'Tr!T -VPwMfitjmMtmMliat9tM'rmUtf.-''mi . , .'.- -!... ., , . V . . .WIar' ,- . -. k i.iii.Mm - rV '! I? THE RED CLOUD CHIEF, FRIDAY, FEB. 5, 1897. i rt -V iNGPora Wltf POWDER Absolutely Pure. A twain of liirtnr bnlliiK powilor. lllslicst of nil In It'Aveiiltiv tri'UKlli -hitrtt Intlnl ' liOtfrMiifht Fund Itfpnrl. Uotal Hiikimi I'iimiii.ii l'n.. New ork. CITY XKWS. Vakti:i -Corn. Mixku lliioinmts. K 1. lut?Kt3tt vns in Superior Wed nesday, ii. ' Rubbers So ami 10 cents at Cincinnati Sliou Stoic. I). M. Able speatSiiiiduy with friends ! Itcatricc. Cum. Huschow of Colby, Kansas is in thu city totlay. Tlie Nebraska & Kansas Farmer Hand luuCiUKt'forSl. Miner Rrothors will erect ciib and buy corn. Cribs near uopoi. Tlio Nebraska State Sugar Heel asso ciation was in session at Hasting tins week A tine baby boy arrived; at the homo of Arthur Wolcott at Inavale on Thurs day evening. Just twenty-four boys o-piocc suits left. To be closed at most any juice at the Chicago Store. A Nebraska boy of usual weight ar rived at the home of J. Frank Smith oiith of the river on Thursday. H. W. Ucdoll and wife of Peru, this state, arrived ThurMlay night on a visit with tin' family of L.H. Fort. C. V. Hinker a prosperous juuuk farmer living near Iuavale left a dob kir on subscription with us last Satur day. A. Scott an old veteran from near Cainpbull was heie Tuesday and as a consequence of his vi-dt to tho city TllK ClUKF U a dollar belter oil. It you want to see a nice store ami a good stock of furniture you want to go to the largo -.tore room in thu Moon block which is occupied by Taylor. Win. Hurd living near Cowles was in town Saturday paying his taxes and after doing this duty came in and .squared himself for '07 on TilK Chikf. The lied Cloud fence factory has re sumed operation, after a brief shut down and will endeavor to supply all of that urticlc needed in this section of the country This week a declaration of intention to become a subject of Uncle Sam, be longing to Andrew Asklnnd, was picked up on our streets. Owner can have same by calling at this otllce. A torpid liver means a bad com plexion, bad breath, indigestion and frequent headaches. To avoid such cdinpauions take DcWitt's Little Early Risers, the famous link "Ms. C. L. Cotting. The portable photographic studio of Baillie & KotStroni of McCook, which lias been here for several weeks has heon moved to iiiiiue uock. on. Haillio the member of tho Hnii who has been here left for that place this morning. He is a pleasant gentleman and dues tir-t class work in his line. Ike Ludlow has a gun loaded full to tho muzzle with chunks of lead and other missies, and is lying in wall for the siin-of-a-giin who is mean enough to steal tent t corn. He says some one has stolen between llfty and one hundred bushels from him, and that ihey at n not satMied with ear corn but take shelled corn. Last Tuesday was ground hog day ami if the old adage in correct wo will bo treated to six weeks mare winter. Tho ugly brute according to tradition, appeared and observing his image on the bleak wintei deadcucd buffalo grass Immediately hied himself back luto his burrow in mother earth and curled himself up for another six week's dose of poaceful slumber, ami nooue la happy oxcopt the coal deal ers who will have another six week's harvest. Awarded Highest Honors World's Pair, Gold Medal, Midwinter Fair. yam CREAM BAKING POWDIR A Pure (Irapc Cream of Tartar Powder. 40 YEARS THE STANDARD. AltOUNl) TOWN. Editor Williams of Rtvertou was here today. Bargains in spring goods. MiSF.it BltOTIIKllS. (5o. A Ducker of Jollet, Illinois, Is here this week. John. S. Marsh of Guide Hook was in the city today. James Burden and wife aie home again after their visit to Lincoln. Ch.n Wiener will leave this weak for the eastern market to buy his spring goods. Chris Zeiss can't get along without the Great Family Weekly and so gave us a dollar. Father Michael Shine lias been here this week and will be a residvu priest of the Catholic chinch. L. II. Fort was in Grand Island this week attending a meeting of the grand lodge of Modern Woodmen. A C Potter, editor of thoSpcailUU, South Dakota, Register, was here this week visiting fi lends and relatives. When you want a nice smooth shave or hair cut, give Goo. Fentress u call. One door south of the Bon Bakery. Saner kraut for sale at IS cents per gallon. Will trade for corn and hay. Will give a gallon far a bushel. A. Sciiafku. We understand that a goutleiaaii of unlimited capital will in all probability be here soon to purchase an unlimited .supply of corn. Children's knee pants at most any price to close. Few suits of nice under wear at a price that will interest you at the Chicago Store. Mrs. !. W. Warren arrived homo Saturday evening accompanied by a niece Miss Elizabeth Shepherd of Mound City, Missouri. F V. Taylor has moved. He has tliH linest furniture headqiiartors in the v.tlloy. His store room in the Moon block is a picture of neatness. Married by Rev. A. G. Blackwcll at his residence in Red Cloud, February 4th, 1807, Mr. Christian A. Jessou to Miss Maud II. Reynolds, both of Iua vale, Neb. All the different forms of skin troubles, froai chapped hands to eczema and itidoieui uicor.s can ue readily cured by DeWltt's Witcli Hazel Salve, the great pile cure. C. L. Cot ting. The ladies of the Christian church will giro a corn supper Thursday evening, February 11, in the room oc cupied by Mrs. J. C. Myers millinery store. The length of life may bo increased by lessening its dangers. The majority of people die from lung troubles. These may be averted by promptly using One Minute Cough (Cure. C. L. Cotting. Department Commander Culver of the Gratid Army has issued orders for the twcnty-lirst annual encampment which will be held at Hastings next Wednesday, January 10th. A rate of one faro for the rood trip has bocu secured. Minutes seem like hours when a life is at stake. Croup gives no time to stud for a doctor, delay may mean death. One Minute Cough Cure gives Instant relief and insures recovery. Tho only harmless lomedy that pro duces immediate results. C. L. Cut ting. The Hiawatha, Kaus., World unfeel ingly remarks that "Up In Nebraska there are a lot of people wealing dress suits ami linen dustors ami smokliif jackets to plow in. They wcro sent them from the east." If we had that unregeneratcd editor up here wo would make his jacket smoke until lit would lit-glad to wear a linen duster. Beaver CityTribune. At a late meeting of Garlield W. R. C. tho following ofliccrs wero installed by Past President Martha L, Brewer. President Faiinio S. Daw. S. V. President Carrie L. West. J. V. Preiidont ElizaMoranvllle. Secretary Kate S. Judson. Treasurer Emma B. Knight. Chaplin Nancy J. Tumor. Conductor Leon a B. Turner. Guard Lois E. McKeighau. Assistant Conductor Lylia Bohrer. Assistant Guard Can io Richardson. Press Correspondent Kate Judson. Carps meets each alternate Saturday at 2:80 p.m., at I. O. O. F. Hall. Morrled on last Sunday, January 31st, at tho resldenco of A. H. Carpen. ter in this city, Mr. James F. Carpen ter of Franklin, and Miss Adda Phillips of Teoumseh. At about six o'clock Rov. James M. Darby, tho bridesmaid and best man and the bride and groom advanced from an adjoining parlar into the parlor where tho mystic words worospoken. About twenty-lire guests wero assembled to witness the cero ninny and partake of the bountiful supper which followed. Many beauti ful presents wore recoived by the young couple. Mi. and Mrs. Carpen ter departed Tuesday morning for Franklin, their future home. The CHUT extends congratulations anil ht ,i w Ishes to the young couple. One Alinutc Cough Cure, cures. Tbtt U what It was Bade for. ODDS AND TOTD6. Fred Bradbrook wont down to Guide Rock today. New spring styles in dress gaods. Minkk BnOTHEItS. Jos. Kublc was hero from McCook visiting with his family. Wo arc now ready to contract corn for future delivery. Mini:uBiioiiikus. Wo will furnish you tho Nebraska fc Kansas Farmer and The Cuti'.r for $1. Mrs J. A. Tulleys returned from a protracted visit at Clay Center this week. Walter Garner wants Tiik Ciiikp for another year and so gave us a dollar whllo In the city today. Twenty-eight children's S-pleeu suits iuuM be closed out ut once at most any price at the Chicago Store. Taylor Is now comfortably situated in the Moon block. You are in need of fiiriiitine. So call him. The Cincinnati Shoe store wants your corn as II cents per bushel and will exchange shoes for it. On Saturday January Sod, the rail road taxes were paid iulw the county treasury amounting loovcr$i:t,000. C. E. Weseott, a gentleman interest ed In a largo clothing establishment at Plattsinouth, was hero this week tho guest of A Galushu. Foit Ri:nt One of the best located bilek store rooms in the city 3-1x100, with cellar. For particulars address correspondence to P. O. Box 137. Soothing for burns, scalds, chapped hands ami lips. Heating far cuts and sores Instant relief for piles, stops pain at once. These arc the virtues of DcWitt's Witcli Hazel Salve. F. Busliuell an expressman was seriously hurt by being thrown from his wagon and the wheels passing over him. A couple of ribs wero fractured anil he received other severe injuries. The American Agriculturist Almauau a book which treats on hundreds of subjects, The Orange J mid Fanner, one of tho best farm papers published and The CniKK all one year for $1,115. Lost A dear little child who mndo homo happy by its smiles. And to think, it might have been saved had the parcats only koptin the house One Minute Cough Cure, the infallible remedy for croup. C. Ii Cotting. Mips Marie and Margin el Miner will on next Monday depart for tho eastern markets wbero they will purchase tho latest designs from the millinery and trimming departments of the whole sale houses. They will about tho 15th of March opcu up tor inspection a largo and tnsbionablo slock. From ovorywhoro come words of praise for Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. "Allow me to congratulate you on the merits of your Remedy. It cured me of chronic bronchitis wlion the doctor could do nothing for me. Ciias. F. Hemkl, Toledo, O. For sale by II. E. Grice, Druggist. John Murphy was arrested Thursday on tho complaint ef J. John Ferguson for mayhem. It appears that the two engaged in a row during the progress of which Murphy bit off a good part of Ferguson's left ear. Randolph McNitt appeared for tho state and John M. Chafllu for tho defense. Murphy was bound over to the district court in the sum of $259, and being unable to give bond is lodging with the sheriff. Perhaps it would bo a good tiling to caution' our citizens to be careful in locking their houses when going out for the evening. Last Monday while the occupants wore down town in the evening, thieves entered a dwelling in the northeast part of tho city and stole a quantity of bed clothing. Consider able potty thieving is reported in various paits of tho city and care should be taken if you desire not to robbed. Growing Children One-third of all the children die before they are five years old. Most of them die of some wasting disease They grow very slowly ; keep thin in flesh are fretful; food does hot do them much good. You can't say they have any disease, yet they never prosper. A slight colo, or some stomach and bowel trouble takes them away easily. SCOTT'S EMULSION of Cod-liver Oil with Hypophos phites U ust the remedy for growing children. It makes hard flesh) sound flesh; not soft, flabby fat. It makes strong bones, healthy nerves. It changes poor children to children rich in prosperity Book about it free for the asking;. t?T No substitute for Scott' Emul sion will do for the children what we know Scott's Emulsion will do. Get the genuine. For sale by all druggists at 50c. and $1.00. SCOTT A DOWNIi, New York. fOflSHpfiOD m. A and xt8 ctma To tub Editor : 1 lave an absolute remedy for Consumption. By Its timely usa thousands of hopeless cases have been already permanently cured. So proof-positive am I of Us power that I consider it my duty to tmdtwo botlln fret to those of vour readsrs who have Coiisumption.Tliroat, Bronchial or Lune Trouble, If tiny will write me tlwtr express and pottotlice address. Sincerely, T. A. SLOCTTM, M. C, 18J Petri St., Hew York. Tb. IMttorUI .ml HoilnpM Mmment at tbtt l'U'.r Uutrnntes thlt (tntrtu. l'rovwtUlon. MOIIK OH IiKSM TKUSONAIj. John Potter of Lawrence Is here this week. UubbursSoaiid 10 cents at Cincinnati Stoic. A B. Sellars was in Riwomnnt Tues day on business. 0. B. Crone has been quita sick this week but is bettor. John 'Pulleys ai rived home from Lin coln Tuesday night. Court Repoi tor Logan of Alma was hero the last id tho utok. Yon should see tho complete slock carried by Miner Biol hoi . C. W. Kaloy is homo from Lincoln after taking treatment at the San itarium. Miss Kelly id Bloomlugton was here this week vMtlng with Miss Tlllio Mc Clelland. Tho supper given by the Degree of Honor last Saturday night was well pationized Walter Cox of Republican city was here the last of the week visiting witli his parents near Amboy. The Orange Judd Farmer and the American Agriculturalist Almanac to gether witlt The Chikf fer $1 85. A weed in the garden be easily des troyed when it lirst starts. Consump tion can be nipped in the bud by One Minute Cough Cure. C. I.. Cotting. The creamery ice house was tilled with ice by J.O. Llndley. In the ad vent ot the opening of the creamery the ice will be sold to tho pai ties oper ating it. Constipation in its worst forms, dys- popsia.siekhoadacho, billiousuess and derangement of tho liver are readily cured by DcWitt's Little Early Risers. These little pills never gripe. Small pill, safe pill, best bill. C. L. Cotting. List of luttois remaining uncalled at thu postolllcc at Red Cloud, Nob raska, for the week ending February 0th, 1897. Amines, 1). M. Barnes, Geo. Steele, 1), 11. Steavens, Henry Wallace, David These letters will be sent to the dead letter office, Feb., 19th, if not called for before Fkank W. Cowden. P. M. SCIIOOIi NOTES. Nellie Maiirer has returned after a week's illness. Phil Sborwoed came up to visit the school Friday afternoon. The 7th room has No. 8. The room has the banner this week. The literature class lias been leading Robt. Burns. They are studying Ed gar A. Poe. Miss McClelland has taken up the reading onAnthony Hope during open ing exorcises. Last Friday afternoon the seniors got off and went skating on account of good lessons. Miss Kliabeth Uhepard, a cousin of Mable Howard visited in the high school Monday. Miss Susie Rife lias been ill this week, but we are glad to note that she is well again. Mrs. Howard and Miss Tilla Cook were very pleasant visitors in the seventh room last Friday. A great many pupils havo been tak ing advantage of the new photograph rates and havo bad their leodinstookiu. Miss Kelley of Lincoln, a friend of Miss McClelland, was a very pleasant visitor in the seventh roam Monday morning. Tho sixth room has a now pupil, (trace Skjelver, and if wo can judge her qualitios by those of her sister ws arc safe in saying that they havo quite au addition to their room. The seniors have examination iu circles Monday morning, and the juuiors in acoustics and heat. The unanimous vote of the school put the examinations off from Friday until Monday. One little Junior girl is so determined to skate that she risks bar life to do so. Recently she has been working for Mr Liudsey, gratis, cutting ice, and it bus not boon long sineo she tried to show the rest bow to swim. Tho laboratory is now iu full dress and daily the seniors endeavor to de coivo us into thinking spring and the flowers havo como, by the odoriferous fumes which proceed from there. Tliey have bran new apparatus for which they are greatly Indebted to tho school board. W.NItlA. OAQTOXIIA. Tlii is- stall slgutan 6zUtf2& NOW IS YOUR TIME TO BUY YOUR CLOTHING The flnnaal Clearance Sale at Redaeed Prices IS NOW WIENER'S You can buy Good Goods at Wholesale Prices. Remember you Get a Silverware or Household Goods Coupon With Every Cash Purchase. Our Spring Novelties in Dress Goods at 45c to 90c are Bargains. Red Table Damask at 3 6-inch Ooburg Cashmere 22c, worth 30c. 5,000 yards Standard White Goods at 7c, 10c, 12 l-2c, 15c and 20c. Wash Goods at 5o, 7c, Crochet or Knitting Silk 5c per Spool. Brainard & Armstrong Filo Silk 40o per dozen. REMEMBER WE ARE HEADQUARTERS FOR GROCERIES. 7VUNBR ON AT 20c, worth 30c. Prints. 10c, 12 1-2 andU5c. BROS. & I ( i 'M i ( i 1 1 i 'V' A) i " "a iff ' -mi iP'.'i.&iL-'- W iM 'n , m t M