The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, April 02, 1897, Page 4, Image 4

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"rTfr." '
mouk on .ijiisa 3'unsoNAii.
Absolutely Pure.
Celebrated for tin great leaveulng strength and
licalthfulneM. Asturei the food agalmt alum
mid all forma of adulteration common to the
Next Tuosdny is olectiou.
Dr. Hall of Covvles was hero Wed
nesday. Tho spring twin of school commences
next Monday.
Dr. Hobiuson at
Guide Kock wus
here Wodnesday.
Miss Nellie Mattrcr
this week ro-
eclved a now bicycle.
11. S. Hardy of Phillipsburg. Kansas
was in tho city Wednesday.
K. E. Burr of Guide Rock was in tho
city Wednesday on business.
Fresh fish and oysters for tho Lenten
season at Crans' Chop House.
Morhart & Cutter
fat cattle and hogs.
arc now buying
See them beforo
J. A. Boyd moved this week into his
new residence in the northwest part of
tho city.
K. II. Laut of Mason this state, was
in tho city Tuesday in attendance at
tho Swino Brooder meeting.
J. Maudelbautu, of Bluo Hill, was in
tho city Tuesday in attendance at tho
I u tor-State Swino Breeders meeting.
Mrs. L. II. Bust is hero from Bed
Cloud on a visit to her sister, Mrs.
Carrio Hughes, and her Beaver City
friends. Beaver City Tribune.
Torturing, itching, scaly skin
eruptions, burns and scalds are soothed
at once and promptly healed by Do
Witt's Witch Hazel Salve, tho best
ktmwu cure for piles. C. L. Cotting.
Major Colo tho celebrated revivalist
whom tho churehos of this city tried to
secure for a series of meetings, has
closed his meoMngs nt McCook with a
result of seciK'lng live hundred aud
one converts.
A force of carpenters were at work
this week repairing tho fire bell tower
and putting in a now anchor post. Tho
out ones uoinir rottcu entirety oil reti
dering tho towor and bell unsafe in
case of heavy wind.
It is surprising what "a woo bit of a
thing" can accomplish. Sick head
ache, constipation, dyspepsia, sour
stomach, dizziness, aro quickly banish
od DoWitt's Little Early Risers. Small
pill. Safe pill. Best pill. C. L. Cot
Parties who turned an oldish bay
horse anil an iron gray colt in my pas
ture Itv or six weeks ago without my
consent will please come and get same
at onco and settle costs. Chas. Bushee
arber place one-half milo north of
If you have ever seen a child in the
agony of croup, you can appreciate tho
gratitude of the mothers who know
that Ono Miuuto Cough Curo relioves
their little ones as quickly as it is ad
ministered. Many homes in this city
aro never without it. C. L. Cotting.
A trip in tho country these days con
vinces ono that tho farmers aro ono nnd
all getting ready for ono of tho great
est crops ever harvested in this section.
The ground is in better condition thnu
over in tho stato nnd indications all
point to a production of an abundanco
of all farm cereals. As a rule tho far
mers aro feeling better nt present than
they havo for several years past and
our only wish is that theircxpectations
may bo more than fully realized.
Corporation Ilk Individual in
many oaita do not look after thalr
own inUiasts whr th cost af up
plying udd oenyanUno for thalr
patrons would coat rery llttl. Our
attention has beca callad vral tlma
tothopaerly lighted condition of th
B. 4b M. platform at this plaee. To be
uro, tho company kas ono light placed
at the far weitorn end of tho platform
and tho depot employe sao that tho
lamp 1 well trimmad and burilng,
but ita rays will not penotroto tha
darknass far enough. Of ooursa tho
B. & M. can gat aloag and let their pat
ron atumblo off th train in th dark
but it don't how btisln antorpriso.
Highest Honors World's Fair,
Oold Medal, Midwinter Fair.
A Pure Qrape Cream of Tartar Powder.
Tho Croscont llleyolo.
1'eto Mcintosh
this wcok.
wtts in Kansas City
Tiif Chief Is prepared to do your
job printing.
Herb Cratio of tho Bloomiugton Echo
was hero Tuesday.
Received dally fresh fish nnd oysters
nt Craus' Chop House.
I. W.Crnrynud It. S. 1'roudfU of
Guide Rook wero hero Wednesday.
Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Cowden spent
Sunday iu Superior with friends.
Mrs. W. W. Hogato is visiting with
her brother Mr. A. H. Frame and
Buy your fencing of tho Rod Cloud
lonco tnctory. The best hog fonco on
earth. A. Morhaut.
J. W. Wilson of Oborlin, Kansas, was
hero this wcok and purchased four lino
bred bulls of R. L. Alyea.
Lihie Burnett aud Blanche McCnrl
of McCook wore visiting this week
with Ed. Smith and family.
When you want a nico smooth shavo
or hair cut, give Geo. Fentress a call.
One door soathof lite Bun Bakery.
Cannot leave beforo Mar. 35th tako
advantage of tills short week. Prices
below any thing yet. Cincinnati Shoo
John Dawson, ono of the victims of
the cyclone at Chandler, Oklahoma,
was formorly an attorney at Alma,
this state.
R. L. Alyea was in Superior Wed
nesday looking after tho transfer of u
thoroughbred bull ho purchased nt
Emporia, Kansas.
There was no timber left. It must
be a cheering thought to a man t
know ho was nuiniuated for mayor
when there was no other timber left.
Tho caso of Harris vs. Jennings oc
cupied the attention of Judge Dully
and jury this week. Tho outcome was
a verdict for ninety cents for plniHtiff.
Owing to the Inclemency of tho
weather the locturo given by Rev.
Harrincton was not lamely attended.
Those present report a splendid lec
Owini! to our bttihtinir not bcinir llu
ished atTecumseh in tlmu we will stay
one week loneor. Wo will offer you
shoes at prices lower than over. Cin
cinnati Shoo Store.
The revival meetings at the Baptist
church conducted by Kov. uavis, tho
evnuuolist. closed last buuday evening.
Tho meetings Jmvo been conducted
about hvo weeks with a result of a little
over forty converts.
E. E. Turner of Comptou, Mo
writes us thnt after suffering from
piles forsoventoou years, ho completely
cured thorn by using three boxes oi ue
Witt's Witcli Hazel Salvo, it cures
eczema and sevore skin diseases. C.
L. Cotting.
Considerable alarm Is" felt "among
some oi our fruit mowers as to the to
suit of tho present warm spring
weather on tue mm crop, with a few
moro days of warm weather fruit trees
will bo ready to blossom and one late
cold snap will ruin tho entire crop.
Tho eheapest fertile lands now opon
for settlement in the United States are
located in Texas. Tho Missouri, Kan
sas and Texas Railway will havo ex
cursion rates to tho above section on
March 10th, April 0th nnd 20th. For
maps and further information, ad
dress tho nearest local agent. orG. A
McNutt, 1044 Union Ave., Knn.vts City,
The first destructive cyclono iu tho
westoftlu Mitifosippl co u ill iv an fur
reported this year visited tho city of
Chandler, Oklahoma, on Wednesday
and completely wiped out that plaoa.
But four buildings were left standing
in tho city. Twoiity-two deaths tiro re
ported nnd few escaped without being
more or less injured. John Dawson
a former Nebraska lawyer of Alma,
this stato, was ono of the victims,
M e n.'s
and boys
s h o os
thnt will
wear at
that will
p 1 o a so
and of
tho lat
est styles
at Wien-
tug Em
porium. Tho following item in regard to a
little unpleasantness which occurod at
Guide Rook on last Saturday was hand
ed in for publication aud while wo do
not know tho particulars wo publish
tho Item as requested, which is as fol
lows: "About the fuss near Guldo
Rock betweon II. Watt and A. B. Wig
gins: I stood by and heard o very word
and I must say Wiggins acted the gen
tleman in every respect and told Mr.
Watt be would not lues unuer any cir
cumstances, Watt drew his knifa and
told Mr. Wiinrins be would Kill him
and then Wiggins put a gun iu bis face
and made him cool oh. Chas. E.
Tho lecture at the opera house last
Monday evening by Rev. Harrington
was not as liberally patronized as the
subject "South Ainoricau Republics
and the Monroe Doctrine," and the
way it was handled would warrant.
Tho sale of tickets was quite large but
owing to tho severo weather many
wero unable to attend. Mr.Harrlngton
gave a oloar and ennoiso description of
tho governments oi mo oouin Ameri
can republics nnd is a strong ndvocato of
the Monroe dnctrino and thinks that it
should ho more rigidly enforced. Tho
lecture wns well rceolved by thou pres
ent and should lie decide to glvo Rod
Cloud another ho will bu a great deal
nioie liberally patronized.
Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder
Pure drape Cream ol Tartar Powder
Joe Hlair wtts In llastlugi this week.
(innc Wright hm been visiting
this wok.
Cottiug can
pleaso you If you want
wall papor.
Walt Sherwood is homo from n
to Kansas City.
Chris Pnstler wa
last of tho week.
iu tho city tho
Walt Warren of Superior spent Sun
day hero with his parents.
Crete flour is finor than silk. Just
try a sack. Sherwood & Albright.
M. Stern of Chicago was here Satur
day looking after property interests.
C. F. Jenkins of Lincoln was visiting
with his brother Carl here this week.
Charloy Calmes of Sutton was shak
ing hands with old friuuds hero this
J. A.Batnn tins sold out his drug
business nt Oak, this state mid return
ed to this city.
Th city water will be shut off Sat
urday while repairs aro beiug made on
tho boiler and engine.
D. C. Jenkins made n brief visit to
Ills sister at Cawkor City, Kansas, tho
foro part of the week.
Tho Orange Jtidd Farmer aud tho
American Agriculturalist Almanac to
gether with The Chief for 31.1)3.
Mrs.M. Lustig, of Hastings, cousin
of Morris Stern, is visiting here with
that gentleman aud wifo this week.
Mrs. S. R. McBrido has removod her
stock of millinery goods to ono of tho
vacant store rooms iu the Moou Block.
C L. Cutting, solo agent, will refund
your money if not satisfied alter using
ono bottle of Dr. Founurs famous medi
cine. Wallaco Wright has been placed on
the republican ticket in the place of
F. V. Taylor for councilman In tho
north ward.
Victor Scott returned Monday from
St. Paul, Nebraska, where lie went
some time ago to take n position in a
meat market.
J.1IO meetings at
at Ainboy conducted
by Rev. J. M. Darby closed hut Satur
day evening with a result of ten acces
sions to tho church.
Tho American Agriculturist Almanac
a book which treats on hundreds' of
subjects, Tho Orange Judd Farmer,
one of the best farm papers published
and Tho Chief all one year for $1.35.
This county has boon troated thia
week to a continual sprinkle, at times
turning into a heavy rain, until tha
soil Is in a thoroughly soaked con
dition, and iu most placet is ton wet
for plowing.
Wo will pay a salary of $10.00 per
week lor man with rie to introduce our
Poultry Mixture nnd Insect Destroyer
in tho country. Rcfcronce required.
Address, with stamp. Perfection
mfg. uo., l'nrsons, Kausas.
Don't allow tho lunss to be imuaired
by the cortinuous irritation of a cough.
It is easier to prevent consumption
tbau to curo it. Ono Minute Cough
cure taken early will ward off any
latai lung trouble. 'J. i. lotting,
Many cases of "Grippe" have lately
beeu cured by Ono Minuto Cough
cure, inis preparation seems es
pecinlly adapted to the cure of this dis
ease. It acts quickly thus provonting
serious complications and bad effects in
which this disease often leaves the
patiout. C. L. Cotting.
uco. w.Liinosoy wuo intends to go
io urippio ureea soon to personally
conduct hi mining operations there
has disposed of a half intareat in his
meat market to L. W. Smith of Chase
county, who arrived here this wcok.
Tho gentleman la a brother of J. W.
Smith formerly of this city.
Tlicro is ono man who needs to bo
watched. Ho is tho caudidato who
gives tho church people to understand
that ho is with thorn and nt tho same
time goes over and pours a mug of
beer down his throat and swears
eternal fidelity to the liquid refresh
ment man. If olected this nnor will
see that he carries out his promises of
Tho rovivals at the M. K. church
wero again commenced last Sundav
evening, with no lack of intercit per
ceptable over the former mcotings.
&acu night unus a goodly congrega
tion of llsteuers. notwithstanding the
threatnina: appearance of the rain
cloud. A movement la on foot to or
ganize a choir of fifty voices to fur-
lab mualo lor tnese meetings.
A glauce at the railroads these davs
reveals the fact that more fat stock Is
being shipped to eastern markets than
for several years past. On Woduesduy
of this wcok one train alouo carried
twenty-six cars of fat cattle besides sev
eral cars of fat hogs-' and sheep. The
prices received are better than have
boon paid for several years past, und
tho eastern raarkots indicate a steady
raise each week,
Paapla burning up rubbleu before
making grrdan hoald to it that the
fir It put out and not allowed to lay
and aMouIder during the night. A
hard wind coming up during tha night
when no on ia around might b tha
mean of blowing amber from a fir
heap that i apparently extinguished,
but 1 burning undornaalh, whleh
would bun up a part of tha town. A
Ura which waa lighted before our
rain wa obaarrad to be burning after
It bad gone through tha rain ofMon-
day and Tuesday. A good way to do
Is to use a rakaln order to aee that no
firo remalua. even if the heap it deltitr.
ed with wat or. You can't b too care
ful In this matter and tho burning
up of rubbish should nor bo left to
children. You would feel awful mean
If you wore tho cntiso of burning your
own or your neighbor properly
through n little cnrnloisiiMs,
DeWitt's CollclTciiolerA Cure!
Qulcklycure Dycentery and DUrrhira.
Mixed Paints!
ate tho purest goods in
the market. This is
proved by Chemical An
alysis, and wo are pre
pared to show you the
analysis of this and two
other lending brands,
Knowing you want tho
best for your money we
ask you to iuvestigato
this before purchasing-
Varnishes and Status,
Cariage Paints, nnd nil
other goods iu tho paint
ers lino, wo have an
abundance nt reason
able prices.
C. L. Cotting,
Geo. O. Veiser is homo allot-
to Lincelu.
A. H. Knley left the lirst of the week
for Tecum ith.
Adair and Juliet Galusha are visit
ing thoir grandmother in Lincoln.
sack of Cret6 Hour is war
For sale by Shorwood & Al-
Jay Best and M. B. Scott of Cowlcs
woro looking after business matters
hero Wednesday.
Prof. Snuitz. principal of tho Bur
chard, Nebraska, high acliool was iu
the city Thursday.
Miss Clara McMillan will rctiro from
tho postolllce this week tier place
bolng filled by Mrs. Cowden.
Fon Trade A fine gold watch for a
cow, nnd a horso for a buggy. For
particulars Inquire nt this olllco.
Ono minute is all tho tinio necessary
to decide from personal experience
that Ono Minute Cough Cure docs what
its name implies. C. L. Cottiug.
Most remain ono week longer. Wo
have aboul 10 more pairs of our &J.G0
shoes for $1 10 and just ono week to
buy them in. Cincinnati Shoo Store.
A small cyclono passed through the
country south-west of Superior last
Friday oTeniug which did considerable
damage to bat us, windmills nnd shads.
No fatalities were reported.
So much for so little money
is the general expression
of people who buy their
clothing at Wiener's.
Tboy are so small that tho most sensi
tive persons take them, thoy aro so
effective that the most obstlnnto eases
of constipation, headache and torpid
livor yield to them. That is why Do
Witt's Littlo Early Risers are known
as tho famous littlo pills. C. L. Cot
ting. A acor practice meeting of tha
memben of the Inter-Htnto Swin
Rreedera association waa held in tho
city Tuculav. H C. Dawson of Endl
cottand J. Ilandelbaum of Blue Hill
export judge conduoted tho meeting.
Quito a number of mombors wero
The cheapest fertilo lands now open
for settlement in tho United Stntes aro
located in Texas.
Tho Missouri, Kansas and Texas
Railway will have Excursion Rates
to tho abovo section on March 10th,
April 0th and 20th. For maps and fur
ther information, address tho nearest
Local Agont.or: G. A. McNutt D. P. A.
1044 Union Ave., Kansas City, Mo.
A Compliment to Our Town.
"Whenever I visit a town,"
said a stranger who called tho
other day, "1 invariably watch
tho coluniusof;the daily papers
for ovldenco of the push, en
terprise and prosperity of the
merchants and other cilizons
of tho place. Wherover, you find tho
local papor well supported you may bo
euro that more is an inioiugont com
munity. Wherever you find mer
chants alive to the value of adver
tising you are suro to find an enter
prising place. I was ploased to see the
other day in the columns of The Chief
a remarkable clothing advertisement;
ono that would do credit to any mer
chant iu Now York or Chicago. It at
once caught my eyotond held my atten
tion until I had read it through. It
certainly speaks well for your enter
pi istng clothing houso hero. Thoro's
no half-way business for thorn, thoy
sell the best and are willing to let tho
people kuow it. That's what I like to
8oe, and yon might as well make up
your mind to ono fact, and that is,
whorevor you find a merchant hand
ling tho Ii., S. & M. brand of clothing
you may put him down for tho most
enterprising clothier in the town.
This is true wherever I havo been.
Yes, Wiener deserve tho rush of trade
ho ia getting; he I giving the people
values for their money.
m m ajtd xt cima
TOTW Editor: I have an absolute
remedy for Consumption. By its timely use
thousands of hopeless cases have been already
permanently cured. So proof-positive am (
of Its power that I consider it my duty to
unA two bottles fret to those of your readers
who have Consumption.Tliroat, Bronchial or
Lung Trouble, if they will write me thalr
express and postoffice address. Sincerely,
T. A. SLOCTJM, M. C, IS) Pearl St., Hew Vcrlr.
rj- Th Editorial ami lluila.s Management oi
toll Voitr Uuaruateo thlt jcaorouj 1'rovo.lUoa.
They Cost
No More Than
. .vat cirvmt a
k'ri "
Boy's - and - Children - SUITS !
We have the
For the Small Boys, and a large assortment of suits for the
larger boy, all at correct pricks.
Wiener, thbclothwr.
Those Prizes
Are Going Rapidly.
Rocking Chair,
A Set of Irons,
A Washing Machine,
A Center Table.
A Sewing Table.
.( v , Knives and Forks, .
' " ', t - ' . Spoons,
. . .-'
..- 4 r
, ''
or some of our other
You Can Get any of the Above
Named Articles with Coupons.
You can get the Coupons by trading at the
Old-Reliable :
Quality the Best, -
- Tviiiiir.A
Single and Double
Breasted Suits
V1 ,ri
Children's Silver Cups,
Cake Stands,
Berry Dish,
Silverware Novelties.
They give you io per cent of your
cash trade in coupons,
- Prices the Lowest.
' ci
'i ' M
' l
k MM&&k,-
i'i" hfmHt