m &' HIRSct WB,. . X . -; 'KteO F "- - J "VV .'I" ' " swSKttfs -SS?p-'' ,-..i I il ,.1.M . MWWW W3BJqT)Bliy .v'wiP?WWhwwiKtpJ3www' iwywf'i"iJMijiijj puuar i ' r BBBBsemasmspjtfHf?!fHMi ,.mrvrMj . . rrin:iii!jii!li 1 I VSf-M. fcaBll W 'Smba siiiilMsB B5sJiEJFBMgii.itggr't . M r "--- -. - -. - , I , t at VOLUME XXV. RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA, MARCH 19, 1807. NUMBER 12 mrnmmmfflmmm wm wmmmmmzimim Qalusha fjc Wescott. The Clothiers nd Gents Furnisqinqs, '..:Jt & a I a''. h aft 5'!.'. ft. to IK to i'.M tot m Are now located in their new location next to Cotting's Drug Store. They have opened a new stock of Clothing this week that settles all disputes as to where you want to do your trading in order to get the BEST GOODS AND MAKE, CORRECT STYLES and above all the most goods for your money. Never in the history of Red Cloud were such suits offered from $4.25 to $10.00. They want to see you in regard to Men's Shoes PERSONALLY. If they don't suit you in fit and style and misfit you in price, then you actually have a deformed foot and judgment. Remember we are cash merchants both in buying and selling. ONE PRICE AND NO MONKEY BUSINESS. The - Chicaqo - Store. I I it: y; w m T i i WILLOW CREEK. Moat farmers have becun b work. Every feat t farm land will be tilled to coming year. MIm Adda Adamson finished a suc cessful term of six deaths school in district S3, February 12th. Several of the Willow Creekers at tended the opera at Bed Cloud last week and tbey all pronounce it Just splendid. Mr. Martiu Sanderson of Pawneo countv. this state, stunned over Sun day with A. C. lion. Ho wns on bis way to Norton county, Kansas. A few evenings back two boys were wiilkinir ulonir the liiuhway and they heard music in tlio air and being n lit tle superstitious thought it the song of tin angul so they hid in tho fence cor ner under a spreadinc oak tree to watch for tho supposed cherub, but lot when it it row near their hiding place it was an earthly mortal siuging one of Tennysons or some lady's sweet old hymn beginning with, "There is a place most dear to mo whore myufl'et tions dwell," and so forth. The death of Mr. Win. Wolfe cave quite a shock to this neighborhood, yot he has neon sick nil winter wun rnoti nuiism and everybody supposed lie was getting better till the 10th, when he took worse whon the disease shifted to his heart ud lungs which caused partial oaralvsis and he suffered un told agonies till death came to his re lief at 8 o'clock Friday the 12th of March. 1897. Ho wasG7 years of age and highly esteemed by all who knew him. He was a splendid carpenter and during the erection of the Webster county jail he waa the superintendent. lie whs a member orurienns uiiurcit. On Sunday the funeral services ware conducted from the residence oi Air. Jake Lacy by Mr. Perry Norris and the remains were then followed to their last resting place in the Cowles cemetery by a large concourse , of sorrowing friends nod neighbors:'-' 'Mr. Wolfe leaves' one dnugbtor, Mrs. Jake Lacy and one son, Mr. Roy Wolf to mourn their loss. Ua.km.k. v iifAYALm H.G. Stwyer went io Katiai City this week. , , L.C.CHsjitekdand family were visit ing Id Franklin. Miss RlhPKgof Red Cloud is work ing for Mr. Simons. Miss Eatma Hale has returned home from a visit at Blue Hill. The Iuavale scbeal bad their pictures taken one day last week. There were eight cars f stock ship ped from here lastTuesday. Othel Garner and wife were visiting relatives in this city Sunday. Mr. Sawyer and Art Davis have got a new machine to build fence with. There was a blind man gave a musi cal entertaiument ut the school hou.se last Monday iiluht. Mrs. Mary l.atto is visiting hersistor Mrs. Sadie Uolilrodge. Slio Is living at Silver Grove, KaiiMis. Mi's. Elmer Simons who has boon seriously ill. Is .slowly recovering under the care of Dr. (5. K. MuKceby. Mrs. Dr. Wilkins expects to start for her home in Iowa next Monday. Her daughter Mrs. Walters expects to go with her. A Kkadku. j Our Bargain Day Is Every Day. We are offering at the lowest prices a fine line of the latest MILLINERY! GBaflaiasBMrt greo diagi. Friday maraing, March 12, 1M7. Board m.t pursuant to adjournment Cnas Wiener Chairman and Wm. R. Ryker and John MeCallum present. The committee, Chas. Wiener, Wm. R. Ryker and J no. MeCallum mad the report ef the appraisal of school land in no i settion 30-2-9 and certify that after having carefully examined the above described land hnd tba following to be its Just and full value: no J ne J section 06, town 2, range 0, value per acre 10.50; nw J ne section 80, town 2 range v, value per acre S7.au; sw ne j section 116, town 2, range 0, value per acre $7.50; sc I ne J section 30, town 2, rango 5), value per acre $7.00, A. 11. Spracher represented to tho board that ho had been erroneously assessed for improvements on school laud in Elm Creek precinct and asked the board to adjust the sumo. It was moved and carried that tho county treasurer bo authorized and In structed tb receive the principal less the interest on assessment of A. 11. Spracher assessment on school laud in Elm Creek precinct the same being an erroneous assessment. The board then took up and allowed chums after which they adjourned to moot. Tuesday, March 20th, at which time they will settle with the township officers. Khajumatlam Quiokly Omrtd. Aftsr having been confined te taa botM for eleven davs and pavloo? out 125 n doctor bills without benefit, Mr. Frank uolsan of Sault ate. Maria, Mich., was curedbyoaebottloof Chaas berlaln's Pain Balm costing 25 cents and has not since been troubled with that complaint. For sale by H. H. Grice, Druggist. Notioo to Teaohara . Notice is horeby given that I will ex amino all persons who may desire to offer themselves iih candidates for teachers of tho public schools of this county, at Red Cloud on tho third Sat urday of each month. Special examinations will be hold on tho Friday proceeding tho 3d. Saturday of each month. The standing desired Jor ii and 3d grade eertlllcatc Is the samo no grade below 70 por cent., average 80 per cont; for llrst grade cortllloato no grado'.bo low 80 per cent., average 00 per cent in all branches remtircd by law. 1). M. IIUNTKK, County upt. MRS. J. C. MYERS, CALL AND SEE HER. MOON BLOCK, RED CLOUD. Church Musicale and Concert. Tho Ladies Aid Society of the Con grcgatlonal church will give a splendid musical cutertaiiunent for tho benefit of the church on Tliur-iday evening, March 25th. Admission twenty-live and thirty-five cents. Reserved seats at Cotting's drug store. Following is the I'KOflHA.M: , Piano Duet "Fanfare Mlllwlre Irene Miner, Mabel Howard. Holo - Selected MlHHllaltle Becker. Male Quartet..... - 'The Nlgluof Kent" Mir. Albright. OUtlliB Fulton, Albright. Solo.. !5lcc'"1 Minn lUttle lltoker. Piano 8lo "MIUMimuier Nllihl Dream" MIcn Alice ltemltnr. Bolo with Vlolhi nbllRfito .VWv litickeratin mic tinier, ItaadluK MUH.Ieaueilelillley. Piano Solo -.. - - MlMllemhe Heeler. Manrtolln auil OillUr Duel AinoaCowdeu, .1.0. Wiles. Solo . MUiIIattle Decker. Male Unartet -"Annto Uurle" Meaim. Albright. CottliiR. nmnn.nii'UKu, Sela - -' JIIkh llallle Becker, . Selected , selected . Dejected Selected , Selected SCIIOOIi NOTES. V J sss4 I W doubftriatldaadcur. . ad mora casta than any Olivine Phyitelani hft a. V ancaaaa la attoalablnc. SahavabaardotcHM to yeara' taadins' la af Wt ataaiatf mra, fraa to any aafarara rXasMV aaad tkv P.O. aad Kspraaa addan. E&KWLWSi riy wummwtH lajr ci tteWMiU Llttl Earl . - -- Room 7 has No. 10 this week. The kiudcrgarten has tho bauuor. Maud Chase has started to school In the 8th grade. The Goneral History class took ex amination Monday. Tho seniors have nearly all chosen tho subject for their orations. Mr. Welden called In Mrs. Case's room u few minutes Friday afternoon. Several of the pupils observed St, Patrick's Day by wearing green rib bons. Paul Dickson took charge of the Cicero classThursday in the absence of professor. Rhea Smith has been visiting this week in the 4th room with her aunt Lottie Roats. Jessie Ducket- taught the 2nd room in the south ward Monday morning until recess. Kxaminations take place next week concluding the wiuterterm after which will be mil week vacation. Lost Friday afternoou the 6th and 7th roiins bud a spelling match. Cora Kinsellone of the sophomores stood longest. The Physios class had a number of very interesting experiments in elec tricity Monday. The Vass machine was brought iu and some ether burned by the electricity. Robert Mitchell met with quite an accidsnt triday. While hi the chem istry room the alcohol lamp exploded and his hair caught tire. The fire wus soon put out ami no particular harm was done. The vifcitnrx Friday woro Lcoutrd Smith and Miss Emcline Warren; On Wednesday Rev. Davis, the Bantist Evangelist and Miss Belvn Carponter; On Thursday Joe Dllley uml Miss Mamie Weldenuau. And now professor steps lightly around the proud dignity of papabood resting upon hfs shoulders. He is go. Sng to advertise for a vocal instructor and especially one who can teach him the lullubys. He says Helen has al ready read several orations of Cicero, solved the rrouiem ai litre, anu acquir ed various other aceomplisbaaents. VmniA. Mr. Fred Bon sold a hog last weok. T. T. Lacy went to Red Cloud this weok. Mr. Godwin is erecting a largo hog house. Mr. Lacy and Air. Wilder expect to move soon. A few iu this vicinity have commenc ed farming. Mr. R. Post went to Red Cloud this week ou business. Mr. Myrt Adumsou is now training a Hun driving horso Miss Addio Kdsou is expected homo in tho near future. No Gates, it was not Mrs. Unit who wrote those items hist week. Miss. Adda Adumsou has returned from her school and will remain at homo for a few days. One of tho Cowles young men is smashing hearts on Willow creek, llu careful you don't get "worked." Mr. Vance and family have moved from Iowa to their place here. For the present they will live iu R. Thompson's house. Mr. Hed Hon has rented his father's largo farm, also Mr. Conyns'farm. Ho will farm on n very large scale and tend 270 head of bogs, Mr. George Holt and Miss Bessie Godwin hnvo gone to Hastings this week on business. Mr. Soderlin is shucking his rorn and feeding his herd of lino hogs. A shape in the moonlight, a bulk In the darK is seen rushing up Willow creek every other night at 7 o'clock sharp. ' Cvclonk & Bmz.akd. Maroh, April, May. Almost every one has como to be lieve that March, April nnd May is a season that brings derangements of the body dependent on blood impuri ties. Thin belief is an old one, is nearly universal, and has arisen, not as the resitlt'of the teachings of the medi cal fraternity, but has been learned in the bitter school of experience. Do prysslon of the nervous system at the approach of spring is a fertile source of blood impurities goneral lassitude, dull, heavy sensations, cootinual tired feelings, with irregular appetite, and sometimes loss of sleep. Pe-ru-na meets every indication and proves itself to be perfectly adapted to all their varied peculiarities. Pe-ru-na Invigorates the system, rejuvenates the feelings, restores the normal appetite utid procures regular sleep. That tired feeling which is the natural re sult of tho depressing effect of warm weather immediately after the iu vlgoratingcold of winter, quickly dis appears when Pe-ru-na is taken. Thousands are dally testifying to its priceless benefit. All who desire Dr. Hartmao's latest hook on this interesting subject can ob tain one for a short time free by ad dress) re The Pe.ru-ua Drug .Manufac turing Coropaiiy.ColMiabus, O, ., ,', Teacher's and School Officers Meeting. Teachers meetings will be held at Red Cloud and Blue Hill, Saturday, April 3, 18V7, commencing at 2:30 a. m. A school officers meeting will be held at Red Cloud the same day, commune in at 2:80 o'clock p. m. School officers of districts No. 2,3,0,8.0,11,14,15, 18, 20, 97, 80, 33, 34, 30, 30, 41, 47. 41), Gl, 52, 58. 12, 05, 00, 00, 70, 75 and 85, are especially requested to be present. '-. rilOQKAM. Opening aaateUes. Araer!oatiflMry-lS6-lt. . Settlement of War question Jno. M. Earner, Norton WatKon. The Indian Queitfon-Mm. Lore E. Mcllrldr, Jeanette Palmer. Tho New South S. D. Morrloou. S. K. Logan. Ten Qjicntlont Jennie Hell, Margaret llodlcjr. Mimic. Heredity v. Kducatlon In Language-neo 11. Ovcrlng. Norton Walton. Music Dlnctifs'on In Writing on Presented In State CourKe of Study Anna S. (.ayhnrt, Hommic Ciilhcr. "How 1 Tench Writing" ivery Teacher MiiMe. (Jncry llox, Adjournment. Our teachers and school meetings are what we iimko them. Do not neglect to obtiirvi) arbor day iu your schools. An examination of pupils for certili catcs of completion of state couixs of study will bo held at Red Cloud, Sat urday, March 27lh, 1SSI7. D. M. lli:.vn:it, Co. Supt. Statu of Ohio, Citv of Toi.kdo I Ll'CAti Codntv. f FkankJ. Ciiknf.y makes oath that ho is tho senior pint tier of the linn of F. J. Cni'.NKY & Co., doing business iu tho city of Toledo, county and stale aforesaid, and that said llrm will pay the sum of ONK HUNDRED DOL LARS for each and every case of catarrh thai cannot ho cured by tho use of Hall's Catarrh Cure. FRANK J.CHKNEY. Sworn to before me and subscribed in my presence, this fltb day of Decem ber. A. U. 188(1. ,-L--n. A. W.ULEASON, i sbai. Notauv Public. Hall's Catarrh Curo is taken inter nally and nets dirctly on tho blood and mucous surfaces of tho system. Send for testimonials free. F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O. Sohl by druggists, 75c. Hall's Family Pills are tho host. t March April May Are the months in which wo give es pecial attention to the condition Of your pbysicnl health. If you pass safely through these months and Hnd yourself strong and vigorous, on the arrival ot warmer weather, you may reasonably expect that you will be well in Miiumer. Now is the time to take Hood's Sarsaparilla, because now istuciimo when tue uloou must be nuritied. enriched and vitillzcd. and because Hood's Sarsaparilla is the only true bluud uuritier prominantly Intho public nyti today. Mooq' Marsapsuilla has power to make you healthy nnd gusid 'inr system against disease. A Card. Editor Cuikk. As Bov. King Sole veriu seemed to take somo exceptions to my statement iu tho Statu Creek Items two weeks ago, whon I did not mean the item as a slur or insinuation when 1 stated that the Free Methodist meeting at Pleasant Dale school house was not a success and that some were opposed to tho protraction of t on ac count of tho contogiotisdiscasodipthcr la, which was thou raging. I did statu and .vet mean what 1 suited, that Im should let other denominations alone and liL'ht his own row and convince till that he is tight If he can by fair means and preach trout the Bible. I for ouu would say union to It. I wish the Leb anon minister and his main leaders would say what they have to say about mo when 1 am present, so that I may tiiko my own part and not take atlvait lugo of mo while absent. 1 can statu that there wcto others who heard him who say that there was nothing wrong iu tho items only that I did not scote hint deeper. I favor a good meeting at the proper time, though there is a tune foi any and nil things and the gentle man well knows that the people In gon eral both in Nebraska ami Kausasweru opposed to him holding that meeting and some of tnciu woro looking up the itoaiin commissioner in uco Ulouil to have him present. close the meeting for the OCCASIONAL. Assessors Meeting The assessors of the county met at the clerk's office on Tuesday afternoon nnd arrived at the following as a basis for the property assessment for this year: Stallion aid Jack, average ..... I UD Cattle of all agei: One year old ...... ........ t OU Two yearn old ...-..- 8 OH OtUert-... ......... ..-. .......... 6 00 Fat cattle. ... ... . -.. ... ..- 6 OU Mulei and annex of all age, average. 7 at) Sheep of all age sa llogaof all age, r hundred M Steam engine, Including boiler... . ... . th no Fire and burglar poor? aafe lift) llllard, pigeon halt, bagatelle, or other tlmllar table 10 ou Carriage and wagon of wnatioa vtr kind 4 00 Walohe and Clack.., ItOO Sewing and knlttlug mathliM 3 00 Piano forte ........- . (10 to M) 00 Mslodtons and Organ .. ADO Itjra- -....... . 04 Oat and corn.. ..... -. - 08 HouMboVd ana oSIc furniture..... U to 60 00 HealetUteixJraere.... . ,.. , 1(0 OiWMI'i OHic 4k Cholera Cur. Dangers of the Qtlp. Tho greatest danger from La Grippo is of its resulting iu pneumonia. If reasonable care is used, however, and Chamberlain's Cough Remedy taken, all danger will bo avoided. Among the tens of thousands who have used this remedy for la grippe, we have yet to learn of a single casehaving resulted iu pneumonia, which showsconelusive ly that this remedy n a certain pre ventive of that dread disease. It will effect a permanent cure iu less time than any other treaUuent. The 2H and oO cent sixes for sale by H. K. (Jricc, Druggist. Marriage Boll. Married at the home of tho bride's parents on Tuesday last, Mr. J. N. Rickards of Heat rice and Miss Kate Rcigle of this city. The groom is a prominent lawyer located iu iieulriee but was .formerly a resident of this place. The bride is too well known atid too highly, respected to need com ment. She was one of tho best known oi our young lames anu a great tavoriie in mis town. The wedding occurred at 8:!I0 and the happy couple left fur their future boaae on the morning train. Rev. O, E. Tick nor, pastor of the Congrega tional Church performed the cere mony. , Bilioust Colic. Persons who are subject to attacks of bilious colic will be pleased to kuow that prompt relief may be had by tak ing Chamberlain's Colio. Cholera anil Diarrhoea Remedy and if taken an soon us the first Indication of the disease an ptkrc, it will prevent thr attack. For Mly II. K.Oilce; Dri.gjjist.1 T. Cancer Can be Cured. It Is very often that the mot inslg cdflcaat aysaetoma are f orerunnera of the most violent disease. There la not a more destructive disease tnaa Camccr, and la a majority of cases it la flrat indicated by a very small pim ple or aorA to which, no attentioa la attracted, iintnvrnJeftrtf1tpieTtIa into the moat alarming conditions. Here ia another case where the flrat symptoms of a most violent Cancer were too htnall to receive much notice until the disease had fully developed. Mrs. Laura E. Mima has resided at Bmithvllle, Georgia, for years, audhs well known throughout the adjoining country. In a recent letter she tell of a wonderful case. She says: "A small pimple of a strawberry color appeared on my check; it soon changed to purple, and began to grow rapidly, notwithstand ing all efforts to check ituntil it waa tnc size oi a pannage egg. mjr j" became terribly inflamed, and was so awollen, that for quite a while I could not ace. The doctors said I had Can Mas. Laura E. Mius. cer of the most malignant type, and' after exhausting their efforts without doing me any good, they gave up the case as hopeless. When informed that my father had died from the same disease, they said I must die, as tiered itary Cancer was incurable. I was terribly reduced in health, and felt as if my life was wasting away. " At this crisis, I was advised by a friend to try S. S. S., and in a short while the Cancer seemed more in flamed than before. I was informed that waa favorable, however, as the medicine acts by forcing out the poison through the pores of the skin. "Before long the Cancer began to discharge and continued to do so for three months; then it began to heal. I continued the medicine a while longer, until the Cancer disap peared entirely, and I enjoyed better health than ever before. Thla has been several years ago and there has not been a sign of a return of the disease." Cancer is becoming alarmingly prevalent, and manifests itself ia such a variety of forms, that any' sore or acab, it matters not how small, which does not readily heal up and disappear may well be regarded with suspicion. The fact that 8. S. 8. (guaranteed' purely vegetable) cures hereditary Can cer, which is considered incurable, places it without an equal aa a sure cure for all manner of real bloed diseases, such as Scrofula, Eczema, Contagious Blood Poison, or any other form of bad blood, Our treatise on Caacer and Blood Diseases will Ve mailed free to any address by Hwlft Saaeitc Company. Atlanta, Georgia. A V H h y sis yai ' r SSWl M m w fcfl 1 . ft. i - . -.! i- :iti. ;PtvV HS aVx.