The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, April 09, 1897, Page 2, Image 2

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Victlmi) of the Tornado Ilurled Lint of
the Principal Loner of 1'ropertjr fin
llcf From All Farts of the Territory
The Latest Report.
UOTtiRiK, Okla., April 3. The total
death lUt so far at Chandler from
Tuesday's tornado in twolvo and It is
now believed that no more bodies will
bo found In the ruins. The dead were
buried yesterday afternoon. The- In
jurcd arc generally doing well and it
Is possible that nono of them will suc
cumb. The only building' In Chandler upon
which thcro was tornado insurance
was the court house, which was In
sured for $1,000.
There would have been great suffer
ing at Chandler had the weather been
Inclement, us no definlto plan of relief
was unforced until yesterday after,
noon, it seeming impossible for tho
people to thoroughly orgnnlzo them
solves. The injured and dead were
cared for, but It was tho work of n
few. Thcro was no bureau of Infor
mation and those trying to restore
order wero scattered. A relief corps
of Guthrie women reached Chandler
yesterday afternoon and did much to
systcmlzo tho nursing of tho injured.
Money is being sent from all parts
of the territory and surrounding
states. The cash gifts from Quthrio
reached 92,000 this morning.
Men digging in tho ruins of tho
Colburn building this morning found
tho blackened bones of what tho sur
geons said was a ct-lld. No one, how
ever, had reported a child missing.
Nearly 200 business bulldlncrs and
residences wero wrecked. Some of
the larger losses are: William Spil
bergcr, baker and confectioner, 81,000;
tho court house, 81,000; N. O. Colburn,
dry goods and clothing, 83,500; C. W.
Coblotz, bullding.82,000; W. II. French,
Publicist printing outtlt, law library,
81,000; Masonic, I. O. O. P. and K. of 1
lodges, all of their paraphcrnalta.hull,
furniture, etc., estimated at 81,000;
John Heffran, brick building, 84,000;
Catholic church, 81,000; Congregational
church, Sl.riOO; Methodist church, 81,
600; A. E. Maschor, building, 81,500;
Dr. Samuel Kilts, druggist, stock and
building, 83,000; Kansas and Okla
homa Town and Investment company,
building, 83,000; James Woodyurd,
10,000; Chandler Bros., 83,000; A. D.'
Wright, druggist, occupying a new
stone building just completed, 83,000;
Bishop & Co., groceries, boots and
shoes, 85,000; Chandler News,
1,500; O. A. R. hall, 8500; C. A.
Flltsch, hardware, 83,500, Hoffman,
Charles & Conklln, bankers, 84,500;
Lyman Mills, livery stable, 8500;
dwelling, 8500, and barn 8300; Mrs. M.
M. Egbert, Manvol hotel building and
contents, 83,500; C. 11. Owens, sawmill,
cotton gin and flouring mill, 87,000;
Lincoln County bank, 'office, fixtures
and vault, 83,000; Matt Rcovcs, saloon,
81,000. Many others lost everything
and will bo unablo to replace tholr
buildings. Tho Mitchell hotel was so
badly shattered that' it was considered
unsafe and was vacated to-day. It
was tho only hotel left standing and
had been crowded stneo tho tornado.
The question of whether the town
shall be rebuilt upon its present slto Is
being discussed. Thcro are absolutely
no facilities for tho transaction of or
dinary business, and everything Is at
a standstill. Many persons fear to re
build on tho hill.
Tho tornado played strango freaks
with women's clothing. All of tho
clothing of ono woman who was caught
on the street, except the underwear,
was stripped off. Thero wero several
Instances where every stitch of cloth
ing was torn from tho bodies of
Being Organtiad to Control
Product of the Boll,
Toledo, Ohio, April 3. A gigantic
farmers' trust is now bolng organized
in this country. , Ono of the national
organizers, registering as P. F. Urown,
Johnstown, Pa., after being hore soino
days, left his papors at tho Jofferson
house when he left for Columbus, and
In this manner the secret leaked out
While hero ho conferred with leading
legislators, such as ox-Roproaontatlvo
Charles P. Griffin, Hon. Jonas Stan
berry, who was placed at the head of
the organizatlod In this section, and
many others. Several branches were
secretly organized, and tho order Is
strictly oath bound. It originated at
Lancaster, Pa., and was Incorporated
under the laws of New Jersey as the
Agriculturists' National Protective
Association. It Is the purpose to do
nothing this year In tho way of con
trolling the markets, because the or
gaiflzaeUm U not yet complete Next
year, ho wove., the crops will be lim
ited to the actual living needs of tho
members of the organization. If tho
plan is carried out, not a dollar's
worth of farm produce of any kind
will bo sold for general consumption.
After 1803 thero will be erected or
rented In each county, In such num
bers and so located as may seom best
and most convenient, storehouses in
which all products for the market will
bo placed.
The most valuable fur Is that ot tho
sea otter. One thousand dollars has
been paid for a single skin of this ani
mal not more than two yards long by
three-quarters of n yard wide.
France Want More War Ship.
Paris, April 3. At a cabinet meet
ing tho mln'ater for tho colonies, M.
Lebon, was authorized to present to
the buroau of tho Chamber of Depu
ties a bill providing for tho expendi
ture of 810,000,000 to build war ships,
the expenditures to bo sproad through
ten or flf teen budgets.
Fred Grant Offered a Place.
Washington, April 3. Colonel Fred
Grant of Now York, son of tho late U.
8. Grant, has been offered tho position
of assistant secretary of war, and bas
,im ., i. .., .-..- numafi
on uMat-a Unn
DallTon a Tow Hard Left-String! anil
New York, April 3. Itov. Charles II.
Payne, D. D., whoso criticism of ex
Senator Ingirtls at tho WlnQold, Kns.,
Methodist conference, Incorrectly at
tributed to liishop McCabo, prompted
from Mr. Ingalls a bitter oDcn letter
In response, gives out a reply to the
ex-Senator's strictures. It says, in
"Tho language attributed to me In
tho newspaper reports was not exactly
that which I used, but tho reports
were substantially correct. Your en
tire reply can hardly fall to convince
tho general public that you havo not
been greatly misrepresented In respect
to your want of faith In moral prin
ciple as a factor, either In politics or
in practical life. Your referenco to
your reporting, a prizo light 'for
money,' as bolng on tho same piano of
conduct ns tho work of a Christian
minister who you say 'proaches for
money,' shows a luck of moral dis
crimination which is lamentable la
there no difference between tho man
who employs his tnlents In such a way
as will inevitably corrupt youth and
the man who seeks their highest good,
even though both aro paid for tholr
"You havo for many years been a
nubile man, occupying one of tho
highest positions in the nation. When,
therefore, you descend from thnt lcfty
height to give tho weight of your
ntuno nnd of your Inlluonco to nn affair
thnt tho country pronounces demoral
izing nnd especially harmful to youth,
you should expect that those who wish
,to protect our youth and our cherished
institutions as well will call you to
account for such a strange proceeding;
and you cannot be unaware of the fact
that the press of the country, both
secular and religious, has, with singu
lar unanimity, and with almost merci
less sarcasm in many Instances, as
sailed your now doparture.
"You vigorously resent tho challenge
I made to tho truth of your statement
that those who witnessed the bloody
fight were 'nvcrngo American citi
zens.' I repent what I did sav that
this statement Is 'a slander on Ameri
can citizenship and an insult to Ameri
can manhood. '
''Are we to bcllovo that tho 'aver
ago American citizen' will travol half
across tho continent at largo expense
to witness a disgracoful light that the
whole- nation, little Nevada excepted,
stamps as Illegal nnd that the moral
sense of tho country pronounces Im
moral? Mr. Ingalls, permit mo again
to say that you misjudge and misrep
resent tho 'nveragu American citizen,'
and you misrepresent your critic when
you chnrgo him with speaking in ig
norance concerning a matter of such
notorious publicity. Without making
any reoly to your strong language
concerning 'hypocrites' and 'Phar
isees' and a 'pugilist' having 'better
manners than a bishop,' I subscrlbo
myself, your friend and well-wisher,
"CiiAm.r.s H. Payne."
Yaioo Delta Almont All Under Water
Five Counties Flooded.
Greenville, Miss., April 3. Just
when tho 10,000 people of this place,
tho business center of this section of
Mississippi, were beginning to bop
that tho town would escape Inunda
tion, waters from crovasscs to tho
north swept down upon tho placo and
soon it was necessary to abandon tho
northern portion, of which tho popu
lation was ovor o,uuo. utrorts wero
mado to form a levco to protect tho
business section, but before anything
could be dono tho water had driven
tho workmen back, and last night it
wns within thrco blocks of tho main
business strcot People In the pnth o
tho flood hnd been warned in
timo and, as tho water came
without any rush, thero was ample
time for all to escape and also
to savo most of tholr valuables. Boats
of all kinds wero soon In demand and
carpenters alone were prosperous. Tho
railroad embankmont which shut off
tho flow of water out of town was
blown up last night Tho waterworks
building was mado ready for a watery
sicgo ana a nign otuuankmont was
raised about the Planters' cotton mill
In which was stored cotton seed worth
8500,000. All night long by the aid of
olectrlo lights workmen by the hun
dreds worked to form embankmonta
about the business section, but people
in the submorged sections threaten to
destroy it All railroad trains havo
been abandoned.
Memphis, Tenn., April 3 The gen
eral flood situation In this section is
somewhat better, tho crevasses bolow
here having dono their worst The
feeling at Ilelona, Ark., and other
points which have escaped so far Is
much more hopeful. The damatre to
the farming country In the Yazoo delta
of Mississippi cannot, however, be ex
aggerated. Nearly all of fire prosper
ous counties are under water and
thousands on thousands of people are
homeless and In want Among tho
towns now under water are Gunnison,
Rosedale, Perthshire, Terrene, Phalla,
Rlvcrton, Dahomey, Storm, Bonolt,
Beulah, Wayside, Longwood, Refuge,
Swlftwater, Deorson, and Australia.
The water coversa territory fifty mllea
wide on tho average. The river above
here Is falling and the worst has passed.
Chew your food thoroughly to break
It up so that the various dlgestlv
fluids. can penetrate every part of 11
Mix the food thoroughly with tho sa
liva, which converts starch Into sugar,
Public Debt Statement
Washington, April 3. Tho monthlv
statement ot tho public debt showi
that the debt, less cash In tho treas
ury, amounts to 81,003,002,200, a de
crease for the mouth of 8d.038.254.
This decreaso Is accounted for by a
corresponding increase
in tho amount
ot cash on nana.
Receiver for the Y. M. C A.
Sedama, Ma, April 3. On the ap
plication of the trustees of tho Young
Men's Christian Association. Judgi
Longan appointed George W. Cum
ralngs receiver to wind up tho affair.
orjnti uoeMv
-- T i ilt ..I. i ,.
'llatton Oang" Leaden Executed Killed
Sheriff Chavez. '
Santa Fk, N. M., April 3. Fran
Isco Gonzales y llorrcgo, Antonio
Gonzales y llorrcgo, Saurlano Alarid
and Patricio .Valencia, condemned to
death for tho murder of ex-Sheriff
Frank Chavez, who was killed from
ambush on the night of May SO, 1803,
were hangod together on ono scaffold
at 0:10 o'clock this morning.
Tho four men wero perfectly stolid
at, tho close. Thero was no sign of
disturbance, tho authorities having
taken extra precautions nnd militia
being stationed about tho jail.
Tho four men were members of tho
cxccutlvo .committee of what was
known as tho "Ilutton Gang," a league
organized to combat tho political in
fluence of Chavez, who was a Demo
cratic leader in Santa Fo. On the
night of May 20, 1803, Chavez, was was
a giant in strength and absolutely
fearless, was assassinated while on his
way home. Tho next night Juan Pob
lo Domlnguez, who openly declared
thnt ho know who murdered Chavez,
was shot and killed. For this crimo
Francisco llorrcgo, who had been seen
fleeing from the scene of the murder,
gave himself up, pleaded self defenso
and wns acquitted. For twelve months
tho "gang," which controlled both tho
police department and tho sheriff's of
flco was supreme in Santa Fc nnd no
attempt was mado to nvengo the
Chavez murder. When Governor Thorn
ton was appointed in 1803 ho removed
District Attorney Twitcholl and Sher
iff Conklln from oftlco, nnd tho now
sheriff began hunting for evidence
against the murderers of Chavez and
soon obtained confessions from two of
the conspirators. Frnnclsco and An
tonio llorrcgo, Lauriano Alarid, Pat
ricio Valencia and Frank Hlvcra
wero arrested and Hyppolyty Vigil,
chlof of police nnd coroner was shot
dead while resisting arrest. At the
trial Rivera, Louis Gonzales and other
minor mombors of tho "gang" turned
state's evldenco and the two Borrego's.
Alarid and Valencia wero convicted of
murder In tho first degree nnd sen
tenced to bo bunged. The case .was
appealed on a writ of error to tho
United States supremo court, which
finally decided against the murderers.
Pending tho hearing of the supremo
court, Alarid and Valencia confessed.
The murderers wero to havo been
hanged February 23, but President
Cleveland granted a respite for thirty
davs.Then President Mckinley granted
a further respite until to-day. Yester
day he refused to interfere any further
and so telegraphed to Governor
Numerous plots for the rescue of the
prisoners were thwarted by the vigi
lanco of tho territorial authorities.
and a military guard was stationed at
the jail for some timo undcr.ordors
from Governor Thornton.
four of Them Drought Forward In the
Senate In Ininrgent' Dehalf.
Wasuinoton, April 3. Tho Cuban
lucstlon was revived in tho Senate yes
terday, after a long period of compara
tive calm. Four distinct Cuban reso
lutions wero brought forward In rapid
tucccsslon. Tho last and most Im
portant ono came from Senator Mor
gan of Alabana. It declares that a
ttato of war exists in Cuba and an
nounces the policy of the United
States to accord with both parties to
tho conflict with full recognition as
belligerents. Mr. Morgan gave notlco
that ho would call up tho resolution at
tho next meeting of tho Senato with
tho expectation of securing final action.
Of the other resolutions, two woro
agreed to. Ono of these, by Mr. Mor
gan, calls on tho President for tho let
ters of Gonoral Gomez to himself and
Mr. Cleveland and for other Informa
tion on Cuban affairs. The other, by
Mr. Mills of Texas, instructs tho com
mlttoo on foreign relations to report
what obligations the United States has
assumed by compelling Cuba to re
main subject to Spain. Both resolu
tions wero passed without opposition,
a Mr. Allen, Populist, of Nebraska,
also presented a resolution reciting
that General Rivera of tho Cuban
forces, had been captured by the Span
ish and was about to be triod by drum
head court-martial and shot, and pro
testing against such trial as contrary
to the rulos of civilized warfare. Mr.
Allen asked for Immodlato considera
tion of the resolution.
Mr. Iloar said It did not conform
with the dignity ot the Senato to rush
forward on those subjects. The ques
tions of llfo and death In Cuba was not
In the keeping of tho Senate. Thero
should be decorous and orderly pro
cedure on these International ques
tions, and ho would object to the reso
lution unless It was allowod to go to
the committee.
Rear Admiral Rniiell Dead.
Washington, April 3. Rear Ad
miral John H. Russell, retired, died at
his residence hero to-day, after an ill
ness of about a month. He was born
in Frederick, Md., In 1887, and entered
tho navy as a midshipman when only
14 years old.
The Dnnkard KxodtiK
St. Paul. Minn.. Aorll 3. Nearly
3,000 Dunkards and Mennonttes passed
through St Paul to-day en route to
their now homes In North Dakota.
This was the largest single movement
of settlers ever seen In the Northwest
Long Sentence for Firebug.
New York, April 3. Hugh Miller,
the firebug who was convicted of arson
twenty-four hours after his arrest,
was sontencod to-day in the Brooklyn
county court to twenty years' impris
onment Adolph Steinberg, another
firebug, was sentenced to ten years'
French to Tax Foreign Tewel.
Paris, April 3. Tho chamber oi
deputies has adopted tho port duel
bill, mposlng a tax upon foreign ves-
..i.nli ..., o Anfim Mr mtrle
toa ufen merchandise and upon each
bandlse and upon
-r Ttiiitnrtr liirtfli
A Condenned and ConcUe Non-PartUnn
Report of tho Labor of the Nebranka
LegUtatnre the l'ant Week Action Ta
ken on the Various Meanrei.
Consideration of S. P. 244, by Sen
ator Fcltz of Keith, to amend tho dis
trict irrigation Inw providing for a
state board of Irrigation, was takon
up -is committee of the whole.
The bill ns amended provides for a
secretary and an assistant secretary,
one of whom shall be a civil engineer
"having a practical knowledge of irri
gation." An amendment rcducn g tho
salary of the secretary from 82,000 to
81,500 was adopted.
Scnntor Mutz then proposed to re
duce the salary of the assistant secre
tary from 81,200, ns fixed In the bill, to
81,000, A motion to that effect carried.
The office of undcr-assistant secre
tary was stricken out of tho bill and
the duties of undcr-asslstnnt secretaries
were transferred to the undcr-sccrc-tarlcs.
The salary of undcr-sccretarlcs
was fixed at 8800 a year.
At the afternoon session the bill was
slightly nmeuded ns to form nnd re
commended for passage.
Adjourned to Monday at 3 p. m.
Monday, March SO.
In the senate tho committee appoint
ed to investigate charges of bribery in
connection with tho gamblers' bill,
which were made by the Omaha lice,
was cnlnrgcd by tho addition of Sena
tors Ransom and Talbot.
Bills passed: II. R. 72, appropriating
81.248 for tho relief of Burt county;
S. P. 144, providing that county judges
in counties over 25,000 may appoint a
clerk, and giving such clerk power to
perform tho duties of county judge, ex
cept judicial nets; Senator Talbot's
fraternal Insurnnco bill, (after a call of
the house); Senator Murphy's puro food
bill; Senator Gondrlng's bill for pro
tection of game.
In committee of tho whole tho senate
recommended to tax telegraph com
panies 1 per cent of gross earnings.
Taentlny, March 30.
Several bills wero advanced to third
reading In tho senate this morning.
Bills passed were: II. R. 209, appro
priating Morrill fund for uso of indus
trial school of State university; II. R.
207, to prohibit corporations from con
tributing money or means to inilucnco
or control elections; S. P. 203, relating
to exclusion of school bond taxes in
compilation of aggregate school taxes.
Tho anti-pass bill was considered in
committco of the whole. It was
amended so as to prevent tho giving of
passes for any purpose, not excluding
charitable purposes, and recommended
for passage.
Considerable merriment wns occa
sioned by an amendment offered by
Senator Talbot in tho form of an
emergency clause, which makes the
bill effective ns soon as it receives tho
governor's approval.
"I hope that will not provent us
from getting back homo?" said Senator
Howell of Douglas, with pretended
"Nol Nol It will not!" was the echo
from several smiling republican sena
tors. Quite a number of the sonators spoke
for and against tho bill, tho minority
scoring the majority for not bringing
tho bill forward until this lato day.
A effort was made to havo tho 2-cent
passenger faro bill made a special or-
ordor, but it failed.
A very pleasant incident was the pre
sentation of n large crayon portrait of
Lieutenant-Governor Harris to Mrs.
Harris. Senator Beal of Custer arose
just before adjournment and announced
that tho senato, officers, nnd employes
had joined together, and that Senator
Murphy of Gage would speak for them.
Mrs. Harris occupied a chair near her
husband, behind tho president's desk.
Senator Murphy, on behalf of the don
ors, and in his most eloquent and earn
est manner, told of tho respect and
lovo borne by all tho senators for ths
lieutenant governor, and how his con
duct as presiding officer had endeared
him to all.
Mrs. Harris expressed her heartfelt
thanks to tho donors. Lieutenant-
Governor Harris added a fow words on
behalf of himself and wife. He said
ho had a warm placo in his heart for
every senator without a single excep
tion. Ho thanked the senators and
employes cordially.
Wednesday. March 31.
The senato today took up tho Peru
normal bill, a measure appropriating
630,000 for the rebuilding of a dormi
tory. Numerous amendments to cut
down tho appropriation wero offered,
but not agreed to, and after a debate
ot somo length the bill was recom
mended for passage
Tho bill appropriating 830,000 for a
building on the the university campus
was by agreement made the special
ordor for Thursday.
The senate recommended the passage
of the fellow servant bill, to make em
ployers liable for injuries to employes
when such injuries are caused by tho
negligence of another employe. An
other obiect of tho bill is to legislate
J out of existence tho B. & M. relief de
partment. The bill makes tho em-
i. .... .. .
pioyer name ana proviues mat any con
tract, rule or regulation between such
employe and employer shall in no wise
impair or diminish cuch liability.
The bill taking the Milford indus
trial homo from under control ot tho
! woman's associate charities and placing
it in charge or tne governor anu tne
board of publio lands and buildings,
was also recommended for passage.
Tho debate in committee of the whole
on this bill was very long, several of
tho senators going into tho merits of
the bill, nnd making a plea to let tho
homo remain in the hands ot tho
woman's associate charities. Senator
Conoway ospoclally entered into de
tails and gave the history ot the homo,
but tho senato refused to Indefinitely
Governor nolccmb today approved
8. P. 41, by Heuator Kausotn, requlr
iQfr 8treet car companies to vestibule
their cars for tho protection of em-
II. R. 117, the state script bill was
advanced to head ot general file.
I Tb t then "- tlte thrse
senate files which gives the governor
power to appoint otllccrs of tho Kear
ney and Geneva industrial schools and
the institute for feeble minded at
Thnmday, April 1.
Friends of the state university fought
a battle in tho senate today and won.
The house bill appropriating 830,000
for a building for the school of me
chanical arts was recommended for pas
sage. Bills passed were: S. P. 371, to tax
express companies; 375, to tax gross
earnings of telephono companies i of
1 per cent; 378, to tax gross earnings
of telegraph companies 1 per cent; II.
II. R. 100, Peru dormitory bill; 140, to
permit humane societies to adopt neg
lected children.
The senate by n vota of 10 to 15 re
fused to concur in the house amend
ment to H. P. 8, Senator Real's defi
ciency judgment bill. Tho house had
amended the bill excepting existing
Tlie sennto then went into commit
tee of tho whole to consider the bill
appropriating 830,000 for a building for
mechanical arts. After repeated at
tempts to cut down tho appropriation
had failed the bill was favorably recom
mended. Tho legislative committco appointed
to investigate tho charge thnt boodle
was used by gnmblcrs to secure the
passaco of a bill completed its work
yesterday nnd reported to tho senato
that the charges were not sustained. A
resolution wns passed censuring the
Omaha Bee, and its editor, who caused
tho charges to bo made.
Friday, April 3.
Advancement of individual or pet
measures caused tho usual wrangle in
the senato this morning.
The scrip warrant bill. II. R. 117,
was added to bills under head of spe
cial order.
Tho fellow servants bill was defeat
ed. Tho bill to appropriate 830,000 for a
state university building for school of
mechanical arts, was passed.
II. R. 254, appropriating matricula
tion fees of state normal for uso of li
brary, passed. ,
A list of bills were recommended for
special order, among them being the
referendum bill nnd nil the guarantee
bond bills. The will be considered
Monday night.
S. P. 01, tnklng tho management of
tho industrial home at Mllford out of
the hands of tho woman's associate
charrities, passed, as also did tho bill
for organization of mutual hail insur
anco companies.
S. P. 180, to abolish capital punish
ment, was defeated.
Tho general appropriation bill wns
considered in committee of the whole
There were many committee amend
ments adding to appropriations, the
most notable ono being 810,000 to the
830,000 for support of tho national
Tho bill appropriating 825,000 for an
addition to tho Norfolk asylum was ad
vanced to third reading and the senate
Monday, March 20.
Speaker Gafiln named in the houso
this afternoon as the special committco
to investigate state offices, Messrs. Zim
merman of York, Wheeler of Furnas,
and Moran of Platte.
Mr. Sheldon of Dawes submitted a
resolution of sympathy for Represent
ative Ankcny over tho loss of his wife,
nnd excused him from attendance ns
long as necessary. Adopted unani
mously. consideration oi 11. u. -jo;), Known as
the blanket ballot law and providing
for pnrty emblems, was had in
committee of tho whole. Its consider
ation occupied the whole of tho after
noon. The bill was rend in full, nnd
when tho timo enmo for the committee
to arise, Mr. Zimmerman of York madu
a motion to recommend for indefinite
postponement, which was seconded by
Mr. Hull of Harlan. A difference of
opinion umong tho majority was mani
fested, and A motion to riso without
action prevailed. Tho Iioubo then ad
journed. 7
Tneiday, March 30.
This morning after listening to nu
merous reports of btanding committees,
the house went into committco of tho
whole nud took up the revonuo bill.
A few sections only were read nnd in
the afternoon bills on third reading oc
cupied the attention of the house.
II. R. 011 was read far the third
time. It is a concurrent resolution
introduced by the railroad commltteo,
providing for a commission of three
competent persons to ask the assistance
of the Interstate commerce commission
and the board of railroad commission
ers in securing just and equitable
f reight rates to the gulf and to con
sider tho propriety of building an in
terstate railroad to tho Gulf ot Mex
ico. Tho bill passed by a vote of 05
to 5.
II. R. 532, appropriating 810,000 for
the purpose of investigating the uc
accounts of tho various executive ofliccs
of the stato and for the purpose of
prosecuting any officials who may be
found to have defrauded the state,
passed with the emergency clauso, tho
voto standing 70 to 0.
II. R. 0, Mr. Hull's bill providing for
the extinguishment ot all deficiency
ludgmenta and providing that when a
mortgagee sues on his note, he aban
dons his mortgago security, was passed
with the exact constitution! majority
of 51 votes.
At the night session the house went
into the committee of the whole and
passed favorably upon the blanket
ballot bill which almost received a
black oye on Monday through the op
position of Messrs, Zimmerman and
Hull. Mr. null experienced a change
of heart and moved to recommend the
bill favorably, which was done.
An exciting littlo encounter occurred
over tho revenue bill, which Mr. Hull
moved to postpone Ills motion wns
like touching tiro to gunpowder, and
when ho saw how sentiment was run
ning he said ho really favored tho bill.
Tho bill is long nnd tho members re
ullzo that It will consume considerable
time, but aro quite generally in favor
ot taking it up. Nothlugwas dono with
it tonight, howovor.
March 31.
The house toda;
y put In another
The morning was
Tery PU8jr day,
occupied almost entirety with reports
of standing committees. The mem
bers madostrcnuousefforts to ndvonco
individual bills, but tho house sat
down on nearly every one that was
pushed. The Douglas county delfga
tlon sought to advance to the head of
the general file the bill permitting tho
bonding of Douglas county for the ex
position, but the opposition was too
Later on tho two bills appropriating
830,000 nud 825,000 for permanent im
provements at tho Hastings nnd Nor
folk asylums respectively, wero ad
vanced for final consideration at an
early date.
Among tho most Important bills
passed by tho houso in tho afternoon
wns the senato deficiency judgment1
bill and tho bill enlarging tho powers
of the board of transportation.
The most Important action during,
tho day was taken at the evening ses
ston in committee of the whole, when
tho general reveuuo bill was post
poned. This bill was drawn up on the
plan that assessments should hereaft
er be mado at the cash value of prop
erty, with tho intent to lower the levy.
Provision wns also made for county
assessors nnd the validity of tax title
deeds was recognized. The list of as
sessable property was raised from 30
items to nearly a hundred.
Opposition to tho bill which was a
committee substitue for Mr. Pollard's
revenue bill, camo from somo of the
leaders on tho floor, who wished
changes In the general revenue law
but did not want sweeping reiorms.
ono and
9.y ntcr
Mr. Wooster moved to postpone
after an attempt had failed to
mit the bill, first striking out al
the enacting clause so tha" a few
pressing changes might beJiiSiie iu
the present system in accordance with
tho governor's recommendations, the
motion to postpono carried.
This motion brought forth a storm
of protests from the members which
E roved useless. All the minor revenue
Ills have been postponed with the
understanding that they were included'
iu tho general revenue bill, nnd now
that it lias gone by the board, the only
hopo for roliof lies In tho reconsidera
tion of the rote by which the bill was
The house today passed a motion for
the nppolntmcnt of a committee to con-'
fcr with the senate committee as to the
timo for final adjournment The com
mltteo was not appointed.
Thandny, April I.a
Preliminaries ovor, tho hoase, after'
refusing to advance quite n number of
bills, devoted tho greater part of tho
day to passage of measures. Amongi
the numerous ones passed the follow
ing are the most important: S. F. 40,
providing for organization of mutual'
hail insurance companies; H. R. 224,
appropriating 825,000 for a new bulld-i
ing at the Norfolk asylum; II. R. 18,
appropriating 830,000 for permanent1
improvements at the Hastings asylum.
H. R. 053, an act to validate renewul
bonds issued in Omaha, failed to pass,
with the emergency clause and passed
without it, with 54 votes.
Mr. Yeiser succeeded in advancing
S. F. 157, prohibiting corporations or
business firms from furnishing officers
in cities or villages free anv eras, elec-i
trie light or other artificial light, waterv
or water service, transportation, etc.f
xne motion to advance to a third read
ing prevailed by a vote of 41 to 19.
II. R. 345, preventing commission,)
merchants from depositing tho pro
ceeds of a consignment in their own)
name in bands and making such an actl
embezzlement, was recommended fori
passage. A provision was added al-f
lowing merchants to deduct from ro-i
mlttances, indebtedness of consignors
to them.
II. R. 282, providing for a state board
of engineers, was indefinitely post
II. R. 520, authorizes tho board of
public lands and buildings to purchase
a quarter section of land near the,
Hastings asylum for tho purposo of
taking caro of thfl sewage coming from
tho asylum. The bill was recommend-,
cd for passage.
Tho committco rose and its report
was adopted.
A motion to adjourn carried, taking
precedence over a motion to tako a
recess till 7:30 o'clock.
Friday, April 3.
Several bills were advanced in the
house, after which tho regular order,
A motion to reccdo from tho housei
amendment to S. P. 108, the deficiency
tudgment bill, carried. As passed ths1
till effects existing contracts.
Bills passed were: II. R. 07, making
chicken stealing a burglary; 283, plac '
ing institute for bliad at Nebraska
City and deaf and dumb institute at.
Omaha under control of stato board ofrv
trustees Instead of tho board of publio
lands nnd buildings.
Mr. Snyder of Sherman was excused i
for the balance of tho session.
After recess the claims bill pussad
with emorgency clause.
it. it. 403, the blanket ballot bill,
passed with emergency clause.
o. P. 157, to prevent persona, parW
nershlps. and corporations from furl
nishlng to officers any gas lights, etc.,
at a price less than is charged other
customers for such.
II. R. 343, the penitentiary bill, was
Easscd, as were also S. F. 207, defining
eneflclary societies, H. R. 334 and II.
It. 351.
II. R. 175, amending tho state am
county depository law passed with
emergency clause.
At tho evening session reports of
standing committees were received.
S. F. 2, to prevent insurance com
bines, was advanced and ordered en
grossed for third reading after qaito a
The senate judiciary apportionment
bill was indefinitely postponed.
A motion to adjourn Wednesday af
ternoon next was defeated, as the joint
committee had not yet reported.
In committee of the whole II. R. 241,
defining a legal newspaper and provid
ing that it must have been publlsnd
three months to bo such, wub rccom-
menucu ior passage,
II. R. 403. appropriating 810,000 for
tho Nebrnska fuir association at North
Platto iu behalf of irrigation interests,
was postponed.
H. it. 441 provides thnt where a
cunnge oi venue in a law suit is takon,
niu vu.ii.ri Btimi uu iaxeu uacK to tho
county irom which suit was brougl
" " rucumiiicnuuii ior pas'iago.
II. R. 450. to prevent coinliinnd
of elevator men, was recommended :
j. tie commltteo then roso aud ths
aousa aujoumeu,-
3riaL--2-fcgL' M4WHMwann!!tt
ftj-iBiayjaitfef niiim(m)imm.
--Til-Tfrnilfr., nWilii.ii.iif..nmiii.;i tm
niv -' twak nraf. 3-- -f- i-