The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, April 30, 1897, Page 5, Image 5

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Running Scr
Little Olrl Suffers With lir.p'.:
Wood -Other Troatmont Fa..-.!
v But Hood's Sarsaparllla Cureu-
Wsakness and Headache.
" My d"ghtcr, 9 yoara old, had r. .'n
Eing sore below her right ar (or tlirco
months. Tho doctoradvlaod painting it
with iodino and wo did this but It did no
pood. Then I got a bottlo ot Hood's Bnr
raparills. The lint bottlo tnndo noma Im
provement, and when tho third bottlo
had been taken the sore wan nicely honied.
A year haa paated alnce then and them
hai been no return of the sore." W. K.
Maonusson, Arnold, Nebraska.
"I waa troubled with weakness and
headache but alnco taking a few bottle ot
Mood's BereatMrllla I havo had no trouble
of thla kind." Mrs. Mart Lewis, otto,
Nebraska. Get only Ilood's becauso
parllla Utlietipt-ln (net the One True Illixlil Purifier.
,SoMIyalltlruKKlit4. ft; six for $5.
j it mil riire 'r i"si ca,y l0
nOOCl S PHIS take, easy to operate. 25?.
ruBLiiint) r
One year 1100
Btamontfci M
Entered at tho post office at Rod Cloud, Nob.aa
loconi) claia mall matter.
h tm-- r, .. JJ
Docroo for $230.75, llrst lion. Order of
s:lo ami twolro months ntny.
KIchnril T. I'ayno vs. Nnuoy S. Payuc.
Petition for ilivorco. Granted.
Wtn.T. Aulil vatt. Dillnrcl Bedford
ct al. Foreclosure of mortgage. Do
fundnuts glreu 20 days to answer.
Goo. B.McCall ys. Delia Mu'Call. To
titlon for ilivorco. Granted.
Euojiil Marlltt v.s A. M. ami Nollio
Clure, Foreclosure of mortgage. De
fendants given 00 days to plead.
Frank O. Murtin vs. Win. Montgom
ery. Appeal. Plaintiff given 10 days
to lllo petition ami 00 days thereafter
to answer.
Luvicu Pegg vs. John V. Pegg,
Petition for divorce. Granted as pray
ed for with custody of children.
Cornelia Woods vs. John Woods
Petition for Alivorco. Special appear
unce overruled. Default of defend
uat taken. Divorce granted as prayed
Charles K. Kucrett vs. William A.
Watkins. Petition. Defendant given
30 days to' plead.
New England Loan & Trust Co. vs.
J. A. Ualloy. Petition in foreclosure.
Due plaintiff from J. II. Bailey $308.23.
Order of sale and stay ot ID mouth.
VThoelor C. Wicks vs. C. A. Hubert
aon et al. Petitiou in foreclosure.
Continued for nervlco.
Julia A. Richardson vs. William Rich
ardson. Petitiou for divorce. Grant
ed. J. K, Kellogg vs. Nebraska Land Co.
ot al. Foreclosure of tax lion. Bot
tled aad dismissed.
Anna P. Chambers, administrator,
vs. Caroline K. Terry. Foreclosure of
mortgage. Decree for 13708.54 with
9 montln stay.
L. Amanda Whiting va. Charters L,
and Win. A. Watkim. n Motion for o
ticieucy judgment. Metion overrated
and special appearance and objections
to Jurisdiction of court sustained.
Helen D. Terry vs. Johann Goer
lug et al. Petition in equity. De
cree of 1987.15 llrst lien and 910 second
lien and order ot sale.
Henry Guild & Co. vs. Johann
Gocring et al. Petition in equity. De
cree for 1125.00 and order of sale.
Union Central Life Insurance Co. vs.
Alvira Hosencraus and Henry Honrsh
et al. Supplemental petition. De
murrer overruled. Defendants excepts.
Defendant given 'JO days to answer or
Howard T. Hicks vs. Andrew 1). Me
Ncers et al. Petitiou in equity. .')o
fendant given HO days to answer.
Anna 11. Dana vs Johu Honker. Pe
tition in Kquity. Default of defendant
taken. Jury waived. Trial to court
uud Judgmeiit for plaintiff.
ThoGutta Pi'ioha & Rubber Manu
facturing Company vs Blue Hill village.
Petition. Judgment for $1100.17.
William 11. Males vs Josephine Mi.oi
eta). Foreclosure of mortgage. Dam
age for defendant for $1500.00 which
shall be an offset against the plaintiffs
claim ou uiortitago. Application and
ahowiug made by plaintiff to set aside
default and judgument sustained ami
default sot aside. Defendant given
leave to amend answer ami cross peti
tiou in 30 day.
Peter Paughvs Jesse W. McCoy et
al. Petition in equity. Continued for
Walter A. Wood Mowing & Reaping
Machine Company vs General II. San
derson. Appeal on error. Petitiou in
error sustained. Defendant excepts.
Emma Thuoleke vs Krnest llieoleke.
Petition'. Defendant required to ap
pear and show cause why ho has not
complied with order as to alimony here
tofore reuAei'cd in this case.
Citizens State Bank of Cambiidgo vs
J. A. Boyd and E. J. Overlug. Appeal.
Plaintiff given 30 days to (lie petition.
Alva B. Wiggins vs Dora M. Wlg
glus. Divorce Granted ns prayed.
Caroline F. Roberts vs Cornelius N.
Robliition et al. On Mandate, Judge
tuout on Mandate. Salo continued and
dcod ordered. Surplus fuuds to be paid
to W. B.Gutherie. Writ ot possession
William Van Dyke vs L. P. Hummel.
Petitiou in error. Petition In error
sustained and case retained for trial In
Frederick E. (Joblevs National Life
Insurance Company, On Mandate
Judgement on Mandate and judgement
heretofore rendered set aside.
Or. Price's Cream Baking Powder
K Pure tlrap Cream ot Tartar Powdar.
Tho war on tho civil service rulos
seems to havo begun in dead earnest,
President McKiuley.'ias had ulongcon
ferenco with tho members of the civil
service commission, and, while it can
uot bo officially stated that the con
ference rolatrd to a modification of the
extension of tho rule made by Presi
dent Cleveland, there aro excellent
reasons for bolioving that he did, and
that President McKlnley has about
niftdo up his mind to modify those
rules to a considerable extent, on the
general ground thatsomoof those ex
tensions aro calculated to injure tho
government sorvlco, rather than to
help it. Two mombors of tho cabinet
havo taken this stand in connection
with tho investigation now being con
ducted by n senato subcommittee com
posed of Senators Prltchard, of K.C;
Elkins, of W. Vn., and Chilton, of
Texas. Secretary Wilson appeared
before this subcommittee and ad
vocated the oxomption of the agents
and inspectors of tho agricultural de
partment from the civil service rulos,
because ago ami experience were lust
as necessary as technical knowledge,
to properly fill those places. He cited
an instance Ho applied to tho civil
servico commission for a man to 1111 a
special place, and tho commission sent
him a boy 22 years old, who had tho
technical knowledge to pass the ex
amination, but was entirely lack in the
experience needed to pel form tho work.
He added that President Harrison hud
left tho civil servico law in good con
dition, nnd that ho would like to see it
restored. Secretary Gage wrote a let
ter to tho subcommittee, expressing
tho opinion that modilication of tho
civil service rules might bo made with
advantage to tho public service, and es
pecially recommending that deputy
collectors of internal revenue should
bo exempted. Representative Dorr,
of W. Va., has gone still futher, by in
troducing a bill to repeal the civil ser
vice laws. It is too early to predict
how tho war will end, but the light Is
gottlng lively all along tho lino.
There is much gossip as to why
President McKinley changed his mind
about. sending JtidgoDay to Cuba ns n
special commissioner, and nominated
him to bo llrst nsslstnnt secretary of
stato; also concerning tho nomination
of Ex-Congressman Bellamv Storer, of
Ohio, to bo minister to Belgium. It is
said that one of tho reasons why Judge
Day did not go t Cuba was that his
galng there had been so widely adver
tised that President McKlnley con
cluded that ho would bo unable to
learn anything iu ful or new by going.
Ollleials will not discuss the matter,
but rumor says that the announcement
of the intention of tho administration
to send Judge Day to Cuba was made
to throw the Spanish officials off their
guard, and that another man was sent
and has about completed a thorough
investigation of the situation on the
Island without making use of any
ollleial credentials from this govern
ment. Mr. Storer's nomination ends a
situation that was equally disagreeable
to President MeKinloy, his Ohio sup
porters and to Mr. Storer. Mr. Storer
wanted to bo assistant secretary of
state, ami tliopluco was promised kirn,
but Senator toraker mado such a hot
light that ho became convinced that, if
ho was nominated for that position, tho
senato would reject him, uud ho com
promised by accepting tho diplomatic
place, which Souator Foraker had no
objection to his having.
This will bo an off week in Washing
ton. Tho president, his cabinet, and
many other ollleials have gono to New
York to participate in tho ceremonies
attendant upon tho dedication of the
Grant monument. Both branches of
congress mot today and will meet
again Thursday, but in accordance
with a previous auderstauding, nothing
was or will be dono. Neither braneh
had a quorum today. Tho object of
this adlotirnmnet on tho nart of the
senato is to allow the mombors of the
linanco couimltttco to devote their en
tire time to tho tariff bill, which Is ex
pected will bo ready to report to tho
sonnte next week. In the house it la
merely carrying out the usual program,
except that the agreement not to at
tempt to do anything left members
free to loavo tho city, ifso disposed.
Seuatoi' Jones, of Ark,, who has had
some oxporlouce in tho handling of
tariff bills In tliosonnto,'says the Ding
ley bill will not get through tho senato
before Juno 15th. and taut it will tnko
nearly or quite a mouth after that for
inn nouso anil tho sennto to agree on
the amendments.
Of the Face.
Mrs. Laura E. Mima, of Dawson, Ga.,
says: "A small pimple of a strawberry
color aunenretl on tnv rlieMr- H uinn
began to grow rapidly, notwithstand
ing an eflorts te check it. My
eye became terribly
Inflamed, and was so
swollen that for quite
a while I could uot
see. The doctors
said I had Cancer of
the most malignant
type, and after ex
hausting their efforth
vmnout aomg me
any good, they gave
formed that my father had died from
iuc name disease, tncy saia 1 musi uie,
as hereditary Cancer was incurable.
"At this crisis, I waa advised to try
S.S.S., and in a short while the Cancer
began to discharge and continued to do
so for three months, then it began to
heal. I continued the medicine a while
longer until the Cancer disappeored en
tirely. This was several years ago and
iuecuio uicuuuiciurn 01 me disease,
A Real Blood Remedy
blood remedy will cure it. S. S. S.
guaranteed purely vegetable) is a real
blood remedy, and never fails to per
manently cure Cancer, Scrofula, Eczema,
Rheumatism or any other disease of the
blood. Send for our books
Cancer and Blood Diseases.
mailed free to
any address.
Swift Specific
Co. Atlanta, Ga,
77BBaaw a
11 fl IhK
Pane's Celery Compound
. is the
Spring Medicine .
It m.ikes the weak stfong.
V lu e it.
Cor. Webster St. d 4th Ave.
R. M. Allen of Lincoln was hero this
11. H. Batdridgo of Omaha was here
Harry Hopkins of Cowlow was hero
this week.
The pickaninny in Grico's window is
a good oyo drawer.
Rubber Boots uud Fish Brand slick
ers at the Chicago Store.
Attorney B. F. Thomas of Omaha
was attending court here this week.
Received this week slickers Mackin
toshes, rubber boots at Chicago Store.
D. C. JoiiKins, our popular band lead
er, is in Lincoln this week ou business.
Rev. T. E. Morton will speak in Iuii
valu school house Saturday night at 0
Every sack of Crete Hour Is war
ranted. For sale by Sherwood St Al
bright. AiaosCowden lias uccoptod a posi
tion with C. Wiener during his closing
out sate.
M. M. Storn went to RivcrtAii today
to secure a license for Med Lavelleo at
that place next year.
Gotfricd Wegmaitn landlord of the
Wcgmaun House, BI110 Hill, was here
this weok doing jury duty.
Miss Grace Fort returned Thursday
night from n sovcral weeks visit with
Mrs. Geo. Rogers of Lincoln.
An ice cream social will bo given at
the Chapel next Tueseay evening, for
tliu benefit of a Sunday school library.
A. 11. Bowen, F. P. Olmstead.M. A.
Hartigan, Harry S. Duagan, aro attor
neys from Hastings whs were bore this
A. D. Rauuey, A. M. Walters, W. A.
Watkins and Jotham Martin were
among the visitors from Blue Hill
this week.
The Union Fire Insurance Company
is tho best mutual. Combine risks; in
installments 3 per cent. J. H. Smith,
Special Agent.
Rev. James M. Darby will preach
the A. O. U. W. memorial sermon in
tho M. E. church next Sunday morn
ing at 10.30. Tho lodge will attend la
Sunday school rally will bo held
at tho Wobberman school house ono
mile west and one-half ratio south of
the rivor bridgo noxt Sunday, May 2nd
at 8 p, 111. Everybody interested in
Sunday school work should bn in at
tendance. Last Monday Ben Adhem Lodge of
this city appropriately culebratcu tho
78th anniversary of Odd Followism.
The meeting was largely attended by
homo and visiting meaibors. Refresh
ments wore served nnd a general good
time was reported by all.
The eighth annual convention of tho
Wobster County Union Sunday School
Association will bo held in tho Baptist
eiiureii at iiiaiicn, on Wednesday,
Thursday and Friday, May 19, 20 and
21. A good programme has been ar
ranged nnd parties who attend will be
well entertained.
A dispatch from Washington says:
Roiiresoutative Sutherland of tho fifth
Nobraskn congressional district has so
sured a valuable collection of books
for the use of the nubile schools. Ho
sends 100 eholee volumes, pertaining to
government affairs, to eaoh of twonty
six of tho high schools of his district,
making a total of 2,000 volumes so
cured. David Guthrie Jr. was married lust
Saturday n'tornoon to Miss Jayne of
Geneva. Tho ceremony was performed
at 8 o'clock p.m. and at 8.20 tlio newly
married couple took tho Elkhoru train
for Superior where tlioy spout Sunday
with Mr. Guthrio's parent and sisters.
Tho Sun oxtonds congratulations and
bost wishes, Superior Sun..
Tin nfest North American Gymuastio
Union, St. Louis, Mo., May 0th, to 0th,
1807. For the above occasion tho fol
lowing rates and arrangements will bo
in ctiect. Tickets will ho sold from this
point on May 1th, nnd 5th, finnl return
limit May 12th, 1897, and limited to
continuous passage in each direction at
rate of ono llrst class faro for the
round trip to St. Louis, Mo, A Con
oveu, Agent.
Miss Eveline llrodstono loft this
morning for New York from which
point on Saturdav slm will sail for
London, wliero sho will reonlor tho
employ of a brother of tho gentle
man with whom site lias been working
whllo in Chicago. Sheexpoets to re
main in London for throo years, A
lartro number of nor friend" wro t
Miu train tills iiiorninir to bid her good.
lve Superior Journal.
One Minute Cough Cure, cures.
That Is what It was aaadt far.
Spring Requires
That tlie impurities which have ae
cumitlntcd In your blood during H
winter shell be promptly and thorough
ly expelled if good health is expected
When the waim weather comes these
impurities are liable to manifest them
selves in various ways and often lead
to serious illness. Unless the olood is
rich and pure that tired feeling will
afflict you, your appetite will fail and
you will find yourself "all run down."
Hood's Sarsaparllla tones ami strength
ens the system, drives out all impuri
ties nnd makes pure, rich, healthy
blood. Ilood's Sarsaparllla Is tho ono
true blood purifier and tho beat spring
medicine. Bo sure to get only Ilood's
To California Comfortably.
Every Thursday afternoon, a tourist
sleeping car for Salt Lake City, Sail
Francisco and Los Angeles leaves
Omaha and Lincoln via the Burlington
Route. It is carpeted, upholstered in
rattan, has spring scats nnd backs and
is provided with curtains, bedding,
towels, soap, etc. An experienced ex
cursion conductor and a uniformed
Pullman porter accompany It through
to the Pacific coast. Whilo neither so
expensively finished nor so fine to look
at as the palace slCepor, it is just as
good to ride in. Second class tickets
are accepted for passage and the prico
of a berth, wide enough and bigenougli
for two, is only 15. or faultier giving
full particulars, call at nearest Bur
lington ticket office, or write to J.
Francis, G. P. A., Burlington Route,
Omaha, Neb.
Americans aro the most inventive
pooplo on earth. To them havo boon
issued nearly 000,000 patents, or more
than one-third of nil the patents issued
in tho world. No discovery of modern
years has been of greater benefit to
mankind than Chamberlain's Colic,
Cholera nnd Diarrhma Remedy, or has
done mora to roliovb pain or suffering.
J. W. Vnugn, of Oakton, Ky., says: "I
have used Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera
nnd Dinrrhcca Remedy in my family
for several years, and find it to bo tho
best medicine I ever used for cramps in
the stomach and bowels. For sale by
II. E. Grice, Druggist.
Kdarnte Your llowel With Cuitciirets.
Cnndy Cnthimfc. cure conMlpntlon forover.
10c, 25c. If C. O. O. fall, ilniKKlstH refund money.
Epworth Loaguo Convontion.
Tho Epworth Leagues of Webster
cettnty will hold a convention in Co wlc.s
May 14th, to 10th, 1897. An elaborate
program is being prepared, consisting
of papers 011 pertinent topics, recita
tions, discussions of league objects ami
methods, and addresses by some of our
league leaders. Entertainment will bo
provided for at least live delegates
from each league in t lie eotiutv.
A. E. Ciiadwick, Pastor.
Two yenrs ago R J. Warren, a drug
gist at Pleasant Brook, N. Y., bought u
.small supply of Chamberlain's Cough
Remedy. Ho up the result us fol
lows: "At that time the goods were un
known in this section; totlny Chamber
lain's Cough Remedy is a hotisebol I
word," It is the siiiuu in hundreds of
communities. Whereever the good
qualities of Chamberlain's Cough
Remedy bocomu known to tho pooplo
will havo nothing tdse. For salo by II
E. Grice, Druggist.
It should bo made a matter of public
knowledge that Do Witt's Witch Hazel
Salve will speedily cure piles of the
longest standing. It is the household
fuvorito for burns, scalds, cuts, bruises
and sores of all kinds. C. L. Cotting.
General Nelson A. Miles, commander
of tho army, has at his own request
been ordered to proceed to Europe for
the purpose of observing the military
movements in the war between Turkey
and Greece, and he will start as soon
as the nocessary arrangements can be
made, probably noxt weok, unless the
war is fought to a close before he can
get ready.
m 9 m
Not only acute lung troubles, which
may prove fatal in a few days, but old
chronic coughs and throat troubles
may receive immediate rolief and bo
permanently cured by One Minute
Cough Cure. C. L. Cutting.
Rev.W. M. Slaughter
Wrltaa of the Bsnafita Reeelved Frem Or.
Mllaa' Reatoratlva Nervine.
OB. MILES' Restorative Nervine is
particularly adapted to the restora
tion of health broken down by hard
mental work. Itev. V. M. Hlauxhter ot New
IIhtou, W, Va., writes: "I suffered with ex
treme norvousness, dizziness, dull and ner
vous headacboa and sleeplessness. My heart
came to troubling me, I waa ahort of breath
from the least exertion, and Buffered much
pain In my left aide.
Medicine and physi
cians gave me no re
lief. I procured Dr.
Miles' Restorative
Nervine, New Heart
Cure and Nerve and
Liver Fills, and I am
euro no words of com
mendation as to tho results can be too strong.
I sleep well, the dizziness and contused feel
ing have disappeared, my heart troubles me
no more and I f col porfectty well."
Dr. Miles' Remedies aro sold by all drug
gists under a posltlvo guarantee, first bottle
bonoflts or money refunded. Book on
Heart and Nerves sent free to all applicants.
DR. MILES MEDICAL CO., Elkhart, Ind.
Ilcjt livwti Syi . 'ratie tlisxl.
In ti!i, A b .n' !' I
till af BaTXiaBK -IIITM
sSvaF PnliiuITr
pap IWIfW yBBJ
fjJPl ntttOTM jH
Hjky H4Wtfi SH
f uwtsfiHrrtlM
llfcl in. Blil
We have
liar shall, Field & Go's.
Sample tone of
1 i
We have received 200 samples from them.
This is the largest and best line ever
brought to this city.
Remember this is the great Bargain Oppor
for Umbrellas and Parasols.
KS The Kaley Shoe Co.
Successors to A.H. KALBY.
See Our Ox Blood
and Chololate
Oxfords and Shoes.
p3' We have a Bargain
ftgj or Tan Oxfords at $1.00.
iE Butter and Eggs taken
All kinds
iSS Crrf4- (
rm llWallllaHIVI VrCXll sIIVFw klvlbi
Harness! Harness! Harness!
We are making Special Inducements on Harness this spring.
We are selling harness to correspond with corn. Fol
lowing you will find a few of the articles we are selling.
i--inch Harness from $19 to $25,
i---inch Harness from $20.50 to $29.
Sweat Pads from 45c to 65c per tair.
All other goods in proportion. Call and be convinced.
J. O. BUTL BR, Fi?6i.
city Bray and
Gods Delivered to any part of the.
Charges as low as the Lowest.
Our Bargain Day
Is Every Day.
We are offering at the lowest J
prices a fine line of the latest J
Parasols T
in Black
in exchange for Shoes.
of repairing neatly done.
Clina &4-sz
Express Itine.