-sosrsxtT!f!!i!lwSS!!STS!XS -"TT 'ijt f: THE RED CLOUD CHIEF, FRIDAY, JUNE 25 1307. 4 K -J - W INTERNATIONAL CHAPTER II. (Continued.) Tlio eyes of tho two old men met; the minister flushed slightly, while Solomon's dry lips assumed tio shopo generally taken when one Is about to give n prolonged whistle; but no sound followed. , "Whaur did your reverence find tho Ivirn? On the door.tano, did you tay?" Tho minister nodded. Thereupon Solomon walkctl over to tho chair, put on a pair of brass-rlmmcd spectacles, and inspected tho child much as his master had done, hut with prolonged and dubious shakes of the head. "Lord preserve us a!" ho muttered. "Solomon," cried Mr. Lorraine Im patiently, "what's to bo dono?" Solomon scratched his head, then Ms face lightened with sudden Inspira tion, as ho answered: "Put tho thing whaur ye found hlra, on thfe doorstane. Lea' him there he's nano o ocrs. Maybo tho mlther will como back and take him awa" Tho minister's face flushed lndlg- oiantly. "On such a night as this! Solomon Mucklebacklt, If you havo no more Christian advice than that to offor, you can go back to bed." Solomon was astonished. Seldom had ho seen his master exhibit such authority, tempered with indignation. Not knowing how to reply, ho effected a diversion. "Seo, sir" ho said, still Inspecting tho child as if it were some curious species of flsh, "tho cratur's wrlngln' wat!" Such was tho fact, though It had es caped the minister's agitated scrutiny. Tho shawl and under-dress of tho in fant were soaked with rain or molted snow. "Bless my soul!" cried Lorraine, bending down by Solomon's side; "and its little body Is qulto cold. Fetch Myslo Simpson at once." . ' Solomon shook his head. ,' "Myslo's away tho night wl her kinsfolk at the Mcarns." "Then there's only one thing to be ' dene," cried Mr. Lorraine, with sud den lecislon. "wo must undress the chili at once and put him to bed, and In tnn mnpntnir WA pfin lnnlrln hntv net. Tf w lenvn him llkn thin hn will die of cold." "Put him to bed!" echoed Solomon. "Whaur!" "In my room, Solomon, unless you would like to tako,him with you." ' "Wl mo! I'm no used wl' balr batrns; I couldna Bleep a wink!" "Then ho shall stay with me. Look, Solomon, how pretty ho 'is, how bright his eyes aro! Fetch mo a blanket at once, and warm It by tho Are." Solomon left tho room. Tho minis ter lifted tho burden In his arms, and sat down by tho hearth. Then, nervously and awkwardly, ho undid tho shawl and put it aside; loosened tho baby's outer garments, which wore quite wet, and drew them gently off. Thus engaged, tho good man was in deed a picture to seo his soft eyes beaming with levo and tenderness, his faco puzzled and troubled, his little plump hands at work with clumsy kindness. Solomon entered whh a blanket, warmed It for a minute at the fire, and thon placed it softly under tho child, which now lay mother-naked as sweet and bright a llttlo cherub as ever drew mother's milk. Suddenly tho sexton uttered an ex clamation. "Lord preservo us all. It's no a innn chlld ava! It's a wee lassie!" Mr. Lorraine started, trembled and II, . almost dropped his load; then, bash fully, and tenderly, ho wrapped tho 'warm blanket around tho infant, leav- 'IB vniy lis men viaiuiu. J" "Lad cr lassie," ho said, "tho Lord has lcrt it in our Keeping!" Stooping to tho hearth-rug, Solomon lifted from it a tiny chemise which had fallen there, and examined it with ludicrous horror. Suddenly his eyes rercelvcd something which had es caped Mr. Lorralne'B nervous gaze. '-Tinned to tho chemlso was a piece of paper with some writing upon it. "Look, meenlster!" cried Solomon, unpinning the paper and holding It up; "there's a letter addressed to yoursol' here. Will I read It?" "Certainly." I) Then Solomon read, In his own broad accent, which we will sot re produce, those words, which were writ ton In a clear though troteulotw fo malo band: "To Mr. Lorratne By thro time you read this, the writer will be lying dead and cold in Annan Water. You are a good man and a clergyman. Keep the child, as a gift of God, and as you use her may God U3e you I" That was all. Solomon stammered through the words In horror, while Mr. Lorraine listened in genuine astonish- wThore, meenlster!" exclaimed Solo mon, indignantly. "Did I no tell ye! It's a scandal, an outrage! Keep tho bairn, Indeed, and a woman-bairn! Absurd notion!" "Hush, Solomon," Interposed the minister solemnly, "I bogln to see the hand o God in this." Openlrr,the bedclothes, he placed '$JojW'f a fjozy spot, and arranged .Ihk blahKv.a tenderly -around It: )' "Look, Solomon! I? she not bonny?" PRESS ASSOCIATION. Solomon gave a grunt of doubtful approval. "flood night, Solomon," continued the minister. A word of protest was on the sex ton's tonguo, but he checked It in tlmo; then with ono last stare of nmazement, perplexity and surprise ho left tho room. "Tho warl's comln' to an en'," ho muttered, as he ascended the Btalrs to his room, "A woniun-lmlrn In oor house !- a laKslo In tho minister's aln bed! Wcel, we'd, wee4!" Meantime, Mr. Lorraine sat by tho bedside, looking at tho child, who had almost Immediately fallen asleep. Presently he reached out his arm and took ono of her llttlo hands into his own, and his eyes were dim and his soul was traveling back to tho past! Hours passed thus, and ho still sat in a dream. "ftfarjorlo, my bonny doo!" ho mur mured aloud again. "Is this Indeed a gift from God and you?" CHAPTER III. T FIVE o'clock tho next morning, when Solo m on Mucklobacklt, can dle in hand, de scended tho Btalrs, be found tho min ister sitting by tho bedsldo fast asleep, with hie gray head resting on tho sldo of tho pillow, and his right arm outstretched over the countcrpano abovo tho still slumber ing child. At tho sound of Solomon's entrance, howover, Mr. Lorralno awoke at once, rubbed his eyes, and looked In a dazed way around him; then his eyes fell upon the Infant, and his face grew bright as sunshine. "Bless me, meenlster! Hao yo been watching hero a' nlcht?" "I fell to sleep," was tho reply, "and I was dreaming, Solomon, such bonny dreams! I thought that I was up yon der among the angels, and that ',ono of them came to me with a face I well remember ah, bo bright! and put a little bairn this bairn Into my arms; and then, as I hold tho pretty one, a thousand voices sang an old Scotch Rong, tho 'Land o' tho Leal.' Dear me! and It is nearly daybreak, I Bup poso?" Solomon did not reply in words, but, pulling up tho blind, showed tho outer world still dark, but trembling to tho first dim rays of wintry dawn, whlio snow was thlcitly falling, and tho gar den was covered with a Bhcct of virgin white. Tho minister rose shivering, for the air was bitter cold; hl3 limbs, too, were stiff and chilly. "What's to bo dono now?" asked Solomon, gloomily. "I maun awa' an feonlsh tho grave, but Myslo will bo hero at six." "I will watch until Mysle comes," nnswered Mr. Lorraine; then, bending over tho bed, ho continued: "Seo, Solo mon, my man, how soundly she sloops, and how pretty she looks." Soloman grunted and moved toward tho door. "Will I put on tho parrltch mysel'?" ho demanded. "Ye maun be wanting something nfter sic a night." "Nothing, nothing. Go on to tho klrkynrd." An hour lator, when tho old woman appeared, having let herself in by a key at tho back door, sho wa3 at onco apprised of tho situation. Having learned by old habit to keep her thoughts to herself, and being of kind ly disposition, and the mothor of a largo grown-up family, she at onco, without questioning, entered upon her duties as nurje. Tho child having wakened, crying, sho took It up in her arms and hushed it upon her bosom, where it soon became still; thon, pass ing to tho kitchen, she warmed sonio new milk, and fed it with a spoon. By this tlmo day had broken, and when he had Been tho child comfort ably cared for, the minister put on hia cloak and walked forth to mako In quiries. The village consisted of one strag gling street with numerous small cot tages, a few poverty-stricken shops, and a one-storied tavern. Jock Stev ens, who kept tho latter, was stand ing on the threshold with a drowsy stare, having Just thrown opon tho door; and on questioning him Mr. Lor raine gained his first and only piece of information. A woman, strango to tho place, had entered tho inn over night, carrying an Infant undomcath her shawl, and asked for a glass of milk, which she had drunk hastily and flitted away llko a ghost. Her face was partially hidden, but Jock was certain that sho was a stranger. Stay! yes, thero was something more. Sho had Inquired for the manso, and tho Inn-keeper had pointed out the direc tion of tho church and the minister's abode. Further inquiries up and down the illago elicited no further Information. Perplexed and weary, the good man trotted back to tho manse. Hern, In the rudely-furnished kitchen, bo found a, bright flro ournlng, his breakfast ready, and Mysle seated by the inglo side with the child in her lap, in voluble conversation with the old sexton. J Tho wretched mothor, whoever she was, had Indeed chosen wlsjy Then sbe had resolved, while determining to abandon her Infant, to leavo It at tho gcntlo minister's dcor. Days passed, and In spite of Solomon's pro testations, It was Mill an lumnto of tho manso. Myslo Simpson under stood the rearing process well, and slnco tho child, as sho had Burinlwid. had never kiown tho brenst, it throve well upon "tho bottle." Tho minister went and came lightly, as If tho bur don of twenty years had been taken from his shoulders; had It lndoed bean his own offspring ho could not have been more anxious or more tendor. And Solomon Mucklcbacklt, despite his assumption of sternness and Indigna tion, was socretly sympathetic. Ho, top, had a tender corner in hla hoart, which tlio child's innocent beauty did not fall to touch. Ono morning, somo seven or eight days nfter tho arrival of tho Infant, whon the storms had blown thomselvcs hoarse, nnd n dull black thaw had shc cecded tho falling and drifting snow, news como to tho manso that tho body of a woman had been found lying on tho brink of tho Annnn, Just where Its waters meet tho wide sands of tho Solway, and mlnglo with tho Bait elream of tho ocean tide. Greatly agi tated, Mr. Lorralno mounted his pony, and at onco rode along the lonely high way which winds through the flat reaches of tho Moss. Arriving closo to tho great sands, ho was directed to a disused outbuilding or barn, belong ing to a largo sea-facing, and standing somo hundred yards abovo high-water mnrk. A group of fishermen and peas ant men and women wore cluBtorcd at tho door; at his npproach tlio men lift ed their hats respectfully, and tho women courtcsled. On making lnqurles, tho minister learned that tho body had boon dis covered at daybreak by Borne salmon fishers, when nottlng tho river at tho morning tide. They had at once given tho alarm, and carried "It" up to tho dilapidated barn whoro It was thon lying. Tho barn was without a door, and partially roofless. Day and night the salt spray of tho ocean was blown up on It, Incrustlng Its black sides with a specios of filmy salt; and from tho dark raftora and down the broken walls clung Bllmy weeds and mosses; and over It a pack of sea-gulls wheeled and screamed. Tho minister took off his hat and en tered In baro hpaded. Stretched upon tho earthen floor was what seemed at first rather a shapeless mas3 than a human form; a pleco bf coarso tarpaulin was placed over It, covering it from head to foot. Gently and rovorcntly, Mr. Lorralno drew back a corner of the tarpaulin and re vealed to view the disfigured linea ments of what had once been a living face; but though tho features wore changed and unrecognizable, and tho eyo-aockets wero empty of their shin Ing orbs, and tho mouth disfigured and hidden by foulness, tho fnce was still set In a woman's golden hair. With tho horror deep upon him, tho minister trembled and prayed. Then, drawing tho covering still lower, he caught a glimpse of tho dellcato hand clutched as In tho agonies of death; and sparkling on tho middle flngera thereof was a slender ring of gold. "God forgive mo," ho murmured to himself; "if this Is the mother of tho child, I did ho. a cruel wrong." Ho stood gazing and praying for somo tlmo, his eyes wero dim with Bympathotlo tears; thon, after replac ing tho covering reverently, he turn ed away and passed through tho group which clustered, watching him, at tho door. (to be continued.) The Mahonulnd Doll. No doubt tho earliest manufactured toy of all was tho doll. Little girls play w4th dolls everywhere, and havo always done bo. Indeed, among tho Bcchuanans and Basutos at the present tlmo married women carry dolls until thoy are supplanted by real children. There is for its possessor a curious in dividuality about a doll, altogether un accountable to other people. How oft en may it bo observed that a child will negloct tho splendid now flvo shil ling waxen beauty, with Its gorgeous finery, and cling faithfully to the dis reputable, noseless wreck of rags that has been its favorito hitherto! Some thing causes other children, besides Helen's babies, to dislike "buyed dol lies," evon in tho preaenco of an article mado of an old towel, This some thing, whatever it is, Is doubtless a great comfort to the small girls of Mashonaland. It is an innocent, arm less sort of affair, without any such dis figurement as waist or shoulders might cause, no knee joints to got unfastened, and nothing at tho end of its legs to cauBo exponso at the shoemaker's. As regards dress, It is Inexpensive, the wholo suit of apparel consisting of a pleco of string throado'd through a holo humanely bored through the head.-" The Strand. Norelty In Type Material. A now Idea in typo material Is tho combination of glass with celluloid or hard rubber. The body of the typo la mado of rubber or celluloid upon which glass-topped letters aro firmly cement ed. In order that tho face of tho typo In tho form may not touch, the ex tremo face is a triflo smaller than tho body portion. Great advantages aro claimed for this sort of type, among them being that glass will wear, very much, longer than metal, and the print will theroforo bo sharper and clearer. With tho slightly clastic, baso ad the small sections in which the.leUere are mado there Is but little"1 dinger of breakage, even with very Tap Id work. SIXTY YEARS A QUEEN GREAT DIAMOND JUBILEE PARADE. l'he (Iranil l'rni'r1nn I'lirtlolpntid In by ThotiAuml mill Wlliusunl hy Count lr nitiltltuilm Tin- Ijiiprn In lino Health Nothing 31 urn Hut ()4'ittiiii London, June SI. Cquntless thous ands of loyal llrltlsh subjects und ills tluguishet'. representatives of every na tion In tho world participated hi uml millions on million of people wit nessed tho grand celebration of tlio sixtieth anniversary of tho coronation of Queen Victoria to-day. Not ti seri ous mishap occurred throughout tho day, and the venerablo rulor of tho great HrltMi imtlon pnytl through tho ordeal of tho day without tho slightest bad effect Tho royal procession proper was In terwoven with tho crowd of walling dignitaries of nil sorts. First camo tho aids do camp to tho queen, headed by tho Prince of Wales and tho Dukes of Cambridge and Conntnight and tho Karl of Woytuos. Then followed tho lord lieutenant of Loudon, tho Duke of Westminster, K. (1., In a lord lieu tenant's dro., with ti glittering caval cade of oflleers, tho headquarters staff. To them succeeded Hold marshals. Next camo olllcers of tho auxiliary forces in attendance on tho Prince of Wales, oquorrlcs, gentlemen In wait Ing and military attaches, foreign na val and military attaches, a brilliant lot of men with a glittering array of titles, uniformed In tho drosses of ull tho courts of Europe, nnd half Its crack regiments wearing all Its stars. Then as a compliment from tho ivalsor camo a deputation from tho First Prussian dragoon guards, "Queen of Great Britain nnd Ireland's Own." After tho Gormnns camo tho most brilliant group of nil tho sol diery, tho oflleers of tho Imporlal set--vlco troops from India, In their uni forms, a mlxturo of tho English regu lar array and native dress, brilliant to a degree not to bo witnessed outsldo of countries whero barbaric splendor and Ingenuity in embroidery Is tho rule. Many wore massive gold ear rings with enormous stones, while some wore In nddltlon gold anklets ablaze with sapphires and emeralds. Then tlio nrst parlor the sovereign's escort rodo Into view tho Second Lifeguards. As their brilliant uni forms npponred tho whisper ran elec trically: "Sho'n coming." Tho guards wore soon succeeded by tho escort of British and foreign princes. Many faces wore known, recognized and choored. This brilliant chcort was composed of tho flower of Europe's thrones. QUEEN AND HER CARRIAGE. A cheer broke forth that seemed to shake the ground, renewed again and again, as Her Majesty's carrlago ap proached. ThHT was drawn by tho famous Eighth Hanoverian horses, cream colored with long tails, white oyes and pink noses, their manes riohlv wovon with ribbons of royal bluo, with new stato harness, saddle cloths of rojrsJ hln vnlvr with rich frlnmn nt bullion, tho leather work rod morocco above and bluo morocco beneath, gilt terlng everywhere, with royal arms. Tho liveries of the postillions wero In keeping with tho harness, and cost 8t!00 eaoh. For onco slnco tho prince consort's death tho queen permitted tho mourning band to bo removed from the men's arms. The carriage in which hor majesty rodo was one with a light running body, built about a quarter of a cen tury ago, and of which her majesty is known to bo very fond. Tho body was dark claret, lined with vormlllion, tho mouldings outlined with beads of brass. Beside her majesty rodo tho Princess of Walos; opposite her maj esty, IL R. H. Princess Christian. On tho left of hor majesty rodo IT. R, n. the Duko of Cambridge, on tho right II. R. II. tho Prlnco of Wales, who was followod by tho Duko of Connaught, tho general ofllecr com manding, LONDON'S SUBMISSION. At Temple Bar, tho boundary of tho anciont city of London, tho qucon was mot by the lord mayor and city ofil- ) clals on horseback, while tho judges of tho courts and queen s counsels, in full court rcgulia, and ladles formed tho background. The "very good bye sword," known as Quoun Elizabeth's pearl sword, presented to the corpora tion by tho maiden queen at tho open ing of n royal exchange In 1570, was carried by the lord mayor. It is tlirco feet eleven Inches long, with a fine Damascus blade. On the arrival of the qucon tho lord mayor uncovorod. Approaching tho carriage of her majesty his lordship, with all due obolsance, presented tho htlt of the city's pearl sword, which was undrawn. This was the ceremony of dutiful submission. Tho queen quietly touched it, thus returning It to the lord mayor In token that his submission was graciously accepted by bis sovereign. Her majesty then com manded the lord mayor and sheriffs to proceod and the procession moved to ward St, Paul's amid cheers that seemed in tho nairow streets to bo echoed and re-echoed. Sheep are sometimes taken over a bad road to a good pasture. Quadruple Ohio Tragedy. Oai.ion, Ohio, Juno S3. Louis Sick miller was Instantly killed, and Albert Slokmlllor, Charles Pallo and George Stolnheldor wero fatally injurod by un Erio fast express near Mansfield. Tho men wore waiting for a freight, and laid down to sleep. In their sloop thoy rolled upon tho tracks, Weir York TulliirV Strike traded. NKW YoilK. Juno 23. Tho irrt tailors' strike, which at ana tlm in. volved about 20,000 hands, Is ended. The last of the cnntriintnra unrri.ri. dered to the men yestorday, HOT WORDS OVER WOOL, l'orntcrr unit AIIImiii In Itrnteil Tlrtntto KirliAiiRo VmniittnirnU. Washinoton, Juno 23. Tho wool schedulo was taken up In tho Sounto today, The lint contest camo in n motion to reduce tho rate on first class wool from 11 cents to lOccnt-ia pound. It carried by 55 to 13. Mr. Carter of Moutinn said that tho vote disclosed n purpose to reditco tho wool rates nnd served notice that n day of reckoning would como when tho combination would hear moro about tho matter, lie suggested a postponement of tho wool rate. Mr. I'ornkor of Ohio vohomontly re inforced Mr. Carter's remarks nnd aa noiwieed that unless tho agreement that he supposed had boon reached on wool should bo respected overy sena tor would have to act for himself. Mr. Allison endeavored to smooth matters and mildly resented tho sug gestion of n combination. IIo -iutl-matvd a willingness to postpone tho J I spilled rates, but with rising temper said: "Senators aro not to bo driven' nnd the Sounto Is not a good place to drive." "And thnt Is why I don't drive," ro tortcd Mr. I'oraker. "Nor will 1," came In Mr. Allison for the Hrst time, flushing anil show ing grout feeling. If thero had not boon an Insinuation of a combination he would havo moved a postponement of nil paragraphs open to tho question, but with tlio Senuto "thrown into n condition of oxcltemont" ho did not propose to submit to threats. "And, theroforo, it Is," proceeded Mr. Allison, passlonatoly; "I am not to bo driven from threats by anybody. Wo aro told wo aro In a combination and that tho combination will not voto for tho bill. I am for tho bill and expect to perfect It nnd vote for It, and 1 do not wish to bo charged as a member of the fluanco committee, di rectly or Indirectly, with dealing with this question In a covert way." Mr. Porakor, who had romalnod on his foot, replied to Mr. Allison: "If anybody Is excited wo havo to look about tho chamber to soo who tho ex cited k!rsons are.'' He proceoded to show that ontlroly new features had been proposed upon tho wool suhedulo which Senators had not had an oppor tunity to examine. Mr. Quay of Pennsylvania Inquired as to what tho ngrccinont was to which Mr. Forakcr had referred. Tho Ohio Senator said tho agree ment was Informal but Mr. Quay wan informed as to it, huvlng been invited to attend a meeting when Senators considered whut could bo douo t award an agreement on certain features of tho wool schedule. Subsequently tho result of this meeting had been laid before tho flnanco committee. "In fact, you wero present and a party to tho agreomont," said Mr. Forakcr blandly to Mr. Quay. Tho Pennsylvania Senator sat down and shook his head. GAGE'S CURRENCY PLAN. He U Jiilotly Working Out m Htlirme It l'rlnlilpul FriittircR. Washington, Juno 23. It has al ready been mado known that Secretary (inge Is at work upon tho plan for tho reform of tho cm roncy without waiting for a currency commission to bo ap pointed. It is not so well known how ever, thnt tho socretary has submitted tho main features of his plans to finan ciers In various parts of tho country In order that they may glvo him tlio benefit of their study and oxporlcnce. It is qulto likely that tho plau may bo changed somewhat when tho secretary hears from theso friends, but bankers who havo soen tho plan generally speuk favorably of It, Tho basis ot tho plan, it is said, Is tho entlro sepa ration of tho Issuo of tho bills from '.ho other functions of tho treasury. The plan includes a concession to tllvcr in that all other existing forms if silver certificates issued shall be egul tender up to that point. Many itudonts of flnanco bellovo that this ivouUl bo nccoptcd by the more mod zrato silver men ns a fair compromise. Tho curronoy will, of conrso, rest upon a gold basis, and tho secretary's plan provides that all forms of money shall have an equal value without discrim ination. COLORADO HOLIDAYS. 1'oarth or July, Th-tukiftivlnir, ChrUt inn and Other Veatal Day No Store. Dknvkh, Col.. June 23. For the on lulng two years Colorado will be dis tinguished as tho only state In tho Union whero tho Fourth of July, Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Year's, Washington's birthday and Mcmcrlal jay aro not legal holidays. Tho discovery hns Just been made that an act of tho lato Logislaturo in regard to negotiable instruments re pealed tho btatuto establishing the ubovu named holidays. Tho only legal holidays loft in Colorado aro Arbor day, Labor day and tho Saturday half holiday. Kxiy for Tommy Ityan. SritAcusK, N. V June 23. Tommy Ryan knocked out Tom Williams, champion woltorwolght of Australia, In tho first minute of tho second round of their fight beforo tho Emplro Ath letic club last night. An Inwsn HsDRed la Kfllfy. Wkiistkii Citt, Iowa, June 23. F. Ih Ycomnn, who lias been much talked of ah candidate for govornor on the fr n hllvor Democratic ticket, was hinged in cfllgy at his homo town of Ei ;le Grovo this morning to tho oloc tr. l.ght polo in front of tho Cltlj-eus' 8t..'.o bank. Officers aro trying to tra.-o tho perpetrators of the act, and Yeoman's frlonds are incensed about what they consldor an effort of their political oppononts to kill his boom for rrovornor bv trvlntr to mnkn him appear odious. M'KINLEY TO THE QUEEN, American Congratulation Motlvarail fcj Rprrlnl Knvny Hold, London, Juno 31 Prosldont Me Klnlcy has sent tho following por sonnl letter to Queen Victoria, which wns delivered to her by Mr. Whltolaw Hold, special envoy, "Great and Gool Friend: In the nntno nnd on behalf of the pcoplo ol tho United States, I present their sin cere felicitations upon the f.lxtletli an niversary of your majesty's nccesslon to tho crown of Great Britain. I ex press tho sentiments of my fellow-citizens in wishing for your people the prolongation of a rolgn Illustrious ami marked by advauco In science, arts and popular woll-belng. On bohalf ol my countrymen, 1 wish particularly to recognlzo your frlondshlp for the United States and your lovo of peace exemplified upon Important occasions. "It Is pleasing to acknowledge tho debt of gratitude and respect duo to your personal virtues. May your llfo be prolonged and pence, honor and prosperity bless tho pcoplo over whom you havo been called to rule May liberty flourish throughout your em plro, under just nnd equal lawn, and your government eontlnuo strong in tho aiToctlons of all who live under it "And I pray God to havo your maj esty in His holy keeping. "Dono at Washington, this 28th day of May, A. D. 1897. "Your good friend, j "William Moralist. BUTTERINE SALE ILLEGAL. MlMonrl'a Supreme Court Ajjaln Dtcldel That the lr la Constitutional JKi'FtnsoN Crrr. Mo.. Junn 23. In tho case of tho state vs. E. S. Nowcll, from tho city of 8t Louis, the supreme court again doolded that tho , law to provont tho sale of buttorlnn or Imlta. tlon butter in tho stato was cpnstltu- wuiiiu. xno ucicnunnt was arrested and fined 950 nt tho Instigation of Da vid 'May, agent of the stato board of agrioulturo. The main point upon wuicn tlio dcrendant rolled was that the Imitation butter was mado in Knn. sas City, Kan., and not in tho state, aim soiu by swift Jfc Co., Instead of by tho defendant Tho oninton snvs: "Thn anmn rnn. ttltutlonnl question Is mado in this caso as was urged In tho caso of Ilock- sirusK, mat of a question of fact only wns submitted wus tho solo mudo in Kansas City, Kan., or St. Louis, Mo.? According to tho defendant's own evl denco ho was not tho ngont of Swift A to. The actual vendor Is not hidden by tho transparent gloss of agency with which defendant vainly cudeav m to cover himself,, Tho facts are the defendant sent money to Kansas City, Kan., and purchased tho button luc and then retailed It nt a profit" TO BUY CUBA. Otffantlo Scheme to form a Wait India Company Kumorod, Washington, Juno 23. A story Is currant that tho sugnr trust has evolved or accepted tin ambitious sug gestion that Cuba is subitantlaily.for sale, and might as well becomo a sugar plantation for a glgantio cor poration supported by tho sympathy and the Interest of our coun try. In other words that we might havo a West India Company, as England has an Enst India company nnd a Hudson liay company, each of which aided vastly In tho ex tension ot tho llrltlsh empire. It is said that tho Spanish mlnlstor to tho Unltod States cabled recently to Mad rid reports ot tho disposition of our government to decline to interfaro by forco and also to support Cuban auton omy and that this cablo provontod the recall of Woylor. DTlie Idea under the proposed plan Is for an American syndicate to purchase Cuba from Spain for say 8100,000,000, issuing bonds in this amount, to be guaranteed by tho United States gov ernment, and tho United States to ex ercise supervision over import und ox oort duties. ANTI-JUBILEE AT DUBLIN. Irlihmen Display a Mack Via- and Record of Buffering. Duiiun, Juno 23. At a mooting held near College Green, in connection with the jubilee, a black bannor was dis played bearing the statement: "During Victoria's reign one and a half millions of people have starved in this land. Throe millions havo been ovicted, and four millions have been compollod to emigrate." A body of undergraduates who marched out from the grounds oi Trinity college, carrying a union jack, camo in collision with the crowd and there was considerable fighting. Only with difllculty did tho police restore order. The cause of tho trouble was rivalry in singing national airs. After the rumpus the crowd plodded the streets and destroyed tho decorations. Charley Hots' rather Head. ' Philadelphia, Juno 23. Christian IL Ross is dead of hoart disease at his homo on Washington avenue, German town. IIo was tho father of Charley Boss, tho famous stolen boy, and up to his last Illness ho never gavo up the search for his missing son, wbtose ab duction startled Philadelphia on July 1, 1874, and beoame an unsolved mys tery tho world over. Six Tramps Killed. Houston, Tox, June 23.-In ahead end collision near Conroe, on tho In- 'rnatloual & Great Northorn railway, i ireo white and three negro men, t imps, were killed. Tho cnglno, mail cur and six freight cars were demol ished. Ono engineer and a mall clerk und several psssengors wore slightly hurt, none seriously. Louis Henderson of Cincinnati leaped from a train at Shelbyvlllo, Ind., be fore It h .d stopped. IIo rolled under tho wl j Is and was decapitated.- 13 is svveei.Art wltnossed the tragedy, M 'I !! . r i i .V.' ,. .-aw i, h MA? i ; Vl.,5.,?, 'JiAti UtKdM&lii& IL MllTIUJIlM.lg.IMl 40k4,VmMt fll,IMfMllftllW.HIMI'MlW