iiSiAM t-AmmmimffititffiSKV .3.i..W"T' --" "-att?iry: ' ' THE RED CLOUD CHIEF, FRIDAY, FEB. 546. 1897. VHttMKJtWS .,uia w jt?vRsriwwwrsntw ? Jfc RHEUMATISM Results from Liver and can be Cured by Using Dr. J. H. LIVER AND KIDNEY BALM A Certain Remedy for Diseases of the Liver, Kidneys and Urinary Organs at onuaaoTs, pnict, i.oo pen bottle THE Dr. J. H. MoLEAN MEDICINE CO., Sr. Louis, Mo. A $1.00 Ttinr- SI. oo: aw I Weekly 1itei Oceain. ( The Greatest Republican Paper of the West. AAA. 5 TTIs ilia most stalwart and unswerving Republican Weekly pub- X limited today nnd can always bo relied upon for fair and honest ro- ports of all political affairs The Weekly Inter Ocean Supplies All of the News J erTfl and the Best of Current Literature. Si It is Morally Clean, and as a Its Literary Columns are equal us. to those of the Its Youth's Department is the finest of Its kind. It brings to the family tho Newt monesiaua sdiosv tuscussions oi Inter Ocean gives twelve di anil belnic published In Chicago the pcoplo west of tho Alleghany $1.00 !(&ONjgjgojj I Price of Tbc Dally and Sunday Edl- tions of The Inter Ocean are tbe best of their kind Price of Dally and The Chief and Weekly Inter-Ocean one year lor $1.35. MIIIHtllMHMIIMIIMHIIIimiimiimMMII . b'tw? St. 1 Don't idle Jacobs iiuiui) nil ! BUT USE Ull " and you'll find out how quickly and nmikiii iiio mn wwwwwwvwwwvwvwwwTTvvvvm THE CHIEF AND BOTH ,,?. ONLY $135 .Including tho FARMERS' ALMANAC Described Below. llysVecl'ilnrrnngrnient with tho publishers vo nro enabled for tliu first tlmu to nffcr tho OllA.NOr. Juiili IMllMKII, tho Inndlng nurl culluriil weekly of llio Out nil Went, In club with this paper. Tim Ouanhi: Jimi i'aiimkii Is rcmnrknblu fortlio variety anil Interest of lis contents, ninl It thn nlitr-l, best, unit most prtiutlcnl niiirof Ha lilml. fc its farm features,:;;:::;: culture, l'oultry, Mnrket (Inrdi'iilui; l other topics, written by iirurtieiilamUiicrra. fill fiirim-r, supplemented with linutrntlon by n bin artists, cnmhluo to nmko llliivnlunhlo to those who "farm It for a living," Tho latest Market sum I Cuinmurclal Agriculture) j nro features In which Till'. K.uoix.u Is tin excelled. THE EIMIIV CC4TIIDCC s,,ort "Hes, . inmihi luiiuiikui latest Fash Ion, Fancy Work, Tho flood Cook, Puiita Contrail, Library Corner, nnd Young; Folk' rage, combine to make this Department of as much value nndlnterest as most of theflpeclal Vamlly Tapers. "A SAMPLE COPY Krt! mailed to yon by addressing thn OltANflK JUDIs KAKMKll, Chicago, 111. Funis' CDC C- 1 To Ml sending the I- subtcrlp- m m BBTV W BW (((( tllTIUVUI" AlHMSR I IILataly.wolnelude Ttlltiw.liaw "im tuinmiv pnp - 1 AOtllCULTUniST WEATHER FOHECA8T9 AND KAnMKKS' ALMANAC. title great book of 600 pages contains STATISTICS ON AOniCULTURE, KAIL ROAD3, BCIIOOLS, POLITICS, WEATHER, CITIES, COUNTIES, STATES, COUNTRIES, TKOri.K, and a thousand things you would never think of until you bad consulted this giant of useful Information. It altoeontalni weather forecast for every day In the year, mid will bo found of thn greatest use In answering; tho thousands of questions that constantly arise In regard to dates, placet, Venous. sUtlsttes, etc. WSS& TALOCt!l E7J9n5il This bonk shoukl lie In Hie han.la of m-ry M-iimskn rarnirr. II liaisare CiilOwloilnlilscnls uml tlglil iiieth Otis, ibeivllubllliy nf Qrirory's Suds are uniiirstlonet. Ilurlitg Iho Imnl 1 times, Uireo tons (f llitMi Iuiikiiis sesilnwere illMrllmtiil In Nelirn.ku. fnwof cbnriif, ninl tiiinilrtilsur lnr uirrs Imil mi (i'xirtutilty to test tin Ir nuullly wlit 11 failure imniit ruin. Oirmn.v' Sets! I'lilulOKUO Is UMit frit) uf liurfo In unyonu III .S'elirusku. j J. 11. i:i:;ouy a mn, JlurulenvHil, .ilu DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salvo Cures Piles, Scald, Uurn. BLnino?lirri r itu. fmfmWK a Bad McLEANS a Family Paper is Without a Peer. best magazines. of I ho Kntlret World and gives an questions or tnoaav. The of romllnc mattar each wrak Is batter adapted to tho needs of Mountains than any other paper. $i,oo 4 1 Dally by mall 14.00 ner year Sunday by mall $2.00 per year Sunday by mall. iG.OO per year: Addrcmi TUB IXTKIl OCEAN, Chicago i J. i&w h witly it SOOTHES and CURES. J A Rooord Breaker. A special train from Chicago over tho Chicago, Burlington & Quiucy and Uurllngton &. Mlnsourl River railroads, chartorcd by Ileury J. Mayham, a Den ver mining investment lirokor, run 1,020 miles in eighteen hours anil fifty- throo minutes. Tills journey noes into history an tho greatest railway font ovor accomplished. Tho best previous rail road long-distanco record was nineteen ho'urs and tlfty sovou minutes for 1)1(1 miles ovor tho New Vork Central and Litko Shore from Now Vork to Chi cago. Mr. Mayham, who left Xew Vork Sunday 011 the Pennsylvania Limited, chartered u special train In Chicago in order to reach tho botUidu of his dying son, Williiuu II. Mayham, as quickly as possible. The Uurllngton otlh'lulHguar autecd to take him to Denver in twenty- four hours. They mmlo good their Kiiaranteo and hndllvo hoursaud seven minutes to spare, From tho moment the train left Chi cago until it rolled Into the Don vor de pot, no hitch of any kind occurred. It How across Illinois, Iowa, Nehraskuaud Colorado like a meteor, froquoutly at taining a spood of upwards of 70 miles an hour and uveniKliiKovor 00 miles an hour for stretches of a hnndrad milos at ti time. Tho actual running time, including stops, was 18 hours and .VI minutes; an average speed of oV,'t miles an hour. llio actual running tltno excluding s-tops was IT hours and 4 it minutes; an avorago speed of o" Jl-R miles an hour. But in spite of the Hurliugton'ssplon did record, Mr. Mayham arrived in Don vor too lute to nee his sou alive. The young man died shortly after midmight. 'EXPECTANT W Offer Van a , RBriBOV Wkkk IN5URB5 Saletjr , MOTHERS. I UM t Metk. ' r im caiM. "MOTHERS' FRIEND" rWtlCMnMBWMoflllhrl.rrKTMlMBll. ' Ur wife used "MOTHERS' FRIKNB" be- I torn blrlU of her tlrat child, she did not I uller from CRAMPS erPilB lis 8 was quickly . 1 relieved at tnecrit I relieved at the critical hour auReriiK but . little abe had no paint afterward and her ' ' recovery was rapid. K. K. Johnston, Eufauta, Ala. . Sent by Mall or Kxpresi, on receipt of ' era" mailed Free. varv. afB.w mrr bmhlibi. iinnif "i'n Kin SADFIILD RKtiULATOB CO., Atlaata, Oa. SOLD IT All DlUOOlBTi. UUiitS.rYHIKk All list FAILS, Dot Couth Syrup. Tiutea UikxI. UboI hi mi. so J rv urumrista. St? " 1 f awl VLwkh''aSsaW BMmWmWtw n ij ri ? awaCM INAVALE. Wo had a fino snow storm Sunday. O. Hunter shipped n car of lings Sun day to Kansas City. Me. Simons is moving into tho va cant property in tho north part of tho city. Mr. (ini'iier has routed tho Pitney property for a year, and Ot darner moves on one of Dr. DanieioH's farms. .lack Davis of Ulooniington was vis iting friends hf town Sunday. Mrs. Ayers was visiting friends in Iiiavnle Inst week. Kd Palmer ohl 11 lino team for tho small sum of 1120. Several from hero attended the quar terly nieotlng at Dist. II In.-a Sunday, Mr. Ladtl is sick with thugiip this week. Dan Bnikcr has hired out to Bill Itinklo for the season. itiiv. Ticknor and Miss Nottio Halo were in tho city last Saturday. A lino ton pound hoy in rived at tho homo, of our agenl, Mr. Villars, last Tuesday. Father and son doing well. Mr. S. K. Wolcott and wife visited at Mr. Hcffolbowers last Saturday. Mr. Ward, our blacksmith, is kept busy these days getting the farmer's tools ready for use. A IlF.ADKU. Doafncss Cannot Bo Cured. By local applications as they cannot reach tho diseased portion of tho ear. There is only una way to euro deafness, and that is by constitutional remedies. Deafness is caused by an iullamcd con dition of the mucous lining of tho Eustachian Tube. When tho tube is inllametl you have a rumbling sound or imperfect hearing, and when it is entirety closed, deafness is tho result, and unless tho inflammation can be taken out and this tube restored to its normal condition, hearing will bo des troyed forever; nine cases out of ten aro caused by catarrh, which is nothing but an intlamcd condition of the mucous surfaces. Wo will give one hundred dollars for any case of deafness (caused by catarrh) that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. Send for circulars; frco. F.J. CHUNKY & CO., Toledo, 0. Sold by druggists, 70c. Hall's Family Pills aro tho host. m STATE CREEK. While tho weather is nico there is considerable sickness in our part. Nearly all aro better at this writing. Somo farmers are not through gathering corn yet. Somo aro hauling it off to town for eight and ton cents. Hogs are going at 3 ceuts Calres aro selling for about what thoy will bo worth nfcxt fall. P. S. Fair sold a little span of mules for $70.00. C. Davis sold ono mule for $40. Leon (Julhrio has gono hack to Iowa to work. Thos. Spuricr was 011 this creek a few days ago ami bought 1000 bushels of corn at eight wonts, and a yearling mule of O. A. Provnlt for I2. Albert Scrivner sold a lino mare to Jos. (J raves for $50. The meetings at Pleasant Dale aro not a success yet. Tho diphtheria scare keep some away, and when a minister is lighting other denomina tions, there aro some who do not care to hear it. The meeting, League and Sunday school at Mt. Hope has closed on ac count of diphtheria. Today alone is ours. Tomorrow never comes, and yesterday is gono forever. - Just think of tliu light that is made on a man that sets out a lot of fruit trees. Now it is very true that some liavo had bad luck ami et them out in tho wrong year and tho drouth catches them before they get a Btart and then they dio and then that man don't make- another 'Start for some time and he will say you can't raise fruit trees in this country. I would like to state that about nine-tenths of the farmers set all kind of trees to tho reverso of what they ought to. They should plow a land for every row of trees and set his trees in tho finish, though you llntl nearly all of them growing on a ridge. All Humous ok tiik Ulood, from tho small pimplo to tho dreadful scrofula sore, aro cured by Hood's Sarsaparilln, which thoroughly purities vitalizes and enriches tho bleod. Hood's Pills cure nausea, sick head ache, Indigestion, bllliousness. All druggists. 25c. Every Thursday afternoon a tourist sleeping ear for Salt Lake Oitj, San trancisco and Los Angeles leaves Omaha and Lincoln via the Uurlington Route. It is carpeted; upholstered in rattan; has spring seats ami backs and is provided with curtains, bedding, towels, soap, etc. An experienced ex cursion conductor and uniformed Pull man porter accompany it through t Hit pacific coast. While neither as ex pensively finished nor as lino to look at as a palace sleeper, it is Just as good to ritlo in. Second class tickets are nonoreu anu mo prlco of a berth, wide onomzii ami oig enough tor two, is only 5. ror a folder giving full partiou mis, can at mo noarcst 11. & M. R, R. iicKtiiqiHco. ur, write to J. Francis, Routo, Omaha, Nob. I'UKi: tonny person suiVoring from dyspepsia in any form. A remedy that .will cure you. Send name nnd address J. Cramer, Ho 10, Covington, Ohio. Ho will send it frea uf charge. Ho wants your iiamo for his mailing list. s UDH Aro gaining favor rapidly, limine men nnd travel Icr carry tliem In vest pockets. Inillcs carry Ihpm Pills In purses, hmtiekcppcrs keep tlirm In mecllcltm num., menus recommend them to rrlemli. Vie, STATE LINE. A lino snow storm last Sunday. Mrs. Shnvorth nnd Arthur Clino tiro sick witli la giippe. Mr. Ai runts who has been real sick Is mending slowly. MUs Addlo Toland is working for Mr. Dillon. Miss Cora Bogenru-f spent Saturday with Mr. Intel mills young folk". Mr. MoMicr bought a load of cobs of Mr. Toland last week. Miv, l'Vink Cooper was a pleasant visitor at Mr. Toland's Friday. Air. Sllckley anil Frank Arrants At tended Mr. Flshet'ssalo Monday. Mr. Sal ley bought a horse of Mr. C.ister Saturday. .Miss Clara Jones spent Saturday and Sunday with tho 'Javis girls. Mrs. Smith, a holiness preacher, preached at Maple Crovc church last Sunday. Mr. Hawortb, who shipped his cattle to Kansas City week beforo last nnd went to seo his father, returned last Friday. The contest at tho school house was a pleasant occasion. Tho judges Mr. Clitic and Alico Fisliburii and (J race Davis decided in favor of Mattle Fish burn's sldo, though most of the crowd thougnt tho other way. Last Saturday nnd Sunday was quar terly meeting at tho Friends' church. Every session was largely attended, anil especially tho C. E. conference Sunday night. There wcro several ministers who came from a distance who wore well liked by everyone. A DOCTOR'S VISIT. Dr. Hartman's Frco Visit to Every Family in tho Unitod States. How can that he? you ask. How can Dr. Hnrlman visit every family in tho United States? This is the way: This little articlo goes Into every home. Everyone hns tliu privilege of reading it. Through this articlo Dr. Hartman spenks to ovcry family. Ho asks if any in this house is sick. If so, would you not like to consult me as to the nirture oi your discase.and its treatment? If you would liko mo to do so, I will giro your case careful attention. I have a large institution antl many assistants and am in a position to detect the naturo of diseases where they could not possibly bo tie tec! cd by theordiuary physician, If you want to consult me just wrlto mo and give a description of your case ami I will answer you free of charge, giving you full directions for treatment. This is tho way Dr. Hart man makes a free visit to every family in tho United States. Ho has just call ed on you. Do you wish to consult him? Or you may send ami get a question blank to till out if you prtjfc r. All let ters received by him aro strictly con fidential. Hare you catarrh of tho hcati, tnroat, lungj, stomach or any other organ of the body? If so, write to him at once. Ho will send you di rect ions for treatment without charge. If you tlesirc to, you can send for a free copy of Dr. Hartman's latest book on catarrh and thn other climatic dis eases of winter 01 pages instructively illustrated. Sent free to any address by Tho Pe-ru-na Drug Manufacturing Company, Columbus, Ohio. Corbott-Fitssimmons Athletic Con tost. Fot tho Corbett-Fitzsimmons Ath letic Contest at Carson City, Nevada, March 17, 1807, the burlingtou. .vill sell through , 'round trip tickets for $70.00. Tickets nu sale Mareh 18th and 14th, limited to continuous passage in each direction, with llnal return limit of March 10th, 1807. A. Conovkk, Agent. SCROFULA. aUai-ffe IJlcrrs. Flcsla belav Een Awav, Nearly Wmr wltk thfm Eatkaeme aVlaease. H Pl af I wZJ yn "Portland, N. Y., Die. 8. 1ITS. Dr. M. U. FMNEn. Fredanla. N. Y. Dtar 8tr:l had been alck many ytar. When you first saw me. In 1800, 1 was near the gravo. My throat was deeply ulcerated. Ono e W J" partly oaten pa. Largo ulcere on thlgha and body exceedingly offensive, and I was .reduced in flesli to a mere nlcolleton. All doctors antl medicines hnd failed. One year a uso of your lllootl nnd Liver Homed and Nervo Tonlo produced a complete euro. Improvement bugtin nt onco." i'Fm,onltt- N. Y., Juno lft, 1S04. "It una now been about sa your Rlnco I was cured und theru hits Im-ch no return ot tho dlscaso." Vours truly, Mrs. Aena Adams. FOR SALE HY C. L, COTTIN'G. Presidential Inauguration. At Washington, D. C, March -1th, 1807. For above event rate will bo thirty-three dollar for the round trip to Washington, D. C. Tickets on sale March 1st, and 3d, with linaho turn limit of March 11th. 'I kkets will bo good only for continuous passage in each direction, going parage to com incnce dato of sale and return passage to conunenco dato of execution. tickets will then only bo good for re- t urn leaving Washington, March lib, flth, Oth, 7tl Agent. , or 8th. A. C'onovkii, A Liberal Seed House J. J. II. (iregory A Jon. MarMelicnd Ms. nlll loin? IcreinctnUred by the fnrmcrs of Xcli rnskti fir their Kcn'HHiy riming the Imnl times, "heather distributed three t ns of Trie pnrden ced in needy fntmcrs. through llev W Midden nnd others. This fmnoiis old oeed houfc lm long been noted for It reliability ni d br.iid gniiKo methods mid ncll decries the' grnt isuoccm ihnt tins trowncd Uclr ciVoris Kmy one who coiiteiiiplntc iiUntliig k-ciI should send for llio li tcrctiiig mid Itntriirthe cnlnlogue which they oiler to tend frco of1 ch rge. 1 Wanted Salesmen to sell very complete lino of lubricating oils, greases and specialties. Liberal terms to proper parly. Jkwk l Hkkinixc! Co. Cleveland, O. CHATTEL MOimhUlK .S'-I.A'. Notice Is hereby given, that by virtue of a chattel inorigiigo dated on tho 1.1th tlay of July, A. I). 1 Mi, nnd nu y died in tho oltlco of Hi J con nty clerk of WebHer cotuitr. Nebraska, on the Wth day of lebriinry. A. I), iwrt. and ex ccutedbyO. h.vthlieio fecuro ihorayimiitof Ihesumofn.XOand upon which there Is non duo Iho sum of liojos default having boon myde In the payment of said sum nnd no suit or other proceeding at law having been Instituted ua, on the 'JOIli ly of .March. A. I). It07. at two I'. 111. ui nuia my, Dated this 22dilay of Kebrunry, A. D. 1SH7, ,. ,. ,. 'K-'OIIMICK llAr.VESTI.U MiCIIINK Co. liy 11. M.Allev, Agent. Pl'llMVA TIOXOF SUMMONS. R. MoNlTT, ATTORNEY. I" die district court r,f tho Tenth Judicial j'l-iuci hi n in iur nt osier county, Nebraska, A. A. Sivcaiitureii, 1 I'litinini, rs Orlando .1. Stewart, June Stewart, ct al. DcfcudautH I 1110 above named defendant Otlnndo J. Stewart and Jnne Stewart will tako notice Unit on the 2lst day of December. lb!J, A. A. Swear liiRcn tiled her petition aKnlnst them Impleaded wlthoihcr defendants for tho foreclosure of n mortgage deed ami extension thereof nlvcii by ihcin to the Hamilton Loan & Trust Company on theilmttlay of Aurusi, issy, recorded In llook V of tho rm.rtKr.K0 records of Webster county, Nebraska, atl'agerW, on the 3d day of August, IKSS. nnd duly aligned to this plaintiff, which mortgago Is upon tho following real property, tpwlt: The west half of section six, township thrco.rnngo ten. west of the fitli I'. M. In Web Mereouuty. Nebraska, nnd wan given tosccuro tbcstimof fl,Mio with Interest thereon duo In live yenrs f rem laid date untn which there Is now duo II,10 with Interest at 7 per cent per annum from February 1st, 1897; sail petition further praya for the recovery of io.8l raMns taxet by plaintiff, for a sale of said premises and the foreclomro of the interests of all de fendants In and to said premises. You and each of you arc required to answer said petition on pr before the !th day of March, 1897 r the al legations thereof will bo taken as true and decree rendered accordingly. A. A. swsuiusorN, I'lalntlir. U. MuNitt, Attorney. RANDOLPH McNlTT, AHOHXEV and COUNSELOR AT LAW, Special attention to Commercial and Probate Litigation. MOON BLOCK, RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA. N R. T. PoTTEi?, Attorney. I. Ml A I. XOTIOK. In the DMrlct Court of Web-ter Coutitv. No br skn. Cllirord.I.I'opc. l'lnlntlir, William 1. Heed. Lydln -M. Heed, Samuel K. Heed, Defcuiluuts, Tlio tboo imincil tlefo: ilntit Samuel K. Heed will take uollco that 011 tliovhth day of Decem ber. Ihttt, pbilntltr herein Died Ills petition In the District Court of Webster county, Nebraska. against said ilcretilnnt,tliu object and prnjerof which aro to forceloso n certain mcrt. gngo. executed bv the ilefeii,lni witii.n, n iti teed and l.vtllii M. Heed to .'. 1. innn,i' whlcli ald note nod mortgage were beforo maturity duly assigned, delUered and trnns fcrrcd to this lilalutttT. upon lot number four Ml In block number three (3). In Morey's addition to the town of nine Hill. Nebraska, to secure the payment of a certain promissory note dated September Cth. 18SW, for the sum of IIHO.OO.due and payable one year from date thereof: that there Is now tlue upon said noto and mortgage tbe sum of 1180.00 with Interest at thn r.i Tu ten per cent per annum from the loth tlay of October, 1891, for which sum plalntltT prays for a decree that defendants bo required to pay tho same, or that said premises may be sold to satisfy the amount found due plaintiff. You are requiri-u leaiiinrr raid petition on Of be fore tbe 1st day of March. 1807. Dated January 19, 1897. , , , Curroan J. Pons. By Host. T. Pottkh, his attorney, i 4t NOTICE. Notice Is hereby given that tha uudersliiiiad have associated themselves together for the purpose af becoming Incorporated under the laws of tha state of Nebraska. Tha name of such corporation shall be the Piatt A Frees Campany. Tha principal place of transacting Its business snail on ai inn t-iauia, coster t'ouniy. Menras ka The general nature of the business to be transactet! br said carroration la thn hn.imr selling and dealing generally In caal, lumbar and building material af all kinds. The amount of capital stock autharlred Is Ten Thousand dollars the whole amount of which shall be paid In within ten days after the tiling of the ar tides of Incorporation. The time of the cam raenctanentof said corporation li January stb, A. D. 1887. and the same shall be terminated on theHthdsyof Jsnuary, A. D. 1917. The highest amoant of Indebtedness or liability to which f 13.C0,I:?I "hll t any time subject Itself Is hlx Thousand Dollars. The affairs af the corporation will be conducted by a board of ..it. uiirtwn itiiu snau eiect rromtneirown number a EresldenL vice president, secretary and treasurer, wha .fiall have such powers In the active manaretar-nt af aald u,J,.n.. .. mmj uu cunicrreii upon mem Dy trie by or the articles of Incorporation of said .- l.-. . - '"I "..'". --r. -... mm e bylaws Dotation cor- Dated, Rad Cloud. Neb, January 8th 1897. i. M. Pnxis. .'. J Piatt. M. M. Piatt, J. S. EMIGH, DENTIST. PAINLESS DENTISTRY 1" YOU WANT IT. Crown I Bridge Work or Teeth Wilhonl Plates. ronCELAJN INIJVY, And all tho lateit- Improvement la dontal mech anlim .u iuuic mill iii-ui, ur any part inercor. there fpro I will ell tho property described, vlr.: 0110 -,tMo?rlllK Machine, nt public ancilon at Ited ClOtld. ClllllltV nfWpli.lnr .Intn nf V.I..... R-I-P-A-N-S The modern stand ard Family Medi cine : Cures the common every-day ills of humanity. S PAitKi?'s cmccr? TONIO tiilrs I.un -Iroui'e. Debility. dMresstnjt stonurtt lei f emVe III, nnj Is tij'el jf making rurts hen ill oCur trrttmtnl fills. rnr rmrflipr iml Imttnl thouM hsvslt. PAHKER'S HAIR DALSAM Cltsniri tnJ kfanlir.es ths htlf. rromotti ft laiurlsr.l ronth. Never Fills to Restore Orsy llMr to Its Youthful Color. Curts .dip dlKSirs hair faUlng. oucanq m lv Mt ...uhb1". HINDERCORNS ThsotilyiureCuMfof 0orns.btopi til pain. Mikes walki Xeaiy.lic. stDiujj. 5T5TSBT OF ATX THIS DnfllC that Ml lut DUUI0 BEAUTIFUL FLOWERS AIMishalf rnular ptleei. r !M7 Catalofut. bow ready for rait dutrlbntlon, the moat unlqut and trtldle utllih.,1. sit roa Corr. MlaaO. H. Llpplnoott,' 10 fti.lh fl( ft . Vi.i.lMII. Ufa. ...... !. PCIilrtickii, J.H., :.', Dlamon.l nrsnf. ENNYR0VAL PILLS JjTjv lrllnl ami Only Genuine. A tionttiutimiHti'Uit. At l'fulti,r vn 1 f in itiiri rrr nrMCtii tr, uniDfiiUIt i IWIef for 1 uf,"inlttrtr, r-r rrttiri tld 1 ail Local Uruul'U. I'hIUdtv. I-? ritl(ihii.in.f'a.nk.l.nl af'.. JI. .. I a ' Wanted-An Idea Who can think of some simple Chlnip In ..a,.... Protect your Ides Writs JOHN wki Protct vnur liteuii thv ma t,tir wn .i.k Write JOHN WEDDERIiURN CX.. Patent Attor. neys. Washington, and lilt of two hti O. C. far their at ll nrlm nittr hundred Inventions wanted. syavsvsvsi iissasBsssBjBavBBBBawajaaBBaBasiaslBiaaiMI ii Baa aw . awaai awaai awaawi waa awai m awa 1 1 ! VMvJ H bwawM kTMl awal BwaVsafMl ll mbW am Tawat awaw aaMal a V awM awaWaTaV l awaW Mm Vaw swaa wMMm sm awa swaaWaV v il swaW Val Bwaal awawM awa s awal awaawaV a1 il awav aWMI awl awaw Lwaasi swav LwM Bwapsaaw ' J waW Aaswl MH awa WawMJ a bmw aWaTswaT J1 waBWaasaWaBWaBLLawaaV.MasLaMkaBl ' Caveats, and Trade-Marks obtained and all Pat ent business conducted for MOOCRATC Fica OUHOrrlcr laOnatiTr 11. st. DiTi..n,.,..( Nun nsvauiciuiDNicHwa less time man moss remote from WiahlnMnn. ., --r-.T..,r.ii.'7j-f.T" :,-:t- re-i Sad rnodel, drawing or photo., with descrlp-5 Hon. We advise, If patentable or not, free oil chare, fllir tm nnt Awm (111 M.a m .......1 r charge. Our fee not due tilt patent is secured. ?A PMf HttT. " now to Ubtain 1'atenU," with cost pi same In the U. S. and foreign countries sent free. Adilreu. sent free. Address, C.A.SNOW&CO. OM. PATCNT OrriCC, WABHIMOTON. D. C. SAMPLE ROOMS. JOHN POLNIOKY, PROPRIETOR. DEALER IN Wines, Liquors, California Brandies. ino IN !! n ALWAYS OX TAP. Sent Free. To any person interested in humane matters, or who loves animals, we will send free, upon application, a copy of the 'ALLIANCE," the o?Kan of this Society. In addition to its intensely interesting reading, it contains a list of the valuable and unusual '; .1 ",a :c" u cne paper. uWlTFitl1?. NATIONAL HUMANE ALLIANCE, 410 411 United Charities Building, New York. TIME TABLE. LINCOLN OifAIIA CHICAGO ST. JOE KANSAS CITY ST. LOUIS and all point tust and south. DENVER HELENA BUTTE SALT LAKE O'Y PORTLAND S.1X FRA.YCISC0 nnd all point. west. TRAINS LIAVI AS fOMnw.. No. No. Freight, dally except Hundav M . ior uymursauiuaii point east Wymoreandall point east :007.ni, 'Bsuugcr, uawiy ior SI, Joe Kansas 1 uy. Atchison. s. Louis and all points east and BOtllh . 1A .fin . No. 149. Accommodation, dally exceiii ln' U.i. , .law IIb.iIh. r.- J .,,.....-,,..-.,,,.,., urana is. una, uiacK lllUs Mid .n III mints 111 tha north So. 141. Accommodation, dally eiicem west 1 -!.... -- ',a publican ;.....:.;: " "e.. height, dally. Wyni.r'e'aVid p,m' St. Joe and iitermedlat Junction points ,..We , Qn Freight, dally for llonnwiXiV. ',I'.m. iniermeaiaiA at sunn ii .. - No. 01. No. 6.1, tirlcanH,Oxrordatidallpo,aH west. No. 10, I'ataenger, ilaHy."iiSn"l "r i ,!30 a.ai . i) aa10 WWiEnd' I -nltfnr.iin Bireping. inning, ami ree 1, iim"Ti i,u 'ln- seats frco) on througl trains 'ffilml .Clf' baggage cheeked ior,-1 ftke' o,M mid States or (.aiiaila. 5 olNt '" Iho I'lilled SMOn.m. fJT iT.' Uekfc '.sanamaw XaVr luneal't ftr e(fArteri ( it.JryVl sonti Brand In (r. aL I !.- ( nT).loVSk i' ftt nll dim Mis rlMsn, Tnke i r vn feCtI yc fa niw i)i l VM DIIU0 uinui i W a r