The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, June 18, 1897, Image 1

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ffot Weather
Coats and
Teacher'N Institute.
Tho sixteenth itiiiiuul teachers' III
-i suinto oi w ouster county, isonrnsKn,
Vj, will bo hold tit Hfil Cloud, commencing
tfV:! Monday Juno 28,1897, at one oVluok
trinity of perfect dressing Diagonals,
Serges, Alpacas, Mohairs, Etc., just
from the factories. Nothing newer or
fresher and the prices, they would seem
less than cost if we didn't know how to
buy. Today is your day for satisfaction.
Chicago Store.
tKSS Wli?M?W&Wii&
If During the Month
m of June,
1 will sell everything at
n--- .u....,.....u..MjUt.j.Akt'AMVki,t'Mti'&irUArMMTjiiK((lVii
Reduced Prices.
t ..... !-!.... ... .... ...1.1 unliln linl.ttv f.nat f'.lllli. In flllll dim :li---V
that I menn what I soy
p.m., dosing .Inly 'Jil, 181)7.
All poisons who intiMitl to tcadi In
thf pul)lio schools of the comity amc.v
prctcd to attend this Institute. Any
toachcr, thinking It ahsolutdv nt'ccs
Miry to ho absent pail of tho tlino of
tho Instilutc, will consult tho county
superintendent boforo the absence oc
cur". Tciu'ht'is who attend the full
four wcks may have their piosentccr
tillcates (granted In this county) itmew
cd for another year if desired.
W hope, that no person will attend
tho institute, expecting it to be. a
"cram for examination." Our institute
will bo conducted for tho purposo of
benefiting tho schools of our county by
helping tho touchers to mulct. stand tho
principles of teaching and government,
to ho enthusiastic, earnest, thoughtful,
thorough, progressive public school
workers, and, at tho same time, to tic
quint n better understanding of somo
of tho branches taught in our schools.
Sovcial distinct couises may bo
Primary work, including methods in
llrst, second, third and fourth giades,
under tho management of Mrs. B. F.
Tucker of Lincoln (Neb.) public schools.
First grade course, especially for tho
benelit of those who desire to coin,
menrx) tho study of the llrst grade
branches, and arithmetic, conducted
by Mrs. O. V Case, of Hie Hod Cloud
(Nob.) public schools.
Advanced eotirso in school manage
ment, principles of teaching, rending
and language, by Dr. J. W. Howlus of
tho "Orleans (Nob.) collego.
Con so method in history ami civil
government, and physiology ami hy
giene, by Mr. A. B. Pope, student at
the Nohraska'state university.
Mr. L. P. Albright will so conduct
the music of tho institute as to givo
overy member a good drill in vocal
music every day.
Choose from tho program tho comae
or stndies that you wish to tuko, and
put forth your best efforts on tho sub
ject selected, from thn beginning to tho
closo of the institute.
School ollieeto, 'p.ttrons of schools
and othet fi lends of education arc cor
dially Invited to visit the institute at
any time.
Persons desiring fuither inclination
in regard to the institute, d, etc.,
may leceive it by addressing tho
county snpeiintendent. Youis for gen
oral education.
I). M.,
County Supt. Public Instiuctlon.
(Jood Is vMUng
ut the T I
Come in ami seo
O. A. Harris, Cowles. Neb.
sui-0iciiIiik Kxerelnen DevotlonBt.
y t'jyf-JjLt TVi UkIk" t
The Kalby Shoe Co.
Successors to A, II. KALEY.
m See Our Ox Blod
and Chololate
Oxfords and Shoes. Ig
Vre have a Bargain in Black
or Tan Oxfords at $1.00,
Hnrtfr and Eirtrs taken in exchange for Shoes.
r.w,,v .--- .., .. -r
firv' a 11 1 1 e ..!.. .1 4LS
All Kincis 01 repairing neaiiy nunc, tj
- - a m st m - A !
Cincinnati casn noe z?iore. ?
-. I.. I1. Allirlidit
Mr. O. c. C'bkc
. J. V. Howlus
A K. Pupo
... Mm, 0. 0. Cruu
Mm. K.K.Tucker
A. K Toi
...I.U, Howlus
-Mm. K. V. Ttioker
Mm. O.O. Cms
J. W. Howlus
..Mm. K. K Tucker
Cotmly Supt.
-. Mrs. O, C. Co
J. W. Howlus
A. R. Pope
.Mm. E, K. Tucker
(.,v.'Vitr' vj ,--"-- ...- -..
Munto .. ..
B:lft Wrltmn Arltlmtetlr .
11:10 AlgchrH ... t
DrnwItiK ... .
K):40 I'hritlolog)
UMinmnr.. ....... .....,
Ilinv-I'brilcn . -.
Tfccory bikI Art- ... .
II :lfi Icnerl lliihliu'uK.......,
I !S0 Opening i-xtrclreH,
1:48 Mcnhtl Arltlimctln..
2'15 School MnnaKeiiient
Civil din eminent .
HeadliiK . .,
a:to Hcochh.
S'.O'i-Oeoiiiekry . . .lin. O. U. Ctuu
NmnbeM ..-. . . .Mm, K. V. Tucker
JteartliiK-. .... J.W. Howlui
3:10 llotny. ....... . Mm. O.U. Ce
VciimnnMilp, etc. .. ... Mm. K, K. Tucker
Hi'1Iur ...!. W.IInwliia
i IN-Clofo.
Note A cIkk. In liookki'cplnR will to or
Tho insti nutoi 8 have been chosen by
tho superintendent, knowing them to
bo specially littod for the work that
thov mo expected to do.
Uring your copy of tho Nebraska
state course of study and srimo text
books with you for reference.
Them will be a social Monday oven-
i ing, June 28, from 8 to 10 o'clock.
I.ieut-Cov. Jus. B. Harris will lectin n
ThniMlav evening, July 1st Subject,
"Kducational Forces "
On Tuesday evening, JulyU, Dr ,J,
W Howlus will deliver it lectin e. j
Other lectin es or entertainments i
will bo announced as the session of the
i institute progie,se.
ltohcit .Mitchell .spent Sunday among
Ills old associates.
Tho Ainboy Sunday School meets
overy Sunday morning at 10 30.
Miss Delia Auxler passed through
this city last Monday on a tiip west.
Uov. Darby will speak at tho Lester
school house on Juno'JUth at!) p. m.
Mr. and Mrs. J. W. and Mr. Alf
Saladen spent Similar- with (J. C. Cox
ami family.
Kd. Uasser, Jr., has erected a lino
mansion on his fat in. Wo wish him
success in finding a housekeeper
Mr. Dick Lewis is making a shoit
visit with his lit other Charlie. Ho has
just linished another teim at tho school
for tho blind.
ThoAmboy young people havo or
ganized a now choir nt which one of
our best hiss singcis was chosen to
turn the music.
Friday evening, Juno 18th, tho Am
boysingeis aro requested to meet at
the school huuso at 8 o'clock prompt.
No audience is expected.
On Sunday, June 27th, a '2 p. in., tho
lied Cloud people will give a grand
Sunday school rally at this place. A
cordial invitation is extended to all.
On last Sunday quite a number fiom
hole attended tho rally south of the
river. All reported n good time. Wo
hope that tho rally hoiu will bo just as
(J. W. linker, (hiding tho responsi
bility of attending all his hogs was
too great, has hired an assistant. Ho
says his hogs aro doing finely ami that
ho expects to be able to ship a carload
To whom It may concern: Willi tho
assistance of tho midnight pickers all
tho citizens of Lester havo their early
cherries picked and canned umI have
decided that they do not need the help
of the midnight pickers to can the Into
cherries. t
For the past week this place has been
visited by many of those cool audio
freshing showois which make an in
dusliiniis fai uier i ejolco and makes his
corn, benDB and potatoes thiive as
though they wore a ptodnntof the gar
den of Bd'jn.
One of our beautiful lassies has been
spending tho past two mouths a fow
miles east of hero. It has been won
dered what attracted her that way but
wo found out that she thinks sho has
discovvrcd a gold mine. On present
ing a specimen to our jewelers it wns
found to bo somewhat golden but not
pure gold.
Four of Uetl Cloud's promising young
people while returning homo from the
commencement, o.xoiclses at Ouido
Hock the oilier evening, stopped at
this city to avoid the lain which came
in torrents upon tho thirsty eaith, but
tho nnxt morning at daybreak thoy
slatted on their way rejoicing, although
somcwhat'wiltod fiom the exceedingly
damp rain.
M .rt
At a iiveut town meeting It
unanimously icsolved to celohiate,
Tlie abundant laiusaic making tho
crops look splendid lu tliir vicinity.
Chlldicu's l)a was observed at the
M. B. chinch on last Suud.iy moiniug.
Mr. Covcll has come fiom Bxeter for
nn extended visit with his daughter
Mr. Swigtul.
Mr Xevinsof Bxeter mid her daugh
ter and kirn are visiting with their lela
tives Mr. ami Mrs, Fawcett.
Lou Fuller has been visiting with his
patents this w nek and assisting in tho
oonsti notion of a largo granary.
Tho Woodmen tuc going to have a
meeting in tho M, B. chinch on Satur
day. Her. Mr. Dii by will givo an address.
The Pubiic Aroused
During the Past
Crowds of People Called atC. L.
Cottlng's Drug Store to Get
Free Samples of
Hundreds Now Testing the Rem
edy in this Vicinity,
On Thursday evening we wei o threat
ened with a dust storm, but it passed
ovei us, and :i few genilo raindiops
cooled oil the hottest hy of the season
Fuller & (Jood lost a valuable cow
last neck. A pustmoitem doveloped a
largo rusty nail In tho stomach an
other proof that, hardware is not suit-
nble food for either man or beast.
The Congregational and Clnlstian
churches will observe Children' Day
by a union ici vice in tho latter build
ing on Sunday nioi uing tioxt at dove u
o'clock. Bverybody coullally invited.
Early Closing.
A petition circulated among our
buslm S4 men for an early closing hour
which was quite llhoially signed and
on and after Monday, June 21st, par
tics wishing to do trading must do it
before 8 p.m, This is a good move and
especially good for tho dorks who
huvo hem hotctofote, somo of them
compelled to stay in stores front 7 a.m.,
until 0 .10 or 10 p.m. Thn following is a
list of tho business men who signed the
petition: Nowhouso Urns., Chas.
Wienor, W. W. Wright, (Jalusha &
Wcscott, Katoy Shoe Co., Sherwood &
Albright, Tiirnuro Bros., B. Mc Far
land, Mitchell Bros , H. Doidnck, J. O.
Butler, Miner Bros., T. E. Penman,
Jos. Foglo, Mrs. J. I). Myors, Mrs. S.
R. MoBiido, II. B. Grico, Henry Cook,
(. A. Ducker & Co., Mior & Me-Arthur.
An intense interest was cieatcd in
this Mciulty by tho announcement in
last week's issue, that a free package
of Dr. Hobbs Sparagus Kidney I'ills
would bo given awaj to any poison
who would call and ask for It at Chas,
L. Cuttings Di ug Stoi o
This intoiiHi. was shown In the nn-
expectcdly,iiumei ous call iniiilo at tho
abo'o store. Many of the calici s, u ho
uiosultercts fiom kidney complaints,
oxpiessed their astonishment at the
oiler to make no chuigo lor the sam
ples. Hciotofoie, thu practice of
medicine piopiietois is to tequiie pay
in advance, and let the ulilieted tako
I Mm chance of euro.
Tho proprietors t be tlotilrr
Spaiagus Kidney I'ills ate toxersing
this pi act ice, prefeiilng tuexeiclse tho
golden ruleol "doing to others as thoy
would bo done by."
They believe, becaUhO It hud been
demonstrated lu overy instance, that if
those affected with kidney troubles
once try these pills, thoy will be con
vinced of their greut merit, and get
well by their use.
For this reason thoy made at range
monts with Mr. Coiling, to freely dis
tribute tis many sample boxes us
should bo called for, during tho last
seven day. Bveryouo who asked for
a box was given it lieo of uharge.
Some of those calling for packages,
have expiesseti ineniseives as toiiows:
"Tho science of medicine liasvertalfi
ly advanced when the pioptietors of n
lumedy can stake so much upon a free
and ttuivcisal test of its meiiln."
"The honest and stiaighlfoiwaitl
inanuer in which tho medicine is offer
ed for trial, gives me confidence to ueo
It. 1 hope it will prove helpful."
Dr. Hobbs aniiounc'jiuent that he
DiKD: On Friday, Juno 11, 18(17, at
his lesidoucoO miles north of this city,
Stephen Harris, aged 47 years, 2
months. Ho leaves a bereaved wife
and six children, and three brothers
and a sister to mourn Ids loss, Funeral
services were conducted at tho Christ
ian ohurch in Mils oity on Suuday by
L. A Huf8ong, who preached a sermon
from Cor. 10: DO-flO. After the sorvices
at tho church the kind hands of tho
members of his homo lodgo, M. W. A ,
bore hiin to his last resting place, and
witli their beautiful service Inid tho
body uwny in tho "sllout city" wuilo
his spirit leturncd to him who gave it.
It a small bottle of Shaker Digestive
Coidial docs you no good, don't buy a
large one.
"Prove all things; hold fast that
which is good." It's not good for
everybody, only for the thin, pale, sick,
weak and weary. For those who aro
starving for want of digested food.
i.. C...l.... M. ....,.... ., I........ .....!'
Wll O.IH..I.J "'' ,-- iv 1 iv... ,. ul... ..,.,. nr.l nirl.i,
111 lllll 7W li ,nr t lllll tVMvwir&tfaV
attended tho Am boy suhool house and
, I becauo their stomachs do not work as
spent an hour, during which time thoy
weiehlghlyentcraincd by the chil-, , , , ,
ir0'..:i.?r".iy: the,,,, who,,, Shaker Digestive
deeoiatcd and the smiling faces of tho
ohildicii dining tho exercises made
mauv a woin out mother ami dis
hcai tuned father seo that there is sonic
beauty slill on this earth. Although
this eiowd may never meet hero again
and enjoy such a happy Children's Day
wo hope mat uio iiiuamianrs o, i, ester
No institute lee will buchnigcd those
who have had a eeitillcate in fnice in f may enjoy many such occasions
tho county during this year.
I Bxamiuatioiis will bo hold at tho
I regular time each month, the third Sat
I urday, a requited by law,
Dr. Price'! Cram Baklaf Pow4r
Wood's IHk ttitUM AwanL
"J'hey arc dandies" said Thos,
Bowci s, of the Crocket, Texas, Enter
prise, while willing about DoWittM
Liitb Early Bluets, the famous little
pi i-loi rlck headache and disorders of
the MmiMiuh and liver. C. L, Cotting.
millions of
.will tsitc.
' Food makes strength, muscle, biaiu,
'blood, eneigy after it is digested. If
not digented, it will do you no good at
Shaker Digestive Cordial helps your
stomach to digest your food and cures
indigestion permanently. When
you've tried a small bottle, you can
Sold by druggists. Trial bottlu 10
hns mndu it great discovery which will
cm e mid build up the kidneys, and his
oiler to ptove it free of charge is a
novel pi opositiou, and gives me gieat
hope of relief."
"l'lils is certainly a fair proposition,
I have everything to win and nothing
to loMf."
Many will be curious to know what
are thu results of the test of theso pills
now going on in thu neighborhood. It
is a littlo too soon to look for results,
prouauiy anoinor ween win niaKetnetn
known. If those Rotting tho samples
havo faithfully followed the directions,
they will bo encouraged to persevoio
is their use
It is gratifying to learn .that wher
over similar distributions have taken
place, there lias followed a large sale of
tho remedy, and many letters of
gratitude have been written by thoso
who have regained lost health.
Every person who knows or susptcls
that his kidneys or urinary passages
aro affected; evo'.y person who has any
oi mo following symptoms, should
make a test of these pills without de
lay, viz: Pains In the back or sides,
headache, nervousness, fiequent thirst,.
snort ness oi nrci'tn, ptiuncss or tlie
eyelids, swelling of the feet and ankles
dark colored or scanty urine, with
albumluous or other doposlts In tho
urine, or to ftoiuent urination.
For thu benefit of interested porsnnt
living out of town who, from any
reason, failed to get a sample' Dr.
Hobbs authorizes us to say, if you will
out out thocoupoii bolo'v and. mail it
to the Hobbs Remedy Co., Chicago,
III., with your name and address, u
sample box of those pills Jwlll ho sent
hi mall, postpaid, and free of expense.
rou SAI.K HV
C. L. Cotting. Druggist,
Red Cloud, Ncbr.
DcWitt'a Little Early Riser,
.'pon rcoolptof Tills cot'l'ON UJitethir
with yuur inline Rtnl inMre wtlhlrj ouo
wcow from (Into of till paper, we will
fontiinl liy nmllft PUKK HAMl'I.R HOX
n hi n""" npiiruKUK muiitj) rnu!n'o
um dock on Kinney iim mtm.
Chtc.go, Ml,
1 r I
11 i .
i i m 'i
' 'I an 13
c 4