The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, June 25, 1897, Image 1

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    f to
I A.
icfpmvvm AVar
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ts,jimgp ' ''. HMBiaHIHIHH,HBaBHHBaaaaBaavaaBaBlBBaiiaiaiaiaiaiaiaiaiaiaiaiaiaH
jmm&&w& w m$wmiiMZtfw$
fot Weather
Coats and
: m
$?' trinity Df perfect dressing Diagonals,
j$j Skrges, Alpacas, Mohairs, Etc., just
i from the factories. Nothing ' newer or
yj fresher and the prices, they would seem
M less than cost if we didn't know how to
m buv. Todav is vour day for satisfaction. w.
1 i
1 Chicago Store. 1
Commisslaners Proceedings.
Counly commlssioneis mot in regu
lar session Juno 21it, with nil members
Board adjourned in order in appraise,
school lundri to meut again Tuesday
morning at 0 o'clock.
Boaid met Tuesday morning and
ti'iinsiictcd tlit) following business:
The following school lands woio ap
praised as follows towit; nej sef85-l-0,
vn ha $0.50 per note.
(5 A H.inls appeared Imforc tho
bonid and represented that ho was as
sessed on mcrchandisu in tho village
of Cowles for tho year 1804 at $1,500,
1800 at $1,400 ami 1890 at $800 and to-
quested tho boat d to reduce the samu
in pioportion to what othur merchan
dise in .said village is assessed at.
The county treasurer was instructed
to ledueo the value of personal taxes
of (J. A. Harris for tho your 1804 from
$1000 to $1200; for 1805 from $1400 to
$800 and for the year 1800 from $800 to
$000 and collect taxes on said valua
ltu.siguation of S. K. (larbct-, toad
m During the Month
of June,
I will sell everything at
Reduced Prices.
lj Many ui
tides at cost and some below cost. Come in and sou
that I mean what I say
m G. A. Harris, Cowles, Neb. m
m The Kalby Shoe Co. m
overseei District No. 1, was accepted.
, Tho following oflicial bonds wore ap
proved: James Hilkoy, food overseer
district No. 44; John E. Jones, district
No. 1;T. W. Bailoy distriut No. 38.
A petition signed by F. A. Good, K.
B. Thompson and M. B. Beeves was
presented requesting that tho board
offer n reword for the arrest of tho
patties who lobbed thu storoof Fuller
& Good at Cowles on the night of tho
Uth of May, 1807.
The board refused to offer a reward
for aiit'tnf oald parties. x
F. C. Buhchow administrator of the
estate of A. Tobln appeared and rep
resented that tho assessor assessed
thoTobiu heirs in tho village of Blue
Hill when it should have been in the
precinct aud that tliero is an erroneous
tux iimnutiting to $2.40 aud asked tho
board to lofund said amount. The
county treastuer was instiuctedto re
fund said amount out of the Blue Hill
special judgement lax.
Tim county tieasuier was instructed
to issue tux receipts to the following
named parties in full for warrants
hold by him as ticnsuiorto apply on
ppisonul taxes: Johu Sewell 18i3;J.
W.Norris 1803; M. 11. Warner 1888; I'.
S. McOoire 1888: F. P. Shields 180l:
Chas. Lyons 1802; J. A. Lopeman 1880.
Tho counly clerk was iusltucted to
ad vut Usu for bids lo build u poorhoimo
ou tho poor farm suid bids to bo tiled
on or befoio theOtli of July, 1807, i ho
board reset ving tho right to lejticl any
aud all bids.
Tlio following school laud was ap
praised towit: NwJ nwj 0-1 10 value
0.00 per ucie.
Bornii adjourned lo moot Wednes
day morning 20d at 0 a.m.
A. Boats appeal ed before tho board
aud represented that ho is assessed in
Lluo township for tho years 1804 and
1805 on investments In real estate
valued for tho year 1804 at $300 and
for the year 1805 at $248, and nsked tho
board to rodttco said taxes to a just
assessment. 1 he county treasurer was
instructed to i educe tho valuation of
said taxes for the year 1884 from $300
to $00 and for tho year 1805 from $248
to $59 and issue tax receict in full of
said taxes.
Hal i let Blown nppoaied and repott
ed lo tho boaid that lots 11 aud 12,
block 31, in Smith & Mooio's addition
to lied Cloud is delinquent fot tho
taxes for tho yoais 1887 to 1895 Inclu
sive amounting lo $45.05 without la
toiest ami asks tho boatd to Vcduco tho
taxes on said lots to a just assessment.
Tho county treasurer was instructed to
issue a lax receipt hi full for said years
tor tho sum of $30.
In tho matter of delinquent taxes on
lots 5 and 0 In block 1, in Lut.'s ad
dition, delinquent for tho years 1881 lo
1805 inclusive, the board was nsked to
strike off tho interest ou suid taxes.
Tho treasurer was instructed to take
thepiiucipal less tho interest on said
lots nnd issue tax receipts for same.
A petition signed by T. F. Jonos and
others was presented asking for an ap
propriation of $50 to repair and grado
mail in Walnut creek, commencing at
southwest corner of section 4, town 1,
Halige, iiiuniug east to southwest
ThM School Land Law.
At thoieiMMit xnsilon of thu leglsln
tine, an net was passed which does
away with tho sale of educational, or
school laud ou am,l after July 0, tho
date it becomes a law.
In an Interview with the county
treasurer upon this subject, we learn
that he has been instructed by Hon. J.
V. Wolfo, commissioner of publio lands
and buildings, that, if holders of lease
contt acts desire to purchase such land
or any pai t of it, complete application
to purchase mut be tiled with the
county tteasurer not later than tho
close of the eighth day of July,
By "complote application to pin-
chase," it is tiudeistood, in tho lirst
place, that only holders of lease con
tracts aie entitled to purchase such
lands. rally desiring lo purchase
must illo his lease contract with tho
county lioasurer ami sign application
for appraisement and sale of land, and
as soon as county commissioners or
supoi visors (tho appraisers) nmko their
rotuiu, tliero should bo paid: Lease
rental lo ditto of application to pur
chase; nt least ono-tonth of tho princi
pal; interest on the remainder to the
end of the year; give sixporceut (0 pot
ct.) noU-s for unpaid principal. All
must be dnno within the timeaboro
mentioned, in order to constitute a
legal tiling for purchase.
Some have the impression that
lease contractu may be transferred Into
sale contracts at any time, aud that the
cottier of three iu Walnut creek town-1 now law affects vacant land only. But
Successors to A.H. KALBY.
-2 v
s bee uur ux niooa
and Chololate
Oxfords and Shoes. g
ki We have a Bargain in Black
or Tan Oxfords at $t.oo.
,! Knrtr :ir.l EfTas l.'ikfin in exchnnfre for Shoes.
& All kinds of renairintr neatlv done.
Cincinnati Cash Shoe Store.
sSitairrtiwrrraww uammm s m uwrnflrci7fi'ffis
ship. Tho player of petition wns
grunted and $50 appropriated for said
graJtfng. - - -
Tho hoard adjourned to meet July 13,
Food, undigested, is poison. Digest
ed, it is life and sttenglh. Millions of
us suffer from indigestion, but wo
often don't know it. Wc think it Is
something else. Even doctors often
mistako the symptoms.
Pale, thin people, who ate over
worked, who need stioiigth, who seem
in want of proper food, should take
Shaker Digestive Cot dial. It is as
tonishing what food will do when
piopcrly digested.
It will niakeyou strong,! cvlvcjou, sus
tain you, make you fat, restore iour
color, make muscle, brain libra,
courage, eudiiiance, eueigy; Increase
your power to throw off disease and
keep you healHiy ami hapuy.
Indigestion docs just tho opposite,
hut indigestion can be cured ami pro
vented with Shaker Digestive Coixlial.
Sold by diuggists. Ttial bottles 10
Boatd met Wednesday liiorulug with
all members present.
Board adjourned lo I o'clock p.m. in
otder to appraise school laud.
In the afternoon tho boaid returned
school laud appiaisals as follows: uwj
uwj lfl-t-12, value per aoro $5.00; swj
ii wj 10-L12. value per acre $5; mvj swj
10-1-12, valuo per aoie$.j;Bwi swi 10 1
12, value' per aero $1; nej soj 30-2-12,
value per aero $4.50; awj so iW-2-12,
Value per acio $5; sej scj 80-2-12, valuo
per acie$0.
Tho road petition of Hans Skjelver
and otheis was brought befoie tho d, luktng for tho location of a load
commencing at the not theast corner of
section 111 aud northwest corner of oe
Wedding Bells.
It has not been our pleasure to if
put t so pleasant a wedding us Unit of
our fellow townsman, Mr. Chas. II.
Kaley to Mii Susie M. Hifo, which
transpiied ou last Wednesday evonlng,
June 23, at 8 30 o'clock, at tho resi
dence of the biide's mother, Mrs.
S.tvilla Hifo, tho Bev, Jamvs Matk
Dai by of thoM. E. Chmcholliciatiug in
his usual happy manner. A Ini go num.
bet of invited guests were ptesent.
Mr. Kuloy litis tesided in Webster
county most of his life and is well
known to our citl.eiin as an industrious
go-ahead jnungmaii, and the possessor
of 400 acres of as Hue land as is in Web
ster county, while his hi idols one of
Bed Cloud's f a vol 1 to oung ladies aud
ugiadualu of the clans of 1)7 of our
high school, tho iueiubsis of which ex
tended to her an excellent, seieuade ou
this is not tho case. Absolutely no
school laud may be sold after the date
mei.Uoned except for church, school
Iioum', or cemetery purposes. Exist
ing sale contracts am not molested.
It is provided that nil nppralsenienls
must bo reviewed by the bard
of educational lauds aud funds, and if
found to be out of proportion to the
ti no value of the land, this board must
appoint now appraisers and the land
may then only bo sold on tho basis of
this now appraisement: Hence the
commissioners should take care to set
the price of such lauds nt tho prico for
which they would bo willing to soil, if
they owned the laud: and Commis
sioner Wolfe feels that it is n duty owe, in pi election of tho school
fund, to immediately infotm him of
any errors in the valuation of such
land. If desired, such information
will bo treated as eonlidential and
highly appreciated.
Kenksaw, Nob., May 15, 1807. I
have had a disordered stomach for sev
eral years aud have spent many dollars
for medicine, but found no relief until
I was induced to try Hood's Saisu-
purilla. This medicine has done me
more good than any other. Mis
Annie Currier.
Resolutions of Sympathy.
Wuehkas, The Supreme Master
Woikman of the universe hnreennt
to take from our midst the infant
daughter of our esteemed and beloved
sister Mrs. John Dickei son, therefore
be it,
Resolved; That Red Cloud No. 03
Degice of Honor, extend to sister
Dlckorson and husband out- henitfolt
sympathy in the hour of deepest sor
row and bereavement, and commend
them to Him who alouo can bind up
the biokeu lienitnnil comfoit and sus
tain thorn oven In tho darkest hunts,
Resolved; That a copy of theso reso
lutions be sent the family and also that
copies bo sent to the county papers
and be placed upon the minutes of this
I'Kanuks A. Eami;s t Com.
Republican Club Meeting.
There will bo a meeting of the Ked
Cloud Republican Club at tho court
house this evening, Juno 25th, at 8:30
for tho purpose of electing delegates to
tho stnte league convention, to be held
at Omaha Juno 20th, 1807.
C. W. Kalev, Pres.
D. M. Hunter, Sec.
Card of Thanks.
To the frlocds and neighbors who lu
every way assisted us during tho short
sickness nnd at burial of our baby girl,
we desire to express our thnnks, and
feci that their kindness to us helps to
lighten our afllleUou.
I Co
From the Crowd of People W ho
Obtained a Free Sample
of His Pills at
All Bopott a Change for ,tho Bat-
tor and Will Peraovero.
m? thin 32, iii township 3, iiuith of range the occasion as did also tho young
12, u est of i ho 0th p. M., ami ru lining male f i lends of Mr. Kaloy .
thimce south one-half inllu on the see-) Tho numerous friends of the newly
tiou lino between said sections HI ami wedded couple take in cat plcusuio iu
io 4
25 50
lBQfU IITDf OpniD IVITDDn t cor f tmtot cxmttipUlon. rumrti r tht Idt.l Ijii-A
ADuUuU l&Iil UUAllAri iDDU tl,f. rrrr crip nr vripr.b.l rsMc ruf nyflrnulU. fci.i
r4ead bookUtfm. Ail. KTl'UMNU HKHLBV ISO.. CfctfMQ. Mtrfjil. crw Tork. jn.j
Oiou section line as surveyed by W
E, Thome county surveyor in the year
1800, After healing attorneys and
panics InteicHlcd iu thoeaso the boaid
took the inuttoi under advisement.
The boaid liu adjourned to meet
wishing Mr. and Mrs. O, 11, Kaloy
much joy and a pleasant life full of
joy and happiness.
The wedding supper was composed
of all of tho good tilings that "cheeih
the heai I ami makes the iniiei man ic-
Thilisday iiioi ning, June 21, attla. in. jolcu," The hiido and giooiu uoiopie-
seuted with many beautiful gifts fioni
Tim boatd met ou Thursday moiii
ing uiili nil uiemheis picscnt.
The boatd apptuised the following
school land: nwi ne 10-0.12, value ?(i
per a n.
DeWitt'a Little Baly Risen,
1M ! HUM MM,
then' many fiieiiilsainl lelatlons, and
iu tact limy stmt out their wedded
oaiotii' under the most favorable oil -cumstances
and Tin; Chief's best
wfsho go with ihem and hopca they
may have one uoiitlnual jotiiuey of
matrimonial pli-asute thiough life.
Hood's Bills euro all liver ills. 2ru.
Notico to Builders.
Notico is heroby given that the boaid
of county commissioners of Webster
county, Nebraska, wi) receive bids for
the building of a Poor House ou the
Boor Farm in Section 5, Town 2, Range
11, in Webster county, Nobiuska, ac
cording to plans and specifications on
tile iu the county clerk's olllco. Suid
bhls to be liled in tho olllco of the
County Clerk on orhcfurti the 10th day
of July, 1S07, saiil hid to bo accom
panied by a good and siifliciout bond.
Tho boaid reserves tho right to reject
any ami all bids.
Dated at Rod Cloud, Nebraska, Juno
22d, 1807.
L. 11. Four, County Clerk.
A. Spracher Is having his house ic
Mrs, D. 11. RobiiiMon nnd famil)
spent Sunday at G. M. Warnei's.
Master Lloyd Wells and sister Ada
pleasantly entertained sixteen of their
little friends last Thursday afternoon.
All leportu very lino time,
Miss Nettle Fishel, of Otoe count,
is hi'iu visiting relatives.
- -
"They are dandles" said Thus.
Bowers, of the Ciooket, Texas, Enter
pliso, while Wii.iug about l)u Witt's
Little Early Riser., the famous little
pills for Mel: headache and dIotd'is of
tho stomach aud liver, C. L. Colling.
MrMi flb alt
Our fellow townswnn, Chas. i, Cot
ting tho druggist, did not expect so
soon to gut favorable icpoits from ap
plicants who proem ed fiom him free
samples of Dr. Hobhs Hpaiagtis Kldiley
Tho test9 maile so fur by Hie useis of
the free samples, show that these re
markable pills piudiice fa voi able re
Milts with a degiee of quickness bete
tofoie unknown in the tieatment of
kidney, bladder ami blootl diseases,
and allied ailnients.
Those who have used them haVn
been encouiaged to persevcio with tho
tieatment, knowing that they could
not expeeithe live dnjs tieatment con
tained In thesamplobox, uotwfthstand-,
ing the leiiiaikahle icsiilts obtained so
far, would effect a complete cure.
Kidney disease is of Impel eeptibln and
In-ldlous giowtli; It tukus months to
develop even the syifiptoiuv, Renson
and epeiience suggest that it takes
iiioio than a few days to gum. Foiv
ii niiiiiij. ir. iiiiiiiv opuniKPS Kinney ,
11 Its lii'iriti I lin irninl ii'ii I.- nl .i... u.t.I. r J
-. , ", C. """niiiii nun, r,i01
iliiillrstdo-e i ho icMilu arn evidetitf;'
fii.m the beginning The, AII(rlitfiilf':
UHumi in mr-v Jiis IIHIIICO tnu patlout.jii'vf.v
to continue their u?o until cured Tliiiy.'PiH
are easy to take, easy to bpy, easy to CtVj
gei.iiiiu iitniimiui iu goon results r.
Dit Hound SfAitAous Kiunk)' Pil;j, ' $1
l.. .. inrttntr ilfHtrml , .",
red cloud, Nebraska
Wh !
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"r-r-t -if4(
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