The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, February 19, 1897, Page 5, Image 5

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    v-44w4 njr,
l'HEKED CLODD CHUM1, JfKJUDAl. Fan. 19. 1897.
Prove the merit of Hood's Barwiparllln pi
tlve, perfect, iicrmniwnt Cures,
flurai of scrotulft In severest formi, t
like .
Koltre, swelled neck, running aorri, Iilp 1
dUeme, sores In the eyes,
Cure of Suit Itlieum, with Its Intense Itching
and burning, scald head, tetter, etc.
Cur uf Itolli, IMmptcs, and an other erup
tions due to Impure blood.
Cure of Dyspepsia and other troubles where
a (rood stomach tonic was needed,
Cure of Itheumatlsin, where patients wcriMiii-
able to work or walk for weeks.
Cure of Catarrh bysxpeWnK tbo Impurities
which cause and sustain the disease.
Cur of Nervousness by properly toning und
feeding the nerves upon pure blood.
Cure of That Tired Keeling by restoring
itrength. Send for book of cures by
ToO. I. Hood St Co., Proprietors, Lowell, Mass.
. mtt are the best afterdlimer
HOOd 8 PillS pill aid digestion. 23c.
thb chief
rum.imnii nr
I,. MoMIIil-AN.
Ono year '
Bntered at the post office t Hed Cloud.
tocond class mall nUttc:.
Senator Sherman knows when he Is
up against nn unsurmountnble ob
stacle as well as the next one. Ho was
vspctinlly anxious that the senate
should ratify tho arbitration treaty be
fore ho became sect clary of stutc, and
matin unusual efforts to bring objecting
senators around to his way of thinking,
butwkeuhe discovered that lie could
not do(, ho didn't try to raise a rum
pus about letting the treaty go over to
tho next session. The suimto will as
usual ho called together in extra ses
sion on the 4th of March, by the out
going president, to act upon the nomi
nations of the incoming presideut, and
it is considered certain that it will re
main in session until the date named by
President McKlnley for the meeting of
both bruneJius in extra session to act
on tho tariff bill. Hut when It will act
on the arbitration treaty is a matter of
uncertainty. Although it was sup
posed that the amendments to the
treaty would meet the objections of
opponents in the senate, it has been
cloarly made apparent that such is not
the case. A handful of determined
senators can Mave off the vote on the
treaty lude4inilcly, if so disposed, even
if the requisite two-thirds favor it.
Some of the sliver men in congress
decline to take seriously Senator
Chandler's silver speech in (aver of his
resolution, declaring it to be the sense
of the senate that it is not the policy of
this government to maintain the gold
standard as a permanency and that It
will endeavor to bring about a restor
ation of the double or bimetallic stan
dard at the earliest opportunity. They
say that Mr. Chandler is one of those
who talk silver between times, but who
can always be counted upon to vote
gold when his vote Is necessary. The
gold men regard Mr. Chandler's
speech and his resolution as an unuec
ccssary stirring up of a dangerous .sub
ject. If Mr Chandler is contcuted
with his own approval, he can consider
his speech u .success.
Although Speaker Hoed and Chair
man Cannon, of the house appropria
tions committee, have even gone utlic
extent of making personal enemies in
their efforts to keep down the appro
priations, it is now certain that the
total appropriations of the titty-fourth
congres will exceed those made by any
previous congress mid bu considerably
in excess of one billio"iniollars."SVr".
'Cannon said explanatory ,of the heavy
totul of the appropriations': "How can
we cut .down? Wo must observe the
-contracts which we have entered into,
and we cannot let public buildings re
main exposed and unlluished in all
kinds of weather. Neither can we
ignore tho pension laws. As long us
it seems necessary to build ships and
build forts, wo will have to pay out
. large sums."
The Indian appropriation bill, as re
r ported to tho senate, carrier a number
of Important amendments. Among
them, ono providing; for the allotment
of laud in Indian Territory and for dis
placing the local courts by a system of
.federal judiciary; oue throwing open
to settlement the Uncompahfiee res
ervation In Utah; one firing the sec-
letary of the InUrler authority to make
contracts with sectarian Indian schools,
where there are no non-sectarian
schools, and a number relating to
minor Indian affairs.
The frequent exposure of thefts from
the government are not at all pleasant
to contemplate, fl'lie latest was the
arrest of two young men employed by
the congressional library, charged with
teallng and sellingJliutogrnnii letters
of .some of the founders of the lis puliHc,
which were ntored lu the congressional
'Horary Witum there was no (.afor
p':m tokcupthuui. Nnt long ago urn-
I tfVM "' the eminent were anest-
od ud .ie . .w .iud i'i.iig punish-
merit for linving mutilated the archives
of the government In order to got
uitoKi'itpIkH of distinguished men mid
itMiiihs ntlnchcd to official documents,
vulcli lliuv sold to dealers in thoso
irtielcs, It dots seem Hint some of
tlinan 111 alumna. nlllnurnnllA.
,...- .... ... ... rJ) n"--t
"tc, atu not careful enough in the pur
oliusca they make; tlioydo not require
the seller to furnish well-authenticated
proof of his light to sell what he oilers.
All of Ilieni site, however, not so rare
less us it was through one of them that
thefts from tlio congresiloiinl library
wero discovered. Some day lliu gov
eminent may have n fire nnd thief
proof hall of records in which it.s most
valuable ui chives can bo stored; until
then it must trust to the honesty of
some of its employes and tin; vigilance
of others to prpservo what all civilized
nations consider priceless.
Another attempt is beiumadu to get
the West I'olnt and Auuaptlis cadets
to Washington for the Inaugural
parade. A joint resolution has been
offered in both branches of congress,
requesting the president to order the
cadets to Washington and appropriate
tho money to pny their expenses. If
the resolution guts through, the cadets
will come, as the president has express
ed his willingness.
If there ever was a democratic com
munity, pure nnd simple, it is Hcd
Cloud. Ench fur himself and the devil
for all. Why Is It not possible for our
business interests to combine and at
tract other interests? Of course indi
vidual enterprise has its many advan
tages, but association is also valuable.
It is the byword of the country round
that Hed Cloud Is always at war in n
business way.
Philosophers sometimes say things.
If the business world was a student of
Emerson it would soon banish the
present depression. "Thov should
own who can administer; not they who
hoard nnd conceal; rot they who, tlie
greater proprietors they become, ate
only the greater beggars, but they
whose work carves out work far iiioijo,
opens a path for all." ('
Nothing illustrates the force of civs
torn in this cotiiitrj better than tho fait
that while it is cheaper, quicker, easier
and in nil respects better to get to tlie
sea board at Galveston than at New
York, trade follows its old channels
and our grain pays the difference, i
Lyman J. Gage may know more
iboul tlnance than any living man, lit
It is a bit galling for republican spc
ors mid writers to hear him delimit co
as a make shift the monetary system
wnicn tuey nave hi long applauded as
the best lu the world.
As a general rtue a man or woiniwi io go wnere tney are not n-
vitcd, and as a consequence some bus!
uess meu have nothing much to do.
Why not invite people to come aiul
see you through your local paper.
And the populist stock yards bills
have gone the way of their predeces
sors. A party of reform never does
actually reform. That would be n loss
of occupation, and the end ot exist
ence. The campaign is over and the "gold
bugs" have retired for a year, but the
strain of sliver talk continues, and
who pays the freight?
For the lesson experience teaches,
Nebraska ought to bu given a chance
to try Soderman'.N paper money
That things are rightiug themselves
in the Hepublieau valley is evident
from the numerous demands for farms.
From Adirondacks.
J. V, Ball, Editor and Publisher of the Moun
tain Mirror, Restored to Health From
La Qrlppo by the Use of
W30R over a year I suffered with com
r plete nervous prostration aathere
" ault of La Orlppo, writes Mr. Ball of
Lake Placid, N. Y. Doctors did all they
could but their efforts were without results,
and I grew worse. My trouble affected my
mind, but kind nature came to my relief by
helping mo to think, 'If I only had a helping
hand to aid nature to build me up slowly
and surely.' The re
sult was 1 refused all
other medicine and
my wife procured a
bottle of Dr. Miles'
Restorutlvo Nervlno
which I took faithful
ly nnd am fully re
toroil to health. I
wrlto this hoping It may help others, for
Dr. Miles' Remedies suiely euro.
Dr. Miles' Remedies nro hold by all drau
ghts under a posit lvu Ruaraiitee, flrut txttlo
benollts or money refunded. Hook on Heart
und Kurvod sent frco u all applicants.
DR. M1LK8 MEDICAL CO, L'luhart, Iud.
ammTamam3ammm bvBbbssWS.
uttVaf CsV
Morning servleo at 10:80 Subject,
"Weighed in the Balances."
Sunday school 11:45. The superin
tendent Mrs. C. .1. Pope, the officers
and the teachers will cordially wel
come any scholar to the Sunday school
who is not enrolled in any other Sun
day school.
ifmiier society of C. E. meets tit 4
o'clock. Topic, "Our Little Worries,
What Are They) How to (Jet Hid of
Them." The little folks mo Invited.
Y. 1'. S. 0. E. at 0:i)0. Topie. "Our
LitlU Worries and How to Get Hid of
Evening service nt 7:80. Subject,
"Our Tart in Clod's Great Plan of Sal
vatlon." Prayer meeting Wednesday evening
at 7:80.
Wo Invite any who ure not regular
attendants at any church to meet with
us. A cordial welcome given to all.
Young'peoplc especially invited to the
evening service.
O. E. Ticknoh, Pastor.
Preaching at 10:80 a.m.
Sunday school at 11:80.
Junior League at 4 p.m.
Senior League at 0:30.
Preaching nt 7:30.
Chapel Sunday school at 3 tun
The public is invited to all these set'
Hkv. J. M. Da nn v, Pastor.
Hcvivnl meetings will begin nt the
Baptist church on Sunday. An ear
nest invitation is extended to the pub
lic to attend these services.
Services Sunday morning at 10:30.
Sunday School at 11:80. m
Junior union nt 3 p. in.
llaptist Young People's Union at
0:80 p. m.
Evening services at 7:30 p. lu.
Services every evening during the
week except Saturday evening. Good
singing. Interesting service. Come
and worship with us.
C. It. Wki.dkn, Pastor.
Services Sunday morning nt 11
Sunday school at 10 o'clock.
Services in the evening at 7:30.
The second quarterly meeting of the
Hed Cloud circuit, will be held at
Pleasant Prairie school house, District
no 41, on Saturday and Sunday, Feb
ruary '20th and 21st. The presiding
elder, IV. P. Alexander, will preach on
Saturday evening at half past seven
and Sunday morning at eleven, fol
lowed by communion service. A gen
eral invitation is given.
For the convenience of the official
members the quarterly conference will
be held at my residence in Red Cloud
aM:30p. in. ou Saturday. Let there
be a full attendance and full report as
far as possible.
A. G. Hlackwell, Pastor.
Chronic catarrh often makes its up
preach in disguise, before a person
knows it, he may become a victim of
chronic catarrh. Its onset may be
gradual, its development insidious,
and at last the victim finds himself in
clutches of a tenaciot's disease. A slight
cold, a tendency to sneeze, n puffuess
in the nose ami head, fullnrssnnd crack
ling in the ears, stringy mucus in the
throat, slight cough or whee.iness,,
snoring during sleep, any ono of these
symptoms should be regarded as a
warning. What can be cured In tho
beginning in a week or twt, by using
Po-ru-nn, if allowed to bucome chronic,
may require months of faithful treat
ment. You had better take Peruna
now, for by and by 3-011 may bo obliged
to take it u long lime in order to get
well. Pe-rii-ua is the remedy for
catarrh. Almost everybody knows
that by hearsay und thousands know it
by blessud experience.
The Pe-rn-na Drug Manufacturing
Company, of Columbus, Ohio, aroseud
lug Dr. Hartman's latest book on
uhronie catarrh and climatic diseases
of winter free of chargo 04 pages in
structlvely illustrated.
Notice to Teaohors.
Notico is hereby given that I will ex
amine all persons who may dosire to
offer themselves as candidates for
teachers of tbo public! schools of this
county, at Red Cloud on the third Sat
urday of each month.
Special examinations will be hold on
the Friday proceeding the 8d Saturday
of each mouth.
The standing desired for 2d and 8d
grado certificate is the same no grade
bolow 70 per cent., average 80 por cent;
for Urst grado certiticate no grado'be
low 80 per cent., average 00 per eent 1n
all branches required by law.
I). M, Huntkh, Couuty Hllpl.
Mr. l)arb will conduct ujuhilooovor
llfty ennveits at th Methodic Cluiivh
on next Monday evening beginnlii at
Our popular agfctit, Mr. L. C. Wilson
and Miss Mabel Wright were united 111
marriage ou the 10th, Inst. The cere
mony took place at tho residence of E
Hurd, Hev. Denkin officiating. The
happy pair have the best wlshej- of the
community for their future welfare.
A number of our young people gave
Miss Sarah Tee! a surprise party on
Friday evening. A very good time Is
On Saturday evening a panorama
and lecture by Prof Quiggle entertain
ed a large audience in the school
The Christian Endeavor service ou
Sunday evening had a little variety in
the way of a question box. Tbo
queries and replies covered a wide Held
of thought.
The turret of our school house Is
about to bo graced by a good bell. A
long tell need will thus be supplied.
The Christian convention announced
for next Sunday is deferred for a
month, so the usual services will be
held in the churches.
Skating is still oue of the pastimes
of our young people. Sotnu ot them
bear marks of their contact with the
rough Ice.
Corn cribs arc still going up and
tilling fast making our littlo town both
fat and nourishing.
Puke to slny person suffering from
dyspepsia iu any form. A remedy that
will cure you. Send nam and address
t J. Cramer, Uox 19, Covington, Ohio.
He will send it free ef charge. He
wants your name for his mailing list.
Card of Thanks.
We wish to extend our heartfelt
thanks to the kind friends who assisted
us in the illness and death of our sister
Jas. Muiii'iiy and Family.
, Contagious
Blood Poison.
Mr. Frank D. Martin, who is engaged
In the jewelry business at 926 Penn
sylvania Avenue, Washington City,
where he is well and favorably known,
Was a victim o that worst form of dis
ease contagious blood poison. He
realized that his life was about to be
blasted, for this terrible disease has
baffled the skill of the physicians for
ages, and they have never yet been
able to effect a cure. His mental
despair can better be imagined than
In a recent letter he says: "About
four years ago I contracted a severe
case of contagious blood poison, and
it was not long before I was in a terri
ble condition. I immediately placed
myself under treatment of two of the
best physicians in Washington city.
Their treatment, which I took faith
fully for six months, cost me just three
hundred dollars, and left me worse than
when I began It. My condition can
Frank B. Martin.
best be appreciated, when I state that
my throat and mouth were full of sores
and my tongue was almost eaten away;
I had not taken solid food for three
months. My entire body was covered
with red blotches, my hands and feet
were sore and my hair was falling
out rapidly. I was in a truly pitiable
"I felt that I was incurable, and
was in (rrcat despair, when a friend
recommended S. S. S., atatluy that it
would certainly cure mc. I began Its
use, anu when I naa tinisned tlie found
bottle, I began to improve, aad by the
time I had nnlsned elguteen bottles, I
wm thoroughly rid of tlie disease; of
course, I was not sure that I was cured,
but am now convinced, as no sign
of the disease has ever returned for
four years. S. S. S. Is the best blood
remedy In the world, and my cure waa
due solely and alone to it."
Contagious blood poison Is the most
horrible of all diseases, and has been
appropriately called the curse of man
kind. It has always baffled the doc
tors, and, until the discovery of 8. 8. 8.,
was incurable.
For fifty yeara 8. S. 8. has been cur
log this terrible disease, evea after all
other treatment failed. It i guaran
teed purely vegetable, and one thou
sand dollars reward ia offered for proof
to the contrary. 8. 8. 8. never falls
to cure contagious blood poison, of
any other disease of the blood. Ii
you have a blood disease, take a rem
edy which will not injure you. Be
ware of mercury; don't do violence
to your system.
Our book b on blood and skin dis
eases, will be mailed free to any ad
dress. Swift Specific Co., Atlanta, Ga.
Or. Price's Cream Making Powder
A Pure ''raoe Crram t TnrUr Pondrr
DeWltt's Little Early Risers,
The latnous little pills.
h. 11 m
Is a remedv of sterling value. It positively
cures all Bronchial Affections, Cough, Cold, Croup,
Bronchitis and Grippe. You can always rely on It.
DR. BULL'S COUGH SYRUP is indispensable to
every family. Price 35 cts. Shun all substitutes.
Chiw LAME'S PLUGS.Tht Great Tekaeee AaUeote.tOc. Dealers er Mafl.A.C.Mtitr a U.. BaKo-Me,
Sewing Rips,
We are On Hand
With the Urgent Spick of SPltINf? S1IOK8
in the Cit.
We Defy Competition in, Low Prices.
Excellent Wearing Qualities, Style and Fit.
Ladies' Oxford", nent and Stylish Shnpe s, $1.00.
Liullex Shoo at $1.00. M.3S, $1.50, M.75.
Lndiet)' Kxtru Fine Vici Kid, tlexible sole, heel foxed, all shapes
plain and patent tips, 12.00.
Children's Dongola Button, 8 -Ml and l'J-2, Toe and J1.00.
Children', lirain Button, S 2-11 and 12-3, POe nnd $1.00.
Boys Heavy Buff Shoes, $1 00 and $1 2.I.
B.ivs Fine Dress Shoes, $1.15 and $1.25.
Men's Buckle Side or Coiijjrc.-i Flow Shoe.-, $1 20.
Examine our stock before you buy. Courteous
attention whether you buy or not.
Harness! Harness! Harness!
We are making Special Inducements on Harness this spring.
We are selling harness to correspond with corn. Fol
lowing you will find a few of the articles we are selling.
i4;-inch Harness from $19 to $25,
i-Jnch Harness from $20.50 to $09.
Sweat Pads from 45c to 65c pick pair.
All other gobtls in proportion. Call and be convinced.
J. O. BUTLER, Fjpoi3.
Gity Dray and
Goods Delivered to any part
Humboldt, Mimiosota ami Ambov Floor
Chase & Sanborn's Coffees.
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