I T. tSB .S it ft? & i IB 1 ft I r.Ti. 7"r . ! tv, in't WU' 'j... W'!Wm"-vLzz - " v,, -L-'-aBifc&wtjL -y . JH..r t '2 rf $ 'wwwtidiif H f " '0 ' OBSW ., - -M-- - imi ,.-iaiii i DlTrTMIMIMM i .... a jjMMMBBrgHfK-SttZSa-Tffi1 ' I ' ? ffTTTViT?Hfaossoeori Wntm' fryBfTT1'fBorTEloMfT7TTi Tf "TBrwfsMBrBsoWsBTTT -tJfc"V''yiTii im - tB twn jv'1 jjii5,hIi-" fcBSBBBcTiiiK8E?i3Si5" PEEBBfw KKBS. tMwlBJIvLBB.tBMSSBKE9S?fclln iltliS'Sr-ijjiSst--j'tTiBB VOLUME XXV. RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA. MARCH t, 1897. NUMBER 10 I he Chicago Storeggg HERE AND TIIEItE. Wish to announce that owing to failure jfj. of the completion of our new store in the Miller- ay? $ (Dotting Block that they will not be able to open jij M up before March 10th, when they will show you a $1 line of Gents Furnishing Goods, Hats and Caps, Trunks and Valises, 4 MEN'S SHOES, ii ': 3i .oil Vti NiitoUhixautoBL'ia'iilu:"11 fln Hastings Democrat. at? V: i 1 . ftifi That will be strictly up to .date in style and quality. $ Under date in price. We propose to be leaders "in our lines. Remember our Merchant Tailor Department. Perfect Fit Guaranteed. Galusha Wescott 3S 88 m SS Eor Cash, One Price, No Monkey Business. . ' V tat J, issst DOCKER'S o G4SA D?F GOODS HOUSE. io Days special Tho Missouri legislature bml a bill presented to send a committee to Car son to sco how tho prize fight was worked. Tho Nebraska legislature havo sluggers of their own to givo a fistic exhibition and therefore will not need to go to Carson. . They are so small thnt tho most sensi tive persons take them, thoy are so effective that tho most'obstinato cases of constipation, headache and torpid liver yield to them. That is why De Witt's Littlo Early Risers arc known us the famous little pills. C. L. Cot ting. An exchange says: "What do jnu think of an artist who painted cobwebs on the ceiling so truthfully that the hired girl woro herself into an attack of nervous prostration trying to sweep hem down?" There might have been such an artist, put there never was such a hired girl. Mr. Baillle the photographer took u picture of Chris. Koneack's houso just east of town, yesterday. He got out in time to catch the 10:26 express, and it all shows up in the picture. He also took a photograph of tho Signal build ing, also the residencoof N. M. Ooudua and we boliere some other places. Guide Rock Signal. There is a bill beforo the Kansas leg- iilature to compel street car companies to use vestibule cefs for tho protection of the motormen. This is a move in the right direction, and tho principle ought to bo extended to compel far mers to erect awnings over their riding plows and harvesters to protect tho hard worked farm hands. Beaver Val- loy Tribune. . Ik You Wish to purify your blood you .should take a medicine which cures blood diseases. No other modi cino has such a record of cures as Hood's Sursuparilln. pulp, when he feeds it to the hens, and ho claims .hat it adds greatly to their egg producing qualities. Tho news paper is gradually extending its field of usefulness. From food for thought, it has expanded until within its sphere is nlroady iucludcd food for goats and hens." bargain ,- ."-' sale9 Hood's Pii.i.s easy to operate, biliousness. '-'So. are easy to take, Cure indigestion, A Iliawutlm pastor recently called nit oue of his flock and found her en tertaining her friends tit whist. Tho good sister apologized but nearly fell dead when the pastor admitted that be was fond of whist and even played bil liards. Then ho sat down with the women and won the royal pri.o. That kind of a minister will always be pop ular. Hiawatha World. E. H. Overman, near Otego, lost two horses with a strange disease last Tues day. One of thorn appears to have Ret out to knock down all the fences in that neighborhood. It sloshed about homo for awhile, got down to Eli Ren ner's, tore down tho paling fence in a couple of places, knooked over a bee hive, ran against tho houso, continued Its course in a general northeast course and after going through eighteen fen ces finally fetched up in the creek not far from Noah- Rcnner'8, where Char- loy Overman finally ended the horse's lifo with a blow from an ax. As soon as the other horse commenced to show fool symptoms, it was dispatched by shooting. Burr Oak Herald, . -The good wife came to town with a load of turkeys last week forwhich she received 1100. This is a fact. Last gprlngwhon she was busy caring for the littlo turks, sho wanted soma help to fix the coops and was told by hor good man that ho had no time to fuss with turkeys, that ho must hustle atid get bis corn planted that raising poul try wm a woman's aud not a man's business. This is imagination. And yet (this is a fact) the old man would havo had to haul into town twenty loads, pr 1,000 bushels of corn, to have put i$i$ jeans pockets as much money us his good wife received for tho tur keys which he thought too small a busi ness for him to caro for last spring. Sterling Sun. . We are pleased to make note of the marriage of Mr. Osoar Monia and Miss Grace R. West, at the residence of tho bride's parents near Guide Rock, on Wednesday of this weok. The newly wedded pair aro two of the most popu lar young people of this.vicinitj Tho bride is the amiable and attractive daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Cha. Wo.t, and tho groom is a prosperous young farmer of Heaver Creek. Tho cere mony was performed by Rev. A. W. Shamnl in the presence of tho homo circle and near relatives, at 10 a. in. after which an elegant dinner was serv ed. The young peoplo are well known and highly respected in tho community and have a bright future before them. Guide Rock Signal. SUFFER NO MORE NOW T Paine's Celery Compound is Working fir aeles in Goring Disease. k Commencing Monday, March 8th. Come and See the Bargains We are Offering. It will Pay You. A story is going the rounds about a farmer who went into a drugstore and saw for the first time a phonograph. He was told to drop a nicklo into the slot and hear the music. The farmer, doubting, dropped in a niekloand put the tubes to his ears; then suddenly dropping them lie rushed to the door exclaiming, "gosh all fish hooks! here comes a brass band, and I left my mules unhitched." Stolen. G.A.Ducker&Co. At the regular meeting of the Red Cleud fire department last Monday eve ning the following officers were elected for the ensuing year. Chief Jno. W. Runcbey. Asst. Chief H. E. Fond. Seoretary R. P. Hutchinson. Treasurer J. O. Butler. Trustees Geo. Hutchinson, Henry Deidrick, J. E. Kesler. Foreman Hose No. 1 H. T. Stroup. Foreman Hose No 2 Henry Deid rick. Foreman Hook and Ladder. Ge-Hutchinson. A man reiiding iu the eastern part of the state has found a new use for the newspaper. An exchange says: "The latest and most novel use for old news papers that has comet our notice, oc curred yesterday when a gentleman stepped into this office and purchased 100 or more to feed his liens, He tears the paper into shreds and soaks in sour milk until the whole mass becomes a Tho Nebraska India relief commiss ion appointed by Gov. Holcomb has issued a request for donations of corn to be shipped to the starving thousands in India. Great destitution prevails in that country and the inhabitants aro dying for tho want f food. The U. S. government has furnished a steamship tobeloadedatSan Francisco. Arran gaments have been made with the var ious railroads for tho frco transporta tion of such to the seaboard. Thecom mitteo desires somo one in towns where one or more cars of corn can be secur ed to take chargeof thesolicltingjoad ing and shipping of the same, persons who will undertake this task are re quested to communicate with, thosscc- rclary of tho commission, Mr. M. D. Welsh, Lincoln, Nebr. aud receive from him instructions as to tho quality of corn desired, kind of cars to load and instructions for billing. I I ! The Shakers havo made a great hit. Their Digestive Cordial Is said to be the most successful remedy for stomach troubles ever introduced. It inniedi ately relioves all pain and distress after eating, builds up the leebie system and makes the weak Strang. The fact is, foods properly digested are better than so-called tonics. The Cordial not only contains foed already digested, butisadigesterof other foods. Food that is not digested does more harm than geod. People that use the Cordial insure the digestion of what food they eat and in this way get the benefit of it aud grow strong. The little pamphlets which the Shak ers havo sent druggists for free distri- Paine's eolery compound is working miracles iu the cure of disease! So says n recent arliole by tho fore most medical essayist. "Nothing shows more conclusively," ho adds, "the astonishing capability of Paine's celery compound than the thoughtful, open-minded class of peo plo who use il and recommend it, both iu public- and among their closest and dearest friends anil relatives. Among us (physicians) there is no longer any hesitancy in recommending this great est remedy without stint of praise." About the samo time tho above article was published there appeared in the Huston Journal, the following letter from David K. Cliassor of 4WJ Windsor St., Cambridgeport, a suburb of Boston: "I take great pleasure in testifying to tlio extraordinary merits of Paine's celery compound. For some time past I havo beon under the treatment of two well-known local doctors, but their combined efforts proved of no avail. I havo been for years n harsh skepliuin regard te advertised medi cines, but having suffered excruciating paint! in the head, which the doctors informed mo were dun to neuralgic symptoms, I determined to try Paine's celery compound, on the advice of a friend. "To my surpriso I found an ontiro change going on after taking a little over three bottles ami I began to feel like a new man. I have for the past 10 or 12 years suffered from pains In the hack and other symptoms of de rangement of tho kidneys and bladder, and havo spent many sleepless nights in consequence, but now I sleep sound, thanks to the common sense which in duced me to try Paine's celery com pound. 1 will ever praise tho marve lous potency of this valuable medicifie, and at any time will ho glad to give personal testimony at my address, should any sufferer care to call, as I consider it selfish to keep such a bless ing housed up, and think tho proprie tors of Paine's celery compound de serving of more thanks than I can con vey in words, for making me a new man." A word to other sufferers: , Go to your druggist for a bottlo of. Paine's celery compound, and allow him to sell you nothing else! dution, contain much interesting infer mation en the aubjeotof dyspepsia. UeWitt's Colic & Cholera Cure. Quickly cure. Dysentery and Ularrhaa. , Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder World' Flr Hls'icst Alcdaland Diploma. Laxul is nut a mixture of drugs. It is nothing but Castor Oil palatable. A preacher once said: "You editors dare not tell the truth. If you over did you could not live. Your newspaper would lie a failure." The editor repli ed: "You are right; and the minister who will at all times tell the bare truth about his members, alive or would not occupy tho pulpit more than oue Sunday aad lie will find it uecesBary to leave town in a hurry, Tho press and pulpit go haad in baud with white-wash brushes and kind words, magnifying little virtues Into big ones. Tho pulpit, press and grave touearethe great saint making til umvirate." And the great minister went away looking very thoughtful, while the editor turned to his work, telling about the surpassing beauty of the bride, when, in fact sho was ugly as a mud fence. Ex. Tho most intensly interesting people of the world just at this moment are the millions of famine and plague stricken India. Hut little is known of OeWitt's Little Early Risers, Tbe famous Utile pllU. WS- I : 1. this region by the people of the United States. Such reports as come to us are the things seeu', through British'glusses. What has been tbe effect of British rule in Iudiat Why these terrible famines? Why plagues! Julian Hawthorne bus been sent by The Cosmopolitan Mag azine to India to obtain answers to', these questions nt first hand and depict the situation as it appears to an Amer ican. The March Cosmopolitan con tains the first of whattis nrobablv th dead mogt important series of articles aver presented in this magazine. Nothing has been published which gives an ade quate idea of the largor operations of business at I4ust nothing by the class of Mten filled for such work by thorough familiarity with the subjects of' which they write. The article, in the Mai;oh Cosmopolitan on "Tho. Methods of Banking." by the President of one of tho largest banks of New York a man of witlest business experience form J? Postmoster-Genern! James is ouh which every person, however humble his clerkship or high his place iu the financial world, will find interesting and instructive. This series wi con stitute a vory complete course of busi slness training, nnd every young man just entering business life and every old man will alike Hud it of Immense Vllllltl. ym 1.11 v ( If r afc ' i Kl II M u fi 1 v m ci ivr. m ii lV, 1 'It I Ii ,5l Jiff- n i m M $!& rJjn