NSW.WWttlBJ .vw..j!..rVHijV wwTsSSS? " I""lrt-' m w siM&mmtxztMPtoi ! -, r l THE RED CLOUD CHIEF, FRIDAY, JUNE 25, 1897. 3 . l jM I r 1 AltOTNl) TOWN. moius on liKsa 1'uitsoxAij. MMMM.M . " - w m KlH6 POWDER Absolutely Pur. Celebrated for Its great lavculngtrwigth and heaUMalncro. Aiuirce the food agalust alum and all forma of adulteration common to the ebesD brand.. 1IOYAI. I1AK1NO I'OWDKH CO., NKW YOKK. CITY NEWS. Ftod Uund of Hltio Hill was here Sumlny. Walter Cox was boro from McCook this week. Miss Webb of Omahti ts vlsltiug with Mrs. M. R. Huntley. Ben Ludlow was a Llucoln visitor the llrst of tlio week. l'abst Beer on tap at the Bohemian saloon. Alwhys fresh. Miss Dolllo Shepherdson of Rivcrton was horo the tirst of tho week. Lamber at cost itt Cowles, Nob. Closing out. A. L Illdroth, Manager. MrHs Ada Kopisch of Bluo Hill was visiting frionds hero tho first of tho week. A now sidewalk In front of Geo. W. Lindsey's meat market is a good im provement. Win. Crojtp, formerly a rcsldcatof fchis ety was down from Republican Sunday greeting old friends. Mrs. Hussongnnd daughter Noliio of Franklin, arrived on n vitit to Row Hussong and family Wednesday. Morris Storn has had tho inside of his salwon neatly papered whiok adds mack to tho leoks of that establish ment. Tho oTen built for W. S. Bouse hasJ caved in twico during Uio operation of btfildlng. Tho third time seemed to bo the eaarin. Mrs. K. Skoon, formorlv of this city, after n short visit with her sister Mrs. F. S. Henderson returned to her homo at Ulysses, Tuesday. Lumber Yard for salo ohcap for cash or will trado for good farm lands In Webster county .A. L. Hii.ouktu, Manager, Cowles, Nebraska. Sick headache can be quickly and completely overcome by using those famous little pills known as"eWltt'8 Little Early Risers." C. L. Cotting. n Tho Sunday schools of Pleasant Hill township will hold a Sunday school rally in the grove at Amboy next Sun day, June 27th. Everybody cordially invited. P. A. Hansen, our popular laundry man was in this wqek and gave us a couple of dollars on subscription to pay for his own and that of Androw Peter son of Calvert, Kansas. During the month of June I will sell everything at reduced prices. Any ar ticles at cost, and seme even below cost. Come in and boo that I mean what I say. G. A. Harbis, Cowlea, Nebraska. uv. .1. M. Darby will speaK on next Sunday evening ou "Sacred Hymns." The lecturo will bo Intorsporsod with music and will not oxoood over twenty live or thirty minutes In tewgth. Lot al ho present. There Is an Institution in Rod Cloud, r not so far from tho city but what it is of easy access, whero It is asserted both boor and whiskey is being sold, and without the formality of anything but a government license. Sovoral times yoHths of this city have been noticed to be in an intoxicated condi tion who oould not get a drop at a Itoensod saloon. While our churches arc raising monoy for "tho foreign heathen" the youth of our own city aro on tho down road to destruc tion. But this is enly ono of the peculiar things of this life Awarded Highest Honors World's Fair, Gold Medal, Midwinter Fair. CREAM BAKING POWDHt A Pure (Irapc Cream ot Tsrtnr Powder. .10 VEARS THE STANDARD. Tuk Cim.F U prepared to do join job printing Waller Kaloy and J,oe Blair were in Rivcrton last Sandav. Pabst Beer on bap at the Bohemian Saloon. Always Iresli. J. 0. Llndley is putting iu city water works at his restaurant. Pabst beer on tap at Bohemian saloon. 5 cents a glass. Beer at wholesale at M.GO per.keg at the Sonth Side Sample Room. The county board has advertised fer bids for the orection of a poor house. Just received a car load of Studeba kcr buggies and wagons at Petersons. Sheriff Rrinchey ou Monday took Joe Cummins to the insane hospital at Lin coln. Tho earponters and other workmon have been busily engaged this week lixing up tho Penman buildings. A number of our young people spent a very pleasant afternoon yesterday picnlcing In the grove at Amboy. Household goods and farmturo for sale. Inqulro at residence of O. C. Bull, llrst door north of county jail. When you want a nice smooth shavo or hair cut, give Geo. Fenireo a call. Ono door south of the Ben Ton Bakery. G. W. Liudscy who has hcen m Cripplo Creek for a month past look ing after mbning tarercsts is homo again. This week tho firm of Calmes & Wig gins was dissolved by Mr. Calmos buy ing Mr. Wiggins' interest iu tho res taurant. Tho Union Firolnsurauco Company is tlto best mutual. Combine risks; in installments 8 per cent. J. H. Smith, Special Agent. Postoflko hours for Saturday, July 8rd, Celebration Day, fcom 8 n.m. to 15 m., and from 0 p.m. to 7 p.m. F. W. Cowdkn, P. M. Elmer Huron of Philadelphia has ac cepted a position in tho liquor house of M. M. Stern. Ho is not a stranger to Hed Cloud, haviug resided here several years ago. Married by Uev. A. G. Blackwellat his residence ki Ked Claud on Sat urday, Juno 10th, 1807, Mr. John H Wilmot to Miss Uosa Campbell both of Webster ttounty. ,. J. H. Smith writes combined insvtr- anco for a term of llvo yoars at 3 per cent. On schools houses, etmrches nnd farm property on the installment plan. Drop him a card.at Rod Cloud, Nob. Pension agont Porter informs us that he is getting quite a number of pensions reinstated that had been dropped frm the rolls and dniug con siderable good work for the old sol diers. Elsewhere in this issue will bo found a call for a meeting of the Red Cloud Republican Club, to be held at the court houso this evening. Back mem ber of the club should be present and take part in tho meeting. Out of about, four Uindied boys who had their girls out buggy rkllug hist Sunday only ono was notloed particu larly ns lie passed up and down the street. Ho hud one of tboso Studo hakor buggies that torson soils. If ti republican paper would make slighting remarks in regard to a popu list mooting and its members what a howl there would be, but it is all right for an idiotic populist editor to roast a meeting to bo hold by republicans. At tho mealing of tho city council last Wednesday evening it was de cided to notify properly owners wha have poor sidewalks to tlx Uuin up, and if they did not fix thorn tho city iix them and assess tho cost against tho properly as tuxes. A. 11. Patter, with E. C. Atkins & Co., Indianapolis, Ind., writes: "I have no vor before si veil a testimonial in my life. But I will say that for Urreo years wo have never been with out Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy iu Uie bouse, and my wife would as soon think of being without flour as a bottle of this remedy in the suraiuor soasoa. Wo have used it with all three of our children nnd it has never failed to cure not simply stop pain, but cure absolutely. It is all right, ard any ono who trios it will find it so." For solo by H. E. Grlcc, Druggist. Tho hobo who comes into tho print ing office aud calls for exchanges has a now explanation for the use of them says an exchange. When usked if ho wanted the old papers in order to read the society notes or to find the location of a bath house, "Naw," hereplied, "lo side door sleepers on dese railroads are so dirty that we want 'em to put on de floor to keep our clothes clean, see? Give us Pop sheets if ycr got any; dere softer, the aigument ain't solid nnd de facts ain't do cold kind dat knocks us silly; au' do points don't stick opt enough to hurt i.h, soeT It's just like luyin' on a pneumatic bod, I ore's m much wind about 'em," Or. Price's Cream Baking Powder K I'uie 1rope Cream J Tartar powder. Kansas City this wuck. Frank Dnschow uf Blue Hill was here this week. JohuS. Marsh of Guide Hock was here Wednesday. Mrs. E. K. Butrif Guide Hock was in tho city Wednesday. do to G. A. Harris, Cowles, Neb., for inrts and caps at cost. Pabst Beer on lap at the Bohemian sti.iion. Always fresh. Bei' at wholesale al J. 00 per lug at the South Sldo Sample Room. Seward Gather came it. this morn ing from his homo in Colorado. Mis. M. F. Jenkins mother of tho editor of tho Argus is bore on u visit. Buckeye binders and mowers, tho best on earth for sale by Jus. Peterson. Bert Llndley of Kiverton was here tho tirst uf the week visiting relatives. Mis. II. L. Davison of Lincoln Is hero visliiug with tho family of J. A. 'Pul leys. Alox Bcutley of Lincoln, a former Bed Cloud boy was hero tho last of the week. Beer sold at tho South Side Sample Room in quantity fiom ono keg to one million. Hurry Couovcr day for u visit departed last Sittur with relatives and friend in Illinois. Miss Jessio Grunt of St. Joe. Mis souri, is visiting iu the city this wock the guest of Miss Ethel Hosaiur. The Orange Judd Fanner uud the American Agriculturalist Almanac to gotlicr with Tho Chirk for $1.85. Adam Coleman et Snutu Ann, Cali fornia, is visiting in tho city tho guest of C. M. Smith and Chas. Calmcu. C. L. Cotting, solo agent, will refund your money if not satisfied after using one bottle of Dr. Fonners fummis modi cino. Mrs. Allan Ayers who has been tak ing treatment at tho Lincoln sani tarium arrived home again Saturday evening. Why try to harvest your crop of small grain with an old binder when Jas. PetersoH soils new ones as cheap as ho does now. After a very short illness tho infant datightor of Mr. and Mrs. Jno. Dicker son passed away ou Saturday night last. The funeral services were hold Sunday nfterouou. The American Agriculturist Almanac a book which treats on hundreds of subjects, The Orange Judd Farmer, one of tho best farm papers published and Tho Chisk all ono year for 11.85. Wnlt Warren of Superior isn't mar ried, but nevertheless the boys hero aftor hearing the report soot a number of congratulatory messages down to him. Anyhow who knows but what the rumor had some foundation and the next time may bo true. List of letters remaining uncalled for at tho postofllce at Red Cloud, Neb raska, for the wookj ending Juno 24th, 1807. J. M.Smith. These letters will be sent to the dead letter ofllwo July 0th, if not called for before. Frank W. Cowdbn, P. M. Tho Firo Department are making ar rangements to accommodate the lar gest crowd over witnessed in Rod Cloud on tho Fourth of July. Amuse ments will bo on hand for all classes from the morry-go-ground for tho young people, bowery dance for tho lovers of dancing and good speaking uud other amusements for tho older ones. If you want to have n good timn como to Rod Cloud to celebrate. Losing" Flesh You naturally lose flesh In the summer and running down Is so easy. You get a little weaker each day without hard ly noticing It. There is loss ol appetite, headache, weakness of the muscles, disturbed sleep, weakness of memory, and these are the beginning of nervous prostration. Iron and tonics and bitters may afford some temporary relief, but what you need Is a food for body, brain and nerves. of Cod-liver Oil with the Hy pophosphttes, furnishes Just the nourishment needed for those who are run down and pale and thin and weak. If you lose flesh in summer take Scott's Emul sion now. Don't wait till fall or winter before beginning. I'or Rule at joo. and Ji.oo by al) druiajUU C. B. Clone was In CARBOLINBUM AVENARIUS. THE ONLY PRACTICAL WOOD PRESERVER. Fence pnsts.tlonrs, sidewalks, sleepers, etc., will never rot if coated with this preparation. Will prevent contagious dis eases iu stables and pens. Sure death to chicken lico nnd mites and prevents diseaio. Mice and rats will not touch It. Sold only by C L. Catting, nRuaaisT. Real Estate Men. As announced last week the party of land buyers from tho cast arrived in tho city on Sunday morning's train, accompanied by 1). J. Myers and O. W. Kuley who had gone to Orleans on Sat urday cvoiiingtomccl tluini. On Sunday they weroshown over the county by tho former named gentleman nnd many were tho complimentary remarks this vicinity reeoived on tho uppearanco of crons, etc., as compared with Illinois nnd other custom states. Sovoral of the party departed with tho avowed in tention of roUirniug to Wobstercounty and locating. This is only ono of the numerous excursions of visitors that will view Nebraska this summer nnd Rod Cloud should do nil In Its power to entertain them while hero umt otTor thom Homo Inducement to return tiud locate. Nothing speaks so well with strangers as to bo socially received and ably entertained. Dramatic Recital. Following is tho program of tho en tortaiumout to bo given at tho Congre Rational liuvcli next Tuesday orouing, Juno 29th, by Miss Jcunetto Dilloy. Organ Solo Bclcr Um1 ri',rneo (,'rtlliu, UaoilhiR. ... . "Vleturof MiiretiKo." .MIvf.lcaiii'ltoDllliijr. Male (iimrtcttti "In M Madrid." Mi'tum. AMjrlKlit, CuUIhk, Vultoa, Albright. ( a-1rlli-"TticCrio'R UuUjotiaV' DIulecK ti Scott h-"CHdaio Uoon." ( -l)iirkle-"Whcii Do Folk Is bob'." MIbh Dilloy. Soprano Solo "The Mlanlon of a Hnu." MIm Lillian Smith. Monologue.. .......FloerHciie From Iugomar MlisDIlley. Mandolin aad (lultar Duet ...................Selected Mature. Cowdeti, Mollrlde. Humor "Mice at Pla" MUiDIMej. Duet ................. -'Happy Thou Pate Moon" Means. Cottlog, Albright. Two Icanei From "Tho lllraU " Mfca Dlller. Soprano Sle... A Madrigal Aaitdlng . Anonymous Miu DUIey. Admission DO and 80 cents. Re served seats on sale at Cottlug. Obituary. ttii8an Do Fisher died at her homo on Indian crock, Juno 8th, 1807, aged 43 years, 8 months and 20 days. Tho deceased was born in Ruin bridge, Ptttman county, Indiann, Sep tember 19th, 1854, and moved to Glen wood, Iowa, iu 18041. At klio ago of Biuotoen she united with tho linptist church at that place and on coining to this county in '73 she united with the Baptist church al Red Cloud. She was a consistent member and christian to Uio timoof hor death, a great lover of the houso of God aud when possible was always found there. During her last sickness she mani fested great patienco. She said she was willing, ready and soiaotlmos almost anxious to bo tit rest and told weoping friends not lo weop nnd mourn for her for she was ready to live if it was God's will and just ns ready to go whenever Ho called for hor, and t hor friends who cnaio in she said: "Our meeting and parting is almost over, hut I am ready to go nnd I want to meet you all iu heaven." A ureut many times duriug her last illness, although n person who never sang, she sang, "Jesus Lover of My Soul," often repenting, "Other Refuge Have I None," two or three times. Her pastor being absent her funeral was preached at her home by Rev. Blackwoll, from two of her fuvorlto texts found iu Rev. 14:18 "Blessed me the dead which die iu the Lord from heuofortb; Yea salth the Spirit thev rest from their labors and their works do follow them," also Matt. 24:44 "Thereforo be ye also ready for in such an hour as yo think not the Son of man comoth." After which her re mains were convoyed to tho Indian ereek graveyard followed by a largo concourse of relatives and friends. We wish to thank tho kind fricuds nnd neighbors who so kindly aided us during tliu sickness and douth of our loved one and especially would wo thank Mrs. Lea, Mrs, Scott, Mrs. Mot calf nnd Mrs, Rauiov for their aid MoriiKit, Sisri'.us and Biiothuu, Dr. I'rlcc'8 Crenm Baking Powder WW'd's Pair Hldiest Award. 8oo - PAIRS OF PANTS! Closing out at Less Than Cost at WIENERS. 1 Vkw a Commencing and continuing up to! and including j' will be your opportunity to purchase Millinery Goods n For the dates above we will place our en tire stock in the millinery department OAT SALE AT COST ! We Have All sizes, kinds and prices. They are Being Sold at Cost. MINER - BROS. t , June 28 Tuesday, July 6th. Umbrellas -?' H i "Ift , ''Al , i'i ,w m , '.I 'I J 1 J iduA t JBET4U...1 ! tf Jfey mnimttm sMiiwimwi Murrain