ZfZftfrtlW lr.r'"flWll)lll1WllalgIWMWIlll,MWq jWUtf..i THE RED CLOUD CHIEtf, FRIDAY, MAY 21, 1897. V 8 , n. i v fe; Is- !' V STATE LINE. Mrs. llorn is on tliu nick list, Knrimu'8 mc lniy planting caiia mid millet. Lorcn Stanley Is working for Luku Dillon ' Mi'. Dillon shipped Ills cattlr last Tucftdny. Miss Atltlio Tolnnd is working for Mr. Dillon. Mlis K'su liolworth spunt Saturday and Sunday with Mrs. L'crry. Miss Kimim Login closed a very sue cossfui term of school Friday. Quito tv milliner of North Brnnehors attended quarterly mcutliig nl (Jlen Elder Stindtty. llov, Willis of iliirrOitk will preuoli Uiq bnccnliuiriitu sermon nt North Branch iit U o'clouk, May UStd. Every ono is invited. Ureal propitiation i are being inado for sindonU' reunion nnd graduation at the academy, which will take place on the J7th and 28th. Terry Arrants was greatly surprised Friday oveulng when he came homo from lighting tiro and found a houso full of young folks to celebrate his birthday. Mr. i). O. Ilaskins, formerly a rest dent of this vicinity, but who has lived for the past two years in southern Kansas, has been visiting hero for a few weeks, Farmers aro greatly alarmed on ac count of corn spoiling. There are a great many thousand bushels through out these those parte that is not even tit to feed hogs. Charley Torrlngton's brother Arthur cau6el quite an 'excitement here last week, lie is a professional cowboy juggler, a magician and a musician. He wni billed to givo an entertainment at tin; Davis school house Monday night, but in the afternoon he nnd his band, (''insisting of throu other men together with their wagon load of in struments wore taken to Mankato by the shi'i'ltT on achargu of having stolon the keys and a large Hag from a suhool house where thoy had given an enter tainment Saturday night. They proved that they had given a little boy a ticket if ho would return the keys to the boardiaud after searching through their goods and not llndlng the flag the officers turned thorn loose. Thoy canto back and showed Tuesday ovoning but tho crowd had been disappointed and not many camo again. Catarrh Cannot Be Cured With loeal'appiloations, as thoy can not roach tho diseased portion of the ear. There is only one way to euro deafness, and that is by constitutional remedies. Deafness is caused by an inflamed condition of tho mucous lining of the Eustachian Tube. Whon this tube gets lullamed you have a rumbling Bound or imperfect hearing, and when it h entirely ulnsed deafness is the re sult, and unless tho inflammation can be taken out and this tube restored to its uorutal ondltioii, hearing will bo destroyed forever; nine cases out of ten aro caused by catarrh which is nothing but an inllaiued condition of tliu mucous surfaces. Wo will give One Hundred Dollars for any east) of Deafness (euuscd by catarrh) that cannot be Hired by Hall's Catarih (Jure. Send forcireiilnrs, free. F. .1. OHKNKY oi CO. IVop.-t., Toledo, (). Sold by diuggi.'.tN, price 7fic. HnllV Family Pills tun tliu best. a- a For Sale One hundred and sixty acres of tin improved laud, four miles northwect of Hod Cloud, Nobr. Terms cash. Ap ply to, Mus. .Iahks Kiukwood, Fair fax, Missouri. Ex-Lieut. Governor elTATfti OP NEW YOatK. ffrracuaa, N. V. a of Mew Torre imtiH etateeai and niiBNawntH. w jean n memoer ex tae fUUtur end IUmm iu Speaker, ta aow m nia intra unwaiituwm uonvention, tie eeaatlf ill old a4 Mine ilvee attention Uilaow"coftMituUoa.,r Walla siutna . 1 fork taartaUtura, aa a fellow ilWSlftt? wrotai Ai mar Swm-J aBi.treaflv bMaltaai fV th tout Mood aad Live KataMy aad iia or roiur Harva Tonic for which T thank yoa vary aauch." Atfatn rmn tliM rirtntOitiinn Ooavaatioa, Alsssv. J linn 90. IKOl l. , n. m Wv1""? 'at'.of tne MtU Inst., casa 4ulyU)hand. toxneit your groat sUaa a4y to further prolong my llfu ao jeara. " fOK SALE BY C. L. COTTING. - " . .". ,-, S.V vw , .,w . . V W1B ir. raaawi l&lallj'' THK MAIN MUSCULAR SUPPORTS OP THK SOOY WKAKKN AND LIT CO UNDIR BACKACHE OH LUMBAOO. TO RISTORK uW AND STRAIOHTIN GLITTERS LIKE A STAR. THE "ELIrS NEW EQUIPMENT. Description of the Macnlfihent New Cars that Make Up the Burlington's Fast Train Between St. Joseph, Kan as City and Chicago. The train is a marvel of tho car builders art, and embodies many novel ideas. Besides being now from end to cud it is striking in appearance because of the rich canary color of its cars. Another striking point, says the Chi cago tnter-Occan, is tho absence of platforms on the baggage car; a nov elty in car construction, which very much Improves the appearance of the train. Tho vestibule aro of that generous width, Hush with the outside of the cars, heretofore only .soon on u limited of the Inter Pullman cms. In connec tion with this platform the Biirlit.gton has adopted a very inacnioiifl device, invented and patented by William A. Forsyth, master mechanic at Aurora, by means of which the vestibule doors aro opened and tho stops lowered with caso. The smoking car is a groat improve mont over those ordinarily in use, being lltted with reclining chair seats, uphol stered in leather. Tho chair cars aro beautifully finished in highly polished mahegany. They aro upholstered in luxurious silk velvet plush, nnd tho aisles aro covered with rich moquetto carpot, Of the Pullman stooping cars much might bo said, but when it is stated that they are of tho latest Pull man pattern, with arched roofs, wldo vestibules, anil tho richest finish in wood and upholstry tho experienced traveller has the picture in mind at once. Tho train is lighted with gas, is heat ed with hot wator and leaves St.Josoph at 0:45 p. m. daily, reaching Chicago at 0:85 the following morning. Not only piles of tho very worst kind can bo cured by DoWitt's Witch Hnr.el Salvo, but ec.eina, scalds, burns, brulses,'boils, ulcers nnd nil other skin troubles can bo instantly relieved by tho same romedy. 0. L. Cotting. m a a. COWLES. Stockman Richardson was a visitor in CowIoh on Tuesday., Tho Epworth League convention hold in the M. E. church was largely attendod. Rev. Mr. Cline of Exeter, a very pleasant gentleman and a good talker added greatly to tke interest of the gathering. Dr. Hall and daughter and Rev. Dea kin and son attended the Sun day acnooi convention at lSladen on Thursday. There will be a G. A. R. memorial service in the Congregational ctraroh on Sunday morning, May 30, at 11 o'clock. It ia hoped all the old sol diers in the vicinity will attend. Great wits tho consternation when tho news came that the storo Vobbors had escaped. Thoy must have been conscious of u bad record or have had very urgent businossolHowherotohavo taken such risks us thoy did. Two un united men slipped from the chnrge of four resolute, revolvered guards. It was it ease of legs versus nrttis in which the former camo out victorious. Oiisirvgr. "They are dandles" said Tlios. Bowers, of the Crocket, Texas, Enter prise, wliilo writing about DeWitt's Little Early Risers, the famous little pills for sick headache and disorders of the stomach and liver, C. L. Cotting. m Tkiuuhi.k Aooidkmt. It is it terrible accident to be burned or scalded, but the pain and agony and frightful dls liguromeuts can be quickly overcome without leaving a scar by using Do Witt's Witch Hazel Salve. C. L. Cot ting. Tetter, Balt-Rtteaia and Keaema. The Intense Itching and smarting Inci dent to these diseases is instantly allayed by applying; Chamberlain 'a Eye and Skin Ointment. Many very bad cases have been permanently cured by it. It is equally efficient for itching piles and a favorite remedy for sore nipples; chapped hands, chilblains, frost bites and chronic sore eyes. 25 cts. per box. Dr. Cawj'a Certifies Fenders, are just what a horse needs when in bad condition. Tonic, blood purifier and vermifuge. They are not food but medicine and the best in nse to put n uoree in prime condition. Price 25 cents per package. Kvervbody Pu)a So. CnsonrHts f'antlv Cutlinrtli. the mnsl won uci'ful imtllcul dlsi-overv of tliu aurc. plcav iiut itml rofivaliiiiK to tbo taste, ml gently tout positively on kidneys, Hver nnd bowels. I'lrutiRiutr tbo ontlro sysl'-ui, dispel rnltK eutfi lieuilnolio, lever, linhltunl roiiMiiml'ni. and hlilniiKnesa, Plrosn buy nml try n l-ox of U. O. C, m-dav; ID, S. Ml tenia, hold uud guaruntet-d to euro by nil di-iiKgUts. Kdurate Vour llowals With Vaararata. in.Ci;2Lly JiuAhilrl!c' eur8 constipation forever. 10e,ic. Itn.c.0 fall, druggists refund money. J STR1NQTHIN, USE BAT1N. O. E. Haiuey sports a new top buggy. II. 0. Cutter was In this locality last week. llyo has commenced to head in tills neighborhood. Knv. Beau nnd wife Sundnyed at C. F. Kelleys near Hlvcrton, Mrs. Peter .Jensen is slowly recover ing from along continued sick spell. Wm. Crablll marketed soveral head of fat hogs at Bed Cloud last week. Win. anil Paul Bretthatiev were trans acting business in Franklin Monday. (. W. Matkins was in the vicinity of Cowlus last week transacting business. Several of the young folk from this vicinity attended the supper at North Star Monday night nnd report a time. Mr. Madison was called from earth to his homo beyond on last Friday. Tho cause of his dcatlt was brlghts dis ease. Mr. Madison was about 75 years old Ho loaves an aged wife, hvo daughters nnd two sons along with n host of frlontls and neighbors to mourn his loss. Tho funeral was had Satur day and his remains wore laid to rest in I'lcasant Prairie cemetery. By re quest Rev. Blackwoll preached tho funeral sermon. Stunnku. Sick stomach means sick man (or woman). Why not be well? Sick stomach comes from poor food, poor nourishment; means poor health, poor comfort. Shaker Digestive Cor dial means health and a well stomach. If wo could examine our stomach wo would understand why it is that so lit tle will put it out of order. But, unless wo are doctors, we never seo our stomach. Wo ouly feel It. Wo would feol it less if we took Shaker Di gestive Cordial. Shaker Digestive Cordial makes youjr stomach digest all tho nourishing food you eat, relieves all tho symptoms ot indigestion, nets as a tonic and soon makes you well nnd strong again. The more you tnko, tho less you will feel of your stomach. At druggists. Trial bottle lflccnU. m . HIGHLAND, KANSAS. Rain is needed at present. Mr. S. S. Howard has returnctl f rojn Colorado. Sinco tho advent of another sou S. R. Boyce is breaking more prairie. Mr. K. Lemay of Ohio is visiting with his uncle Mr. J. R. Leggett. George Noill has moved into the house vacated by Sherman Fordyce. Rev. Mr. Finch organized anEpworth League at tho stone church Sunday night. Jonas Campbell preached to a full heuso Sunday night at school house No. 114. Tillio Anderson is visiting with her brother Rev. R. R. Anderson at Agroy, Smith Co. Miss Clara Jones has finished a very successful two months torm of suhool in district 114. Somo for ton, soma for twenty and wimo for thirty years have sufferetl from piles and then have been quickly uud permanently cured by using Do Witt's Witch llazul Salve, the great remedy for piles and nil forms of skin diseases. C. L. Cotting. Tiled, Nervous and weak men ami women II ml new life, norvu streugth, vigor and vitality in Hood's Sarsa parllla, which purities, enriches and vitalizes the blood. Hood's Pills are tho favorite family cathartic, easy to take, easy in effect. 2llo. a WILLOW CREEK. Charley Norris Sundayed with Fred Bon. A. C. Bou sold a toad of hogs at Les ter Saturday. Miss Bessio Godwin has gono east for the summer. Samuel Brunor nnd family worn visit ing on the creek Sunday. Somo folks seem to think Iowa is a health resort for heart disease. Harry Brubaker tradud a horse to Myrt Adamson for a nice cow. Tho prospect for fruit has never beon ao good as now. Tho frost did htitvery little harm. Miss Adamson and Miss Godwin took school examinations last week at the county superintendents olllce at Bed Cloud. Wo aro having tho best farming weather this spring wo have had in twsnty years, averages one good rain a weok anil ovoryone is rejoicing. GAZK1.I.K. Don't thin your blood with sassafras or poison It with blue-mass; but aid nature by using DeWitt's Little Early Kisors, tho famous little pills for con stipation, biliousness and stomach and liver troubles. Thoy are purely vege table, O. L. Cotting. W. B. Johnson, Newark, O,, says: 'One Minute Cough Cure saved my only child from dying by croup." It had saved thousands of others suffer ing from croup, pneumonia, bronchitis and othr serious throat and lung troubles, C, L. Cotting Hoods Cure sick headache, bad aaajak. taste In the mouth, coated Za ll tongue, gas In the stomach, T III SB ditru and Imllgeitlon. Do not wtakrn, but have tonic effect. 2J etnts. Tha only Hill to take with llood'i Sarssparllla. CHURCH NOTK8. CIIKISTIAN CI1UIICII. Assembly sermons Lord's Day 10:30. Communion 11:40. Freo will offering for the cause. Bible .-chool 12:00. Junior ('. K. 3:00 Senior O. K. 7:00. Evangelistic sui moil S.00. Prayer meeting Wednesday evening 8.00. Choir rehersal Friday evenings. Morning sermon for May SUd. "A Peculiar Passion." Evening sermon, "The Bible on Baptism." This Is the last four evening sermons on coining to Christ. Chart woi k ami distributed diagrams will make it very interesting. Afternoon sermon ntlnavnlont 4 p.m. The Christian Sunday school is pre paring a splendid musical and literary program for Children's Day, Juno 0th. It will bo rendered in the evening. Prayer topic, May 26, "Lot, the Sel fish Ono." Gen. 13; 1-13. A kindly welcome to nil, L. A. Hussono, Minister. MKT1IODI8T. Morniug services nt 10:30. Sunday school nt 11:30. Junior league nl 4 p.m. Senior league at 7:30. Epworth League anniversary at 8:00, Chapel Sunday school at 3:00. Prayer and Prnlse service on Wed nesday evening at 8 o'clock. Come nml welcome. Rkv. J. M. Daiiiiv, Pastor. C'ONdltKCATlONAL. Sunday School at U:4!5. Junior Society at 4 p. in. Y. P. S. C.E.at7p. in. HAITISTCIIUIMJII. Services Sunday morning at U:30. Sunday School at 11:30 a. in. Junior Union at 4:00 p. tu. Young People's Society at 7 p. in. Evening services at 8 o'clock. Mid-week prayer meeting Wednes day at 8 p. m. We extend it cordial invitation to all. C. R. Weldkn, Pastor. Sent Free. To nuy persou interested in humane matters, wo will send free, upon appli cation, a copy of tho "ALLIANCE," tho orgau of this Society. In addition to its intensely interesting reading, it contains a list of the valuable and un usual premiums given by tho paper. Address, THE NATIONAL HUMANE ALLIANCE, 410-411 United Charities Building, New York. Shake Into Your Shoes. Allen's Foot Kase, it powder for the feel. H curt'i pnluftil, suoolcn, Miuirtliig fict uud In ktiititly tnkes the Minn out of corns uud bunions. It's the greatest comfort discovery of tliuiiKe, Allen's Foot-Kitsu iiutkes tight tltllnt,' ami now shucs. feel easy. Itlsu certain cute for stteat Iiir, callous nml hot,, tired, aililiig feet. Try It suduy. Sold by all druggists and tdioe Moiex. lly mull for '.'jc In stump. Trial puekago free. Addrikk, Allen S. Olmsted, Loltoy, N. V. To C'uro C'uimtlpatlou I'tH-uvrr. Tulvu Ciscatuts Cuiulv Cathartic, 10a orSSc, If O. C. C. fall to cure, drugutatH refund money. Tii t'uro L'uiilliiitltin -ii-urr, Tltke CuscuretN L'uiiih-Cutlmrib- in.. i,r If C, C. C. fall to care, drugglsta refund monoy. To Benefit Others. Tha EaMtor of Tha Bloomfleld law Parmar WrlU of tha Oeotl Dona toy OR. MILES' MEW HEART OURE. QEUB AKB at great man uaMllah man and women who wlaa othera to know what baa reatored thaaa to health and happlneaa. Mr. O. V. Davit, pan Ilaber of one of tha beat nawapapen ta Iowa, wriua froa BUxfleld la., Aug 18 INK. "My deatre to bane4t others prompt ma to writ tbla. WehavtuaedDr. MlVea1 Earned laa ta my family for nearly two yeara with moat gratifying reaulta. Wa would'nt now do with oattbaca. My wlfa bad been waakly aud down nearly every summer for the put fltteaa yean. Dr. Ml lea Ueart Oare ia exactly what IU name imptleei a sure cure for a weak, fluttcrlag, palpitating heart, aad Dr. Mllea' Nerve and Liver Pill are most excellent." Dr. Mike' Eemedlea are sold by all drug- gbrta aader a poalUve gaaraatee, Crat bottle beaette or money refunded. Book on Heart aad Nervee eeat free to all apaUcaata. DM. MILW MSDIOAL OO. Mkhart, to. SnVaWaMMMMMMBMPMVaMMMMMMMMTaMMr 'LraCf. BtaatMex JHa 'TRiVIE:reS IvUMlSISl CO., DEALEHs. IN kUWBER and GOAIt, 3uilclixitg Material, Etc. Red Cloud, - - Nebraska. POULTRY - The season of the venr hns arrived when you will be prevailed upon bt NUMEROUS COMMISSION HOUSES to lorwniil them your consignments of POULTRY, - GAME, - BUTTER, - EGGS FURS, HIDES, PELTS. ETS Pake no chances but shin direct to the old establishce linn of J. - A.m " jVXcOtAtcliLeoia - Co., 222 South Water St., Chicago, III. They will give you top prices and quick n " rii. REFERENCE Fibst National Hank iANDY ;otocAtito CURtCOIISTIPATIOM M( I ' SO" ABSOLUTELY GUmKTEED',?,: WatoASatlBfeSatamAASBtosMAASatSBfeAAAttAASBtoASkSto SUMMONS It y PUBLIC A TION. In the illntrlct court of Webster county. Neb ritxka. Thetftato of Nehmnkn, to Agiic Wootlrido. a minor, itnd ono of the lielr.of Mary A. Wood Bide, dercmed, dufondantH. You arc hereby notified that you liaio been ut-cl. toKother with Mnry A, Woodalde. Jamon M. UoodMdc. her Inuliand; Klmcr Woodnlde, Edna Woodnldc, Mabel Woodalde, a minor; Albert Woodalde, k minor, helm of Mary A. Woodiildc, drccaacd. a co dcfcndanlR, by Karah V. I.. Naae. plaliitilT. in the district court of Wtboter county, Nt-braiika, and that on or be fore tho 2tHt day of June, 1S17, you muat nnaner the pctlllon In chancer) tiled therein bv nld ptalntltV itis'itliif-t nil of mild defcndanta.tTncrclu plnltitin." ryn for n decree of aald court lore-l-IokIhk a rnorlKagc executed and delivered by deffiiditiit Mary A. Woodldc and .Inincn M. Woodkldu. hi-rliUbnnd, In the Lombard Invent meut Company, a corporation! datetl June loth, IHVO, now owned by plaliitirr, and coveriim the following docrll-ed rcnl en'Blp. ltnalrd in (-aid county ol Webster uud the stale of 2eb raaka. to wit: The west-half of the aoiith-eal quarter of Kectlon number aeventceii 'IT), In township number Ihiee (3) north, rangn num ber nine (0), except eight (B) acrer, In n rttiare form. In the north west conn r, west of tho Mxtti principal merldlxn. Said petition further prays that the rlghtx. titles and Interests of said defendants and all of them. In and to said described premises bede tei mined and settled, and that said lauds bo appralstd and sold, according to law, and that the proceeds arising from such sale be applied, first. In payment of the costs of said action and of such sale; kecond. In payment of the full amount due plaintiff on tho Indebtedness se cured bv said mortKaint with all Interest thereon; that from and after confirmation of such sale.tbe defendants to tald action, and all of them, and all neraons clalmlnsr or to claim. by, under or through them, or any of them, be forever barred aad foreclosed of and from all right, title. Interest, lien calm and equity or redemption or, in ami to sain uesmoed lands, and even- nart thereof. Unless you answer said petition, as aforesaid. me statements ana allegations inerein con tained will be taken as true, and a decree will be rendered bv said court as therein craved. Witness my hand, and tho seal of said court, by mo affixed, this 11th day of May, 1NUT. (meal .Uf es UuitncM. ricrk of the District Court or Webster county, Nebraska. 1'rt.sii-ueu A Alexandeu, i.'ouoor lln, Kaunas, Attorneys for plaintiff. (Find published In Itr.nCi.oun Ciiif.i-, May lllli. MV1.) LEUA1. NOTICE. Stutoof Nebraikn, Webster County', ss. In the District Court thereof, of tlicTcnll dlt'lal district. Nebraska Loan ATrust '. l'lalullir, vs. (li-orge I,. Iltilllford. ilulllford, his wile, mid .lolin Doe, iioieiiiiiiiits. i MoTit-r. or si-it The nbovo nituied defendants. (Jcorge I.. (lulllfortl and (lulllford. his wife, and each of them n hereby notified that the above mimed plnliitlir Iws llleil In the above named court Its -tltion agalast them and the other aoieuuniis- tiameu auove;tiiat tne oiueci aim nravarof suld petition or tne piaiiiiiu arc. to foreclose a mortgage bearing date the 1st da y of .lauuarr. 1MSH. uxacua.-d bv the above named defendant, (ieorgc-1,, (lulllford, lo one Kminlo 11. Abeci on tne ioiiuwiuk tiescruwu rati estate situate In the comity of Webster, In the state of Nebraska to wit: Tbo southwest nuar tor (i) of the north east nuarter (M). ami the south cast quarter K of the north west quar ter), of section twenty (UU). In township one (I) north of r.nue ten (IU) weitof the sixth P.M. the said defendants George I., (lulllford aim Gullltord, his wlfa, are further uotlUed that they, and each of them, are required to appear and answer said petition of plaintiff, on or be fore Monday, the 88th day of June. 1807. oraald petition of plaintiff will bo taken aa true, and a decree will be rendered against them, tho said defendants and the athcr defendants naaied herein, decreeing that the said mortgage be foreclosed: that all the above , de scribed real estate ahall be appraised, advertised and sold at public auction by the sheriff ot said Webster county, to make and raise the sum of lltu.au due to plaintiff on tald mortgage, together with Interest on aaid sum at the rata of tea per cent from tho 9Cfli day of Adl. ISU7 and the cost of this suit ami such sale: and ald decree will further provide rtist you. the said defendants, and the other de- fAtiilittiik mimed hnrflln. and earh of von. shall be forever barred and foreclosed of all equity of redemption aud other interest in aim to sain real tsiiiteandeverypart thereof. Nidiuska I.oN lc Tmust Co., Vlalntlff. HyGrn r Wokk. Itaaltorney. First pnliilcatlon May 1. low. HANDOLI'H MoNirr, AHOHNKY m COUNSELOR AT LAW," Special uttontlon to Comnieroial and Frobatc LitlKation. MOOV BLOCK, RKU CLOUD, NERRA8KA. J. S. EMIGt-H, IIBNTIST. PAINLESS DENTISTRY I If YOU WANT IT. Crewn fcrige Wsfk or Teeib Willn.1 Plate POHOKLA1N INLAY And all tha latest Improvement ia dental mecb anlsm No-Tt-liai- for VI fry Cente. Ouaniiitced tel uecu habit cum, makca weak men htrou;:, blood ptiv, 60c,tl. All druggist. I i Write tiiein fur quota ion Chteneo, Illinois CATHARTIC ALL DRUtflSBi af CMotlaatto. raxart tt are tk Idtal Uu-i ar arlat.fcat raiM ? aitaral rtialta. fiaa-A CalaroMotrtal.Caii.aor?ff York. tlt.J Wanted-n Idea UnDla Udsctopatntr aara. Waaklacton, D. C for (haar aleo prlaa oSi aadlkt of two buadfad tavaaU"" asuia. Red Cloud Stock Barn. I have lust reeeivetl two large .ucky mammoth jacks, BLACK JACK W AKTE i.i aPflBBraTOMmSHfflsBWay Ken- AND BLUE PETE TL with POMPAS, the standradbred stal lion will make the season of 1807 north of tho Moon block in Red Cloud, Nohraikn. TERMS For .lack-, to to 8 to insure with foal. 1 will not btf responsible for any acci dent sliould nny occur, but. will ns all pi emotions to prevent rtine. C. L. WINFREY, Manager. PANKtR'a OINQER TOMIO iblM. rWhlUtr. dlMnMlMP aik Mvl Oil. and la nt and la Dotodtor nitaliic mm wbta sit otksr ttiunwnt Mis. amy mothtr and Inrslul tkoald havt It. HAIR BALSAM CImbms and twautlnu tha rromotts a laiuriaot arowth. out. Rarer Tails to Iteatora Orayj sAmm' ig ita ipumiui voter. Cuna scalp dlssaMt a hair lalUiv. 'V.m.n a' w ."WftlMf. DERCORNS Tlit onlrnn Con fot Coroi. Stop, ail pals. Makta walki K caty. lie. SI Dtvu " BICYCLES Spatial Itutslnt. Oood ' AaDU Wanted. CaUloa . 1 nkt. wm Cyclt Cvmpumr 332-344 MhutAvScSleafr TIME TABLE. " & M. K.Y HED'ULOI'J), NElill LINCOLN OMAHA VIUC AUO ST JOE KANSAS CITY ST. LOUIS and it II points oixt nnd .ninth. DENVER HELENA IWTTE SALT LAKE OT PORTLAND SAX FRA.YC1SC0 nnd nil pointH west. THAINM LEAVK it rOLLOWS! No. 0-:. I (tight, dally except Sunday (or Wymoreaiidallpolnteast 7:Ofia.ra, N'n pt. I'-swi-iiuer, dally for at. Joe. Kitiinax t'lty. Atchison, St. l,.iiilsHiid all points east and smith -. 10:011 a m. No. 143. Arriiinmotfatlon, ilally exccjil Stimli.y. tlastluus. Grand Is bind. Hlack llllis and all AkiIuihIu the northwest........ I:xnp,m. it-ciuiimodatloii, dally except Sunday, (llierJIn, Kansas, aad lutermedlato stations, via lie publican I2:nsp.u. Freight, dally, Wymorc and St. .Joe and Intermediate o. HI. No. 01. Junction points ...... 18:10 p.m. ta. Freight, dally for Republican Orleans, Oxford and all points west - . .... .... . 10:3ua.m. lb. l'asaeuger. dally. Denver, all oolntaln Colorado. Utah and No. No. California......... . .... 8:40p.m. rileeplng, dining, and reclining chair cars' (seals free) on through trains. Tickets sold and baggage checked to any point In the United Statea or Canada. For Information, time tables, maps or ticket cnll on or address A, Conover, Agent, Ked Cloud, Nebr. or J. Francis, General Passenger Agent Omaha, Nebraska. Caveats, aad TradVMarka obtalaedand el fat-1 ot bualoessconducted for Moot ATI re. ! dm orrtetiaerraeiTt u.s. MTKHvorriei '. Pqt In eta tiave thaa Uwa rcBota from Waakiutoa. ,aaaJjao4aL drawing or photo, with deecrlp-i tien. We aavise. If Datentabla er am. ! iJ ;harge. OiirfeeaotduttlllpatentUstcurtd. i PasjPNiT( "How ta Obtain Fauats," wllk ceit of aaatala Ua U. S. aad faraica coaauiaa aaaaw laaskak m.AAmm v CA.8NOWwt.CO. Jv,"K?.''A?tT n, waaawTew. B. c SMin fcmsl trtsui "Wm uiai MMJMIMS sj"1 llilHlilff'-jfiTill WmM VasamMl MRS gam Sal awl 1 Raw AM BRl Rawal Ram Ral RaRff? 1 ' RKMRVxamMaLX.x8RLRff1 RaVJ --gjasaaaaaaMaamtSmkaWaaBVnsaaWl i p. t: "-'" mwwwwvwnrwmtvwmw A A K. ". ,'... i t ' - l&vii. . 4fte w Mkfiu r& .Apf , L.&. Ii'JlU i2!&- m ,. JJtfiJiWS.. 4ArM-WAflaAfta.-t- lifl uf M..Mr.TMlilA,f2.. .. . rt. U. I Hi JiifWP i