The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, April 09, 1897, Page 3, Image 3

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Nick YoutiR on tlte Itult WliatRobhon
Would Do for St. Louis Storlm Told
by w Vrtcran Other llascbnll Note of
N 187S," observed
Nick Young tho
other day, "a news
paper editor In
nnmed Fitzgerald,
advocated an In
crease In the num-
Hf bor of men on a
Mjp' ball team. Ho
"cjr claimed that ten
men were necessary to piny a game
of ball, and believed tho tenth, man
should bo located between flisi and
second base and called a left fihortst;,.
Mr. Hulbert knocked ihrs argument
by comparing a ten-men ball team to
a four-ball gamo of billiards between
such cue exports as Jake Schaefor and
Stossotl. You often hear odd theories
advanced about Impiovomonts In tho
game. When a change In tho pitch
ing rules wao being agitated four years
ago, John Gnffney BUggosted that the
batting would bo Increased If tho out
fielders wero confined bohlnd a lino
to bo located so many feet from tho
homo plate. Gaffney probably over
looked tho fact that such a rule would
crlpplo ono of the fielding features of
the game. Tho suggestion of Mr.
Hurst to allow tho bnse-runnore to
overrun second and third base Is now
under discussion, though It Is by no
moans a now suggestion. It Mr.
Hurst's Idea wero adopted by the play
ing rules commlttco tho base-running
featuro of tho game would bo almost
destroyed. Another suggestion made
by John Morrill, Is not quite practical,
Mr. Morrill believes tho pitcher should
be removed from his present position
In order to glvo tho base-runners a
chance to steal more bases. I have
studied tho pitching rulo caicfully, and
f.7id that tho present distance about
equalizes tho attack and defenso; that
Is, tho aggressor, which, is the pitcher,
and tho defense, who 1b tho batsman.
Base-running would bp enlivened If
Tom Brown's 36xlC rubber framo were
ndoptcd and tho pitcher was compelled
to movo from his slab every tlmo ho
threw to the bases."
but they aro useless If not enforced. I
bellevo that a rule should bo passed
compelling the major league clubs to
raako their players obey tho rules un
der a penalty. Tho trouble Ir tho
past has been n tendency on the part
of certain club officials to stand by
their players In violation of tho rules.
In other words, when an umpire has,
In compliance with tho strict wording
of tho rules, fined or ordered an of
fending player out of tho game, an Im
mediate howl for the removal of the
Judge of tho piny has been Invariably
sent to Mr. Young by tho magnate
whoso player was mado to suffer. This
proved to bo tho heaviest kind of
handicap for tho umpire, who gradu
ally allowed himself to bo ridden over
rough shod. If tho major league
could forco the clubs to Biistaln tho
umpires and not their own playcis, a
great deal of troublo would bo averted."
A Flltlnr Monument to CUIIIiatlon
That Followed the Utile of tho Ureat
Kaitern Plntocrnry Filth, Squalor
and Touring Moiqnri.
Kemlnlcenc.c. Uf a Veteran.
nictiftrd J. Pearce, tho veteran tx
professional shortstop, while In a leml
nlscent mood, recently, related a num
ber of Interesting stories. Among oth
er things ho said: "Eddy Cuthbcrt
was tho first man I ever saw sliding
to a base. This was in 1805, When ho
was a member of tho old Keystone
Club of Philadelphia. Tho Keystones
weio on a visit to Brooklyn, and play
ed several games before they met the
Atlantlcs on a Saturday, at tho Caplto
llno Grounds. I was catching and
Tommy Pratt was pitching for tho At
lantlcs. Cuthbcrt had reached first
baso, and started to steal second, when
I throw to Crano to hoad off Cuthbcrt,
and Crano hnd tho ball in plenty of
tlmo to touch him; but to our nmnze
ment Cuthbcrt made a great head slldo
for tho base. This was tho first time
(Special Letter.)
HE famous old city
of Baghdad, long
renowned for Its
commerce and its
wealth, Is now tho
capital of tho Turk
ish pashallc of tho
samo name. It
atnndB on both
banks of tho Tigris,
and Is situated on
an cxtcnslvo and
desert plain, which has scarcely n trco
or village throughout Its wholo extent.
Tho city Is surrounded by a brick wall
flvo miles In circumference, and the
Tigris 13 crossed by a bridge of thirty
boats. Tho city has a most picturesque
appearance from a distance. It 1b encir
cled and Interspersed with groves of
dato and other trees, through which
one may catch tho gleam of domes and
mlnnrets. On closer Inspection, how
ever, tho vlow docs not Improve Tho
BtrectB arc narrow, dirty, crooked and
unpaved, full of ruts and strewed with
tho carcasses of animals. Tho task of
removing this offal Is loft to dogs, the
only public scavengers known In Bagh
dad. Tho wholo town has been built
Without tho slightest regard to regu
larity. Tho streets are oven moro in
tricate and winding than thoso in most
other oriental cities, and with tho
Quito n Grn't.
Brooklyn's determination to play
Sunday ball on its homo grounds
makes a nlco llttlo "flunflsl). hole" for
tho Orioles and the Senators. Tho
threo other rfiwtern teamB Bostons,
PhIladeI-;niaB and Now Yorks do not
n,ay cmi the flfBt day of tho weok This
ot, , necessity will glvo all tho Eastern
&nnlay datea at President Byrne's
park to Baltimore ami WaahfrYgtbn.
PeVftaps Ned Hanlon and Gus S&inelz
to not "smacking their chops" In an
ticipation of the fat Sunday gates at
Brooklyn next summer, 'instead of
"laying up" on Sunday d playing to
washday crowds on Monday thoy will
gather in enough at a 'Sunday matlnco
at Brooklyn to mnko a big dent In tho
Ecml-monthly, pay Tolls of their clubs.
Tho Popular Token of Value In New
York Two Contttrlea Ago.
When Stephen Van Cortlandt was In
tho monoy-changlng business 1680 to
1680 tho kind of money In most com
mon uro In the vicinity of Manhattan
Island was seownn or wampum, sni
tho New York Times. Almost all the
store trade was dono with seownn,
cither loose or braided, and all church
collections were taken up In scowan.
Van Cortlandt wait "frequently called on
to change seowan Into silver money,
which was at that time the standard.
Payments of Interest and principal of
loaned money wero mado In Dutch
ploces-of-elght, lenities and loan dol
lars, tho valiio of all of which was re
duccd to gulldcra sccwan. A plecc-of-eight
was worth 12 gulldrrs In scowan,
a realljc was worth 1 guilder id ?0
stlvois In scowan, a loan dollar wan
worth 11 guilders In scowan, and an
English pound was worth 40 gulldors
In scowan. Tho American dollar In Its
present rolntlon to tho English pound
would Imvo been worth 8 guilders In
seownn A Dutch guilder has 100 cents,
or 20 Btlvoin, and Is cqunl to 40 cents
In American money. A stiver Is equal
to 2 centR American money. Contribu
tion to tho poof relief fund wero usual
ly mado In seowan and provisions and
clothing for distribution among the
poor wero paid for In acownn. Tlo
early Dutch settlers took gencious enro
of the needy poor. For Instance, In
1G8S, the deacons of tho old Dutch
Church ot Bergen paid Dr. Robinson
of New Yoik 210 guilder In seownn
for curing n destitute man of Insanity.
At another tlmo the deacons of tho
same church paid Suigeon C. Vlolo of
New York 130 guilders seowan for sur
gical attendnnco on a poor member ot
tho congregation. In thoso dayH it cost
P . 11 1 I.. Ill ai1 kAM Tsi
W CllllUerB III HOt'MUl IU buiiu iiuui uw
Fle.h I.IWo Pork flamy Flavor
lleur-Kut by Perfumer ttnil
ItourdliiK-llouae Keener. The Hunting
ft. -? -- .
exception of tho bazaars and Bomo open
nn..owo tUa Intnrlnr la little) OI80 titan
n tnWrinth nf nllnva nml nassaecs. Th I linnuls Krtiyer hack to Amsterdam." In
... .1 tnn . .. I. r. ...... .l.tml nt ft ftrt t
JUIiJ IIIO piHU Ol U1HJ UUI1U1UI ui viiv..
wai C gulldcra scewnn; 1 schopol ot In
dian corn, t guilders sccwan; 1 schcpol
of ry, !$ guilders seownn j 1 ell of cloth,
0 RUUtlcrs seowan; two blnnketH, Gb
jpilldors Ecowan, and 2 Bchcpels of salt,
C guilders seownn. Whenever the col-
streets are unpaved.and in many places
bo narrow that two horsemen can
scarcely pass each other, and as It Is
soldom that tho houses have windows
facing public thCVoAighfarcB, and tho
doors aro small and mean, they present
on both tho gloomy nppearanco of
What Mention Would Do.
' President Roblson has a wonderful
tcheme for nfroiigthonlng tho SU Louis
team. Ho is willing to glvo up flvo of
his Cleveland players, providing he
'can pick flvo as good men, If not bet
tor, from the other major league
toamB. At tho Bame time ho exempts
Cincinnati and Baltimore. Why not
lot onch club In the major league con
tribute a player if St. Louis must be
made stronger? Baltimore and 'Cin
cinnati should do their Bharo toward
strengthening the Mound City team as
well as tho others. This la especially
true in tho case of Cincinnati, as that
club has dono moro than any other In
weakening St. Louis by purchasing its
star players. What assurance would
tho major leagno club3 have that tho
.players would not bo eold after tho
We had ever seen the play, ari it fool
ed Us no little, but wo laid f or him and
caucht him ntl'or that. Af'r Ferguson
Joined the Atlantlcs in 1V6G ho becamo
very clover at sliding., to any of th
hflfina "
New York's Latent Sttrprl.e.
From tho Now York Herald: The
Now York Baseball Club ha .prepared
a limited nurabur of handsome sliver
souvenir complimentary cards entitling
tho holders of to all tho 'privileges of
tho Polo Ground during tho season of
1897. They aro very artistically de
signed and engraved, and aro altogethr
er tho prcttletJt souvenirs -over mado
by n ball club Tho silver cards will
be prosantod to tho most promlnont
frienda -of the club.
ISrfi to -,
iii7asBU!rMmy y
r ' H m U uyaZTliSZiirmlif J
X- ?j'Xww --r?stsi.!?r-.
HE fact that bears
bring from $20 to
$50 each in tho San
Francisco men t
mnrkot and that
thero Is a llvoly
demand for all that
aro sent thero haB
moved many men
who llvo In tho
foothills of tho
mountain ranges to
icour tho hills for them and ship them
hence, Hnys the San Francisco Chroni
cle. Culm nrc taken alive, kept In pits
and fed until they attain several hun
dred pounds In weight, when thoy nro
marketable. Tho carcasses usually
displayed by butchers during tho holi
day season nro of domesticated bears,
as the wild boars at that season of tho
year aro hibernating. A Btall-fed boar
designed for tho mnrket Is treated In
about tho samo way ob a hog. Ho will
cat tho samo food a hog will eat
and about tho snino quantity nnd his
flesh tnHteB very much like pork, ex
cept for a gamy flavor which It pos
bcssch. Aside from this tho boar'fl
blubber makes tho finest lard, hla
hlndquartoiH furnish superior hams
nnd his ribs yield tho beat of bacon.
The best bear grounds In California
nro In Tulnro county, in tho region of
Mineral King, Homer's Noso and Hos
pital Rock. Bear meat Is Bold In San
Francisco nt from 40 cents to fl per
pound, It Is, of course, a delicacy ro
aorved for tho rich. Somo leading res
taurants havo bear steaks on tho bills
ot faro when tho meat Is on sale In
town and they servo a Btoak for from
40 to CO cents. The region on tho coaat
most Infested by bears Is bollovod to
bo southorn Oregon, nenr tho California
border, and from twenty to fifty miles
from tho ocean, in this district mn
tho Illinois nnd noguo rivers, and
thero, too, nro many frosh-watcr lakes,
notably tho threo groat Klamath lakes.
FlBh lalto, rjatno lake, Crater lake, be
sides many small creeks and rlvulots,
all of which teem with flsh and about
which aro tho brooding giounds tor
ducks and gcoso. On tho banks ot
theso frcsh-wntor bodies and stretch
ing away over tho flat country aro
thousands ot acres ot hushes bearing
huckle and salmon berries, and tho low
mountains nro thick with tho scrub
oak, which In tho fall of tho year yields
abundanco ot mast, nil comprising tho
most toothsome provender tor bcarB,
Intcrcitlnit JrtrUh Ceremony Which
Made Two Pemoii Ono.
An Interesting marrlago ceromoay
was celebrated recently In Philadelphia,
the contracting parties being Sundel
Richmond nnd Mlsa Simon Spllkcs,
both being deaf nnd dumb, says tho
Philadelphia Inquirer. The coromony
wns performed by Rabbi E. Stolnhnus.
Tho hall had been gnyly decorated, and
tho bride, dressed becomingly In whlto
satin, Bnt with the groom at ono end,
receiving their frlondB and watching
tho dancing which preceded tho cero
mony. Tho most Impressive pnrt of
tho Jewish marrlago ceremony Is where
tho brido accepts the husband by the
uttcranco of tho sentence : "You nro
married to mo according to the laws ot
Moses and tho iBrnclltcB." Until she
has said thU she Is not consldorrd as
married. Great, then, wns tho expec
tant curiosity as to how this, part would
bo bridged over. Promptly at D o'clock
tho happy couple moved to tho center
of tho room, where n volvct canopy held
by four young girls was stretched over
them, All ot tho gucstH crowded
around nnd, lighting Binnll wax candles,
hold them high abovo their heads. This
expresses a deslro to light tho couple
Into a life of happiness and prosperity.
Tho attendants Joined hnndn and
formed a ring about tho brldo and
groom, walking around them several
tlmoB. Rnbbl StclnhnuB then chnnted
tho marrlago ceremony, which ho aup-
plnntcd by nn explanation In panto
mime. At tho end ot every sontonco
both tho brldo nnd groom nodded ener
getically, and bo tho corcmony pro
ceeded. Thero wna nn Intermission In
tho midst to nllow tho orchestra to play
a weird Husslan mnrriago air, niter
which tho rabbi continued his chant
ing. At tho closo of thlB tho marrlago
cup wns held to tho brldo, who alppcil
from it nnd handed It back. Thon tho
balanco of tho ceremony wnn conducted
in tho bIkii Inngungo, which tho rabbi
had learned for tho occaBlon. Tho
couple wero given tho certificate to
read and then naked by signs If thoy
ncceptcd It and agreed to everything.
This they assented to nnd both signed
their names. At tho signing or the last
lotter every ono shouted nnd tho bride
wns Immediately overwhelmed by congratulations.
A Marked Inhibition of It Hecn by a
Evon the cold-blooded and clammy
snaho evinces maternal affection, and
I am fortunatoly able to produce cvl
denco corroborative of this statement
that Is fresh In my memory, Bays tho
Homo Magazine. On March 2, wniio
seated on my front porch, I noticed one
of my dogs, a yearling puppy, acting In
n nocullar way on my lawn. Ho was
,.,... IU. ....,,-.--- - l...moll,ort
i.- m .. t. l,,.., i pirniinK nrounu a uniuii i;ii;
can got vegetable food or fish. In this spot, cVery now and then thrusting ; bis 4
.minlrv l,rtfiroirrllv Klnplf nr lirown nOBO lOWUru uiu Hiu..u
"""" - - 13 "
leum had been strengthened? Robl
Bon made a rather funny break, it he
la correctly quoted, -when he said that
Baltimore would hardly consent to
give up any of its players a it wants
a champion team, bo that it can again
win the pennant Well, that ia rich.
That Jb o much na saying that Boston,
New York, Philadelphia and other ma
1or league clubg didn't want champion
teams bo that they could win the pen
nant as well as Baltimore. It is pretty
safo betting that President Robison
would be doubly benefited If his
scheme went through, which Is hardly
Ilyrne'a Sensible.
President Byrne, of th Brooklyn
Club, maea the following senslblo
IUggeatlon that is worthy of considera
tion: "Ail BOrt ot rulM ctm be
framed lor the government of baseball,
UUiuond Ullan.
The nlajors of tho Cincinnati team
aro practicing at New Orleans.
It 1b announced that all the Brook
lyn players who have signed for the
pnrrlnir season llttVO UOno SO Ul TC-
dured terms.
Shortstop Hulen and Outfielder
llertes, who were Iat season with tho
Philadelphia Club, havo been trans
fprrod to tho ColumbuB Club of tha
Western League.
President Von der Abo had a great
team when he was a member of tho old
Amnrlcan Association, but. ho haB not
had much of a one clnco tho demise ot
that organization.
Cub Woyhlng, tho veteran profes
slonal pitcher, is no longer manager
of tho Fort Wayne team. He says that
ho has resigned, but docs not give hJs
reasons for doing so.
IlllnolB Is now falling in lino with
Missouri and other Western Btatcs. A
hill is to bo Introduced into tha Illi
nois legislature to abolish Sunday ball
paying. Ohio and Kentucky are yot
to bo heard from.
At a special meeting of tho partly
organized Southeastern League at Ma
ion Ga.. President Boscho resigned.
Llttlo business was transacted, and the
lenguo adjourned to meet a week later.
Carney Flynn, who was on "tho Now
York Club's pay roll last spring, and
who later figured with Farrell in a deal
that took them to Washington and
brought Joyce to New York, will play
with tho Virginia team of tho Atlantic
League during the coming season.
Tho Alameda Alerts defeated tho
Pluto Indians by 6 to 2 tho other day
at San Francisco, Cal. McKeo, who
nitnhftd seven Innings for tho victors,
holding the losera down to two safe
hits and retiring eleven of them on
Btrlkos, waa relieved by Krug, who
pitched tho remaining InnlngB and al
lowed tho loserB only ono safo hit,
from which they scored a run.
Captain Ewlng of tho Cincinnati!
dcea not agree with some others that
howllnir la a good thing for a pitcher.
"My reason for thinking that bowling
will pot help a pitcher," said Ewlng,
recently, "is that the motion used in
bowling Is entirely different from that
used Jn pitching. Bowlers uso an un
derhand motion, while very few pitch,
era, it any, ever use an underhand
ball. Once in a while it Is tried, but
the majority of pitchers depend upon
the overhand motion."
dead walla. All tho bufldlngs, both
public ami private, 'hre constructed of
f urnaco liurnt brhiks of a ycllowlsh-rcd
color. A Iioubo hi 'generally laid out in
a rango of apartmentB opening into a
squnro, and furnished 'with subterran
ean -rooms Into which tho inhabitants
retreat during the 'day for shelter from
the lntcnso heat ot srummcr; nnd with
terraced roofs on which thoy tnko their
evening meal, and sleep In tho open air.
Tho interiors of tho houses ot tho rirti
aro splendidly furnhihed, and decorated
dn a most gorgeous manner.
Tho inhabitants of tho city nre sup
plied with water from tho Tigris, which
Is brought to their homes In the sidna
of gontR; water woiks, cisterns and
pIpcB being unheard ot In Baghdad.
Tho population of Baghdad Is aild to
number about a hundred thousand, nnd
Is a mlxturo of 'nations from various
countries of tho oast. Tho chlol offi
cers ot tho government, civil and mili
tary, aro ot Turkish' extraction; tho
merchants and traders aro almost all
of Persian or "Arabian descent, whilo
tho lower- orders consist of Turks.
Arabs, Persians and Indians. Tburu are
some Jews and Christians, who remain
distinct from other classes; whilo the
strangers In the town aro Kurds, Per
sians and desert Arabs in considerable
numberu. As every nationality retains
its own peculiar -dress, it may be easily
conceived what acn extraordinary varie
ty of costumes is to be seen dally In tho
streets of Baghdad. The dress ot tho
femalo la mean; women ot all iclasscs
being envoloped tin blue checked cloth,
with thulr faces covered by hideous
veils of black horee-halr.
Baghdad has much declined lrom Its
ancient Importance, but 1b still tbo seat
of considerable commerce. TImi city
today contains upwards ot a hundred
.mosques, tho domes and minarets of
which are said to bo finer than thoso ot
lcctlnns In the church excooded tlvj cur
rent expenditures tho surplus wwtin
wns usunlly Invest! In cown. Such
cows were given Into the car of ro
anonslblc members of tho congregation
on a yearly "butter rent" of Hi pouiuQs
that hi, thoso persons accepting
cow from tho tfcaconry had 3o pay nn
annual rent ori2 pounds ot butter or
Its vnluo In scwnn. Tho pTlco of but
ter amounted In the winter of 1G79 to
22 stivers per pound, bo that tho dea
cons then roceived 13 guilders and 4
'stlvrrs for ono cow. Alter 171B the
deacons quit tho "butter-Tent" buslneiit
and confined themBelvcB wholly to
motioy-lcnding as a means of Increas
ing tho revenues. Some ranging from
10 guilders to 4,000 gulldors wore put
out at Interest at tho rato of C per conl
per annum, though In a few cases bor
rowers wore exempt from paying In
terest. It'cost from 2 to G gullderB In
srowan to get married In this vicinity
two centuries ago, and a funeral was
accompanied with a pall rent of C guil
ders seownn for nn adult and 3 guilder
fur a child.
abound. Yhoy aro a nUlsaico to tho
farmers, 'on whoso pigs and sheep thoy
often raid, but to tho "hunters thoy aro
a source of profit and delight. There
aro two seasons in tho year for bear
killing one u long, and tho other n
short 'one. Tho first is in tho fall ot
tho year, otter tho maul Is well drop
ped 'and Bruin Is fat from feeding on
acorns and nuts; the second Is In. tho
spr'tng, junt uh ho Is coming out or his
winter's slcop. When tho ground In
the fall becomes covered with snow
Bniln vrnllowH in fat nnd ennnot find
moro to cat, Thon ho proceeds to
nlbernato. In that stnto his lair is
ftomotlmcfl betrayed by the steam
which rlBes through tho snow from hln
'body. In that condition ho can bo
'easily "killed, for he will mako no re-
nlstnnce. "When his hibernation Is over,
In tbo carry spring, he Is still quito
fat and gamo for the huntsman. But
ho doos not long remain In that con
dition. There being no berries or mast
when lie cotoch ont, he finds nothing to
eat -and in about a week ho In run
down nnd as 'yoor as the proverbial
turkey ot Job. In this low state ot
flesh It Ir wanton -waato to kill him
and Ito iBitot hnntod. Then tho breed
ing Beaucm follows, which gives his
'beonmlp 'immunity from molestation.
Bears slaughtered on tho Oregon
if. m Kentucky. ....d (. Kr-etod We., xangts are packed 1 oat on miiles to the
of ti.i AiimbmiM. statlens whore thoy nro Bhlpped to
(Sneclal Lctcr.) Imtchors 'm tuis city, it sometime
On a hillside, near tho bordor line happens that .tho location whero tho
that divides Woodford from Fayette
county,. in Kentucky, .stands a dllapl-
A New Decorative Muterlal.
Jledtlcklng for drapery and upholu
tery purposes has recently been lasch
ed .upon the market. It la a deckled
success, say tho Purfctan. No une
would dream of the lowly origin of the
fabric thus presented. Of course flio
salesmen do not speak of It as bed
ticking, but describe It as an "nrt dra
pery" or an "art ticking." Ono shop
man haB named a striped pattern the
"bedouin" not a bad pun on Its ori
gin, The material is colored and Re
signed very much after tho ordor of
chintzes and cretonnes, which It close
ly resembles. It wears like iron, and as
It retails for about 10 cents a yard it
la one ot tho most economical and sat
isfactory fabrics for all sorts of up
hoJsiory purposes. These tickings will
soon appear In the varloua college col
ors, so that a Yale, Harvard or
Princeton man may have things adorn
ed la the hues dear to hla heart,
dated stone building that was the first
educational institutions erected west of
the Allegheny mountains. It is con
siderably moro than 100 years old, and
the school conductod within Its walli
was the original branch of tho famous
Transylvania university. Two presi
dents, George Washington and John
Adams, made liberal ceatributloni
towara building and maintaining tbli
Among the famous men who, as boys,
received the first rudiments of an edu
cation in this old stone schsqlhouBa
were Governor Allen Trlmblo of Ohio;
Governor Clark ot Kentucky; J. Cabell
Breckenrldgo, the father of Genoral
John C. Breckenrldgo; Dr. Robert
Breckenrldgo and his son, ex-Congressman
W. C. P. Breckenridge; Thomti
F. Marshall, Kentucky's famouB ora
tor; and Dr. L. W. Green, president o
Hampden-Sldney college.
For the past ten years tne historic
building has been utilized M a store
house for plunder.
Ijear In killed is such that the hunters
cannet get tho carcass out of tho coun
try In goo condition. Then the pelt
in taken aft and tho meat Is cut Into
strips nnd dried on wlro netting sus
pended -over u fire built in a holo In tho
ground, a piece of canvas bolng thrown
over all during the procosn. The greaso
also is tried out, a boar weighing 400
pounds yielding about twenty-five
pounds of lard. ThlB Is eagerly bought
by hotels and boarding houses In south
ern Oregon for cooking purposes. In
this city hear fat Is usod by perfum
ers. Dried bear meat finds a market In
Oregon. Occasionally a shipment of
It is mado to this city. Of all the bears
which como annually to this market
the block bear Is the most common. Tho
grizzly and the cinnamon come in very
rarely hut the great bald-faced bear
ot Alaska is seen frequently strung
up in front of Market streot butcher
shops, the dressed carcass always at
tracting much public attention.
and then
. . t. ..! i nlirivnnnh m
quicKiy jumping uutn. !.. "v.. ,;,
Ing tho nnlmnl I discovered that the Jfl1
!... nf lila nlnvflll nRgatlltfl WOS B . J. .
bunch or ball of BnnkcB, a 3 or 4 year ) &l
.. .... 1 t.M Iflot'a lirnml I )fl
OKI moiner uhu n ". j- -
ot young. The day was very warm, the ' g
i.iinn in,. nml InlHit nml those '.(-
HUH Bllllllllfe V.IUU. - ..o"- I
creatures had emerged from their den
or ncBt In the ground, n toot or so away jy
from tho spot whero thoy were lying,
nnd wore sunning thomsolvea. When I,
thoy obsorved mo they mado nn attempt
in retrain their nest; I killed two of .
them, however, boforo they could enter1.
I had read Bomowhoro that If a snake's '
young wero taken and tholr bodies ,j nlonc tho ground tho mother ,
snako would follow tho trail nnd, It sheta
found them alive, would couunci mciu
back to tho nest. I took the i$v ''''"h
1 had killed and, aftor dragging1 them
along tho turf, deposited them on tha
pavement Bomo fifty feet from the den,
I then resumed my sent on tho porch
nnd waited developments. In a short
whilo the mothor snake emerged from
iho neat nnd, after crawling about for
n second or two, strtr-'k tha trail and at
once followed It to the pavement and,
her dead young. Fortunately I had a
witness In tho person ot tuy leuman
who was delivering Ice at tho time and?
who vrs dumfounded at beholding
Hucn nign intelligence in a creature set J fj
low In tno scale or. animal lire. I kllle
tho old snako (for these snakes gar
don moccasins become harmful afte
the third year, eating young birds, etc;
nnd ten ot her progeny, leaving tw
pairs to carry on and pcrpotuate thJ
race. .
No Pie for f.oule. )
A Philadelphia woman has sued hei
heartless husband for divorce becauw
ho has forbidden her to oat plo.
Every selfish Joy dies young.
It takes a hot flro to purify gold'
Ho most lives who lives most fo(
others. (
It lb still as safe to trust in God s(
It ever was.
DoL't give a tract where bread
needed most.
Life has most in it tor those tt
know God best.
Woe to that n"
keeper '"
Reflection, of "
A woman would rntL
say more than ho feeh
him feel moro than he
you see a girl that doesn'
to let you see sho wea
you may bo sure sho hat
Thero never was a married
lympathlzed with an olC b
there nover was a marrlec
didn't. New York Press.
Parisian rag-pickers earn
a year,