iSMrrrii iairwrM y-imgiHUHWj HHHHHIHBHWiflBRE:V " ' V " ' ' '' W-" K'r i -V . ,. vr v'v? ;jr " X THE RED CLOUD CHIEF, FRIDAY, MAY 7. 1897. fJMBMWWWWWPWiilWHWiMilii - PPHbe1k! WW il? ',. T ' 'TS'TWL'iyTM"' K Btanfl POWDER Absolutely Pure. Colflirntdl for lt grcAt leavening KtrciiRtli nnd licKUIifutiicK. AMiircs the fowl Knln,t alum nnd all forms of adiiltcrntlon common to the rheoo brntuli. ROYAL UAKINO I'OWDKll CO., NKW YOHK. w J city news. A. 1). Katincy was down from Blue Hill Thursday. D. C. Jenkins mado a business trip to Cawker City, Thursday. M Fairmau of Hlldretli was doing business in the city Thursday. J. F. Kendall of Superior was the guest of H. E. Pond this week. il Abel Jcrnberg lias our inanKs iui u 1 dollar on subscription this wcok. .... II it.. tlntlxnllnl "Wit ann numor" ai i" i""""1"1" Church Thursday evening, May 18th. John Polnicky left Thursday morn, iug for a visit at Wilbor and Wymoro. Morhart & Cutter arc now buying fat cattle and hogs, bee them ueloro selling. liny your fencing of the Red Cloud Fence Factory. The best hog fenco on earth. A Mokiiakt. Married, May 3, 1897, by Judge Por tor, Mr. James Gouldio to Miss Mattle Anderson, all of this city. Straw Hats from 10 cents to $1.50 at Ualusha & Wescott'a. Good ones for 20 and 25 cents. Nice styles. T. E. Penman and wifo will leave Saturday nigh for Denver whore Mr. Pomnan will look after some business matters. Jos. (Joss, an old resident of Webster county, at presout residing near Grand Islaud, is visiting old friends and rela tives in the city. ,D L. -1 Will save voti 2o cents a pair on overalls. Will save you 25 cents on a shirt. Will save you 00 cents on pair of pants, and give 1897 goods. Uamjs A Wescott. E. Warner one of the rustling and successful farmers Jof the county was tlown from Bladen Saturday and made this office a pleasant call, depositing a dollar with us before he left. Group and whooping cough are child hood's terrors; . but Ike pneumonia broaehltis and other throat and luug troubles, can bo quickly cured by using One Mlnato Cough Curo. C. L. Cot ting. Our new mayor cultivated a taste for champagne after the new council closed its session Wednesday night. It's not often an editor driuks chain pngno but It's different when yon're mayor. T. E. Penman has received his dip loma from the South Bend College of Optics, South Uend, Indiana, showing that he has passed all examinations and is entitled to degree of graduate of option. Uomembor Wiener-has made arranuoments while in Now York recently to go Into busi uess in that city and is auxioas to cleso out his stock as soon as pessiblo. Now Is your time to buy cheap. Clltf Wecott of Plattsmouth, Neb., who Is interested in the Chicago Mnftii,iir Rtnrn of this ulace. arrived today and will remain several days while A. Galusha is attending the itV Graud Lodge of the A. O. U. W. at WTi Omaha. Sheriff Rutiohey received a telegram Tuesdav Btatimt that tho general mer Ki nhaudlfle store oi uyrim uiu. in unm et) had beeu broken Into and looted of clothing, dress goods, shoes and other artloles. No oluo has as yot neeu on talned of the thelves. y r Awarded Highest Honors World's Fair, Gold Medal, Midwinter Fair. F" rDBiu V CREAM RAKING iMiwnnt gtm Vp O'-rnc Cream of Tnrtar Powder. & 40 YEAFS THE STANDARD. AUOUXl) TOWX. A. 11. Kalcy has again gone to TccuuiHcb. Tiik Chuck U prepared to do youi job printing Mr. and Mrs. Allen Ayres aro In Lin coln this woek. Fred Schumann and wife of Iuavale were here Saturday. Jiumw McNotjy was attending court at Alma the first of the woek. Charley Arnold atid Georgo Rose of Ilosemont wore horo this wook. Look at line of Men's Suits from $11.75 to $7.00 at Galusha & Wcscott's. D. C. Jonkins and wife returned from a trip to Lincoln Saturday night. II. H. Hoskius a newspaper man of thu pop persuasion was horo this week. Chancy Tinglry of Sheridan, Wyom ing, was here this woek visiting with friends. Harry Goblo and wife of Hastings have been visiting with Harry's parents hero this week. ' VEdison Fulton and Miss Mary Ayers of Jowoll county, Knusas, woro mar ried by Judgo Duffy on May 5th. When you want a nlco smooth shave or hair cut, givo Geo. Fcntross a call. One door south of tho lion Bakery. Med Lavolleo left Sttuday for Ulvcr ton having obtained a licenso Saturday night to conduct a saloon at that;place. Comparo prices at Chicago Clothing Store bofore buying old goods nt any price See how cheap new goods tiro first. "Tho World's Greatest Prodigy," or "Samson In Komancc," will be tho sub ject at tho Methodist Church Sunday evening. John Craft, one of the reprosonta tlvo farmers from south of tho river was in today and left us money on sub scription. H. W. Browor, Henry Mauror, A. Galusha nnd H. E. Pond aro delegates to the A. O. U. W. Grand Lodge moot ing at Grand Island. Children's Suits from $1.00 up. Ages from 2 years to 14. Our lino of Jun iors are correct in stylo and price. Gai.usha & Wkscott. Goo. Hoy and wlfo arrived in the city this week from their Iowa homo and will visit with Mrs. Hoy's parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. S. Beunott. The residence of Hugh Miner which has been undergoipg repairs for somo time past is now completed and is now one of the coziest residences in the ulty. JJlbe Table Rock Argus has got the air ship down as about 24 by 40 feet in size, with windows in the sides and that it is the prison of a young lady who is chained to a seat. A Morhart has moved his rcsidoace to another portion of his lots and will soon commonce the erection of a line now dwelling on the old site. Robert Cochrane has tho contract. Uneonditioaal surrender, is tho only terms these famous llttlo pills known as DoWitt's Utile Early Risers will make with constipation, sick hcadaclin and Htornaiii troubles. C. L. Cotting. J. H. Smith writes combined insur ance for a term of live years at 8 per coin. On schools houses, churches and farm property on tho installment plan, Drop him a card at Bed Cloud, Nob. Wo boo one of our contemporaries publishedan item this weok which came to pass and was puhllshodlin this papor April 16th just four weeks ago. Yes, they give tho news and it is up-to da'o. Personal. Tho goutlcinau who an noyed tho congregation last Sunday by continually coughing will find Instant relief by using OiiotlinuleCoughCurc, a speedy and harmless remedy for throat and luug troubles, C. L. Cut ting The press speaks in high terms of Rev, James Mark Darby as n lecturer. Ho is both a humorist andjelocutionlst of ability, Do not fail to hear him Thursday evening, May 13th, at First M. E. Church. Admission 10 cents for children and 20 cents for adults, The restaurant of John Cranelu be coming very popular on Sunday on ac count of tho Nplendld Sunday dinners which he servos up to his guests. John Is an adept in tho way of cookery and the way he gets up for hlstablejall the delicaoios of tho season in raeatfl,Jflsh, vegetables and fruits is not slow. Our Rod Cloud Marble & Granite Works sold to Mrs. Schoblo of Bloom ington, this week, a line piece of monu mental work in tho Concord granite which is tocontaiu three granite hasps upon which is placed a die one foot, four inches squaro with a largo cap, total height seven fcot, four inches. This is ono of tho handsomest designs over sold by these pooplo ami you J should reinombor,you don't havo to go away from liotuu U got just what you want aR thcho puoplo can sell you woik jitstas cheap as you could buy it in N.'W York City. r. Prtto'e Cream Baking Powder World's Pair Highest Award. Why you should ride n - CRESCENT -Bicycle, Bocausc it stands up but ter than any other wheel. It is the best tltiislicd wluud in the market. The price i the most rea sonable. C. L. Cotting, Genera Agent, MOKE OH X.US8 PKUSONAIi. Bert LIndley of itivcrton was here Sunday. Dwight Jones was horo from Guldo Kock Sunday. Dr. Emlgh.has had an addition built to his residence property. Do not fail to be at the Mothoilist Church May 13tti, at 8:10 p.m. Crete Hour is liner than silk. Just try a sack. Sherwood & Albright. E. F. Highland of Donvor was here the first of the weukgroetlngold friends. Tho prisoner Harry Moran who has boon in the jail for several days has boon turned loose. Fred Bradbrook and family now oc cupy their residence property lately vacated by Morris Stern. Tho Orange Judd Farmer and tho American Agriculturalist Almanac to gether with Tho Ciiikp for $1.85. C. L. Cotting, solo agent, will refund your money if uot satisfied after using ono bottle of Dr. Fenuers famous tncdi- cine. Tho American Agriculturist Almanac a book which treats on hundreds of subjects, Tho Orango Judd Farmer, one of the best farm papors published and Tho Chikk all ono year for $1.85. Remember tho lecture and cntertak.. mentntthe Methodist Church Thurs day evoning, May 18th, under the aus pices of tho Ladies Aid Society. Door open at 7:80. Exereises bogin at 8:15 m You can save big mocoy on JtK clothing, furnishing goods, WT hat8,caps, sboba, trunks, va- Uses by buying them now .at ' Wiener's costclosing out salo. List of letters remaining uncalled for at the postotfee at Red Cloud, Neb raska, for tho woek ending May 0th, 1807. J. Bartey, W. D. Dunkerson, Willie England, John G. Wittwor. These letters will bo sent to tho dead letter office, May 21st, if not called for before. Frank W. Cowdkn. P.M. We notice bv the Ur.i Cloud Ciiibk thatCbas. Wiener intends loaving that city and locatiig in Now YorTt. His removal is a great loss to the city up the road. For years ho has liooa a leader in all enterprises for the good of the town and has conducted a business establishment that should be. and wn believe has been, a source of prldo to his fellow citizens, for It certainly al ways has been far in advauceof thede mands of his territory. Tho best wishes oi nis friends in this city will go with Mr. Wiener wherever ho goes. Super ior Journal. Yoto Vitality? The essence of life is force. Every breathyou breathc,evcry heart beat, every motion of your hand, takes force. The measure of force we call vital ity, li this u lacking, there is loss of flesh, lack of resistive power, a tendency te catch di sease easily, especially a tend ency to Consumption For low vitality nothing: better than Scotfs Emulsion. It supplies force by f ur nishing the nourish-ing-, strengthening elements of food in an easily digested form enriches the blood, and builds up the system. When ordinary food is of no avail, Scotfs Emulsion will supply the body wlthallthevitalelementsoflife. Two sl:w, 50 cli. and $1.00. All drugjjkte. If you will ask for ft wc will stnd you a book telling: you all about Scott's j Ji-nuUon. Free. j SCOTT ft IIOWNI1 Jw YMl vwamBiD&jyji&'s&s Special Shapes and Sizes. We're prepared to fit men who are usually considered hard to fit. We have clothing to suit the extra large or very small man, the short and stout man, the tall and slim man or the man with very long legs and arms. We keep more special shapes and sizes than any other clothing house we know of. We carry the celebrated H. S. & M. guar anteed clothing In stouts, slims and special sizes. Garments bearing the n. S. & M. label are the only ready-to-wear clothes that fit and stay in shape like the best made-to-measure kind. HART, 80HAFFNER a MARX. PPPiBWBiBBBBHBPtv-'''-vBilim aUARANTCED OLOTHINO. Closing Out At Cost Means a Saving to you on Every $10 purchase of from $3 to $4. Now is the time to buy up-to-date goods cheap. Wc have made all arrangements to go into business in New York and are anxious to close out this stock quick. We have all the novelties of the season, as half of our stock was ' bought this spring. , ' '& WIENER, - - The Clothier. CHURCH NOTES. CHRISTIAN CIIUUCII. Sermon topics at the Christian Church for Sunday. Morning service at 10:30. "The Mistakes of Moses." Afterneon sermon at the Wobberman school house, four miles southwest of lied Cloud. Evening service at 8. "Tho Second Step," a purely doctrinal theme from tho seat of authority. A kindly welcome to all. L. A. IIussoNu, Minister. CONHItEOATIONAL. Farewell services of thu pastor on Sunday. Morning Services at 10:!I0. Sunday School at 11:45. Junior Society at 4 p. m. Y. P. S.C.E.at7p. in. Evoniag servlco at 8 o'clock. All woloome to these services. (). E. Tioknoh, Pastor. HAl'TIST ouuitcn. Services Sunday morning at 0:UO. Sunday School at 11:30 a.m. . Junior Union at 2:30 p.m. Young People's Secicty at 7 p. in. Evoning sorvioes at 8 o'clock. Mid-week prayer meeting Wedaos day at 8 p. in. We extend a cordial invitation to all. C. It. Weliikn, Pastor. MKTMOIUST, Morning services at 10:110. Sunday school at 11:80 Junior Icnguoat 4 p.m. Senior loaguu at 7:30. Preaching by tho pastor at8;00. Chapol Sunday school at 8:00. Prayer and Praise service on Wed nesday evening at 8 o'clock. Chapel prayer meeting Saturday evening. Ladies' Aid Society Friday afternoon. Come and welcome. Rev. J. M. Darby, Pastor. Every newspaper treasures up. in its memory tho names of its friends and, likewise, its enemies. It seldom, if ever, overlooks an opportunity to assist the former, hut nover goos out of its way to boost tho latter. Human uature Is pretty much tho samo ovory where. People who show the nowspaper men kindness never mado a bolter Invest- moiit or ono that moro surely pays tliuiii a hfindrcd fold sooner or later. As has liot'ii truly said, thuro comes a tinio in tl i Mfc of every man when a word sail! i v a ni wM.iun'oUlim' makes oriinmn'i tic inli iitmil meniloiiod Sterling liulleUii We have ParGhansed IVIarshall. Field & Go's. Sample Itine of .;; Ufiibfellas andpaFaSOlsI We have reoeived 200 samples from them. This is the largest and best line ever brought to this oity. PRICES TO SUIT ALL I Remember this is the great Bargain Oppor for Umbrellas and Parasols. MINER - BROS. ? 1 ' V .1 i M i Ml KM . N 1 &w J ti '. .i t.u ltL Wltf.l ,,.'Wva si yn i-t.VfU - rfV .! -W