uas VtL L ' Aft-- U yr H!u.. 4a""HBHBiMMHBaaaaaBaaaaai rr.-vr -j : r',t,n-,.rt. v'y Z ., " LL" - -J- M . ,- , .w,..,, ,-t, .jrx i..v.; - y 'r-i' rT- . --- -r- "V , W '. - ' a .- jlmm. i.c!aaiiiiiipwimaiiiijij -. ,. .:' W .t :'. "SjasKa-. J$-Z'r-7',L'L' VOLUME XXV. RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA, APRIL 9, 1897. NUMBER 15 VffiVww;$!ititiw?WM tarn itf$miwxtt!2w$w!W While you are buying cloteing don't forget to call on us for hildren's Waists, Hen's and Boy's Mackintoshes, Men's Boys and Children's Hats and Caps, Men's and Boy's Sweaters, Trunks and Valises, Orders taken for suits, perfect fit guaranteed. 'Correct things in Neckware, Shirts of Every Description, A. O. U. W. and Masonic Lapel Button, Collar and Cuff Buttons, Stick Pins, . Studs, Etc., Hosiery Department Complete. Best fitting shirts are the Monarch shirts. Bosom open front or back or both. 17, m Sit: B. m 8 a m City Council. Council met in regular .session Wed nesday. Present Mayor Myers mid Councllmcn Dock, Hollistor, Grout and Fulton. Council proceeded to recanvass the votes east at the election hold Tuesday with the following result: Cii(lIlAtes w m ft m ftt: as Mayor D. J. Myers, p I H5 KB U. J. Warrmt. r . ..... . C W City Clnk !.. K.Ttl. r T8 1H T.J. Ward, pi 47 M Cllij rteaturtr 0. W. Dow. r. (18 10 T. R. Penman, p I W 89 uiv ourctuor C.S. Dennett, r Kl 124 Scrtlterlnc...- .. - 3 VauneUimn Joi. UurbnrKcr, p I ... 45 S. r. SnokcmieM. r... . . 72 .1. A. McAr.aur, pi M W.w, WriKht.r 104 want of Ktiucaiion 8. Ilcckwlth, p i. 42 f9 T. C. Hacker, r 73 1CV A, A. Tope, p I -..- 47 74 C. II. Crone, r AS 170 J. 8. Kuililb. p 1 08 Ii. II. Fort, r , I 07 1iMi 121 102 1(4 100 174 1W art 3 101 aw 121 244 112 an 41 Ni 65 201 42 141 I2.H 120 1 GalpsM&Wescot. WK tot: i Tit - i The )ioll books wcro examined mid fouud correct and those having t.ho majority wore declared elected. L. H. Fart appeared before the coun cil and entered complaint in regard to the charges on uydranl at las resilience, claiming that ho offered t ho water com missioner old rate before new ordi nance was published and commissioner refused to accept the amount offered. Motion carried that dispute be settled at old rate to the first of the municipal year. The following bills were allowed and warrants ordered drawu on their respective funds: J, A, Held ......-. v Our Bargain Day Is Every Day. We are offering at the lowest prices a fine line of the latest MILLINERY ! MRS. J. C. MYERS, nill iVh LM.'T.' Ill.11 VJAIjIj AMU cr.r. iu'iv. MOON HLOCK, HKU OLOUD. Hon A Rife.. K. & T. Col Co.. L. B, Tall... U. t. Groat a. II. Hollliter.... I). J. Myers ... a. W. Dow J. M. Sellan A. Cook . Election Hoard- T. J. Ward J.W. Klmel. .:.w 00 77 lb W 00 ...IS r0 . .13 BO .-JBOO 6 60 ...4000 a oo 20 00 1 w 18 00 ..... 7 00 4 00 .....11 B0 ... 1 50 12 B0 .-..VKiOO 12 W ...15 0 POULTRY- WANTBD! Tho Beason of the vear has arrived when you will bo prevailed upon by NUMEROUS COMMISSION HOUSES to forward them your consignments of POULTRY, - GAME, - BUTTER, - EGGS PURS, HIDES. PELTS, ETS Take no chances but ship direct to tho old cstablisheo linn of t. m A.. - MoCutoheon - & - Co., ass South Water St., Chicago, III. Timv will cive you top prices and quick returns. Write them for quotations 113 REraitENOE-FiBST National BANK.'Cbicago, Illinois. city Bray and Express Ittoe. ROSS 3i RIFE. PROS, Goods Delivered to any part of the. Charges as low as the Lowest. CITY AGENTS FOR ADAAS EXPRESS CO. ANDY CATHARTIC robcahtito CURt CONSTIPATION ALL DRUGGISTS i J. II. Carr ........................ O. J. Warren .... .... I.. A. Anltz It. H Kultan (J. W. llow..... .........,. Ii. 11. Hack - (I. W, Dow..... 11111 of Fire Department forSfiOOfor hosound bill of F. V.Taylor for funeral expenses of Vest laid over till next meeting. Hill of O. H. Holllster for labor on boiler at power house for $3 was presented and upon motion allowed. Council adjourned. Catarrh Cannot Bo Cured With local applications, as thoy can not reach tho seat of the disease. Catarrh is a blood or constitutional disease, and iu order to euro It you must take internal remedies. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally, and acts directly on tho blood and mucous surfaces. Hall's Catarrh Cure is not a quack medicine. It was prescribed by one of tho best physicians in this coun try for years, and is a regular prescrip tion. It is composed of the best tonics known, combined with tho best blood purifiers, acting directly on the mucous surfaces. The perfect combination of tho two ingredionts Is what produces such wonderful results in curing catarrh. Send for testimonials, free. F. J. CHENEY & CO. Props., Toledo, O. Sold by druggists, price 75c, Hall's Family Fills are the best. LESTER. Who says it can't rain in Nebraska? Mrs. Conner and mother ware guests of . W. Maker and family. Mrs. Frasu and Mrs, Carpenter wero visiting in this vicinity one day last week. John Saladen expects to move next wcok into Chas. Jackson's residence Chas. Frisbloand wife spunt'Stindny at A, 11. Suladon's. Mrs, Mutiio Parker was the guest of Mr. 8. Miller last weok. Earnest Tin ell was here Sunday. Ed. Doyla was in tied Cloud Sunday. Tho Huv. W. H. Weaver, pastor of tho U.,11. Church, Dlllsburg, Pa rec ognizes tho value ot Chamberlain,'s Cough Remedy, ami docs not hesitate to tell .others about it. "I have used Chamberlain's Cough llemcdy," ho says, "and tlnd, it mi excellent medi cine for colds, coughs and hoarseiipss." So does everyone who gives it a trial Sold by II, E. Oiico, Druggist. PLEASANT DALE. Mr. AtulersoiiH baby Is quite sick. This vicinity was blessed with copious showers last week and crop prospruls are at a premium. A goodly number gathered at the school house last Thursday night. After waiting some time for tho minis ter it dawned on them that it was April 1st. School closed In upper Penny creek last Friday. A number of visitors wcro present and were favored by a lino program rendered by tho pupils, D. R. Carpenter has finished plaster ing the upper story of his house. A number from this neighborhood attended preaching at lower Penny creek school house Sunday afternoon. Miss liessie Carpenter returned to lied .Cloud Sunday evening to llnlsh tho school year. Earliest Hnskius made a trip to lied Cloud Sunday afternoon. Our infant Sunday school convened promptly at the appointed hour. Thirty-one present and tho socretary was able to mako a very creditable re port. A. H. Carpenter aud wife of lied Cloud spent last Friday in tho "Dale." i ... The Mount Lebanon Shakers re cently performed a great died of charity, although it was not designed as charity, being nothing more or less than an advertising scheme. It how ever resulted in great good Just the same. They gave away 1,000 bottles of their Digestive Cordial to those suffer ing front stomach derangement. It was a' elective in caring these who used the remedy that they wcro loud in their praises of It and in conse quence a large demand for tho cordial was at once created. The druggists of this town havo little books that will tell you all about it. Dlgestlvo Cordial creates an appolit?, aids digestion and bring about a rapid increase in llcsh and strength. The leading liniment of the age, rapidly cures Rheumatism, Neuralgia and all pains. For Cuts, Sores, Burns, Sprains and Bruises it is invaluable. SALVATION OIL should be in every house, it costs only 25 cents. Insist on getting it. Take no other. CkW UWE'I PIU08, Th nit Tobacco tntldoU, lOe. Dealers or miN.A.C.Mutr a Co.,Btto.,IM. Harness! Harness! Harness! We are making Special Inducements on Harness this spring. We are selling harness to correspond with corn. Fol lowing you will find a few of the articles we arc selling. i--inch Harness from $19 to $25, i--inch Harness from $20.50 to $29. Sweat Pads from 45c to 65c per pair. All other goods in proportion. Call and be convinced. J. O. BUTTER, Prop. Serviceable Farm Shoes ! Creole Grain Leather Plow Shoes, O ygm made to order and fit the foot,P "" Oil Grain Shoes, ball or congress, $2.50. Satin Calf, ball or congress, $3,00. Genuine Call, ball or congress, $3.53.' Laxoi. is tho name ot a palatable Castor Oil. Just the. thing for child ren. Ladies 'WiiC. . ' " A'tiVst clam utock of ' ., - and - Gents - flue - Footwear. Kxamine my stock aud get my prices before buying. HENRY DEIDRICK. Repairing ami custom work neatly aud promptly done. the School Report. Ucport of the Iuavalo school for mouth ouditig April 2nd, 1897. Number enrolled 20. Average attendance li). Number cases tardiness 13. The following are tho names of the pupils who were neither tardy nor ab sent during tho month. Kdnn, Hazel and Inez Iloldredgo, Daisy Hunter, Liazlc Duisloy, Johnnie Uroomliold and Maudio Deisley. Tho abovo is a correct report for tho month of March, 1807. Wn, llKrvKLBOWicit, Teacher. 1MiVIER: DUMBER CO., DKALKHS IN kUJVIBER and COAL. Buildings JVTciLter'l&l, to Red Cloud, - - Nebraska. 2SM33XS? iL'i Spring Bequiroa. That the impurities which have ac cumulated in your blood during the winter surll be promptly and thorough ly expelled if good health is expected. When the warm weather comes these impurities aro liable to manifest thorn solves in various ways and ofton lead to aurious illness. Unless the blood is rich and pure that tired fouling will afllict you, your appetite will fail and you will (ind yourself "all run down." Hood's Snrsaptuilla tones and strength ens the system, drives out all impuri ties and makes pure, rich, healthy blood. Hood's Sarsaparilla is tho one truo blood puriiier and the host spring medicine. Bo sura to get only Hood's Improved Train Borvico. Taking effect Monday, April 13th, tho popular Nickel Plate road will put into service a U. L. & Wf sleeper on train No 2 leaving Chicago daily at 0:20 p.m., and arriving in New York tho second morning at 7:!H. This in addition to prosent simmer between Chlcaeo and Now York via Nickel Plato and West Shore roads. This road is ondoavoriug to glvo their patrons the best survlco for the least money, and tlm public will please look out for still further Improvement hi train service, iu the near future. For reservations call on or address, II, Thome. G. V.& T. A., Ill Adonis St., Chicago, ill., or J.Y. Oalalian, Gen'l Agent, 111 Adams St., Chicago, 1)1, Qtf3!??i.S,? M !T2?? U-22 V, mmmumi Ttmt BUY QUICK Wo aro golug to move our stock of BOOTS AND SHOES ! To Tecumseh Nebraska in Just twenty days. With tho excep tion of plow shoes wo offer our entire stock right down A.t Other Dealers Coat to save f roight. Kven plow shoes we will sell cheaper than any ono else. Special Inducements in Several Pair Lots. Everything Goes. Come id at onco and got the cream. Remember wo will be gone before the 2.rtth Inst. Cincinnati Cash Shoe Store. 1 A. H. KALEY, Proprietor. gg DcWitt' Little Early RUcr TtotaaMMtHtteaUU. r. Price's CrMM BaUag Powder Wartl's Pair tUghaat Awawa. I A Satisfied Customer is a Good Advertisement. I A Dissatisfied Customer Is a Poor Advertisement. We have none but good advertisements, all made by our first class repairing, guarantees that guarantee and satisfaction or your money refunded. NBWHOUSEBROS., I JKWKl.KKS AND Ul'TIl IAN.S FOR THK l'KOPLK. i,iMMlMtl ' J; J r HI r IJ ,: ill "E !! ' N m M r i I V' t t .3 ' 'A I i n l! J ft- :J 4 .m 1 1 i 4 i si vL V : ; 4 4 4 4 3 4 4 i ; m i'-ft. ailttf.lM 'vjf m kVf.TO JWSlSJft.' tll& ,? ii v'l, -'.A .!f ,.,. v,..3twi. -..,;., ,4.j& AjS rV tWVtfttW. . HNJ V H.M4'