r Tr -iAt aaiDWlW' r- THE RED CLOUD CHIEF, FRIDAY, FEB. 5, 1897. twju ubs srrrJiaT-21?!lff!S mizzswtTZszrjtf ' i 14 i ; I $ IW -M LIVJiK and KJLMNtLY Dr. J. LIVER AND KIDNEY BALM Is the remedy you need, of equal cases. It relieves promptly and works a permanent cure. ton atic sviarwHta. ax l.oo pen aomc THE Dr. J. H. MoLEAN MEDICINE CO , St. Louie, Mo. yww-M w-ssHshia THBRE ARfi NO EXCUSES ST. JACOBS OIL BRUISES A PROrtPT AND CERTAIN w-M'NsMM'isrisr THE CHIEF AND BOTH ore TEAR ONLY $i.35- Jticlmllni tho FARMERS' ALMANAC Described Below. ljrspwlnlnrratiKinentwlllitlinpiillllirs wo art) enabled for ttio Ilrst llmo to offer tlio OlUNOI'. JlllUi KAII.MKII, tilt) 1 rati I lis; agrl cultural weekly of tlio Contrul Went, In club with tills ptijor. Tim OltAN.in Juim FAltMKlt Ik rcmnrknlilu for tlio variety nut! Intermit of lis contents, nml Is the oldest, brat, and noit practical paper of Its klnil. a ITC C1DU CCATIIDCC Such n Lhro stock, nu inum ibniwiibw, )nrrnK nort. culture, I'ntiltrjr, Market flnrtlenlnjr, nml otlicr toplt-s, written liy prnctlcHl anil aiiccras fill farmers, supplemented with lllitatratlone liy ablo artists, comblno to make Itlnvnliiablo to tlioso who "farm It for a living." The latest Markets ami Cnmmerrlal Agriculture are features In which Tint Kaumkh Is tin excelled. THE FAMILY FEATURES: tlE.,81;..; Inns, Fancy Work. Tho (loot! Cook, l'milo Contacts, Library Corner, uml Young Folk' Page, combine to make this Department of on much value and Interest as most of the Special family l'upers. w-A SAMPLE COPY J'.iS.TTn'II mailed to yon by addressing tho OKANOR JIIDD FAltMKlt, Chicago, III. l BfjaamajB) aa To ' sending rinRirSrlirBL their subscrlp- MlMRIC ar" a " Br lion iiumvur I llllatel-.welnotiiilo " " the AMERICAN AGRICULTURIST WKA.THER KORKCA8T8 AND KARMKIW ALMANAC. This great book of 600 panes contains. STATISTICS ON AORICULTUIUS, RAIU ROADS, SCHOOLS POLITICS, WKATIIETI, CITIKS, t'OUXTIKH, BTATKH, COUNTRIES, l'KOl'I.K, and a tliutisnml tilings you would never think of until oii had consulted this giant of UHfful Inforuiutlnn. It alsnrontalna weal her fnrernsts for overy day In tho year, mid will bo found of tho greatest use In answering tlio thousands of (liientloiiH that constantly arlso In regard to dates, places, persons, statistics, eta. SHERIFF'S SALE. Nottvo Is licrebi kI eu tl-nl wider and by vir tue of an order of sale homed from tlii olllru of James lltinlvii rlerk of the District Court of the Tenth .ludlrlal District, within nml for Wob iterrouuty.NebrHtiVu, iiuti a decree In an action Pending therein, wherein (lcoriio V. Lewis I lalnllr? ami RKalnH DoukIsm ,). .Mt'tn, Maud Myers, Jefferson (!, Mer, and Mrs. Mjers. whose real tint name U unknown defendants, I shall offer for sale tit public vendue, to the highest bidder for rash In baud at the cast door of the court haute, at lied Cloud, Neb raska, (that being the hulltlluK wherein the last term of salt! ceurt was holtlen) on tho 4th day of January, A. I), 1WW, at one o'clock p.m. of said day. tbo following property, towlt: Lotion (I.) two (!),) three (.1.) four (,) and five (5 ) In block number twenty two (22.) In Hmllb and Moores addition to the city of Red Cloud, Nebraska. (liven under ray hand this 3d day of Decem ber, A. D, IH90. J. W. Hum-hit. Sheriff. Uhik MiNknt, Plaintiff's Attorney. This sale Is continued for want of bidders until February nth. 1WT. at one o'clock p.m. Given under my hand this Tin day of January. A. D. 1HQA I. V. ItuNciixr, hherlff. RANDULPII McNrn ATTOKNEY u. COUNSELOR AT LAW, Special attention to Commercial am) Probate Litigation. MOON BLOCK, RKD CLOUD, NEBRASKA. NOTICE. Notice la hereby given thai the iiiidfrnUned have seolatcd themselves together for the purpete ef becemlng lurororatcd under tke laws of the state of Nehraika, The name of auch corporation (hall bo the Piatt A Krees cempany. The arlnclpal place ef tratmartliif Its bimlneva shall be at Red Cleud, Webster county. Nehraa ka. The ceaeral nature ef the bualuesn to be transacted by Held rerr-eratlon Is the buying, selling and dealing generally lu ceal, lumbar and building material ef all kinds. The amount of capital slock autherlied la Ten Thou.and dollars the whole araeuut of which almll be paid In within ten dayi after the tiling or the ar tlclea of Incorporation. The time of the cam meuceateat of tald corporatlen la January Kth. A. D. 1WT, and the Karae shall be terminateil on theHthdayofJaauary, A. D.1VI7. The IiIkIicm areonni er inn minium or iiaDiuty lo which said corporatloa shall at any time subject llelf la six Thoutand Uollara. The affairs ef the corporatlen will be conducted by a board of taree directors wno man elect from their ewn number a renldent. .ce president, secretary and treasurer, vrlie shall have such pewers lu the active maiiateiaent ef said corporation as niMV bo roaferrrd uuon litem l, ill io bydaws or ihe articles of liicorporiitlou.of said cor poratlon, Dated, lied Cloud. Neb., January slh. IW, u, 1. I Itt.SS, CJ PiATr. M. M. Pl.TT, P Ctlrlit.lt,' I i.-,.-1L1i Dlamsml Uranil. ENNYIIOYAL PILLS irlfltial ami iinijr urnulnr. , rc, . MUtu, i.oiis k j lrujl,l for I'Al air fniul Hi rr i'..j4?r . iiu lltftl ac ' o Itu.i.itu llii 1,1, .14 I SUU l- .,. . ' nLa x flbutticr, W'it(Iig' I'vl'ilk. i inJini t nair i ii iiliiii , , Q ,t"!l 1 t"l '.r. I .tittufcl-. , "ItalUf i"ur l.nillia," n Irrr. rl' , Slall. lll.OOII I. il u.i.l.n .i... i rltulrrl.keuiltultu.,U.'M-.m-uuH, &&mk L. W I cai MsUajailUMl Diseases are manifested by Backache, Rheumatism, Loss of Appetite, Foul Tongue and Weakness H. McLEAN'S service in mild or chronic NOT TO USE CURE NO ONE REFUSES. Mid-Wlntcr Tloliday Hatos. For Christum nml Ncr Vcnr holi days, will sell tlckuts to points within :J0() mllf.s tit rate of fnro uiitl tlilnl (or round trip. Minimum si'lling rate of lifiy conts. Dates of salt' December -Mill, to '25th, and ,'llst, 1890 and January 1st, 18!7; Until return limit Juiuiai'j llh, 181)7. A. Conovku, Aj,'t. Comfort to California. Kvery Thursday afternoon a tourist Hlftipiiig car for Salt Lake City, San Francisco and Los Anjreles leaves Omaha and Lincoln via the ltuilitigton Umite. It is carpeted; upholstered in rattan; has spring .seat and hacks and is provided with curtains, bedding, towi'N, s lap, i le. An oxiiericuced ex cursion eomluctor and uniformed Tull man porter accompany it through to llifi pacific coast. NVhllti neither as ex- penivoly liiiiolteil nor u line to look at in a palace sleeper, it is just as good to ritio in. feer-miM class llcltets nre houorcd ami thu price of n berth, wide nuotish antl big enough for two, is only 5. tor a folder giving full particu Iui-h, call at thu nearest u.& M. It. K. ticket efllce. Or, write to J. Francis, General Frtssontter Agent, Burlington Kouto, Omaha, Nob. . P, AlWira JQINQIP. TONIO BG lUvaae U Botaafer auklof nrmwSmtiTumm a Bills, amy maOm as4 Imbd hsale hara It. laMlln. AlM,tmm mm PARKM'ft BSa4tl5 Valto mate Mssaia aiaf BLOiat mi&!&jzK Miss Maria Parloa la admitted to be the leading American authority en ceeklng; ahe Says, "Use a good stock for the foundation of soups, miath ami many uther things, and the best stock Is Leibig Company's Extract of Beef.". nsi oi .miss rarloa's receipts sent gratis by Hunch) A Co.. 47 Park Place New York. TIME TABLE. B. & M. R.T KtSP CI.OI'l), XEIlIt. LINCOLN OMAHA CHICAGO ST. JOE KANSAS CITY ST. LOUIS tw. U points tast unit IWNVEll HELENA BUTTE SALT LAKE C'T PORTLAND SAM FJiAXClSCO nml all jioints wttt. tbsims Liava as roLLews: No. CO. freight, dally except Suuday for Wymore and all point east :007a.as. Ne. le. Passenger, dally for bl. Joe. Kauaas City. Atchison. HI. Louis and all points east and south ... ...ll;0ra,ia, N. 1W. Accommodation, dally except K nuntiay. iiaaiiiigs, urana is lend, mack Illlia and all points in the northwest. I:9p.m, no. Ill 1L ccninmodatloti. dallv excent niiiiuay, iiuerun, nansas, ana Intermediate Hallom, via Re juibllcaii is :05 p. M. Freight, dally, Wymere and St. Joe and Intermediate No. Junction points. 1:10 p. . Freight, dally for Republican No. l, Orleans, Ox ford and all points west 10:30 a. 10. I'asatuger. dally, Denver, all No. no ula In Colorado, Utah and i aiuornia M.Ann m (seats free) on through trains. Tickets sold and baggage checked to any polat la the United Utalca or Canada. . nicci'iiis, iiiniiiK, aim reclining cnair cara' For Information, time tables, maps or tickets f.n" PI.V address A. Conever. Agent. Red Cloud, Nebr. or J. Francis, (leueral Passenger , UHBUM, JflHHB. R. T. Potter. Attorney. LEUAL NOTICE. lu the District Court of Webster County, Ne orska, PlltTurd .1. Pope. riaiiiiui, William 1) Reed. L)dla SI Iteetl, Ssiunel F. Heed, Defendants, Tho above limned defendant tMtiimi'l F. Reed V1U lake nutlen flint nn th usth ilnr .,r n....... bor. KKi, pliilulltl herein tiled his iviltloii In iho DMrlii iiiurt ol Webster couniy. Nebraska, iigaliiK s ilt tlufeiiilHulisihc object and pmcr of wlili Ii nre t, foreclose a certain inert Jt-iuti I'M't uted I.) the defendants William Ii. Hoed and I tlla M. Heed to C. I.. Pope au,l, wliicli Mud not,, ami uiortL'age were before iiiii'i.m uu ns.une.i, ttelliered and trims ferrtd in this pi In lit iiiioii lot number four in n '.Iff K ii niii-r tiueu ( l) lu More' addition tit liwinil 11 lie lldl, M-braska. to vcurc the ()iini'iii of a ceruilu piomltsorv not.i datetl pteinlHirMli is-.n. fur the sum nflisno, due k i p y ble i.iio eir from ttntc tbetcof : thai HICIP IS linvt Vu.ii,.;,,' .. .ti -" "i-ui'ii . Vi'OTh l.'.iJSs? a"iU,,,hi"reinV Il -11111 n per (wnt p-r me inn from the Irttlulariif i.i.i.i r w lui n en iiiii l'luiiiilil' rms fur i , i r ('mi itefeiidsnis be reqlllreil I p.l) the ' i' "'Id l oiiiIm-s inn) be ,iij, in I' T n. aii.i.ln, fii'iud due plslntltr Vol) i t !.iil Kits tii trr siil pttiii.in nu f,r je t i I-' -I vof Man-u 'Mi;. ilht-t lami.r) W, 17. Ci.irroiiu J. Pore. H; ItotiT. I', Pm run, his attorney. lit SMUGGLING GOODS TO MEXICO. Haled to New York for Trnnnpertittiun ArroM the Trias Itnrtlor. Passing through llmlBon street ro cently with u friend, hays u New York Herald writer, I chanced to pass tho establishment of a firm of "folders and rcpnelters" of dry tfoods. Mc-foro tho door were a hundred or moro llttlo bales of poods, bearing odd markings, but Bliowliiff tliat they wcro destined for a firm In Texas, dolnp; business In a town near tho Mexican line. "Do you know," naked my compan ion, "why Uiomj good tiro put up In oucii Miuill packages?" Upon replying In tho negative ho continued: "They tiro to bo ntnuggled across tho Mexican line. The goods aro purchased in their original park ages and delivered hero. Tho wooden boxes aro discarded and tho goods subjected to hydraulic pressure and baled. Hnch bale contains about thirty pieces or half the number of an ordin ary dry goods ease. "Tho goods aro then shipped to Texas, and all nuirks removed. When all Is arranged some night the little bales aro slung across tho backs of mnlcs, two bales to each animal, and with an armed escort tlio train pro ceeds over tho border to some dis tributing point In Mexico, where tho goods arc sold to Mexican traders at a good prollt. ".Smuggling In this manner Is quite extensively carried on between this country and Mexico, tho United States getting In return for Its dry goods, which aro tho most easily handled, cheap Mexican coffee and cigars. Of oourso there Is a suspicion that the il licit trafllc Is known to tho custom ofllccre of both countries and connived at, but that would bo a hard matter to provo." DoafnoHB Cannot Bo Cured. By local applications as they cannot reach the diseased portion of the ear. There Is only one way to cure deafness, and that Is by constitutional remedies Deafness is caused by an inflamed con dition of the mucous lining of tho Eustachian Tube. When tho tube is iulltimed you have a rumbling sound or imperfect hearing, and when it is entirely closed, deafness is thn result, and unless thn inllammation can lie taken out and this tube restored to its normal condition, hearing will he des troyed forever; nine cases out of ten aro caused by catarrh, which is nothing but an inflamed condition of tho mucous surfaces. Wo will give one hundred dollars for any case of deafness (caused by catarrh) that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. Send for circulars; freo. F.J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O. Sold by druggists, 75c. Hall's Family Pills are the best. m City Counoil. Council met in regular session Wed nesday evening. Present Mayor Myers antl Councilmen Fulton, Beck, Hnllister and Croat. Minutes of Inst meeting read and approved. The following hills were presented and allowed: J. M Sellers fl() oo I. W. Klnsel IS U0 .1 W. Klnsel 7 no ItohsARIfe nst W. W. Wright IS 00 (1. W. Dow M 30 Hill of Turnure Bros, for supplies for poor was refened to justico of peace. City treasurer reported as follows Amount in water fund 15'.' 73 less Dbw'h bill of tol.30, leaving $101.43 in water fund. Outstanding 180." war rants $500.43 in general fund. Council adjourned. A GOOD LETTER. From the Clark of tho Circuit Court. Feknandina, Fla Feb, 28, 1806. Mr. J. UkohokSuhker, Druggist, City. Dear George: Please send a bottle of Chamberlain Cough Remedy. I would not feel easy if I knew that there was none of this valuable Remedy in the house. I have given it a fair test and consider ilone of the very best remedies for croup that I have ever found. One dose bus always been sufficient, although I use it freely. Any cold my children contract yields very readily to this medicine. I can conscientiously recommend it for croup and colds in children. Yeurs respectfully, Geo.E. Wolfe. Sold by H. E. Orice. School Report. School report of Inavala school, Dis trict No. 6 for month ending January a!)tn, 1897. Number in roll for the mouth 33. Avemgo attendance 20. Number eases of tardiness 01. The following are the names of tlio pupils who were uoithor tardy nor absent during tho month: Willie Irons, Mabel Eddy, Elmu, Hazel and Inez. Holdredge, Ralph Hunter, Dora and Li.7.io Deisloy, Auua Reukle and Fraukie House. Tho above Is a correct report lor tho mouth of January 1807. Wm. Hefff.liiowkr, Teacher. Tetter, BaltRheuiu and Hozerua. The intenso Itching and smarting inci dent to theso diseases is instantly allayed by applying Chamberlain's Eyo and Skin Ointment. Many very bad cases havo been permanently cured by it. It Is equally efficient for Itching piles and n ftvorito remedy fir ton n'tples', i i-iiupp'-u iiuuu-i, eiuioi, hi.,, i o ' niies ml chl-ni0 ouro y. io clo. per uox. Dr. Cmly's fomlHJon 1 v .rs, nro Just what 11 horso needs when In bail . il.tlon. Tonio, wood iw Mler mid , v . uifi'tfo. They tire im, ton- mt ' metielnf and the best in n to pr' n horso In prime condition. Prion 25 cents per puckago, BY WILD HOGS. IV Large Alabiitm TViot Wliern No 1 1 II- limn Itelni; Mwplls. In the northern part of Limestone unty, Aln., Is a tract of lnnd eon- ting of more than one lliousun 1 fcri res, wliicli Is not on tlio map of tne Kttite. nor can it be found In the rey Ister's olllco .j that county So ono claims It and no taxes have ever been paid on It. 1 !s a vast wilderness, In habited by Minkcs, deer find razorlmoh hogs. It is a fice ''tinting ground, and thousands of tfiw; hogs nre killed every year, morn 'or sport than for anything else 'h. jogs arc wild and cannot bo d()Mrtich;'i. Their yield, Is said to be ino.Mds. Tom Booth, of l'ulaskl. Tosw -cf'l n male and fe male and ltd iil lu hN power to tamo tlfc.Mii, but fnhed. It kefit tliem a year, and nt tho rml of that llmo they wcro as w-sul ns tit Ilrst The moro ho fed them tlio thinner they became Within tl... year Ihey consumed four hiindri'd hinr.oh .if corn nnd wcro ti" lean us church roico. During that time tho sow had live litters of plgn. ntiut hiring two huiulrcil .ind tut. Mr Booth could not i,rn any of thcsi- t v get tin n ",t ' .ion-,'!) tf in.ikr i i n soap grease i mtilly ho garo thorn to n negro, who now considers himself under noohligai, ...n to Mr. Booth. Tho ltesh of tlnjso hogs resemble t horsellesh. It Is as tough n a coon skin, and u largo-sized hog of thh snecles rendered would not ninka grease enough to fry a skillctof batter J cakes. They go through a garden like u shovel plow, and no vegetable es capes them. They etui crowd through n crack '.lint would hardly admit a mouse, and their sharp noses act as levers foi gerden gates. 'Clio Tonnes eans make grc ' Alabama's rarorback hof'j. G A. R. Endampmunt. Annual Encampment of tho (. A. 11. at Hastings, Nobraskt., February Dili to Bltli. Tickets on sale February Dili and 11)1 li at rate of one fare for the round trip, with liual limit to Feb. 13 A. Conovku, Agent. A Birthday Present KuvMtYfAtir Frkdonia, N. Y., July 1, 1IM. Dr. M. M. Fbnnbr, Dear Sir: When I was eleven years old I had a weakness In my kidneys and back which became so distressing that serious consequences were feared. I was treated by two eminent physicians but neither seemed ahlt to reach my case, and J continued on In this distressing con dition without hope. Finally a friend gave me as a birthday present a bottle of your Kidney and Back ache Cure. I realized Its benotit as soon as I began Its use. Improvement was steady and by the time two bottles had boon taken I was well. Six years havo now elapsed and I have not had any return of thn disease." I-OR SALE BY C. L CO ITlNU. rni SAMPLE ROOMS. JOHN POLNIOKY, PROPRIETOR. DEALER IN Wines, Liquors, California Brandies. ALWAYS ON TAP. saiaao . .el ll MmVBfj BSjgj- pjjM ajmJI 0SJ gBB BSJBBBV S 'I BBS BBT . BBBbI BBBBBVf H BBBVI BBS BBBafl il gOJ gff a egfl gOaVJ bsbbj l bj gs asm, bbbb l aw gf at sbbw aaaw aal bW BbV gsBavaal l mm k sbbt, gflATJ BSmfaTX gi V Wm aBaaaafl ll SgJ gi gfl bbbm bbbbbI bbV a bbbI bbbbbbV is KsBaMBi bbB bbbB bbk Laal bbVbbbI I Caveats, and Trade-Marks obtained and all Pat-; entDuuneasconaucieaior MeecBAVC Fire Ou.a Orrtes is OaeoetTC U.S. Pavtstv Orriot and we can arcure naicntui um use loaa lot remote from Washlngloo, Scad model, drama- or photo., with descrlp-t tlUlla lew BMiiii ai , ubsawiss we eau - charge. Oar fee not due till patent la secured. A ralpMT. " How to Obtain Patents," with cost of same la she U. S. and (orelga countries teat free. Address, ! 1a mtAiflmm ti ndlsntskla n nni ttm ami W C.A.SNOW&CO. Or', patxht Orricc, Wabhinoton. b. CASTORIA For Infants and Children. niftt- I'.Blll G&vtfBBS, (in Tiry vi.ppir. tgutart nR-V.- TENANTED iMeBanaaaaaaaaaaSBlBaaaBs. BROS QUINCY BEEB . i . M -" .ss l-T" lllllWVjH ,u i, ml, , I UZJ CAST??! AfcectablcPrcparatiortforAs slmilatinrjlhcrooilaiulUcgula ling llic S louuichs ontlDowcls of Promolcs "DHcslion.Cliccrful- tc?snndRcti.Contninsncll!'"r OpiuiiT.Morphinc nor Mncral. KotNahcotic. Kave ofOldHrS.WUELrnUim Jtmftin Srtil" sllxStniut tninSttd tmrrmnt in OittonnnSoia HUmSitd Clmfttd Siwnr . iiittiyrnn flarvr. Apcrfcct Ilcmcdy forConslipa tioit, Sour Stomach.Diarrhoca, Worms .Convulsions JcN-crish-nessandLossOF SLEEP. aaBBaiaBBaattaaaiB-M Tnc Simile Sinolurc of NEW YORK. EXACT C0PV OF WRAPPER. t?v , 'A L ii 'i m I 1 B3EB8BBBbbHbBj1 $135 for One Year, ar tlon to Will pay for this Paper for One Year, and a Year's Subscrip tion to Tnc Western Rural CHICAGO, ILL. The Old Reliable Farm and Family Journal, $1.00 a year. A Farm Paper that is always in the front rank, printing each week from 3a to 40 pages ef such matter as will inform the mind and swell the pocket-book, as well as delight the hearts of the Fanners Household, To this combination of the two leaders of their class The Best Home PaperBest Farm Paper will be added, provided advantage is taken of this offer at once both on year, postpaid, at tbo extrosaolv low price of $- is advmaco, aad will give to oach Nbectibor so this coabtmatioa oflbr who poo torn eeaU additional for postage aad packing, TWENTY PACKETS OF SEEDS Thcoo atede aro the beat in the mar ket They coniiet of Farm, Vegetable and Flower Seeds of your own selec tion from a list of 200 varieties. The packets aro us large as sccdmen's mail packets. The aeodt ulono at retail prions nrn worth HI OO. Call and sao us bout this moat offer at once, or Bend romlttanoua to this office. i-iJSMaaaaaaaatiJ K. tTTl UbWbssibCXIbVsssVsssI ArMTe lAf . rVI -Tirra nucm 1 w Watfti 1 l - Ks 00000000c 9-):cteeeeeaoeeeeeeoeeteeeeeeeeeooeeea IOf.00 I Weekly Iiter Oceai. : t The Qreatest Republican Paper ef the West IT is the most Mtmlwmrt aad umtwervlag RepuhUcam Weekly pub- lished today and can always be relied upon for fair and honest re- J ports of all political affairs. tSF The Weekly Inter Oceaa Supplies All of tke New J at W VbfB I and the Beat of Current Literature. K-li! It ii Morally Clean, and as a Family Paper is Without a Peer. I Its Literary Columns are equal to those 0 the best magazines. Its Youth's Department Is the finest of Its kind. -WaaaOlsaeestsaaw It brings to the family the News at the. Entire World and elves the beet and ablest discussions of all questions of the day. The later Ocean jrives twelve awvee of reading matter each week and belne; published la Chleaco is better adapted to tho needs of the people west of tbo Alleghany Mountains than any other paper. o o SI.00 g WCRjBftB P9JrJgEg.XfA w $I.OO am : I The Dally and Sunday Em otions of The Inter Own ire Price Prlre Daily Iha k.. a Ik.l. bli.4 I ius vcai vi UKir aiuu . . . lOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOt The Chief and Weekly Inter-Ocean one year tor $1.35. R-I-P-A-N'S The modern stand ard Family Medi cine : Cures the common every-day ills of humanity. a.oaBb. sSBvuaan! SEE THAT THE FAC-S1M1LE SIGNATURE t OF r IS ON THE WRAPPER OF EVERY BOTTLE OF CASTORIA '?) C?.tct!a li pat up In cne-i!ie bottles esly. It . . Mia m unit, uw ftiiow anyone is sen ytl V.'. HUJItUiUg V1SU UU IUD 0 vt y.vuiimv .ul. , iA li "Joit at good" and "will answer every pnr pose." f 8ee that yon get 0-A-B-T-0-B-1-A, Thl fas tialle rMz&t jR lies ' ll.ttStli ei wriipir. To makathla offer known to overy ii 1 man and woman In the County. CZm oP(7y fcjfr tHe SI.OO: XtSSSNS. 3 .i of Dally by mall .14,00 per jearj of Sunday br mail and Sunday by mail aa unt 12. uu per ytarr ,o.vu I'rr jrar .. AA r .a Atldreaa TUB I.NTUK OCEAN, ChlcasT i.t J. S. EMIG-H, DENTIST. PAINLESS DENTISTRY IK YOU WANT rr. Crown I Bridge Work or Twin Without Nates. POH0EI.AIN 1NI.AY, Ami all tlio latest Improremeiitlu doiiul raech hiiIhiii, l !lWan7QiiWri Irlnr, WhocanthlnV DUIIluU fill SUnrl ". some pimji PrnlMt t,..ip l.lAn.. .,,. .rV..lnlI1KUP' !mmm 7 K5"rfiiM A 4 i It I rJ mao lilt otiwd r.uwara'laf.atloUVlaal! i,iWiUmwX!iimi asAv iMr !' -" vimmmmwimmstmmmit4miw4