The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, April 16, 1897, Page 5, Image 5

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1 HU I
V, -
Ivy Poison
Child Sufforod for Throo Vsa-3
Without Relief -Torrlbto Cohtas
and Burning Skin Disease
' Whon thrco months old our boy was
poisoned with Ivy. Ho suffered or thrco
years wltGout getting relief, I sow
ne of the advertisements of Hood's Sar
saparllla, conatating of u testimonial
w hero a child was cured of I rj iiolitiilu.
My faith was very weak at llrst, but I
told ray husband I would llko to try a
bottle of Hood's Barsaparllln. Doctor's
medicine had failed to help him In the
least. We concludod to buy flro bottlea
of Hood's Barsaparllla and tho child be
gan taking It. Dofore ho had finished all
that we had purchased ho was cured. I
have also been cared of skin dlsenso by
Hood's Barsopirllls. I una in such a
condition that 1 coold hardly enduro tin
Itching and burning. I felt that I mut
giro Hood's Sannparlllaa fair trial, which
I did. 1 took four bottles and It cured
me." OuntHTiKA Green, Oanastota, 8. D.
Hood's Barsaparllla is sold by all drur:
fjlsts. fj ait. forfo. Be sure to get Hood' j.
rutaistiiu nr
One year '1 00
Blxmsnthi &0
Xntorod at tho post office at Red Cloud, Nob.
second clan mall matter.
Representative Jerry Simpson did
not succeed In mnklng Speaker Heed
appoint tho house, committees so thai
tho genoral legislation could proceed
while tho houso is waiting for tho son
ato to act on the tariff bill, but by his
continued protosts ho forced out tha
announcement from Representative
Dingley, tho lloor leader of tho repub
licans, that in not appointing tho com
mittees, Speaker licod was following a
program adopted by lilni and Ins party
leaders, and a virtual endorsement of
that program from Representative
llalloy of Texas, tho democratic lloor
leader, who said that tho democrats
preferred no legislation on tho part of
tho republicans to bad legislation
whiah they c:uld not prevent if the
republicans chose to put It through.
Those stntouionts resulted in clearing
the atmoiphoro very much, so far as
tho house is concerned.
Unless Postmaster General Gary
changes his m I ml, there will bo no
changes made among the postmasters
whoso income docs not exceed $100 a
year, no mattor how long tho ofllco
has boon bold by the same person, ex
cept in' cases where a majority of tho
Satrons of tho ofllco ask for a change
Ir. Grav has notlticd n number of
representatives this polioy will bo
strictly adhered to. The result will bo
that the postmaators embraced in this
classification will always bo in politi
cal sympathy with a majority of their
offices. That policy Is fair enough and
f;ood enough to be made into a binding
The fact that seme of thoso who were
prominently indentitled witli the
Cleveland administration have picked
up some nico plums under this ad
ministration is not altogether pleasing
to tho politicians who have failed to
pick up anything for themselves. Ex
Assistant Secretary of Agriculture
Dabtioy has beon made chief statis
tician of the department of agricul
ture at the salary of 14,500 a year,
and Ex-Assistant Socrotary of the
Treasury Hamlin has been given a legal
Job in connection with the sunt fish
eries, for 'an iudetlnito period, at a
compensation of about 815 a day.
Secretary Long has rejected the only
bid that of tho Illinois Steel company,
to furnish armor for I2M n ton, if thoy
were given contracts for all tho armor
plate used by tho government for tho
noxt twenty years submitted undor
the act of tho last congress, limiting
the price to bo paid for armor plate
for naval vcssols to $300 a ton, because
ho had no authority to mitko a condi
tional contract, and tho whole matter
has beon referred back to congress and
result In the establishment of a gov
ernment armor making plant, unless
tho Carnegie and Bethlehem com
panies recede from their present posi
tion or can persuade congress to raise
tho limit in the price to bo paid for
It begins to look as though the
vacancies in the senate committee
would bo filled. Tho now senator,
who have no committee assignments,
made so much fuss about it that some
thing had to be done. It Is not proba
ble that oithor of tho parties can havo
their way about theseeominltteo places.
In fact, there has been a combination
agreed to by committees representing
the populists, democrats and silver re
publicans under which the republicans
aro allowed throe-tenths of the vacan
cies and tho combination retains the
rest, but this agreement has yet to bo
ratified. ...
If Hon. Theodore Roosovolt, whahai
bcou appointed assistant secretary of
the navy, doesn't kick up tho biggest
sort of a shindig in that department, ho
will disappoint all tho Washington
prophets. Said one of these prophets:
"I cannot conceive Roosovolt as a sub
ordinate any where. Heisan able man,
although some consider him im
practicable, and It ho cannot havo his
own way, or a way that ho regards as
good as his own, there is bound to bo
trouble. I expect tho trouhlo will be
gin with somo of tho officers of tho
navy.who feol pretty sure of themselves
and will not llko to see a civilian
carrying a chip on his shoulder in the
department aud at the sauto timo in
terfering with their plans." Notwith
standing this sort of talk, which is gen
eral iu Washington, it would bo u good
thing for the publio service if
a Roosovolt could he mado its
sjstaul to tho head of every one of tho
aovoriiiuout departments. Thtro U
Hot a single one of them that a stir up
would not hehPlH, although it might
One Minute Cough Cure, cures.
That I what It was made lor.
miiiiumww i ij.niiTtiwnnwnii MiiiiiimmiiiMiiw umimwwmti
mnk things di'ajxreeablo ton feu its
T'io sudden death of Ex Senator Vor
ht'i'8, of Indiana, removed a prominent
ligtiro in American politico. Ho was
neatly seventy years old unit had been
hi bail health for several years.
Fo-ru-na Not Only Cures, But Cures
Hortons, Fa., April, 1803. Dr. S. 13.
Hartinaii Dear Sin I had tried three
of tho best physicians in Indiana
county, and had spent a groat dual of
money, nil to no effect. My friends
said 1 could not got well. I bad about
given up all earthly hopes. I weighed
180 pounds. I accidentally saw tho
name Po-ru-tia. I immediately com
mnnced taking it, and continued tak
ing it until I had tnken twelve bottles.
i men woigneu too pounui, arm never
folt hotter In my life. I am a walking
monument of the virtues of voui IV
rti-na. W. W STRASLEtt.
Whon next lie writes ho bud changed
his residence.
Corry, Pa., Mav 2, 1804. Dr. S. 11.
Ilarttnati: Now for nil time to come,
U80 my photograph and statements.
I will go at any time and testify to tho
truth of my assurances. I am boarty
and well to-day and I attribute all to
L'c-rtt-na. W. W. STKASLEK.
Corry, Pa.. March 3, 1807. -Dr. S. H
llartmnn: My health is A. No, I, and
I stand a (ant and untiring Hum! of
IVru-na. W. W. STKASLEH.
IVru-na cures permanently. Its
cures last as above letters show. The
spring of tho year Is peculiarly provo
cative of catarrhal dyspopsia. Nearly
every one needs a conrso of Pe-ru-na
at this season. Sond for frco book.
Address The IVru-na Drug Manufac
turing Company, Columbus, Ohio.
That Au Ship.
Last Monday night for tho first timo
the nir ship has necn seen at Red
Cloud and by a dozen or more re
sponsible parties. It was first dis
covered in the western skies about 11
o'clock and going in a very regular
northwesterly direction as though
working against a heavy head wind.
Tho course taken was northwest in
which direction it finally disappeared.
A largo wmto ngiu was all tliat could
he seen, however, somo saw red and
green lights. Tho .ship or whatever it
is, is certainly causing considerable
comment throughout dilTorcut parts of
tho united stales. Monday night aud
Tuesday morning it was seen through
nut different parts of Illinois, Indiana
aud Ohio, aud finally departed early
Tuesday morning for tho northwest.
An Inter Ocean ropnrt from Carlin-
vlllo, Illinois, under the date of the
13th says:
"liio report from authentic sources
is that the airship, which has been seen
at many different places in tho past
mount, was seen uimiti Hall way Oo
tween tho towns of NlhvoodaudGirnrd
at 0:10 last evening. When first seen
11 was descending ami was noticed by
William Street, Frank Metcalf.and Ed.
loples, aud tho operator at Girard.
Thoso men saw it nllght and a man get
out and fix somo part of the machine
They started for tho place whore it bad
alighted, hut when within a quarter of
a miio 01 it 11 roso aim disappeared
from vlow in a northerly direction. Tho
ship wns of enormous size, pointed at
each end, and had wings on each side,
whtlothe top was covered with what
appeared from a distance to bo a
canopy, like those ttsod on a surrey.
There was a sign on tho ship, but
nothing could bo seen plainly, except a
large M. Tho ship roso to a great
height when tho party arrived at tho
placo where it had alighted in tho field,
i'hoy saw footprints of a man, who bad
boon walking around, evidently those
of thoaian who got out of tho ship to
fix some part of the machinery. Its
courso wns northwest."
On Tuesday evening tho strange
visitor mado its appearance in Wasli
ington, 1). C, and was soon lu? soveral
roputablo citizens. At that placo it
was sailing below tho clouds aud tbero
were 110 stars in sight, but finally dls
appeared nuove mo nouns ana was
seo no more.
Not only acute lunir troubles, which
may provo fatal in a few days, but old
chronic coughs and throat troubles
may receive immediatu relief and bo
permanently cured by One Minuto
Cough Cure. C. h. Cotting.
Of Mercury!
Mr. Henry Roth, of 1848 South 9th
Street, St. Louis, was given the usual
mercurial treatment for contagious
blood poison, lie waa twice pronounc
ed cured, but the disease returned each
time, he waa seized with rheumatic
pains, ana rea lumps ana sores cov
ered his body.
"Iwau In a hor
rible fix" he
says, "and the
more treat
ment I receiv
ed, the worse I
seemed to get.
A New York
specialist said
he could cure
me, but his
treatment did
whatever. I was stiff and full of
pains, my left arm was useless so
J.A1 unable to do even the
lightest work. This was my condition
when I began to take. S. 8. S., and a
lew DOttlCS COnvinctri m Hint T
jwv ttif. tin frnnn
being benefitted. I continued the
medicine, and one dozen bottles cured
me sound and well. Mv nvntfm
L under the effects of mercury, and I
would soon have been a complete
wreck but for 8. S. 8."
S. 8. 8., (puarunf eeri pwrclj tjepefabfe)
IB me amy cure
for real blood dls
eases. The mer
curial treatment
of the doctorh al
ways does more
harm than good. Beware of mercury!
Books on the disease and its treat
ment mulled free lo any address by
Swift Specific Co., Atlanta, Ga.
March, April, -May,
The bet spring medicine in
the world.
Buy a bottle and see how valu
able it is. We have just re
ceived a large supply.
Cor. Webster St. 4th Ave.
Jail Bronkor Caught.
A young man by tho name of
Mlchnol Berry was arrested ou last
Monday at Day's barn on charge of
horso stealing by Sheriff Ruiichov and
Sheriff J. Jar vis of Smith Centre. The
young man Is u sou of Pat Horry who
formerly lived about 16 miles from hero
in Kansas. As tho story goes it ap
pears that old Pat and his sou aro a
part of an organized gang of robbers
who havo for somo timo infested King
fishor county, Oklahoma, and both
father and son were in Jail nt King
fisher, the old man awaiting sentouce
and the boy trial. A largo trunk of
silverware considerable of which be
longed to tho governor of tho territory
was found in their possession.
Young Horry broke jail, stole tho
governor's horse and rode somewhere
near Medicine Lodge, Kansas, thou
sent the horso baek and made his way
to Alma where Ills mother lives, by
train. Ho was arrested at Alma but
got off by habeas corpus proceedings.
Ho then secured a horse from his
brother nnd went over In tho neighbor
hood of tho old homestead south of
this city. Sheriff . J arvis of Smith Cen
tre, who had received a description of
Harry from thoOaklalioma nuthoritius
caught 011 that ho was In Kansas and
followed him to this city and tho arrest
was mado as previously stated, The
arrest took place on Monday afternoon
nbout three o'clock and he was lodg
ed In jail. At about nine that eve
ning a writ of habeas corpus
was secured and served upon tho
sheriff but as tho Jtulgu did not seo
thaltharo was any use of hearing the
casoatthattimo of night it rested by
his permission until morning. On a
hearing before Judgo Duffy tho court
ordered tho prisoner turned loose.
Sheriff Runchov immediately re-ar
rested him ns a fugitive from justice.
Habeas corpus proceedings wcro again
resorted to but tho judge romandod
tho prisoner to tho cbargo of tho sheriff
until the arrival of tho authorities of
Oklahoma. Under-Sheriff Love of
Kingfisher county arrived on the even
ing train and indentitled the prisoner.
Tho prisoner agreed to accompany
Sheriff Runchey and Lovo to Lincoln
where tho proper papors were received
and he was immediately taken to
Tho young man has a bad record and
although he a very innocent looking
chap has broken jail twice and has a
reputation of being an adept in this
line. While the two sheriffs took him
in without authority it will be seen
from the outcome that they did right
and did what any sheriff in the state
would havo done in the saute case in
order to hold tho prisoner until the fer
elffti authorities had arrived. Tho
scathing commonta of tho pop paper
in regard to the arrest woro uncalled
for and without weight and Col.
Walsh will soon find out that his com
ments fall upon deaf ears. As wo said
before people aro getting tired of the
everlasting cackle of tho guinea hen.
Spring Requires.
That tho Impurities which havo ac
cumulated In your blood during tho
winter shrll be promptly and thorough
ly oxpellod if good health is oxpected,
When tho warm wcathor comes these
impurities aro liable to manifest them
selves in various ways and often lead
to serious Illness. Unless the blood Is
rich and pure that tired feeling will
atlliot you, your appetite will fail and
you will find yourself "all run down."
Hood's Snrsnparilla tones and strength
ens tho system, drives out all impuri
ties ami makes pure, rich, healthy
blood. Hood's Sarsaparilla is tho one
true blood purifier nud tho best spring
medicine. Mo suro tn get only Hood's,
The 7th room still clings to No. 8.
Mrs. Case's room has had tho banner
four weeks iu succession; the best re
cord iu tho school.
Miss Grace Garber tho klndorgarton
teacher has u lino now bike on which
she will get daily practice spinaing to
Miss Mamie Woiderman called Mon
day; Miss Pearl Ludlow, Tuesday;
Elmer Crouo Wednesday, and Miss
Mary Eamos Friday.
Tho Virgil teacher itsoeras can not
stand those Juniors, so 0 very afternoon
about Virgil time they aro shipped to
tho other room.
Miss Helen L. Wilson is the recipient
of a box of lovely California flowers.
Thu donor wasthu four year old son of
ono of professor's college mates. Wo
wonder if she will receive them with
ns apparent unconcern, seventeen
years hence.
Mr. Seammou our faithful Janitor has
been quite ill this week and was
obliged to bo absent wiiioh is tho first
timoinyenrs, perhaps ever. Norman
Morrison disehniged tho duties until
Friday, when Mr. Scammnn returned,
Tho 10th grade wont out Wednesday
night to watch fr tho air ship. Quito
a crowd besides the grade were collect
od uoar the north nchoul house,
lio-To-ltuu for t'lftj Conti.
(1 u:niiacod tobacco liubli euro. wonlt
mon stromi, blood pure. 50c, tl. All ilruttifliti
Sermon topics at tho Christian
Church for Easter Sunday.
Morning topic, "Diviuo Providence."
Evening topic, "The Kingdom Estab
lished.'' Special Music.
A kindly welcome to all.
L. A. Hussono, Minister.
I'reacuiog 1
at lUiuU a.m on
'The Res.
Sunday school at 11:00.
Junior league at 4 p.m.
Senior league at 7:80.
Preaching by tho pastor at 8:00.
Chapel Sunday school nt 3:00.
Chapel prayer meeting Saturday at
8 p.m.
Prayer and praise scrvico Wednesday
Rkv. J. M. DAnuv, Pastor.
Tho services Sunday nioinlngat 10:30
will bo an Easter service given by tho
Sunday school, and will tako tho placo
of the morning preaching service.
Sunday School nt 11:30.
Junior Union at 2:30 p. in., led by
Miss Susie Ken tidy.
Iu placo of tho regular meeting of
the Uaptlst Young People's Union at
7:00 p. m., tho pastor will deliver on
address on "Tho Student Volunteer
movuinoiit for Foreign Missions." This
as tho subject implies, will be an ac
count of tho great modern movement
for foreign missions among the stu
dents of the colleges nnd universities
of the United States and England.
Evening services at 7:30. Subject,
"Tho Resurrection of Christ. Histor
ical Evidence for nnd Significance of."
Mid-week prayer mvetiug Wednes
day at 7:30 p. in.
You aro earnestly invited to como to
our services nud to worship with us.
O. R. Wklden, Pastor.
- 1 ..... ii..i 1
Catarrh Cannot Bo Curod
With locnl applications, as thoy can
not reach tho scat of tho dfsoase.
Catarrh is a blood or constitutional
disease, and in order to euro 4t you
must tako internal remedies. Hall's
Catarrh Cure is taken internally, and
acts directly on the blood and mucous
surfaces. Hall's Catarrh Cure is not a
quack medicine. It was prescribed by
0110 of tho best physicians in this coun
try for years, and is a rugular prescrip
tion. It is composed of tho best tonics
known, combined with tho best blood
purifiers, acting directly on tho mucous
surfaces. The perfect combination of
tho two ingredients is what produces
such wonderful results in curing
catarrh. Send for testimonials, frco.
F. J. CHENEY & CO. Props., Toledo,
Sold by druggists, price 7fiV.
Hall's Family Pills are the best.
A. O. U. W. Notice.
Tuesday evening,
lodges will confer
Come and help.
II. J.
tVprilSOth, visiting
degrees iu full.
Mauukr, M. W.
The cheapest fertile lands now open
for settlement in the United States are
located in Texas. Tho Missouri, Kan
sas and Texas Railway .will havo ex
cursion rates to the above section on
March 10th, April 0th and 20th. For
maps and further information, ad
tiress the nearest local agent, or G. A
McNult, 1044 Union Ave., Kansas City,
15 liiruto Vour llowuli U11I1 . n-t.
r.inily r '111 hurl !', ivire tnriiii-i:li fmu.'or
10.:,23c If a a. C. tall, iirmrclxttii d,.iil i..oiicy
Notice to Teaohors.
Notico is hereby given that I will ex
amino all porsons who may desire to
offer themselves as candidates for
teachers of tho public schools of this
county, at Red Cloud on the third Sat
urday of each month.
Specinl examinations will be held 011
tho Friday proceeding the 8d Saturday
of each month.
Tho standing desired for 2d nnd 3d
grade certificate is tho same no grade
olow 70 per cent., average 80 per cent;
for first grade certificate no
low 80 per cent., average 00 per cent in
all branches reauired by law.
D. M. liUNTEit, County Supt.
A. S. Murray and Wife
RMtorcd to Health by Or. Mil1
tlv Nervine,
It. MURRAY, engineer for Keet
Rountroe Mercantile Co.. Spring
flold, Mo., wrltest "I suffered from
dyspepsia, waa unable to eat anything with
out sovere distress. Treated by several
physicians without benefit, I became almost
a physical wreck and unable to attend to
my work. I took Dr., Miles' Restorative
Nervine and In six weeks I waa well. My
wife had a severe at
tack ot La Grlppo
which brought on
troubles peculiar to
her sex. The Restor
ative Nervine Is the
only thing that has
helped her. We both
bapo you will U90 this
In a way to help others as wo havo been."
Dr. Miles' Romodles aro sold by all drug
gists under a positive guarantee, urst bottle
benefits or money refunded. Hook on
Heart nud Nurvcascnt freu to nit uppllcuntA.
DU. MILKS MEMUAIiCJO., Elkhart, Iud.
Or. Price's Cream Uaking Powder
World's Fair Highest Mcdalmad Diploma.
r & iu!3PfifiUK?&
BS Brills a v8
1L ftoatorMJI
16, 18U7.
mi iiwiniwiMji.j.uijiimMWMWASCTBnrMciri3awiiwraKjnroMiutt'i iimiwii
Two vottrs ngoR J. Warren, a drug
gist at Pleasant Hronk, N. Y , bought 11
small supply of Chamberlain's Cough
Remedy. He si. ins up the result as fol
lows: "At that time the goods wcro un
known in this section; today Chamber
lain's Cough Remedy is a household
Lword." It is tho same in hundreds of
communities. Whereevcr the good
qualities of Chamberlain's Cough
Remedy become known to the people
will have nothing else For sale by H
E. Grice, Druggist.
Excursion to New York City.
Tho Nickel Pluto road will sell ex
cursion tickets, from Chicago to New
Yoik and return for all trains leaving
Chicago on April 23rd to 20th inclusive
at rnte of $24.00 for tho round trip,
being less than via other lines. Tickets
will be valid for return passage from
New York to and Including May 4th,
1897. For particulars call 011, or ad
dress J. Y. Calahan, General Agent,
HI Adams St., Chicago, III.
Americans aro the most inventive
peoplo on earth. To them have beon
Issued nearly 000,000 patents, or more
thnii one-third of all the patents issued
in tho world. No discovery of modern
years lias been of greater benefit to
mankind than Chamberlain's Colic,
Cholera aud Diarrluca Remedy, or has
done :ioro to roliovo pain or suffering,
J. W. Vaugn, or Oakton, Ky., says: "I
have used Chamberlain'sColic, Cholera
and Dlarrhu'ti Remedy iu my family
for several years, nnd find it to bo" tho
best medicine I overused for cramps iu
the stomach and bowels. For sale by
II. E Orlce, Druggist.
Grant Monument Ceremonial at New
Take tho 28 hour train on tho Nickel
Plato road. Solid trains between Chi
cago and New York. Meals served in
dining cars. Conches lighted with
Pltitsch gas, and in charge of colored
porters. A trip over this lino will con
vince you ofits superior accommoda
tions Rate lwer than by other lines.
J. Y. Callahan, General Agent, 111
Adams street, Chicago, will tako pleas
ure in furnishing all necessary infor
mation. Wo will pay a salary of $10.00 per
week for man with rig to introduce our
Poultry Mixture and Insect Destroyer
in the country. Reference required.
Address, with Htninp. Pkukkctiox
Mfo. Co., Parsons, Kansas.
Tetter, Salt-Ithcum and Eczem:i,
The intense itching and smarting inci
dent to these diBeusos is instantly clhiy '
by applying Chamberlain's Eye nud
Skin Ointment. Many very bad cnsc-i
havo beon permanently cured by it. It
is equally efficient for itching piles nnd
a favorite remedy for Boro nipples;
chapped hands, chilblains, frost bites
and chronic sore eyes. 25 cts. per box.
Dr. Cadj'i Ceadltloa Powders, avo
just what a horse needs when in bad
condition. Tonie, blood purifier and
vermifuge. They are not food but
medicine and the best in use to put n
horse in prime condition. Price 25
cents per package.
Sent Free.
To any person interested in humane
matters, we will sond free, upon appli
cation, n copy of the "ALLIANCE,"
the organ of this Society. In addition
to its intensely interesting rending, it
contains a list of tho valuable anu un
usual premiums given by the paper.
ALLIANCE, 410-411 United Charities
Building, New York.
A Liberal Seed House.
.1. J. 11. Gregory & Son, Marblclicad. Maw.,
will long be remembered by tho farmers of Neb
ratka for their gcnorotlty during the bard
times, when thoy distributed tbreo tons of frco
garden need to needy farmer, through Rov. W.
Ludden and others. This famous old seed
house has long beon noted for Its reliability and
broad gaugo methods and well deserves tho
great success that has crowned tbclr efforts
Every 0110 who contemplates plautlng a need
should send for the Interesting and Instructive
catalogue which they offer to send free of
Pwi'l Tulac.-u r.nd Sniuke Hur l.llo .l).
"'I nu't tnbvso etiHlly nn '. forjver. bo nrnir
n ' . I,.' j . it.u inn it r. talio No-To-;)r.,.ji.'t.iti
c.i . tu .il:o woaUmeii
htronc. AH ilrutffstf, :0oor?l. CuroRuarnn
r ' '.J.'ol'ti 1.' I .vntu fr3. A'1'lre.ns
busline Keu.c.l tu, C'Utcuuu op Now Yoik
Rheumatic. Neuralgic, Sciatic, Lumbagic,
The Kalby Shoe Co.
Successors to A, H. KALBY.
See Our Ox Blood
And Chololate
Oxfords and Shoes.
We have a Bargain in Black
Butter and Eggs taken in exchange for Shoes,
All kinds of repairing neatly done.
Cincinnati Cash Shoe Store.
Every Thursday afternoon n tourist
sleeping car for Salt Lake
Francisco aud Los Auuelo leaves
Omaha ami Lincoln via the Burlington
Koine. Ills carpeted; uphols'rrcd in
rattan; has spring seats and back, and
Is provided with curtains, bedding,
towels, soap. etc. Au expel ienced ex
cursion conductor nnd uniformed Pull
man porter nccompany It through to
the pacific coast. While neither as ex
pensively finished nor as fine to look at
ns a palace sleeper, it is just as good to
ride iu. Second clnt-s tickets aro
honored and the price of a berth, wide
enough and big enough for two, is only
$5. For a folder giving full partlcu
lars, call at the nearest B. & M. R. R.
ticket oillce. Or, write to J Frauds,
Gonernl Passenger Agent, Burlington
Route, Omaha, Neb.
Notice is hereby given that my wife,
Dora M. Wiggins, having loft my bed
nnd board I will not bo responsible for
nny nccouuts incurred by her.
Dated Red Cloud, Nebr., March 27th
1807 A. B. WiaaiNS.
Mrs, Anna Gage, wife of Ex
Deputy U. S. Marshal,
CtlHmbut! Kin,, tiyti
"I was delivered
less than 20 min
utes and with
scarcely any pain
after using only
two bottles of
WSentbr KipreMormall.onrocslpt of prlct, per battle. Hook "TO MOTIIEUS''
mailed free.
Red Cloud Stock Barn.
I have Mist received two large
ucky mammoth j:iek,
Black Jack
and Blue Pete
with POMPAS, the standrailbred tal
lion will make tho season of 1S07
north of tho Moon block iu Red
Cloud, Nebraska.
TERMS-Fnr Jacks, ' to $8 to instiro
with foal.
I will not be responsible for any acci
dent should any occur, but will use
all piecautlons to prevent same.
C. L. WINFREY, Manager.
Every ingredient in
' Hires Rootbccr is health1!
giving. The blood isl
improved, the nerves!
soothed, the stomachV
(benefited by this dellciousn
Quenches the thirst, tickles
the palate ; full of snap, sparkle
I and effervescence. A temper-'
ance drink for everybody.
f Utlt 00I7 by Tbt CkulM I. Illm Co., PMUl.lphU.
a paeitc ntiti nr gtiuat.
or Tan Oxfords at $1.00.
. ,'j
-itk '
qLi ...
.ttttu, . Arfiti'S..
rc",, I