THE RED CLOUJ) CHIEF, FRIDAY, dUJSiL 18, 197. ic . . I,, F i8 BEHOTDT TESTIFIES. Declares ler flealth Benefitted by htoe'sGelery Compound. massm Tho iintliiisinsm nml thn curiosity provokml by Mmo. Snrstli Iluriilinult hfis nuvor bcon niuallod in tlio history o( tho bliKo. Ono talks vitgiiuly of Renins, tonipiMiimunt, quick intolli Ronct1, mfwin,ncivouH mobility, gritou, Hinllo, voice, dmriii, pout ry Mine. Surnli llcrnlirtrilt litis them till. nurnhnnlt la today an enthusiast in hop profo.Miion as thouch hop carper wem boforo hop. Sim works as assi duously duping pohimr.sals as though oaoli pcrfornmnco wore Iiup "llrst night." No ono is move conscientious in all mutters pertaining to hep lite work. Shu knows the incalculable value ot health, strength and high spirits as thoroughly as situ comprehends, the tonus of hop contracts, and no olio knows bettor than she how essential to her artistic success is a vigorous ner vous ftystem. Mmu. Bernhardt writes the following letter: "1 beg leave to state that, according to your instructions, I have used Palno's celery compound, and I urn convinced that it Is thu most powerful nervo stronglhoner that can ho found. It is with the greatest pleasure that I send you my sincere testimonial." Truly yours, Sarah Bernhardt." Good health is within reach of every ono, nat only tho wealthy and famous, but tho poop as well, who will rely on Faine's celery compound. Ill health and disease are not natural. Ono should not compromise with them. No one should give in to neuralgia, rheumatism or heart trouble when Palne's celopy compound is vouched fop to drive them entirely out of thu sys Business improvements continue to make themselves apparent, both in new industries and in the reduction of the number of failures. Those for last WCl.( were smaller than in any week siiu-u the early part of 1895, Don't thin your blood witii missufrns op poison it witii blne-intiss, but. aid nature by using DoWltt's Little Early Hisers, the famous little pills for con stipation, biliousness and tomaeh and liver troubles, They are pniely vege table. C. L. Cutting. i - "MOTHERS FRIEND" . Shortens labor, lessens pain, uiniiMiiiivv uucr w inn oi both mother ana child and leaveg her In condi tion moro favorable to speedy recovery, "btronger after than before contluemrDt" ays a prominent midwife. Is tho best remedy FOR RISING BREAST Known and worth tho price for that ulono. Endorsed wd recommended by mldwivea and all ladles who have used It Bowaro of substitutes and Imitations. Makes Child-Birth Easy. Sent by Kxpress or mall on receipt of price, iter bottle. Hook "TO MOTllEHS' mailed free, contalnhiR voluntary teiitlmonlals. MlDtlHLD KEUUUTOH CO.. ATUNTi. HA. SOLO BT ALL DBOOOUTS. efUlfv VJVtUt 11 ill'S MllQ Co 4 liat t.ouji 5j-tl. Tan OuoX Ut I In t'.iue. Nld Lr an toft zmwiz&ti Ml' mi i2S3PJkBB tem. It has douc so in thousands of caiefully observed cases. Tho norvous debility, sleeplessness and kidney disorder Hint seem so threatening and disheartening loso their hopeless, desperate character when ono twees I'aiim's celery com pound to drive them out of the system. Many a woman worn out by exciting, anxious work, will liud her strength brought back in a wonderful manner and hoi overtaxed nerves rcmilntcd and nourished by tlio use of Palne's celery compound. I'nino's celery com pound braces and invigorate the re laxed nervous system and eradicates harmful humors from tho blood. It makes tho appetite hearty and tlio dl gestion thorough; it permanently cures indigestion, a sluggish action of tho liver, and drives out rheumatism, neuralgia and blood Impurities. Kvery ti ace of norvous exhaustion op kidney op liver weakness Is removed by Palne's celery compound. There lire no moro striking examples of thn great practical value of Paino's celery compound than is heaid from tho lips of women who have been made well by Its vitalizing action. It. increases tun volume of the blood iu thu ai lories and makes it more capable of feeding the body. It creates a hearty appetite and urges upon tho tired nerves and brain the nourishing elements they lack, but are slow to ex tract from tho blood when it Is in a sluggish, unhealthy condition. Tlio blood becomes ruddy and pure; Its circulation is hastened, and every function of tho body tlio brain among the first feels the fresh Im pulse of returning health from the uso of Palne's colery compound, No Invention ever introduct-d has boon given as mnuv names as ihnt which produces motion pictorially. The original name of tho apparatus, before photography was applied to it, was tho zoetrowe. In tho improved form it has been exhibited duriugtholasttwoycars us tho klueioscope, cinematograph, old oloscope, projmoBcopo, graphosope, motograph, klueraatograph, auimatn- scope, vitascopo, ciiiematascopo,tvorl scope.lvl vooseopo, hlocraph. raoosoono. magniscope, and atloast a dozen others. Ju plmtogrnphlo circles all arc classed as projecting uppuiatus, DoalnosH Cannot Bo Cured. By local application, as they cannot reach the diseased portion of tho oaf. There is only one way to cure deafness and that U by constitutional remedies. Deafness is caused by an inflamed con dition of the mucous lining of the Eustachian tube. When this tube gets iullniiied you hnvo a rumblingsouiidor imperfect hearing, and when It is en tirely closed deafness is the result, and unless the inllaniiuation can be taken out and tliis tube testored to its nor mal condition, heaping will be destroy, oil forever; nliiti cases out of ten are called by eatauli, which Is nothing but an Inllamod condition of the mucoiiti surfaces, Wit will L'lVeoiiii liiiiiilri'il ,l,,li...J ..., . any case of (Icafiuusfnatisod by cat at rh) that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. Send for circiilais, free, F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, (). Sold by druggists, 7oo. Hall Family Pills are the best, Hood's Arc Raining f.ivor rapidly, g. Ilnslnpss incn nml travel- Mjm I Icrs carry them In vcU 111 rckti, In.llon onrrjr them In mrfv lionckroter ltpp tlicm In mndlelno eloicti, frlcuil recommend tliem to frlciuli, zv. Fourth of July Program Following is the program ! the Fourth of July celebration to In- held in Bed Cloud. One hundred and Iweuty-oiie guns at sunrise. At 10 o'clock projwioii forms tit Firnuiaii'rt hull and mninli to Kim street thonce 4imth to Fonrtli Rvcmfe, ilienco wost io.Swaidstri, thence inith to Second avenue, thence east to tVobstwr sttoet, thence north to sixth avenue. thence v(Hi to court hotito grove Pro cession forms in the following older. Mayor and city council iu mi tinges. Hod Cloud S. of V- band. Speaker anil escorts. Bed Cloud liiu department and visit- iug departments, iu charge of chief of Bed Cloud Fire department..!. V. Biinchey. Civic .soeillcs. Biuyclo brigrado. Business men's display. Beprcseiitatlon of- .states by young ladies, in charge of Prof. I,. S. Wilson. Caliihiimphiiio. under command of Captain (f. W. Newhoiisc. Citi.cns in carriages. Uncle bam iu costume, Arriving at the court house there will bo music by the S. of V. band. Meeting called to order by Batidolpli McNitt master of ceremonies. Player by Bev.Jas.M. Darby. Song by glee club Oration by Elinor U. Overcman, Waukegati, ills. Music by S. of V. band. Dinner. AKTKIINOUN. The afternoon will bo devoted almost eiitliely to sports. Program as follows: Muslo by S. of V. band at 2 o'clock. Bowery dance. Bicvoln racws, I lose race open to any company. Coupling contest, (irand watertight. First prize $10: second prize $.'. rat man's race must welch fwt bundled pounds and be ij."i years old. r list 8iJ.r0; second $1.G(). Boys race, to be not less than one hundred yards. First mizn :t.rji. second $1 50. Catching greased pIl' catcher irets !' Climbing greased nole-W. 50 on ton of pole. Arrangoiueiits have boon mndn to give it public exhibition of tho lire do- partiiient at work on a lire, stud some time in the afternoon an empty build ing will bo set tiro and an alarm turned in. The time of this event will bo rfecrct even to members of the tiro de partment. To tho largest delegation from anv civic society will bo presented mi id. gant llftcen foot United States Hag. j. ii ret? Hundred and sovcntv-llve dol. hits worth of tire works which hnvo been purchased will be disnlnvrd m H o'clocK p.m., from a stand near the tlroman hall. This is tho trreatest it in. play of llro works ever givon In this country. Wo desire to impress ttpon your minds tho fact that this will he thn great est Fourth of July celebration In tne republican valley this year and you cannot afford to miss it.l The oration will bo the best over delivered iu the valloy on an occasion f this kind. All sports will be of tlrs class character. Tho exhibition nl in display of lire wtwks will surpast) any- tiiiug ever used in this valloy.i Wo want you all to eomo and have thrlbokt time you over had anywhere. - I Health Means a perfect condition of tho whole system. Pure blorlt is essential to perfect health. HtUl's Sarsaparilla makes pure blood mil mils gives health and happiness. ' Hood's Pills are tho favorite faifllly cntiiHi'liu and liver medicine. Prrco loo. Nearly all of tho SiSSmituorn men tvh are supporting tho proteotlve-tariff' bill oronativesofthat section of tho couijtry. This will be interesting Information to some of the frco-trade organs which havo recently been ehnro-itm n,m i.n Southern votes cast for tlio bill weio of tne "carpet bag" vnriety. Don't neglect a cough because tho weather is pleasant-, before the next storm rolls around it may develop Into a serious illill.iiitv i,,.,....i 1.. Omi. -...-....., iiujlfllll IUIIIIU. ne Mnutp Cough Cnio is easy to take n i y"!.,,u w,,ni llB names Imp es. c. l. Cot ting, Monoy to Loan. In any amount at ft pur cent for 5 years on western town and farm property.-!! 0 Wilcox & Co Bank! kers and Biokers, s.VI Broadway, New For Sttlo. Ono liundred and sixty acres of un improved land, four mll.w .! i.,vnJf of Red Cloud, Nebr. Terms cash. Ap- piy to, mks. Jamks, Kiiikwooo, Fair fax, Missouri. Or. Prkc'i Cra Bklaj PeWar A Part Qnm Creaa M TarUr Pmrfcr. Try the New 28 Hour Train to New Vork. The popular Nickei Plate road Is meeting with recognition on all hinds and taking effect Sunday, May :)0:h, they will inaugurate anew Main ser vice between Chicago and the east. Solid through tiaius with elegantly tiippf-il p'liace sleeping can tw I leavo Chicago dally at 10s33 a.m., .'105 p.m. and 10.1.1 Uniformed colored porters will bu in charge of all Jhiniigh trains, and the traveling pub lic will bo enabled to avail thomsciiM 01 a trip itiar ulll 1m ttimmiui - . "if i 111 inn mi iirL'fllllO JrnHt time and low rates will be ono of I III. Illnlll Fa. . tin. .n .I.... tl... VI.. I. -.1 111.... ro,,d ;:;;, r z ; rT road can offer to their tmtron. Km full information iu regard t,, tmin sup. vice, etc. call on op addi.s, j. Y. Calnhnii, (Jen'l Agent, 111 Adams St , Chicago, or II. Thorne, tt. P. fc T A . Ill Adams St., Chicago, III. 'Not only piles or thu very wort kind citfi bo cured by DoWitt's Witch ifiiz.-l Salve, but eczoma', scall, burns, bruises, bolls, ulcers ami all other skin troubles can bo instantly relieved b l lie same remedy. C. Ii. Cotting. -To California Comfortnblv. Kvery Thursday afternoon, a tourist sleeping car for Salt Lake City, San Francisco and Los Angeles leaves Omaha and Lincoln via tlio Buillnglon Bottte. It Is carpeted, upholstered In rattan, has spring scats and backs and is provided with curtains bedding, towels, soap, An experienced ex ctirslon conductor and a uniformed Pullman portor accompany it through to tlio Pacific, ennsi. Wl,!l' ...,l.i.,.,. ,. 1 ---.-... ti laaivj Mt,itut;i jltl expensively liuishcd not so line to look iii, as uiu paiace siceper, 11 is just us good to ride iu. Second class tickets are accepted for passage and tlio price of a berth, wide enough and blgenough fa nvi, is uiiij !f,i, ror louiiier giving full ii.ii'll.'iiliivj imiII ni ..,.,....,o. 11.... lington ticket office, or write to J. trancis, G. P. A., Burlington Boute, Omaha, Neb. Tbiiiiiiilk Accidknt. It is 11 terrible accident to be burned or scalded, but the pain and agony and frightful (lis ligurements can bo quickly overcome without leaving a scar by using De Witt's Witch Hazel Salve. C. L. Cot- ting. W. B. Johnson. Newark. ().. savs: "One Minute Cough Cure savi'd niv only child from dying by croup" It had saved thousands of others suffer ing f 1 0111 croup, pneumonia, bronchitis and other serious tlmmt nml in,r tumbles. U. L. Cotting The New a8 Hour Train to New York. Thirty Hours to Boston. Tlio Nickln Plato road is now in a position to offer their patrons unsur passed Unvoting facilities. Three through trains daily iu each ditection between Chicago and the east. Tho now schedule to become effective Sun day, May 30th. Dining car service un excelled. Bnto lower than vln iitlu.r lines. Tlie short line to the east. Yon will save money and time by patroniz ing tins road. Call on or ml dress .1. Y. Calahan, Uon'I Agent. Ill Adams St.. Chicago, III. II. Thorno, G. P. & T. A. HI Adams St., Chicago, III. Hundreds of thousands ha'c been in- dUCCtl to trv 'Jhnmhrlfil,i n..l. Bemedy by reading what it has dono for others, nnrl hnvlimiu.tnil i.n .....:... for themsolyos are to-day its warmest iiiuiius. ror saio by it. K. (irire, Druggist. ' Notice to Applicant, to Have School juana Appraisod. Notice is lierobv given thnt nil nm-. ties wishing to have school lands ap praised by the board of county com mis.sioners for the purpose of purchas ing sum lands, must do so nt om-o. Said applications must bo tiled in tho county clerk's oWee on or beforo the 21st day of Juno, 1807, in order to give tlio board time to appraiso said lands. 1. H. Fout, County Clerk. ' Bed Glnud, Nob., Juno 1, 1807. Remarkably Low Rates K Colorado and Utah, will bo offered by tho Burlington Konte. June 'JO and 30 and .InK- 1 0 n,l Opentonll homo8eekor, health siekei tourist. Cull tit B. & AI. tlonot Hint r..l full information. J. Kn.iu.iu .,11 , . ., , ' r ; " Illll illffirmnf inn .1 L' t.. H.....1 I Gen'l PassV Agent, Omaha, Neb. Half Rates to Hot Sprints, S.D. Juno 25, via the Burlington louto. Tickets good .10 days. No better place to spend tho summer than Hot Springs. No quicker way to get there than the Burlington. No lower rales than those of Juue 25 Call at It, & M. depot and get full paitioulars. Kvrrvl'oily Piijn Ro. carets Camlv r.itbiirt'r. the mot wen tlfiil medli'ul illki-ovcrvnf tlio npc. pens (i,t ami iiifiiflliinar to tho tustc, ma pcntly (.ml ioitlvi ly mi Mdnn.vt. liver and IkiwcIh, hi.iiikIiiu tlui entire svatrm, dlw.el cniiK cuiMheiiiinoiio, le-er, Imhiuir.l const Ii ri'lou nml b iIoiii,prs. J'lr.iw liny mill trv 11 linx of O. tl. CJ. to-ilnv; ,11, W,MlieiitR. holituutl Kiiaratiteud to euro by ull ilniuulsts. To Cure t:ontlmtloii Vorov.r. ir ., V."'."!?018 Oiinily Cuthartli. 10o oraie, H U L. IX full to ir.', UriiBKlsta rofnml money. nt..TV. V""" -'"HhUoii Icirevir. H ri n o'Wft':i';,,' c'"u,.v 'Uliurtic :uv. 1 r n If a a O. fall to cure. itruiwUts n-fuuu wiw y With Every Change of Weather Comes Chance for WITH THE USE OF 3t. Jacobs Niagara Falls. With It- lienlity and grandeur 1 eveals the touiifi e.tcli j ear some new 1110113. Theiels no pi ice in America wheie tll.'siiiiilli.l toiitit cnuM spend his time iiiin pruii'-ib.y Hi m . this woil.l f.ui-,1 uiiuiMoi, The Niesid Plite road M'ii : si( tr if -. 1 1 ' feloeplng c . seivltH, and iinexeelh'd dining f ,.n-ir- between Chicago New Vo',rnni Boston Is the recognized hlgfiwaj to ilii resort. With tho new Infill kutt'ina iflifihfi t,iJ....wi ..iv..i t.... t ' ' " " ivi uovuill'n nilt't'UVr 1 Sunday, May 0th, a stopover of ten I . .... ' ' ,,aj" w"' ht,.v" ""' se.-iwil Huns tickets to patrons who do Mm n vNit ithe fulls. Trains leave "'Mi nfT' dnliy at 10 110 a. 111 . Jj:n.-, p. m. and 10 15 p in. Mr.J.Y Cilliluin. (Seneial Agein, 111 Ad-tun Si. Chiiag.), I!i , will be jileism fut ni-h .1 ; ii, ruination In regiul In Mupuvei, '.' Physicians Recommend "Springfield, O., May 14. 1894. M. M. Fknnkr, M. D., Fredonia, N. Y. Dear Sir: As you can well imagine, the worry and arduous duties of a hotel man ager during busy season of the World's Fair were sufficient to break down a man of more natural strength than myself. Towards the close of the Fair season I found myscll languid, dull, bilious and nervous, not taking the interest of a healthy man in my business. Our house physician recommended your Blood and Liver Remedy and Nerve Tonic as the best remedy his life-long experience iu prnrticc had discovered, for my restoration and it accomplished the work completely. To-day I am a well man thanlcs to your great remedy." FOUSALKBYC I.. CO I UNO. Through Service BETWEEN ST. LOUIS, CHICAGO, KANSAS CITY AND THE. PRINCIPAL CITIES OF TEXAS. WINER IUFFET SLEEPERS AND FREE RECLINING KATY CHAIR CARS DINING STATIONS OPERATED BY THE COMPANY. SUPERIOR MEALS. Fifty Cents SltEiliFWN RAl.K. ..v. v .a ii.iv'j hiivii mat it 1111 nun uj vjuut nf nil finlAr if aula litunml ti Mm i.HIiui ,f Irtj Notice 1b hereby given Hint under atnl by virtue llunleii. Clerk of tho Dlotrlct Court or the Tomb JuillcIslDlBlrlct, within nd for Wcbslcr county. Nebmnka, upon nilmrce In mi nrtlon ciiillnK therein, wherein Kdwnctl K. llroniilnK Ib plaintiff and gntnt Chnrles S. UrowM.i I'iirhe .1. llrowii, lUinfltnn Loan A Trust Comnjr. W. Opinlpb. A .1 l'ttfll4.i W ll,lftl. u u 1 jftpi Wo':"'I " W. K. It. Mlll'i. ate defend'anti. I nan oner roTKaieatpuii cvwidiietii tho ligu Au ki.iA. f....,. i!. . .,u.. ...i"T, est bidder (crcah In baud, at tho east dour of ine court iione, at ited Cloud, in nuid Web iter county, Nebraska, (that bclim tliobulldliiR wbereln thp Iat term of ald cnnrl wh hoMen) on the aitb day of July A. 11 1WT. ut one o'clock ;p. in. of mid day, the following de hcrlbed property, to wit: The ruHt half of the east half of noeilon (8) and ihoeast half of the aortb nurt quarter, aud the north half of tho southwct quarter, uinl the north half of the southeast quarter, and the snutlnTC't inntrter of thu aoiillicatt nnarler. sec Ilnn llfn (?. ) all In towiiKhlp No. four M) north of . in AU. nt .1... ..,. ii . ... t,..!....-- raiiKB Ine (9) went of tho Ath I". M. In WcbMer county, :uMrK8k!i. vontatnlnK 440urf. (Ihen umler my hand tills lTlli day of luiie. A. D 97. J. W. ItUNnirr. Sheriff. Oxhoiin, ,t O' n MrNiTT. l'liiiutirrK AttomcjH, o. M. Chaffin, Attorney. NOTICE TO NOJf.ltEHIDJWrS. Itlley BroolN, defendant. lll tuko notice that on tho 1Mb day of Jiiiw, HH7, draco (I, Ilrooks. plaiiilltr. filed her petition In the district court of Webster county, Nebraska, aKalni.t nald de fendant, the object and prayer of which atolo Kocure a dlvo-eo from said defendant, and tho resturntUui of plalutltrs uialdeii lmine. Hl.J defciiilaut Is required to answer said petttluii on or before rtie 'Jrtth day of July, tie, IMed.IuiielMW?. (ilUlKCl, lllllllllvf. lly .1. Jl . Ciuffim, her aHonwy (Klrnl'iibllcatloii-Iiinolt 18. IHwr.) IM u en 1. 1 Your Unwed With CiiHciin-la. ioVl' i,,,All,"rJi',;,1,n, "-IPotloii foroNor. Iv',J. Iff o V fitll.ilrnrcU'N refund money. Qi) COMES A CETAINTY OF A CURE. flat SCMMONS DYl'l'llMCA TWK. In the district court of WcbMer county, Neb The Mate of Ncbrak(i. to Ai?tie Woodnldo amliiur and one of tlu belr-ol Mnr S.Wood side, ill- i-HM d. ili'fctidnilt Von are In leb) ii"liliul Unit )uu h.t o bun mil. li.tfiihcr with Mar) WiMidfldr Jiuics i. Vo"i-l'i'' her hulmid: - mcr WooiNHe, I 'hh WiMiil-i'lf. hi rl WmhIIiU' ii inlli'ir, I'li-t Wndiil. a in I n (i r, heir r Muty A it imnUiiU1 dPieaed.arn noii'M' i --iiinli 1' 1. N j' aiin i' ti i hi i I ' Web-ter ''iii h-n-.i i n i e fore the stli i "i i '- .. i (lie reiitnib in i , ui i i , i I i un i 1 ilal'itlfl ii ii ' - i i lllMlllllll HPt . i , ilo-ir.g .it i . i c defctidiinlf Mt Mii"i h .1 up 1 Woodsiilf hr i-imii lull. I . ,hh i i mtiit ( ompanj i qvi .t . i iiiiifi"' iKi, ii'iw i ii"i i 1m, nun it (i.tfti tile fnllowli.ii 0t r t.i I rl t ii ,-tf . 1 III M'd i ninny -fS n -ir ami ill- tatrnt . rusk in nil 1 Ik ii k It i f i f 'ii- kiiiiiIi i qtlirii r ul -riilm i i,u bn - an '!' i tOMimhlp i.i.inlmr lime . ninli niiiife i i hr nine (Hi, uiti ti mbi s m p u im fnrni.ln tlmtmrtli hi h ,u t tlic-in , trlnilpal imrl'li n Mild ixiiUnii fnrltr -r' t a the tigl " titles an, liiUrett of snbl defc danisit'id ni of thetii In and to said ilc iinr-1 nuuxi i , l leiliiliied aid ettlc' and that i.l lands i Hppral'i'il andinlil. HM-ordii-K to Inn. uiidllii ibe ('freed nrlsltiK froln Kinhsili be uppll I, l.r-' In pajnieiilol the ra-laol raid ncilon anil I ih nlu: km otid. In ni nn lit of tho lull nin 'iint 'In" lilnliitlll on the In t-liiiticrs -e rurul b mm morliiiiKB wiih all Intcrnt tberuotu linn fnuii nml nfler t-niulrtnaifoti of it lisiiUMheilefoiiilatitM" rnld aelbii ninl nil of them and nil pcrvimclnlinlni; or to ela m. by, under or them, or hi y of tlem. l.cfort-er mured mid foreclosed - f and ft mi nil rlicbt. lltlo, Inlo'cM. lien culm nut imp r or redemption of, In mid to r.ild desrc itii! lands, iindetur) part thereof. I teM)uiiAiiierad pit'lloii. nsntonr iM. he Miiii'inciito nlid nllciinllnt thcrHii rmi tiilncd iilllbe takiti ni true nmlndorce will bu r iiduted b) said court as theieln praitd. llncs my hand, and die seal of said cot M by ineiilllxed, till- lllli day of Maj. lMi;. ,l':''1r.. . . lAMKlIllllllllN. llerkof tliuDlMitit onrl of Webster ion ,i. Ncbrisku. " 1'ut .ii'iirn A- Aikxam4.ii. Concordia, Kmimv, Atlonirjfor iilalntlll. ' ..f.,',r.,L"Jbll"'"-',1 '" "Kb CLOUi Cmrr, May 1 HII ri, I UWAL XOTIUE. Male of Nebraska. Webster Contilv. r, ill dal iri.f'itVl' l ro,,n ""'" oft "f ,,l Tcl,,r '" Nebraska Loan ATnisI Co. A Ti tut Co. I I'talntlir, j s. (.conic I,, (iiiuirord. j. .lohn Hoc, itiniiiurii. is wne. nml UcfendatiK .VOTICK OK ..('IT 'I he nbovo iinined dclcmliint.s (iiinrnn i. ............. .,,,,.-- . wuimurii. n s wire, ami V" . .'J " "Z!!.W H'Wl L"0'"":!' '"'.t the abo'ii (illlllfnrd and (itilllford. his wife, and ... .i. '....'" """ '.'"'' '" mi' mioetiannd court Is petition iicalnst them mid the other ilcfcndmits iiamcd nbuto; Unit the nblcitai.i l.mcrof said petition ot the v lain llf are to loreeloH-a luortciiKu I'farli.K dale tho 1st day of .Imi nary, inn extciiled by the above mil e,l defcidaiil, (leorsc I,. Otilllford. to one Kanlo II. Abed on the followlnK dercrlbcd real i-Miiio Miiinii. Iii the f Webster In tho tir(i4ofthe mirth east quarter (',), nml tho Mint h cant qii,ijtcr(t4, of the north w i " imr ,"',;"','M,llo li-'"l CM). Iu townrh p'c, ,o (I) north pf r nie ten (in) estof thcslxtl l-.v, nTT. ': ,' , lfn.r' h'swlf0- "' '''!' notllled thai thei.miduirhiniHiii, mi-lequin-d to apKar nnd answer said petition of iilalntltr. on or be- "'it- nuniiHy, inevhin un) nr. Mine IWrt orsiibl petition of iilaln.lS' m ,?c talciYiw tnle. an. iccrec n if bo rendered against them, the "aid defe idaiita and the other defendants name herein. decrrcliiK that the r,,,i mortKaac bo foreclosed; that all the nbovo de nrrlbed real estate shall bo aiiiiralM-d advertised and r-'otil nt public i mioilo i by ll.esherlirof said Webster i y.R kc and raise the rum of !i.-Jii due to pi, , K raid mor tuace, with Interest o "al sum at (ho rate of ten per cent fr m the" lh day or April. 1WT and thoiosts , f ibli 'i ,u nn.I such sale: and rnld decree will fiiriber i.rovl do that ,pii. the sail defendants, ,u,,l l'o I r " fendaiits named herein, mid each of 5 oil. shall ho forever barred and for.closed of nil" ,lty of redemption and oilier Interwii Iu and o said real cslnteand evory part thereof. 11.. n N.!"!,KA 0AN TiifsT Co., Plalntin. ByOn. K. WoiiK. Its attorney. ' -. .. ..iiih imuii .imy -tt 1 f. VUnUtJATlNN OF SUMMoks" In Iho IHstrlct Court of the Tenth Judicial I'lalntlllsf va. 1 Orp. W. Ilouchlii, Kllza ) lloiichlu. mid Anna Thompson, 1 Iiceiulants. j AiiuiiThoinpkoii defendant above iinine.i ulll take notice that she in Joined as defend iiui, V action pondltiK In the above entiled court bi Kim by Walter II. Collins llenjam , Col? 1 anil Ithiida l.anli therein on the 1ii dav of M.v 1807 at-alust herself and the other abov named '.of?W?C,H lUr. ul,Jeit whereof la to on ?t ho Htle to the northwest qnarlc- of ihe 1 ortiiV, It quarter and the northeast quarter of thSninh west quarter of section twciity-Hli. towmih In ono riniKuien.westof the sixth prltirlim nu" ridlan Webster county. Nebraska Vi. ..iii Plalntiirh free and clear if alll cumbrai ceam for recover) of rent fortlieusv theieof. .i.,,efe.V.' ""'' required to misvver or plead in the petition pfjInlntllTs on or baforo Vhe I dayofJuyiHOtor lh- s,1P wHI rw t"u-ii h irnni1iiipCreepiissfliu..,,irm,'jv. Wii.Tcu II, Collin., I C.NJ.VMIN IOLI.IM-, ,. .. HlllllU L.VhTX. Uanii.ii ni .MuNitt. I'ImIiiUiU' AiHirner. R. MoNitt, Attorney. yON-REaiDKNT NOTICE 1,,'J ni? .'''W ,SHa.5l. .! TonthJudlclal S.l.uvTer tVatan,"' '""" " "my mnlM. riaiutiir. VR, Victoria Watson. ,. u . Defendant, I 'I till ahnvA iiatiiml .inf.iH.i. 11.;; ... ..T".'" ""."""" win lake not cu lant will uke hihIco mSSS hiit.f,r. ui ;.VV. ","'. '".W "uu weoeaeniou ,5.K Imi " and 'p-SKS o r a'TeiTorTl." vorce from tho bonds ormatrimony " " l)cfndaiitU required to answer 6r ulea.t 10 said petition on or beforo the ith ,JJ 'nr .tuil or Mine will be taken to be trne and decree uisnnipn i..A -..-,..., - -- - " .- . iiiurngy, SKEJtlFPS SJI.K Notice 1h hereby tslven that under mid hi vir. ,?iUV...1,V.r,l,c. ;.?? k ! t."o District Conn of iictlon iicndlne therein i hi ?. "' "P (tllS?l.r,'llu-Bi Ml',1 .'" "e C. l,al,d; liii tr. t.V i" . . ",,B ,uo """ iib whercluthe jaft d..y,he folbw.'dcscrlbeTo .h'an.r'V '',R,lf " it? 4Hl AWIr and SMZMKimmFS! 5? county; Nebraska "' "' mn r' 1"t A.. itw. ny lU K,h (U ofJur. U....T. T. rortn,, IMallitVff-s' ZZ'&Z0' SHKltFIff! sai v ... r.vr""".v'-"i " .""kui unuer umi 1,1 i,. Vlk.ln.l Iu lni.itK ..I...... .1. . mi? ui mi uruer 01 sale ISSlieil from iho Am'.,., Jimiva llurdeu clerk of the Ills r el c,,,?,??',.0' Tenth .Itidlclnl liutriit 1! ,i,.1 ..'.V". '.he ater county Nubrajka. iinuu 8l ij:.. ,, "r "?"K pendliiK iliereln. whcrViiV v. !i.l.f."; .'"J1 iRC IWS).. ""HIT ahdar-aloVrT x? nimis, 1 liiu liners nib wife Wii iu... ,! ' kins. a. St, Watklt., his ! wiVi' ,K,,rWi,", inline unknown. Koehler u wir,VViriVr' '"" iiiikuuvvn. and John lloe "a nW, u, ', lmmo defeiidanta. I shall oiler or .lein,i,,?,,uw,, due. to UiohlKhest hld.ler o, ca?l ' ri,a; at the east door of tho .,,, n. "' "?'ui hoUlJn) on ,.;bB " L W.M co.ut at otio olockp,in.ofkal, In.-'f." A; IK7, deicrlbed property, tuwit. ,ny "" '""WliH IK A.D.lWrf. '"' " nth day of Juno Qo. v. wo, ruwfur AtS",!'8herMr' lT - 3i i. cs 4i . J -o"" ,. 1, Am, -, 1 . ii. r-lJA 4 -k-tjjL