sS&SSSS-r outuafeMmwiewwawj "-T.f. .. . J &HE BED CLOUD CHIEF, FRIDAY. JUNE 4 1897. wmamaiu5&p&s&mmx &ZSaSSSS5SSSSSS555SSSSBBBSBSBBBHIIBBBSW Ksaeumtmr " --- wws -a I1 ' ft r ? K I ft ft sT LOAD OF ARMS LANDED SUCCESSFUL FILIBUSTER ING EXPEDITION. 1 Tag and HcliJ'onrr llenr Cnrgoe Valued at 78,000 wrl the Khiiioii. Dauntle., Which LnjiKlnl I ho Cursor. In Cubs Largo NuiJibcr of Culmn. I'lvked Up. Wh,iiinotos, Del., May 3J. Details of a successful flllbusterlug expedition to Cuba wero miiVdo publlu horo yestor day by ono of th?, crew. Tho cargo was Taluod at tliSMO, tlia second largest oyer landed o the Uland. Tho tug Alexander Jones'., and schooner John 1). Long are Involved. On Thursday night, Way 13, the Tones took on a cargo of trifles, mach etes, rapid firing guns add ammuni tion at the wharf of the Wilmington, Newborn A Norfolk railway, in tfce touthorn limit- of the elty.C Uoforo the had entirely finished herjeargo a report was started that the officers woro approaching, and that tho rovo nue cutter Morrill was getting up (team. Taking alarm at this, the Jones pulled out and started down tho river at 1:45 p. m., and in n few hours crossed tho bar and anchored outside. The schooner John D. Long, having meanwhile been loaded with coal and other material at the Wil mington 4. Wcldon rallroud wharf, was shortly afterword towed out to sea by tho tug Jacob ltrandon, going past the rovenuo cutter Colfax. On the schooner were General Nunez and another ofllcer of tho Cuban army, a Cuban pilot and Captain John 0'IJriou, of tho filibustering tug Dauntless. At the sua buoy thoy went on board tho Jonos, anchored near by, and Cap tain O'llrlcn took charge of the expedi tion. A hawser was made fast from tho Jones to tho schooner, and early Friday morning tho tug steamed to tho south with her tow. Tho Jucob ltrandon returned to Southport On the way down the coast no port was entered, but off Palm lloach, on the coast of Florida, sixty-two Cubans were taken on board. Tho Jonos then towed tho schooner to tho Uahamss and uuahored in tho open sea on Tues day, May 18. On Thursday morning, May 20, tho filibuster Dauntless hovo In sight and catuo alongside the Jones and tho schooner. She coaled from the suhooiiur, took a curgo of arms from the Jones, uud, with Cnptulu O'llrlcn In command, headed for the Cuban const, ubotit sixty miles uwny. She left the Jones between 8 und 0 o'clock Thursday night, made u suc cessful landing in Cuba near Mautan zas, and, after an absence of twenty four hours, returned to tho Jones, took tnothor curgo of war material and Itartcd for Cuba Friday night. On the last trip General Nunez and the sixty two Cubans left the Jones and wont oa board the Dauntless and accom panied Captain O'llrlcn. When the Uuuntless loft with her lecoud cargo, tho Jones coulcd from the schooner, towed her off Cupe Can averal, Flo., and turned her loose. Bho sailed back and got into Southport yesterday morning. Tho cargo carried out of here was raluod at 878,000, and is said to have been the second largest ever landed In Cuba. Tho member of the crew above re ferred to says there is no truth in tho itory that the Jones was chased und ffred on by a Spanish war vessel. Tho lonos never saw tho smoke of such a war vesiel while on her triu. MR. CALHOUN ATTACKED. Havana I'opor Scara. Ultn Ilecauie o Article, it Friend IU. Written. Havana, May 31. In a leading urtl clo El Dlaro Do Lo Marina makes n scathing indirect attack upon Commis sioner Calhouu by criticising articles which have uppoared In a Washington nowspapors over tho hignuturu of Mr. Pepper, who, in tho guise of an intimate friend of Presi dent MeKlnloy nnd Mr. Calhoun, accompanied tho latter to Cuba. El Dlarlo Do La Marina maintains that many incidents of tho interior work ing of tho mixed commission, which are wholly private, havo been divulged In Mr. Popper's letters, thus tendlug to compromise Mr. Calhoun. Tho papor also roscuts Mr. Pepper's un friendly attitude toward Spain in his reports on the Cuban question, ex pressing disgust that, whllo ho blames Spain for tho natural result of the war, ho has no word of censure for tho Cuban insurgents, whoso torches sro destroying the wealth of tho Island. In closing its article, El Dlarlo Do La Murhia calls attention to tho fact that two New York nowtpapurj whoso Cuban representatives are scarcely favorable to Spain maintain bureaus In Havana under thu muuu root with tho Unltod Stnte consul general, Inti mating, without much delicacy, that; tho correspondents of tlieio news papers nro virtually under tho wing of General Fltzhugli Lo and draw most of their Inspiration from him. Mob After n Joints. t. Skvkiianci:, Kan., May :il. A Joint 1st who opened a drluklug place here was chased out of town by the tcin peianca people yeitordny nnd his stock of liquors confiscated by the mob and burned. Hun Over by thu Cur. Bkvikii, Mo., May 31. Arthur Uard nor, a young man 10 years of ago liv ing with his parents on a farm ono mile west of ('alios, Mo., was run over by the cars on the llunnlbal A St Joseph railroad this mornlug while trying to bourd a moving freight train three miles eubt of llevlcr. lie cannot live. An OlUcn for Kdltor Hneod. Jkffkhson City, Mo., May 41, It is anuounced that Governor Stephens has decided to appoint Richard 11. Speed, editor of the Nevada Mall, coaj oil inspector of St. Louis. ROBBERS WANT $50,000. They Offnr to Return Stolen Ilond. Haul Static Nineteen' Year Ago. New York, May 31. Nineteen yean ago tho country was startled by the report of the biggoit bank burglary known In the history of tho world. It occurred Sunday, October 27. 1878. Tho Manhattan Savings institution of this city was robbed of securities esti mated at 83,747,700 and 911,000 in cash. With tho exception of a few of tho bonds offered for sale some time ago, nona of thr securities have been re covered. It was believed that they had been burled or destroyed. That the securities are still la exist ence are known here A short time ago negotiations wero opened between men said to represent the burglars aud President Joseph Bird of the Manhat tan Savings Institution for their re turn. The burglars have mado a demand for 930,000, and no questions to be asked, with the understanding that the securities are to be handed over in good shape and that Immediately upon their dollvcry the money shall be paid In caah. President Dird, who nt tho tlmo of tho robbery was paying teller of tho Manhattan Savings Institution, said to-day that 10,000 had been asked for the return of the bonds aud although tho bank officials would like to get them back he dcclarod they would not pay tho amount asked. Continuing Mr. Bird said: "Many of the securities are worth less to-day, I should say, since tho government camo to our assistance 10 mo time ago by an act of Congress authorizing tho secretary of tho treas ury to reissue duplicates In placo of the stolen United States bonds. "There was a number of other bonds Usued by cities and corporations, how ever. Some of these are duo soon, and of course wo would liko to havo tho originuls, an it would make it easier for us to collect the moneys involved. "I refer particularly to tho Yon Iters :lty 7 por cent coupon bonds. Tuero ivero 8118,000 Yunkers bonds stolen, and out of that amount we havo re ceived 908,000, which loaves 920,000 duo." Mr. lllrd stated that he bolicvcd the offer to bo mudo In good faith, aud the caso has been placed iu tho hands of tho bank's counsel. Thoso who par ticipated in or were connected with thu robbery wero Jimmy Hope, John Hope, Patrick Shevolln, the watch man ottyq banWilllain Kelly, Peter Emerson, alias "Banjo Pete;" John Nugent, a policeman, Eddlo Goldlng, alias "Eddie Goodie;" John Tracy and Johnny Dobbs. Of these Jimmy and John Hop are living in this city. The others aro all either dead or In prison. KING GEORGE UNPOPULAR Autl-Urnaitlr Feeling Wlde.pread Hu mor of a Coniplrnry. London, May 31. The Berlin corre spondent of the Daily Mall says today: "From a Itusslan source comes news of a conspiracy against King George of Greece far more deeply rooted than was supposed. There Is ludubltablo ovidenco that Premier Rnlll and his colleagues In thu cablnot aro gravely Implicated in a plot to overthrow tho dynasty." Athknb, May 31. King Goorge paid a visit to M. Onou, thu llussluu minis ter, Saturduy, and after a two hours' Interview sent a long telegram to Em peror Nicholas, urging him to inter vcuo on behalf of Greece. Turkey's continued arming and re ported Itusslan preparations, with other rumors of a bellicose character, ralso tho hopo that Greece may geb benefit from n general European wur. But tho majority of tho nations, sobered by a sad experience, are only desirous that Europe shall protect Greece against her conqueror. Thoru is no reason to fear that cither Bulgaria or Scrvia will abandon tho policy it has followed thus far. Tho Turkish troops who have been sent to tho Servian aud Bulgarian frontiers aro only intended to replace thoso who wero withdrawn Just before tho wur began. The reports of nlartnlng anti-dynas-tlo troubles, published abroad, cnuso surprise here, as there Is no sign ot uny such movement, nor is any prom iuent politician likely to commit him self to un nntl-dynustlo program. It uppears that tho Prince of Wales has expressed his personal desire that Crown Prince Constantino should come to London for tho jubllco festivities, and this is regarded as Indicative of English good will toward Greece. DURRANT WILL HANG. Uoveruor of California Hut. III. ICiecu tlun for Juno 11. Sachamknto, Cul., May 31. Theo dore Durrant will hang on Juno 11, one week from next Friday. Governor Iludd hus telephoned that much, in ef fect, to Wardon Halo of San Quoutlu, at tho same time ordering the death watch placed upou tho prisoner. Hoy of 1'J I.lcmned to Toach. Deuatuh. Ind., May 31. At a tench- ors examination in this city boforo tho county superintendent, Itovillo Schearer, the 13-year-old son of Will lm Sheurcr, successfully passed und was awarded a license. He is con ceded by instructor to bo thu young est teacher in Iudluua, if not In the United States. Chlcugo May let It. Boston, May 31. The Bacchante statue which so plcasid tho art lovers und nt the same tlmo caused a wave of morality to sweep over tho cultured llostoneso last fall is nuvor uguln to be favored with receptions ami pink toas. It is understood Mr. MaKIm has un der consideration tho on'orlng of the beautiful statue, which has so shocked Boston modesty, to either Chicago or New York, to be placed in their public- art galleries or libraries. Ho de clines to discuss the matter, but Inti mates that he hus u leaulug towurd Chicago. PROPOSED STAMP TAX. Cheek, Deed anil Mortgage Contract May Be Had to Yl.ld a Rerenae. Nkw York, May 31. Bankers are In terested, In dispatches announcing that the finance committee of the Senate Is considering a proposition to umend the tariff bill by substituting for the tax on tea and tho lncrenso of the tax on beer a tax on bank checks, deeds, raorgages and other conveyances and contracts. Additional interest was imparted to this subjeet by tho fact that Senator Piatt has announced his determination to help secure this action. Tho Impression prevails, however, that there is not much likelihood of the adoption of this substitute, which Is generally opposed. E. B. Randolph, president of the Continental National bank, said: "I have always been in favor of a stamp tax on bank checks and other Instruments. I believe It Is a prac ticable and fair way to raise money. I was surprised when the old law was repealed, and I cannot see why there should be any opposition to a provis ion of this sort. One advantage about a tax of this kind Is that it is easily collectible" At tho National City bank It was said that there are serious objections to the tax on the part of banks. "On tho face of It," said James Ross Curran, assistant cashlor, "the taxis to bo paid by tho person who draws the check, but In reality tho banks would pay a considerable proportion of tho tax. Checks would get In with out a stamp and the bank would put stamps upon them. It is thought that the imposition ot the tax would causo restriction of the use of checks." William Sherrcr, manager of tho clearing house, In discussing tho oper ation of tho old stamp law, said: "The tax on checks used to be 3 cents, without reference to tho amount of tho check, but there wero stamps ranging In value from that amount up to 8500. On mortgages, bonds and other Instruments thu stamp repre sented a per ccntago of the amount of the conveyance. "Banks would deposit say 81,000 and got a certificate authorizing the issu ance of stumps to the amount of 91,050 and afterward tho stamp was made a part of tho check, just printed on. There was a margin of 3 por cent on amounts up to 8100, of 4 per cent on amounts up to 8300 und ot 5 per cent on amounts of 81,000, the premium be ing pntd In stamps." RUSHING IT THROUGH. Remarkable Frogrei Is Ilelng Mad ta the Tariff Debate. Washington. May 31. The impres sion was general about the Senate at the close of the first week's discussion of the tariff bill that the sugar sched ule would be reached towards the close of the present week. The progress so far mado Is generally regarded as lit tle less than phenomenal, as mod ern tariff debates go, Senator Vest doclarcs that tho present bill is as far advanced now as was tho Wilson bill after five weeks of dis cussion, while Seuutcr Jones of Ar kansas asserts that as much of tho present bill was passed over on the first day of consideration as was dis posed of In the Wilson bill lu threo weeks. Tho Republican! generally concede that good progress has been made, but they aro not Inclined to felicitate themselves too much until they see what policy Is to be pursued when the questions of moro general Interest are reuehed than huvo yet been reached. STRUCK BY A TRAIN. four Small Denver Children Killed sail Four Injure!. Dknvi'.r, Col., May 31. At o'clock lust evening u spring wagon, driven by Henry Marsau, a carpenter, aud containing eight children, ranging in age from 3 to 0 years, was struck by a special train on thu Denver A Rio Grande railroad, and as u result four of thu children are dead and the others aro terribly Injured, two so badly that they will die. It Is claimed by tho pollco thut Mar au was Intoxicated and paid no at tention to the signals of the engineer, but drove upon the track when the train wus iu plain sight uud but a few feet away. The engine struck tho microti, demolishing It and crushing ind mangling tho children In a hor rlble manner. CORN BELT CROP REPORT. Favorable Condition. Prevail la Iowa, Nebra.ka, MU.onrl and Kansas. Ciiicaoo, May 31. Reports received by the Corn Belt from more than 001 correspondents along the lines of tho Burlington road lu Iowa, Nebraska, Missouri and Kansas show that corn planting hus been practically finished uud that the conditions of tho ground are highly fuvoruble. Planting was finished from one to threo weeks lator than last year. Heavy ruins have fallen along tho northern counties of Kunui nml the. . ground is lu excellent condition. Corn mowing is now under wav. Tho worm bright weather which has generally prevailed In Missouri during tho past two weeks has brought tho corn out of the ground and cultivation is no going on in many lonalltles. Minor to lie llurred. Washington. May 31. The policy ot tho postofllco department us to the ap pointment of minors in tho postolUco has been definitely fixed, and they will bo debarred from chief clerkships and deputy postmastorbhlps, except in a few of tho third class offices; where circumstances urge their pemtllnr fit ness. Even then they will not bo al lowed to become uoilvo postmasters on account of tho legal declaration that contracts mado by minors ua-e voidable. This effectually bars them from being oven temporarily postmaster, so far ni the assumption of tho responsibilities ot that office is concerned. SITUATION CRITICAL. THE SIOUX JOIN THE CHEY ENNES FOR WAR. (,'heyeune Have Clour, Into the Hill, on the Tongue Klver, Where the Po.ilhle Fight Will Occur Mad Mood Between Cowboy and Indiana., Mont, June 2. Special from Miles City, tho nearest town In Montana to the Choyonno Indian troubles, say tho situation at th agency continues critical. Families who reside near the seat of the out. break continue to flock to Miles City. It is reported that Sioux Indians from Dakota havo comu to tho agency, and that runners havo been sont to in vite moro Sioux to join them upon the war trail. Senator Carter will ask President MoKlnley that Indian Agent Stouch bo Instructed not to interfere with tho sheriff's posse nnd that the military authorities support them In caso tho Cheyenncs resist the arrest of the In dian Little Whirlwind, known also a? David Stanley, and Philip Badger, o graduate of Carlisle, who admits tho murder of Sheep Herder Hoover. Sheriff Brlggs ui.d Deputy Smith Winters should nmve among tho Cheyenncs Wednesday with wurranti for The murderers, which they will at tempt to serve. Whlto Bull's band of warriors num bering i35, who escaped from tho agency Friday night, are in tho hilhi upon the Tongue river near Ashland, and this will bo the scene of the firs bloodshed should there be auy. Tho settlers are not as well armed as tho Indians, though arms und ammunition are being forwarded as rapidly as pos sible. The Cheyenncs are well known for their hatred of the white man, their treachery and their inclination to bo on the warpath. Most of the Chey enncs who havo on the war paint uro young bucks. Among them aro sev eral old Indinus who were with Chiefs Dull Knife and Black Horse, who made that memorable raid through Kuusas and Nebraska in 1878. At the tlmo these Cheyenncs camo to Montana the country was In posses sion of white settlers, wjjo had taken up lund and wero cnguged In farming and stock raising, and they petitioned the government not to allo.v these In dians to remain here, knowing there would be trouble It they did. Tho government went so fnr as to stop their rations, thinking this would in duce them to leave, but the Chcycnue.s oaslly procured their living by steal ing from the settlers, killing off their cattle, and have continued the cattle killing ever sinco. The present trouble at Lame Deer agency is but an acute phase of the armed neutrality in that section. Bud blood exists all the tlmo botween the cowboys and Indians. When cowboys get drunk they kill an Indian and the red men reciprocate. Indians often kill range cattle Tor the hides or for food, and when they are discovered by a lone herder they kill him to destroy evidence against themselves. The re sult is that they distrust each other, and bushwhacking is the rule. Lame Deer agency, tho Cheyenncs' headquarters, Is sixty miles from the nearest ruilroad point. Tho trouble Is not ot recent origin, but dutes baek almost to tho time tho Cheyenncs were located lu Montana. FIVE DEAD, TWELVE HURT. A Tally Uo Party Itnn Into by a Train on Long I.laud. Nkw Yokk, June 3. Fivo young people wero killed and a number of others injured in an accident which occurred yesterday afternoon at Val ley Stream, Long Island A tally-ho, with a party of twenty-one excursion ists from tho Greene Avenue Baptist church, Brooklyn, which ,sturted out for a day's outing through Long Isl and, was struck by a train on thu Long Island railroad ut thu Merrick boule vard crossing and these were instantly killed: George F. Fashlcy, Jr., Will lam Gilchrist, Jr., Wlnslow Lewis, Lester E. Roberts, Miss Dora Hurtsch. Thu injured ure: Emma Brume, skull fractured; Clara Stuart, skull frac tured; Mrs. Annlo Andrews, both legs broken; Lawrence. Barnes, scalp wound; Walter Wellbrock, both thighs broken; Edwurd McCormlck, driver of tho coach, badly Injured; Miss Push lop, back broken; Miss Debetts, leg broken nnd head Injured; Miss Ray Stillman, badly injured. A number of others were slightly in jured. Somo of tho dead were fright fully mangled. Tho ernnli cumo almost without warning and tho occupants of tho :ouoh had no time to mako any effort to cHcnpc. Before the most of them Itnew of thu Impending danger, tho train was upon them, the coach upset and tho englno pushing it along thu rails, tho dead und Injured being cut ind mangled beneath It Anarehl.t tlo to the Workhouse. PiTTSiiuiiO, Pa., Juno 3. The forty seven anarchists arrested at a picnic near Glenwood for disorderly conduct were fiucd 3'..1 und costs, or thirty days to tho work House. Curl Nold, Henry Bauer nnd a doen others so Hired thu money to pay their tines. The others went to thu workhouse. lie Illume, the United Mate. Madiiid, Juno S. lu un Interview with General Azcarraga, the minister ot war, General Bernarnl, who has just returned from Cuba, said that tho prolonging of tho rebellion In Cuba wus only duo to tho nsslstuoeo which thu insurgents received from the United States. Villi Daly Dangerously 111. Nkw Yoiik, Juno I'. Phil Y)uly, tho Well known gambler, was taken dan gcrously 111 last Sunday night nt his residence, Brooksldu Villa. Ho wus suffering witli acute cardiac failure and edema ot the lungs.. JOHN SEARLES GOES FREE. .lodge Orders a Verdict of Acquittal Th UuelthM Private. WAsmxoTo.f, Juno 3. In the case of John E. Searlcs, the sugar trust wit ness, Judtre Bradley ordered tho jury to bring in a verdict of acquittal this morning, holding that tho question asked tho witness by the Senate com mittee wero not pertinent, nnd, if so, wero not within tho jurisdiction of the committee. The judgo pointed out that Mr. Searlcs had testified specifically that no money had been contributed by tho Sugar trust to tho national campaign or for the purpose of Influencing leg islation or tho election of United States sonators. Certainly, tho judgo said, a simple Investigation as to whether tho Sugar trust had contributed to a campaign fund would be an unwarranted search Into tho private affairs of the company and plainly beyond tho power of the Senate. Tho Senate committee hnd reported that no testimony had been produced to show that tho Sugar trust had made any contributions to any national campaign fund for the purposo of affecting legislation. If mono had gone for tho purpose of electing members of state legis latures, who In tlmo would elect a United States Senator, it was beyond tho power of tho United States Senate to go behind the elec tion ot legislative members. If this wero truo as to statu matters how much moro truo was it of local elec tions. It would bo the wildest con jecture to assumo that tho raonoy so contributed In nny way had gone to make up tho sugar schedule. It appeared from tho report of tho committee that they wero not In the possession of any fucts upon which they could base a most remote hope of showing an ultimate connection be tween tho Sugar trust's contributions and the sugar schedule. Under these circumstances It must be held that tho questions asked were not pertinent and wero not construed to be perti nent Judgo Bradley, therefore, sustained tho motion of the defense nnd ordered the jury to return a verdict of ac quittal. Tho jury accordingly ren dered a verdict of not guilty aud Mr. Searlcs was froe. The cases of E. J. Edwards and John S. Shrlver, tho nowspaper correspond ents, wero postponed until next Mon day. SPEAKER REEDAGAIN WINS The llouio Aculuxt .lorry Simpson Sus tain the Speaker. Washington, Junes. The TIouso to-day witnessed a sharp uttack on the Speaker by Representatives Simpson and Richardson becauso of tho non appointment of the committees. On motion of Mr. DIngley, by 00 to 55, tho House upheld the Speaker's re fusal to recognlzo the resolution of Mr Lewis (Democrat) of Washington relative to Cuba. A special order was then presented for immediate consideration of a reso lution providing for transportation of supplies to India and permitting the use ot any vessel, instead of restrict ing ttio sending ot famine relief to American ahlps. After furthor talk by Mr. Simpson and others concerning the alleged autocratic power of the speaker, the order was adopted. The Senate resolution to amend the resolu tion of April 7 for fhn transportation of supplies to India was passed. THE TARIFF ON CHINA. Decorated Ware Will Pay 00 For Cent Undecorated OH Fer Cent. Wabiiinoto:, Juno 2. The tnrlff bill wns taken up in tho Senate, to-day im mediately after tho disposal of routlno business. Mr. Aldrlch withdrew tho proposed committee amendments to paragraph 00, china, eta, leaving the rates ns reported by tho House, viz: decorated china, GO per cent ad valorem; undecorated china, fiS per cent Mi. Jones of 'Arkansas moved to reduce those rates to 35 and 30 per cent respectively. Without debate a vote was taken and the proposed amendments woro defeated, yeas S3, nays 3 1. Messrs. MeEncry nnd Cannon voted with tho Rcuubllcans In the negative and Messrs. Harris (Kansas) and Heit fold with tho Democrats In the affirm ntlve. In other respects the vote was on party lines. Tho honntn rer.onuul Now Established. Washington, JuueS. Tho senator from South Carolina, John L. Me Laurlu, who succeeded tho lute Sena tor Earle, wan sworn iu ut the opon lug of the session to-day. This estab lishes thu personnel of the Scnase as it will remain for somo time, vis: Re publicans 43, Democrats 34, Populists 7. Silver Republicans 5, vacancy 1. Totnl 00. llutehln.on Agitated. Hutchinson, Kan., Juno S. Hutch inson Is greatly worked up over the saloon question. Tho finance com mittee of tho council has recommended among the occupation tax list a license of SS0 per month for hop tea dealers. The temperance people look upon tho movement In tho light ot protecting saloons. Tho church and temperance nrganUattoe.s are up in arms and mak ing tilings lively for tho aldermen. .itcKinlcy Coiiter. Degrees. Washington, Juno S. President MeKlnloy conferred tho degrees on about fifty graduntcs of tho senior and post graduate, classes of tho Na tional University Law school at the annual commencement exercises hold In this city last evening. Tho theatre was crowded, and on thu stage were many peoplu of note, A Lincoln, Neb., Hunk Closed. Omaha, fcVb , Juno 2. A special dispatch from Lincoln, Neb., says the Merchants bank closed Its doors at noou. No statement yet given out Tho bank had u capital of ii0,000. MODERN WOODMEN MEET. Delegate Raid to Have Hsporteit Against the Fotton Faction. Dunuo.UK, Iowh, June 3. Nearly every delegate to tho head camp of Modern Woodmen Is hero for the open ing session of tho order's blonnlal meeting. The dcclslvo action of stato caucuses nnnears to havo snttlmi tt, question of election of officers. The report 01 ueiegates at largo who havo lust completed an investltmtlmi nt ,. affairs of the order is understood tq ue emphatic in Its denunciation of thu Fulton faction and ns strnno-W fnvn. able to tho present administration. xne utcnnini roport of Head Consul Northcott showed that during !.-. past Bovcn years tho membership had increased from 40,000 to 240,000, and tho avcrago ago had dtcreased from 38.0. to 35.7H voars. Tim n.f J management wns reduced from 81.01 to sixty-one cents. Tho Question of nn emnrflrnnntr fnn.1 has been entirely eliminated from tho consiaeration ot the Head camp by a vote of the members. The renort of Charles W. itnw. head clerk, showed that tho general fund expenditures amounted in -. 439, mortuary claims allowed, 1,000, anu tne amount paid, 83,280,816; amount of claims pending, 8217,500. During the term 101, SCO suspensions were reported, of which number 70,398 wero reinstated. The report of A. II. Holllstnr. hoail banker, showed that during the bien nial period ending March 31, 1807, tho total receipts wero 83,534. SS3. and tho dlsbusements 83,155,313. Tho head physician's report showed that In the last two years tho board had accepted 137,110 applications and rejected lf.- 000. The rate of mortality last venr wns 4.00 per 1,000, the lowest sine 1880. DUCK LAKE UPRISING. To Avoid Further Trouble Canadian! Kilt All of Almighty Voice' Band. Winnii'eo, Manitoba, June 3. After the volunteers and Indlnn pollco had kept up a continuous fire with rides and two field pieces for about two hours Sunday morning, they charged on tho bluff near Duck Lake, where tho Indians were entrenched. When they arrived at tho rifle pits they found all the Indians hud been shot. Almighty Volco was literally riddled with rifle bullets and tho others mortally wounded in several places. Police Constable Korr and Mr. Grundy s bodies were found about twenty- live yards from the pits with shots in several pluccs in the head nnd body. They were stripped of their clothing, which was found on tho bodies, of tho Indiana The In dian, John Almighty Voice's father, who was caught whllo conveying am munition, will be brought to Prince Albert as soon as possible. Captain Allan, Sergeant Raven and Napoleon Vonne, who wero wounded, aro pro gressing favorably. Fear of a repetition of the trouble of 1845 has been removed by the shoot ing of tho Indians. The trouble was small in ltsc, but it was feared that if Almighty Volco and his companions escaped to their bands it would spread. CROPS DAMAGED BY FROST Kurere Cold Snap In loirs, Wlicontla and Minnesota. C F.D ah RAl'ius, Iowa, June 3. This section of Iowa was visited by a heavy frost last night At somu points corn und potatoes were badly ilumaged, whllo more tender crops were de stroyed. Much fear is entertained for fruits. Mu.waukkh, Wis., Tune 1. Heavy frosts occur this morning over tho entire statu ot Wisconsin, nnd consid erable damage was probably done to vegetation and fruit. Strawberries iu many sections are thought to be al most a loss by reason of the recent frosts. Omaha, Neb., June 1. Only ono or two points iu the Nebraska corn belt report frost for last night, and these so light as to have caused uo damage whutevcr to tho crop. HAWAII STANDS FIRM. ttepul.loii of Japnne.e Immigrants Mado nn Odlcml Policy. San Fhancibco, June 3. Tho Ha waiian government, in Its reply to 1 Japan on May '.'4, refused to colncido with tho views held by that country 011 the sending back ot 543 Japanese immigrants brought by the Klnlanl Mum. Official notlco has been given Japan that the immigration laws of Hawaii are to bo vigorously upheld. Tlin .Tnnnn mmoi-K hnvn ilinnrwl ITn. wailan alt.ilrd for the present. A dls- 1 t.nt1, cfntnu tlini nnnllitiM -3 probably the Tukuchiho-Kan, may bo ordered to Honolulu. Another dis patch status thut tho cruiser Nanlwa will bo kept at that port, subject to the orders of tho Japanese minister at that placo. Steel Worker. Strike to Ite.l.t a Cut. P.ttshuho, Pa., Juno 3, A 10 per cent cut in wages affecting all men not under the amalgamated scale was ordered at Jones A Laughliu's Amer ican Iron works here to-day. As a re bult the open hearth workers and somo ouicr employes, in nit about 300, refused to go to work last night The firm employs nearly 3,000 men. An Army lllcycle Tour Pmtponed. Hklkna, Mont, Juno .Tho troop ers who propose to rldo on bicycles from Fort Missoula to St Louis, have"'' postponed their departure until Juno 5. A Slour City Kxpre.i Caihler Mining. Sioux Citv, Iowa, Juno 3.-Cashlei George Adams of the American Ex press company's local office, wont fish lug Sunduy nnd hus not returned. The safe was broken open under Agent Mann s direction yesterduy. bht tho work of checking up the books is no! J vet comnlutiil. A.I ,...,. i.. .. , ",'afi. i i . . -. iiicuua VUlUWr ' he has been drowned. 'fifA "& & m4mjmm9 wM.-Mn'-.M.-U iiM.witwweyi'rie''i -' 'ii'h"vii y MWI'i.jilllll.lill mmJmM t1"" ' '