The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, March 12, 1897, Page 4, Image 4

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    Irar rs. wSBSSISHS!!
. , .
A! . U
- ,i
Absolutely Pure.
i. ulelirated for lit grunt leavening ftreHRtli ami
lii'nltlifultiCi'K. AnnrcH the food ngnltut iillim
Htul all fortiiH of ailnlteriitlcti common to the
cheap lirnnli. HOYA1, 1IAK1NO I'OWNEIt
O. 0. Tocl was down from Lincoln
this weok on business.
Received ila.ily fresh ush nutl oysters
at Crans' Cliop House,
Hilitor Williams of the Kivorton He
view was here Tuesday.
Children's Oxford shoes and Oxfords
at the Cincinnati Shoe Store.
Fresh llsh and oysttrs for the Lcutun
season at Crans' Chop House.
If in need of shoes the Cincinnati
hoc Store will llx you out cheaply.
1 ... ... ... .
, .uornari cc uiiucr are now uayiug
tat cattle and hogs. Sec tlieni before
Hurry Coble was in the city this
week on a visit to his parents and
Fred Rickerson's team ran away on
Wednesday and dilapidated his buggy
Miss F.dilh MeKcighnn of Hastings is
here this week visiting with her mother
and other friends.
Charley Robinson spent Saturday
ami Sunday in Hasting visiting his
parents and other friends.
Victor Scott left Monday for St. Paul,
this state, whole ho goes to accept a
position in a meat market.
Rev. Hall of tho Episcopal church
will say good-bye to his congregation
next Sunday having been called to
Louisville, Kentucky.
Tho city primaries will be held on
next Friday, March 10, from 2 to (5 p.m.
First ward at Roby's feed store and
second ward at Fireman's hall.
Arthur Hughes of Hebron was in the
city tho fore part of tho week bidding
good bye to his numerous friends be--foro
leaving for Dodge City, Iowa.
A number of Franklin's bicycle boys
rode down to this city last Sunday, but
coucludcd that one way was enough
aud returned homo on tho passenger in
the evening.
John Parkinson one of our enter
prising young farmers who takes
pleasure in reading tho Gkeat Family
Wkekly was in Saturday and leftsomo
money to help us alone.
Torturing, itching, scaly skin
eruptions, burns and scalds are soothed
at once ant promptly healed by De
Witt's Witch Hazel Salve, tho bost
known cure for piles. C. L. Cotting.
It is surprising what "a wee bit of a
thing" can accomplish. Sick head
ache, constipation, dyspepsia, sour
stomach, dizziness, are quickly banish
ed DoWitt's Little Early Risers. Small
pill. Safe pill. Best pill. C. L. Cot
ting. Mel Sherman has traded tho Win,
Rtickbcc residence in the south part of
town for a farm in Arkansas. Mr.
George Greou, tho purchaser, has
moved from Kansas and will reside
hero in order to have his children go to
our city schools.
If you havo over seen a child in tho
agony of croup, you can npprociato the
gratitude of the mothers who "know
that One Miuuto Cough Cure reltovcs
their little ones as quickly as it is ad
ministered. Many homos in this city
are never without it. C. L. Cotting.
The sad intelligence of tho death of
Mr. J. U. Snce, reached town Friday
afternoon. Mr. Sneo was ono of tho
oldest and most respected oitizons of
Webster county. His doath has been
hourly expected for soveral days. His
health had boon rapidly falling during
tho past year. Bladen Enterprise.
Highest Honors World's Fair,
Gold Medal, Midwinter Fair.
A Pure (lrnDC Cream ol Tartar Powder.
Now wall papet at Cottings.
Oxblood oxfords at the Cincinnati
Shoe store.
Thp Cimkk is prepared to do your
job printing.
Postmaster Rogors of Wymore was
hero this week.
C. J. Piatt returned Thursday morn
ing from a trip wtst.
Miss Myrtle Jones was here from
GUldc Rock Thursday.
Isaac Shephcrdsou of Rivcrton was
in tho city this week on business.
Miss Nellie West came np from Falls
City Tuesday night to visit with her
Tho ladles of tho city arc invited to
the millinery opening of Mrs. J. C.
Myers on March 17.
Buy your fencing of tho Red Cloud
Fence Factory. Tho best hog fenco on
earth. A Mukiiaht.
Mrs. J. C. Myers has a splendid
stock of millinery for your inspection.
Her opening will bo March 17.
When you want a nlco smooth shave
or hair cut, givo Goo. Fentress a imII.
One door south of tho Bon Bakery.
1). J. Myers and A. C Hosmer wero
In Bellalrc, Kansas, this weok in at
tendance at tho stock salo of Chas. F.
"Tad" Baundors has moved on tho
Chas. Besso place southwest of town
aud will put in the summer tilling
Nebraska's fortilo soil.
Lowis Reisclt, a prosperous farmer
of Guide Rock came up a ml got ac
quainted with us on last Tuesday and
gave us a dollar on subscription.
Wo received this week from E. O.
Parker of Uuido Rock, one dollar to
advanco tho subscription of N. 11. Pet
ers of that place to January 1808.
Geo. Mountford living over in Kan
sas, but who does considerable of his
trading hero was over Wednesday and
tho best of it was that ho called at ur
wigwam and gave us two dollars on
Rot. L. J. Harriugton will givo an
interesting ami instructive lecture on
the Spanish-American republics and
the Monroe doctrine, at the opera
house in this city on Monday ovening,
March 22d. Tickets 25 cents.
Thero will bo uo Suuday morning
services at the Episcopal church next
Sunday. Sunday school will behold at
the usual hour. At 4 p. m. Rev. Hall
will preach his farewell sermon aud
he cordially invites all to bo present.
E. E. Turner of Comptou, Mo.,
writes us that after suffering from
piles forsoventccu years, ho completely
cured them by using thrco boxes of De
Witt's Witch Hazel Salve. It cures
eczema and severe skin diseases. C.
L. Cotting.
Tho cheapest fertile lands now open
for settlement in tho United States are
located in Texas. Tho Missouri, Kan
sas and Texas Railway will have ex
cursion rates to tho above section on
March lSlh, April Oth and 20th, For
maps and further information, ad
dress tho nearest local agent, or G. A
MoNult, 10J1 Union Ave., Knun City,
Tho marriage of Miss Rachel Lctkoti
daughter f Mrs. Alison Lcison of thi-i
city to Mr Frank W. Cowtlen was sol
emnized ht the residence of tho bridoV
mother on Cedar street on Wednesday
ovening, March 10th, at 8 o'clock p. m.
After congi attentions the guests sat
down to an ulogant wedding supper.
Both tho bride and groom havo resided
in this city for a number of years and
their many friends will unite with Tiir
GuiEK in extending congratulations
ind bost wishes. The newly married
conple will bo at homo to their friends
after March lGth, 1807,
List of letters remaining uncalled for
at tho postollico at Red Cloud, Neb
raska, for the week ending March
12th, 1807.
Hitchcock, Thos. ilottchin, Henry
Hutchinson, V. T. Lambrecht, Louisa
Myers, Ike McLoud, Buck
Nye, J. J. Porkerst, Arthur
Schwaiu, Fred
Thcso letters will be sunt to tho dead
lotter otlice, March 20th, if ttot called
for before. Fuank W. Cowden, P.M.
Rev. G. W. Hummel has been in the
revival work for tho past two months
at Blue Hill and othor places, with
most gratifying results, will commonco
revival meetings at Plainviow, south of
town, Monday evening, March 8, After
tho meeting closes at that place, which
will probably last about two weeks, ho
will come to Bladen and continue the
revival work at this place, Every ono
is cordially invited to come out to tho
meetings. Bladen Enterprise.
and boys
that will
givo sat
isfaction and at
1 o w ojr
aro tho
Sold by
Wiener. Wo givo Mttuu guarantou as
others do.
Buy plow shoes at tho Cincinnati
Shoe Store.
John Craft has arrived home after a
visit to Boiso City, Idaho.
Mortis Stern was looking after busi
ness matters in Riverton tills wees.
T. E. Penman has placed In ltis store
the largo safe formerly used by tho
Cowles bank.
W. R. Ryker of Guide Rock is in the
city this week attending to his duties
as commission jr.
Woscott & Galusha this week moved
to their new quarters in the Rust build
ing where they have very comfortable
Tho Orange Jttdd Farmer and the
American Agriculturalist Almatiao to
gether with Tho CltiKK for $1.35.
C. L. Cotting, sole agent, will tefttud
your money if not satisfied after using
one bottle of Dr. Fen tiers famous medicine.
The American Agriculturist Almanac
a book which treats on hundreds of
subjects, The Orange Jttdd Farmer,
one of the best farm papers published
aud The Ciiikk all one year for 91.35.
Randolph McNltt returned homo
Wednesday from a soveral weeks trip
at the home of his parents near La
Porte, Texas. Ho also visited a nuin
der of the principal cities of tho south.
Thero will bo a union meeting of
tho young people's soiteics of the
different churches at the Methodist
Church next Sunday evening. All the
young folks are most cordially Invited
to attend.
Wo will pay a salary of $10.00 per
week for man with rig to introduce our
Poultry Mixture and Insect Destroyer
in tho country. Reference required.
Address, with stamp. Pntt'KUTio.v
Mm. Co., Parsons, Kansas.
Don't allow the lungs to be impaired
by the continuous irritation of a cough.
It is easier to prevent consumption
than to cure it. One Minute Cough
Cure taken early will ward oil' any
fatal lung trouble. C. L. Cotting.
Tho Ladles of the Congregational
Church expect to 3ccttre the services of
Miss Hattie Becker of Lincoln for a
musical concert to be given about Mar.
25th. This will be a raro treat for Red
Cloud. Prices and exact date will be
announced latci.
Many cases of "Grippe" havo lately
been cured by One Miuuto Cough
Cure. This preparation seems es
pecially adapted to the cure of this dis
ease. It acts quickly thus preventing
serious complications and bad ctTcctsln
which tills disease often loaves tho
patient. C. L. Cotting.
i he republican city central commit
tee at their recent meeting took up tho
question of liceuso or uo liconso and it
will bosttpmittcd to tho convention by
tho committee -We think if tho com-
mittco will look this matter up they
will find that it takes just a little more
than their decision to place tho ques
tion boforo tho voters.
Revenue Collector Ed. Ballew ac
companied by Sheriff Robb of Chey
enne county, Wyoming canto in on tho
train from tho west Tuesday. They
were on the trail of a couplo of men
who murdered a mau up in that coun
try nnd robbed him of some four or
livo thousand dollars. Tho two mon
passed through hereon Thursday aftor
doing somo horso trading with same of
our local traders. After leaving this
city they stopped over night at tho
farm oi dames uogonrcii. They gave
out tho information that they wero on
their way to Beloit where they intended
to stop several days and visit with
friends and wero going from there to
Oklahoma. They are also susnoctcd of
being moonshiners and it is supposed
that they had in their wagon a couple
of stills and about ten barrels of
whiskey. Two officers wero sent on
tho train and Ballon and Robb stopped
Convex a naming that et t lain all
incuts general ilcliililj, djpepsla,
skin rihu'ii-t"., thciiiuniUm, liver com
plaints, etc., need attention. There
isn't iiuythng better foa a blood purl
iiet than our
Nollilin tecret or injMerlons about It -vim ply
.nrNijmlllii, ollotv duck ntllllnuU, loillilc of
potuoiliim, ete.--tlrtiK. )mi erlmi know Mime
thine about Htul which ure rccoiuinciiiU'tl by
nil ili)iloliuiv
l'lieii it li hone-iiy and carefully
made of the bod dings and we give
you a bigger bottle than you usually
get fur one dollar ami guarantee satis
faction. C. L COTTING, Druggist.
County Attorney lianney was here
this week.
J. 1). Story ami wife of Cowles were
hero Wednesday. ,
Mrs. Dttckcr wa visiting In Guido
Rock Wednesday.
Jake Maudellxtum was here this
week from Blue Hill.
Harvoy Cox eaiitu down from Orleans
today to visit with the folks.
Tho Cincinnati Shoo Store aio mak
ing a big cut on all kinds of shoes.
A. C. Hosmer aud D. J. Myers re-
turned Saturday night from a trip east.
Mrs. Chapman, mother of Mrs. Jus.
McNony left Saturday night for Den
Harry Ooblo while hero subscribed
fur The: CuikpIo bu sent to him at
Everett Dyer, who is braking on tho
B. &M. was hero this week visiting
Ills patents.
For twenty days you can getshoesat
away down prices at tho Cincinnati
Shoo Store.
Mrs. John Marker of Otto left Wed
nesday morning on a visit to her old
home at Winchester, Virginia.
Fou TriADi: A lino gold watch for n
cow, nud u horse for a buggy. For
particulars inquire at this olllce.
Douglas Cather ban resigned his po
sition as message hoy hero having ac
cepted a belter position at Sterling,
Lewis Reisell of Guido Rock was hero
Tuesday aud of course as ho wanted
Tiif. ciunr to contintto left a dollar
Willi us before bis departure.
Subject for Sunday morning sermon
at tho Christian Church, "Objections
Overruled." Evening, "Tho Toi oh of
Civilization." Everybody invited,
Frederick Howard, formerly of this
city, now of Council Bluffs, sends us a
renewal for Tiik Ciiikk nnd says that
ho cannot do without the news from
Red Cloud.
Robert Harris one of tho enterprising
farmers north of town was in rriday
aud paid a year ahead for tho best
paper in Webster County for which ho
has our thanks.
John W. Miller and Miss Bertha
Sweariugeu both young pooplo of Gar
field township were united in marriage
by Judgo DutTy on Tuesday, March flth,
The Ciiikk extends congratulations
nntl best wishes.
here and hired a team and wore driven
to Burr Oak where they took tho train
for Beloit and if tho murderers have
not gono in somo diflleront direction
they nro probably by this time in tho
hands of tho ofllcors.
Dr. Price's Cream Unking I'owdor
WoHU'a Pair Hlgheat Award.
Thin, Pale
One satisfaction in giving
Scottf s Emulsion to children k
they never object to it. The
fact is, they soon become fond
of it Another satisfaction h
because it will make them
plump, and give them growth
and prosperity. It should be
given to all children who arc
too thin, or too pale It does
not make them over-fat, but
It strengthens the digestive
organs and the nerves, and fur
nishes material for rich blood
We have a book telling; you more on
the subject. Sent free for the asking.
SCOTT & llOWNE, New Yoik.
Come aud seo tho greatest
line of spring caps over shown
just received at Wiener's.
Come and see our
They aro ho small that the most sensi
tive porsons take them, they are so
effective that the mostobstiuato cases
of constipation, headache nnd torpid
liver yield to them. That is why De
Witt's Little Early Risers are known
as tho famous little pills. C. L. Cot
A question might bo asked this weok
as to how, under tho primary to bo
held on next Friday, is Red Cloud
township going to got a chanco to have
a say in tho selection of a school board
at the convention which raeots onMon
day, March 22V They cannot bt al
lowed to vote at the primary as they
do not livo in tho city. It might be a
good idea for tho city central commit
too to moot in tho Argus ofllce again
and givo tho voters of the township
their rights in this matter by calling a
separate convention for nomination
of a school board.
Aro you sure you aro saving
any money by sending away
for your clothing? Boforo
doing so tako your sample and
go to Wieners. He has just re
turned from tho east and
brought an Immonso stock of goods.
You will find all wool mens' suits from
15.00 to 810.00 that you can not dupli
cate elsowhere. You pay no express
charges, no trouble in getting a good
lit, you will ilntl it 'money in your
pocket. At tho same timo you help
build up your own town, theroby ad
vancing tho prico of your farm or
home. It will cost you only a liitlo
timo to convinco yourself that you can
buy cheapen' at home. Just look at his
lino of childrons' suits, double kuee,
double seat, doubln elbow, taped scams.
Tnoy are no more than tho other kind.
AH Wool Men's Suits,
Which We Just Received.
They are Equal to any $8
Suit You Ever bought
They are Great Values at
the Priee.
H. S. M.
Wiener thbclotmer.
t f 1 v
M Dbsf 7
Otic Alinutc Cough Cure, cures,
That U what U was made for.
ii- rich in flfl-
y rm n. -
.... tnthn nubile
?tbat we wilt have oar firs t
Hdand Opening
V ninTMBNr
in thcMlLUNBRruarw
Pattern Hats, Untrimmed
riais. j-i
An elegant line of Ribbons,
Cantons, tu-"
nmlds. crifcp. " f .
iJV. Nfc. sail all. .
4. X. .AV
. J? w$f
- 1
. .. f