The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, April 23, 1897, Page 8, Image 8

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Found Paine's Gelepy Gompeund
the Best of Hemedies.
For the Nervous Exhaustion Conse
quent Upon Her Arduous Work
The Remarkable Artiste Who
Stands Pre-Eminently at the Head
of Her Profession.
The news of Modjeska's recovery
irom the iccotit severe sickness that
compelled hor to leave the stago will
bo a soitrcn of congratulation to tho
whole woild.
knowledge as enn be picked up behind
g counter.
thoughtless person may enrry home
iomo bogus coacoctlwn prepared with
only uch a smattering of medical
i ..-HW
.'?: J fa J
, .. -'Hi
Secretory Carlisle's private secretary
State Treasurer Addison 1) Colvln
of N't1 w York;
John Graham, the foremost man In
.American athletics;
Tho wife of Kcv. Charles H Park
hurst, tlio famous preachpr and re
former, Mayor McShanc of Montreal,
Major General Ulruey, Judge Powers
of Vermont, ami a boat more of prom
inent men and women, including no
less than livo U. S. congressmen, are
among tho thousands of grateful peo
ple who have recently sent to tho pro
priotors of this wonderful remedy
their expression of its uueqttaied value
liiou and women who can well af
fold, and do command, tho highest
medical advice In tho country.
And then also from tho people in the
ordinary walks of life- there come
thousands of honest, straightforward,
hcattfolt letters, telling how Paine's
celery compound has made them well,
Their testimony simply goes to show
what New England's most vigorous
editor so aptly said in a letter telling
of the benefit Paine's celery compound
had been to a member of his family:
"Paine's celery compound is not a
patent medicine; it is not a sarsa
pariila; it is not a mere tonic; it is not
-,, ,ti.f:4rt
iWlViJ I V..iJ
liTtCK I?:
Vu ' ' ir '.wii! it
j22-j. jGtM.
wm&smsnmm&Mmmamxmk .&
" ' ' I li . ?afliBflBBKftWMIW
'l' FvLLffC?Z ' IrSngaiaiaiaiaiaiaiaialaiaiaiaagaiaiWMngaWyit
.ge"ge"g "?f V v "0'wiHHIHBHHHVlViHiV7 .AiaBgfBggeE
Deputy Marshal Tomllmon, has
transferred hi headquarters from lied
Cloud to Hustings in bring hluccif in
luofu direct communication with tho
U. S. lunrihul's olllce at Omaha.
Hastings Dpmocrat.
A l:i4 v of 1 hr town ant's flint, wheel-
ingis going t.i he more general with' ri'tlilw':
tno gentler mx tuts summer ami mat
they will weal- bloomers or nothing.
The Democrat hopes it will bo bloom
crs, rather than the alternative.
Wayne Democrat.
Are paining fayer rapidly.
Business men and travel
lers carry them In vest
In purici, hoaiekeopers keep them In medicine
cloiett, friends recommend them tb frlendi. 23c.
Tho young man from Hemingford
wits lulling u girl about a recent hunt
ing expedition hu hud taken part in.
When a business man dies who wasjnnd the wonderful performance of a
In the habit of sending his job work dog ho owned and for which ho had
out of town so as to get it done, says given a fabulous sum nit. To give
the Wavue Hunublicaii.tholocnl tinners, her 'mo idea of tho dog's powers, ho
oiitrht to let his folks cet his Obituary said that ho recently weui Into the
notice published in the iob ofllce that
ho patronized when on earth. Beatrice
Kx press '
HkatMCI:, Neb., March 18, 181)7.-1
have been troubled with a pain In my
right side for a long tlmo out since tnk
country somo liftcon miles, and to pro
vent the dog from following him ho
chained the animal up. 'Two hours
later thj' dog broko loose," said he,
' and tracked mo to whero 1 was,
merely by tho scout What do you
think of that?" "Well "said theyoung
lug Hood's Sarsaparllhi I have been r"!ladv eiilinlj reaching for her salts, "1
lieved. I hove also found Hood's Pills think you ought to take a bath." Me-
excellent lor neauacne. amis, ivatt. Cook Itopiibllcan.
Hood's Pills are easy to take. 25c.
A careless news paper man a few
counties' north of us, noting the
signs of spring, among other evidences
noted tho bicycle riders, and mention
ed that Miss Jones looked cute on her
whoel in her short skirt. Ih some way
an ,'h" had wandered into tho "k" box,
and the typo got an h instead of a k,
aud the proof-frcader was blind. Tho
poor, innocent editor tost fifteen sub
subscribers in less than twenty minutes
after tho paper was issued. The wo
men said it was real mean. And it wa.
Jefferson Hec.
Mrs. A. fnveen, resldingat 720 Henry
St., Alton, III., suffered with sciatic
rheumatism for over eight months.
She doctored for it noarly tho whole of
this time, using various remedies rec
ommended by fi lends, and was treated
by the physicians, but received no re
lief. Sho then used ono and a half bot
tles of OhamberlainVPain Balm, which
effected a comnleto cure. This is pub
lished at her request as sho wants
others similiarly ntilicted to know what
cured her. The 25 ami no cent sizes
for sale by H. E. Cricc, Druggist.
Tho following clipping taken from
the Beaver Valley Tribune shows that
Peter Shea formerly of this city, is still
getting all the fun there is in this life
and is up to his old jokes: "Two
traveling men and Poto Shea had
Orleans people worked up to a high
pitclt over tho airship recently. A
baloon with a red light attached wi.s
sent up by tho trio of practical jokers
so that it Moated directly over thetown.
Tho peoplo fairly wont crazy. Many
declared that they could see tho out
linns of tho ship, and others heard
voices and imagined vain things. It
was great sport for the boys."
The following taken from a Hastings
paper is ono of three similar accidents
which we have noticed in our ex
changes during the past week. It brats
all understanding wky parents will be
so careless as to leave their little child
ren play around bon-tiros when there
are so many fatalities. Read this ac
count and take warning from its words:
"The five year old daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. J. fi. Cropley was burned to
death Wednesday evening. The sad
accident occurred at Mr. Croploy's
farm livo miles northwest of Hastings.
Tho men about the farm were burning
offthn stalks and did not pay ay at
tention to the little girl who was play
ing with the tiro, suddenly a piercing
scream came from the girl; her gar
ments had become ignited nnd before
help could reach tho girl almost all the
clutliing had been buried from her aud
her body was badly charred. A physi
cian was summoned hut all to no use
as sho died at fi o'clock yesterday morning."
He Likes It.
ttattt Loaf Trouble, peblllty. i
ftmtleUk. nd I noted or tnA
dlrtreMtng ftomuh M
inf nm wnin iitw
trulmmirHH. trfty mothft end Inrilhl thaold litre It.
Cleteiee and fcetntlnet the ptto
Nerer Telia to Beatora Orayj
hup va iia lonioiai iviut.
Cure terfp dlMMM ' fa'
Mn mako tf money UfklM
hv nelllmf-nnr wheels. HUlff
ftTat2S. Larceetilock In America. All
rnokea nd mndrJl. Write for CaUlOffOBA.
t. ft' BIIOWN-LKWIU Cycle Co., Chlcaj, III.
Special attention to Commercial and
Probate Litigation.
Grown Bridge Work or Teetb WMiut I'lefes.
And all the UteM Improveraent la derttal meeh
ThVtran Editor of the Fradonla
Censor, writes Dr. fenner:
"I have been using your Blood
and Liver Remedy and Nerve Tonic, and
desire to say that I like it.
I find 'it an admirable remedy for the
biliousness, languor and nervous depres
sion incident to the changing seasons,
sufficiently physicing and yet not debili
tating but strengthenimr instead."
California Brandies.
. a. m- !
wwu DUAOinnn
: r. k
Tbls book should be? la the linniln of
very Nebraska Farmer. itlHHMtrr
fultleto rtKliUPwtn and right melti
oda. Tbe reliability ,of A
Bnciry's Sitdt
I arc unaaeMloneO. IiurliiK the banl
I time, threv tens of ibenr ffttuoiu
aevdewara dlatrlbntrtl In Nebraska.
fraaof charge, and bundrHl or tar
mtra had an opportunity to teat their
auallty when fallurr meant rain,
iregory 'a Heed Catalogue la nant frvo
Of charge to anyone In Nchnuku.
J. H. flUMlOttY it HttN,
Notice Is hereby Riven tlint under nnd by vir
tue, of on order of anle Issued from tho olllco of
.Inmi'H llurdcii. clerk of tho District Court of
tho Touth Judicial District, within nnd for
ncusier county, eorasia, upon a decree Innu
action pcndlUK therein, wherein Norman 1".
Thompson la plaintiff, and against John Ilocsch
nnd John Ilowch as administrator of I' citato
of David Bocscli, decsascd. defendant,
I shall offer for sale at public vcndu',
to the highest bidder for cash In
hand, at the cast door of tho court
home, at Hed Cloud, In said Webster county,
Nebraska, (that being the building wherein tho
last term of said court was holden) on tho 2Mb.
day of April, A. D IS07, at 10 o'clock a. m. of
aid day, the following described property to
wit: The northwest quarter, anof lota two.'
three and four, of section two (2),. also the
south-east quarter of tho north-east quarter
and the northeast quarter of the south-east
quarter, of section three (3), In township ono im
north range (10), weitof the etb P. M. In Web
ster county, Nebraska.
a (UvS2ni,er a h"0'1 th' Mh T ol March,
A, 1), 19V7,
J. W. RuxcHgT. 8herinrk
Htm. T. TOTTcn, PlaluUfTa Attorney.
Wanted-Rn Idea
of some staple
thliur la utaBtf
Protect your Meait they may bring jou wealth.
Writ JOHN WEDDEIliYRN k CO., Patent Attor.
aaya. Washington, D. Cfot their 1.800 prlaa offer
ad list ot two aandrea tavonf wanted.
in a lottur to Wells,
iVi Comiwmy, says she lias
found (what IIioumiiuIh of pt'oplo in
every Htatlou tif lift) have so often
heaieily tcstiliiMl) tlint- Painu's relery
oommiuml is tint very best of all reme
dies for uurvous exhaustion.
Josuph Hit worth rightly calls Mod
Jeska "the (teerlt'ss qtieon of artistes."
Mndjuska's health is a matter of
worUl-witlu iulerest, ami her testi
monial to the value of tho (rent
remedy which makes people woll is
-of particular moment in the early
spring, when from evory quarter re
ports comn of men, women nnd child
ren who are taking Pnine's culerv com
pound, and art) gaining in nervous
vigor, weight and every other indica
tion of bettor health.
The thuughtful portion of tho com
munity knows the need of purifying
kst blood and regulating the nervous
' alimentary systems as spring
edepec on.
There is the danger that in thohr
eagerness to take a spring remedy a
Pitt mi's celery compound U prepared
in u:yict accordance with t ho prescrip
tion of Prof. Kdwnnl K. Phelps, M. I).,
lli. 1)., of Darlmouth collcuu. Its
ouratlvo cllccts liavo been closely
watehl'd by tho ablest physicians of
uvory school, and thoy are tndny
agreed that it stands alonu as 'tho
rollahlu remedy for building up a per
son's health in the spring,
The most overwhelming testimony
to the value of Paine's compound thai
has recently appeared from men am)
women of national repuUitlMii.
Hon. George I). Swift, mayor of Chi
cago; b'rancls Murphy, the foremost
apostle of temperance In the world;
Mrs. Matthew S. Quay, wife of the
groat republican senator from Penn
sylvania; Kx-President Cook of the national
teachers' association;
Kov. Charles L. Thompson, D. D.,tho
brilliant Presbyterian leader of New
York oily;
Elizabeth Catty Stanton;
an ordinary nervine it is as far be"
youd them, all as the diamond is
superior t cheap glas."
It makes pcoplu well. It is the one
true specilic recognized aud proscribed
today by eminent practitioners for
diseases arising trom a debilitated ner
vous system. Prof. Phelps gavu to his
profcFsioii (i positive cure for sleep
lessness, wasting strength, dyspepsia,
biliousness, liver complaint, neuralgia,
rheumatism, all nervous diseases and
kidney troubles. For all such com
plaints Paine's celery compound has
succeeded again and ngain, where
everything else has failed.
When Modieska in a letter uublished
in Boston said: "I have found Paine's
celery compound the very best of all
remedies for tho nervous exhaustion
coHfoqucut upon tho arduous work of
my profession," she voiced the exper
ience of every tired-out, run-down, ex
hausted woman who ever went to this
greatest of all spring remedies for re
lief. No one ever vet failed to tlnd strength
and health returning who faithfully
tiseo naiares uuo remouy fame's
celery compound.
Teacher's Meeting.
A teachers meeting will be hold at
Cowles, Nebraska, Saturday, May 8,
1807, commencing at one o'clock p.m
Opeiting exrol. , , ,
"What Important Day Shotid lie Observed by
the Scheoli Wby HowT" Anna Nu aud
Wra. R. Denkln.
How May Teacher Increase Heipeet for Their
l'rofeMlon.n 1'rln. Ohas D. Metoalf ana Car
rie 1). Matoalf.
Muato. M. t
i(e NextTerm."-Kveo' Totober,
"heme Things I llavn Learaed This Year That
May Help
Ouerv lloz
A general discussion will follow the
reading of each papor. Come pre
pared to discuss one or more subject
on the programme. Kxaminatiou of
Kupils for certilieatcs will lie held at
d Cloud, May 15th. Do not fall to
teach some special lesson of patriotism
suggested by Decoration Day. All ed
ucational Journals give excellent helps
for special exercises. Let us make
this last central meeting ouo of un
usual interest and benefit to all pres
ent. D. M. HUNTEIt.
Couuty Superintendent.
To fjmr CoatlBtWn Vrvr.
TkCaereU Candy Cathartic. 10c or tee.
If 0. 0 O. rati to cure, oruiruu refund gooaay.
The hail storm Wednesday evening
damaged tho fruit greatly.
The revival meetings at the Hrauch
urestill lu progress, but without much
Miss Lucy Toland, who has been
working at Mr. Gregory's, eame home
Several of the young people attended
Kastcr services at (Juldo Hock.
Kittle Golda Francis is quito sick
with the croup it is supposed, but It is
queer acting crnnp. Dr. Thome Is in
The Toland girls were visiting the
schools Wednesday.
Mrs. Delia Osboru, formerly Miss
Delia Dillon of this place, who weut to
California a ct upln years ago and. was
married last summer returned last
week to her home. Her husoand is on
his farm in Oshorn county and is com
ing as soon as the crop is in.
Wedding bells from the most unex
pected direction. Mr. Leonard Fagan
matte a trip to Beiojt Friday, where h
was married to Miss McMillon ou Sun
day. The youug couple returned to
the groom's home on Sunday and will
shortly occupy Geo, -Tomer's house
They have congratulations in abuud
A llttlu raiu is needed to start tho
late sown oats.
Tho health of the cotumunltyisgood.
Mr. Jonas Campbell, our country
blacksmith, is very busy repairing
listers for spring work.
Mr. aud Mrs. Allison Putnam aro re
joicing over the arrival of a girl baby.
Mr. Cbas. Smith aud wife, living In
Nebraska, bade good byo to their many
friends and departed for Cleveland,
Ohio, whero they will make their heme
in the future.
Charles Francis of Tattle creek, sold
his cattle to Mr. Judy of Esbon.
Mr. Beauchamp and family ofNe
brnska are stopping at present with his
uriitiior-in-iaw, Allison
All honor to tho Nebraska lien. SI o
has saved this day in ehrnskn. She
litis proved hcr.olf the friend of the
poor, tho salvation of those oppressed
by fate, the protector home-builders
from dispossession. Site has tided the
unfortunate farmera of Nebraska
through a groat industrial cllapso.
Her oheerful, incessant cackle has
scared tim wolf starvation from many
a coop. It is a literal truth that but
for the lion thousands upon thousands
of Nebraska farmers would have been
forced to give up tho tight against
drouth and crop failure during tho past
three years. While nyerythiug elso
was going tornck nnd ruin sho had In
creased nnd multiplied. Sho has ask
ed for no other faod than that which
her own industry" has provided. Sho
has supported herself nnd the who'o
familv. too. Tho very insects which
the farmer dreads she has fattened up
on. Sho has laid her dally ecru the
blessed egg that takes the place of beef,
mutton and work and iu good time,
after all these services to her country,
hao surrendered her own toothsome
body to the cause of humanity. She 'a
thr nest bird in the land all honor to
the American hen! Eastern Exchange.
Bvenrbody flay Bo.
Coscareta Candv Cathnrtlc the most won
derful medical dl'wovery of the ape, pleas
ant ami refreshing ta the loslc, eel pently
and positively on kidneys, liver and bowels,
cleanalntr Hie entliu av&tfin, dispel told,
cure h"iuluoHe, fevnr, Imbltunl conatl atloti
iid hi innsneas. Pleas" !nv nnd try n linx
of t :. I . C to-day; 10, -:,. mi cut. uuo
ttiiaruiitri-ri to cur" ! nil rc-jflsls.
To Cure Cnnetlfmtlaa Forever.
Take Cou-mela Oimtv Cuthartlc. IDo erflSc
II C C C. fall to cure, druiuilhta refund money.
of the
Application for License.
Notice Is hereby given that petition sis
by thirty or more resident freeholder nf
Unit ward of tho city of Red cloud, Nobrabka.
bus been tiled In my olllce In said citv r iiivt
Cloud, prayliiR that a license be Krnntcd by the
city ctiucll of said city to John I'oln'cky. for
the alc of malt, siilrltouo and vinous I quors on
lot 6, block .11. (brlelual town) nowcltj of Red
Clmid, Nebrnskn, that nctlon will bo tuken on-
khiii iciiuou ny inc mayor nun city council on-
of May IMC. or nt the first mcctlncof
tliocnitNell thereafter.
Dnted nt Hi d t'lotid. Nfbnukn.
A irll. 1W. i E. Tait, City Cler'
this Slh dn) of
will occupy the house
Putnam. He
vacated by Mr.
The Chape) people were somowhat
disappointed Sunday by the non-arrival
of the new minister.
For Sale.
Due hundred and sixty acres of un
improved laud, four miles northwest
of Red Cloud. Nebr. Termscaab. Ad.
Iplyto, Mks. Jamks Kiukwoop, Fair
I fax, Missouri.
Hvcry ingredient in
Hires Rootbccr is health I
I giving. The blood isi
. . i
improved, the ncrvcsil
soothed, the stomach!
benefited by this delicious'
Quenches the thirst, tickles
the palate ; full of snap, sparkle
'and effervescence. A temper
ance drink for everybody.
j MUi Ml; bj Tst CtwHM B. Rlres C. , rklUs!l. 1
' Application for Liconso.
Notice l hereby Klteullut n petllluu Iik-.1
bv thirty or more rcAldent frceholdeis of llio
i-cuuu nuiuui iiih unyoi KfOt'lotul,. Nebraska
mi-, ui-vii iiii-ii miu in,! cil
l.cil ( lotm, pra
Ihoeltv council
fur tho sale of malt, splrltous nnd vlnoiis II
ii ihi unyoi iieu liouii, .Nebraska.
with the cliy clerk of ihecllv of
ajliiKtliutiilliensebe Krnuteil by
;il of snld city to Morris M etcrn.
limit. siilrltniiH imil vtiinnu ii.. ......
. . ".----. -....... ... iiiiMi.n iiiiii ii
ob ipt tnrc (:i).block ono(i), William addition
li the city ir I Ml Cloud. Nebraska. That
iictloii will be Inken on said petition bv the
mayor nnd city council on the t.Mi duv of May.
lKi,, or at tho llrsl aiectliiK of the council there
"'fHvi"''1 ''lo,Ml- Nebraska, this Hth day of
A I'll I lbllYe
Hed Cloud Stock Barn.
ttrtm RAXnimat e JMbSta
m. w. u. neks, who
fkM m tpeclany of
KpHapey, haa without
doubt treated and cur
d morecases than any
living- Physician j aft
ucceM la aitoBUhlof.
We have beard of case)
ec so years' atanaioa"
work oa
this dig.
age, which
ha sends
wlth a
large bot-
Im af his abeelata ajsra, frea to aay auferers
m m wmmn laoir r. o. aaa aipreae
I addre
' a euro to addre
I havu n rci'itived I wo 'urge Ken
aieky mammoth jacks,
Black Jack
and blue pete
with POMPAS, thr.Akui.drad bred stal
k. lion wii nu.h. the M-iivm of 1897
nertb of the Moon block in Hed
Cloud, Nebiaskti,
TERM8-For Jacks, M to W to insure
with foal,
I wlilnot be reepouslbinfor any acci
dent should any occur, but will use
all piecautlons to prevent same.
C. L. WINFREY, Jfeitax-.
Id the district court of Webster county. Neb
The State of Nebraska, to Sandwich Kilter
pilse company, a cororat!on, defeHdaut:
ou are hereby notified that you have been
Waller. Caroline K. Terry. Terry frcul
immetiuknewn) husband of Caroline K. Terry
HNCo-derciidanu. by James L. Miller, as admlii
utralor of the estate of Almlra
ceased, as plalutin. iu tho district court o!'
Webster eounty. Ntbraska, and that onor be
fore the 10th day or May, 1897, you must aimwcr
', Pelen I" chancery filed therein by"ald
I a nt ff aiialnst said' defondanu. wfiere t
plal itlffprayafor a decree of said court fore-i-losliiK
a mortgage nlven by said defendant
Clara ?:. Waller and William (v"ler to th?Lom-
i.nru invvsimeni company, dated Sovember
isih. ISHI, now owned bjf plalutlfffiu.rSomlng
he following descrlld real estate, altuatcd
iL'Jftl1 s?M 0' Webster and the atateof Neb
laska, towll: The sourh-west quarter of aec
Hon thirty four (W.) In towiXp tbrei To )
north, range ten (10,) except fourteen (M) acres!
I" J"lu form, In the south-east corner, wist
of tho sixth principal meridian. ' wl
.inJld p5",u?n rnber prays that the rights,
lllea aud lliteresls of said defeudanta bide
tcimlMed and settled, and that said lauds be .
iippralsedandsold, according to law, and thai t
the proceeds arising from such sale be applied,
first. In payment oftbo costs of aald action ami
1.!;V 5?.le; ? Jn I'syment of the full I
g; that from and after conflrmatlon ot
lie. the defendants to this action, and alii
,1-,bSP,eTer barred and foreelosed otand i
amount duo plaintiff berelu, with all lutejest i
thereon, on the ludebtednesa secured by wl"
such eali
of them.
trom an num. mi, imnrpsi n. o .i. ..:..
eveowrtU.'ere.'f"0" '"r ,0 "l Un'U' ml J
Unless you answer said petition, as uforewtld
tho facia therein alleacd will be taket gain e.
and a decree will be rendered by said' court i
therein prayed.
Witness inj band, slid tho seal of aald court.
by meamxei, this 80th day of Mareh, &.'
Nebtalu " ' Cm "' "rwW
PtitsirBta A ALixiNiicn, Ooncorlla Kinun
AtiarnsysforiiUlntlir. "', asnww,
w(Iiwr.rb" ,n Rl"'("OUD c,,,rr- nrti
Sent Free..
To auy person interested in humane
matters, we will send free, upon apoli
cation, a copy of the 'ALLIANrV "
the organ of'ftls Society, iSSSmm.
to its iBte.selj interestfnf "adl JL, 5
contains a list of the TaluJble tuTm.
usual premiums given hr th. iImp
' - :.CJ
.v -.
tJ ik$&. - t . v:r"iA-. 'i -." A j'-y,4
A f 9fmrmfim
fcuXUi ' '
i"" mmmwmmmmmmMmmmmmMimmmmimmm