The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, April 16, 1897, Page 4, Image 4

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-jfsr';j im
rw uI''ws':w ;''"', i-iAtff :
!" 4$,
rsi- ciiatenf4tt
iMiiiWw J$Wwafc-
Absolutely Pure.
Celebrated for Its great leavening Mrcngtli unci
licixltlifnlnc. Assures tlio food Against Alum
and all fonns of adulteration common to tlio
cheap brands. KOVAti I1AKINO POWDKK
Hock beer on tap nt Stern's.
Hev.Dcakin of Cowlcs was hero Wed
nesday. K. E. Hurr of Guide Hock was hero
John Olino loft Thursday morning
for Falls City.
A. M. Walters of Blue Hill was in tho
city Wednesday.
Rubber boots and Fish Brand slickers
at the Chicago Store.
L. W. Smith of Orleans was in tho
city tho first of tho week.
M. B Edlemau of Lincoln was in tho
city a short timo Wednesday.
A. M. Walters and J. W. Sampson of
Ditto Hill were hero Wednesday.
P. O. Cutler of Hastings was in tho
city on business last Wednesday.
Mrs. Jns. Burden is now employed in
tho millinery store of tho Misses Miner
D. M. Hunter has been beautifying
his farm by setting out about 100 peach
Mrs. John Garher of McCook arrived
in tho city on a visit to friends Wed
nesday morning.
Sherwood & Albright have treated
the front of their store building to u
uow coat of paint.
Fred Kick of McCook has accepted a
position as messenger at this place,
Harry Coon having resigned.
Nearly all of our citi.ons who own a
small patch of ground, or can rent
some, aro busy planting garden truck.
Bruce Ball who litis boon living for
dome timo past with T. 0. Hacker and
family left Monday for Akron, Colo
rado. Mod Lavelleo, who for tho past year
has boon toudiug bar for M. M. Storn,
has made application for liquor licouso
at Kiverton.
Mrs. James Smith who has been
visiting with her paronts Mr. and Mrs.
August Roats left Wednesday morn'
ing for her homo in Gage county.
A number of Rod Cloud poople went
to Amboy lust Sunday to witness tho
baptism of eight converts to the M. E.
church at that place, conducted by Rev.
J. M. Darby.
Unconditional sarrendor, is tho only
terms those famous little pills known
as DeWitt's Little Early Risers will
make with constipation, sick hoadache
and stomach troubles. C. L. Cotting.
Will Brewer who for somo timo past
has been holding down a position In
McCoftk has been transferred to this
5ity and takes tho position of express
agent lately resigned by D. M. Ablo.
Croup and whooping cough ate child
hood's terrors; but IIko pneumonia
brouchitis and other throat aud lung
troubles, can bo quickly cured by using
Ono Minute Cough Cure. C. L. Cot
ting. Tho children of tho Sunday school
will conduct an Easter sorvice at tho
Congregational church next Sunday
morning. Songs, recitations, oto.,
suitable for Eastet. A chorus choir
will also furnish good music.
The Bon Ton restaurant will glvo a
free Ice cream opening on Saturday
April 17th, commencing at 2 o'clock in
the afternoon and continuing until
thirty gallons of cream has been usod.
Cako will bo served and tho cream
llavoving will be vanilla, lomon, straw
berry and chocolate.
A fow weeks ago wo cautioned our
readers of tho danger from Betting out
(ires In tbo city limits, somo roaitzou
the danger and carefully gaurded
aeainst it, while others do not hositutu
to set lire to a pllo of ruuplsh aud go
down Uwn and let it bum, or else
leave three or four small boys to watch
it. This praotico should bo stopped be
fore it results in tho loss of part of our
city by tire.
Highest Honors World's Fair,
Qold Medal, Midwinter Fair.
A f'ure (Irqpe Cream of Tartar Powder.
Sunday i Easter.
0. W. Knlcy sm
In Lincoln this
Get a glass of that Bock beer at
Dave Knlcy of Cowlcs was hero Wed
nesday. Cliff 1'opo has purciiascd a now horse
and buggy.
job printing.
Is prepared to do yom
A. C. Hosmor mado a business trip to
Nora this week.
Will save you a dollar on a Mackin
tosh, Gatusha & Woscott.
1897 CRESCENT 1807. Tho wheel
(hat sells nt an honest price.
Miss Gertie Lludloy sister of Mrs. C.
J. l'latt is visiting In tho city.
M. M. Stern was in Rtvcrton on bus
iness the fore part of tho woek..
Randolph McNitt is homo again
alter u business trip to mcCook.
Mrs. M. W. Dlckerson returned Sat'
urday night from a visit at Beatrice
Normon Morrison is
with the ianitor work
now helpiiu
at the Higl
Morhart & Cutter
fat cattle and hogs,
aro now buying
See thorn before
D. C. Jenkins is chopping
of tho largo trees nrotind his
Fourth avenue.
out somo
home on
Buy your fencing of the Rod C
Fenco factory. Tho best hog folic
cartn. A. moittiAUT.
The S. of V. Wand Is mnking prep
arations to commeuco u series of out
door concerts in tho near future.
When you wnut a nico smooth shave
or hair cut, give Geo. Fentress a call.
Ono door south of tho Bon Bakery.
Mrs. E. W. Varney, formerly of this
plueo but now of llolyoko, Colo., is
visiting roltttivps and friends In tlio
V. B. Fulton is having n now and
substantial sidewalk put down in front
ot his residenco property on Seward
Remember Fish Brand slickers nro
the best and cost no more than the
others. Wo keep them. Gnlusha &
Tho little duughtor of J. E. Stiotip
had her arm broken this week at the
elbow joint. Dr. Morauvillo reduced
the fracture.
Rev. R. Parson of Superior speaks in
tho Methodist church this (Friday)
evening. His subject will bo "The
Missionary Work."
Tho building ou the Bontley property
between Webster and Elm street on
Sixth aventto has been removed to tho
corner cf tho block facing tho cast.
Wo aro requested to ask Mr. Walsh
if he succeeded iu getting tho lots north
of tho M. S. Marsh property whero J.
S. Whito at present lives, whilo he was
in Omaha.
It should bo made a matter of public
knowledge that DoWitt's Witch Hazol
Salve will speedily cure piles of the
longost standing. It is the household
favorlto for burns, scalds, cuts, bruises
and sores of all kinds. C. L. Cotting.
Personal. Tho gontieman who an
noyed tho congregation last Sunday by
continually cougmnr will find instant
relief by using One Minute Cough Cure,
a speedy nnd harmless remedy for
throat and lung troubles. C. L. Cot
ting Tho ladles of the Christian church
will give an Easter social on April 17lh,
in tho empty store room in the Moon
block used by Chicago store, serving
ico cream and cake. Will have useful
fancy articles for sale, also castor
Dr. J. W. Morauvillo received this
weok n tine operating chair to bo
placed in his already well equipped
office. It is indeed a marvelous and
well executed pioco of workmanship.
It has all of the latest improvements
and can bo placed at any auglo with
the greatest '-use.
Twenty-four dollars, Chicago to Now
York ami return. Less than via other
roads. Limited twenty-eight hour
train via the Nickol Plato. Tickets, on
sale April 2!)d to 2Gth inclusive, good
returning until May nth, Inclusive, For
reservations in sleeping cars or any
other information call on or rtddrc J.
Y. Callahan, General Agont, lit Adams
street, Chicago, III,
Will tho now major when ho takos
tho oatli of office to protect tho city and
its property have a qualm of conscience
and ordor taken up a cortain number
of feet ot old (formerly new) water
pipo, now being used as a sewor for a
nowspanor ofllco in tho Bentley build
ing? Will ho have tho rust scraped
thoreform, have it painted, and then
sold, tho proceeds to go toward a sldo
walkfund? Men's
and boys
s h o OS
that will
wear at
p r I co s
that will
p 1 o a so
an d of
tho lat
est styles
at Wien-ersCloth-ing
porium. Tho item in the week's Nation iu re
gard to tho buying of corn by W, T.
Auld with the Imputation that the
5ontloman who did tho weighing (Mr,
ames Peteri)on)mado a steal in tho
weight, was the in nicest kind of tdur,
hut those who ai e aequaintod with Jack
Walsh clearly know lie is guilty of
doing most anything for olloot. The
business men of tho city will riuosoint
day in their wrath and kick this jacobin
t fl' tin f . ' ' the until iKIe him, on ti
rail ot gic him n pail of moss agates
as 03 1 :i lorniiieiits.
Stino of Superior wns hore
Will Liudloy
of Lebanon wn hero
Mr. Geo. Holllster
in Lincoln.
has boon visiting
Cotting can
please you If you want
wall papor.
Frank Martin of Wynioro was in tho
city this woek.
Capt. John Blaine of Cowlcs was In
the city Tuesday.
Will savo you a dollar ou a Mackin
tosh. Galtisha & Wescott.
Mrs.M. TV. Dlokcrson returned Sat
urday evening from Beatrice.
Percy MoBrido of Hastings was In
tho city n short timo Saturday.
Creto flour is iiuor than silk. Just
try a sack. Shot-wood & Albright.
Received this week slickers, Mackin
toshes, rubber bouts nt Chicago Stove.
County Superintendent Hunter gavo
us a dollar on subscription this week.
O. '. Tool aud wifo returned homo
from Lincoln the foro part of the week.
D. B, Browster, of Peru, Illinois, is iu
the city this week on roal estate bust
noks. Jus. Mahady mado us a call last week
and mndo our hearts clud with n dollar
on subscription. These kind of callers
are thrice welcome.
There will bo u May evening, April
tlOth, under tho auspices of tlio Lpworth
League. Come one and all.
The Orange Judd Farmer aud the
American Agriculturalist Almanac to
gether with The CltiKP for $1.!15.
Next Sunday is Easter and will bo
observed by tho various churches of
this city with appropriate services.
Cutter & Morhart, the live stock
buyers shipped several consignments
of tat hogs to Kansas City this week.
C. L. Cotting, sole agent, will refund
your money if not satisfied after using
one bottle of Dr. Fenners famous medi
cine. Harry Chaplin, onoof the prosperous
tillers of the soil near Inavale, was
down Thursday ami renewed forl'itK
Mr. Egg of Scandia, Kansas, was
elected to tho city council. We hope
he is not as bud an egg as tho man this
city elected for mayor.
A Hastings florist was iu tlio city
tliis week witli a wagon load of house
plants, which hu succeeded iu dis
posing of to thu fair sex.
Mrs. Weaver, a daughter of Wm
Van Dyke, who has been at the Lincolu
asylum for the past two years, will re
turn homo in the near future.
T. Paul, ono of tho substantial busi
ness men of our sister city, Cowles,
was n callor at our wigwam on Wed
nesday and gave us a dollar on sub
scription. Tho American Agriculturist Almauac
a book which treats on hundreds of
subjects, Tho Orango Judd Farmer,
ono of tho bust farm papers published
and Tho Chief all ono year for 91.85.
A full recount of the canvass of the
vote on constitutional amendments
will bo found on pago two. Tho re
canvass vote shows a gain of 234 votes
for and twenty-ono against tho amend
ments. The Indies of tho Christian church
will give an Easter baiar Saturday af
ternoon aud evening at tho church.
Ice cream will be served and fancy
work and Easter offerings will also
boon sale.
Shorty Keith, brakoman on tho B. &
M. on No. 141 between Oberlin and
Hastings, had tho misfortuno to get
threo fingers and his thumb pinched
while doing somo switching iu the
yards nt Franklin.
D. B. Spanogle this week planted a
number of flue shado trees and other
wise beautified his residence property.
A good example that should bo follow
ed by others. A few hours work dig
ging nnd replanting trees nnd sowing
grass greatly ndd to tho value and
entity of property.
Ii there a tickling in tkc
throat? Do you cough a great especially when lying
down? Are you hoarse at
times? Does nearly every cold
you take settle in your throat?
These throat coughs" arc
very deceptive. Don't neglect
them Troches or cough
syrups won't touch the spot
You must take remedies that
will enrich the blood tone up
the nerves and heal the in
flamed membranes
God-liver Oil with Hypophot-
fihltes contains such remedies
t has wonderful nourishing
and healing power. The causa
of the cough is removed) the
whole system is given new life
and vigor) ana the danger
from threatening lung trouble
is swept away
Book about it free.
For udc by all druggists at 50c and
SCOTT ft nOWNB, New York.
DuWltt's Colic & Cholera Cure.
Quickly cure Dysentery and Ularrbcra.
Yes, They
are Beautiful
patterns of WALL
paper displayed in
tho windows of Cot
tino's Dtuo Stohk,
Thov nro only a fow
of tho ninny lovely
patterns in his new
stock. Many of them
only ton cents per
do u bio roll. No
troublo to show
C. L. Cotting,
Tim DRuaaisr.
Dr. Hall of Cowlcs was hero Thurs
day. R. L. Tinker was hero from McCook
this weok.
A. J. Tulleys is out again after a so
vero illnes1. s
Harry Beaver
visiting friends.
of Falls City is hero
Dr. Bolus of tho Orleans college was
iu tho city Satin day.
Rubber Boots and Fish Brand slick
ers at the Chicago Store,
II. W. Brewer left us several cases
ou subscription n few days ago.
Mrs. M. Carmonoy of McCook is vis
iting with 0. C. Cox and family.
Wm. Wolf is walking with a cane
owing to a badly sprniucd back.
600. McCrary of Guide Rock was in
thu city tho foro pint of the week.
Mrs. Wm. Dover of McCook is visit
ing with her sister Mrs. Tony Clnnc.
A baby daughter was born to Mr.
and Mrs. Beit llattleld on Wednesday.
Received this week sllckcrx, Macklu
toshes, rubber boots at Chicago Store.
J am cs
N. Grconhnlgh of Cowlos
money on subscription last
sack of Creto Hour is war
For salo by Sherwood A: Al-
runvi! us
A new serial story will commenco
in The Ciiikf next week, Wutch out
for it.
Frank Jiskrn of Wilbur likos TtiK
Ciiikk and sends us a renewal for au
other year. Thanks.
Geo. Holllster, our popular alderman
from tho first ward, ronows for The
Chief to January 23, 1898.
Don't aeglect to read the oponing
chaptors of the new story which will
npponr in this papor noxt week.
Fon Trade A flno gold watch for a
cow, and a horse for a buggy. For
particulars inquire at this ofllco.
Marion Osborn and wife who have
been visiting frionds bore, loft tho first
of tho woek for Kankakee, Illinois.
Rev. Janioi M. Darby was in Superior
Tuesday and delivered a lecturo at tho
M. E. church in that city in the even
ing. Max Mizer returned Friday from tho
Hastings asylum where ho has boon
holding down a job in the bakery de
partment. W. It. Parker today received from
Ohio two very Una Improved Chester
Whito pigs. Thoy aro fine and of the
best blood obtainable.
Men wore nt work this weok clean
ing up and burning the dead grass and
lenves in tho ccmotory and otherwise
enhancing its appearance,
G. A. Latta of Cowles, tho gentleman
who has been so successful as nn oniwn
raiser, was a pleasant caller at our
wigwam and left us a dollar on sub
scription. So much for so little money
is the general expression
of people who buy thoir
clothing at Wiener's.
Tho Red Cloud tiro department havo
decided to acrain look after tno ceie
bration of the Fourtlt of July hero.
They will begin arrangements early
and will leave no stone unturned in
order to mako ita success.
Whon a cold is contracted, euro it at
otico. Ono Minuto Cough Cure will
set you on tho road to recovery in a
minuto. It will euro pneumonia,
bronchitis, croup and all forms of lung
and throat troubles. 0. L. Cotting.
The cheapest fertile lands now open
for settlement in tho United States aro
located in Texas.
Tho Missouri, Kansas and Texas
Railway will havo Excursion Rates
to tho above section on March 10th,
Anril Oth and 20th. For maps and fur
ther Information, address the nearest
Local Agent, or: G. A. McNutt D. P. A..
1U44 UlllUH SIVU., jinusno vyikjr, iuu,
List of letters remaining uncalled for
at tho post ofllco nt Rod Cloud, Nob-
ruska, for
tho wook ending April
irih, 1807.
J. II. Drlscol,
F. E. Payne,
A. Engol (foreign)
Chiu. T. Dlnborsnii,
Daniel Imhof.
W. E. Thorpe,
Theso lottors will bo mmt to thu dead
letter ofllee, April 2!)th. If not onlleit
for before Fhank W. Cowokn, P.M.
DcWitfs Witch Hazel Salve
Cures Piles, Scaldi , burnt.
Before Baster
You will want to buy your boy a
Suit of Clothes.
We have a large line
in all the new styles
and at prices that are
sure to please.
do you need
' f
Oaf stock complete in all lines.
Have you examined our 50c Overalls. You
will find them extra bargains.
The celebrated Wood Manufacturing Co.,
pant Overalls for 90c.
We have the best 15c Roasted Coffee ih the
The Largest and Best Selected
Stock of Goods in Oar MILLI
Brought to this City.
In aoout ten days we will have the largest
line of Rooking chairs in the city. You
can get one with our cash coupons.
Prices from $1.50 to $10.00.
Frock Suits.
A Cutaway Suit should be
a dressy Suit; if it Isn't.
the maker has missed
the mark altogether (a
rood many makers do).
Our perfect fitting cutaways
are as stylish as they are
good. They are made of fine
Clay worsteds, soft finished
Diagonals, durable Chevi
ots and Cassimeres Hart,
Schaffner&Marx' make
you know the label ''H. S.
&JVI." It means fine work
manship and every suit war
ranted. We have other styles,
of course sack suits, Prince
Alberts, etc.
The Clothier.
Working Shirts!
Plow Shoes,
,,. ..VaStM
Vl Lr .
BrfS i