,J 5 riiJj RED CLOUD QhlHSli1, JfKJLDAY. APRIL 2. 1807. ra.. f. r V , 1 Dizzy and Faint Troubled With W ? -cy Difficulty and No Appotlto- Improved In Cvc.y Way Since Tutting Hood's. "I was taken Huddonly with dizziness and (alntneos at the stomach and u'.ao with kidney troubles. My whole body emed to be out ol ordor. I Mnt at once for a physician and followed Indirections jvlth but llttio change Ho said had n ompllcAtion ot d Incases and my cane was hard to manage. I would get better for a 4ey or two and then would bo worse again. My appetite alao failed and I had a aevere headache. After the doctor said he could do nothing more for me I determined to give Hood 'a Sarsaparilla a trial. Ib a abort time after I began talcing it I could do a fair day's work. It la sow three yean aince I was cured by Hood's Sarsaparllla and I am still in good neaitn. i navo a Kood appetite and am full of lite." Mna. Eva Bkach, Box 461, Lincoln, Kansas. Hood's Sarsaparilla la the lcit-ln fact the One True Blood Purifier. Hold by nil drugKlsH. til sin forts. t rvti are the only pllli to take nOOUS PUIS with Hood's HarsaparlUo. THE CHIEF rUBMIUBD IT w. l. McMillan. One year ..... 1100 fifx months SO PUBLISHED KVKItT Fill DAY Entered at the post oOce at Itod Cloud, Nob, as second clan mall matter. WASHINGTON NOTES. If tho houso is to continue its present programme, ns scorns reasonably cer tain, it may Wo a llttio diflicult for that body to respond to President Me Kin ley's special messago nskiug Hint tho necessary legislation for tho official participation of tlio U. S. gov eminent in tho world's exposition to bo hold in Paris, in 15)00, bo put through congress. It could, of course, be done by "unanimous consent," but impor tant ns tho matter is there might be ob jectors in the house, not becnuso they object to tho legislation itself, but be cause they might object to that method ot passing it. Thai method that will most probably bo adopted, will be to report a special rulo from the com mittco on rules, just as was done whoa the house passed the loft-over appro priation bills. Many persons regard this matter us one of tho most impor tant that wilt como before this session of congress, ami ono that should bo speedily disposed of, as tho time will lis none loo much in which to arrange for a credittiblo showing for Undo Sam nt the Paris exposition. There should bo no polities in this. It is diflicult to understand what tho Minority of tho houso expect to gain by tho unseemly wrnugle among themselves which characterized tho last two meetings of tho house. It seems to an unprejudiced person that they ought to bo able to see that Speaker Reed gave them recognition on their claims of "personal privilege" Just to allow them to thump each other or the cdllication of their opponents aud for Uie amusement ef tho crowded galleries. And it ought to be equally dear that the editor of the local paper, who declared that Representative Bailey of Texas, woro a Reed collar, and who was denounced by Mr. Valley, as a malicious and infamous liar, had taken sides in tho wrauglo more to gain notoriety for his papor than for anything else. Some of those engaged in this wrangle have claimed that Mr. Bryan was opposed to Mr. Bailey being the leader of the minority in the house. This may be true, but if so Mr. Bryan took special pains whon ho was in Washington last week to leavo a contrary impression, by being particularly attentive to Mr. Bailey. The whelo thing is a tempest in a tea pot anyway. Tho majority of tho houso sometimo ago decided upon a program which they havosofar carried mil to the letter, and which everybody kuows they can continuo to carry out Justus long as they desire, regardless of what tho minority does. The wrangling in tho minority is over tho somewhat ridiculous question of whether tho will of tho majority shall bo quiotly bowed to or whether the minority shall kick their toes ugainst tho atones ami butt their heads against nn immovablo brick wall every time tho hoiiho meets, the Bailoyitcs being for quietly submitting, and tlto anil's for kicking, butting and howling. Tho republican members of the son uto llnaune committee nro finding tho tariff light quiln warm. Western sena tors hnvo demanded Hint a duty be put on hides and that radical changes bo made in tho wool schedule, and both deiuauds nro being bitterly fought by ouster senators. These lights mny ilolar tho reporting of tho bill to the senate, but If they are fought to a iluish in tho committee. It will greatly lessen tho time that will bo needed to got tho bill through tho senate. If tho arbitration treaty is not rati fied during tho present week, it will probably not be ratified at nil. Opinion differs as to how tho voto will stnud if Senator Davis succeeds in gottlng ono takon. lie is confident that tho treaty will bo ratilied. but tho opponents of the treaty appear to bo equally confi dent that It will not be.- It would not be very surprising if the voto was never taken. Tho vacancies in tho sounto commit toes will bo tilled probably this week. Although they aro to be filled under an agreomont between tho republicans and tho democrats, the populists nnd the silver republicans are not to bo dis criminated against. The ngrcemeut was reached by both sides receding a llttio from tioir original demands and is, as most things of the sort aro, n compromise, but tho general Impres sion is that the combined silver forces will get slluhtly tho best end of the ln,tl. Tho republicans will retain tho chairmanships of all tho important ootinnlllec., but Micro U n number f One Minute Cough Cure, cures. That Is Wint it ivu rande f or lllGlll 111)011 U'hlfll fliA ntiiiriulllitti itlll constitute the majority. uon. Jiieodoio Hootovt'lt bns as sumed bis duties as assistant secretary of the II aW. find flow that flnnni'ttiiiwit U tho center upon which many argus eyed newspaper writers aro gazing for imercHiing niaviur. BAD J.BBATH. la What a Woman Dreada More) Than Peatilence or Famine. Aad yet thousands of women aro so iiflllctcd. In plto of all they can do this continues to grow worse, or at least grow no hotter. Tooth-brushes and breath porfumo seem of no avail. The reason of their falluro is, in the majority of cases at least, they do not know tho cause of their trouble. Per Imps the most frequent cause of un pleasant breath is catarrh. Tho in flammation of tho muootis merubrano of mouth and throat discolors the tooth, coals the tongue, causes the ups to uccome narsii ami sore, and im parts a more or loss disagrconblo odor to tho breath. Such a condition must be an extreme annoyance te the women whoso instincts are naturally dainty; nnd alio would do anything in her power to orcrcomo it. To all such womea. tho word that Pc-ru-na will absolutely utirc catarrh, will thoreforo be good news. Pe-ru-na, by removing the catarrh, sweetens the breath and causes healthy secretions to tako the place f tho irritating ones which have been the causoofso much discomfort. -The tonth arocasllvclenn- ed and tho effects of a brisk brushing remain. The tongue resumes its natural color and tho unhealthy coat ins disappears. Catarrh ut tho stomach also is often the causo of foul breath. Pe-ru-na cures catarrh wherever io- rated. A book of 04 instructively illustrated pages on catarrh, of which Dr. Hart man is tho author, will bo sent free to any address for a short timo'by Tho Pe-ru-na Drug Manufacturing Company, Columbus, Ohio. Tho Uloomington Kcko says: ''Llfo must bo a burden to "Fatty1 McMillan of the Run Cloud Chief. Ho is a chron ic, klpkfir. tvltll It llllllnllu illalirtaltfn.i that crops out in his paper in dirty 1st- uo uings at ins contemporaries and all lieoplo who do not cater to kis idoas." No "Cranev" llfo In nt n liniilon lint on tho contrary it is ouo of our most plcasurablo delights to show up tho buscnoss of onu of our contemporaries and thu steals of the other. Of course Crane, you havo got your beak in tho wrong place and have enough to attend tO VOHl' OWll htlNlfll44 mill Vrtlli- innnv slimo-covcrcd light with your con temporaries in riniiklin county. The items you chanicterizu ns dirty Mugs through ignorance, you wili lind aro iruins, ami you Know u is tho truth thill hui't.q. Thu Imlf Ihim nut vni lirwm told. Wo might mention the fact that tho A. N. Kellogg Ncwspapor Cempany is holding the sack for ono of those "gniiiioiucn" tor um.u. rnisis a now item and bus never been published bo fore. Ynil Illltrlit Willi- lliiim niwl snn If our statements uro not truo, but prob- auiy itiey migiii bo holding the sack for you too and would not honor you with an answer. Crane sucks through the flallin nillll ns nur cnnrnmnnrni-v f the Argus, they both have been suck ing mo pap or too republican party for years and still hold onto tho teat. You nnu i. niu puauiiiicu mm so uoes uo, ana so thought if you could scratch his back by tho above item ho would soratcb yours in return. -As wo know Crane be is a republican, but ho has a repu tation in tho fifth dish-let as a "hold-up" editor, that Is ho holds his hands be- nina nis uaeic ana you havo to put up it you wish his support. He held up James McNeny in this way when he ran for district judgo. We put it at him after eleotion and henco his dls- liKoiorniKUlliKK editor. You may bo a long legged Crano but liko tho buzzard, your benkis always sunk doep in carrion. m A Now Fraternal Otder. Tho Loyal Mystic Legion of Hastings is n fraternal 'llfo benefit order founded on strictly fraternal ami business principles; maintains n reserve fund to apply in execssivo assessments in tho future. Mr. A. (!. Alhi-ir.li- ti.o general organizor of tho association is in me city ior mo purpose ot establish ing n local council of this order hero. Beware ir - f Of the Knife. Mr. Lincoln Nelson, of Marahfield, Mo., writes: "For six years I have been a sufferer from a scrofulous affection ol the glands of my neck, and oil efforts of physicians in Washington, D. C, Springaeld, 111., and St. Louis failed to reduce the enlargement. After sis months' constant treatment here, my physician urged mc to submit to a re moval of the gland. At this critical mo ment a fnead recommended S.S.S., and laying aside a deep-rooted preju dice against all patent medicines, 1 be gan its use. Before I bad used one bot tle the enlargement began to disappear, and now it is entirely gone, though I am not through with my second bottle yet. Had I only used your S.S.S. long ago, I would have escaped years of misery and aaved over iiso." This experience is like that of all who suffer with deep-seated blood troubles. The doctors can do no good, and even their resorts to the knife prove either fruitless or fatal. S.S.S. is the only real blood remedy; it gets at the root of mc uiscasc ana forces oui perma nently. S.S.S. (guaranteed purely vegetable) A Real Blood Remedy it cures the most obstinate cases ol Scrofula, Eczema, Cancer. Rheumatism. etc, which other so-called blood reme dies fail to touch. S.S.S. gets at the root of the illsease and forces it out per maueutly. Valuable bookti will bo scut free to auy Mi'lreis by the SwUt Specific Co., At lanta, Go. Paine's Celery Compound ' ' '" i ! is the Best sPring Medicine In The World It makes the weak strong. We sell and recommend iu H. B. GRICE, Cor. Webster St. A 4th Ave. SCIIOOIi NOTES. Bosslo Carpenter was ill all day Tuesday. Mary Eames started to school Mon day to review several studies. Ice cream pants! Straws hats! Slip pers I Calico dresses! By the whole sale. Miss Magglo Vischor formorly a pHpil in these schools was a pleasant visitor Wednesday afternoon. Riley Carpenter a llttio boy In the kindcraurton had tbo misfortune to fall from a horse and break his arm nt the wrist, lhursdny morning. Some delinquent pupils took exami nation in Cicero Thursday morning. Miss Kaloy and Miss Mizer's rooms had appropriate exercises Arbor Day, and several other rooms planted trees. Tho seniors went botanizing Thurs day afternoon, taking advantage of tho fact that it was n holiday nud nioro chance of getting tho teachers' psr mission to leave school. Vkniiia. CIIUIICH NOTKS. MKTIIODIST. Prcachiug at 10:30. Sunday school at 11:30. Junior league at 4 p.m. Senior league nt 7:30. Pronchiug by the nastwr tit 8:00. Chapel Sunday school at 3:00. Chanel uraver mnetlnv Rntnnlnv nt 8 p.m. Prayer and praise sorvico Wednesday evening. Rev. J. M. Dauby, Pastor. CUKISTIAN OIIUHOH. Sermon topics at the Christian Church for Sunday. Morning topic, "The Nature of tho Kingdom." Evening topic, "A Royal Sorvico." A sormon for young christians. Prayer meeting topic for Wednesday evening, "How to Keep the Lord's Day." A kindly welcome to all. L. A. HusaoNO, Ministor. M The following item is taken from Wednesday's State Journal and it is vidont that Jennio has been on a wild goose chase and will net bring home any game: "Miss Jennie Matthews, who is employed as a cook in tho rail road eating houso at Red Claud, was at the court houso yesterday in search of a legacy in tho shape of a farm which she believed John Burns, a for mer lover, loft her. Receutly, Miss Matthews camo into possession of a nowspapor dated in December, 18l5, which told a story of tho death of a man named Burns living seven miles from Lincoln, who left all his property to a woman of her name. Sho im mediately came to Lincoln to invest!- Urate, bllt thO CmintV rntll-t rnnnnlu showed uo traco of an estate of that Kin. Tno urst word about tho matter camo from a Red Cloud attorney to a Lincoln legal firm. From thatlottor it would seom that Miss Matthews or "Methows." ns tho lettor had it was not sure f tho name of her supposed boneUciarv, thinking it might bo John Buihos or J. O. Bristol, sho having kept company with both. Thnro was nlso a dlseropany cln tho year, "Inst fall," and "Doceinbor, 189.V both bolng mentioned." ---" "Going iuto a doclino." How often do wp hoar this oxprossion. What doos it moant It moans that people are losing flesh, growiug thin, wasting. Tho way to correct this condition is to improve tho digestion. Thocondi tiou arises from an inability to oat and digest food. In fact foot! doos more harm than good becauso it ferments putrolles in tho stomach, developing poisonous substances which whon ab sorbed causo various disorders. What is required is that tho stomach bo mndn to nnrfnrm Ifo Ann ti,. Shaker DIgestivo Cordial is a food already digested and a digester of foods ?8 ."i0'1, J,1 wi!1 nmk0 tho stomach healthy. Got a book from tho druggist and road about it. A California chemist bus robbod Castor Oil of its bad taste. Laxol is its name. List of letters remaining uncalled for at tho postofllco at Red Cloud, Neb raska, for tho wook ending April 22dr, 1807. Berry, Elmer Goblo, G. W. ' Novill, Naolnlo Hollands, Allen. llioso letters will bo sont to tho doad lottor ofiico, May 0th, If not called for hoforo Fkank W. Cowukn, P.M. DcWilt's Witch Hazel Salve Cure Plica, Scalds, Hums. Dr. Price's Cream BakinK Powuer V Pure Urapt Cream f Tartar Powder Two years ago R J. Warren, a drug gist tit I'lensaut Brook, N. Y., bought v small supply of Chamberlain' Cough Remedy. He stilus up the result as fol lows: "At that time the goods wore un known In this section; today Chamber Iain's Cough Remedy is a household word." It is the same in hundreds of communities. Whcrcevcr the good qualities of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy become known to the peoplo will havo nothing else For sale by II E. Grice, Druggist. Excursion to New York City. Tho Nickel Plate road will soil ex cursion tickets, from Chicago to New Yotk and return for all trains leaving Chicago on April 33rd to20thinclusive, at rate of 124.09 for the round trip, being less than via other lines. Tickets will be valid for return passage from Now York to and including Mny 4th, 1807. For particulars call on, or ad dress J. Y. Calahan, General Agent, 111 Adams St., Chicago, III. Amcricaus aro the most inventive people on earth. To them have been Issued nearly 000,000 patents, or more tlinn ono-third of all the palonts issued in tho world. No discovery of modern years lias been of greater benefit to mankind than Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrluea Remedy, or has douo more to relievo pain or suffering. J. W. Vaugn, of Oakton, Ky., soys: "I have used Charalierlain'sColic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy in my family for soveral years, and lind it to bo tho best medicine I overused for cramps in tho stomach nnd bowels. For salt) by H. E. Grice, Druggist. . Don't Tutiarro Spit nnd Kmiikr ltmr Lire Amy. To quit toboci-o easily nml foiovor. bo ma? uvtlc. full of llfo, norvo anil vlitor. tako No-To-Ilno. tlio wonder-worker. Hint make wcnlcmcn Htronir. All druutflsts, Wo or SI. Curouuarun teed Ilooklct and samplo free AddroRS Sterling Kcmeily Co , Chicago or New York. Grant Monument Ceremonial at New York. Tako tho 28 hour train on tho Nickel Plato road. Salid trains between Chi cago nud New York. Menls served in dining cars. Conches liahted with Pintsch gas, ami in charge of colored porters. A trip over this lino will con vince you ofits superior accommoda tions. Rate lower than by other lines. J. Y. Callahan, General Agent, 111 Adams street, Chicago, will take plcns uro in furnishing nil necessary infor mation. Spring Baquiros. That tho impurities which hnvo nc cumulatcd in your blood during the whiter hIk'11 be promptly and thorough ly expelled if good health is expected. Whon tho warm weather conies theso impurities nro liable to manliest them selves in various ways and often lead to serious illness. Unless thu ulond is rich and pure that tired feeling will nllllctyou, your appetite will full and voa will lind yourself "all run down." Hood's Sarsaparilla tones and strength ens tho system, drives out all impuri ties nud makes pure, rich, healthy blood, llood'.s Sarsnpnrilln is the ono true blood purifier and the best spring medicine Bo sure to get only Hood's Edacat Yonr IKiweln With t'lmruroU. Candy Cniliartlc, euro constipation forovor. 10c, aso. If C. C. O. fall, druBBlats refund money. 28 Hours Chicaga to New York. 124.00 for tho round trip via the Nickel Plato road, leaving Chicago April 23rd, to 2Gtb, inclusive, good re turning until May 5th, inclusive. This rate is lower than via other lines. City tioket office 111 Adams St., auditorium annex, depot, Clark & 12th, St. Viaduct Chicago. Telephone Main 8380. Tetter, Salt-Rheum and Eczema. The Intense Itching and smarting inci dent to these diseases Is instantly allayed by applying Chamberlain's Eye and 8kin Ointment. Many very bad cubes have been permanently cured by it. It is equally efflcieat for itching piles nnd a favorite remedy for sore nipples; chapped hands, chilblains, frost bites and chronic Bore eyeB. 25 cts. per boz. Br. Cady's Cendltloa Powders, arc just what a horse needs when in br.f! condition. Tonic, blood purifier nnd vermifuge. They are not food but medicine and the best in nso to put n horse in prime condition. Price 2? centa per package. Capt. Jas. A. Duffey OF TOLEDO, OHIO. The Oraat Railway Dataetlva Talla What Or. Miles' Remedlaa Have Dona For Hlmaalf and Wife. DETECTIVE work require constant vigilance, eteady nerves, a clear bead and active braln."A year ago," writes Oapt. Duffey, of 831 Orchard St, Tole do, Ohio, "I overworked myself, was la auch a condition sleep waa Impossible. I was so nervous I could sot He In bed; my anna and limbs twitched and my system seemed completely exhausted. I began using Dr. Miles' Nervine and the fourth bottle restored mo to health, Mrs. Duffey had suffered for eighteen years with heart disease, had tried every remedy with out aval! until sho took Dr. Miles' New Heart Cure two years ago. For the past year sho has beeu f reo from tho trouble." Dr. Mllos' Remedies uro sold by all drug gists under a posltlvo guarantee, firnt Uattla hunpflta or money ref undid. Hook an Heart and Nerves hont t reo (0 ull applicant. D. MILES MEDIC-AX CO., Elkhart, Ind. Or. Price's Cream Unking Powder World's Fair Highest AUdaland Diploma. &wt MaH SsBiv JpfflB-fj F 7 a sBS-B Ti u.aUL lSBIB do you need Overalls, " Our stock complete in all lines. Hae you examined our 50o Overalls. You will find them extra bargains. The celebrated "Wood Manufacturing Co., pant Overalls for 90c. We have the best 15c Roasted Coffee ih the market. The Largest and Best Selected Stock of Goods in Our MILLI NERY DEPARTMENT Ever . Brought to this City. In acout ten days we will have the largest line of Rocking chairs in the city. You can get one with our CASH coupons. Prices from $1.50 to $10.00. MINER s Tho ISai isv Wwnc Cf s& ag M MMM MnM S?S C,ifccnrc in See Our Ox Blood and Chololate Oxfords and Shoes. H2 We have a. Rartrain is; or Tan Oxfords at $i.oo. Butter and Eggs taken All kinds H Cincinnati Cash Shoe Store. jj mKKmmmmMmmm Catarrh Cannot Bo Cured With local applications, as they can uot roach tho scat of tho disease Catarrh is a blood or constitutional disease, and in order to euro it you must tako internal remedies. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally, and acts directly on tho blood and mucous surfaces. Hull's Catarrh Curo is not n quack medicine. It was prescribed by ouo of tho best physicians in this coun try for years, uud is a regular prescrip tion. It is composed of tho best tonics known, combined with tho best blood puriliers, acting directly on tho mucous surfaces. Tho perfect combination of the two ingredients is what produces such wonderful results in curing catarrh. Send for testimonials, free. V. J. CHENEY & CO. Props., Toledo, O. Sold by druggists, price 75c. Hall's Family Pills are tho best. Kdnriite Vonr UniroU "iVItti C'-r--t-t. Cutuly Cailinrtlc, uuio lonmlpullou foiovor. lOo.SBo. HCCd full, rtniCKlsts refund wony No-To-lto for rift) Cents. Guaranteed tobacco habit curo, makes weak mon strong, blood pure. 60c, 1. AlldruggUte Notice to Teaohors. Notico is hereby given that I will ex amine all persons who may desire to offer themselves as candidates for teachers of the public schools of this county, at Red Cloud on the third Sat urday of each month. Special examinations will bo hold on the Friday proceeding tho 8d Saturday of each month. Tho standing desired for id and 3d grade rortitioato is tho same no grade bolow70 per cent., averago80 per cent; for iirst grndu certificate no grade be low 80 per cent., average 00 per cent in all branches required by law, D. M. IiUNTEK, Connty Supt. As sure as winter comes, comes STIFFNESS SORENESS As sure as Working Shirts; Gloves, Plow Shoes, Etc., - BROS. t&Si MMM . AH VtPV && in Black &l in exchange for Shoes. s& of repairing neatly done. iS Every Thursday afternoon a tourist sleeping car for Salt Lake City, San Francisco and Los Angeles loaves Omaha nnd Lincoln via tho Burlington Route. It is carpeted; upholstered in rattan; has spring seats and backs and is provided with curtains, bedding, towels, soap. etc. An experienced ex cursion conductor nnd uniformed Pull man porter accompany it through to the padllc coast. While neither as ex pensively finished uor as lino to look at us a paluco sleeper, it Is just as good to ritlo in. Second class tickets are honored and the price of a berth, wide enotigi ami big enough for two, is only 5. tor a folder giving full particu Itu'H, call at tho nearest B.& M. R. R. ticket ofiico. Or, write to J. Francis, General Passenger Agent, Burlington Route, Omaha, Neb. EXPECTANT W. OMtr Van KHntjDY which MOTHERS, - H irouKt safety iv moia CUM, "MOTHERS' FRIEND" ft CwtlwwtrtoflttPth, Htrrwiia Nik. r if v wife used "MOTHERS' FBIENnn h. , I foro birth of her first child, she did not autrer from CRAalPH or PAINR-waa quickly i relieved at tho critical boor Buffering but . little-she bad no pains afterward and her recovery was rapid. E. E. Johwstoh, Eufanla, Ala. I Sent by Mall or Express, on rccelDt of Ktee, M.M .r Mile. v Book "To WtS' i ' era" mailed Free. w BBADFISLD BEGUUTOR CO., MUsts, Ga. BOUI MX iu Dirjooists. n fiji-JM comes ' comi to j Nl Tlu ailment goes. j H V HLaaC Y V -4,i 1 1 mi. i i "ji- "fT "'Tfr"iii"t' r-rrn xw&m&mifo'mitgxM