The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, February 26, 1897, Image 1

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Afew Pri7
i Town !
Galusha fr Wescott will occupy the Rust
building after MARCH ist, with a New and Com
plete Line of
Clothing and
Furnishing Goods.
The room is being fitted up in Tasty and Con
venient Shape.
The above firm are urenared to do von all the !$!
good that up-to-date merchants with up to date-stuff $$
can offer you. We dwell
Point of Excellence and
We solicit a call, both for
Galusha & Wescott
One Price and No Monkey Business,
Win. Hurd.Sr., issick with lti Riippo.
The infant son of Lawrcnco Boron
is sick.
D. It. Carpenter is rcplastoring tlio
M. E. church.
(!eo. Francis is building a barn on
one of ins farms.
Mr. Fowler is having his house re
plastoi'cd. Mr. Carpenter is doing the
Tlio liooiloos of tho connnunity liavo
about quit croaking about tho whip
ping tlio professor gave an unruly boy
a few days ago.
Tho interest in tlio literary society is
increasing. Tho meetings are. belli on
Friday evening and are both entertain
ing and instructive.
Last Friday a material addition was
made to tlio family of Geo. Harris. Its
a boy.'nnd when George gets back to
earth he will se)l goods lifty per cent
below cost.
LastlThursday Mr. Tool's team ran
awaylthrowing out and Injuring Sarah
feel, MI-8.1WIU Waller and Mrs. Keen
ey. All wero badly shaken and bruised
but none seriously injured.
Joun Brown's usual Hpry step has
been very much quickened lately. One
day last week while crossing the street
ho collided with the wiro eablo In front
of Turner's store and the cable broke
as If it were common twine. When ac
costedbout such conduct he replied
that 'ho was tho grandfather of a big
grandson, and was a privileged char
acter. The Ladies Try society of tho M. E.
church are giving some very entertain
ing socials lately. They held an cpple
pie social at Mr. Beale's last Thursday
night that was quite unique. After a
short but interesting program, applo
pic aid apples wero passed, the com
pany hating llrst been divided into
quartets by passing numbered slips of
paper. A lino was Imposed upon all
who talked on any other subject save
applo pie or apples while eating. Dr.
Casterllne and Mrs. JHildrcth acting
as judges. They caught a number of
unwary ones. A prizo was offered to
the couple who could build tho most
words from tho letters contained iu
"apple pie." Mrs. Carpenter and Mrs.
Ileal wero the successful contestants.
A voto was taken on tho most popular
lady and gentleman present. Miss
Viola Honor and John liarnes received
tho highest, number of votes. On the
second ballot Mrs. Kylo ami It, I). Car
penter carried off tho honors. Over
forty wero presont nnd all bad a royal
t .
on the ground fioor when
Low Prices are considered.
business and pleasure.
Jensen has bought
(juris Jensen has nought a new
Win. Hictthauer had about 1,400
bushels of corn shelled last Saturday.
J. li. Wisecarver hauled nearly lifty
stiven bushels of corn to town to licit
Cloud tlio other day.
A number of our farmers liavo put
up ice for future use.
Nels SorciiMin and Otto (Jensen were
transacting Imimiicss in Kivcrtou Mon
day. Ora Anderson and Win. lteiuess de
parted overland for IJIalr, this state,
Hun Hanks, wliw is working for Geo.
Gather, is soriousy siek.
A. Phillips is moving onto one of
Geo. Liudsey's farms.
Miss Kmelinu Warren has resigned
as teacher iu Dist. !)9.
J. C. Wilson sold a number of fat
hogs to Chas. Hunter of luavalo.
Everett Bean and family from near
Inavale wero in this vicinity Wednes
day visiliug at J. Bean's.
Miss Kinum Robinson from Hiveitou
commenced school at Dist. ill) on Thurs
day of this week.
Tho presiding elder, Rev. Alexander
of the M. E. church, preached to a
largo crowd at .Pleasant Prairie last
Sunday. Stunnkic.
Fiom the Clerk of tho Cirouit Court.
Fkknandina, Fla., Feb, 'J8, 18U0.
Mk. J. GkoiuikSuhkkk, Druggist, City.
ucnr ucornci riease senu u
bottle of Chamberlain Cough Remedy.
I would not feel easy if I know that
there was none of this valuable Remedy
in tho house. I have given it a fair
test aud consider it one of tho very best
remcdles for croup that I bavo ever
found. Ono dose has always been
sufficient, although I uso it freely.
Any cold my children contract yields
very readily to this medicine. I can
conscientiously recommend it for
croup and colds in children..
Tours respectfully, Geo.E. Wolkk.
sold by tt. K. tirice.
Trees and Plants.
If you want anything in this line let
mo know what you want. Strawberry
plants 30o to 40c per hundred. All
other stock cheap aud good.
L. II. Hiisr.
For Sale.
One. hundred and sixty acres of uu
improved laud, four miles northwot
of Red Cloud, Nobr. Terms cash. Ap
ply to, Mus. Jajiks Kiiikwooij, Fair
fax, Missouri.
CLOUD, NEBRASKA. 1TKI5. 20, 1897.
Years ago soniu noble Christian wo.
men organize!! what is now known as
tho Mate Hoard of Charities. Tlio
purpoio was to establish an Institution
which ihould bo iih a city of refuge,
where penitent young women, deceived
under promise of marriage, about to
become unwilling mothers, grief
stricken nnd homeless, without friends
or money, might reveal their condition
to a woman superintendent, recolvo
inedfeal treatment from a woman phy
sician and woman attendants, might
be taught some useful occupation, bo
ultimately provided with a homo
among honest Christian people and
thus have their en ing feet turned back
into the paths of happiness and virtue.
It is the business of this Home, uot
only to receive, care for, educate, and
provide homes for theso penitent
women, but also to euro for and pro
vide liouirs for tho Innocent babes,
where they may bo adopted into Chris
tian families whose names aud guard
ianship will shield their after life from
the taiut of u father's sin and a
mother's weak consent. It was a wo
man's plan for women. It was
prompted by the higher instincts of
humanity. The Home, now established
at Milford, has been managed by a
board of women managers, serving
without pay, and so well managed and
so well conducted by tho efficient wo
man superintendent, that no ciit'icisiu
has ever been uttered, nnd there Is
money, in its treasury. It was original
iults design. No such institution ex
isted in any other state.
A committee from the legislature re
cently visited tlio homo at Milford.
They were so impressed' with its lofty
purposo and with tlio woman's econ
omy and the woman's practical good
sense everwhero manifested, that they
agreed among themselves unanimous,
ly to make a highly commendatory re
port. No sooner wero they seated in
tlio committee room than tho gover
nor's uimblu lit t lo private secretary
wiggled into tho room, whipped around
and whispered to tlio populUt liocs
of tlio committee, anil instantly tho
progress of a favorable report was
cheeked. Tho populist bo.,is of tho
committee whispered mysteriously to
the other populist members of the
committee, am! when pressed for an
explanation, the information was given
out by the boos that Mr. Maret mid
the governor had some "reforms"
which they wished, to inject into this
Woman's Home at Milford. The wig
gling iu and the wiggling out of tho
nimblo secretary and tho whispered
messages which lie carried back and
forth from tho governor to the com
mittee boss and from the boss back to
the governor being disclosed reluct
antly during tho work of tho commit
tee revealed that tlio governor had
made somo political promises to souio
populist political women and this
Homo was to be readjusted so as to al
low tho governor to apjmirvt a now
board of mauagefs who should be al
lowed to draw pay at tho rate of $1500
per aununi each.
It would seem as if this woman's
Home was ono spot iu this state aud
ono stnr of hope In woman's sky, so
sacred that it would never he tainted
with tho saeroleglous touch of low.leiin
ningand cheap political design. But
whore-legislatlon is dictated by a cheap
executive and private secietury of
nimblo feet and whispering manipula
tive skill, tlio pupllo may expect many
pony schemes which broad-minded
men would dcspiso Ono of tho "re
form" measures Injeoted into the re
adjustment of this woman's Home pro
vides that the penitent girl who
knocks at this door of refuge must
bring with her n certificate that she
has proven her helpless and pitiful con
dition before a eouiity judge
"They appeal to the people' to bust a
ling, but no sooner is tlio old ring bust
ed thnn tho buster become a now ling
morn tyrannical and unscrupulous
than the old." This Is tho first tliuo I
hnvo been to tho eapitol since this new
sot got. In." Tills was said by Win.
Leeso as he walked down from the
DeVVitfs Colic & Cholera Cure.
Quickly cures Dysentery and DUrrhau.
eapitol building one day this week.
William Lecse made many a gallant
light for populism at asaeiilico to him
self when lie might hnvo made peace
witl Its enemies. Ho was good enough
to stand up and lie shot at along with
Jay Burrows, John Powers, and John
Stevens who Ird tho bold lights iu "DO
and subsequent campaigns, but ho is
not gooil enough to bo consulted now
In matters of party policy, but is clas
sified a an old fogy who is impractical
iu tlio more modern methods of the
They might have tendered him a
placo as secretary of tho board of
transportation where his past record
would be consistent with populist pre
tentions. But they gave tho $2,000 job
to Gilbert L. Laws, who, as a former
member of that board, used his ener
gies lo thwait at every turn tho re
forms proposed by Win. Lecse
While Laws held olllco as a republi
can, which was nearly all his life, the
party never had a ring which he was
not a part of, never made a blunder
that ho did not defend, and never put
up a deal that was too raw for his
stomach. When at last ho was dropped
from tho list of republican office hold
ers, ho suddenly beenmo deeply inter
ested In tlio wolfaro of tho common
people. But ho did not como out
boldly for populism along with Wm.
Loose and other reformers. Ho hung
upon tho old parties Hank liko a bush
whacker. Now he has the gall to style
himself a "republican," that there may
not appear to be a violation of tho law
which requires that not more than two
of the secretaries shall bo of the same
parly. Inconsistency and Ingratitude
uro Illustrated in nearly every appoint
ineiit at the stato house. Tho state su
peiiiitendeuts's office furnishes ono of
tho many Illustrations in this lino.
"Reform" was needed there Prof,
(lOtiily and Prof. Corbett had laught
tho children that tho earth was round,
whereas It is Iht. This doctriuo had
been hatched out by tlio bank of
Kuglaud aud had been foisted on the
American mind thiough the
pros of the money power. hen tlio
news reached I'eru that tho populNt's
state tieke was elected, oily old Win.
Daily sought hurriedly tho Ooudy
family. "If J'ou can change your
politics in tifteen minutes," ho said, "1
can get you your old job." "We have
just heard tlio election news" said
Prof. Goudy, "rubbing his hands and
smiling blandly, and we were just talk
lug it over. Wo did teach that the
earth was round, but in the last few
minutes wo hnvo conic to the conclu
sion that tho round system is a burden
on tho common people and that the
fanners will never bo rescued from tho
clutches of the money power until tlio
tlat system is adopted.
"It's enough" said oily William, aud
tho next day, in the oil room at Lin
coln, where William Daily holds a job
as ono of tho oil inspectors, it was
agreed by the ring that Mrs. Goudy,
William's daughter, should go back to
the old place where she had beu four
Lyears as a republican, nnd that Prof.
Levey and a score of other reform
school teachers who wanted tho situa
tion and had earned it should remain
in their little towns, on their little sal
aries and help to keep the common
herd iu lino for tho uoxt campaign.
June Abbott, a member of tho noto
rious gang known as tbo Abbott
Brothers of Lincoln, who as curbstone
money lenders have plundered the
poor of Lincoln with even less con
science than tho linn of Holcomb &
Kirkpatrick plundered tho drouth
stricken farmers of Custer (fouuty, is
tho expert in charge of tbo auditor's
office This sleek, well-dressed young
bloodsucker never had in his nature a
siuglo instinct, and never for a mo
ment bad a single impulse iu common
with the pretenses of populist reform;
but because his father, Geo. A. Ab
bott, of Richardson county, stood in
with Cornell, tho stato auditor, young
Abbott was put Into lino with the
family relatives of tho auditor and
they took possession of tlio promised
laud in tlio name of reform. A young
lawyer of Lincoln, named Price, who
Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder
vVorM'Flr Highest MedalmnJ Diploma.
Astonishing Record of the Great
Paine's Gelery Gompoand.
mf' i vVsV
I'aino's celery compound has never
yet. failed to euro.
Where all other medical treatment
Ims failed to relievo Faine's celery
compound hui succeeded time and
time again.
John W. lSnyil of Misliawakn, Ind.,
,iys of his own ease:
"Last winter! was taken down with
a very Mtvcru attack of nervous and
muscular rheumatism, so bad that 1
could not lie down, sit up, oi stand,
without the most excruciating pain.
I was all this time under the care of
two of tho best physicians of the place,
hut I did not improve I took different
ilieiimatic cures and used an electric
battery a half hour each day for 10
days, without any relief.
"Finnlly I concluded to try Patau's
celory compound, nnd to my surprise
after using one-half of a bottle 1 was
ablo to get out and voto on election
day, and boforo I used the whole bot
tle I went to work, and have wsrked
very day since. I have gained 20
hold a clerkship in tbo republican leg
islature two years ago, and who was a
candidate for police judge before the
republican city convention lust spring,
ha"s one of tho best places in the state
Honest. John Powers walks alouo in
pensive mood back and forth through
the corridors of the stato eapitol. He
Bees the whispered manipulations of
Maret und the "new blood" gang. He
feels the toils gathering about him and
he says to himself "they are after me."
Ho meets Dahlmau, the $2,000 secre
tary of transportation who conspired
against him in 1800. Ho meets Joe
Egerton, auothcr $2,000 secretary who
was employed as a secret attorney to
seat James E. Boyd. Ho looks in vain
for ono of the old guard whom money
could not buy and who stood about
him in that memorable hour. Ho
thinks of all the past and of how things
hnvo changed. Ho thinks of these
things, and as he walks and thinks he
says to himself:
"I feel like ono who Ircaili alone
Some bniKpiel hall dctcrtei),
Whom IIkIiIk tiro lied, whuto Krlan iltu'I,
Ami all lull lie departed."
Tlio feud between Meserve, tho busi
ness nmn, ami Holcomb, tho ambitious
politician, grows more ami more, As
DeWitt's Little Early Risers,
The famous lltllo pills.
pounds In weight and am feeling liist
"My wife has also been taking it for
nervousness, and thinks t hut there is
nothing like it. Wo both recommend
It to all of our acquaintance., nnd you
meat liberty to ue this letter as you
see lit, for it truly worked wonders in
my case"
Anil Falun's celery compound is
working just such wondeis in' every
state, county, city and village of tlio
country today.
Tho reader must know sonm one who
has tried It. Ask that poison if ho or
she was not at once henclittedt
Don't let a denier palm off anything
else on you, however; for there is as
much difference between Paine's
celery compound and all the ordinary
sarsaparillas, touics, nervines and
compounds as thcro is between an
olectrio motor nnd a boy's windmill,
There is power to euro in Paine's
celery compound.
the breach widens between them the
business sense of tbo oue commands
itself to the business sonse of the peo
ple and the financial emergencies of
tho hour, while the selllsh partisanship
of the other pushes tho entire state
nearer and nearer the brink of panic
and disaster. J W. Johnson.
We wonld liko to look into the
pleasant face of somo one who has
never had any derangemeut of the di
gestive organs. We sco tho drawn and
uuhappy faces of dyspeptics In every
walk of lifo. It is our national disease,,
and nearly all complaints spring from
this source, Remove tho stomach
dilliculty and tho work is done.
Dyspeptics aud pale, thin people are
literally starving, because they don't
digest their food. Consumption never
develops in people of robust aud
normal digestion. Correct the wasting
and loss of llcsh aud wo cure the dis
ease. Do this with food.
Tho bhakcr Digestive Cordial con
tains already digested food and is a di
gester of food at the same time Its
effects tiro felt at once, (Jot a pamphlet
of your druggist and learn about It.
Laxol is Castor Oil made as sweet as
hoiioy by a new process, Uhlldreu liko-
Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder
A I'ii re drape Cream l Tartar Powder.
Ki 1
' ' -m