The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, June 04, 1897, Page 3, Image 4

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! M
Absolutely Pur.
Celebrated for It great Icavoulngfritrctietli and
hcaHhfiilnca. AMtires the food against alum
and all form of adtiltcratlon common tn the
cheap brands. ItOYAL UAK1NO I'OWDKIt
....,.. .-...... .-.........;
Frank Quiglcy was hero Sunday.
Aultz & Dyer want your eggs and
pay cash.
J. M. Scoles and wife of Bladon
were here this week.
Geo. R. Chancy delivered the memo
rial address at Guide Rock.
Clarence Kizer is spending a few
days in Superior this week.
A twelve pound Nebraska boy ar
rived at the home of Ed Dyer on Satur
day. GJohn Wagoner remembered the
Chirk with somo subscription money
this week.
Aultz & Dyer have received a carload
of Greoloy, Colorado, potatoes. The
finest on earth.
Miss Delia Schnffnit, ono of the pop
ular teachers of Hastings is homo to
spend her vacation.
Straw Hats from 10 cents to $l.C0 at
Galusha & Wescott's. Good ones for
20 and 25 cents. Nice styles.
Miss Matio Kelley, formerly a teach
er in tho Red Cloud public schools is
hero again visiting friends.
A. B. Noblo, a real estate man from
Hamburg, Iowa, was here this week
visiting the family of D. M. Able.
Miss Mabel MoMillan left Monday
for Superior whore she has accepted a
position in the dry goods storo of Hun
ter Bros.
Rev. C. B. Smith of Pickrol, Nebras
ka, will preach at the Mill Hchool
house on Saturday vening, June 5th.
N. B. Waoomer.
Sick headacho can be quickly and
completely ovenwme by using those
famous little pills known as "DeWitt's
Little Early Risers." C. L. Cotting.
Will save vou 25 cents a pair on
overalls. Will save you 25 cents on a
shirt. Will save you 00 cents on pair
of pants, and give 1897 goods. Gai-us-ua
k Wmcott.
The thrust we gave the Natiou in re
gard to that office beiag unable to get
out job printing struck home and in a
quarter of a column article it virtually
admits what we said was true. That's
right Jack.
In consequence of tho largo amount
of type-setting required for the essays
of the graduating class our local col
umns have been slighted this week and
mention of some important events cut
short but it could not bo helped.
rRcmentbor Wiener has made
arrangements while in Now
York recently to go into busl
ness in that city and is anxious
to cloio out his stock as soon
as possible. Now is your time
to buy cheap.
Dr. G. E. McKeeby has decided to
nmk his now location at Guthrio, Ok
lahoma, and will leave for that city as
soon as he gets his business matters
here straightened up. Tho many
friends of tho Doctor will bo sorry to
see iiltn depart.
The minstrels presented at the opera
bouse by the Junlers ot the Red Cloud
high school on last Friday evening was
well patronized. The program as car
ried out was first-class and showed that
the young ladles and gontlemou have
considerable talont In that direction.
We are sorry that space forbids a per
sonal mention of tho good points of tho
Highest Honors-World's Fair,
Oold Medal, Midwinter Fair.
A tare draff Creaa ef Tartar Pawacr.
John I'oluicky was in Wymoru thl
Tiik Ciiikf is.'.prcpared to do yout
job printing.
W. N. Richardson was in Kansas
City this week.
Isaac Myers of Inavnle went down to
Superior Tuesday.
Beer at wholesale at 12.50 pcr.keg at
the Snnth Side Samplo Room.
Alfred Hadell of tho firm of G. A.
Duckcr & Co. was in Alma this week.
A new awning has been placed in
front of Turnuro Bros, grocery etoro.
Mrs. Jas. Swearingcn and children
are homo ngain nfter a trip to McCook
Miss Christio Weldoman left Mon
day morning on a visit to Atlantic,
Dauioi Garbcr, who has been attend
ing the stnto university arrived home
Tuesday evening.
Ed. Bohnnau, wifo and daugherof
Lincoln, arrived Thursday night on a
visit to E. B. Smith nnd family.
Samuel Llndsoy has moved hlu meat
market from its late location to the
small room In tho Moon block.
Comparo prices at Chicago Clothing
Store before buying old goods nt any
price. See how cheap new goods are
Aultz and Dyer desire to state to
thoso wishing potatoes that they have
received a carload of potatoes which
are beauties,
Tho Union Firo Insurance Company
is tho best mutual. Combine risks; in
installments 8 por cent. J. H. Smith,
Special Agent.
This ofllco Is under obligations this
week for a flue supply of luclous home
grown strawberries, presented by L. H.
Rust and wife.
Children's Suits from $1.00 up. Ages
fromSlyonrs to 14. Our lino of Jun
iors are correct in style and price.
Galusiia & Wkscott.
A report of tho condition of the State
bank at the close of business May 20th
will bo found in this issno nnd presents
a good showing for that institution.
All members of tho Eastorn Star are
requested to bo present next Wednes
day evening, Juue 9. Installation of
officers will take place By order of
W. Connor and sister, Mrs. Carrie
Hughes, of Beaver City, brother and
sister of Mrs. L. H. Rust, are hare on a
visit, and will go from here to Bur
lington, Michigan.
Rev. G. W. Hummel will leave for
Lincoln the first of the week to attend
the graduating exercises. His daugh
ters, Carrio and Nottio will be of tho
graduating number.
J. H. Smith writes combined insur
ance for a term of five years at 8 per
cont. On schools houses, entireties and
farm property on the installment plan.
Drop him a card at Red Cloud, Neb.
Complaint was filed in tho office of
Judge Duffy today by John WiNon
against John Marker Jr., far an as
sault alligod to have been committed
on Claude Wilson. The trial will
probably bo Saturday.
List of letters remaining uncalled for
at the postofflceat Red Clould, Neb
raska, for tho week ending June 8d,
Rlobardsou, Mrs. Emilie
Theso letters will be snntto thedead
letter ofllec June 17th, if not called for
bofanv- Frank W. Cowrbn, P. M.
On hut Sunday the Christian church
was taxed to its utmost capacity to
hold the large audience which assem
bled to hear tho memorial sormou by
Rev. James M. Darby which wns very
ably handled by that gentlemen. Tho
decoration services were held on Mon
day afternoon nnd as usual the G. A.
R. nnd W. R. O. and other organiza
tions of the city met at the G. A. R.
hall and headed by tho Sons of Vetr
an's band marched to the cometory
whore services appropriate to the oc
casion were conducted and after dec
rating the gravss of the doparted he
roes .the procession returned to the
Christiau church and were addressed
by Mri Rosalie B. Conden.
Mr. Isaac Horner, proprietor of the
Burton House, Burton, W.Va.,andone
of the most widely known men in the
state was oured of rheumatism after
three years of suffering. He says: "I
have not sufficient commmand of lan
guage to convoy any idea of what I
suffered, "my physician told me that
nothing could bo dono for me nnd my
friends wero fully convinced that
nothing but death would relieve me of
my sufforiug. In June 1804, Mr.
Evans, then salesman for tho Wheeling
Drug Co., recommended Chamberlain
Pain Balm. At this timo my foot and
limb were swollen to more than
double their normal sio and it scorned
to me my leg would burst, but soon
after I bcgunuslng' the Puiu Halm the
swelling began, 1V tlecrftas,f lli'u pulti
tolcavc, and now I cnnsmVr.thnt I anj
onliridy cured, For' sale by H. E.
G rice, Druggist. ' .5
Fence pnsts.floorx, sidewalk
sleeper, etc., will nover
lot ir coated with this
Will prevent contagious dis
eases In stables and pens.
Sure death to chicken lico
nnd mites and prevents
Mien and rats will not touch
it. Sold only by
C. L. Cotting,
BcrtWnlden wns in Riverton this
Mrs. Jos. Hcrburgcr is visiting in
Go to G. A. Harris, Cowles, Nob., for.
hats and caps at cost.
Beer at wholesale at $2.50 por keg nt
tho South Sido Sample Room.
Croto Hour is liner than silk. Just
try a sack. Sherwood & Albright.
Buy trunks of us nnd save a dollar.
Come- anil see. G ai.usua & Wkscott.
G. A. Harris of Cowles was a pleas
ant caller at the Cuiek wigwam this
Beer sold nt tho South Side Samplo
Room in quantity from ono keg to one
The Orange Judd Farmer and tho
American Agriculturalist Almanac to
gether with Tho Ciiikf for $1.35.
C. L. Cotting, solo ugent, will refund
your money if not satisfied alter using
one hottio of Dr. Fenuers famous medi
cine. J. A. Batim has accepted a position
in the drug store of Win. Douglas at
Superior and went to that place Mon
day morning.
Rev. James Darby will render a bac
calaureate sermon to the graduating
class of tho Red Cloud high school at
the M. E. church next Sunday eveuing.
Some very pretty flower designs, an
anchor, cross and letter N, the handi-woi-K
of Wm. Tulleys wore among tho
beautiful decorations at the cemetery
on Decoration day.
The American Agriculturist Almanac
a book which treats on hundreds of
subjects, The Orange Judd Farmer,
one of tho best farm patters published
and Tho Chief all ono year for 81.85.
Vou can save big mocey on
clothing, furnishing goods,
hats,caps, shoes, trunks, va
lises by buying thou now nt
Wioner's costolosing out snlo.
Mrs. G. E. McKeeby left Monday on
a visit to friends in Lincoln and
Omaha, and will go from thera to
Jamestown, Kansas, where she will
visit relatives and friends before going
to her now homo at Guthrie, Oklahoma.
Tho drummer J. T. Flold, who was
arrested by J. M. Chaflln on a charge
of the thoft of a typewriter, was found
not guilty in Justice Bennett's court
and was discharged. The sample ma
chine which was attached by Chaflln is
still held by tho officers.
'The Foot
$ of a Fly"
sayi aa amines lagliah decter, "will
carry enough bsjImk to infect a house.
hoM." la ssaacr-tiaae, mora espec
ially, disease germs nil the air, multi
tads arc infected, fall ill, die multi
radas escape. These messengers of
mischief do aet exist for millioas. Why
not? Because thejr arc healthy aad strong
protected as a crocodile is agaiast gun
shot. It is the weakthe wasted, the
thin-blooded who fkllj those who
have no resistive power so that a sadden
cough or eold develops late grave
disease. We hear of catchlag disease 1
Why aot catch health r We caa do it
by always aulaaUalag ear healthy
of Cod-liver Oil, is ooadeasod nourish
mentt food for the building ap of the
system to resist the attacks of disease.
It should be taken in reasonable dotes
all summer Jong by all those whose
weight is below the standard of health.
Ifyfyi'art lbiiag ground, try a bottle
now. ' . '
Portal bran
. t A.
at too. aad faa
When It will pay you to remember
that the best Is the cheapest, It's
when you're about to buy a suit of
clothes. The new suit Is going to
give you either pleasure or dissat
isfaction. It's going to add to your
appearance or detract from It.
Now, if you want a suit that wilt
be a credit to you, buy the best
the H. S. & M. kind.
haht. aoMAyrwew a
wo OLOTnma.
The finest ready-tailored good
clothes In the world. They're not
Closing Out At Cost
Means a Saving to you on
Every $eo purchase of
from $3 to $4.
Now is the time to buy up-to-tlato goods cheap. We have made all
arrangements to go into business in New ork and are
anxious to close out this stock quick.
We have all the novelties of the season, as half of our stock was '
bought this spring. , , ,
WIENER, - - 7
- The Clothier.
Cash paid for eggs by Aultz 4c Dyer
A crowd of Franklin wheelmen spent
Sunday here.
Ed. Pulsipher was down from Hast
ings this week.
Fred Gund of Blue Hill was hre the
first of the weok.
O. C. Bell, after a sojourn in Missou
ri, hns returned home.
Goto G. A. Harris, Cowles, Neb., for
boots and shoes at cost.
Miss Cora Garber has ucceptod a
position on the Lincoln Call.
Look at line of Men's Suits from 13.75
to 17.00 at Galusha & Wescott's.
Superior flour aud feed und Amboy
flour at G. A. Harris', Cowles, Neb.
Lumber nt cost at Cowles, Neb.
Closing out. A. L. Hildreth, Manager.
Mrs. Jos. Foglo who has been seri
ously ill, is we tiro glad to learn much
Every sack of Crete flour Is war
ranted. For sale by Sherwood & Al
bright. Mrs. Rosalie B. Condon, who has
been visiting with II. K. Fond ami wife
has returaed home.
Miss Sarah Korlin who has been vis
iting with Editor Jenkins and wife has
returned to her home in Beatrice.
John Dlckereou aud wife are rejolo
ing over the adveat of a bouncing
baby girl which arrived early Thurs
day morning.
Lumber Yard for sale cheap for cash
or will trade for good farm lauds in
Webster county. A. L. Hildkktii,
Manager, Cowles, Nebraska.
Will not only duplicate prices on
clothing but will go any merchant one
better. Monoy returned if you can do
better anywhere, Galusiia & Wks
cott. Crans k Calmea will preside as cater
era at the Alumni banquet given on
Friday night and also at the Juniors
banquet whloh will be given on Satur
day night.
Hutchinson ic Illatt, the- tonsorlal
artists, are agents for the Evans Laun
dry company. Tuko your laco curtains
collars and cutTs to thorn aud get only
first class work.
During tho month of Juno I will sell
everything at rcdileod pricos. Any nr
tides ,uL'u0Htltund somo uyeu below
oowt. Como in nnd see that I moan
what I say. G, A. Habbis, Cowles,
liargest and Best
Mne in the City.
Prices to Suit fill I
Examine the
Bargains in Oat"
For Decoration Day Clearing Salei
Lasting One Week.
An Elegant Line of White Trimmed Hats.
miner bros:
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