The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, March 05, 1897, Page 4, Image 4

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    :V iiVSmmMWUBEiSmA
v4a " "iri"77Ti"1,F(T
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Absolutely Pure.
Celebrated for Its great leavening utrcnglu and
licaHlifulncHi. Assures tliu food against alum
mid all form uf adulteration common to the
ulicap branda. llOYAl. IlAKINd 1'OWDElt
"Host Hymus" for sale at Cottiug's.
Mrs. W.B. Koby is on the sick list
this week.
Amos Cowdcn came in Thursday
from Colorado.
C. F. Cathcr wus homo from Lincoln
the last of tho week.
You aro most cordially invited to at
tend all thusu services.
Children's Oxford shoes and Oxfords
at tho Cincinnati Shoe Store.
Alfred Hudell was looking after busi
ness matters at Superior Thursday.
If in need of shoes the Cincinnati
Shoe Store will lix you out cheaply.
Moihart & Cutter are now buying
fat cattle and hogs. Sec them beforo
Will Lctsou arrived in the city Wed
nesday night from Ids home in Dead
wood, South Dakota.
A. C. Hosmor and I). J. Myers left
Thursday on a several days business
trip to Omaha and St. Joseph.
If you want to see a nice store and a
good stock of furniture you want to go
to the large store room in tho Moon
block which is occupied by Taylor.
Billy Bryan, who didn't get to bo
president was in Washington this week
but didn't stay to sec tho other follow
inaugurated. There arc times wlicu
oven Billy wants to bo alono.
Torturlug, itching, scaly skin
eruptions, burns and scalds aro soothed
at once and promptly healed by De
Witt's Witch Hazel Salve, tho best
known cure for piles. C. L. Cottiug,
It is surprising what "a wen bit of a
thing" eau accomplish. Sink head
ache, constipation, dyspepsia, sour
stomach, dizziness, aro quickly banish
ed DeWitt's Little Early Risors. Small
pill. Safe pill. Best pill. C. L. Cot
ting. Rev. Warheld, I). D. of Omaha and
llev. H. Bross, l. 1). of Lincoln wore
iu the city this week in attendance
at a very successful Home Missionary
Rally hold at the Congregational
church Wednesday afternoon and eve
ning. If you have ever seeu a child iu tho
agouyof croup, you can appreciate tho
gratitude of the mothers who know
that Ono Minute Cough Cure relieves
their little ones as quickly as it is ad
ministered. Many homes in this city
are never without it. C. L. Cotting.
The S. of V. band will givo a street
concert tomorrow at 12 o'clock and tho
ladies will serve dinner in the Moon
block. In the evening the baud will
give a concert iu tho room in which the
diuuer aud supper will bo trivou. Tho
price of dinner or supper will bo ilf
teen cents.
Dr. G. K. McKeeby informs us that
the report of his immediate removal to
Guthrie is premature. He will remove
from this city some time during this
spring or summer but will probably
not leave the state. Dr. Fred Mc
Keeby will continue in busiuass hero
as before.
Last Wednesday while Ernest Mor
anville wm exercising ouo of tho doc
tor's fine horses Iu a sulky, the harness
broke'and tho horse ran into n picket
fence, throwing him out aud breaking
'up the sulky, besides destroying a por
tloii of tho fence in front of J. A. Reids
residence. Ernest was picked up un
nunftinus and carried home and bis
bruises and cuts wero dressed.
Hifhett Honor World' Fair,
Gold Medal, Midwinter Fair.
A Pure drape Cream of Tartar Powder.
Now wall paper at Cottlngs.
Clarence Kizer Is home again after a
trip west.
Oxblood oxfords at the Cincinnati
Shoe store.
Thk Chief Is propared to do your
job printing.
Mrs. Win. Atherton returned Tues
day night from a visit cast.
It is reported that three saloon
licenses will be asked for this your.
Buy your fencing of the Red Cloud
Fence Factory. The best hog fence on
earth. A Mouiiart.
II. E. Pond, real estate agent, sold
tho Busckow prop'erty on Seventh
avenue to J. A. Boyd.
When you want a nice smooth shave
or hair, cut, give Geo. Fentress a call.
Ono door south of tho Bon Bakery.
Juo. Wllholmson left the first of the
week for Grand Island whure ho has
accepted a position iu a meat market.
Jas. Peterson will iu the near future
start a brnuch implement house at
Guide Rock, with Geo. McCallas man
Mrs. Nora Young returned to Red
Cloud Monday after several days visit
with her sister at this place. Bladeu
F. V. Taylor has moved. Ho has
the tiuest furniture headquarters iu the
valley. His store room iu the Moon
block is a picture of neatness.
Mrs. Josie Igoti who has been visit
ing iu the east for several mouths past
returned home Tuesday night. She
was accompanied by her mother.
Dr. Kchlcr of this place aud Dr. G. E.
McKeeby of Red Cloud, were called iu
consultation Wednesday iu the case of
R. Banks, who is alllictcd with appen
dicitis. His recovery is doubtful.
Bladen Enterprise.
Editor .Joe Nnu of Blue Hill was hero
Wcdnosdtiy and Thursday on his way
to Kansas City. He has turned over
tho editorial duties of the Leader to a
gentleman from Hildroth who will pub
lish that paper iu thu future.
E. E. Turner of Coiupton, Mo.,
writes us that after suffering from
piles for seventeen years, he completely
cured them by using three boxes of De
Witt's Witch Hazel Salve. It cures
eczema and severe 'skin diseases. C.
L. Cotting.
Fred Peterson called on us Wednes
day morniug and paid his subscription
foi another year and also sends Thk
Chiek to .1. C. Anderson, Missoula,
Montana His son-in-law George Val
entine, a former well known resident
of this place is now running an engine
with headquarters at Missoula.
Jack Walsh is still playing the
martyr act and talking about a boycott
on the Nation. If Banker Auld lias a
better stand in than 'Jacky, Jacky
might end bis troubles by going down
to the bridgo and shooting his fool
brains out. No one would get out a
restraining order. The sale of tickets
for the event too would be great, even
greater than the Corbott-Fitzsimmons
slugging match. m
Men 's
aud boys
that will
givo sat
isfaction and at
I o w o'r
p r I e o s
aro tho
Sold by
Wiener. We givo same guaranteo ns
others do.
Fred Foe living near Cowles met
with an accident on last Friday wbicb
although serious was not as bad as it
might have bcou. In placing a loaded
shell in his gun, the shell being a little
large he tried to force it by hammering
it with a knife and the result was that
tho sholl was exploded and the powder
was blown into his face. He immedi
ately came to town and Dr. Moran
villo dressed his wounds and picked;
the powder from his face. Some of the
powder was blown into bis eyes, but
the doctor says tbat with careful treat
ment bis eyesight will not be affected.
Au effort is being made to secure the
services of Major Cole, the celebrated
evangelist who is at present conduct
ing a series of revivals atMcCook, to
bold a series of meetings in this city
when be has finished at tbat place.
From reports from places where Mr
Cole bas conducted meetings through
out the state great good has been ac
complished, aid Red Cloud is a good
field for auob work. His work in Neb
raska, although it baa not been more
than six months since be commenced,
has resulted in 830 conversions at
Hastings, 885 at Holdrege, and so far a
little over 200 at McCook, and aside
from this quite a uumber along the
Hastings and Holdrege line in small
towns in which be stopped for a day or
two. This movement should be en
couraged in overy manner possible and
it is is to bo hoped that our churches
will act in unison and secure tho ser
vices of this colobratcu olvlno lor a
scries of meetings in this city. It
would no doubt greatly facllilato tho
good work which is boing accomplish
Mrs. Fred Plumb is ou the sick list.
Buy plow shoes at "tho Cincinnati
Shoo Store.
Judo Sapp was looking after busi
ness matters iu Boatrico this wcok.
J. A. liattui-was hero from Oak visit
Inst with his family tho first of the week
Chas. Buschow of Colby, Kacsas,
was here tho last of tho week looking
after property interests.
Taylor is now comfortably situated
in tho Moon block. You aro iu need of
furniture. So call on'him.
Tho beet sugar factory ut Grand
Island has already contracted for 0.000
acres in and around that city.
Tho Oratigo Judd Farmer nud the
American Agriculturalist Almanac to
gether with Tho Ciiikk for $1.35.
C. L. Cotting, sole agont, will refund
your money if not satisfied after using
one bottle of Dr. Feuuers famous medi
cine The uso of n rubber stamp shows
that tho user Is a back uumber. Get
up-to-dato printing at Thk Cuikk
Tho Y. P. S. C. E. of Inavalo will
hold a free social at tho rcsltleuco of
Mr. and Mrs. Burwell Tuesday, March
0th. All invited.
Cards have boeu scut to friends an
ununcing the coming wedding of
Frank AV. Cowdeu to Miss Rachel Lot
sou, which event takes place on March
Tho American AgriculturistAlmauuc
a book which treats on hundreds of
subjects, Tho Orange Judd Farmer,
one of the best farm papers published
and The Cinr.K all ouo year for $1.35.
Elder L, A. Hussoug of Burwell, Ne
braska, is expected in Red Cloud tho
10th of March and will preach at the
Christian church ou the 11th. It is ex
pected he will locate hero as pastor of
the church.
We will pay a salary of $10.00 pur
week for man with rig to introduce our
Poultry Mixture and Insect Destroyer
iu the country. Refereneo required.
Address, with stamp. Pi;itn:cTioN
Mrs. Cck, Pursous, Kansas.
Don't allow tho lungs to bo impaired
by the cortiuuous irritation of a cough.
It is easier to prevent consumption
than to euro it. One Minute Cough
Curo taken early will ward off any
fatal lung trouble. C. L. Cotting.
Rev. James M. Darby who was so
kindly remembered by tho young mou
aud pcoplo generally last Friday even
ing, desires ou behalf of himself and
family, to sincerely thank all who con
tributed to the splendid donation, re
ceived by him and bis family.
No one as yet seems to bo looking
after tho salary or glory connected with
the mayorality of our city. However
it is some time yet until the proper
time and the fertile soil of Nebraska
has a reputation for quick germination.
It is safe to say tbat by convention
time there will be some one looking for
Many cases of "Grippe" have lately
been cured by One Minute Cough
Cure. This preparation scorns es
pecially adapted to tho curo of this dis
ease, It acts quickly thus preventing
serious complications and bad effects in
which this disease oftou loaves tho
patient. C. L. Cotting.
Garett Olmstede of Guide Rock was
up Tuesday and made a call at the
Gkbat Family Weekly ofllco and do
posited a dollar with us to help both
ends moot. Mr. Olmstede is a pleasant,
conversationalist and gave us consider
able information about his mother
country Germany. He liko tho most
of his countrymen has boon successful
and during his eighteen years resi
dence in this country ho has year by
year added to his storo until he is now
comfortably fixed. Wo wish tho county
had inoro of such citizens.
Out-door life and Scot?
Emulsion of Cod-Urer Oil with
Hrpophocphites hare cured
thousands of cases of consump
tion fa the early stafes. They
curt old, advanced cases too)
but not so many, nor so prompt
ly. When a case is so far ad
vanced that a cure 'cannot be ,
made, even then SCOTT'S
EMUtSION checks I the rapid
fty of the disease, relieves the
pafau In the chest reduces the
night sweats, and makes the
cough easier. In these cases ft
comforts and prolongs life.
Don't experiment with cures
that destroy the digestion. Fin
your faith to the one remedy
which has been THE STAN
DARD for Over 20 Years.
Book about it free for the asking.
For tale by all druggists at 50c and '
SCOTT ft UOWNE, New York.
To tub Editor : I have an absolute
remedy for Consumption. By Its timely use
thousands of hopeless cases have been already
permanently cured So proof-positive am I
of its power that I consider It my duty to
und few bottln frtt to those of your raiders
who have Consumptkn,Throat, Bronchial or
Lung Trouble, if they will write me their
express and postofTice address. Sincerely,
T. A. 8XOCUM, M. C IU Furl St., Jew Tork.
Th. Editorial and BttlnM
thi Pnr UaanatM taUg.Brou rtopoitUoa.
Morris Stern was In Rlverton this
The county commissioners will meet
next Tuesday.
Harry Mann is visiting at ills homo
1h Kansas this week.
Mrs. Elmer Simon's of Inavalo Is re
ported as being seriously ill,
F. M. Duvall, editor of tho Norton
Courier was In tho city this week.
Lois Pope returned Wednesday after
a brief visit with friends in Blue Hill.
For twenty days you can gctshoos at
away down prices at the Cincinnati
Mrs. Minnie Smith who has been
taking caro of a sick lady at Franklin
was homo the first of tho week.
Foil Tium: A fine gold watch for a
cow, and a horse for u buggy. For
particulars inquire at this office.
Look out for Alba Heywood, tho
prince of comedians, at thu opera
house soon. A great treat for our eiti
zous. Max Mizurcame down from Hastings
where he has a position at thu asylum
for a brief visit witli his parents aud
J. A. Boyd is moving his barn from
the rear of the Moon block to his prop
erty ho recently purchased iu the
northwest pail of the city.
Gundcnnan's Lire Killer sold by
Cotting, always kills the lice but never
the chicken. Equally good for horse
aud cuttle.
J. II. Galliu of this city went down
to Lincoln this week to eat dinner
with tho governor but instead lie took
his meal in the company of Hank Rich
Come und see tho greatest
lino of spring caps ever shown
just received at Wiener's.
Interest in the meetings nt tho Bap
tist church increases nightly. This
week tho services have been conducted
by State Evangelist Jos. H. Davis, as
sisted by the ministers of tho various
churches of tho city.
' A man by tho uamo of Hepneror
better known as "Baldy Sours" was be
foro Police Judge Porter Saturday for
beating bis wife. He was bound over
to keep tho peaco and in default of
bond went to jail. Several days later
he was turned loose on his own
Col. A. L. Bixby of' the Lincoln
Journal will deliver his lecture on Tho
Country Editor at Guide Rock on
Tuesday evening, March 10th. Tho
proceeds will bo for tho benefit of tho
Epworth League and public school
librarv. Tuo admission win no so
As usual the topublicau city coutral
committee held its meeting iu tho
"hole in tho wall." As far as tho gen
oral public was concerned It wus a
star-chamber scssiou as very few peo
ple care to grace this soil-appointed as
sembly room with their prcsoucc.
Even some of tho members attended
with reluctance. Tho Webster county
fair association took tho hint aud tho
central committee should do likewise.
Married by Rev. A. G. Blackwell at
his residence in Rod Cloud, Saturday
afternoon. February 27th. 1807. Mr.
Johu B. Saladen to Miss Matilda C,
Rasser, both of Amboy. Mr. W. S.
Jackson and Miss Gertrude Brown
accompanied them as witnesses. This
young married couple, bavo a boat of
friends, who wiab them much joy and
happiness, and a bright and successful
future. They expect to make their
home tor the present near Inavale.
Are you auro you are saving
any money, by sending away
for your clothing? Before
doing so take'yoursaniple and
go to Wieners. He bas Just re
tnrned from the east and
brought au isamense stock of goods.
You will f nd all wool mens suite from
10.00 to 110.00 tbat you can sot dupli
cate elsewhere. You pay no express
charges, no trouble in getting a -good
fit, you will find it money In your
Docket At the same timo you help
build up your own town, thereby ad
vaucing the price ofr your farm or
home. It will cost you only a llltlo
timo to convince yourself that you can
huv cheaper at home. Just look at his
lino of ohlldrons' suits, doublo kneo,
doublo seat, doublo elbow, taped seams.
Tney aro no moro than tho other kind.
One Minute Cough Cure, cures.
Tbat U watt It was nut mr.
Come and see
All Wool Men's Suits,
Which We Just Received.
They are Equal to any $8
Suit You Ever Bought
They are Great Values at
the Priee.
H. S.
Wiener, the clothier:
Week Gommeneing JWafeb 8th
and Ending jHarcb 13th.
Have you examined our
New Spring
Wait for Our
. Millinery
Date Announced
Cottonades9 Jeans and Cassimere
From i2j cents
Clearing sale for
. from 35c to
Our Stock of SHOES,
is complete. Our SCHOOL SHOES are the
best on the market. Prices range from 8scts
to $1.40 per pair.
You should buy our
Our stock is the most complete in the valley. Prices
always the lowest. Produce wanted. Highest mar
ket'price paid.
Dress Goods.
They are extra values.
Next Week.
to 75 cents.
$6.50, forer prices 50c to $8.
For the Children, 15c to 25c.
. 1
v I