The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, April 09, 1897, Page 7, Image 7

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the Aulir-cns of "Htnrlrs of n Hum
tilled Imvu" Was a Genuine Hunt It- In
Her Childhood liny A CIimm Observer
of Nuturo mill Ciisloni.
(Evansvlllo (Ind.) Letter.)
HE success of "Sto
ries of a Sanctified
Town" Imb brought
many Inquiries to
this city as to tho
personality of Its
distinguished au
thor. In a life so
short as Miss Fur
man's, there are
naturally few de
tails to glvo to the
public. She wob born and brought up
In an old and prominent South Caro
lina family, and her mother, JcbsIo Col
lins Furmnn, wob a Kentucky girl, who
was greatly admired for her beauty of
person and of character. When Miss
Furman was but seven years old her
mother died, and eight years later hor
father was taken. Both parents were
Intellectual, and tho little girl inherited
in unusually bright mind, which with
her alert way of looking at things,
and her original humor, was a guar
antee thnt something out of the com
mon might be expected of her.
Perhaps no ono enters so Intimately
Into the homes and hearts of people as
their family physician, and nearly all
doctors could, If they had the leisure
and the literary inclination, tell true
tales that would hold the mind Impera
tively. As a little girl, Miss Furman
often rodo with her father on his dally
rounds of visits in town and country,
and thus early acquired an insight into
the lives of the people that haa been In
valuable to her. When In later years
the singular experience of sanctlflca
tlon took complete possession ot a cer
tain little community In which she was
Interested, It was but natural that she
should put pen to paper and tell about
tho ludicrous and the pathetic inci
dents that thrilled tho simple hearts
in the sanctified town. It was equally
natural that so young a girl should bo
doubtful of her own powers.
At the suggestion of a friend, Miss,
Furman sent some of hor stories to
James Whltcomb Riley, whom she has
never met. Surely no more cheering
and helpful words wore over written In
reply by a famous writer to ono Just
beginning tho hazardous path ot au
thorship; and though Miss Furman
has had many laudatory letters since
her book appeared, thore Is not one ot
them that sho cherishes as she docs
the first from Mr. Rlloy, bidding her
The first stories she wrote were pub
lished by the Century Magazine. Tho
Century Company Issued her first and
only volume, "Stories of a Sanctified
Miss Furman has been for several
years a resident of Evansvllle.
Watch-Testing at Kew.
There has been watchmaking at Cov
entry aB long as there has been a watch
trade In England, which Is for the last
200 years or thereabouts. There used
to be three centers of the English trade,
these being Liverpool, Coventry and
London. Now there are practically but
two, Coventry and Birmingham. The
test ot great discoveries In other direc
tions while they were really seeking to
solve the problem ot tho Niger. The
only result of these investigations was
a fresh crop of erroneous theories. One
iof them conjectured that tho Nigor
reached the Atlantic, and each one had
an opinion of his own. All these spec
ulations were duly recorded on the
maps, and the cartographic delineation
ot tho Niger from 1791, to 1832 is some
thing wonderful to contemplate. It
would seem to be a simple matter to
keep to the river, when once it was
roached, and follow it to Its destina
tion; but that was the very thing tho
explorers were unable to do. But it
was the German geographer Relchard,
in his library at home, who solved
the Niger riddle, some fifteen yeara be
fore the Lander brothers in 1932 proved
his assertion true. Everybody knew
of the numerous little rivers emptying
into the Gulf of Benin, and they wero
supposed to be independent streams of
small importance. But Relchard said
that the long stretch ot coast where
these streams reached tho ocean was
the sea front of a great delta, and that
tile Oil rivers wore nothing but tho
subdivisions of the mighty Niger. Thnt
was true, and we know now that tho
Niger delta is the largest in Africa.
One of Mew Zealand' Curious lllrdt.
A curious little bird Is tho weka,
which is found In the Alpine region in
tho South Island of Now Zealand. It
is described by Mr. Arthur P. Harper,
B. A., in an account of his explora
tions, Just published. The weka. as
1fiX J Wl
1 fLYTf'l i
f Mil
?n ns h0 fees ,ycT ,?mp 1H!tchc,,,
mnt'D Juoacooiuu ut n. no uuilliCl ic
spectfl nor fears man, and Is an Incor
rigible thlof. He cats anything from
a cartridge to a member of his own
family for he H a cannibal. "I re
number one Instance nf this," writes
our author, "when our dog unfortu
nately killed n young bird before wo
could prevent It, which was too small
to eat. The parents mado a decent
show of grief over their loss, and then,
being quite sure that the little ono was
dead, they proceeded to eat Its still
warm remains." Tho woka fights all
comers for undisturbed possession of
the camp he haa annexed. Ills histri
onic talent Is great, and ho can sham
death to perfection. But for tho fact
that ho is a first rate scavangcr, ho
would, to his human host, bo an In
tolerable nuisance. After somo weeks
of tendorness and self-sacrifice, tho
weka all at once becomes a brutal hus
band and father. That Is when tho
youngsters have grown up, and, as ho
thinks, nro ablo to forago for them
selves; still, ho is unnecessarily harsh,
not to say shamelessly selfish. If his
placo of Bojurn be rich In food, he ban
ishes his wife and children; it It bo
not, ho treks elsewhither. The egoistic
fit lasts until next ho becomes n father,
and then altruism is hardly tho word
for his self-renunciation. Let Mr. Har
per describe him and his wife: "Tho
parent birds while rearing their young
hardly cat anything themselves and
grow as poor as a church mouse, every
thing they find Is carried to tho young
sters. When a pair haa cSly ono chick
It is very ludicrous to see tbem rush
ing up to It and Jostling ono another In
their eagerness to glvo It a piece of
bacon or bread, and sometimes asking
It to try a pleco of a jam tin, or tempt
ing it with a choice copper cartridge-
case." The woka would appear to bo
"as good a camp companion aa ono
could wish for, with his tamencss, Im-
pudenco and almost human power of
expression. He Is a bird with small,
unformed wings, unable to fly, and
varying In size from a partridgo to t
Mill Cattleman Paid Proud Tribute by
Swell Society.
(Special Lcter.)
Miss Alice Castlcman of Louisville,
Ky., is accorded the distinction of be
ing one of the prettiest society women
In America. At tho grand charity ball
In New York city a week or two ago,
John Jacob Astor, to whom fell tho
honor of selecting the belle of the night
placed tho crown on Miss CaBtleman's
head. Tho beautiful Miss Castloman,
to whom this honor was entirely unex
pected and far from welcome, was so
confused by the notoriety into which
the Astor's artistic approval immedi
ately brought her that she left tho city
and returned to her southern home, In
the suburbs of Louisville. Miss Cas
tleman's mother was a Miss Alice Bar
bee. On her mother's side Mrs. Castle
man was descended from several dis
tinguished Irish and EnglUh families.
She was the daughter ot tho Hon. John
Barbce, who was the mayor of Louis
ville in the palmy days of 1854 and
1855. The Hon. John Barbee was tho
grandson of Ellas Barbeo, one of the
pioneers of tho young state. Ho with
bis five brothers and his father, enlist
ed in a Virginia regiment ot tho Revo
lutionary army. Upon tho close ot tho
war, father and sons, still united, went
to Kentucky. Tall, straight as an ar
row, General Castleman, the father ot
this queen ot women, was a famous
flguro all through the stormy days ot
the GO'b, when he rodo as a major in
tho wake of Morgan.; Alice Castle
man Ib a girl ot nineteen summers,
with oval face, broad brow, violet eyes,
waving chestnut hair, Grecian nose, a
mouth denoting determination, a per
fect chin, divinely dimpled, standing
five feet eight Inches, a creature ot
beauty, grace and symmotry. Miss
Castleman is a good dancer, an accom
plished musician, plays tennis and golf
equally well, and is a fearless rider and
driver. She never appears to bettor
advantage than when In tho saddle.
She Is ono of the dashing members of
the riding club and is familiar with tho
pedigree ot all blooded stock tho world
Footgear In Foreign Lands.
The Portuguese shoe has a wooden
sole and heol, with a vamp made of pa
tent leather, fanciful, showing the
flesh side of the skin. The Persian
footgear is a raised shoe, and Is often
a foot high; it Is made of light wood,
richly inlaid, with a strap extending
over the instep. Tho Muscovite shoe la
hand-woven on a wooden frame, and
but llttlo attention Is paid to tho shapo
ot tho foot; leather is sometimes used,
but tho sandal is genorally mado ot
silk cordage and woolen cloth. The
Slameso shoe has tho form of an an
clout canoo, with a gondola bow and
an open too; tho solo Is mado of wood,
the upper of Inlaid wood and cloth,
and tho exterior Is elaborately orna
mented In colors with gold and silver.
There are 233 convcntB in Great Britain.
Much nf the t.eti-c Inuuiliitrd mill Ttase
nit'titH I lllt-il Tin Worst tit Come
t'.nt St. t.niiW mill Other I'lurc Aliirmeil
I.tiwrr 1th or ltcmrt Gloomy.
St. Louis, Mo., April 5. Tho following-
special warning1 was Issued by tho
local weather bureau officials to-dayt
"Tho river at St. Louis will continue
to rise. More rain is Indicated In tho
Mississippi and Missouri watersheds
this afternoon anil to-night nnd It now
looks as If tho danger lino of thirty
feet will bo reached nt St, Louis with
in two days. Persons having proporty
Interests which enn bo affected by
a stngo ot thirty-one or thirty-two feet
within threj days arc advlsod to tako
iteps to protect them. Tho Missouri
and upper Mississippi will continue to
rise, nnd the danger lines will bo
reached at nil points not hitherto
reached on the latter river from Keo
kuk south within two days. Warn
ings have also been sent to all points
on tho Mississippi from Keokuk to St,
Louis to prepare for a further rlso of
about two foot."
Old rlvertncn have declared that tho
water will cover tho entlro loveo by
to-night Tho cellars of many build
IngH along tho river front nro already
Hooded nnd merchants spent ull of last
night preparing for n flood.
In East St. Louis tho water is near
ly up to tho railroad embankments
and tho bottom lands north and south
ate already tnidor water. Cahokla
creek has twenty feet of water In it,
but the banks nro still flvo feet nbovo
the water lcvol.
Reports from Qulncy, Alton. Hanni
bal, Louisiana and other places above
hero are that the small rivers nro all
pouring torrents into tho great
streams nnd lowlands in all directions
are flooded, but no lives have been lost
as yet
Grand river in north Missouri Is
away out of Its bnnks, and is from ono
to thrco miles wide. The situation Is
especially serious nt Princeton. Ono
child litis been drowned.
Grcenvllle'i Poiltlon flerlous.
OitEKNVH.i.E, Miss., April 5. Going
cast along Washington nvcnuo this
morning and looking northward, a
wldo sheet of water may be seen, cov
ering tho entire north half of this
place. Without tho protecting lovee,
which keeps out the rising water from
the business part, great damage would
be done to tho food supplies and much
suffering onsuc. All necessary shop
ping, murketing, visiting ot doctors
and the like in tho overflowed sec
tions nro dono by skiffs, and ovcry
itreet and alley contains whole fleets
of these, built in every conceivable
shape and size. Much more water is
due hero yet and no one can say how
much higher it will rlso in tho houses
In town. All three of tho crevasses
above here aro pouring their torrent
into the basin between the rlvor and
the eastern hills, and the wholo coun
try will unquestionably be covered.
Railroad traffic is entirely cut off.
There are now about 10,000 peoplo in
this city. Four or five thousand of
these aro in the flooded section.
Mississippi's Flooded Town.
Mkmfimb, Tonn., April 5. Reports
from Cairo and other up river points
aro that tho rivers aro all on the boom
nnd that tho floods will probably soon
be greater than evor. Many fresh
calls for relief have been mado.
At Roscdalo, Miss., relief boats havo
been busy roseulng thoso whoso homes
wero flooded. All about the placo tho
country is under water.
About Lulu, Miss., the situation is
extremely critical. Tho river is higher
than for years, and there is ovcry
prospect of a furthor rlso, with tho
lovces becoming soft and mushy. Tho
surface ot the Mississippi river within
six miles to the west is more than fif
teen feet above the streets of Lulu,
and with a lako ten miles long the
town is literally surrounded by water
and would be swept away in case of a
break in the lovee.
The Northwest Suffering.
St. Paw., Minn., April 5. The river
last night was throe feet above the
danger lino and all flats wore flooded.
Many peoplo wero driven from home.
In South St Paul the stock yards aro
under water and the packing houses
partly inundated In Minneapolis all
people on tho flats havo been driven
from home.
Reports from all ovor this stato and
from tho Red River Valloy and the val
ley of the Jim river, in South Dakota,
tell of floods.
At Woonsocket, S. D., an Ice gorge
has caused tho water to cover eight
miles ot land. In ovory section rail
roads are disabled by washouts and
thousands of acres of farm lands have
been covered by several feet of water.
At Chippewa Falls, Wis., an lco jam
with 5.000,000 fuet of logs in tho Chip
pewa river cauicd the flooding of tho
lower part of tho town for half an
hour, when it receded, but not until
great damage had boon done.
McWahon's Wound ratal.
Wichita, Knn., April n. Joseph Mo
Mahon, proprietor of MoMahon's cir
cus, formerly known ns Bond Bros.'
circus, died this morning.
Want! rive Million Aeret.
LaOranoe, Ind., April 5. 8Imon
Pokagon, chief of the Pottawatomie
Indians, who at ono tlmo resided In
this part of Indiana, is preparing to
prosecute a claim against tho United
States government on J.,0OO,000 acres
of land in Iowa, which was reserved
by the government by treaty in 1420.
Reorganisation Rejected.
Washington, April . Comptrolloi
Eckels rejected this afternoon the
plan proposed for tho reorganization
of tho Missouri National na'nk of Kan
sas City and will pay a dividend to
creditors within twentv davs.
Spain Ordered It nt President U'Klulry'ii
Wish lit' May Itunipr tlriitti.
Oiiicaoo, April 5. The Times-tier-aid's
Washington special says: "Sec
retary Sherman has protested against
tho execution of General Kills Itlvera.
the Cuban leader In Plniir del Klo.
who was recently captured by tho
Spanish forces. President MoKlnley
nnd Hecrotary Sherman discussed tho
Rivera case, nnd tho latter, at
tho President's suggestion, coin
minaleated with Scnor DoLomo,
the Spanish minister. Secretary
Sherman did not make a formal
protest agnlust the execution of Ri
vera. At tho sarao time Secretary
Shortuait wanted tho Spanish minister
nnd his government to understand that
tho execution of Rlvora would not tend
to promote good feeling for Spain In
this country. Already public opinion
was much exorclsod over tho threat
to shoot the prisoner, and if
thnt throat was carrlod Into ox
edition the Indignation through
out tho United States might bo so
great as to embarrass tho government.
It Is not doubted thnt Senor Do Lome
communlcnted tho substance of this
informal protest to his government,
und thero are reasons for believing
thnt tho Spanish authorities will cable
orders to Ilavann that will save
Rlvora'H life.
Havana, April r.. Acting Captain
General Ahumadn has received orders
from Minister of War Azcarraga at
Madrid not to try General Ruls Rivera
immediately by court martial. Tho
minister thinks thnt a summary court
martial, followed by tho shooting of
Rivera and llacallao, would havo a bad
effect In Europe.
Wasiiinoto.v, April 5. It Is report
ed, but denied at tho stato depart
ment, that Consul Goneral Lco has
cabled from Havana that ho had reas
ons to bellevo that Correspondent
Crosby of Chicago had boon captured
by Spaniards and murdered, not shot
In battle.
Rangully Off for Cuba.
Jacksonville, Fla., April 5. Gen
eral Julio Snngully, who was smug
gled Into this city secretly by tho
Cuban Junta Wednesday night, and
escaped the espionage of flvo Spanish
spies, left last evening for cast coast
in disguise, thence to tako a sailing
boat for Cuba. It is understood that
ho will go to tho western end of tho
island ot Plnar del Rio province and
assumo chargo of General Rivera's
Bent the Cantahs In an Kicltlng Race
Weather Very Had.
Putnky, England, April it. The
fifty-fourth annual boat raco botwecn
crews representing tho universities ol
Oxford nnd Cambridge, was rowed to
day over the usual course, from Put
ney to Mortlake, a distance of four
and one-quarter miles, and Oxford
won by barely two lengths In 10 min
utes, IS seconds. Oxford has now won
31 out of 04 rnces rowed and has been
the winner eight years in succession.
Tho weather was bad for boating,
tho sky overcast, tho wind gusty and
tho atmosphero was raw and cold. Tho
betting was 5 to 1 on Oxford. The
usual crowds assembled at all points
of vantage along the course. This was
the first time since tho beginning ot
this series of contests, In 1820, that an
American has rowed in each boat
J. J. DoKnopp of Now College, Ox
ford, who is from Albany, N. Y., was
bow for tho Dark Dlues, and II. II.
Howell of Cambridge, a New York
city man, was No. 4 in tho other boat.
Cambridge led for a short dlstanco,
but five furlongs from tho start Ox
ford was half a length ahead. Tho
wind was strong and behind tho men
all tho way. Cambrldgo rowed des-.
poratoly. Oxford spurted nt intervals
and was onco two and a half lengths
in the lead, but at no tlmo was It sur
of tho race.
At Ilarncs bridge Fcrnlo of Cam
brldgo called for a final effort, and for
a time his crow gained on its Oxford
rival. The latter, however, without
unduly spurting, passed tho judges'
boat easy winners by a baro two
lengths, and In the second best tlmo,
10 minutes 13 seconds, in which tho
raco has been rowed over this' course.
Tho best time mado was in 1893, whon
Oxford won by ono length and four
foot in 18 minutes and 47 seconds.
A Chattanooga Capitalist and Archi
tect Perish.
CiiAttanoooa, Tenn., April 5. The
Richardson building, the largest in
Chattanooga, was totally destroyed by
fire, which started from the furnace
in the basement, betweon 3:30 and fl
o'clock this morning.
The watchman warned a number of
men sleeping on tho sixth floor and all
succeeded in getting out except Royd
Ewlng, one ot the wealthiest men la
this section, and S. M. Patton, a lead
ing architect of the South. Mr. Ewlng
attempted to climb down the fire es
cape, but fell from tho top. Ills body
was badly mutilated. Patton was cut
off from escape on the stairs and his
body is still In tho ruins.
Frank Carlock, a young lawyer who
attempted to save somo papers from
bis office in the Third National bank
building, fell from a ladder and was
badly injured.
A LoTlng Cup for Mr. Ilayard.
London, April 5. Tho farewell ban
quet to ex-Ambassador liayard will be
given at tho Hotel Cecil, May 7, when
a gold loving cup, worth over 82,500,
will bo presented to him by members
of the American colony of London und
elsewhere In tho United Kingdom. He
was last hoard from at Homo.
A Rich Osage Divorced.
Pr.nnv, Okla., April . W. II. Con
ner, ex-trcusurer of the Osago Indians,
wus divorced from his wife, Addle R.
Connor, at Pawnee on tho ground ot
abandonment. Hn gave 810,000 as all
mony to her.
The i:' President to Ray it Four Word
to thn Country on I'uhlle .Matter.
Wamiinoio.v. April f-. Ex-President
Clcvoliiuil will mkii deliver a note
worthy address to tin poople of the
I'nlted States He will Improve the
opportunity afforded by tho l.efonn
Club dinner In Now York on the 21th
InsU to say n few words to tho coun
try. It Is understood ho is now
nt work upon this speech, which
Is expected to deal to .some ex
tent with the chief events of
tho last four years. Mr. Clove
land has of lute shown n little
sensitiveness concerning the criticisms
nliucd at himself and his Into adminis
tration, and ho nmv rtct.o this chance
to say a few words In defense or at
least in explanation. Tho ox-Ptesl-dent
Intends to Interest himself In
public iiiestlous to a considerable ex
tent, nnd his voice Is likely to bo
raised on more than ono occasion for
tho good of the country. Not only the
ox-Prosldent, but all tho members of
bis late cabinet arc Invited to the Re
form club dinner, and tho ulTnlr will
probably result In a sort of soml-offi-clal
review of tho roccnt administra
tion liv U.s chief nntora.
Chnusandt of lllrjrelo Inventions.
Wasiiinoton, April 5. The records
kept nt tho patent olllco show to what
an enormous extent tho Invention of
bicycle Improvements has growti in
this country. Since 1870 over 4,000
patents relating to bicycles havo been
granted by tho United States natout
office, and nt least half of thoso have
Ken Issued In tho last six years. It
now takes tho labor ot eight oxport
assistant examiners to handle tho ap
plications of cyclo Inventors, and oven
with this force thero is nlwnys a big
batch of applications awaiting exami
nation, llow fast this industry has
grown may bo judged from tho state
ment thnt up to 1870 only about 300
patents for cycles had been issuod.
Thero Is no country In tho world that
shows u similar rate of growth In this
same line. 4
To Reform the Currency.
Wasiiinoton, April n. Elovenot the
fifteen members of tho oxocutlvo com
mltteo appointed by the Indianapolis
monotary convention Inst January have
been in the city for several days.
Thnt convention, composed of business
men delegated by tho boards of trade
of 100 cities, decided to urgo a commis
sion to investigate banking and cur
rency laws with a view to tholr enrly
revision, and the executive committee
hns decided to establish headquarters
hero in an endeavor to procure from
congress such legislation nt this session
as will empower tho president to no-
Siolnt a committee to consider tho sub
cct beforo the regular session of con
gress convenes in December.
Philippine Rebellion.
Wahuinoton, April 5. Tho Spanish
legation hasroeelved official dispatches
from Madrid, under date of April 1,
announcing tho most docislvo engage
ments In the Philippine islands since
tho insurrection thero began. The
strongly introuched towns of Novel
leta, Lecbau and Rosarto wore stormed
and taken by tho Spanish troops. At
tho same time tho Spanish shelled the
seaport town of Cavlto Vigo and oilier
strategic points leading to tho Insur
gent stronghold of Jmus. Tho losses
wero heavy, and 103 prisoners surren
dered as a result of the shelling of
Cavlto Vigo.
Minister Urecklnrldgo Safe.
Wasiiinoton, April 5. Clifton R.
Breckinridge, minister to Russia,, is
not likely to be disturbed until tho ex
piration of his four years, which will
bo about a year from now. Whllo po
litical enemies, President McKlnloy
and Mr. Ilrcckinridgo nro warm
friends. Mr. Uruckinridgo, whllo a
member ot Congress from Arkansas,
served on tho ways and means com
mltteo with Prosldent McKlnloy, and
thoy were frequently In each othor's
Dlngley Coal Unties Opposed.
Si'iunoriELD, I1L, April 5. Tho con
vention of orgnnlzcd and unorganized
miners of Illinois has passed resolu
tions opposing tho inereaso in ttio tar
iff on coal from 40 to 75 cents a ton
proposed by tho Dlngloy bill. The
resolutions state that the exportation
of coal exceeded the imports by 2,500,
)00 tons and the increase in tho tariff
was likely to insplro a retaliatory
tariff which would prove a detriment
to American miners.
Double Kentucky Tragedy.
nAYDKN, Ky April 5. Tom Ogle
thorpe, a prosperous farmer, accused
his wife of having been intimate with
Henry Schneider, a farm hand Thoy
quarreled and Oglethorpe's wife left
him. Oglethorpe then went to
Schneider and shot him through tho
heart with a Winchester, after which
he turned the weapon to his own head
and killed himself. Ho was about 33
(rears old and had no ehlldron.
Twenty Thousand for Green.
Carbolton, Mo., April 5. Th Jury
In tho caso of Grcon vs. the Kansas
City Street Railway company for
10,000 damages for personal injuries,
rondered their verdict at 3:10 aa fol
lows: "We the jury find the issues for
tho plaintiff, and assess his datnagoa
at 20,000.';
Powder Mills Blow Dp.
Shamokin, Pa., April 5. All the
buildings of the Shamnkln Powder
company were completely wrecked by
an explosion which occurred in the
mill of the company. Fortunately
thore were no lives lost, all of the
workmen having gone to tholr homes
oldlers' Orphans' Uonie Changes.
ArcinsoN, Kan., April 5. Major 0
A. Woodworth of Effingham has boon
appointed superintendent of tho Sol
diers' Orphans' home to tako effect
lulyl. It is said that Colonel 0. B.
Faulkner, tho present lnonmbont, will
become superintendent of an orphans'
home in Minnesota.
Rev. J. D. (lossett Dead.
Kansas Citv, Mo., April 6. Tho
Rev. J. D. Gossctt died this morning
nt his homo in Independence, nftor an
illness of sovcral months. He was in
his 70th year, and until his last illness
had beon strong pd vigorous.
t'rrninnt Stun l.rnsr Tlilrty-llrr Arres
Mliltli Ho Will riant.
George Godfrey has leased thlrtyflvo
iterPHof laud from the Fremont Stock
Yards anil l.iiiul loiujauy and will rut
to a crop of tnlmeeo. Tint ground Is
immediately south of tho chicory fac
tory. Mr. doillrey experimented in
growing tobacco (several years ago on
his farm east of l'reinont, which was
successfully growti, but was spoiled In
curing. The government also under
took to raise a crop at Columbus sever
nl years ago, but made a falluro of it.
Slnco he put in ills first crop machin
ery hns been invented which greatly
facilitates the work. The price of leaf
tobacco has been greatly Increased bv
reason of tho Cuban rebellion and is
becoming senrco, nnd In addition tho
tariff legislation will tend to protect
thn grower. Mr. Godfrey hns been In
tho clgnrmnklng business for years nnd
understands tobacco growing. During
the senson the cultivation of tho crop
will glvo employment to from twelve
to thlrty-llvo men. A portion of tho
heed hns nlrendy been planted In beds
nnd tho plants will bo put 'out in a
month. Mr. Godfrey hns leated ono of
mo ico nouses nt the pncklngnousonuu
will fit it up as a dry room.
The Hoard Reject Neverat Hid Heranse
There Was No Competition.
Rtds for stationery for tho lleatrlco
institution wero rojocted by tho stato
board of purchase and supplies for tho
reason that all bidders gnvo the samo
prices in nil particulars. The propos
al for meat at tho same institution
was rejected bocauso it was tho only
ono submitted and out of proportion
to other meat bids nt other institu
tions, and for tho further reason that
tho board desires competition. Pro
posals for hnrdwaro at this Institution
wero rojocted bocauso tho.woro not
sufficiently specific.
Tho proposal for drugs nt the homo
for tho friendless was rejected because
it was tho only ono submitted and tho
board desired competition.
Proposals for ilour at tho Mllford
soldiers' and industrial homo wero ro
jocted because thero was but ono bid
for each Institution and tha board do
sires to let tlicso various contracts un
der competition. Now bids havo been
asked for to bo opened April 1.1.
Nebraska Man Acquitted In Denver.
Cyrus Edlngor, alias "Los Angeles"
McDonald, was found not guilty of tha
murder of Dotoctlvo A. J. Mooro by a
jury in Denver Saturday and dis
charged. Mooro was killed in Denver
March 0, last year, by ono of thrco men
who ho had arrested on 'a chargo of
burglary, and who broke away from
him nnd escaped. Edlngor was cap
tured a few weeks ago at Ft. Niobrara,
having enlisted in the army at Omaha
shortly after tho murdor of Moore.
Edtnger admitted that he was one of
tho men arrested by Mooro, but denied
that ho shot htm.
A I'orclne Cariosity.
Among the remarkable additions re
cently mado to the stock on the farm
of V. J. Thomas of North Loup is a pig,
apparently healthy and vigorous and
normal in all respects, with tho ex
ception of having four fully developed
legs on the hinder portion of its anat
omy, instead of two. Tho little freak
Is apparently strong and ambitious and
It Is hoped that it may bo matured and
Its kind perpetuated, it boing apparent
to tho dullest comprehension how much
more valuable would bo a breed of
porkers yielding four hams instead of
Young Woman Declared Insane.
Upon complaint of Anton Dykast of
West Point, his twonty-four-yoar old
daughter Fanny, was brought boforo
tho insnnlty commission and adjudged
fit subject for the hospital for the iu
lane. Tho sad feature of the case is
that she is tho mother of a flvo-month's-old
child. Sho will bo taken to tho
Norfolk asylum.
Rushing the Canal Project.
H. E. llabcock, president of the Great
Eastern Canal company, hns moved
from Ord to Monroe, where he has
opened an office. His purpose in mov
ing is to bo moro centrally located, so
as to better push forward the canal to
Think He Is Insane.
Frank Mcsply of York, who figured
so conspicuously in the trial of W. L.
Lee last December, was arrested the
other day on complaint ot his father
charged with being insane. He will
bo examined by the board of insanity.
Missouri at Omaha Rising.
Tho rlso in the river at Omaha is
increasing and the probability is that
tqls week it will come up to seventeen
feet, or ono foot below the danger line.
The weather office reports continued
rain in the Dakota.
An Important Mission.
Hon. W. J. Ilryan, Attorney-General
Smyth and John L. Weustor left Oma
ha Friday for Washington, where they
will argue the maximum freight rate
case beforo tho supreme court on be
half of Nebraska.
No Report Yet.
The report of the legislative rocan
vassing board haa not yet been made,
although the board has finished the
recount. It la expected that tho re
port will be made to the legislature
financier RoUtoa Stricken.
Nrw Yoiik, April 6. RoswellQ. RoL
stou, president of tho Farmers' Loan
and Trust company and one of the best
known Now York financiers, was
stricken with paralysis whllo return
ing to his homo In Uabylon, L. I. Llt
tlo hopo of his recovery is entertained.
Congress Provides Prompt Aid.
Wasiiinoton, March 31. The bill
making immcdlatety available 8125,000
for tho saving of lifo and proporty
aloug the Mississippi river hns bees
agreed to by both houses and goes to
tho president for bis signature.
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