The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, April 09, 1897, Page 4, Image 4

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mMmj m MMM j s- Wlliu' is ln ni,,u
WPJJ5JIBB Dr Damerell was iu the city this
gBr-'''' t r Y-.1 Elmer Schultult is
IH&aA HlYiffil nuro Bros.
mr Tl9fc1
Absolutely Pure.
Celebrated for Its great leavening strength and
uealthftilueiw. Amium the fowl ngalmt alum
and all forms of adulteration common to the
clicap brands. KOYAl. I1AKIN0 POWDKIt
Bock beer on tap at Stern's.
C. B. Dauchy was hero this week.
Chas. Schailnit was in Superior this
(Jet a glass of that Bock bear at
A. O. Hosmcr was in Beatrice tho
fore part of the week,
Marion Usbnrn is in tho city this
wek visiting relatives.
J. M. Ghaflin made a business trip to
Guide Rock Wednesday.
IB97 GKKSCBNT 1897. The wheel
that sells ai an honest price.
Mrs, Dwlght Jones of Guide Hock is
the guest of Mrs. C.L. Cotting.
laorhart & Gutter tiro now buying
fat cattle and hogs. See them before
T. J. Urowufleld, adjuster of the
Union Fire las. Co. was in the city Kat
un lit j adjusting tho loss of A. N. Potter.
J. P. Winters win ia Grand Island
the first of tho week attending a meet
ing of the Gentral Nebraska Teachers
The teachers meetings annottaccd to
bo held at BInc Hill aud Bed Cloud,
and ttto school olllcers meeting at Bed
Cloud, April Hrd, will bo hold April 24.
Tho special meetings at the Metho
dist church will close Sunday evening.
Mr D.trby hits hud G'i accessions to
the Methodist church since coming to
this city.
Alva Sellers after having been ex
posed to a cold rain the last of the week
while out driving had an attack of
paralysis of tho face. Ho is now how
ever much better
Unconditional surrender, Is tho only
terms those famous little pills known
as UaWitt's, Little. Early Risers will
make with constipation, siok headache
and stomach troubles. C.L. Cotting.
Crouo and whooping cough are child
hood's terrors; but lice pneumonia
bronchitis aud other throat and lung
troubles, can bo quickly cured by using
One Minute cough unto. u. l.. uot
tiug. it Thk Chief is not up to its usual
standard this week, we hope that our
patrons will bear with us. Tho editor
was presented on Tuesday with an at
tack of pleurisy and one of tho em
ployes, John Kesler, bad tho misfor
tune to mash a linger of hit left hand
in tho job press.
Tho S. of V. baud, as is their usual
custom, serenaded the winning candi
dates last Tuesday evening. Tho boys
were well treated by all tho now oill
cors and are especially pleased with Mr.
Dow's gift of $5.00 and Mr. Crone for
tho elegant supper served.
The continual rains have loft tho
ground in a very unlit condition for
plowing, being so wet that most Holds,
even on the uplands aro a veritable
mud hole, and on the bottoms in many
places the water stands iu small lakes.
The roads are Beady unpassable and
as a consequence business iu this city
it almost at a standstill.
A Webster county farmer wrote to
his friend In tko oast trying to give
him somo idea of tho soil out hero. Ho
said they had to mow tho grass off tho
sod iloor to llnd tho baby. One family
had twin bablps with only one cradle,
and tho kid that had to sleep on tho
floor grew twice as fast as tho other.
Where the soil was the richest a man
dare not stand on one foot any length
of tinle lest one legbeceino longer than
tht other and bother him in walking.
It certainly looks as though Nebras
ka would hold tho champion belt
as "treoplautlng state" for reports
from nurseries in this as well as other
states would indicate that orders for
trees aro larger and more uuraerous unninn Minn flTOf tlofofO. Let tllO
wnml work po on. No Investment of
monoy will enhance tho vniuo of prop
..( ,. i.tnnii mill crlvn such good re
turiiB no that nut in trees and in their
proper care and cultivation
Highest Honors World's Fair,
Qold Medal, Midwinter Fair.
A aur tirnpp irenn ol Tnrtnr powder.
working iu Tur
job printing.
J. A. Dautu has taken a position with
E. McFutinnd.
Max Mizer of tho
'was hero this week.
Hastings asylum
Deputy Marshal John Tomlinsou was
in the city this week.
Paul Story aid Miss Good of Cowlcs
wore in tho city Friday.
Mrs. Rev. Hunong returned from
Llaooln Saturday evening.
Miss McClelland spent her vacation
visiting with her parents nt Blooming
ton. Mrs. Li nil ley of Long Island, Kansas,
is hero the guest of her daughter Mrs.
U.J. Piatt.
Buy your fencing of the Bod Cloud
Fence Factory. Tho best hog fenco on
earth. A. Mohiiakt.
Dr. Moranvillo has again removed
his livery business to tho barn iu tho
rear of tho Holland house.
A hoavy snowstorm visited the west
ern part of tho state Wednesday, ex
tending as far cast as Oxford.
When you want a nice smooth shavo
or hair cut, givo Gvo. Feutress a cxll.
One door south of tho Bon Bakery.
Miss Ida McCarl of McCook who lias
peen tho guest of Miss If ollio Clark for
sometimo pastreturnedhouteTuesday.
Cannot tcavo before Mar. 25111 take
advantago of this short week. Prices
below any thing yet. Cincinnati Shoo
Miss Flossie Burden entertained a
number of hor friends at a birthday
party last Monday afternoon. All re
port n pleasant time
The boiler at the city water works
wiih overhauled and repacked tho fore
part of tho week, something it has
nestled for some time.
Chas. Wiener reculved tho sad Intel-
litfoucu on rriilny of the death of n
brother iu New York, and departed
for that city on the evening train.
At noon today the pwpulist statu leg
islature is supposed to adiouru after a
session of seventy-one days. "Prniso
God ft om whom all blessings How."
Owing to the Inclemency of the
weather tho lecture given by Row
Harrington was not largely attended.
Those present report n splendid lec
ture. Owing to our building not boing lln
ished ut Tccumseh In time wo will stay
one week longer. Wv will oiler you
shoes at prices lower than over. Cin
cinnati shoe btoro.
Tho teachers' meeting at this place
last Saturday was very sparsely at-
tenucu, owing to the rainy weather.
An adjournment was taken until the
24th of this month.
R.M. Allen, the Smith Ccatcr monu
ment man was in tho eity tho fore part
of the week euporintendlig tho erec
tion of a monument in tho Cathelic
ceiuctary for John Polnicky.
And now .Christian Britain prays
this United States to break tho Cretan
blockade which she herself kelps to
tll.ktnlntn IVnll hn f9 n UnAl'nK
book always did tempt Britain tuoro
than the sonso of right.
It should bu made a matter of p'iblic
knowledge that DoWitt's Witch U izol
Salve will speedily cure piles of t ho
longest sanding. It is the household
favorite for burns, scalds, cuts, bruises
and sores of all kinds. C. L. Cotting.
Piksonal. Tho gentleman who nu
noyed the congregation last Sunday by
continually coughing will lind instant
relief by using Cue Minute Cough Cure,
a speedy and harmless remedy for
throat and lung troubles. C. L. Cot
ting The first issue of "The Dally Scor
pion, a bright ami newsy daily naper
published nt Menu, Arkansas, with F.
P. Shields, formerly of this city as od
itor, fouud its way to nur ttiblo tils
waek. The Scorpion is a bright and
newsy p per and wo bespeak for Mr.
Shields success iu his now vouturo.
The cheapest fertile lands now open
for settlement in tho United States aro
located in Texas. The Missouri, Kan
sas and Texas Railway will have ex
cursion rates to tho above section on
March 16th, April Oth and 20th. For
maps and further information, ad
dress the nearest local agent, or G. A
MoNult, 1044 Union Ave., Kansas City,
Mrs. M. K. Patmor whe has been
visiting in tho city from Santa Anna,
California, presented John Fostor with
a present which ho values highly, it
being n star fish which tho lady cap
tured herself in Lagoon Lake. It is in
tho shape of a star and from a dis
tance looks more like something
which grow from plant lifo than hav
ing come from the water.
Last Sunday morning about 8 o'clock
ilro was discovered in tho Bon Ton bak
ery. An alarm was turned in but the
services of the department were net ro
quired as a few buckets of water in
Vlmo saved what might have beon im
possible for the entiro department to
save in ton minutes more, Tho fire
started from adefectlvetluo and start
od betwaen the inside aad outside
walls of tha building.
Tho Kansas Farmer savs: "Next
suuimor when tha bugs aro eating up
tno vines, buck a con in tho hill of,1
moion nnasnuasn v ties ami miur some
coal oil on It, Wo tiro not an export
gardenor but we think tho Farmer,
probably through it "rush of job work"
or somo other unknown cause, forgot
t add "Mid set lire to tho oil." This
miv ti li'ive bn-u ho Farmer's Idea
I would bo sure dt nth to tho b.igs.
Otto Pope was In McCook this week.
Cotting can tdoitso you If you want
wall pnper.
Mts. Jus. McNeny is visiting in
coin this week.
Jas. llcNanv made a business
to Geneva Friday.
Jay Olnov of Bloominglon
tho city this week on business.
Crete Hour is finor than silk. Just
try a sack. Sherwood & Albright.
Miss Delia SchalTnlt of Hastings has
been visiting at home several days this
Mrs. Conductor Smiley arrived last
night on a visit with A. P. Iladoll and
Jas. Coukling Jr., of Franklin was
iu the city tho fore part of tho week on
legal business.
Amos Cowdcu is clerking in the
Chicago Clothing Store, during the
sickness of Bob. McBrlde.
Mrs. Lutsig who has been visiting in
the city for a few days returned to her
homo in Hastings Saturday.
Will Roats, who has bean attending
school iu the east for tho past four
months, returned home last Friday.
Tho Orange Judtl Farmer and tho
American Agriculturalist Almanac to
gether with The ClllKK for 81.1)5.
C. L. Cotting, solo agent, will refund
your money if not sattslicd after using
one bottle of Dr. Fon tiers famous medi
cine. This otllcc has had numerous calls
during tho past week for government
seeds and would have had uo trouble
in distributing ten times tho amount
Quarterly conference at tho M. S.
Church at Guide Rock uoxt Saturday,
April 10th. Services conducted by Rev.
Alexander nt the M. E. church on Sun
day the 11th.
The American Agriculturist Almanac
n bok which treats on hundreds of
subjects, Tho Orange Judtl Fnrmor,
one of tho best farm papers published
and The Ciukk all one year for $1.35.
Not only acuto lung troubles, which
may prove fatal in a few days, but old
chronic coughs and throat trouble!
may receive imiuediiilo relief and be
permanently cured by One Minute
Cough Cure. C. L. Cotting.
Tho residence of J . 1) Fulton at Riv
erton had n narrow escape from tire
last week, as a result of trying to thin
asphalt paint on a stove. The Ilro was
discovered iu time aud extinguished
with but slight injury to the house aud
Tho Bon Ton restaurant will givo a
free ice cream opening on Satuulay
April 17th, commencing at, 2 o'clock in
tho afternoon aud continuing until
thirty gallons of cream has been used.
Cako will bo served aud the cream
flavoriugwill be vanilla, lemon, straw
berry aud chocolate.
List of letters remaining uncalled for
at tho postofllce at Red Cloud, Neb
raska, for the week ending April
tli, 1897.
Rogers, L. A.
These letters will be sont to the dead
letter ofllce, April 23rd, if not called
for before. Frank W. Cowdeh, P.M.
Thirty years is a long tiaae to light so
painiui a trouuio as piios, out Jacob
Mitchell, of Unionville, Pa., struggled
that long before he tried DoWitt's
Witch Hazel Salve, which quickly and
permanently eured him. It Is equally
effective in eczema aud all skin af
fections. C. L. Cotting.
U. S. Raynor, brother-in-law of M. W.
Dlckerson, was in tho eity this week.
Mr. Raynor is n prominent butter and
egg man of Vallsca, Iown, and' is in
this eity with a view of locating and
starting a similar institution in this
city. Should ho conclude to locate
with us ho will llnd Red Cloud a llrst
class city in which to embark iu that
business and will lind very little com
petition. Tho editor of a Kentucky news
paper offered to lot a whisky ail vertiso
mont free if ho were -allowed to write
it himself. He submitted the follow
ing which was not accepted: Hell and
damnation put up In bottles from a
quart to u barrel sent to any address
on receipt of price. Our stuff is tho
best, at least the devil said so and ho
knows. It will make a man steal from
tho blind, wreck his home, lie, cheat,
burn; if there is anything it can't
mako him do, just natuo it.
M e n 's
and boys
s h o OS
that will
wear at
that will
p 1 e a so
and of
tho lat
est styles
at Wlen-ersCloth-ing
porium. D. M. Able who has been looking
after business matters in Hamburg,
Iowa, returned home Tuesday and de
parted again for that place on Thurs
day. Mr. Abel has decided to go into
business for himself at Hamburg, and
to carry out this intention has pur
chased a moat market at that place.
For many years Mr. Able has been In
charge of tho offices of tho Adams Ex
press Company hero and has won tho
friendship of overyouo. The family of
Mr. Able will remain hero for some
time in ordor that one of his daughters
bo enabled to finish her schooling aim
being among the list of graduates for
'Ml. His many menus will regret tho
iloparture of himself and his estiumblo
family and along with The Chikk will
wish him prosperity iu his new home.
Hamburg will receive it ood citizen
who will not. bu found wanting in lion,
isi and Integrity
OeWitt's Colic & Cholera Cure,
Quickly cure Dysentery oud DUrrlicen.
Yes, They
are Beautiful
patterns of WALL
paper displayed in
the windows of Cot
tino's Dtuo Stork,
They aro only a few
of tho many lovely
patterns in his now
stock. Many of them
only ton cents per
double roll. No
trouble to show
C. L. Cotting,
J. A.
Tulleys Is on tho sick list.
Ernest Welsh Is in Lincoln this week.
W. A. Taylor ef Nebraska City was
hero this week.
G. W. Dow is having an nddltion
built to his house.
J. H. Wegtuan was In Blue Hill Wed
nesday on business.
Wm. Irons Jr. aud O. R. Pitney of
luavale were here Thursday.
Walt. Elliot has accented a position
In Turnure's store as shoemaker.
sack of Crete Hour Is war
For sale by Sherwood & Al-
II. O. Tichnor hits resigned his pas
torate of the Congregational Church of
this city.
Chas Winfrey made a trip to Otcgo,
Kansas, last Monday after a couple
of thoroughbred Jacks.
Fon Tiuuk A lino gold watch for it
cow, mid n horso for tt buggy. For
particulars inquire at this olllce.
Juo. O. Yelser, an old tlmo Red Cloud
boy is a candidate foi the city clerk
ship of Omaha on the populist ticket.
Most remain one week longer. We
have about -10 more pairs of our $2.50
ihoes for $1.!5 and just one week to
buy them in. Cincinnati Shoe Store.
Iu a recent letter we received the in
formation thai , 13 pound baby girl ar
rived at the Iowa home of Geo. Guil
ford, formerly of this city on March
Tno number of empty houses In this
city has greatly diminished in tho past
two mouths until thero are at present
very few unoccupied desirable houses
to be found.
House roll No. 33 a bill prohibiting
the sale of oigarettes was put upon its
passage aud passed by the legislature
by ti vote of 88 to 2.
So much for so little monoy
is tho general expression
of poople who buy their
clothing at Wiener's.
When a cold is contracted, cure it at
once. One Minute Cough Cure will
et you on tho road to recovery iu a
minute. It will cure pneumonia,
bronchitis, crsiipnud all forms of lung
aud throat troubles. C. L. Cotting.
When tho spring time comes, "gentle
Annie," likj all other sensible persons,
wlllcleanio tho liver and renovato tho
system with DoWitt's Little Early
Risers, famous littlo pills for the liver
and stomach all tho year round. C. L.
The cheapest fertile lands now open
for settlement in the United States aro
located in Toxns.
The Missouri, Kansas and Texas
Railway will have Excursion Rates
to the above section on March 10th,
April Oth and 20th. For maps and fur
ther information, nddress tho nearest
Local Agent, or: G. A. McNutt I). P. A.
1044 Union Ave., Kansas City, Mo.
Tho outgoing city council will Icavo
the city finances iu better condition
than for several years past and the now
council will have between $400 and
$500 to commence business with after
all the old council bills havo been paid.
Aside front paying all bills tho council
has bought aud paid for $500 worth of
hoso for tho lire department. Tho ad
ministration has been one of the most
economical tho city has over hud and
should serve as a criterion for future
councils to follow. While it has not
materially lessened tho taxes still it has
shown thttt taxes could bo lessoned and
the city could pay warrants when due.
At tho uoginning ei tne administration
city warrants were worth but from
sixty-five to seventy cents, at present
they aro worth ninety-sevon eents, and
plonty of monoy to pay them, with
an additional lossoning of expenses by
9400, in tho way of no salaries, tho iu
coming administration should bo able
to considerably lowor tho taxes and at
tho same time maintain tho parity of
city warrants.
frtm tULTMnul MtMitm
mr. w. au nekt, wna
Bukee a peeutltr of
Bptltpey, hM without
doubt tfMUd and cur
d morCMi than an
living' Physician bw
ueceM u attonttning.
have heard of caee
to year' atandlns
cursu uy
htm. Ha
worn on
this dta.
est s, which
ho aanda
with. a.
Ian nftt-
tlo of hi absolute euro, freo (o npy lufTerom
, Wo nitylno nny nop withing a euro i"sdi1re
1 Frol.W. H. FZEKS, 7. D A CedarSt., Wow YorK
They Cost
No More Than
. .wat rmmji m
Boy's - and - Children - SUITS !
We have the
Breasted Suits
For the Small Boys, and a la rye assortment of suits for the
larger boy, all at correct pricks.
Wiener thbclothwr.
Wire Frames,
Fife gQ have the
g m
in our Millinery Department that I
was ever shown in our oity. Our
trade has justified us indouoling our
stook in this department. Our prices
the lowest, quality the best.
tW.W,VM MfcMl)l1J
Single and Double
est fTrimmed
Hats in the
largest line of goods
n m
" ii
i by$
-du; .vjMm
M t ''5..