The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, June 25, 1897, Page 8, Image 8

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REV. flElHY G.
Derives Immediate Lasting Benefit pPom
Paine's Celery
Fnw profession mun havo hiul tho
varied, helpful, succosuful career of
Rev. Henry O. Perry of Chicago.
A natlvo of Philadelphia ho became
an honored man of Kenyon collcgejwas
Admitted to tho Ohio bar and llcmued
by the supremo court of lllinois',snrvcd
a U. S. chaplain uador Gen. Davidson
In the civil ntr. He edited the Pacilio
Churchman ia San Franciico and be
came rector of Trinity church in that
city, and in 1870 took charge of St.
Paul's, how tho pro-cathedral of
Bpringtluld, III. Dr. Perry is now tho
second senior priest iu city reoidonoe
in Chicago. He wrlicH the following
Chicago, III., April 7, 1897.
MuKsrs. YWHh, llichardson fc Co.:
Dour .SIth: HaYlng suffered severely
from the grippe during the winter, last
mouth taklng.Piiuie'sculbry compound,
at the urgent IiiMhiico of a friend who
recommended it very highly. 1 noon
felt Hh benellciul effects, uud deem it a
speedy and excellent remedy in such
cuses; so much so that I freolvsoudyou
this indorsement, ami commond its use
to all Himillar sufffiers. It is a boon
to the siok. Truly yours,
Henry ii. Perry.
Paine's celery compound enn be
trusted to uinkn ono well. The on
thuslastic uccounts from nenr friends
and relatives whom it tins cured of
kidney and liver troubles or a general
"run-down" stale of health give as
surance to thousands of the marvelous
power of this greatest of remedies.
Clyde Keith tides a new wheel.
J. K. Yost sent a car of fut hogs to
Omaha Thursday.
Mis. Pashliy is visiting friend" near
Holt-stein this week.
U. 0. Hcht transacted bushics at the
county scat Saturday.
Andy (ilbbous of Campbell stopped
in this city Wednesdny.
J. 11, Horn and family spent Sunday
.'with (rands at Uok'stoli).
Mr, A, Cauffmau liuusucicl business
At Red Cloud Wedtioduy.
,, VVhclau Hros.movedthelrblacksmith
rilmp iv half block cast of main street.
Dr. AckloY of Juniata was called as
council iu the cum of Mrs. J. K.Scal.
' Rev. Mrs. Springer and her two sous
have been sojourning in Kansas the
punt week.
Kditor Spencc uud Mis. U . II. Holi
mail ui'o attending the lteatrico cliiui
taiiqua this week.
John McCallum shipped a ear t it fut
onttln to Omalin WVuiii'siliiy, Julin!
Mc Jr., went with the car.
Mr. Archerd of Wymote who came
up to nttciid the funeral of MUk IVail
CaiilTmuii, returned Monday.
Floyd Fooker another onu who left
Nebraska this spring never to return,
wax glad to laud iu the city Saturday
Robert Wallace, our auction los, Is
oiijoyiug n visit fioiuhis uimhcr who
came in Saturday evening to. spend the
' Monoy to, Loan.
In nny amount at 5 per cent fur 5
years on western town and lartu
property, II. C Wilcox & Co., Bank
kers and Broker. 258 Broadwuy. K w
York City.
BKT "" " i" " " ', VWv53BBflB"5Q It sL"v
PERRY, Idt. D.
A thorough building up of tho dis
ordered nervous system follows the
use of Paine's celery compound. It
dlspolH harmful humors from the blood,
anil increases its volume and at tho
samo time its nourishing capacity.
The power of Paine's celery compound
over dyspepsia, skin diseases, head
aches, kidney derangements and other
disorders, is unquestioned by the most
competent authorities.
Don't suffer front headaches, despon
dent spells, melancholia or any form
of depression that comes from indi
gestion or liver disorder. Trust
Paine's celery compound. You will not
bo the first person, nor tho second, nor
tho hundredth, nor tho thousandth it
has permanently and speedily cured
of the same trouble.
Tho nervous system when deranged
is like a clock without u balance wheel
that goes too fast and strikes every
ftnv minutes. Tho nerves need to bo
regulated or they quickly "run down,
Just as a clock would do. The regular,
unhurried tlc-tiu-ticof tho heart means
that it U working in a healthy manner.
Palpitation and throbbing point to a
dangerous lack of nerve force, that
sooner or later will lend to fatal heart
At tho lirst indication of deficient
nerve force, bo it heart trouble or
nervousness, Paine's colery compound
811001(1 1)0 USCd to SllOltlv tlm nontoil
vigor, build up the waning vitality,
drivo out disease and guard against
future mischief,
Cultivating corn, sowing millet and
such work is tho order of the day.
Corn was never known to grow fast
er than it has since the wot weather
set iu.
Tho faniors each have out from 00
to S00 acres of corn in llieso parts and
mi far they have kept tho weeds down
Tho two weeks of wet weather is get
ting the farmers somewhat behind
with their corn and now they uro Imv
lug to I list h to get the corn over.
Somo b'oys south of hero loft their
corn Ileitis last weok uud went to
Smith Center to run n horse ruco and
now rejoice over winning the race.
Look out bjs iur time will comu to
get left and then they will grin.
Doutuosa Cannot Bo Curod.
By local application, as they cannot
leach tlm diseased portion of the ear.
Theie is only one wuy to cure deafness
and that U by constitutional remedies.
Deafness is caused by an iullamed con-
' ilition of tho mucous liniug of the
Kiisinnbhia tube, Wliuu this tttbo ircts
Iullamed you have a riimbllngsouiidor
impel feci hearing, and wheu it is en
tirely dined deafness is tho lesult, and
uiileixiho iuilammalloii can betaken
out and this tube restored to its nor.
mill condition, hearing will be destroy.
oil tot ever; nine cases out of ton are
caused hi cittiiiih, which Is nothing
but au inllauied condition of the
mucous Miiftuvs.
Wo ivi.l give one hundred dollars for
any iMMnf diMfnisfcaiiMid by eatni ih)
turn oriiiiiiir be cm id by Hall's Catarrh
Uuie. .Send foreiiciilais, free.
F. J, CHENEY & CO,, Toledo, O.
bold by druggists, 7.1i.
Hull Family Pills tiro tlm best.
Restore full, rejrular notion
of tlio bowels, do not Irri
tate or Inflame, but leave
mil the delicate dlgestlTe or.
aanlim In nerfect condition.
Try them. J nt.
rrspared only iy 0. 1. Hood 4k Co., Lowell, Mm
Fourth of July Program.
Following is tho program of tho
Fourth of July celebration to be held
in Red Cloud.
One hundred and twenty-one guns
at sunrise.
At IU o'clock- procession forms at
Fireman's hall and march to Klin street
thence south to Fourth avenue, lliouuc
west to Seward street, thence south to
Second avenue, thence east to Webster
street, thencu north to sixth avenue,
thence west to court house grove. Pro
cession forms in tho following older.
Mayor nnd city council iu carriages.
Rod Cloud S. of V. band.
Speaker and escorts.
Red Cloud lire department and visit
ing departments, in charge of chief of
Red Cloud Fire 4cpartmcnt. J. W.
Civic socities.
Bicycle brigrade.
Business men's display.
Representation of states by young
ladles, in charge of Prof. h. S. Wilson.
Calithumpians, under command of
Captain G. W. Newhouse.
Citizens in carriages.
Uncle Sam in costume.
Arriving at tho court house there
will be music by tho S. of V. band.
Meeting called to order by Randolph
McNitt master of ceremonies.
Player by Rev. Jas. M. Darby
Song by glee club
Oration by Elmer U. Overoman,
Waukegan, Ills.
Music by S. of V. bund.
The afternoon will bo devoted almost
entirely to sports. Program as follows:
Music by S. of V. band at 2 o'clock.
Bowery dunce.
Bicyclo races.
Hose race open to any company.
Coupling contest.
Graud water light. First prize $10;
second prize 15.
Fat man's race must weigh twe
hundred pounds and be UH years old.
First $3.60; second tl.S0.
Boys race, to be not less than one
hundred yards. First prize I8.G0;
second 11.50.
Catching greased pig catcher gets
Climbing greased pole $2.50 on top
of polo.
Arrangements have boon niado to
give a public exhibition of tho Uro de
partment at work on a lire, and somo
time in the afternoou an empty build
ing will bo set tiro and un alarm turned
in. The time of this event will bo
secret even to members of tho fire de
partment. To tho largest delegation from any
civic society will bo presented au ele
gant llfteen foot United States ting.
Three hundred and seventy-tivo dol
lars worth of fire works which have
been purchased will be displayed at 8
o'clock p.m., from n stand near tho
tireman hall. This is the greatest dis
play of lire works ever glvou In this
country. We desire to impress upon
your miuds the fact that this will be tho
greatest Fourth of July celebration in
the republican valley this year and
you cannot afford to miss it. The
oration will be the best ever delivered
in the valley on au occasion of this
kind. All sports will be of lirst class
character. The exhibition pieces in
display of tire works will surpass any
thing ever used iu this valley. We
want you all to come and have tho best
time you over had anywhere.
Don't neglect u cough becausd the
weather Is pleasant; before the next
storm rolls around it may develop iuto
n serious difficulty beyond repair.
Ono Minute Cough Cure is easy to tnko
and will do what its names implies.
C. L. Cot ting.
Othel Gurncy has purchased a new
Otto Uoiison took u load of fat hogs
to Red Cloud Saturday.
Miss Lizzio Marker is sufferlug from
n severe attack of tho quinsy,
Bulph and Lorenzo McCall were
guests of Con Wilson Sunday.
Mrs. J. C. Wilson is visiting in Bed
Cloud the guest of Mrs. Grico.
The wind on lust Friday night blew
the windmill down on A. P. Johnson's
C. H. Wilson, Emory Bean nnd fami
lies wore pleasant visitors nt J. Bean's
About six dollars was made at the
ice cronm social at New Virginia lust
Friday night.
Miss Abbiu Larrick lias returned
home from (irnnd Island whom she
has been attending college.
Don't thin your blood with sassafras
or poison it with hluo-mnsst but "lil
nature by using DoWill'n Mttle Early
RUers, the famous little pills for con
stipation, biliousness and stomach and
liver troubles. They are purely vege
table, O. L, Cutting.
Try the New a8 Hour Train to Ntw York.
The popular Nickel Plato road Is
meeting with recognition on all land
and taking effect Sunday, May ilOth,
they will inaugurate a now train ser
vieo between Chicago mid the east.
Solid through trains with elegantly
equipped palace sleeping cars will
leave Chicago daily at 10:30 a.m., 3.0-1
p.m. anil 10:1, i p.m. Uniformed
colored porters will bo in chargo of all
through trains, and the traveling pub
lic will bo enabled to avail themselves
of n trip that will not bo tiresome.
Fast time and low rates will be ono of
tho mnin features that tho Nickel Plate
road can offer to their patrons. For
full information in regard to train scr
vice, etc , cnll on or address, J. Y.
Ciiluhun, Gen'l Agunt, HI Adams St.,
Chicago, or II. Thorne, (J. P. & T A ,
HI Adams St., Chicago, III.
Not only piles of the very vvott kind
can bo cured by DeWitt's Witch Ha."1
Salve, but ec.emn, scalds, burns,
bruises, boils, ulcers and all other skin
troubles can bo instantly relieved by
the same remedy. C. L. Cottlng.
To California Comfortably.
Every Thursday afternoon, a tourUt
sleeping car for Sail Lake City, Suu
Francisco and Los Angeles leaves
Omaha and Lincoln via the Burlington
Route. It is carpeted, upholstered in
rattan, has spring seats and backs nnd
is provided with curtains, bedding,
towels, soap, fete. An experienced ex
cursion conductor and n uniformed
Pullman porter accompany it through
to the Pacific coast. While neither so
expensively linished nor so tine to look
at as the palace sleeper, it is just as
good to ride in. Second class tickets
arc accepted for passage nnd the price
of a berth, wide enough and bigenough
for two, is only 15. tor foulder giving
full particulars, cnll at nearest Bur
lington ticket office, or write to J.
Francis, G. P. A., Burlington Route,
Omahn, Neb.
Teukiiilk Accidknt. It is u terrible
accident to be burned or scalded, but
the pain and agony and frightful dis
figurements can bo quickly overcome
without leaving a scar by using De
Witt's Witch Hazel Salve. C. L. Cot
ting. W. B. Johnson, Newark, ()., says:
"One Minute Cough Curo saved my
only child from dying by croup."
It hud saved thousands of others suffer
ing f i om croup, puetimonia, bronchitis
and other serious throat and lung
troubles. C. L. Cotting
The New aS Hour Train to New York.
Thirty Hours to Boston.
The Nickle Plate road is now in n
position to offer their patrons unsur
pusseJ traveling facilities. Three
through trains daily in each direction
between Chicago and the east. Tho
new schedule to becomo effective Sun
day, May 80th. Dining car service un
excelled. Rate lower than via other
lines. The short line to the oast. You
will save money and time by patroniz
ing this road. Call on or address J. Y. '
Caluhnn, Geu'l Agent, 111 Adams St.,
Chicago, III. II. Thorne, G. P. & T. A.
Ill Adams St., Chicago, 111.
Hundreds of thousands have been in
duced to try Chamberlain Cough
Remedy by reading what it husdouo
for others, uud having tested its merits
for themselves are to-day its wuruest
friends. For sale by H. E. Grice,
Tetter, Salt-Rheum uud Eczema.
The intense itching and smarting inoi
dent to these diseases is instantly nlluje 1
by applying Chamberlain's Eye a::'1.
Skin Ointment. Many very bad c:i?v
have been nermanently enred by it. It
is equally efficient for itching piles and
a favorite remedy for sore nippies;
chapped bands, chilblains, frost bites
and chronic sore eyes. 20 cts. per box.
Dr. Cady'a CeBdlties Powders, aro
just what a horse needs when in bad
condition. Tonic, blood purifier und
vermifuge. They are not food but
medicine and the best in use to put a
horse ia prime condition. Price 23
cents per package.
Usual Low 4th July Kates.
Will bo offered by the Burlington
Route July !1, 4 and ft bet ween stations
not more than 200 miles apart. Tick
ets good to return until July Gth.
m m
Remarkably Low Rates to Colorado and
will htiolicieil by lliu lliu lington Route,
J into iMl nml SO nml July 1, 3 nml !1.
Upon lo iiHhnim'scoker, health RPiikvr,
tourlnt. Cnll tit U, tit M. depot ami get
full information. J. Francis, Guu'l
l'nso'r Agent, Oninlut, Neb.
- -
Kerlid llJr Ho.
rinr-iretM'aiWc t'litlniruc. lliu inns'. win-
dci'lu! iiiudiciil i - -o'ci'v of tho ncc p wis-
atit anil rofivHlnnf to ii;o D.tlo, acUpntl.v
nml positively on kidneys, liver nnd be w Is.
iliuilMim uic riiino '.jr.i-i.i, mr-;'
cr.tiT hciii nolic, feve- 1 hlt-',j I cons 111 fi' rr
nml In loiixrv-'f. Pbiiso buy nnd try it W
ol' (J. O. (5. trinlny . hi, i f 0 i-cnlH. ivlii ui;u
p .ararit'i d to i urn uj nil drnctjisw.
To Cure Coutlmtlon Forever.
TakofuacnieU (,'u:lyCutti:irtlu. lOo or Mo.
11 V. C. I?, full to cure, uriiKKiM refund monoy.
To Cure Con. Up illmi torriir.
Tahiti ..n.iiictH ii . I Peci-;p,
lfC,CO.fulitoii.ii' Li.,.hi-tsrt fiuni n .
A -T-' in- r r l'lfr Cents.
Oun .it hi n u (' mc '
liKH- v ic . put' tt Aliurui;,"ist
iininiiiniiim iii mill iiiiiiiiiT
imu mis. ic rnaices no
of ths Muscles, Joists, sad
Niagara Falls.
With it 'tiity nnd grandeur reveals
to tli ii tourist faeh jeaf s'unu new hir
iiiuiiy, TlH'H! ii no place in America
wheiv Hih iittimM' tourist could pind
ht time ii in puilifibiy thin :uli!i
world fan . l filial m't. Tho Nickel
Plato load with It- solid tr.i!n-, thin'
sleeping cur "urvice, and unexcelled
dinlnc car M'l'vioo between Chicago
New Yoik and Boston Is the recognized
highway to this report. With the now
train service which becomes effective
Sunday, M.ty .tOtli, a stopover of ten
Ida - will he given on both lirst and
I M, oll. ,., xvkvU t wtmil, wllo ,.
hUv to visit the fall". Trulns leave
Clil"'tg dally at 10:.10 n. in., ?.0 p m.
and 10:15 p. in.
Mr. J Y Callahan, General Agent,
IU Adams St. Chicago, III., will be
pleased to fui'uMi nil Information In
regard to stopover, etc
ttaflfererwltk Laaae Back.
"Frlonla.N.Y.,JuneJO. 1W4.
Dr. II. M. FlNNF.n. Drar Stri
I most cheerfully rrrnmmond your Kidney
and Backache Cure for what it has done for
me. 1 have been a sufferer for fifteen years
with lame back uud kidney trouble. Some
time my buck litis been no bud I could hard
ly straighten up for a month at a time. 1
would bu taken with h i-tltch In the back that
would last from three days to u month. The
doctors could lve mono relief. One physi
cian said I hail strained my buck and there
was no cure for It.
Two yean apt) I ruV Mx bottles of your
Kidney and lliickuclm Cure und cue bottle of
Illooii nun i.iur livuieiiy anu nerro
nnle . Italic tx-unii ul once, und continued
unlnUruptedly to a perfect cure."
forts and
daactra of
child-birth ca
be alaost -i
tlreto avoldtdj
relieves ex
pectant moth
era. It give
trata them In
condition to do their work
perfectly. That makes preg
nancy less painful, shortens
labor and hastens recovery after
child-birth. It helps a wpman
bear strong healthy children.
has also brought happiness to
thousands of homes barren for
i Afewdosesoftenbrings
loviatr hearts that Ions
i darling babv. No woman
should neglect to try it for this
trouble. It cures nine cases out
of ten. AU druggists sell Wise
of Cardul. Ji.oo per bottle.
For adtle In cases requlrlnr special
directions, addreit, glvlnr symptoms,
the "Ladles' Advisory Department,"
The Chattanooca Medicine Co., Chatta
aoota. Tenn.
of JsfftriOB, Ga., sayii
When I first took Wlas of Cardul
wt had been married Urea years, but
teuld not have any children. Mint
saonlaf later I had Sue girl baby."
u '& M. R.Y
11 ED ULOVD, NRlik.
all points cant und
nnd nil noiuM
No. n rrvlKht, dslly enepi Sunday
for WyrnoroHiid oil point east 7:u),
No, )rt P'SkuiiKcr, dally fur 81. Joe,
Kitnsas City, Atchison, At.
l.i.ul and all R)IiitH cart and
south . -... . 10:00a ui.
No, m Accommodation, dally except
Sunday. llaMlnes, Grand Is
limd. lllnck llllis mid all
iKilutH III the nortliwth. . ;, i, )n
o. HI, Acrnmmixlntloii, dully except
Sunday, (ibcrlln, 1iiiimn, ami
inicrnicuiiiio tuitions, Ms lto
..l!(lnn m
(VI. Krelehl. ilnlKv.
W)inoro and
St, .Ine mid
Junction no mi.
,. l'Jiluiun.
M, KreiRhl, ilall for Itenubllcnii
Orlemw, Oxford nnd all iiolutH
WOKt - ... 1fW&)i, m
I.'i. iVacncer. .hilly. Denver, nil
points in Colorado, t'uii and
Cillforula - ,. 8:40p.ra.
S oplup dliilmr. ami reclliilnii clinlr enrs
(u,iu fret) on ihnnieli trains. TkWcts oJd and
hnFKAru checked (o any point In the United
I'orliifjnuullon, tlmo tables, uin-ps or tickets
?.V Lv"ir "I'lff A- f'Miovor. A gent, ked
i 'loud, Nibr or .1. I'miels, liciieml l'nssvnKer
Acctit Oinnhri, Ni'brnH,
Acute, or
Bones Is cured by
urn iimm
SfeSr H
In the I.JMr'il IV mt of the Ttnlh Jtiillelti
District In hihI for Weiittcrriiiiniy, Aenress"
Wnlltr ct el )
i'IMntlir j
Gro. W llntirhlii, Kllzn '.
Iloiiililn nml Anim I
lniiiiiii)i. i
Dclen.tiilil. I
.niir. Tlinniiii di tctidsnl nline luiinei. nut
ink- null MhniMielJolii'deU,f I'dinilliian
iietloiiKi-dliii! In It"' iiline enillii' ioiiH be
Ktinby nllrr II, Collliif llciijuiiilii Cnlliii nnd
llhnda Lent ilicrrln n ibe '.'.il '1 1) of Wir
ta97 sehIiiM lienelf nml ihentliir nln.w ii.iiik'iI
ilileuOni Ik the objeit wetrirf I? to quiet ae
tltli loll.c imr l.iui-t qliitle ' e norll r t
imtru-r nii'l llie r "llinn . -r r of ''mm i
west qlinrler ol uilinli tncnl lx ifmiimup
one, ratiKeien.nvt of iId1 xUlh iriuct jihI me
riillmi WeliMer roiiiit). Net tiiflii. In mid
tilnlutliri free nail elear of atlltieiinilirrthivsatiil
for reeoterv nf mm for lite i e tlicicif.
DefemlHiil lriiilrnl In miMur or ) lend to
tho tlltnu or liliilll ills on or U'forc lliu iMIti
ilny of .inly !. or the fume will lo tnltn n
iruc nml decree pini d m cording!),
Waurit II rm.l.iN",
llr.NMAMIN ('OII.IN8, '
IIiioim I Ar.
llasnni.i'ii McNiit I'lslti lit Attorney.
R. MoNitt, Attorney.
xox-itKsiDExr sorivi:.
tnlliuDMrlct Court of lliu Tenth .linllrUl
III Tli I, In nnd for Webster couiily, Nulirofkn.
Mhtoler Wntsuii. 1
Hi'mlir. '
Vlt'lllllll WmI'OII,
'IhCHbove limiii'il ileli'iiilmit will tuke uoHto
Hint on the tfMh ilny of Jlny. mT, plHlnilir filed
lil pelllloti In the nlioe eiullled ion t iiKSlnia
licr nllcvliiK their iitirrlhtc mill the 'Hxertloii
by ili'li'inlniit of the iilnltitilV for mure tlimi two
ji'iim lnl piut. nml irHiiK for ii ilrcrtcof dl
orie t om llielmtiilsof iiiMttlinnny.
Vft iiiIiiiii I, leqii red to mimtr or plcsd to
mid H'lltloii on or biforc the HUh dnv of .tulr,
or inu w 111 lie Inkcn to be fue nnd decte
pSAH-.l hi roidliuly. st nun en Wato.
Hamioi.i-m MoNitt, Attorni).
Notice Is hereby chcti that under and bt vlr-
tue of an order of rale insiied from the oflire of
.mnioii iniroen. clerk or the District Conn
tho Tenth .llltllrinl Dlnlrlcl. within anil
Webster county, Nebrntl a. uponadecrre In'
nrllon Itoiittlt'tc tlicrctn. wliernln l'.lpr
A flop Is plslntlir. and SKilnnt Hubert (. I-ivn
Klleu Lnlnl. w..l. Whltlen. O. L. Pope mid J .
While, defendant, 1 shnll offer for, vale M pi Idle
cmlui-, lo tlie highest bidder for cash In
Irnnd, at the fNH iloor of the court
houe, nt lied Cloud, In nld tttbsier rniimv,
Noliriiftii. (Unit be nc the htilldliiR Hbcridii Ilia
lat term of Mid court wssholileu) on Hie X?th
Iny of .lull. A !.. 1MI7. nt 1 n'eloek p. m of
mid dny, the follnwlnn "lercrllieil propcru la
The smith hnirof the ouih veH qunrter mid
tho south half of (he south e si quarter, of
sccloii two 12) In toun'lilp four (4) north or
raiiKP nlno (llj west of the tilh f. M. In WebUcr
county, Nebrnokn
tiucii iiuileriny liniul tin iTth ilny or .Inly,
A.I). 1M7.
.1. W. Itc.Miiiir.Mierlir
HiiHT, T. I'ottkii, I'lnlutill's Attotuey.
Notice In hcrer. ghen that under nnd by rlr
lue of nil order of Mile lsMinl from th office of
uiuicn lliirilen clerk of the District Court or tho
Tenth Judicial District, wlihlu nml for Web
slereoiintjr.Ncbrnskn. upon mlcirec In mi action
pendluir therein, nherclii Xcbrnska l.oau Ac
Trust CompHiiv l plHlnrlirniK) nnlnrt A. M.
v alters, ilia 'i alter his wile, William A Wat
klus. A. M. Wntklns bin wife. C. Koehler. full
iiHine unknown. Koehler his wire first name
unknown, and .John Doe. real name unknown,
defendants, I shall offer for sale at public ven
due, to the hlKhest bidder for cash In hand'
at the east door of the coilit house, at Ited
Clout. Nebraska, (that being the hulldlaft
whercln the last term or said court waa
holden) on the laitb day of July. a. D. DV7
at one o'clock p.m. of said day, the following
decrlbed property, towlt:
The Northeast quarter (') of section eighteen
1181 in township (4) north range nine (f) west of
ffth I. M. In Webster county. Nebraska. tv-
viivrii uiiuit iuy iibijii (uin inu nay u uuiio
!-... ..- v:-i .ii. ...l jr: - ,.r' '
J. W. ItllsriitT. Slifrlff
Uro. F
noiik, i'laiuiin s Attorney.
. ... . ".- z
Notice Is hereby sli en that undernnd by vlrl
of mi order of snle (untied from tho eftico of .IA
llurden. Clerk of thd Dlilrlet Court i ihn Tnnts
JudlclnlDlxtiict, within nnd for Wclmleroountr.
Ncbrnxka, upon a decree In au action pendlm:
Ihcreln, wherein Edward V. lirownlue In
plaliitlirandnKnliuit Charles S. Ilrown.i Phebo
.1 lirown. Hamilton Loan A: Trust Company, W.
Demlck. 8. .1. Whltten. W. p. Aldrlch M. K.
Wortheu and W. F. It. Mills are defonWsiiln.
shnll offer for sale ntptibllcvendue to the hlth
est bidder ft rrnsh In bmid. at the east door or
the court houre. at lied Cloud, In said Wet
s ler county, Nchrnskii, (that being the building;
wherein the last term of us Id court war holden)
on the Will day of July A 1) 1HW. at one
o'clock ;p. m. of said day, the following dn
scribed proerty, to wIP
The west half of the cast Imlf of m'ciIoii (8)
..ui llii, aa.t half nf llni un.t ...... m a...t
nu'i ,.,w vnt ,,i, ,,, ,iir (tui.i. .1.", uni.ui, nil.
the north half of the routhwct quarter, mid the
liortli half of the koutheatt quarter, and the
soiiiIihcm qunrter of the niutlicn-t qimrter sec
lion lie (0) all In towurlilp No. lour (4) north of
rniigoi.lue (u) nos of t emh 1' M In WebUrr
county. .Ncbrimkn. conlnliilng 4tnacrc.
(liven under inj luud this I7lh dsy of
June, A. D., Ihirr,
.1. W. nchciinr.SIieyff
OillOIlN, i'cO'HaKMN Jlli 'cNTT,
1'ih l' f' Mtn'licjs,
Illlcy Hrooka, defendant, will mkc notice Ihnt
on the 1Mb day of.tuur, 1MI7, firncc (1. llcooks, '
plalntlir. tiled her petition Iu the Hlotrlct court
of Webster county. Nebraska. Hgnln.t SHld do
endnnt. the object mid prayer of which are lo
procure n dlvoice from said defendant, und the
reMorntloii of plaliititrs mnldeii iininc.
nld dcfeudatit In rtqulreil to nnxnor snlrt
Ktltloiioiiorheriiretho'jrilli day of Julv, 1HC.
Dated June l IS07,
(I1ALK ft. ItltnflKM.
Ily J. M. (.'iiArrix, bur ultorney.
(Kirn I PllbllPHlloil.lliliHlK. J8M7)
Through Service
AND fur
urtniOR MEALS,
.. JfH.
f.. ..-'?Nkm w '