circulars ami testimonials. A fcI(hCSR J' J, CHKNKY is CO., Toledo, O. Sold by Druggists, 75c. Hall Family Pills are tho best. New Sidewalks. A topic of conversation for a long timti hart been about the deplorable condition of our sidewalks and lately we understand propel ty owaora have had notice served upon them to either Hx up their walks, build .now ones, or tho city will build them and as.soss tho same up to the owners. Wo bollovo in nowsldewalksjustthoHamoas wo da lit anything which will bean impiove- ment to the city, but don't believe in repairing tho old ones with store box wood, nor, In tact, do we believe in buidlng walks with wood at an. some juake a special effort to advertise tho new sections of sidewalk were built w10urcon ut this county. All articles before the late rains and were washed .M 0lbUtoll my l)H delivered to out iu good shape by the deluge ' 0itm,rO. W. Kaloy, I). ,J. Myers, I). R. water. If a wooden sidewalk is put In Spi,noK0 ,. ay B Cnm real estate this month by next spring it will 'oiofflco delapidated by people breaKing win ( . . boards aud carrying thorn off for kind-1 Last summer one of our giand ling. This. has beeu done id the st 'diildien Was slok with a seveie bowel and will bo done in the future. We tioub!e,"sajs Mrs. K. U. Gregory, of have boy hero, who aw called by Frodericksou, Mo. Our dootoi's names resembling those borno by some ' comedy had failed, then wo tried of the best men we have in tho .city, Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and who have beeu observed todellberatoly Dhivrhoea Remedy, which gave very Btand aad stamp ou sidewalks until jpoedy relief. For ale Ky H, K. boards are broken. Our new mayor is Giice, Druggist. a great and mighty man pel haps and there have probably been othcis who could bo classed as nearly as great and mighty, and still the sidewalks have been broken and delapidated by these young vandals. We believe that the only way out of this dilemma is to figure out some kind af walk, either brick, stone or cement something that will uot burn. We do not believe that a brick pavement will cost con siderably more than tho wood walk taking into consideration its lasting qualities. Whether brick suitablo for this purposo can be obtained in this city we do not know. Of course we believe in using home product if it be up to the right standard, otherwise we believe an outside product should be used. Tho city council should make an otdiiiauce lequiring the building of bi ick sidewalks at least iu front of the business houses as the old ones need rebuilding. Wyinore and soveral other cities uear tho sie of lied Cloud have considerable stretches of aood brick paving and this city should uot be be hind her sister cities, - . HoaaonB Why Chamberlain's Colic,' Cholera and Diarrhoea Hem edy is the beet. 1. Because itaffotds almost instant relief iu case of pain in tho stomach, colic and cholera morbus. 2. Because it is the only rmcdy that never fails in the most severe cases of dysentery aad diarrhoea. 3. Because it is the only remedy that will cure chronic diarrhoea. i. Ueoauso it is tlie,o.nly.remedy that will prevent bilious collo. ' f " 5. Because it is the ouly remedy that will prevent epidemical dynentcry. G. Beoause it is the only remedy that can always be depended upon in cases of cholera Infantum. 7. Because it is the most prompt and most reliable medicine in use for bowel complaint. 8. Because it produces no bad re sults. 0. Because it is pleasant and safe to take. 10. Because it has saved the lives of more people than uny other lcmcdy iu thewoild. The 25 and 50c sizes for al by II. K. Urice, J)i uggist. Will Exhibit Grain. We expect to make exhibits at sev eral county fairs iu Illinois this fall of the farm products of Webster county and to this end the B. &, M. U. U. com pany have agreed to transport free of chat ge a carload to such places as we may select. To do this-will require the co-operation of the fanners of this county. We will want soveral sheaves of the best of each kind of gr.tlii laiscd by a number of farmers, nlsw bumlles of all of tho best grasses. Tim grain and glass should be pulled up by tho rooth or cut close to tho ground so as to get Ike fall length and ho cured In the shade, and if hung up should ho hung with tho heads down and thor oughly cured. The bundles should be about eighteen inches in diameter. We want especially bundles of tluco cuttings of alfalfa from same field ami later on wo want tho finest grain, well cleaned, one-half bushel of each kind, with yield, etc Wo want all these from as many farmers as possible and each article will be marked with tho name and postofilco address of tho party who raised it. Bo not bo afraid of getting too much, wo waut a largo sample of every kind of grnin and grass that grow here. Also all kinds of fruit nnil veirutnlilitii. P.uoi't'lliliior 1 8um,,, 0 ct lt exncly l0 ,.ia,lt timo IlU(, wo et T,,,9 ,s thu ,() RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA. JULY 2, 1897. County Institute. ' The teachers of Webster county as sembled at Dip high school Monday In their sixteenth auuaal session and tho institute is now running in full blast. Roll call was the order Monday after noon and it wan really surprising to see so many teaolicr present respond ing so quickly to the superintendent's call. We believe that the teacher who attends the institute during this hot weather ought to receive live dollars extra per month. Monday evening the first social was given and from the ilpples of laughter and tho bright happy oxpicssions plainly visible upon every countenance it would not be dilllcult for any one to see that tho school inarms and mastcis were having a huge time. Tuesday evening Lieut-Governor Harris gave a lecture in tho Christian church to a goodly number and placed tho teacher's profession second to no calling on earth. The lectin o wa pregnant with Interest and offetcd much matter for after consideration Thursday morning the regular woi k began and everyone Bottled down to work. Tho teachers thin vcaf exhibit an u n mil id amount of vim and deter mination. They tire taking the matter up in a systematic manner and are to be commended for their dlligonco and their evident desire of becoming more proficient iu their lino. Wo heartily condemn such vilifying and alroge.taer'uareasonable articles as appeared in the Nation this week and openly assert that anyone guilty of publishing-such an outlandish tirade against the faltbfuloverworkcd teach ers ia a menace to good society and oagbt to be ignored by all intelligent people. Twas ever thus. A pop would loudly lament his fortune if his neighbor should find a gold mine and leave him in Hie cold. This misguided person thinks ho is called upon to ad- minister a vigoroiib "kick" oven if done at the exponso of the most elevating portion of our community. From tho work done this first week there Is no doubt but what the teachers will i eceivu excellent benefit from this Uie best of summer normals held in this county for many years. Good Reading for July. With the exception of the noted world's fair number of The Cosmopo litan, which i cached a price of five dollars a copy after tho last edition had been exhausted, no stiouger num ber, of this magazine has ever been issued than that for .Inly, 1897. Thu report of Julian llawlhuriin, tho special commissioner sent by The Cos mopolitan to India to investigate tho horrois of the plastic ami famine, is of an ox'.raoidluary character, aud will open the eyes of the world to con ditions whioh we sonrcely suspected. The same number (contains what is probably the greatest poom of this quatter of tho nineteenth century. This new rendciingof OmarKhayyam's Bubaiyat, which departs entirely from Fltzgei aid's, occupies four pages. Amolie Rives reappear as a story-tol-ler for the first time since her mar ilago wiwVPiiiice Troubetkoy. One of the cleverest stories yot from the pon of Robert W. Chambers Is given. The remarkable story of the war of the Maritaus, by Wells, which Is attract ing tho attention both of the scientific aud iiou.8ckiii:iio good-story loving publio, is continued, and there is a fourth story by a 'Bookot, elaborately illustrated by tho humor of Peter New ell. The educational discussion this time by Professor Peck, of Columbia the story of "Tho Kvory-Day Llfo of a sister of Charity," elaborately Illus trated; "Tho Genesis of a Comic Opera," given by Reginald de Koven; PresidonttJilham, of tho Johns Hop kins University, on "Tho Baukruptey ofSclenso," and an intcrosting.storv by the Oieok 'who oonoeived and brought into existence "The Streets of Cairo at the World's Fair" these are soroo of itt contents of this tea-cent magaaine. Money to Loan, Iu any amount at 5 per cont for fl years on western town aud farm prdporly, H. C, Wausox Co., Hank kersaiul Biokeiv, 53 lh midway. New Yrk Oily. ' WILOW CREEK. Joe Brubaker leturned home last Thursday accompanied by his sister Mrs. Rail of Valley county this state. The "big four" took aspeclalfor Red Cloud Wednesday to attend the (ieei. lee-Nau wedding. The heaviest rain for fifteen yeai visited this creek the 20th. Everybody is getting ready for tho largest hat vest ever done in Webster county, Every man and boy on the nook re set posts and tixr.d who fences Sunday and run stock buck iu their pasures, all caused by the big rain Siitutday. MissMaud Dngget of Red Cloud is visiting Hesslu Wilder this week. Four inches of rain fell last I-!day Highland Satin day foioiioou. Lightning kllloii a cow for Mr. lhoiupson ami struck thiee horses lie- lqiigiug to Chailey Buibaker, hut only stunned them. BudNoiris had two cows killed by HghttiingSatuiday. Mr. ;Monshang has two hired men now, ihw extra good mops giving work for throe men on X'M ncms of land. Mrs. Charley Jackson Is vety HI aud also two of her children with some kind of hend tumble, (tA.ELLh. There is a time for everything! and the liwe to attend to a cold is wheu it sturtt. Don't wait until vou have con sumption but urevent it bv uainr One Miauta Cough Cure, the great comedy. for coughs, colds, croup, bronchitis, aud all throat and lung troubles. C. L. Cotting. m. LESTER. Hai vesting is at a staudstill on ac count of the wet, weather.' Woi st 'flood iu this section ever known. Seven I bridges nut and the load iu bad condition. Jessie Cockrell is visiting near Blue Hill Mi. Besse of Red Cloud was hoi a Tuesday. The Sunday school rally conducted by Dr. Flail of Cowlos was wall a-t-t end ed fiom different schools. Miss Daisy Frisbio is attending tho institute this week. Dot Saladen sold a load of hogs this week to the Am boy Milling Co. John Kmich and family was visiting T. H.irns Sunday. John Saladen ami wife wetein Red Cloud Sunday. Several bundled feet of the R As M. track wiw washed out SaturdHy be tween here aud Guide Rovk, What tho Shakers of Mount Lebauoa know moio about than anybody else, is the use of herbs and how to hehsalthy. They havo studied tho powerof food. They nearly all live to a ripe old agi. Tho Shaker Digestive Cordial is pre pared'hy the Hhakcrh from herbs and pluntw with a special toniu powr over the stomach, It helps the stomach di gest its food, and digested food is the stiength-maker. Strong muscles, strong body, strong brain, all come from properly digested food A sick .stomach can he cured and di gestion made nisy by Shaker Digestive Cot dial, It cures the tmuseu, loss of appotite, pain iu the stomach, headache, giddi ness, weakness and all other symptoms of indigestion, certainly aad perma nently.. Sold by druggists. Tiial botUo 10 cento HIGHLAND, KANSAS. Plenty of rain aud weeds. Tho young people will celebrate at Red CJoud. Misa Fannie Wallace Is teaching vocal music, She has one claw at tho noith school, house and one at the stone chuich. The Children's Day exercises at the Highland school house a complete suc cess. There will be quarterly meetiag at the stone church fjturday and Sunday. Kldor Baker is expected, to be yreeiil. - .. Abstract of Assessment In Webster county, Nebraska for the jear One Thousand Eight Hundied and Niaoty'Scvcn. 'PKHSOKAI. rilOPKUTV. Horses of all ages ,.', Cattle of all ages ..,', Mules and asses of all ages.,.., Sheep of nil RCS , lings of all ages Steam engines, including boilers Fire ami huiglar proof safes Billiiird, pigeon hole, bngatcll or other tables Cni Hugos ami wagons Watches and clocks Sewing and knitting machines riauofoWcs Melodeons and organs ,,.. HicychM Merchnndlse on bund .,,,. Materlul and inauiif ictiircd nrticles, Manufacturer's tools, implements and machinery, (other than boilers and engines) , .... Agticiilliiral tools, Implements and miiehlneiy ... Cold and sller plate and plated ware., Diamonds and Jewelry '. Moneys of hank, banker, broker or stock jobber.., Credits of bank, banker, broker or stock Moneys oiuer man in uaiiK, nnnKeruroKcrnr siock jobber Credits other than of bank, banker, biokor or stock Jobber Bonds, stocks, and stato, county, city, or school district warrants ami municipal se curities of anv kind whatever Pioporty of companies and corporations other than property hereinafter enumerated Proper! v of saloons and eating houses Honsohold or office furniture and nronertv Investments In real estate ami Improvements 'theronm..... ..v.. ........ '.."..WTV '.'.. Amount of railroad proeerty ; ."?'..; All other property mjaired to be listed Total value of personal property RrL ESTATK. Lands Number of aores of Improved laud , Number of acres of unimproved land Total numbor of acres of all Lands. . . Lots Number of improved village or city lots.. . . Number of niiimyroved village or city lots Total number of lots Total valuk ok Aixruet'KUTr Number of acres in cultivation in Number of acres in cultivation in Number of (teres in cultivation in Number of acres in cultivation in Number of acres in cultivation in Nnmb'orof asres in cultivation in Numbor of acres in cultivation in Number of acres In cultivation in Number of acres iu cultivation In Number of net cs in ciiltiuatiou iu Number of fruit Wees Number of forest trees Number ot grape vines To tho Auditor of PnbHc Accounts: I hereby certify that the sessment books made and filed in my State of Nebraska, the values given being the valuation assessed by said assessors, and equalized and corrected by tho county hoard of equalization. ' Witness my official signature and the Real of said county this 20th day of June, A. D. 1877. L. H. FORT, 1 , Clerk of Webster County, Nebraska. Notice to Builders. Notice is hereby givon that the boaid of aounty commissioners of Webster county, Nebraska, will rcceivo bids for the building of a Poor House on the Poor Farm ia ScetUnf,Town 2, Range 11, ia Webster county, Nebraska, ac cording to plans and specifications on file in the county clerk's office. Said bids to bo filed iu the office of tho County Clerk ou or before the 10th day of July, 1807, said bid to bo accom panied by a good and sufficient bond, Tho board reserves the right to reject any and all bids. Dated at Red Cload, Nebraska, June 22d, 187. L. H. Foht, County Clerk. Bkkwtn, Neb., Jane 2, IW7. I suf fered for many years wltji sick head ache and nervousness. After taking a few bottles of Hood's Barsaparilla. I was completely cured and I recommend it to every one. Anaie Thomas. Hood's PIIIh euro all liver ills. 25c. UcWrt'Gllc Cholera Curt. i . l. t irfnrHinminninnuMRnRW " h "'! if.-tf fj.j.in. nA .-J....... , -r -, . -w--.w - v ,,...,-., -.t . ..mm.r" -f CW "U NUMBER 2( a M r a H v c. -, Nimllar , ,. 7750 15488 4521)3 00 01033 00 4004 00 14(1 00 5 97 8 IV. 6 55 24 07 25 08 4 45 8 03 3 08 J 30 2 01 10 07 4 W 712 001 :110B8 2030S 00 544 00 270 00 50 00 !)857 00 24 02 0 2082 2100 llfiS 78 410 2728 0 !108!l Of mao oo 2037 00 48 11711 00 54523 00 14 00 734 00 11253 00 17 00 110 00 210 00 SIC 00 010 00 Jobber. . . 7108 00 village, or 1402 00 10840 00 245 00 12428 00 llMOOtH , 987fi8.00 2&M7M 55110 00 '322508.50 678445 00 ISO 98 108810.15 214155 01 0110540.05 702000 00 2 40 73 07 5 88 2004 3250 5205 148308 00 10172 00 t 107510 00 31 82 11525250 00 wheat 12,240 corn ; 127,024 oala a 18,270 barloy 380 meadow v... 10,705 alfalfa , 14 sorghum ',.,,'....... 10!) iiilljet ; 200 , potatoes '. 70 rye 754 01.324 XI 4 717 !),505 above is a correct abstract of tho as oflloo by assessors for Webster county, BACKACHE makes the youag fd old, aad the old feel Out life Is not werth the Iving. It's a dan ger signal of Kidasy Disease the untrriag evkkacc of weak inactive and tore Kidneys. Any person cured of Kidney wcalrn i will UH you that when the back ceased to ache, all troubles coded. Neither liniments, nor plasters, aor clectricky can cure it. The seat of the trouble Is not fai tae skin,Isbor. moacit. Ifs III MM nUMfl. It can he CURED 1 am glad to say that Dr. Hobbs Hanrngu Kidney Pills havo had a sat isfactoiy effect in my case: They have done all that 1 could expect and what you claim they do. Thoy cured mo of a teuiblo backache which I had, for several months aud after I had' used two boxes I was well. Auoubt Stktakkt, Cedar Kapids, Neb. HOBBS 80B1M IBM BBJiniT OO., Pissswiaas, Qasuswe- --t(.ii Dr. Uokbs Pill. Por Beta Iu KKP iy u. ihwrapu, uniMws. ? 'I 1 i 4t 4 '-rf.? I IJJ IH i j 1 "m .SSS o- D.MIR.. w? m ? J&&1&1& Z -r ,i. 'vttjil.Uitotl rfr- Jfr'il Pffr"'ry rW im-TTt ..,,..1 . m mmmmmimn il, mm Mrf.,m ii ' "' &? '-Mm