r1- '-.,W- -tA Acs Zr ..It. l& ?-,, w Av,- - - httS 4baJ '-"7i -'J f l -', ;. IfY " tz-r & - -h -- -- j- . u & " V" it vi' . SL yffflfi 9iiifc2tfhBltBHHB'r.J3V'L'J'T iPfeaJBBaBaBaBaSw'anBaTajsMBf 'J.-ltytrAagtiMMMBBmi2lirfel-ybi..BiJJBff J( Jb- J "-jalCTaCnBSBM VOLUME XXV. RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA, MAY 28, 1897. NUMBER 22 yycarc luii :: Of bargains in Men's and Boys Clothing, Hats, Furnishings and Rubber goods. Bargains are what you want, and Bar gains are what we've got real, live, all wool Bargains. It wont require an Xmray to see themthey are visible to the naked eye. All we ask is An opportunity to show them, k i ft'ii I m ' a m J fk i V a a tiro mm fsw rcal -wl cll l ?M I Jffl ix.iiishii.i wu uujr " vtini. u.i acn iui ay; Hv i cash at one price and no monkey flj i'M business. 2$j lM ,V: i Qalusha fc Wescott, Red Cloud, Neb. LVS fc 1 ti' ",f - A ftl I I SbbV afa 4 Som MMB ?ED CXOCD Marble Granite WORKS. Remember tlmt titno is now short ami you should .now pluco your or ilsrs for Decoration Day. Wo aro prepared to give you the best lirst class work at tho lowest prices in tliu w.tst. Wo always eairy a full lino of finished work in Georgia, Florentine and Italian Marble Also Foreign and American Qranltc. Come ami sco iih huforo ttlacinc your order clsowlicre. North room in the Sleeper Building. Memorial Day. Another Memorial Day is drawing near, another opportunity for u tree .in.1 1ntK twi.ikilA n ntltn iltl'tifijtnn J of their feelings of love, honor and reverence to tho memory of tho heroes who offered upon tho altar of our be loved country all they held dear in life, home ties, bright prospects of success in the various avenues of progress, nnd many of them life itself, in order thaf our nation might II vo and our free institutions bo sustained as an Incen tive of hope among the toiling millions. The noble dead should receive no less than their just amountof praise. Wo shall honor ourselves by honoring thun. The survivors of tho strife of that lime, that which tried men's souls, can receive no higher re ward than the consciousness of tho duty done and a realization of tho ap probation and respect of the people who are thankful for the blessings and benetits secured from tho saeritice. Lot the loyal paople of Hcd Cloud ami vicinity, mindful of the debt of grati tude they owe, assist iu some way to observe the day set apart for tho mem ory of tho nation's dead, who answered their country's call in a timo of neou. nulow will be found the programmo as will bo presented in this city next Sunday and Monday, May 30th and 81st by theG. A. R. andW. R.C. l'ROUUAU. The Grand Army and W. R.C. will meet at G. A. R. hnli at 10 o'clock barp and at 10:15 march to Christian C&urch where services will bo held. Vocal Mnate ... .. ....luartctt Iarocatlou . ... Rar. Huiwung Vocal Muilc -... Quarieu Scnnoti Uev. Jme Mark Darby benediction Memorial service will be held Mon day, May 81st. Procession will form at G. A. R. hall at 1:15 p.m., under di rection of Col. 11. E. Fond, chief mar- several could he seen participating AMONG THE KXC1IANOE6. who formerly were afraid to mako an attempt to sing. The convention was called to older Wednesday afternoon at2 o'clock and continued until Fri day without an incident to mar the pleasure of the occasion Tho follow ing oiuocrs were elected lor the en suing year: President-,. P. Albright. Vice-President Mrs. E.J. McClarcn. Secretary D. M. Hunter. Treasurer Mrs. h. C. S. Drakelleld. L. A. Hussong, pastor of the Chris tian Church at lied Cloud, was chosen chairman of committee on program for 1807-08. There were reported soventy-ninc schools in the county, and no precinct in the county at present without a school in It; iiumiier ot teachers re ported as a little over 400. Number of pupils attending between 4,350 and 4,500. Tliu next meeting will probably take tho fmm of a jubilee convention. An effort will be made the ensuing year to establish schools in nil districts where at present the young people havo none to attend. This is certainly a good showing as compared with a couple of years ago, when there wero very few schools outbldc ef the differ ent towns of the county, and certainly peak 8 well for the efllcaoy of the past officer of the convention, May the association do as good work in the future as iu the past, until every locality in the county has a school and every inhabitant has achance toattend is the best wish of -t A Rkadkk. TRADERS XXJMBEM CO., DEALERS IN IiIJIfiEH and COAL, Buildixifg Material, Etc. Bed Cloud, - - Nebraska.. OUITRY The - vir AiivarEo I nson of the year has nrrived when you will bo prevailed upon by NUMKUUUH CO.MMISS1UIN HUUBltt) to lorwaru them your consignments of POULTRY, - GAME, - BUTTER, - EGGS PURS, HIDES. PBLTS, ETS Take no chances but ship direct to the old establishee lirm of T. - Am " MoCutoheon - dte - Co., aaa South Water St., Chicago. III. Thev will eive you top prices and quick returns. Write them for quotations REFERENCE Fibst National Bank, Chicago, Illinois tANDY CATHARTIC robcahtifo CURECOnSTIPATIOH tatoa4 baakMlm. U. KTKKMSO WCHMIUfc. ALL DttlMMSrSi t cut Mroaaaaf ataaMaallaa. CaManta art tfc lal Laxa4 r Rria,bl caM aaay aatarU rwaMa, iuikukua. . irrvuixxn UEMSBTOB..aiMMkawMtaai.CM.aaa.wiarm. ft aa.ami.ai bliti) in following order: Hckcr With Kkcort and ftvMdent of V. H.C. In t'lirrlaguu. MInUtwrH In t.'nrrl.m'H. Hoiin of VetermiN llniiil, I'IrlriK ti'iuad. GarHoNI 1'ohI No. Kii. mill nil Honorably Din. rlinrgcil Soldier, nnd tfnllorn. V. It, (.'. in Oitrliigu.. tjclioolx. Chlu OrKunlzuiloiiK. UltlrviiD In t'arrlBKt'K. Following ritualistic service will bo held at the cemetery. Mti!i! S, of V. Hand Aildrcs. l'rtlude... . J. a. lteid. I. V. MubIc................. ...... .Ouartutt Prayer .. po.i Chaplain Jteapen.e . .. .l'ot Commander Bepo.lt of Flower .....Ofllcer of the Day He.onBe -.CUaplaiu Salute the Dead . Klrln Squad Mu.lu . My Country 'TI. of Tkce Prayer...- ...jiev. Weldeu UecoratlUK Urate, of U. A. It. aud W. B. C. Column will reform and march to Chrlstiau Church where exercises will continue. Mutlc. ,. .. tuartett Invocation Roll Call of Dead ,......... .. AdJutant Muilc . Quartan Addrei..-ltn. Ilowlla Condon, 1. It. p., W.H.C. Mu.lc......... .-...........Quart4tt ueneiiicuou. All citizens are requested to brlug flowers to U. A. R. bull Monday, May 81st, as early us 10 o'clock. Now is tho time to purify your blood, unu Hood's BarHttparllla is the best medicine for that purpose. Thousands of great eurea prove that it is the One True Blood Puritier. Hood's Pills are tho favorite family cathartic and livermedlcine. Price 25c. Sunday Sohool Convention. UI.ADKN, Nk., May 24th, 18U7. The eighth annual convention of the Webster County Bunday School Associa tion held at the Uaptisit church in this city last Wednesday, Thursday and Friday was perhaps the largest gather ing of that character ever held in Web ster county, lopresentatives being present from all parti of the county. The program was a very interesting and instructive one and was well pre entcd, each participant endeavoring to create a new interest in the work be fore them. Tho musical part of the program, conducted by O. h. Cotting, of Red Cloud, convention choirister, catered into with a will by Mr. Cot ting and befote the oloaeof tin: sea!on Death vf B. B. Roblnaan. The following clipping from Hastings daily papers givo the particulars in re gard to the illness and subsequent death of E.U. Robinson, father of out- deputy treasurer O. D. Robinson: "h, I). Robinson yet holds to that thread of life which keeps the sonl from Hying to its rest and peace be youd the river. Sixteeu days have passed since he has taken a mersel of food or stimulants, and nothing lias pasM'd his lipi but ieowutor. Wo were allowed to look at him this moruiiiK aud he said perfectly plain and din tinct that he should not waul anything till Monday morning. He is a sight to behold being reduced to a mere skel eton." 'Edwnrd Uenjamin Robinson, after a lingering illuets, died at the family home, at 8:30 bunday morning, aged 03 yeais. Mr. Robinson lias been iu poor health for several yeais. A com plicated liver and kidney trouble laid hold of him lust full. He took to his bed last April and steadily grew worse. The funeral took place from the resi dence at three o'clock this afternoon. Deceased leaves a wife and three chil dren, two sons and one daughter. The daughter, Mrs. Guge, lives in Chicago. One son, Noble, resides in this city. The other son is a resident of Red Cloud." a - If you eat what you like, aud digeat it, you will surely be strong nnd healthy. Rut if you don't digest It, 3011 might almost as well not eat, for what good can your fond do you If It doesn't nourish you? If you find that you can't digest it, there is a simple help foryourstomach. It is Blinker Digestive Coidiul, made by the Shakers of Mount Lebanon. It has never failed to cure the worst e:i:e of indigestion. Strength and health come from the food you tat, utter it has been dlgeated and has gone into the blood. Tho best tonic is digested food. The best aid to digestion, Shaker Digestive Cordial. When you havo acid eructations, nausea, headache, wind, dizziness offensive breath, or any other symp toms of dyspepsia, Shaker Digestive Cordial will cure you. At druggists, Trial bottle 10 cents. a m ' Not only piles of tho very worst kind can be cured by DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve, but eczema, scalds, burns, bruises, bolls, ulcers and all other skin troubles can be instantly relieved bj the same remedy. C. L. Cotting, We have read of .Maud on n summer day, who raked, barefooted, tho now mown hay; wo havo rend of tho maid in the early morn, who milked the cow with tho crumpled horn; nnd we've read the lays that tho poets sing, of the rustling corn nnd the llowoisof spring; but of nil the lays ot tor.gue or pen, there's naught like tho lay of a Kan sas hen. Long, long before Maud rakes her hay, the Kansas hen has be gun to lay, and ero tho milkmaid stirs a pi', the lieu is up uud lias dropped her egg; 1 lie corn must rustle and lowers spring 11 they hold tliolr own with tho barnyard ring. If Maud Is needing n hat and gown, she doesn't hustle her liny to town; she goes to the store nnd ootains iter suit with u basket full of her fresh hen fruit; if tho milk maid's beau make a Sunday call, she doesn't feed him 011 milk nt all, but works up eggs in a custard plo nnd stuff him full of chicken fry; nnd when the old man wants n horn, does hetnko the druggist a loud of corn? Not much! He simply robs a nest and to town ho goes you know the rest. Ho lingers there and he talks, per chance, of truo reform nnd correct feo nance, while his poor wlfo stays at home and scowls, but is saved from want by those self-same fowls; for, while her husband lingers there, she wtiicnes me cauKiing uen with care and gathers eggs, and the eggs she'll hide 'till she saves enough to stem the tide. Then bail, all hail, to the Kan sat hen. thuBfieatostblesslna of all to men! Throw up your hats and make uon" iiowi lor ine persovenug oarn yard fowl! Corn may be king, but ita plainly aoen tho Kansas hen is theKuu bus Queen. N. U.-Dou't lay this to Wult Muson please; 'twas writ by tho poet of tho Mall aud Hreczo. on alfalfa hay nnd shelled corn, nnd during that time had made an nverage gain ot 570 pounds, some putting on over COO pounds each. There were 7,000 cattle on the market that day but Mr. Carnnhan's cattle brought the highest price ot any. This speaks well for Mr. Cnrnahan's strain of Here ford's and also for alfalfa as rough feed. Ill verton Review. When the train stopped nt Orleans the other day n pretty nnd modest ap pearing young country girl stopped oft nnd walked across the plntform. At the further end of it were a couple hackmen who had their hands stretched out to tako her baggngo nnd solicit her patronage. Tho girl shook hands cor dially with each of them. Sho thought they were students from tho college who had come to tho depot to welcotuo her. Republican City Democrat. Hem is n story (guess it's a true one) on n farmer who recently read nn ad veitisement for a "flea killer." He answered with a dollar bill and re ceived a wooden mallet ami a block of wood, numbered 1 nnd 3 respectively. The directions read: "Place tho flea on No. 2 and hit him with No. 1. He will nover bite again." It is the far mer, though, who will never bite again. Smith Centre Pioneer. A curd reached this oflico the other day from Sherwood, Kansas, slating that the Pioneer addressed to one of our aacieut subicribeiH nt that place is not taken out, but remains dead iu that olllcu, "Reason none given." V.tttf .'.. 1I11 ti.if iililnf.t In tinmitfi utiili. ping their Pioneer although it Is a mystery to us how any well-regulated family can keep house propuiiy with out it but as the party mentioned above has beon advancing his education by reading tho papor regularly uutll now there is outstanding against him an account of $10.06 for subscription, which to the best of our knowledge nnd belief is still duo and unpaid, wo would like to hear the rattle of some thing more substantial than "Reason noue given," before canceling his nnmo from our books. Mr. A. is a nice man, nnd we like him, and hope he will raise n big corn crop this year and get rich off the proceeds from bis bogs and fat cattle, nnd that his children will not havo the measles, but Juit for the sake of old friendship, if nothing more, we will bo pleased to have him liquidate that 1 19.08 account before ex tending to us tho marble heart' in this frigid manner. Smith County Pioneer. Patrons of the Guide Rock schools will learn with regret that Prof. Me- Crary will sever his connection with the schools nt the eud of the present terra, having rocontly beon elected principal of tho Blue Hill schools, Hi work here has given excellent satisfac tion und we are sorry to lose him..., Mr. Wm. Sabiu started Wednesday morning for Tennessee wheie be will probably spond the greater part of the summer visiting relatives, taking in the Nashville exposition and other wise enjoyidg himself. ...We are in formed that Hon. Geo. R. Chauey will deliver the Decoration Day address in Guide Rock this year. We have not yet been furnished with a program of the day for publication but understand that the exercises are expected to be of more than usual interest. Guide Rook Signal. Mr. J. M. Camahan was in Kansas City tint latter part of last week with some Hereford cattle of his own rais ing. They had been fed seven months A horse shoelag export in our city claims to bold tho record for fast shoe ing. He takes the measure of the horse's foot the same as ot,r shoemaker would ot ours, returns to lheniivll,and shapes tho shoe from the bar, aud sitae the horse. !Feeray kashaa-a.- borse nn all feet, as alnive described in nine miuutes and five seconds, and the day's work summed up twenty horses. Hastings News. According to the uewspapers, an Ohio husband became the happy father of seven children not long ago. Of the seven nil lived but one. It is to be hoped ho laid iu a supply of Chamber lain's Cough Remedy, the only sure cure for croup, whooping-cough, colds and coughs, anil so insured his child ren against these diseases, For sale by II. E. (iriee, Druggist. On last Thursday Dr. Fulkerson per formed a delicate operation in sutgery by removing a large cystic tumor of the sub-muxilnry gland from Mr. Fred Frnhm, of this city. It was u neat per formance nnd Mr. Frnhm is getting nil O. K. The doctor is a first cluss sur geon. HI m Hill Loader. W. U. Johnson, Newark, ()., says: "One Minute Cough Cure saved my only child from dying by croup." It had saved thousands of others suffer ing fiom croup, pneumonia, bronchitis aud other serious throat and luug troubles. C. L, Cotting "Why don't you mako a few mere bad breaks?" sneered the Mississippi river. "That's all right!" retorted the levee. "My mouth isa't Mgger than my bead. I'm no popalist!" New Tor Impress, a Omaha has two mayors. Most cities have enough trouble with one, especially when that one is unsatisfac tory nnd what can' it be when you have two in n continual tight. Beaver City Tribune. r. Price's Craaai akiag Pawtar WafU'a Mr Wgasit A war. DaWkt'a Uttlc Early Mm, Don't neglect a cough because tho weather is pleasant; before the next storm rolls around It may develop into a serious dilllculty beyond repair. One Miuute Cough Cine is easy to take and will do what Its names implies. O. L. Cotting. CHpon m A jr IMCTM To Tl Ewtos; h-I have an sbsoMs iimsdryfocComurnption. By Ms timely hm thousands of hopeless casts have bssaalreadr ptrmaatouy curat So proof-poskrw asa I of to powar that 1 raashiir st wry aaty to sW Jaw fcMterM to taosa of yoirrssders who law CossauafrttoavTaroat, BroachisJ or Iwaf Trout, thry w wraw mm Us saarssa aad postofles isMrm SiacsraJy, T.iuaaCliist.0mpaattat,BmTirk. Bjr TW amartal aa& aaiSmi Ifcaasagaat at pan DaWKt'a WKdi Haaal SaJvo Cataanu,! t-W. i i I Si .0 M&i - CSV Al' hf ' ---rJjy. . LtaltoHu-., c