The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, April 02, 1897, Image 1

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SIMB S"-"1"" TTpSffWlllW l kl I II 3 aa rTaV ir? T5BS;g' '"ByMt' VHE3vSKpal
.' '4." Wi'iii Ifi'i f J, vi'iiri'ik i J7l " i'
Chicago Clothing Store.
S Received Their
'& Men 's Boys ' and
Children's Suits
11 This Ufeeir.
Look at their Men's Suits, $3.75 to $10.00.
Men's All Wool, Great Link, $4.75 to $8.
Best All Wool Clay Worsteds you ever saw
for $$S.oo, In Black.
Our New York Line of
Children's Junior Suits,
From $1.25 to $3.00.
Sizes, ages 2A years to 6 years, are the nobby things
Children's Wear.
Log Rolling Association.
Committees from different camps of
Modern Woodmen in the courty mot
as per call Monday, March 81, at F. V.
Taylor's, Red Cloud, for the puvposo
of organizing a "County Pionio or Log
Rolling Association."
Tho following camps were repre
sented: Bladen, Red Cloud, Guide
Rock, Cowles and Bluo Hill.
E. H. Cox of Bladen was chosen as
temporary chairman and A. L. Hll
dreth temporary secretary, after which
T. R. Hall was elected poimanont
chairman and A. L. Hildrcth perma
nent secretary of the association for a
term of one year. Tho following
named Woodmen of thodiffercnt camps
were elected as au executive commit'
tee: Hladun. E. H.Cox: Red Cloud. F.
'i K. McKcuby; Guido Rook, R. S. Proud
3 tit; Blue Hill, A. D. Ratinoy, Cowles,
, 1
G. A Wells
Place of holding the lirst annual pic
nic was discussed considerably and
finally decided to be held at Bladen,
timo to be left to the executive com
mittee. Adjourned to meet at the call of the
. H. Cox, Chairman,
A. L. HiLUitETn, Secretary.
We are the people you are looking for in
Clothing, Furnishing Goods,
Hats and Caps, Shoes.
ijalusha fr WpseQtt
7 j.j- ixyy ':!.'-':S7 -'."'V ''.'V V-V'j;ySVW''V'jl ':$
I Our Bargain Day
Is Every Day.
We are offering at the lowest
prices a line line of the latest
Tho season of tho vear has arrived when you will bo prevailed upon by
your consignments of
Take no chances but ship diiect to tho old establishee linn of
t; m A. m MoCutoheon - $s - Co,,
333 South Water St., Chicago, III.
i'hiv will dve vou top prices and quick returns. Writ them for quotations
Jnty wm ljgRB1gFlB8T national Bank, Chicago, Illinois.
City Bray and Express Mne.
Goods Delivered to any part of the. .
Charges as low as the Lowest.
fVw VJUtnnXf JMbte I
w J
this au
. MMiWDicb
W Mm mm &j1 b nda
mw - w Urea bot-
m.w.a.rMk. who
!& m HMGiailT OK
BplUMy. hat without
doubt trMUd aad cur
a or cm tnn any
llrlnf Phyilcltni hit
ucM U itonlthlnr.
w nav ntara ! owi
it m yr' itandlnr
work on
Hap of theJUnited States.
The new wall map Issued by the Bur
lington Route is three feet four inches
wide by four feet IodrjIs printed in six
colors) Is mounted 011 tollers; shows
every state, county, important town and
lailroad in tho Union, and forms a very
desirable and useful adjunct to any
household or business establishment.
l'lircbased in lots of 5,000 the map
cost tho Butllngtou Route uearly 20
cents apiece, but on receipt of 15 cents
in Htumpsor coin the urnlm signed will
be pleased to shihI you one.
Wiite Ininifdlntelj, at the supply is
limited. ' "
J. Francis, U. P. A., Burlington Rout
Omaha, Nab.
Francis Willard is woiking up 11
schemo to have all tho women unite to
boycott all cewspapersthatbublish the
reports of prize fights. The women
will refuse to patronise such newspa
pers, and thus effectually crush them.
This is a terrible,? (treat, but he busi
ness m'ftBRgeVs of the tnetropolitaa
papers will not be much disturbed.
They will say, the Jionld things, that
the patronage of women is not worth a
cent, anyhow. Womon neither sub
scribe or advertise, unless they are for
tuno tellers or manufacturers of cos
metics or of vegetable compounds, and
comparatively few women aro thus en
gaged. That's the way they'll talk. It
is rather a pity that Frances Willard,
whom all well lcgulated pooplo revere
and admire, has lent her name to such
a silly scheme. So long as newspapers
aro newspapers, tho news will have to
bo published. Editors, as a nile, feel
as much contempt and disgust for tho I
columns of pi Io light hogwash as the
most vittuous of icadeis; people in
business often have to do tbiugs they
don't "like to do; tho irrocer wouldl
rather handle, candles than wrestlo
around a case of stinking cheese; tho
meat market man would rather sell
nice steak than carry guts in a basket!
and the editor would rather print poo
try and pious resolutions than long
strings of stuff from tho prize ring
but he is in business, and tho disagree
able work as well as the agreeable
work must be done. Ueatrico Express.
An exchange reaaarks that an enter
prising business man is told by the
goods he displays in his show win
dows. There may be considerable
truth in this but if there is there are a
number of back-number business men.
If the quality of goods shown in win
dows aro samples of what may be found
Inside there are places of business
which sell half rotten apples, burned
peanuts, spoiled bananas, empty slop
Duckets, tobacco pails, old iron, cob
webs and relics of past ages that date
back to the time the oity was a small
hamlet. Nothing is more conclusive to
denote enterprise and draw trade than
a neat display of up-to-date goods, and
the merchant who cannot lind time to
Hx up a window with now goods once
a month, should at least tind time onee
a year to clean out the cobwebs and
dead flies and brush the other rubbish
uwn. . neat mm arusucaiiv ar
ranged show wiudow shows that an
up-to-date meichant conducts the
place who believes in letting the people
know what he has to sell, and a dirty
disarranged wiudow some may think
may mean the same thing.
The Rev.. W H. Weaver, pastor of
the U. B. Church, Uillsburg, Pa., rec
ognizes the value of Chamberlain's
Cough Remedy, and does nut hesitate
to tell others about It. "I have used
Chamberlain's Cough Remedy," he
ays, "and tind it an excellent uiadi.
fiif for coldt, coughs and boarMBeas."
(ioilorA "rerjono.wfenjrfvttlfa- trial
Sold by If, Gri.ja.iffiaV,'5
Soino of tho newspapers among our
exchanges, says tho Tildon Citi.on,
which habitually play tho role of Job's
comforters, appear to take a delight
in cultivating pessimistio ideas
among their readers. They pounco
on an item recording a busiuess fail
ure or a broken bank, lik a buzr.aul
on a spring chicken, and chatter like
a magpie on a marrow bono as they
enlarge 011 the fact that last fall "Wo
told you so." This Is all wrong.
When a man is sick no one but a fool
would think of curing him by keeping
him incessantly engaged in conversa
tion, aud constantly reminding him
of fatalities occuring among his
neighbors liom tho same disorder.
What is needed in Nebraska lust
now is hopeful encouragement to our
pooplo and if a newspaper writer
can't ll nd anything propitious to
comment on In tho present outlook,
ho ought, for thu sako of decency and
tho public, lo shut up shop and go to
William Taylor brought a two bush
el sack of kalir corn to town last week
and It was taken to tho mill andgiound.
Aftor it was ground tnero was sixty
pounds of Hour, forty pounds of shorts
and eight pounds of bran. Whon Mr.
Taylor got his flour he distributed it
around town to different parties and
they tried the making of bread, gems
and cakes with it and they wero woll
pleased with the results. The Hour
makes better bread than rye and is far
ahead of buckwheat flour for cakes.
The flour seems' to be sweeter than'
any of tho other flours. Mr. Taylor
says he expects t sow about an net e
of it next year for his own use. It
only takes about four pounds of seed
to an acre nnd accoiding to the yield
this year It will go about 100 bushels.
Wo believe that kailr corn will ho ono
of tho leading crops of Nebraska iu a
fow years as it will tako tho place of
rye and buckwheat. Howolls Join nal.
Paine's Gelery Gompound Pre.
vents flervoos Breakdown.
M mmWSfW3fftmWmm
M ammS"M&-:; iSaammm
mmmmmjQmmmL' t-wmimm w bbbbbbbbbbt
UMKHSSaCaSaflffiPlsBBSSlr' K' iaaaW
jMmeS9flmmS!mwmW.SaSSESS!mwB'ViTii J lmmm
wR&xSmWamamW!w - '''!
A story is told on two Topcka boys,
aged each live yeais. One of tho livo
year olds announced to the other
proudly that ho had a new In other at
His uouso. "well," said the other ono
ruefully, 'I had a now brother, but he
went to heiven 'bout as soon as ho got
hero." "When did he go?" said tho
lirst. "Lust Wcdnesday,"nald tho sec
ond. The first Had figured mentally
for a minute, when a joyous light
broke over his counteuaiico, as ho ex
claimed: "I'll tell you what. Johnny,
I'll bet ten cents that ono at our house
is thu same kid. Ho Just had about
time to get te heaven and comeback.
Smith Comity Pioneor.
Hern is tho remedy for the prevention
aad cure of hog cholera sent out by tho
U. S. Government on reconuueudation
of Dr. Salmon, of the Bureau of Ani
mal Industry. Itischeapand effective.
Cut it out and savo it;
1 part wood charcoal.
1 part sulphur.
2 parts sodium chloiide(salt).
3 parts sodium bicarbonate (soda).
3 parts sodium hyposulphite.
1 part sodium sulphate.
1 part antimony sulphide.
Pulverize and mix thoroughly. Dose
ono tablespeonful for each 200 pounds
weight of bog each day. Smith Coun
ty Pioneer.
' m
Two years ago R. J. Warreu, a drug
gist at Pleasant Brook, N. Y,, bought a
small supply of Chamberlain's Cough
Remedy. Ho sums up the result as fol
lows: "At that time tho goods were un
known in this section; today Chamber
lain's Cough Remedy Is a household
word." It is the same iu hundreds of
communities. Whereever the good
qualities of Chamberlain's Cougli
Remedy become known to the people
will have netblng else, For sale by H
K. Once, Druggist.
Edoak, Neb., March 9, 180?. Last
spring I was run down iu health.
I began taking Hood's Sarsaparillaand
boob I was relieved of that tired feel
ing, 1 believe Hood's Saraapanlla is a
wonderful blood purifier. Mrs. Win
nib Dotton.
Spiing lias eomo.
It is time for all persons to think ser
iously of their health.
Hut that doesn't mean taking the lirst
spring remedy that happens to bo of
fei oil
Pei sous who make it their business
to got thu most efleotlve remedy to bo
had aro suio to entry homo I'alne's cel
ery compound. No other remedy Is
capable of loansaig tho blood, nour
ishing the nerves aud regulating the
bowels and dlgoNtsvn oigans like
Paine's celery compound.
If you aro troubled at all by rhetiinn.
tism, neuralgia, headaches or sleep
lessness, even if these attacks come
only now and thon, now is thu time to
purify tho system of them. Don't pro
crastinate aud dally till frightened into
doing something when you lind the
task of getting well linn assumed des
perate proportions.
Paine's celery compound will euro
kidney trouble, heart palpitation and
disordered liver accurately, intelli
gently and permanently when other
remedies only raise hopes that are
never fulfilled.
monlals in praisn of Paine's celery com
pound. It Is foolish to taku poor health
"pbllosopoically" those spiing days.
Thorn Is no reason why niiyonu should
sit hands in lap, and submit to head
aches, poor appetite, continual tired
feeling or constipation. If every
disheartened invalid will go tight at
getting woll by using Paino's cel
ery compound, that person will bo
astonished and delighted with the
quickness with which this wonderful
1 omedy is able to call a halt to wasting
diseases, disease of debility and a "run
down" condition.
Paine's celery compound does won
deis iu making people well
Heio is what a woman, an ambitious
and haul-working member of the legal
profession in Now York city, says of
this great remedy;
320 4th Ave, New Yerk.
Whilo a student in tho Now York
univorslty law school nnd under great
pressure from work and study, I was
advised to take Paine's celery com
pound. 1 did so, and its beneficial re
sults to one whoso nerves are under the
Paine's celery compound, which owes l trial of sovcro mental efforts, I am only
Iu origin to tho most distinguished too ready to assert. After taking three
physician and invt-stigator this country
has ever produced, rroi. .uwaru K.
Phelps, M. D., LL. D , of Dartmouth
college, has been publicly indorsed
among medical expeits as the only
spring remedy in any sense entitled to
that name.
It cau be said without fear of con.
tradiction that no other remedy can
truthfully refer to men and women so
responsible, so trustworthy, so convinc
ing because of their straightforward,
enthusiastic and easily-verified teetl-
bottles I fouud that it uroduced Quiet
ness of nerves and induced sleep, very
beneficial to my health. For those
troubled with insomnia I cau heartily
recommend it as 11 baimless inducer of
sleep on account of its quieting effect
on tho norves. Yours very truly,
(Signed.) Florence H. Dangerfiold.
Attorney aud Counselor at Law,
PalnoN celwy compound, whloh
makes the weak strong, has received
testimonials from thousands of people
who had almost despaired of ever again
being In perfect health.
HooP'sPiiAs cure U liver ills. 25c,
gtoWIU'f Wm H Sfti
Suppose yourself and a few friends
were verv hungry aud were about to
be served with a tine big turkey, by a
colored waiter, Suppose, further,
that, when the waiter was about to
enter the dining room he stumbled and
dropped the platter upon whloh be
carried the turkey. What effect would
that have upon the several nations of
the world?" "Suppose you tell."
"Well, it would mean the downfall of
Turkey, the wrerthrow of Greece, the
breaking up of China, the hutailiatiea)
of Africa sort the disappointment of
Hungary ."-tJtolrH.
Notioe to Teaohere.
Notice is hereby given that I will ex
amine all persons who may desire to
offer themselves as candidates for
teachers of the public schools of this
county, at Bed Cloud on the third Sat
urday of each month,
Special examinations will be held on
the Friday proceeding the 3d Saturday
of each month,
The standing desired for 2d and 3d
grade certificate is the same no grade
below 70 per cent.,, average M per eeat;
for first grade certiHoaUi no graeVbe
low 8t per cent., average M per cent in
all brnnrhM required by law,
D. M. Huntm, County Supt.
I" -1
' till
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