s4;sfcrt:3W wwar. e r JW or -s i .iitrji Jri- T T n. A . M THE RED CLOUD CHIEF, FRIDAY, MARCH 20, 1897. 1' MAKES THE WERK STRONG I LINE. Snow storm the 01t. Will Aiibii-hon is blinking The foremost Athletic Trainer in America Ree-: ommends Paine's Gelery Gompound. .-. V , aaavSaflE&aflaBaafStV si" 'sVsaflaaaaflCiVBaV Jeba Graham is the foremost man is .American athletics. It wu be who managed the success ful team from this country thai at tracted world-wide attention in the re cent Olympic games at Athens. Formerly trainer for Columbia col lege, then for Princeton and finally for Harvard university, Mr. Graham had much to do with raising the stnndard of collegiate sports. A small army of gentlemen have been guided by him sinew he left Harvard and took Ills present position, Mipcrinlcndent of tho famous gymnasium of Uiu lioston athletic association. Three of his proteges, White, llrewor nnd McCarthy, have just won tho New Knglaml championship at tho mile, qntirtor-milo and tivu-miln run. Ho has trained Weeks of llrown university, onoof thu best college spriulers in tho country. Many tinoihui sliuleulof whntmakes men anil women strotifj has used anil lias recommended I'aino'.s nolory com pound as the best known rnuiudy for those who uie weak ami dispirited, tho overworked and enfeebled persons who ure most concerned iu the general nwnkcnittg of interest in outdoor ex ercise and indoor attention to the pto por rules of hualth. It was the ablest professor of medi cine aud surgery in any college, that giant, among men, Prof. Edward E. Fhelps, M. I)., ,.. D of Darmnuth collcgo, who after years of patient in vestigation and study, assisted by all that was best in the progress of medi cal soienoe at home and abroad, lirat discovered the wonderful formula of l'aine's celery compound. There was no doubt of the interest that would be awakened at once by tho announce ment of any discovery by Prof. Phelps. The formula from the first was fur nished to tho best physicians, and forthwith this remarkabia l'aine's celery compound was personally used and professionally porscribed by thorn. The result of the closest investigation might havo been expected. It soon re quired a considerable industry to pro duce the remedy, nnd rapidly but steadily, without coasing, the demand for Puiuo's celery compound has in- creased, until today Micro is no remedy that in comparison begins to hold half the public attention that it holds. In untold number of cases whoio every other remedy lias been tried and failed, l'aine's celery compound has at. tallied tho wished-for results, making tho weak strong, purifying tho blood, rebuilding tho wornout nervous tissuo, curing chronic sickness, proving a uover-failing and permanent reliof for rheumatism, neuralgia, kidney diseases and disorders of tho liver, all due to tho impairment of tho person's uorvorm system, tho consequent impoverish ment of the blood and tho breaking down in conscquonco of some par ticular organ. When Mr. Graham, writing Jan. 18, 1897, said: "I have used Paine's celery compound to my benefit, and I have no doubt that any person undergoing great physical and mental strain would Hud it of great service. For students especially it ought to be of great value." When so prominent a student of bodily health, who has no equal, un less, perhaps, ode mentions Dr. Bar gont of Harvard, with whose methods Mr. Graham becamo well ncquaintcdat Harvard whou Mr. Graham says bluntly that after his experience lie be lieves others would find l'aine's celery compound of great service, what man or woman out of perfect health can af ford to neglect his well considered and expert advice! There is no doubt that Paine's celery compound cleans the blood of cc.emn, salt rheum and such humors, not only in tho spring, that is so favorable a time, but at any time during the year, so thoroughly that nothing further is ever heard of them. Puiuo's celery compound lias been tested, tried, scrutinized and heartily approved by so uiuny impartial physi cians and men and women whoso word in any matter would not be questioned for a moment, that one must bo stubborn-minded indeed who prefers to mope around half sick instead of verifying these positive, straightfor ward statements. IHiilrie for L, A. liaoUiu". Horn to Mr. and Aire, Knaglc :i on on the 14th of Mutch. Grandma Keagle Is on the lck list this week with grip. Thomas Hoi en was dolnir business in ,lnoono day this week, Mr. Shoon of I.ehinon was the truest of Wm. Vandyke biinduy. Mrs. E. W. Anderson was the guest of Win. Vandyke one day last week. Mr. Kohl has moved on tho Wnrnei place formerly occupied by Jake Ester Alf McCall shipped his cattle and hogs to Kansas City one day last week. Mr. Stoddard of Walnut Creek wn.s a caller on Win. Vandyke one day last weeK, The meeting ut Pleasant Dale was a failure on account of the snow storm Sunday. Mr.Shanon has dosed his school at the lleardsley school house on account of diphtheria. Junius and Ernest Heatichamp have go n j into the barber business at Nel son, Nebraskn. Mrs. Sleeper of lied Cloud was in Line one day last week introducing a poultry nnd inseet destroyer. Tho meetings at the McCall school house closed Inst Friday night. There was good interest manifested and good order manitaincd. John Dcauchamp roports plenty of rain nnd mud where he lives in Mis souri. He will soon get sick of Mis souri and return to dry Nebrnska. Joseph Rehrer has conio back to bis farm on Penny Creek after being in Arkansas four years. He has got enough of the south and has come back to stay. The union Sunday scnool at the lower Penny Creek school houso was largely attended last Sunday forty seven being present. Mrs. Aubushon is superintendent. Lewis Aubushon was thrown from horso while on his way homo from church dislocating his right shoulder and fracturing his collar lion1. Dr. Beck is treating him. Those desiring to orguni.u a union Sunday school will please beptesent next Sunday at Pleasant Dale at 11 o'clock a.m. Tho request of a friend of tho Sunday school. Capt. Vandyke was sent by the sal vation army from Carson City, Nevada, to Oakland, California, tlit 20th. He will remain there for a short time and then will go to Sacra mento, California, to sco Ills bister Mary. V. Vandyke. BATIN. Ely Sorgcnson has bought a buggy. Hev. Bean has purchased a new organ. Some cattle buyers from near Camp bell were in this locality last week. Miss Emily Robinson spent Sunday with her parents at Kiverton. Morris Sharp from Superior is in this vicinity visiting his sister Mrs. Ely Sorgenson. Ramp Wisecarver and Emory Beau wero transacting business in this neighborhood Tuesday. Owing to the inclemency of the wt a ther thero wasn't any school nt Disi. 33 Monday M OVci ' Hes Bapt. Th son drove BLADEN. A I' lohnnn nnd i 11 ue Hlil riidny, IVou held meetings at the ' chili ch -evt nil nights tills week. s. Burden drove over to Camp bell uftcr a load of lumber for V. S. Hull. A P. Johnson nnd others attended Masonic Lodge nt Blue Hill Friday eve ning. George Maxwell of Holsteiu was transacting business In this city Titus day. U.W. Mitchell old his two lots in tin west pail of town to Jacob Kennedy. 'Aim pops meet Sutuidtty evening at the G, A. K. hall to orguiiio a free sil vei club. 1). S. Phelps who was in the employ of C. E flicks returned to lloaclutid one day last week. Fanners were slopped sowing wheat and oats by the stoi m of Sunday ami Mouduj of this week. Bos look mil and see that your taxes are paid bcfuio you go to the county seat to get married. Miss Widdersliieii who has been spending the winter in Illinois return ed homo last Thursday. A. P. Johnson and W. 11. Anderson were transacting business at the coun ty seat ouo day lubt week. The surprise party on Chas. Cald well was attended bv u larco number of friends and a good time repotted. The members of the post and W. R. C. will servo dinner and supper at tho rooms in the bank building Saturday. Miss Jessie Reed left last Wednesday for Illinois. She intends spending the summer witli her aunt Dee Clark of Clay Center. From Cripple Creek. After tho big lire in Cripple Creek, I took a very' severe cold nnd tried many remedies without help, the cold only becoming more settled. After using three small bottles of Cumbcrluin's Cough Remedy, both tho cough and cold left me, and in this high altitude it takes a meriioiiou.s cough remedy to do any good. G. B. Hendkuson, editor Daily Advertiser. For sale by H. E. Grioc, Druggist. Now is tub Timk to purify your blood, and Hood's Sarsaparilla Is the be-t medicine tor tho purpose. Tnou sands of great curves provo that it is tho One True Blood Puritier. SUEMFF'S SALE. Notice Ik hereby given that iiinlcr and by vlr, tin. nf nn outer nl sale ISMied fnim the office oft Jflincs llurilcn cleric of lliu District Court of IhoJ Tenth Judicial District, wlihln Hint for Web stcrcoiinty.Nchraska, upon n decree In an action pchdltitf therein, wherein George V Lewis In I'lalullll ami against Douglas J Mytr. Matnl SI) em. Jefferson U. Jiyers. and .mis, Myers, whose real first tinme Is unknown defendant, t shall offer for sulci til pub le vendue, to tho highest bidder for cash In liutid at the east dour of tho court liotie, nt lied lou). Neb rnska, (that being the building wherein the lust term of paid court was holdem on the 1'tli day of April. A. 0 IrW, nl one o'clock p.m. of mid day, tlio following property, towit: Lot one (I.) tun (a.) three A.) four (4.) and flo (ft) In hliU'K hitmUr twenty two 122.) In Smith and Mootes addition to the city of Hcd Cloud, Nebraska. . Given tinder mylnnd tlil 15th day of Mrc A. I), 197. ' .J. V. Itu.NcliKY. Sheriff .lA)ir. .Mi N'r.Nr. l'laliitlUVAttorney. simit'iPFs sale. Notlie Is hereby Kiven that under nnd hy lrttle of nn order of Mile lsut d from the otlice of .lav Harden, t lerk of the DMrlel Court of tho Tci.i.i .IildlrlulDlMrlet, within nnd for Webster county Nebraikn. upon ft decree In an action pcuilluc thtrulu, wherein (icorgc II. Harris Is philnMtV and at(nlut Samuel II Mdrlcy. Mary i:. Shirley, Kinerrou Tali at ,1 Co.. Kiiki'Iic (. Halt m d l'hllllii Knsiler, defendant, I Miall offer fur riiIo at public vendue to the highest bidder ft rcnh In hand, atlhe cal door ut the court hoiifc, nt lied Cloud, In Hiild Wot Mer county. Ncbraka, (that belim lite building wherein the lnt term of Mhl court win holden) on the Witt day of April A. I) 1BV7, at ono o'clock p. m. of paid day, tho following described property, to wit: The west half of the north cant quarter of ec lion thirty two, Si.) In township four, (t.) north rf ranee nine. (P.) wcit of the Ctli P.M. In Web Her enmity, Nebraska. Chen tinder m hand this 10th day ot March, .. I) 1M7. .1. W, II I'NcitKT, Sheriff Vt'utiitlT it TlinMAit. HImIiiIIIi'h Atliirut-v. J. M. Chjffin, Attorney. f NOTICE TO XOA'-IIESWUXTS. John V. TegB, defendant, will take notice that on Ihu 17th day of Jtnich. Ib97, Lavicu l'fn& plaintiff herein, filed her petition In the dlitrlct court of Webster county, Nebraska, the object uu ii vet ui ffiuui arc iu procure auivore irom saiu ucienaani, am ror tno cuitods certain minor children of this marriage, cether with alimony. You are reuuired oJ swcrsaldjietltlon on or bofore tho 26th itti April, ibvi. bated this 17th day of March. 1697. ,. , . I'Avica l'oo, Plaintiff, Hy .T. M. CiiArriN. her Attorney. R. T. Potter. Attorney. LEGAL NOTICE. In the District Court of Webster County, Ne urnska. Hugh II. Hunter, I'lalnllff .on I.avell, Defendant. IIoou's Pii.i.8 tire the favorite family cathartic nud liver medicine. Prici28c. Gtdd will be M. Lost, and pearl breast pin. Kinder rewarded. K. V. Cowden, P. Simply Wonderful The above named defendant, Zo I.avcl' will lake notice that on tbeHth, day of March. 180T. plaintiff herein filed his petition In the district court of Webster county, Nebraska, the object and praser of which are to foreclose a certain uiortgaic de d executed by the defendant to tho pla utlff upon the south half of thu totilli ea.l linirter and the n rth half of the south east piarlcr of section tlfteeu (l.M. town two I'Ji, rutigo nine t), Webster conntv. Ncbruska. to secure the payment of one principal note dated August ;iOUi. lb!. ror the sum of ti'UUt duo ibreo ear from dale thereof, wltlithnelntcrest 'oupoii notes attached each for the sum of Ml,.'. dated August .'Sulli, Itjys, due rciticcltvely August .10th, im. 1897 and 18M; that there In now due ujion said netea and mortgage the sum oftteatra, for which sum, with Interest from this date, plaintiff prays for a decree that defendant be required to pay the same, or that said preml' tes may be sold to satisfy the amount found due. You are required to answer said petition on or before the ISlh, day of April 18V7. Dated March 9th, IH97. ., , ., Iluoiili Uuntik. uy host, i 1-QTTEn. nis auorncy. John Bean has bought anew griuder. 'There will be a spelling school at the Ramey school houso on Kriday night April 9th. Every ono is invited. Elmer Harvey and that new buggy was seen twice in tins locality tins week, lots of attraction wo should judge. Misses Pauline and LcdiaLambrccht returned from their visit near Lincoln Wednesday. The exhibition Inst Kriday night at the Anderson school house was a grand success. The ladies tiuartettcdid some excellent singing. There occurcd at the residenco of Mrs. Hcdee near Hcd Cloud on Wed nesday evening at 8 o'clock the wed ding of Mr. Orrin Harvey from near Inavnlc and Miss Dora Hodge. After the nuptial knot was tUd by Nov. Hus song, tho guests thou partook of a bountiful repast. The bride was beatifully dressed in suet silk and the groom wns clad iu conventional black. Only a few of their nearest relatives and friends wero present. Mr. Harvey and brido will rcsido near Inavule whero ho is engaged in feuding stock, Tho writer along with their many friends wish them success through life. Stunnkii. r' vo ' '& i LEGAL NOTICE. In the District Court of Webster County, !?e The Nebraska Central 1 Building end Loan As sociation 1'lal.itlff. va. E. W. Ross, administrate or or ine ustate or Bpbrlam nifo. deceas ed. Samuel L. Hlfe, etal. Defendants. Samuel L. Hlfe, defendant In tlw abofo action will take notice that en the 7th day or January, 1HV6. the tilalntlff above named tllwl his ntitinn In the district court of Webster county, WILLOW CREEK. Hlghpocket Hoyt bought a hog. Thu roads are almost Impassable since the snow. The spelling school on the eve of tho .10th was well attended. Mr. Hoyt and Mr. Smlerlln traded wagons this week, . fiarnost Terrilf is worklug for Mr. Thompson this week, Mert Adnmson was doing business in 3Bed -Cloud Tuesday. Mr. O. L. Wilder and Jake Lacey -exchanged residences on the 23rd. Misses Smyth and Nau t Ulue Hill Are visiting on tho crcok this week. lloss Paul, Will Deacou uml Art .Hayes attended the spelling school last Kriday eight. Messrs. Oreeolee and McLcod of Uluc Hill wero at the spelling school Kriday evening. It is reported that Ed. Story was at the spelling chool last week but did not stay long. How is it Ed? Albert Kinney had a runaway caused by breaking a spring while enroute to the spelliug school which might have proved serious had it not been for Mert Adatusun happening along at that time. G. G. Hoyt rnpoits a good time while on his pleaNiire trip to Hastings. H returned vin Crystal Luke nnd Lo Koy staying over ono day at the latter to iisn ana noat ride. This accounts for his not arriving on schedule time. He brought with him n very tine variety of Irish potatoes, being tho choice of the Hastings markets. Having made such a success of this his first venture ho should contiuite in the commission busiuess. 'Lot the good work go on.' Cyclone & Buzzard. What use is there in eating when food does you no good in fact, when ii uoes you more barm than good, for such is thu case if it is net digested? If you have a loathing for food there is no use of forcing it down, for it will not bo digested. You must restore the digustivo organs to their natural strength aud cause the food to be di gested, when an appetite will come, and with it a relish for food. Tbe tired, languid feeliug will give place to vigor nnd energy; then you will put flesh on your bones and be come strong. Tbe Shaker Digestive Cordial as made hy the Mount Leba non Shakers contains food already di gested nnd Is a digester of fowls as well Its aetiou is prompt ami its ef feci permanent. MRS.WlUflfcDDft "Stockton, N. Y., July 3, 1894. Dr. M. M. Fennur, Frcdonia, N. Y., Dear Sir: I ltad hip disease caused by rheumatism, so bad that I could not step on my left foot for about two years. I lost my appetite and flesh and be came nervous mid restless. Had been treated by physicians without benefit. I was advised to try your Kidney and Backache Cure, ami the result of its use was simply wonderful. After taking the first bottle I was so far relieved that I was able to walk without a crutch, the pain left me and my strength returned." FOR SALE HY O. L. CUTTING. ka. aeainit said last named defendant and olh erx, the object aud prayer of which are to fore close a inortgaco executed by the dofendant, Ephrlam Hlfe, In his life tlmo, audHavlllaC. Hlfe, upon nil of lots ouo (l, two (:.'). three t.1), aud (1) In block numbered fourteen (14), In lied t'loiid, wenster county, stale or Nebraska, to secure ine payment 01 a certain prommlssory note dated February IHh, 1891, for the sum of seven hundred dollars. In the payment of which default has been made, und the said nolo past due: that there Is now due upon said notes and morUaKO the sum of sceu hundred dollars, to gether with littered, premiums and lines ac cordlne lo the articles of lncorporatlen and by bins of the Mild plaint 111', nnd plaintiff prays. jur 11 ucercv 111x1 ueieiiunuis 110 required 10 July the same, or that snld premises he sold to satisfy, the amount found die; thnt snld Samuel 1,. ltifu is an heir of the estate or Hut snld Kphrlam Hlfe, deceased, nnd claims some Interest In and to snld property. You are required to ansuer snld petition on or before tho 3d day of May, Ib'.rr. listed -March 'Jlth, lstrf. AnaoTT. Sella t k i: Lank. Attorneys for Plaintiff. PARKER'S OINQER TONIO states Luaf TnmklM. DsbUlty. dlMnsttnt (toncD 1 IrmstsUliTaa la stud for suklaf ram wan all ma idvU4 taMia ni ARklR' Doctors prescribe Laxi. because it has nil th virtues of Castor Oil aid is palatable. THE MAIN MUMULAR SUPPORTS OP 1 WEAKEN AN0 LET OO WMB BACKAC 1 RESTORE. STRI wsmSmXnrimwmiim J .STRENGTHEN, A Map of the.Unitod States. The now wall map issued by tho Bur lington Routo is three feet four inches wide by four feet long; is printed in six colors: is mounted on rollers; shows every atato, county, important town and railroad in the Union, and forms a very desirable and useful adjunct to any household or business establishment. Purchased in lots of 5,000 the maps cost the Burlington Route nearly 90 cents apiece, but on receipt of 15 cents in stamps or coin the undersigned will be Disused to send vou one. Write immediately, as the supply is limited. J. Francis. O. P. A.. Burlington Route Omaha, Neb. ForSftI. One huudred and sixty acres of un improved land, four miles northwest of Red Cloud, Ntbr. Terms cash. Ap ply to. Mrs. James Kirkwoob, Fair fax, Missouri. VMtor, SafoRfcraai 4 Komm. Tk Utease Itching md smarting IncI -deat to these diseases Is Instantly allayed by applyUg Chaaaberlaia's Eye and Skin OlatBMit. May very bad cases have been permanently cared by It. It Is eqaally cleat for Itching pile and fatorite remedy far tore nipples; chapped hands, chllMalas, frost bites and chronic sore eyes. 95 cts. per box. Rr. Caiy's Cesvaltlea Fawacn, are jntt what a horse needs when Iu bad couditlon. Tonic, blood purifier and vermifuge. They are not food bat medicine aad the best In ue to put a horse la prim ooadSioa. Prict M cent per packapa. Miobigan to Texas, That Pe-ru-na is uiietiitaletl us n spring medicine is testified by a xrent ninny ponpln every spring. When one is run down, listless and tired, depressed with thai peculiarly dibtrcsing trouble pop ularly known us Sprint: Fever, Pe.rtMia should always be taken, as it is Mire to give prompt, and permanent tellef. Lena L. Stull, Adrian, Mich., writes as follows: "It allot ds me much pleas uro to testify to the merits af your Pe-ru-na. 1 can speak iu tbe highest terms of it, haying used it for live ears as ii spring medicine itli great bene fit th myself and I recommend it tomy frifuds withllkoreHtilts." J. R. Stuart, EastlHnd. Textts., tin opposite end of the continent, corroborates her state ments as follows: "I purchased a bot tle of Pe-rn-na and it was used by my self and wife ns a spring medicine. I consider it the best dollar's worth I aver bought. My wife has used your remedies with gratifying results." One of Dr. Hartman's latest hooks' treating on the catarrhal diseases pe culiar to spring, will be sentfrestoany address by xae re-ru-na xirug Manu facturing Company, Columbus, O. HAIR BALSAM WitiflM dm kHa. rtSMSIM a lnoriABl Cmtk. m Valla ( MUn Of Mm Valla ( MUn Of vm atalfMtUsMM 4ksbsUiaf. " mi23Zte; m m awsjsjafsrqpi . i . i.. i . gap ikuMistMt BQOKs KAUTIFUL aiWEIS Alakslf tsnlir prtsw. Mr I NT Cttoefu, Bw mdr ftf rtsa MflkM, Iks bm aalsas b4 hwsi fisutkso. inMCm, lea. N. LlMlaeette (IS Stiik St a, aissatNus, Kua. ttnui1 fcctatsaaa SHU RIFF 8 SALE. Notice Is hereliv Klven that under and bv vlr tue of an order or sale Issued rrom the odfeeof .Inmes llurdcn. clerk of the District Court of. the Tenth .ludlclsl District, within and ror Mcbster county, Nebraska, upon a decree In ait iictltm iieudltiK therein, wherein Norman V. 'riioiiipsou IsplalntlrT. and against John lloesclt innl.loiin lloesch as administrator or thecstuto or David lloesch, deceased, defendant, 1 shall qffer ror salo at public Tondu'', in the bUhest bidder ror cash In hand, at tbe esst door or tho court hoiiH', at Ited cloud, Iu said Webster couiilv, Nebraska, (that betiiK the building wherein tlio lait term ot said ceurt was holden) on the JUi day er April, A ., 1HW. at Id o'clock a. mTtlf snld day, the rnllowlua: described property to wit: Tho north-west quarter, and lots (wo. three and four, or section tw (2), also tho Miiilh east Mtiarter of the north-east quarter, und the north-east quarter of the south-east quarter, or section three (3), In township one Ml) north range (10), west of the nth P. M. In Web ster county, neuriua. (liven under my baud this 8Mb day of March, J.W. IluNciiKT.SherIM jiodt. i. roTTEK, iianuiu s Attorney, sMtoi SM. KtM llS Six tV.Ul. Tk iaSBK jrfUilNMrtajaul.hfua wmmmMwwu. ftiprsrfiiif, ri'Sf Mr SHJSr Mrttoulwi, ihiIimsUIs ssi flit 0fl4t4f.m in luur. I j n-lsr 3? A Liberal Seed House. J. J, H. OrHOry it Son, Marblehead Mass., will long bertmambered by the farmera of Neb raska for their generosity during tbe hard liases, when they distributed three tons of free garden teed to needy fanners, tbrongh Rev. W. Ludden emd others. This famous old seed house bae long been neted for IU reliability and bread gauge methods and well deserves the great success that hu crowned tbelr efforte Every one who eootempUtea plantlag a teed ahonldMndforlhe totereatlag and InttrucUte catalogue which tt offer to tend free of charge. Ohaney & Waldcn, Attorney. WON-REHTDENT NOTICE, In ilm District Court of Webster County. Neb Mikn. Cornel iiWeed, p;Inllff s. , JiiIiii Woods, Dtfeiidsnt ' To .lulin Wood. Deft ndnut. Ton ure hereby nittded tbat nn the 1Mb day of March. UWV. ihc pl.ilntlB. Cornells. N cods, died barKilUonlnibeofllceef the clerk of the d Is met (un. nf Webter oeuniy, Nebraska, the objeci r.nd ju)sr oi which aiu to procure a bill of divei-oe from you, for tho grounds sei out In tho peilUen. and for the mi- nd custody of her lr,b children. You are th.itfore hereby a e tided toai l arand answir said i-tllilon on or before tl e ?Mli da) of April, VVt. or the allegations of uld uetlUou will be ukeu as confessed bv you, and aerrce entered srrordlngly. Cokkilu Wood. Bv Cmtawi Wmir, her attorMye. J. S. EMIGH, DENTIST. PAINLESS DENTISTRY IK TOU WANT JT. Croin Briige Wirk or Twlk Withiit fkta 1 POnCKt-AIN INLAT Aud all the latest tmprovemeut la eull saKh aulstn r&TAL0&Ui WfKttt BJivJBUSlTJfl mislays: six en I hi tl.s- loim'siif 'V'y -""ir'su i i.rii.i, it in imn &'i",T'b!.';l",!.V,,.f,U,f,-"-U!4-uh- ntiry't SitJt areunaumttnni.t. Hurt,,.. .t& ..., I times, tbrt ions of IIims fsuious ' efdswsre tllitrliiunsl In Ntbrsska, .t-iii tunir,unu iiuiiiirmsor Isr mrs had an opiortiinlly to test their quality when fslture cueant ruin. MMW.W1. Ul ...... .... l . of charge to anyone In Nebraska i J. H. sikKiiaiiv a urn. MasOhfessK, Ibssa. J. vwicm mm wi,m K vSr t j..a,b.... feraan. ui iZSSa)HaBfafcJwifeMej3