The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, May 07, 1897, Page 5, Image 5

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l i
Severe Attack of Dyspopsla Curoci
ay Hood's Snraaparllla A Skin
Disoaso From Childhood.
" Since wc eatno to North Dakota wo
linvc never hnd owkioii (o call n phypl
e'an. We take Hood'- t-nrsnp.irlllii for all
our ailments. About three yearn hro my
Imnlir (I hnd (he misfortune to ftrnin hit
fttoniiu'i hi heavy liitlw;. This brought
1 1 d, , ere util he suffered very much,
trpeclally at tight, niui ho could net
t.vt. Ik decided to take Hood's Harca
jwntln mid after uidtijr two bottles ho wad
completely cured. Ho wns iilao ;;rntiticU
to Hud that Hood's SarHnpurlllft relieved
Mm ol n roaghnevs of the akin with
which he had been troubled from clilld
liOod."MitH.JoHNAimAM8,l,umhinn,N.U. N. B. if you dcoldo to 'Ako Hood's Bar
caparilla do not be Induced to buy a sub
HVitute. Insist upon
HOOCl'S Sparma
The llest III fact tho Ono True Wood Purifier.
Holit ly nil ilrunnlsts. n six for iv
u rin'co
JlOOd S PUIS tlvo. AtldruKgtits. wc.
w. l. McMillan.
Cae.jear 1100
til month! BO
Bntered at the pott office at lied Cloud, Jfob.i
fucond clan mall matter.
Tariff history is repeating itself. The
ttonatc made tho McKlnlay tariff, by at
lu'chlng ubout 800 amendments to tho
original bill', the sonato mado thoWll
non tariff, by attaching n fow loss
amendments tliuu it. hud put upon the
McKinloy bill, and if tho Dlugloy bill
becomes a law anything like tho shape
in which tho republican members of
the tluanca committee havo submitted
it to tho full committee,. tho senate
will havo another tariff bill to itscredit,
notwithstanding the constitutional
provision that all revenue bills shall,
originate in the house. In the number
of amendments added tho Uiugloy bill
breaks nil records, tho number exceed
ing one thousand. No date has yt
been agreed upon to report tho bill to
the senute, but unless something not
now expected shall occur to prevent
it will be reported inside of ten days.
It ' looks now us though the hottest
light over tho tariff would bo.betweou
republican), instead of botwoon demo
crats and republicans.
The civil service law is being attack
ed from all directions, and a very
noticeable attack was that made by
Representative Corliss, of Mich., in a
spceoh made at the annual banquet of
Mio alumni of Columbian university, of
which he is a member. He started out
by saying that the prosperity of the
university was largely dependent upon
the number of young men who come
to Washington as department clerks,
and take up courses of study after
otitto hours, but that the civil servioa
law was shutting off this supply and
tilling the departmeut with a lot et
worn out human machines. He then
said: "In my Judgment the civil ser
vice was a system devised by soiuoin
ge'tflous minister under a monarchial
government to protect the king against
the wrath of the people. Under such
governments tho long continued dis
tribution of too political patronage
made the people envious, and this sys
ten) was no doubt devised to prevent
revolution, but iu a republican form of
government, white the voice of the
poopln is sapreme, this civil service
law becomes a aiost obnoxious and
arbitrary restriction of human liberty.
Tho house ol representatives' is the
n'osl direct representative body of the
people lu this country. If the civil ser
vice law is wise why not apply it to
this branch of our government? How
many of tho older members of congress,
now holding the most important posi
tions because of their long snrvlco and
experience, could successfully pass n
civil service examination for the posi
tion of messenger boy? In my Jtidg.
liient there Is not one of them who
would not rather retire to private lite
than to submit to such humiliating ex
aminations." White it is known that Prcsldont Mc-Ktnlevfavo-s
the annexation of Hawaii
and believes that it will be accomplish
ed during his administration, there is
do probability that any steps towards
annexation will be publioly taken by
ttie administration until after the
tariff bill gets through congress, unless
it becomes necessary to hurry up an
nexation In order to forestall any effort!
that Japan may fool disposed to make
fur tbo purpose of bulldozing Hawaii,
Mr. McKinloy has fully determined
that so far as his control extends noth
ing shall got bofore congress that would
bo likely to detract attention from the
tariff bill until that measure- has been
disposed of.
Should .lmtleo Field live until the
10th day of next August, and tho pies
out Mate of 111? health indicate that ho
will live much lunger, ho will have
Or, Price's Cream Unking Powaer
A Purr flrap Ccutn t Tartar Powder.
hi .:
IvJt-M. .iU.v .vJgfciiu
ei;ed I rii . , I uu t 'I. V 3
upiHiii fiini tliuu any other man
ver did. This it has been his ambition
' do, and it !m kept him at work
tomn years after ho was eligible for re
tirement on full pay. When that date
lias boeu passed he expects to retire.
It hr.s often been remarked that op
positcs are attracted to each other, and
many examples of Its truthfulness have
been seen In tho senate, but none more
striking than tho close personal fi lend
ship Hint has grown up between Sena
tors Tillman, of S. C, (the pitchfork
man) and Fo raker, of Ohio. They
spend much of their leisure time to
gethor, nltliotigh their political opinions
nrcni wide npntt as those of nnj two
men could possibly be.
The color line may be sharply drawn
In tho sennto if President McKinloy In
sists upon standing by the nomination
of J. W. Lyons, n colored man, to bo
postmaster nt Augusta, Ga. The entire
Georgia delegation in conirress nro-
tested ngalnst this appointment and it
Is understood tliut Postmaster General
Wary stands with them in opposition of
Lyons, who is the Georgia member of
the republican national committee.
Treasury officials say they feel no
uneasiness concerning the now outflow
of gold to Europe, which last week
started off with over 17,000,000. They
say it is nominal and point to records
for some years past to prove it, but
there are prominent members of the
administration who do not like it, and
who will watch its contiuuanco with
more or less alarm.
How Doctors Protoot Thomsolvos
From Contagious Diseases..
Doctors rarely oatch contagious dis
eases. Almost overybody knows this,
but fow know how they escape. Many
believe that the doctor has some charm
or antiseptic which protects him. Dr.
Hartmon lately mado the truth of this
matter public that all might realize
its benollt.
Contagious diseases arc convoyed by
minute organisms known as diseases
germs. These germs find their en
trnnco into tho system through tho
mucous membrane. If tho mucous
membrane is healthy, they can not got
into tho system. If the mucous mem
brano is affected by catarrh the serins
Hud easy uccoss. Catarrhal scbrotinns
furnish oxactlv the mntm-htl nnnn
which tlioy thrlvo nud multiply. To
get rid of the catarrh, and thus pre
serve tho mucous tucnibrano healthy,
Is tho only way to bo safo from contn
gious diseases. This explains why it
is that some people catch diseases
oaaier than others. Erorvone la ox-
posed just the Bame. Not everyone,
however, falls u victim to contaalnua
diseases. A disease form cannot en.
ter the system through a perfectly
healthy mucous mombrane. Dootoia
know this, and therefore guard against
It. This is all the secret there is about
The best euro or preventive known
to tho medical profession up to date
for catarrh in nil its conditions IsPe-
ru-na. Durinir the uncertain weather
of spring-time it is an unnecessary
hazard for anyone to neglect to guard
himself from taking disease, bv taklnir
Send for free catarrh book. Address
Tho Pe-ru-aa J)rug Manufacturing Co.,
Columbus, Ohio.
It should bo made n matter of public
knowledgo that DeWitt's Witeh Hazol
Salve will speedily cure piles of the
longest standing. It is the household
favorite for burns, scalds, cuts, bruises
and sores of nil kinds. C. L. Cotting.
Is a blood disease and only a blood reme
dy can cure it. Somanv neoole make
the mistake of taking remedies which
at beet are only tonics and cannot possi
bly reach their trouble. Mr. Asa Smith.
Greencastle, Indiana, says: "For years
I have suffered with Sciatic Rheuma
tism, which thebest physicians were un
able to relieve. I took many patent
medicines but they did not seem to
reach my trouble. I gradually grew
worse until I was un
able to take my food
or handle myself in
any way; I was abso
lutely helpless. Three
bottles of S.S.S. re-
lieved me so that I
was soon able to move
my right arm; before
long I could walk
across the room, and
when I had finished one dozen bottles
was cared completely and am as well as
ever, I now weigh 170."
A Real Blood Remedy
S.S.S. cures Scrofula, Cancer, Eczema,
arid any form of blood troubles, If you
have a blood disease, take a blood medi
cine S.S.S. gnaianteed purely vtgeta
table) is exclusively for the blood and
is recommended for nothing else. It
forces out the poison matter permanent
ly. We will
scud to anyone
our valuable
books. Address
Swift Specific
Co., Atlanta,
x WIUU fZ.m-, - "--
Council Prcc codings
C tiiinl met will. Al.iyoi Mjua and
full bimtd present.
iMInircs of last meeting ii.-.i! itul lip
proved. The following bills were presented
and allowed:
!tet Cloud Orccleparlment.fiOOft.of how .v00
A. O. Hornier, printing. .. 15 00
Ko A Blfe, drijraxe 4 41
J. w. Khuel, Mrcel comuilMloner............ T 00
J. V. Klnel, water commlnloncr 18 00
i. M. Solium, eiiglnpr .. , -to 00
Trader Lumber Co, welifliliiK cot..... 4 00
O W.Saunder,.- - 11 00
Win. Wolfe, material 15
Itatidolph McNIIt. Mlnrr . W) 00
I.U. O. If laige. runt 2f, 00
(I. W Dow, mono)' expended 67 O'l
V, V. Vnjlor, fiitioridcxpeiiH'Huf W, Vctt .11 tfl
I. W. Mo-nrivllle.medlcrttnorvlccii. 'a 00
Hill of W L. McMillan for printing
wasnlluued for 832.
Ou mutton a warrant was drawn on
the general fund for the sum of $70 02
in favor of the water fund.
HcDort of the city clerk was next read
to tho council as follows:
To the Honorable Mayor and Coun
cil of the city of Hed Cloud, Nebraska:
I, L. E. Tait, city clerk bog lenve to
suumit tlio following report of the re
ceipts nnd disbursements as made by
mo during the municipal year ending
Mny 1, 1807.
Tho annual levy mado aggregated
thirty mills as follows: Levy for gener
al fund purposes, 19 mills; special levy
to pay judgements, 4 mills; interest on
water bonds, 10 mills; interest on elec
tric light bonds, 8 mills; water levy, 8
The assessed vttluation was 8160.102.
In accordance with such valuation
and tho nbove lovy there was in the
general fund the sum of $1001.02, of
which only 85 per cent was available,
amounting to $1301.04.
1 1 In'tho judgmont lovy fund there was
$010.70, of which sum Uioro was avail
able enly 85 per cent or $544.05.
The levy of three mills placed in the
water levy fund the stun of $480 of
which 85 per cent wns available, leav
ing in said fund the sum of $408.
Lovy of 10 mills on wator bonds ng
gregato$lC00;lcvyof8 mills on elec
tric light bonds nggregnto $8(10.
Warrauts have been issued on the sev
eral funds 11s follows: en
JlGenoiiil fund $1040 73, leaving a bal
ancoof $320.91; judgmcnt'lovy fund
$354.43, leaving a balnnce of $200 22;
water levy fund, $00.07, leaving a bal
ance of $308.83. Total balance $820.40.
On motion the above report wns ac
cepted aud was placed on tile.
City treasure asked for farther timo
for making his report, owing to changes
having been made iu the different
funds. On motion timo was allowed as
Water commissioner was also grant
ed further time for same reasons.
Report of street commissioner was
next read as follows:
Poll tax, number of days, 100; cash
paid out for labor, $00.10; lumber
bought, $184.00; total expenditures
$J98.70. On motiwnjroport was accept
ed ns read.
Communication of W. L.IMoMlllanJin
regard to the erasure of a figure la re
ceipt on water rent, olaimiug he was
not credited with the proper amount
was read to the council. Communica
tion was laid over.
There bekig no further ibusiness
Mayor-Myers adaiinistorod the oath of
offlco to his succossor;Goo. J. Warren
nnd the old council ndjoaraod sine die.
Now council convoaod with Mayor
Warron in chair and (ho following
members present; Wright, Spokeslicld,
Deck and Hollistcr.
After administering the oath ofofllce
to the new coiinollmen and clerk the
council proceeded to business. ;i;
Bond of L. E. Tait, city alerk, was
read and approved.
Petition of Jn. Tolnlcky for liquor
license along with bond was read. It
was moved by Hollistcr an d seconded
by Wright thaOpotilieu eb'o" granteVI'.
Tho voto stood ns follows: Ayo, Wright,
Spokoslleld, Keck and Hollistcr. Mo
tion carried and lleonso was ordered
to be issued.
Potitioa of M. M. Stern was granted
in the same manner as above.
Mayor cautioned Mr. Storn in regard
to permitting the use of dlco nnd cards
in his house, t
Itaudolph McNltt appeared for
the lied Cloud lire department in re
gard to turning the city over to the de
partment ou the Fourth of .July. Mo
tion prevailed.
Council adjourned to convene Wed
nesday uight, Mny 12th.
11 1 1
Notice to Teaohers.
Notlco is hereby given that I will ex
amine all persons who may dosire to
offer themselves as candidates for
teachers of tho public schools of this
couuty, at Hod Cloud on the third Sat
urday of each month.
Special examinations will bo held on
tho Friday proceeding tho 8d Saturday
of each month.
Tho standing desired for 2d and 8d
grade cortilicato is tbo samo no grade
below 70 per cant., average 80 per cent;
for first grade certificate no grade bo
low 80 per cent., average 00 per cent in
all branches required by law.
I). M. IlUNTKii, County Supt,
iii.'y .
S.V l
One Minute Cough Cure, cures.
That U what It was made for.
An Evening With the Humorists.
The following entertainment will bo
given under the auspice'? of tho Lndhs
AM Society of the First M. K. Church
on Thursday evening, May liJlh Doots
open at 7:30. Exercises begin at 8:10.
Duet Selection
Kva Mltchel, Peiul Mitchell.
Solo......... .................. ........Selection
Ham Llndney.
Duet..-. . -Selection
Stewart Albrlftht, Mr, liatitn
Solo.. Selection
Kva Mitchell.
(Jnarlet.. .- Selection
McMri. Albright, Drlce, Kmlxh, ?cllr.
Lecture . ......WltnnU Humor
Jnraen Mark Dnrliy,
Admission 'JO cents. Children lOcents.
Sprint? Itoauiros.
Thnt tho impurities which hnvn ac
cumulated in your blood during tho
winter shell be promptly and thorough
ly expelled if good health is expected.
When the warm weather comes these
impurities are liable to manifest them
selves in various ways and often lend
to serious illness. Unless the blood is
rich antl puro that tired feeling will
nfllict you, your appetite will fail and
you will Hud yourself "nil run down."
Mood's barsaparllla tones nnil strength
ens the system, drives out nil impuri
ties and makes pure, rich, healthy
blood. Hood's Barsaparilla Is tho one
true blood purifier nnd the best spring
medicine. Ho sure to get only Hood's
Wo would kindly request that here
after when a certain gentleman gets
touchy on account of an article sont in
to this ofilicc by him, not being publish
ed, lie will nlr his grievances to the
proprietor of this paper nnd not to its
employes. If von have anvthinir to
sav speak out like a man. Don't con-
iuui. juuievn uj KiMiig juur loii-nmia
cd compliments second-hand ns
pay little attention to the man
cannot speak for himself.
To California Comfortably.
Every Thursday afternoon, a tourist
sleeping car for Salt Lake Cltv, San
rrauclsco anil l.os Augoles leaves
Omaha and Lincoln via the Hurltngton
Koutc. It is carpeted, upholstered In
rattan, hns spring seats and backs nnd
is provided .with" curtains, bedding,
towels, soap, etc. An experienced ex
cursion conductor and a uniformed
Pullman porter nccoinpany it through
to tho Pacific coast. While neither so
expensively finished nor so Hue to look
at as the palace sleeper, it is just as
good to ride iu. Second cla-t tickets
arc accepted for passacc and the price
of n berth, wiilo enough aud bigeuough
for two, is only $5. For fotildcr giving
full particulars, call ut nearest liur
iiugton ticket office, or write to J.
Francis, (. P. A,, Burlington Itoute,
Omaha, Neb.
"It is tho Best on Earth."
That is what Edwards & Parker,
merchants of Plains, Ga., say of Cham
borlain's Pnin Blaiu, for rheumatism,
lame bacK, deep seated! anil muscular
pains. Sold by H. E. (iriee, Draggist.
W Offer Vo a
IN5UKB5 Safety
ta metav
Ut wMa aaed "lUTHERS IBlElfaV be- i
I fore birth of bar drat ahtld.ahe did Dot
I auSerfrom 'HAl'H or fMM8-wia quickly ,
I reuewa v woe crmcei nour luuerina dui
. little she bad no pit I us alterward aad her '
r reooTer j wiw niu.
K. K. Johnston. Eufaala. Ala.
f Sent by Mall or Kxpreas. on receipt of
' tk, rr bottle. Book To Moth-
Fra"maaeu tree.
BBiNllU) BKGUUTOR CO., Mlaata, Oa.
ou bt iu stuseim.
TfT 1
of Hires Rootbest
on a sweltering hot
day is highly essen
tial to comfort and
health. It cool the
blood, reduces your
temperature, toass
the stomach.
HE 10
should be in every
home, iu every
office, in every work
shop, A temperance
drink, more health-
lul tnan tee water,
more delightful and
satisfying than any
other beverage pro
duced. Mol
Mt41rb; iht CkwlM B.
Ilm C., fktW.iphu. a iMk.
' Mar.
caa make bl( money UflUI
br (ellluir our vrhetla
5. targMt stock in America, All
aBiaaBafcinake i
make and models. Write fore tatoguet.
I). 1. DltOWN-LKWia Cycle Co., Chicago, 111.
you r,
?VdrMf W taoaaii m mm u a a. u a .......
eiyYnn.imnimimimmimm.imm.tmm.immimiMm.immi.ia.i i.iM mmi irwm'Tn.'nmw
S tJJO f A r TMr Cwtw y 1111!
i an iviXvJDr onufi u. mi
Successors to
m See Our Ox Blood
and Lhololate
'ii- ... -
gfjf we have a Bargain in Black g
Hi or Tan Oxfotds at $i.oo. Ill
it .. . .
muter and nggs taken in exchange for Shoes.
All kinds of repairing neatly done.
Cincinnati Cash Shoe Store.
Harness! Harness! Harness!
We are making Special Inducements on Harness this spring.
We are selling harness to correspond with corn. Fol
lowing you will Cnd a few of the articles we are selling.
i--inch Harness from $19 to $25,
i-inch Harness from $20.50 to $29.
a n 1 Sweat Pads from 45c to 65c per pair.
All other goods in proportion. Call and be convinced.
J. O. BXJrrv BR, Prop.
eity Dray and
Goods Delivered to any part
Our Bargain Day
Is Every Day.
We are offering at the lowest
prices a fine line of the latest
j You Want a Watch.
a IF II r i 1 ti jr
Chase &. Sanborn's Coffees.
J'fojUfeiAOT -
You wilt nnd one coupon
Inside each two ounce- bag
and two coupons Inside each
Durham. Uuy a bag of this
celebrated tobacco and read
the coupon which gives a
list of valuable presents aud
how to got them.
Oxfords and Shoes. 11
Express Mne.
of the.
Charges as low as the Lowest.
Here lis a Soap fop You.
An amerienn mads watch throughout
ui.iupmm wun wnito metal chain for
m - . OO
Seven Jeweled, nlckle, stem wind, stem
set, movement in open face silver
Ine case. This watch is warranted
to boporfocllysntisfactoryin ovory
respect. Conio in and exnmino It
aud at tho same timo see tbo other
exceptional values wo havo in Jew
elry. Wo do guaranteed repairing,
.W - - - - u - J"
x v U w