The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, June 25, 1897, Page 3, Image 3

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Fourteen-Year Olil Mary laughlln Sur
prise and Delights an Aadlcnce She
If Religiously Inclined nml Will Mot
On on the Since.
T. LOUIS hns a
whistler In little
14-yenr-old Mnry
Hood Laughlln,
who promises to
equal, If not rival,
world famous Mrs.
Shaw. This little
girl Is the grand
daughter of the
Rev. and Mrs.
William Johmson,
and makes her home with them at
2729 Chestnut street, says the Post
Dispatch. Her father and mother went
to China as missionaries, and It was
there that little Mary was born. Her
mother died when she was quite young,
and her father brought her hero to be
raised by Mrs. Johnson. He then re
turned to his missionary labors among
the Heathen Chinee. When threo
years old, Mary showed a marked tal
ent for music, and It was at this age
her grandmother first noticed her fol
lowing the notes played on a violin
by a member of the family. She would
pucker up her baby mouth and whistle
like a young mocking bird learning Ub
first lesson. The family did not ad
hero to the old adage about "a whistl
ing woman," but encouraged tho llttlo
whistler. She has nover received any
training or instructions, picking up
the tunes whlBtlcd by tho boys on tho
streets and popular songs. Mary Is
now a plump, healthy-looking girl with
gray eyes and brown hair. Up to the
age of 10 she was very frail. Her fam
ily attribute her Improvement to the
lung expansion resulting from her
whistling. She has a tasto for piano
music and accompanies herself when
whistling. Sho also has a sweet voice
and sings well for one so young. She
Is now able to whistle most difficult
music and carries her high notes with
a volume and clearness equal to tho
best male whistlers. They are as clear
and musical as those of a mocking
bird. Sho does not whistle in that
matter-of-fact drawling tone common
to girls who attempt to whistle like
their big brothers, but every note is
distinctly heard just as it Is written
In the piece of music she Is whistling.
She has never whistled beforo any
but audiences at Sunday-school enter
tainments and a few friends until last
Thursday night. On this occasion sho
took a prominent part in the program
at Mary Institute with her Bchool com-
panions, Repeated encores brought
her back before the audience with a
more difficult piece eachjlmo for the
enjoyment of tho audience. Such
range In whistling as little Mary has
is seldom heard in men. She Is a
pupil of Mary Institute and is quite
a favorite among her teachers and
classmates. She responds smilingly to
a request for an exhibition of her
s whistling and never falls to startle her
hearers with her marvelous gift. Mary
Is a modest little miss and has not
yet reached the age where most girls
become stage-struck the moment they
think they have, a good volco or talent
of any kind. Her family are church
people of standing and would never
hear to such a suggestion as her avail
ing herself of her whistling to make
i fortune behind the footlights.
A In Day of Old.
"I can undoubtedly clear you, my
dear fellow," said the lawyer, "but It
will require a considerable sum of
money to perfect your defense."
"I have only a small amount with
me," replied the scion of a wealthy
family, who had wandered, away from
home and tho path of integrity, "but
my father will honor my draft for any
sum within reason."
"Then," returned tho disciple of
Coke, Littleton et al., promptly, "draw
and defend yourself." New York
Old Ilooki In California.
Moro rare and interesting books, It
is said, can be round on tho shelres of
7 the old book stores In San Francisco
cept New York. This is accounted for
by tho fact that many families who
went to California In '49 have been
forced through reverses of fortune to
dispose of persona property, books
among tho rest.
The Widow of a Mormon.
- RCIlOneri iuu iuuh. uimu, vruait)
lU. y the matter? Utah Congressman: One
L.W- . ,,, .nnaHtiiinta has lust died. He
was a soldier in the Civil War and all
of his twelve widows want pensions.
The Australian Dark Bill CarrlM a
Btlug In One Brg.
Australia certainly holds tho palm
for queer and uncouth nnlmals, says
the Literary Digest. Chief among
theso Is the duckbill or ornlthorhyn
chus, which Sidney Smith described
as "a kind of mole nnd webbed feet
and tho bill of a duck, which agitated
Sir Joseph Banks nnd rendered him
miserable from his utter Inability to
decldo whether It wns a bird or a
benst." It was only recently thut It
was proved beyond a doubt that this
curious animal lays eggs like a bird,
though this had long been reported by
travelers. Now comes tho nowB that
It has a sting on Its hind leg, capablo
of killing by its poisonous effects. We
quote from the Lancet:
"For a long time It was considered to
bo quite harmless and destitute of any
weapon of offense, although tho hind
legs of the males were armed with a
powerful spur, apparently connected
with a gland. Then the opinion was
ndvaaccd that this might be a weapon
allied to the poisonous armory of
snakes, scorpions and bees, all of which
possess n sort of hypodermic poison
syringe. Though one set of observers
asserted that this wbb tho case, an
other set denied, and so Dr. Stuart de
termined, It possible, to solve this ques
tion. He received two Independent ac
counts, which coincided perfectly, nnd,
from them he concludes that at certain
seasons, at nil events, the secretion Is
virulently poisonous. This modo of at
tack 1b not by scratching, but by lat
eral Inward movements of the hind
legs. Two cases aro reported in dogs.
One dog was 'stung' threo times, the
symptoms much resembling thoso of
bee or hornet poison. The dog was evi
dently In great pain and very drowsy,
but there were no tremors, convulsions
or staggering. It is worthy of note that
a certain immunity seems obtainable,
for tho dog Buffered less on the second
occasion and still less on the third.
Two cases of men being wounded are
reported, in both of which the animals
wero irritated, one by being shot and
handled, the other by being handled
only; tho symptoms wero the same aa
In the dog. No deaths are reported Id
human beings, but four in dogs."
How 100 Women Were Lured to Ore
gon by Skillful Strategy.
There are plenty of women In Oregon
now," observed a promlpent Oregon
politician who Is In Washington to see
that the state is not forgotten In tho
manner of patronage, says the Wash
ington Star, "but It 1b within the mem
ory of many cl us when women wero
very scarce there. We gave It out that
wo wanted them for school, teachers
and the like, and encouraged them to
come out tliftre, but tho truth was the
men wanted them for wives.
"I remember once we sent a young
man to Massachusetts, where ho was
well acquainted, with orders to collect
100 young women and to escort them
back to Oregon. We guaranteed every
one of them a year's employment The
active man in tho matter was a line
looking young man, who afterward
served two torros In congress from our
state. Ho spent two months In select
ing tho party and started west with
"On the trip out he courted ono of
tho school teachers on his own book
and actually got her consent to a mar
riage on the arrival of the train nt
Portland. The boys howled consider
ably about It, claiming that he had
treated them unfairly in having first
choice, but there was a lot of fine, mar
riageable material left. Some of those
women are today tho leading ladles of
tho Boclety of the state. More than
throo-fourths of the hundred woro mar
ried inside of three years and 'many In
less than one year. A few of the lot,
however, are teaching school there to
day, not that they did not have any
offers, but because they would not ac
cept any of the fellows who offered
"Now that Senator Mitchell has about
given up his contest to return as sen
ator ho will likely be succeeded by a
gentleman who married one of the par
ty of school-teachers to which I refer.
He will bring his wife here with him
and your Washington folks can see for
themselves the kind of ladles we had
out there for school-teachers. They
can't bo surpassed, even If equaled,
anywhere. I may be an Interested per
son, though, for It happens that my
wife was one of the party."
Reading a Library to Write One Norek
The amount of labor that goes to
the making of a good historical novel
Is rather deterrent to the writer of Ac
tion who Is used to turning out regu
larly two novels a year. It Is so much
cosier to make over again, with a little
Imagination, the characters and Inci
dents that one has picked up In tho
ordinary course of llfo and travel.
Thackeray somewhere tells of tho tre
mendous amount of reading that went
Into the caldron before "Esmond" was
brewed. And a little while ago an
aged librarian related his surprise at
the research the great novelist carried
on, month after month, In his accumu
lation of historical details. A whole
chapter could be written In the time
devoted to verifying a detail of cos
tume or the turn of an antique phraso.
Moreover, tho historical novelist real
izes that he Is taking this tremendous
amount of pains for a very few peo
ple; that hardly one In a thousand of
bis readers cares for more than the
skill with 'which he tells the story.
But that cne Is the man who will tell
tho next generation, with authority,
that the book is worth preserving.
Ladles' Home Journal.
The Mississippi Easily the Most Unruly
Stream lu the World Efforts of tho
(loTernment to Krep It Within It
Hi: Mississippi is
probably Uio most
rcmurkablo river In
tho world, The
Nile, which it re
sembles moro near
ly than any other
stream, is noted for
the regularity with
which it overflows
Its banks nnd re
cedes ngaln to Its
former course. This yearly action of
the Nilo In flooding the adjacent coun
try and leaving it covered, when It
withdrew, with a surface of rich, fer
tile mud, made a deep Impression upon
tho ancient Egyptians and they wor
shiped the river as a great god. The
Mississippi nctB In tho same way, with
tho exception that It Is ns Irregular and
uncertain as the Nile Is regular and
certain. It. Is also, In conjunction with
tho Missouri, tho longest stream In tho
world, having n total length of 4,200
While the Nile has been rolling along
for agoa In the samo channel, the Mis
sissippi has been roaming all over Its
valley, twisting hither and thither,
building up banks nnd then cutting
through them nnd suddenly abandon
ing tho old channel for a new one. It
Is doing tho samo thing todny, and for
tho last thirty years tho government
and its ablest engineers havo been
studying tho difficult problem of how
to mako tho Mississippi river stay
whore it is and keep within Its bank.
Tho cause of tho trouble lies In the
largo amount of silt, a fine earthy sedi
ment, or slime, which tho Mississippi
la constantly carrying down nnd
emptying Into the sea. The vast
length of the Mississippi and Its tribu
taries, measuring 9,000 miles of navi
gable waters aad draining an area of
1,244,000 squaro miles, must account in
a largo part for tho great quantity of
this matter, but oven when these facts
are considered tho estimate must still
1 ,
appear enormous. It is Btated by ex
perts who have made long and careful
observations that tho matter thus car
ried down by tho Mississippi in a single
year amounts to a solid mass ono mile
square and 163 feet deep. This sedi
ment Is being constantly deposited
along the shores and upon tho bars
aptt islands that abound in this re
markable stream. Most of It, however,
Is carried down to the gulf, where It Is
added to that already there, forming
the delta. This process has been go
ing on for auch a long time that the
delta, which at some former age was
located in the vlnclnlty of the Red
river, has been moved Into the Quit
oi Mexico a distance of 300 miles or,
more. All the country on both side
of the river for tkl's 300 miles has been
built A In this way. The land upon
which' the city of New Orleans la situ
ated, is part of this territory which
the river has made.
Along the lower course of tht Mis
sissippi the natural banks of tho river
aro in many cases In the nature of
levees, having been added to by tho
stream until they aro higher than the
surrounding country. The strange
phenomenon of having to walk "up''
to the shoro of the river, Instend of
"down," 1b frequently met with In this
part of the country. But the very
nature of the soil with which the bars,
Islands and banks of the Mississippi
havo been built make them oi very
uncertain length of life. Being com
posed In the first place of so much
water and being deposited In or near
the river, it is very soluble. Tho water
enters Into it easily, undormlnes and
eats It away until suddenly the bank,
Island or bar gives way and In a few
moments the course of tho river under
goes a great change.
It Is this uncertain habit the river
has of suddenly shifting its course or
changing its appearance that adds an
clement of danger to llfo In Its vicinity
and makes It so difficult to navigate.
Sometimes a steamboat In coming up
the stream will pass directly over the
pot where stood an Island when It
passed down a few days before. Or
perhaps It will And a new Island or bar
where the water was formerly clear,
S " """-x.
or have to sail over what was bofort
a farm or plantation, and leave tho
previous course some distance to one
Bide. This hns frequently led to dis
putes and law sulta between farmers
whoso InndR hid been seized by the
river and thoso on the other side who
suddenly found largo tracts of rich, fer
tllo soil added to their domains
To this habit tho river linn of deposit
ing sediment along Its banks must also
bo ascribed the numerous twlBtlngn nnd
turnings In (lie channel which follow
ono another so closely. A pmnll bar oi
other obstruction starting out from the
shore catches the silt ns It comes down
nnd soon bulldr. up a curving bank that
turns tho com so of the strenm. Still
tho water keeps adding more matter to
It nnd extending It further and further
around until tho river In flowing In an
opposite direction to that It ought to
fallow. Sometimes It almost describes
a complete circle before it Ib turned
again lu tho right direction. The
wholo course of tho Mississippi, from
the mouth of tho Missouri down, is n
series of large, graceful bends, one after
another. Tho distance from St. Ixutls
to tho sea ns tho river makes tho Jour
ney Is 1,300 miles, but lu n Btralght
line It Is not quite 700 miles. Thus,
because of tho obstructions which tho
river Is constantly carrying down and
placing In Its own pnth, It Is obliged
to travel nearly twice as far as Is neces
sary between these two points.
Look on any large mnp of the Mis
sissippi valley south of Mnson nnd
Dixon's line, you will sec on either
sldo of tho rlcr, and quite distinct
from it, n lnrgo number of small, cir
cular lakes. Some of these havo mere
ly n Blight bend, whllo others hnvo tho
Bhnpo of horscshoeB. These crescent
shaped lakes Indicate the fart that ut
sometime lu tho past they formed pait
of the courso of the Mississippi, But
finding that It wns going in tho wrong
direction, tho river must hnvo broken
a new path through Its soft bnnks and
left the curve to ono side. Resides
these "cut-offs," ns they are callod, a
great number of peculiar mounds, such
as form tho bnnks of the stream, are
scattered through tho territory ad
jacent to the river, showing that the
Mississippi must have passed over a
good part of the valley nt different
times in tho past whllo on Its way to
the sea.
This fact explains tho remnrkable
fertility of tho land near tho lower
Mississippi. A great part of it has
been built entirely of this rich river de
posit, as tho delta Is being built at
PsieBont, while the rest has been thick
ly coated with It during tho various
times that It formed a part of tho river
bed. This part of the valley Is ac
knowledged to bo the most productive
land in the world. It is composed
largely or mineral substances, but con
tains also considerable vegetable mat
ter, making It the richest fertilizer
known. It grows wheat, corn, cotton,
sugar, rlco and all manner of vegetables
In wonderful profusion and In a very
short time. One acre produocs
seventy bUBbels of wheat In a single
xrop, whereas thirty buahols is con
sidered good In other places.
No ono can find any fault with tho
conduct of tho Mississippi In former
times, for it has made the country
thtough which it flows worthy of Its
tltlfi,."Tho Garden of the World." But
now things are different. Tho land
hns all been occupied, tho people are
engaged In tilling the soil and they
wnnt tho river to leavo them alone.
They would like It to forego the wan
dering habits of its youth and settle
down into one certain course. Dut this
the liver Is loath to do. Many schemes
havo been suggested for compelling it
to stay where it is, but the levee and
Jetty system seemB to be the only
feasible- one,
1 The first levee was built as long ago
an 1717. In that year Do la Tour, n
Ficnch engineer, constructed one about
a mile long for tho protection of the
infant city of New Orleans. From that
small beginning they havo been gradu
ally added to until now they extend up
the cnBt bank almost to Memphis, and
up the west bank to a point opposite
the mouth ot the Ohio. But althougn
they aro being strengthened each year,
they are still far from perfect. They
havo to stand an enormous pressure,
especially In flood time, and as the
only earth available for their con
struction Is the soft soil that Is found
In the vicinity of the rlvor, they are
easily acted upon by the wator.
Tho clearing away of obstructions In
the rivers all over tho northern part
ot the touatry and the destruction of
thr forests are supposed to contribute
largely to tho nevcrlty of the floods ol
Into yenrs. Tho spring rnlns that
formerly took mouths to reach the
main river arc now precipitated al
most at once upon tho lower Mississip
pi, causing grent destruction of life
nnd property. If all this extra water
could bo carried off ns fast as It nr
ilcs, thcro would be no danger, but
owing to tho tortuous nature of the
channel and tho obstructions of tho
deltn, IIiIr Is Impossible.
In 1875 congress authorized Capt.
Hndb to begin tho ronHtrurtlon of Jet
tics In the branches of tho delta. When
tl-u river reaches tho delta It divides
and flows Into the sen through flvo dif
ferent outlets, called passes. In these
paseB dipt. Ends built long wnlls of
masonry, confining tho stream to a
nnrrow channel. This hnd tho effect
of quickening the current, which
Rcoured out tho bottom of tho chnnncl,
deepening It and carrying off all ob
structions. Extensive dredging opera
tions wero nlso begun for clearing tho
passes nnd allowing tho water to reach
the gulf moro quickly.
Theso arc tho plans upon which tho
work of confining tho Mississippi to Its
present channel Is being carried on.
Hut It will probably be somo ttmo be
fore tho levees and Jetties aro of suffi
cient strength nnd extent to removo nil
dnugcr of floods Whether tho current
can bo quickened enough to enrry of!
all tho sediment nnd thus removo the
pomlblllty of shifting bars nnd chang
ing the chnnnol Is a doubtful question
The Diseases of Modern and the Health
or Clnsslo Htylea.
Modern literature hns been moro or
Iosb sontlmentnl slnco Potrnrch, n mor
bidly subjective strain has existed In
It bUico Rousseau, whllo of late a qual
ity Is beginning to appear which wo
cannot better describe tbnn as neurotic,
Bays tho Atlantic. Wo simply say, to
paraphrase an utterance of Chamfort's,
that tho success of somo contemporary
books Is duo to tho correspondence that
exlBtB between tho Btato of tho author's
nerves and tho stato of tho nerves
of tho public. Spiritual despondency,
which, under tho namo of acedia, was
accounted ono of tho seven deadly sins
during tho middle nges, has como In
theso later dnys to be one of tho main
resources of literature. Llfo Itself has
recently been defined by one of tho
lights of tho French deliquescent
school ns "an .epileptic lit between two
It Is no small resource to be ablo to
escapo from theso miasmatic exhala
tions of contemporary literature Into
the bracing atmosphere of the classics,
for of him who has caught the pro
founder teachings of Greek literature
wo may say, In tho words of the "lml
tatlon," that he Is released from a mul
titude of opinions. Wo may apply to
authors llko Sophocles and Plato, and
to thoso who havo penetrated thelri
deeper meaning the langungo the Budd
hists used to describe their poffect
sage langungo which will at onco re
mind tho scholar of tho beginning of
the second book of Lucretius: "When
tho lenrned man has driven away van
ity by enrnestness, ho, the wiso, climb
ing tho terraced heights of wisdom,
toojts down upon tho fools. Serena ho
looks upon tho tolling crowd, ns one
that stands on a mountain looks down
on them that stand upon tho plain."
An Inquiry.
Inventor This is a new gas meter.
While the gas Is burning the meter ac
quires such a momentum that it keepw
going after the gaa has been turned
off. Qas Official I understand. But
In what respect doeB It differ from tho
meters now In use?
Information Jnd Advice.
Jones I think you are carrying too
heavy an account In your bank:. I've
heard some unfavorable rumors as to
Its solvency. Smith Nonsense! I am
a director of tho bank. Jones I know.
That's why I thought I'd give you a
Make a call too short, rather than
be yawned out.
Whoever knows God well wants to
know Him better.
Somo would rather face a cannon
than tholr own evils.
Prayer Is always easy, when we
kneel on praying ground.
Our prayers for guidance will not bo
heard, unless we are willing to bo
The man who knows how to llvo
well, will not havo to learn how to die
Tho devil has to fight hard for all
he gets In every home where Christ Is
In the robin redbreast speaks the
samo Christ who came to "seek and
Nature is God; botany and geology
aro man's; so religion is divine; theol
ogy human.
Tho prohibition that gives society
tho children who never Baw a drunk
ard can't be Buch a failure.
Tho Creator expends so" much force
In sunsets and apple blossoms that
tbero must bo some great use in mere
It you want to know the spring,
open your heart; so, also, it you would
know ChrlBt, Knowledge bloats; love
God never made tho world for an
apothecary shop or a chomlcal labora
tory, but for a temple: tho final word
of nature Is spiritual. Ram's Horn.
A Kansas City barber has put up a
blackboard on which ho dally bulletins
tho fresh local and general sows
brought In by customers and caught
over the telephone.
There Is No Stay, nnd After Sentane)
Has Iteen Pronounced, tho Culmloai
tloil Quickly follows Horrible Cratlfc
In the Land of the Nliali.
EW explorers ana
travelers hnvo giv
en accounts of the
various kinds ot
cnpltnl punishment
suffered by crimin
als In Bcml-bar-barous
For horrlblo anA
unbridled cruelty
ln,t modes ot put
ting criminals to
death tho chief dishonor should be
awarded to tho land of the lion and
tho nun Persia. In Bagdad In July,
1888, tho writer was ordered to pro
ceed to Teheran, tho capital of Per
sia, on business connected with a for
eign embassy at that city. He re
counts what ho Baw In Persia In the
Crossing tho 8hat-el-Arab river, we
loft tho land of the Turk and wero on
Persian soil, At Shiraz, a small town,
I saw for tho first time n Persian exe
cution. For attacking a foreigner's
commercial agent with a sword, Ya
ccob Khan, a Persian date merchant,
suffered death. Tho culprit had been
taken to Teheran, loaded with chains,
hnd thoro been tried for his offense
and was Roijt back to Shiraz to be ex
ecuted. At 'about 3 o'clock in the af
ternoon we saw somo burly Arabs
carrying a huge cauldron toward tht
town square, In the center ot v.hlca
was an Iron grating, raised about two
feet. On this tho cauldron was de
posited and the Arabs proceeded to
chain It securely to large stakes. A
tow minutes more and the culprlt.-bent
with tho weight of chains, moved Into
Bight between two monster Nubian
eunuchs, who wero carrying bundles
ot brush and wood, others bearing
buckets of oil. Tho procession ended
with tho Cadi, or Judgo of Shiraz, and
a tow guards and soldiers. On the ar
rival of tho Cndl at the center of tho
square tho guards at onco seized tho
prisoner and, after tying his feet, lift
ed and put him In tho cauldron. Ills
hands wero then chained to two rings,
on tho edge pf the huge kettlo and
tho coolies began to move forward
Those of tham who were carrying oil
emptied It Into the cauldron, tho oth
ers piled the wood and brush under
and around the big vessel. The Cadi
then took a lighted torch and pushed:
It In to the heap ot fuel under the caul
dron and the flames began to dance,
to the Intense enjoyment of the assem
bled crowd. In halt an hour the oil
became so hot that the yells of the
man were agonising. Ten minutes lat
er the victim's cries becaa to crow
fainter and fainter, till at last they
ceased. The man was dead. It Is a far
cry from Persia ' to Nepaul, India.
Nevertheless wc will take a look at an
execution In the country of the Goor
kas. We were on a hunting expedition
and after two days' shooting we ar
rived at a small town called Gunga
Hat The place was u a great state of
excitement over a trial ot a man for
the crime of assaclt. After a trial the
accused was convicted and sentenced
to die the death of the "Hatl ka pao,"
or elepbant'a foot. One hour aftor the
trial tho condemned was led out for
execution. A Very fine elephant was
brought up an-t the wretched culprit
was attached by each leg to each hind
leg of the elephant by a length of about
12 feet of chain. The elephant was then
sent at a Jog trot for about a quarter
ot a mile, with the wretch of a vic
tims dragging at his heels. Tho beast
was then stopped nnd the condemned
mai, more dead than alive, and groan
ing with agony, was released from his
chains. Then began the refinement of
cruelty. Tho culprit was revived with
copious draughts of milk and arrack,
a BUbstltuto for whisky, and was
brought back on a Btretcher to the
starting point. After he had rovlved
sufficiently to be able to speak, his vic
tim, ot about 12 years ot age, was
brought forward and Identified the
assailant. Then the last act began. A
large, flat, circular stone was rolled
forward and the condemned man, with
his arms and legs tied, was laid at full
length on his back on the ground, with
his head on the stone. The elephant
then came up with mahout, or keep
er, on hlB back, and at the word ot
command placed one of his enormous
forefeet on the condemned man's
face. One Instant and the mighty
brute thiew the whole of his weight
on to the foot, and all that was left of
the wretched, victim's bead was an wa
recognizable pulp. '
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