The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, May 28, 1897, Page 8, Image 8

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    ttm'--. ,
r-sswHH 4 , kmm h us) in Huss iiwiwf
wVri waii .. WhwMni
list in i. jififimfswaMsswisMii'sTmssafciisB
tf. (Wilis Home Warmly Endorses Paine's
Celery Compound.
UffLmuSfim aLsssssssssssssssa
avHasssssssssssT E sssssssssewBxssssssV ssaesssssavssssw
A'assasssssssT ssssssssssssssssssssalsT Jasssssassw
VrtflassssssV I ssssssiaSy
HVUbHsbbbbbbbi JP awssBarLer
The l'almor House, Chicago, needs
'no introduction to readers in America
'or Europe. It is one n( the largest
hotel in the world, and is one of the
great institutions of Chicago.
Mr. Willis Howe, the well-known
superintendent of tho Palmer House,
writes the following letter!
Wells, Kiehnrdson & Co., Burlington,
Vt. Gentlemen: It is with a feeling
of sincere gratitudo that I write you
this letter. 1 was seriously sick with
fever, and after passing the dangerous
stago began taking Paino's celery com
pound. At this writing I am in ox-
client health, and in fact never felt
bettor. I attribute this to the use
of Paine's celery compound. Hoping
that other will find that Paine's celery
compound will make them aa well as It
tid mp, I am most gratefully yours,
Willis Howk.
Chicago, Jan. 14, HOT.
Repeated and astonishing success in
Making people well has lifted Palne'a
celery compound to the admiration of
the world aa tho surest and wisest
means of invigorating a "rundown,"
nervous condition of the body.
Since tho discovery of this great
remedy men and women who keep
In memory of Hans C. Madison, who
departed this lift) May 13th, aged 57
yoars, 8 months,
to the hours of sadness there comix tu my kuiiI.
A vInIoii ho lovely, celctllil anil fair,
Of a clime where all suffering and sorrow arc
On that beautiful shoro over Hutu.
We feci now dear liuslmud (bat the bimtinnii no
Han anchored thy bark oujordan's cool stream
In th harbor or rot thy puro spirit dwells,
Over thcro on the share uf thohnppy redi-euitd.
Though Uie home li now broken and million
The heart of thy widow and children with
'.Tet the cloud's alWer lining. In lirlhtncn will
For a fair hand la beckoning from that home
over khere,
a'arowtll doareit huibaud thy true patient life,
lUa et like the tun ao radiant aud fair,
,To thine In Ita ipleudor, undltnaied thriiuh all
Ih the natulon of bllia over there.
A Friend.
Morale Your llowela WIIU Uanciiret.
.-?'i2,y Cathartic, cure conatlpatlon forover.
Wc.ttc. itc.0. o. fall, druiruUu refund money.
tHatol ft. Reynolds. Wajkwa. ITA. writos
Dr. Feer, Fredonta, N. T.i
roraeul two years ay little torn Grove,
atd about four, tutrered from K(4aey aad
Bladder dbieaae. Finally a travel was fores
.trnto tae urethra and rentals tlaen
aeUg . .
mm riitHiM
a. itlcl etutlon. I ret ute4 ooajMi to
X)aaBtMeaPerililon ,eatlu tfce rtiolt, a4
acae Cure. "H 'ow ! Back
wUaoaebotUeV,, graTel aad become !?"" .r' T? ""
utaolvlai stoit1
mufiiipnvn i ziivi
. ..... wm ua j. t4, Win
paeaeeioui or itaelrviuuauiTM ey iiuu
M ettoai to-day, Hei.P caiieu wtu
tU audit tae la rfuaolvlm eto ot ct
themselves reasonably woll informed
in tho world's progress, refuse to be
martyr to such well understood
troubles as sleeplessness, rheumatism,
neuralgia, or kidney diseases. Paine's
celery compound is used with perfect
assurance in thoso households where
only nn intelligent, authentic, remedy
can got any consideration. Asaspring
remedy nothing compares with it.
Asphysiciansaro all the time saying:
The pain over the kidneys, hoadaches
and tho misery of nervous debility
should bo mot by Paine's celery com
pound. Its invigorating action is at
once felt by the irritated, worn-out
nerves ana Drain, it makes new
blood. It brings fresh strength and
vigor to tired, worn-out men, weary
women and sickly children. For those
diseases which are the result of weak
ened nerves, such as dyspepsia, head
aches, neuralgia and heart disease,
Faiue'd celery compound Is the only
logical, permanent cure. It feeds the
wasted nerve tissues and regulates
their action, It tones up the entire di
gestive tract and encourages the body
to tako on ilesh and to increase the
volume of pure blood In the arteries
and veins.
C. W. is building nioro corn cribs.
Fuller & Good shipped txvo carloads
of hogs this xveok.
C. E. Putnam has been uppoluted
postmaster for this city.
A number of our eltl.ens xvoro in
Red Cloud Wednesday on business.
Miss Florence Cotting ami Miss Klla
Cook were visitors hero yesterday, and
utteuileil the school exercises.
Principal Hart, of tho Frauklin
Academy, will deliver the memoiial
address in tho Congregational church
Sunday morning next. Services to
commence nt eleven o'clock prompt.
Our school commencement exercises
xvero hold in the school houstf last
evening. There were two graduates
from tho 0th grade, Lorotta Thomas
aud Robert Hall. The graduates ac
quitted themselves well. Mrs. Thomas'
theme was "Bowing aud Reaping" and
ttooeri Mairs "Ability and Opportun
ity." Three other pupils. Misses Hall.
Hager and Poyer, gave very good pa
pers on appropriate themes. Miss
Chloe Fuller and Miss tieorgle Scott
contributed greatly to the general en
joyment with two instrumental duets,
wales were very finely executed.
Catarrh Cannot Be Cured
With local applications, as they can
not reach the diseased portion of the
ear. There is only one way to care
deafness, and that is by constitutional
remedies. Deafness Is caused by an
inflamed condition of the mucous lining
of the Eustachian Tube. When this
tube gets inflamed you have a rumbling
sound or Imperfect hearing, aud when
it Is entirely closed deafness is the re
sult, and unless tho inflammation can
be taken out and this tube restored to
its uormal condition, hearing will be
destroyed forever; niuo cases out of
ten aro caused by catarrh which is
nothing but an intlamed condition of
the mucous surfaces.
We will give One Hundred Dollars
for auy case of Deafuess (paused by
catarrh) that cannot he cured by Hall's
Catanh Cure. Send fnruirculuni.frae.
V. J. CHENEY & CO. Props., Toledo,
Sold by druggists, pi leu 75o.
Hall's Family Pills uie the best.
(Mutate Your lliiwtlit Mttli Iukm-hik.
Candy Cothnrtlr. ciie mum v.tln.i , r
Wo.aJ.v. jraO,0 talttt.. K-t MWiU.u.iiiy.
School closed Friday.
Some talk of llladcn Incorporating.
Mrs. Alma Springer has a now buggy.
Henry Pounds sports n now outfit,
buggy, horse aud harness.
Mr. Weiucs of Campbell was doing
some milling in this city Tuesday.
R. N. Lewis, one of our prosperous
farmers cast of town, was a passenger
to Omaha Tuesday.
Mr. Conrad of Blue Hill was in the
city last Wednesday Rooking over the
political Held In this vicinity.
W. K Thorno and V. S. Hall wore
attending to some legal business nt the
county seat the first of tho week.
Martin Kiiuffnmn and C. H.,Kccd
left Tuesday for the Mack Hills xx'heio
they go in search of work. Success to
the boys.
F. W. McLaughlin and son Harry of
Doniphan spent Sunday with friends
in this vicinity. He drove to the coun
ty seat Monday.
James Burden and family drove up
from Red Cloud tho latter part of the
week, returning Sunday accompanied
by kis wife and daughter who came up
earlier in the week.
Mr. Charles Best and Miss Ethel
Parks, two of Bladen's esteemed young
people, wore united in mnrriage Tues
day, May 28th' at Hastings. They will
reside on a farm north of this place.
We wish the young couple happiness
and prosperity in their journey through
The Annual Sunday School conven
tion held in this placo last week was
well attended and the interest taken in
it made it a very interesting and in
structive gathering. Our visitors
seemed woll pleased and they say
Bladen is nil right excepting her side
walks which would make a sober per
son walk tipsy.
Terrible Aooidkmt. It is a terrible
accident to be burned or scalded, but
tho pain and agony and frightful dis
figurements can be quickly overcome
without leaving a scar by using De
Witt's Witch Hazel Salve. C. L. Cot
ting. Some for ten, somo for twenty and
some for thirty years have suffered
from piles and then have been quickly
and permanently cured by using De-
Witt's Witch Hazel Salve, the great
remedy for piles and all forms of skin
diseases. C. L. Cotting.
Who can tell us what that
flag aear Mt. Hope is for?
Mr. Geo. Mountford's new house is
neatly ready for the plasterers.
Mr. Boyd and wife of Red Cloud
were visiting on the creek last week.
Win. Rosencrans was on the sick list
last week but is up and around again.
Sulky breaking plows aro turning
.las. Butler's farm up to tho sun in
Mrs. Jessa Sapp and sister Edith
Scrivner xvoro visiting their parents
last week.
Mrs. Jas. Graves who xvas in such
poor health last xveek xvith rheumatism
is able to be up nnd around under the
treatment of Dr. Dikes of Lebanon.
Mr. Milt Guthrie formerly of this
neighborhood who lost his hptise and
contents by liro on Wnlnut creek, has
got him up another building and
moved itito it.
If anyono has found a capu or oloak
that was lost some txvo or throe xveeks
ago near John Foxs' by Mrs. Carpenter
of Pleasant Dalo, xvill bo liborally re
warded by returning it to owner or
leaving same at Chief ofllco.
Township officials seem to be the only
men in theso parts that are building
and have money to build with. We
think their salaries and fees should bo
cut down and not bo given such ad
vantage over the common poor farmer.
Preparations for Decoration at Mt.
Hope have not been made yet and tho
prediction of your correspondent '.a
that there will be none, thout-h tho
two ex-soldiers graves thore and the
two at Creole will be decorated pri
Planting corn is the order of the day.
Moro will be planted this year than
ever befcre. Whilo it has onlvbeen
selling for eight, ten or twelve cents,
the prospeots for hotter prioes here
after gives the farmers greatcontidence
and consolation to know they will get
something more for their labor in the
future than in tho past.
"They aro dandles" said Thos.
Bowers, of the Crocket, Texas, Enter
prise, while writing about DoWitt's
Little Early Risers, the famous little
pills for sick headache and disorders of
the stomach und liver. C. L. Cotting.
Don't thin your blood with sassafras
or poison it with blue-mass; but aid
nature by using DoWitt's Little Early
Risers, the famous little pills for con
stipation, biliousness and stomach and
liver troubles. They are purely vege
table. O. L. Cotting.
IH1 Ubawo Halt aa Saokt Unr I lf in ay.
To quit tobacco easily and forever, be mas
Belle, full of life, nenre and vknr. take No-To-Mm,
tbe wonderworker, that makes weak atca
strong, au aruecuti, too or SI. Curetuaran
toed. Beoklas and sample free. Address
snarling awatwy oa, Okleago er New Ternv
Cure All liver Ills, bilious
ness, headache, sour stom
ach, Indigestion, constipa
tion. They act easily, with-
out pain or gripe. BnldbyalldruRiriiti. centf.
The only Hill to take with Hood's Barsaparllla.
Special order for May ttOth.
(t. A. H. memorial sermon 10:fl0 by
Rev. J. M. Darby,
Sunday school 1C:00.
Union Sunday school rally of all the
schools in Red Cloud precinct 2:80.
Set mon, "Tho (Jieat Meinoilal" and
communion 4.00.
Junior C K. and chalk talk COO.
Senior C. E. at Coiigiegntioiinl
Church 7:00.
No evening sermon.
L. A., Pastor.
Morning services at 10:30.
' Sunday school at 11:30.
Junior leugueat4 p.m.
Senior league at 7:30.
Kpworth League anniversary at 8.00.
Chapel Sunday school at 3:00.
Prayer and Praise service on Wed
nesday evoning at 8 o'clock.
Come nnd welcome.
Rkv. J. M. Darby, Pastor.
Sunday School ntll:45.
Junior Society at 4 p. m.
Y. P. S. C.E. at 7 p. m.
Sunday morning 10:80 our congiega
tion unites in tho union memorial ser
vioo at tho Christian Church. Sermon
by Rov. Darby.
Sunday School at 11:30 a. tu.
Junior Union at 4.00 p. in.
Young People's Society at 7 p. m.
In the evening our congregation
unites in the W. C. T. U. mass meeting
at the Congregational Church. Ser
mon by Rov. O. R. Welden.
The pastor will preach tho memorial
sermon at Guide Rock Sunday morn
ing. Mid-week prayer meeting Wednes
day at 8 p. m.
Wo extend a cordial invitation to all.
C. R. Welden, Pastor.
The New aS Hour Traia to New York.
Thirty Houra to Boston.
The Nickle Plate road is now in a
position to offer their patrons unsur
passed traveling facilities. Three
through trains daily in each direction
between Chicago and the east. The
new schedule to become effective Sun
day, May 80tb. Dining oar service un
excelled. Rate lower than via other
lines. The short line to the east. You
will save money and time by patroniz
ing this road. Call on or address J. Y.
Calahau, Gen'l Agent, 111 Adams St.,
Chicago, II). H. Thorno, G. P. & T. A.
Ill Adams St., Chicago, III.
Sent Free.
To any person inteiested In humane
matters, xve will send free, upon appli
cation, a copy of tho "ALLIANCE,"
the organ of tlds Society. In addition
to Its lntotisely intetcstiug reading, it
contains u list of tlic vnluablo and un
usual premiums given by the paper.
ALLIANCE, 410-411 United Charities
Hullding, Now York.
Tetter, Salt-Rheum and Eczema.
The intense itching and smarting inci
dent to these diseases is instantly allayed
by applying Chamberlain's Eye and
Skin Ointment. Many very bad cases
have been permanently enred by it. It
id equally efficient for itching pilcb nud
a favorite remedy for soro niptilps;
chapped hands, chilblains, frost bites
and chronic sore eyes. 25 cts. per box.
Br. Caij'i Ceaaltiea FewaVra, are
just what a horse needs when in bad
condition. Tonic, blood purifier und
vermifuge. They are not food but
medicine aad the best In use to put a
horse In prime condition. Price 25
cents per package
Kverrbody 5aya hi.
C iirureU Camlv Cat'iurlli-, the mol n on
uerfiil milli'al dfsi-ovrr' or the tiro, ! wi-
n'ii und loirosninf tn tin' ias.iu, uci junuj
uml pualUvoly on kldno.xa. liver nml it ivveia.
elennt'ini; the i-nilie - tit' m, itljp'l colds,
cuiolicitiiHohe, fevor, linbituui t'ntiti muoL
und bliliiimi)p.s. Plrasrt mv nnd trvn box
of U. 15. C. to-day; 10. M. M cents. h..alaud
Kuarnnteed to cure by ml druggists.
Shake Into Your Shoes.
Allen's Foot Ease, a powder for the feet. It
euros painful, iwooleu, smarting feet and In
stantly takes the stlns; out of corns and bunions.
It's the greatest comfort discovery of tho ago,
Allen's Foet-Baie makes tight fitting aud uew
shoes feel easy. It Is a certain cure for sweat
ing, callous and hot, ,ttred, aching feet, Try It
today. Bold by all druggists and shoe stores,
lly mall for Kc In stamps. Trial package free.
Address, Allen 8. Olmsted, LeTtoy, N, Y.
To Cure Conatlpatlon Forever.
TaUo CuscttretH Cundjr Cathartic. lOo orSlc.
If C. C. C, fall to runi, drueidftts refund money.
Tu Cure (Joullpallon torctvr.
Take Ouscareu Camlv Call urtii; pii ir2!fl.
If U li C. fall to cure, ilniBjicU rulnml nioiu. v.
A ThiiMlMCiww Twrttir t
To California Comfortably.
Every Thursday afternoon, u tout 1st
sleeping cur for Salt Luke CllV, San
Ftaiutaco and Los Angeles leaves
Omaha nml Lincoln via 'he Burlington
Route. It is cai'pcli'd, Upm. s eii-d in
rattan, has spring scuts aud luck., utul
Is piovidi'd tvitli curtains, foeilili, ir,
towels, soap, etc. An experienced ex
cursion conductor and a uniformed
Puilmau porter acuonipauy It through
to the Pacific coast. While neither so
expensively finished nor so fine to look
at as the palace sleeper, It Is just as
good to ride in. Second class tickets
arc accepted for passage and the price
of a lieitli, witle euongtianil bigetiough
for two, Is only &3. tor foulder giving
full particulars, call at nearest Bur
lington ticket olllce, oi write to J.
riaiicls, u. P. A, Uurliiigton Koutc,
Omaha, Neb.
Notico to Teachers.
Notice Is hereby given that I will c
amine all persons who inn de-Ire to
ofTer themselves as candidates, for
teachers of tho public schools of this
county, at Red Cloud on the third Sat
urday oi each mouth. ,
Special examinations will be held on
the Friday proceeding the 3d Saturday
of each month.
The standing desired for i aud 3d
grade certificate is the same no grade
below 70 per cent., aveiageSO percent;
for first grade certificate no grade be
low 80 per cent., average 00 per cent in
all brauches required by law.
D. M. Hunter, County Supt.
Money to Loan.
In any amount at S per cent for 5
years on western town and farm
property, H. C. Wilcox & Co., Bank-kt-rx
and Btokers, 253 Broadway, Nexv
York City.
A. S. Murray and Wife
Restored to Health by Or. Miles'
live Nervine.
R. HURRAY, engineer for Keat
Rountree Mercantile Co., Bprlag
fetd, Mo., writes) "I auffeaed frost
dyspepsia, waa unable to eat anything with
out severe distress. Treated by several
pbyalclana without benefit, I became almost
a physical wreck and unable to attend to
my work. I took Dr. Miles' Restorative
Nervine and in six weeks I waa welL My
wife bad a severe at
tack of La Grippe
which brought oa
troubles peculiar to
her sex. The Restor
ative Nervine Is the
only thing that has
helped her. Xv both
hope you wlUuiio this
In a way to help others as we have been."
Dr. Miles' Remedies are cold by all drug
gists under a positive guarantee, first bottle
benefits or money refunded. Book oa
Heart and Nerves sent free to all applicants.
DR. MILES MEDIOAL CO., Elkhart, Ind.
City and country calls promptly an
sxveted day or night.
Ofkiok ovkk Corn no's Uauti Stokk.
Special attention to Commercial and
Probate Litigation
J V iB bmBs bmbmI sbh SBmI BBsVawMl
l aT Aw awl Basl bssbmb bv tJ bmbbsSM
t bullosas conducted for MsstnaTf rtts.
Icbarga. Our fee sot due till 1
ice not due till patent M atcarsd.
ST, " How to Obtain Pattats," with
la the U. S. and Catain emtatiiaa1
1 A PaatSNu
coat 01
ttat (res. Address,
1 Op. partNT Omcc. WasNiNaresi, . C. t
St. Jacobs Oil
sTJsswTMM. IT!
flr!k. vS6?v VfVijfi.
( "W
asssBVaT AgWaVfadaV Vfl
ajLy siwraikiejA
im owes laosMsirc u. . MTtarr orrtax
4 w can secure pauntia (ass tisM Uaa Uksw
mote from Washing ton. i
Saful modcL drawintf e vilinf a vrtlti Juriln
We advlsa. If natentahla or nnt. frea nt
led Cloud Stock Barn.
i! list tect'lvi'd two inl'gH
ui'ky mammoth j.ioks,
Black Jack
and Blue Pete
" fOMPAS, tlm standi adhicd stal-
' will imiKo the 4Mtsoii of 1811?
..iirj- .f Hi M-mii 'Wk In Red
p i.l, .N In tut. '
'JKRMS-K.ifJ.iek., to ?S to Inline
uitli fun .
I w.ll no' 'n rppinlhV funny acci
dent "liottM mix 'i-i'iii', hut x III ti-o
till pieenutinn to pi event ume.
C. L. WINFREY, Manager.
TTME TAr.rp.
" A: M. R.
all points entl nml
and all points
No. fit). Krt;litht.dHlly I'xicpt Smidny
for wymore nnd all point east 7:Uln in.
No. 10. I'aateiiKtr. dally fir M. Joe.
Kama t'llx. Atrhtxiti, 31
l,onl and nil points et and
south -. 10:UOa tn.
No. 143. Accommodation, dally except
Hundoy. Hanllnc. Uraml Is
lvnd. Black llllix nnd all
point In Uie northwest ....... 1:35 pin.
o. 141 Arrominodntlnn dally exctpt
Suuday, tlberlln, Knripas, nnd
Intermediate MAtlon, vIh lie
tiiihllcnn ....... .. 12:f5p.m.
So. ! KrelKlit, dnllv. Wymore nnd
M .toe nnd Intermediate
liinrtloii rxilntN. 13:10 p.m.
No. r.i. rri-tgin. dully for ItepuMlran
orli n!i,Oxford nndnll poInlK
xeit . - 10:.')"h.!ii.
No. lt. I'HoneiiKcr. dally. Denier, nil
points In Colomdo, Utnli and
t.'nllfornla .....-......:..,..... HMUp.ui.
?tci!nL', iM' lie; Mtnl rei'lluliitf rhnlr earn'
(centa free) on tbrouiru tndna. TIctctH void and
bnggaice checked to any polNt In tbe United
glatea or Canada.
For Information, time tablet, map or tickets
cnll on or address A. t'onover. Aeent. Hed
Uloud, Nebr. or J. Francis, General raniiengcr
Agent umana, Aeoraaia.
In the d Mr let court of Webatcr couuty, Neb
raska. Tbetitate of Nebraska, to Agnea Woodslde.
a minor, audoaeof the heirs of Mary A. Wsod
aide, sleceated, defendants
You are hereby notified that you hat e keen
sued, together with Mary A. Woodslde. James
M. woodshle. her husband; timer Woodslde,
Kdna Woodslde. Mabel Woodslde. a minor;
albert Woodslde. a minor, heirs of Mary A.
Woodslde, deceased, as co defendants, by Sarah
P. L. Nate, plaintiff, in tbe district court of
Webster county, Nebraska, and that on or be
fore tbe 21st day of June, 1M7, you must answer
the petition In chancery filed therein by said
plaintiff airalust all of sald,defeudants,wherclii
plaintiff prays for a decree of said court fore
closing a mortgage executed and delivered br
defendants Mary A. Woodslde and James M.
Woodslde, her husband, to the Lombard Invest
ment Company, a corporation! dated Juuo lotli.
UNO, now owned by plaintiff, and covering
tbu following described real estate, Mtuated
In mill roiintr of Webster and the state of Neb.
rnskn, to wit: Tho west half of tho south wt
iiuarter nf section number cxcnteen '17), In
township number three (3) north. ruiiKO niim-
er nine tj, except cikiu t) ntres, in n Miuare
form. In the north xicst corner, iTcst of tbe Slxtli
lirlnctpal niLrlilUn.
snld petition further prays tlmt the rlptitK.
lilies nml IiMitc-Ik nf said dcft'iidnntsHnd nil
uf tlifni.ln und to shIiI dehcrlbed premUes bedg
lismliicd iirnl H'ttlcil. nml Hint mild lnnds o
nppMlMd ami sold, nrcordliiB to Inw, nnd Unit
Ihupriirevilsiirlkltn; fioin smlisiilobo nppllcd,
llrsl. In pn ment of the roMsof snld nctlon and
of Midi Mile; M-ioinl. In pHjineiit uf tho full
nnionnt duo plnlntllT on the Induhtedness sc
cured bv said mortssi;" ivlth nil Infrcht
lh"i on-"nt fro 11 r d nftir ..iiflnrmllr u nf
1 n i.te t' e dof i'jmU f nld "C'I' 11 nndnll
it llii in, 111 1 .ill pfrMiii I'litlmliiK or 10 1 Inlin,
li,iuuUr o llmiiii'li ihim. or ! if tln-ni.
U' furrier liHrrnl nnd foreclot'd id nm) from
all right, title, lutc;cit, Hen 0 nlni mid cipiltv
of redemption of, In and to said dusrelbcd
lnnds, nud every part thereof.
Unless you answer said petition, ns nforesnld,
the statements and alleiiatlons therein con
tallied will be taken as true, and a decree will
bo rendered by said court as therein prayed.
XX luiesa my hand, and tbe seal of sail court,
by me uffixed, this llth day of May, 1WT.
IHxal ' JauxaUvHOKK,
Clerk of tbe District Court of Webster toanty,
l'ULsirHsn & Alkxaniikii, CoucorJIa, Kaasas
Attorneys for plaintiff.
(first published In ItxnCmvn Cuter, Mnv
lUb, 18T.)
.sut or Nebrssia, wobsutrcounty.'ss.
In tbe District Court thereof, of
the ti
entb Ju-
dlclal district
NebrnskaLusnATrnstCo. 1
r.iorae L. Oulllford,
Iford. his wife.
iouu un,
NericK or suit.
'I he above named defendants. George I,.
iiulllford and Uulllford, his wife, ami
each of them are hereby notified that the nboio
numsd plaintiff baa filed In tbe above namcil
court Us petition against them aud tbe other
defendants named above; thai the object and
prayer of said petition ef tbe plaintiff are to
foreclose a mortgage bearing date the 1st day
uf January, lHttJ, executed by the above nsmea
defendant, George L. Uulllford. to one Kmmto
H. Abccl on the following desorilied rttil
estate situate in the couuty of Webster, In tho
suteof ebraskatowlt: The southwest quar
ter (14) of the uerth east iiuarter (X4), and tho
south east quarter (ti) of the north west qnar
terlM). of section twenty ()), In township one
(I) north of rni(e ten (III) westofthealxth P.M.
The said defendants George I.. Uulllford and
Uulllford, bis wife, are further notified Hint
they, and each of them, are required to appear
and answer said petition of ulklntlff, on or be
fore Maaday, tbeistth day of June. IHV7, or said
petition of plaintiff will be takeu as true, and a
decree will be rendered against them, tho said
defendants and the ether defendants nasscit
herein, decreeing that the raid mortgage be
foreclosed; that all the above de
scribed real estate shall lie appralied.
ndvertlseil aud sold at publlo hiio'Ioii
by the sheriff of said Webster countv, to make
and raise the sum of lliu.uu due to plaintiff on
aid mortgage, together with interest on said
miiii nt die rate of tea per lent fr-m ibettltli
dny of April. 18OT and the costs of this suit nml
Mich sale; and aid derree will further provide
that you. the said defendants, ami the other de
fendaut uamed herein, and earli or you. aliall
be fowver barred and foreclosed of all equity ur
redemption snd other Interest in and lo aM
real estate and every part thereof.
NJ o" TnosT Co., Plaintiff.
IJy Qao. K. ok lisattorney.
First publication May ii, is7.
Wanted-An Idea 225
I liUMt In -sc I ceil veil two lal'iic Kcu
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