frwmmmMJftMi$ 'Sl JT Z"7J&'rX w - &r.?1?C K- II 2 HOUSE PROCEEDINGS WORK ACCOMPLISHED BY THE LOWER BRANCH. A Hnrclnct Huiiiiwiry of the iVitt fff eh Doing In tlm Nebraska Hunan of Ilepro pntnllvm A Htrlctly Ho vlcir of tlio Proceedings. Mnmlnjr .lunusry s,1, Spcnkur (laflln's gavel foil this after noon nt 2:30 o'clock. .Suventy-sovun tnoinlttTH responded t roll mil. The committee on Insurance reported fnvornbly on house rolls Nos. S3 iind 00. Tlio hills were recommended for pas sago while No. t7, ft hill amending the mutunl insurance act was Indellnltcly postponed, according to the commit tee's recoinmendiitlon. Hoiihu roll No. 80, reducing the sal aries nt tlio Oenuvn industrial school, was reported on favorably by tho com mltteu on agriculture nnd tho report was ndopted. John Currlo's bill, houso roll No. 80, introduced by Mr. Soderinim, praying for thu appropriation of 8.1,1)00 to erect an heroic uttitutt of Ahriihum Lincoln on tho enpltol grounds, wns indellnltc ly )OStpOIH'(l. Mr. Iloddy of Otoe Introdtieud tho following joint resolution: WllKltfAH, Tlio legislature of 18.(7 b nil uct entitled. "An net to recount the ballots cunt for and uimliist tlio leitlslntho unirnd mentor tho 2d iluv of Nowtnber. Iws), und to declare tlio rosult." did provide for the rccountltiiMif tho ballots cast for nnd intulnst tho roiiHtttiitlonnl iiniotiilmcht tiro Idlnu for mi Increase In tlio perdlcmof iticinhciHof tlm IcKlNluturu fmiu (.1 to ."mild extending tho session of tho IcKlslutmo from forty to sixty duys, and ... Wiir.uiSAH, Soma ilonbt lins ii1uun ex isted as to tlio validity of mild net unci tho adoption of wild amendment to tlio consti tution, mid Wiikiikah, It Is expedient Unit tho tnntlor bo ilcilnltcly NOttlod mid dctormliiiMl; thero fore, bo It . Kksoi.vkii, Thnt tho honornblo attorney Konoral be mid ho Is hereby requested to ut onco Institute proper notion by maintain us or otherwise todcterinlno n hether or not wild umi'iidmeiit to tho constitution wus uiloptcd In urcnrOnnro with tho ro Ihidhs of tlio oruiinlo Inr of tho state: utul bo It ltt.aoi.VKI, Thut tho secretary of stnlo bo requested to forward to tho honoruhlo nt-tornuy-Kcncriil a copy of this Joint rcsolu tlon. Twenty now bills wero introduced, among them being: II. K. 2IS, by Mr. Sleblilns -To promoto farm Inu In urld portions by irrigation ut public ex it, ll 2T.3, bv Mr. ltlch To rclmburso Oconto L. Furiihiiiu for expenditure of moneys for uso of Peru Norinul when tho dormitory burned. II. It. I'd, bv Mr. Felkor-To upproprluto $10,- ODo for Incidental expenses ut 23th session. II. Us. 2it!:il, by Mr. lllll -To regulate stock yards, etc. House rolls 231 to 2 IS wero rend the second tlinu nnd referred. II. H. 82 wus reeominunded for indefi nite postponement. The bill provides for exempting till money due bcnell claries on life or accident Insurance policies from garnishment, execution or attachment. II. U. 80, which provides for the In vestment of funds arising out of busi ness done in the statu by foreign life or accident Insurance companies, was discussed at great length and finally j recommitted for amendments. The I committee then arose, reported prog ress, and the house adjourned. Tuesday, January SO. lu ho houso this morning, after nrullmiuury work, seventeen new bills were introduced, and n number of bills were rend the secoud time ami referred to committees. Hills on third reading wero announced nnd the first measure placed on tho general lllu for this session was put upon Us final passage. It was II. It. No. 4, by Mr. Kastniun, to refund to Ilobucca 1'orklns of Custer county SI21 paid by her as rental on school land by an illegal npnmlscmcut of 1880. On roll call tho bill ptissed by a vote of 87 affirmative, with none against. II. it. 3. by Mr. Dobson, to repeal the law of 180.' granting a bounty on sugar and chicory, wns read a third time, and Mr. Dobson demanded a cull of the house upon it. The call showed ten members absent. Tho call was then dispensed with, and ou roll cull thu bill was passed by a vote of 03 to 30. YKAB-63. AnUcny II lis Revere nuilnic lllll Shrlilun Campbell Holliuil Sliull CUrk ot ltlch. Hull Smllliof II'kIm Coin Hyatt Smith of ltlch. Cot .lonetof Nem's Hujriler of .I'n'n Crunk Jones o(V syne Snyilerof Bh'n I'urtlt Harp bixti-rinaa llobtoa Krl.lrr Mehlilni Knurr Lrnur htraub Kantinta Lldilelt 1 ) lr Kmlorr I.ooinl Vnn Mors Kclker McCarthy Welch J'ernoir Mil.'raokvn Tt heeler lUylortl )1arhalt Yflcbe tlenlea Mitchell Wlnnlow lllvena Moran WtxiUwaril tlrell Murrlaon Wrlstit llrlmei l'lielpa Wmwter llroarrnoff It U li Zimmerman llamlltuu ltubertaon Mr. speaker SAYB-00. AMermau Elghmy Mann llernaril Kuuko Mllli llUke OonlKirn Noblt llurkett Henilernnm I'ollard llutler llolbrixik l'rlnco llryam Horner Kindly C'aiebeer Jenkins llouia Chlitemlen .loneiof Oajs Milton Clark of L'uo'r Mitlee Walm Crow Mii.coil Youu( ADSKNT AND NOT VOTINH-7. rturnam Sehrain Webb Power UcrllDf Wlmberly llramlitalT House roll 10, Mr. Soderman's bill to reduce salaries of officials at Kearney industrial school was recommitted for correction, the committee amendment striking out the matron from tho re duction not having been printed. Fourth assistant chief clerk 12. XV. Phillips handed in his reslgnutlon ou account of sickness, and the house, de elded to abolish the ofilcu for tho bal unco of tho term. II. It. 20, reducing the salary of the superintendent of the deaf and dumb Institute was passed by a voto of 50 to 37. The next bill for third roauiug was II. It. 31, a bill to regulate organiution of mutual plate glass insuranco coin nmnies. Passed bv a voto of 04 for to none against. Among the now bills introduced were: II. It, 207, by Mr. Otirfln-To prohibit corpor ations from contrlbutliiK niouoy or means to intluonco or control doctors ami to punUU u vtolutlon of tho luw. II. H. 2(W. by Mr. Sheldon To district tho state of Nohnislm Into sonutorlul nnd rupro Rontutlva districts. H. It. 200, by Mr. Young To prevent corrupt practices nt elections. II. It. 27i). by Mr. McCarthy To establish and locuto n norinul school ut hcollu. H. It. 274, by Mr. Mddoll To pro lilo for tho brandliiB. niurkliuj nnd taitKliiir ot iiIIboikIs mudoand mcrchundlNO umnufucturcd in nny ponltentlury. prison or rcforiimtory or other Inutll.itlnn In urhlell entllict lubor Is OllllllOVOd. uud provldlnif punishment for vlolutlon thereof. It. 11. 217. by Mr. Hull-To amend sccllous 8008 nnd SJOtw und to create u now hi-ctlon to bo numbered 2071 of Cobboy's consolldiitcd htut utes ot IRD3 uud to provide for free employ sent office. TILE It. It. 2TP, by Mr. Cronfc To prnvldo for tlio nppolntmont nnd election of clcrlm of tho dli trlct court In counties of B.OtW or tnoro nt other times thun ut tlm Kcnernl election for clerks of tho district court. II. It ), by Mr. (livens To prevent tho spread of hotf cholera or other Infectious dis eases of domestic ntilmuW. II. K.'JSJ. bvMr. Vnn Horn-To establish a Mute bo.ird of civil engineers. Adjourned. WediiMdiiy, January 'J 7. The house met today and immediate ly after roll cull adjournment was taltcn till tomorrow morning at 10 o'cloclc. It Is supposed that the principal rea son for tho action was tho desire of tho majority to gain time to muster tho votes necessary for the passage of the reennvass bill with tho emergency clause, and to caucus on thu Douglas county contest cases. TlnirmU)', alnnunry 28. Kxpectation was rife today in the house over tho prospect of n battle on house roll fi, the rc-cuuvnss bill, but thu day was uneventful. Mr. I'ollard of Cass introduced a reso lution that u committee of live be up pointed to draft n sugar bill to eiieour agu erection of new factories lu tho state. Tabled ou motion of Mr. Koder man of Phelps. Thu secretary of tho senate nn nouueed thu passage of the resolution instructing Senator Thurston to vote for tho free eoiniigo of gold and silver. The committee on enrolled and en grossed bills reported that housu roll f was correctly engrossed. A pution from Omaha clergymen was read, asking tho legislature not to make mi v change in thu fire utul police commission us provided for lu the pres ent Ouuiliu charter. Several standing committees made reports on bills. Tho hills relating to passes were indellnltely postponed. II. It. 10. reducing salaries of secre taries of board of transportation was placed ou general file, as was also II. it. 27, reported by thu committee on fish culture and game. The claim of lloyd county for Si, 823 for costs in trying tho alleged intir dorers of llarreit Scott, was passed on favorably by the claims committee mid placed ou general tile. The committee on miscellaneous sub jects reported favorably on Mr. tiros venor's bill, fixing n penalty for steal lug bicycles and unfavorably on a bill by Mr. Clark of Lancaster, No. 50.wlth tho saino end in view. 1 ho reports were adopted. The same committee favored placing housu roll No. 80, a bill to punish chicken stealing, on general file. The house concurred. Ilotisu roll No. 02, to regulate tho publishing of applications for liquor llconses, wns placed on general tile. House roll No. 23, relating to the regulation of warehouses, was nlso placed on general flic. Mr. Felker of Douglas introduced a resolution ordering the committee ou asylums to make report on the ade quacy of the state hospital to caro for all the curable iusano of the state. Adopted. Mr. llurkett of Lancaster offered a resolution that tho ollice of proof render bo discontinued nnd thnt no printed bills bo received from the printer until correct. After some de bate tho matter wus referred to the committeu on employes. Forty-eight new bills were intro duced nfter tlio noon recess, chief among which were: 11. It. 2S0, bv Mr. Sheldon An net for the es tablishment, iniiliiti'iiiiiice mid nuuingcmcnt of public libraries In school districts. II. It. 29S. livMr. Dobson To amend section Oof chapter 7l. subdivision 0 of tho compiled Ktattiles. Tho bill lirovldcs that the tax of I mill lulled under tho free lilyh school law sliull fall ou the whole county. It. It. V. by Mr. ltlch--To amend section 13 of "An act reKiilatlnit voluntary iisslciiinents for tho benelllof creditors proceedings thctc uiKler, and lo prow-nl tho fraudulent violation of thu sume," beliii section III, chapter o. enti tled "Assignments." compiled statutes of I (tin. II. It. 3a, by Mr. Hlih-To provldu for u land lord's lien. II. It. 3.W. by Mr. Snyder To prohibit oftlcors mid employes of any municipality, township, county or statu to uccept free transposition oer any railroad In the tauto during hlsturm of office. 11. K. 330, by Mr. Wooster of Mer rick is similar in its import to 11. It. 330 by Mr. Snyder. Housu rolls 2i)a to 282 were rend u second time nnd referred. Mr. Clnrk of ltlchardsou moved thnt the house resolve itself into committee of tho whole. Mr. Clark of Lancaster objected on tho ground that It takes a two-thirds vote to suspend the rules nnd proceed outside the regular order of business set down in thu rules when any member objects. The mutter pre cipitated quite n discussion but was Ilnally disposed of by the speaker rul ing that thu house, could go into com mittee of the whole ut any tlmo a ma jority wished to do so. The ruling prevented the house call ing ut) 11. It. ft, which hud been report ed from the engrossing committee and would have been llrst on tile for third reading and passage. The majority hud not sixty-oight members present nnd they could not have curried it with the emergetiey cluuso. In committee of thu whole house rolls 20, to repeal thu Itusslau thistlu law, and 80, to reduce the salary of the superintendent of the ticncvsi in dustrial school, wero recommended for passage. 11. 'It. lu, to redueu tlio salaries of tho secretaries of tho state board of transportation to $l,f00 was recommit ted for correction. 11. It. 27, which provides that It shall be a misdemeanor to kill certain kinds of gutno for u period of llvo years was recommitted for correction. Tho bill for the relief of lloyd county for costs In the Scott murder trial was recommended for passage without the emergency clause. On motion of Mr. Sheldon of Dawes, the commlttco rose nnd reported prog ress. The report ot tun commlttco oi the whole was adopted and tho house udjourned. Krldwy, Jaiumry 30. Chaplain Muilley was called homo by the death of one of his flock, and iu his absence Speaker (iauin called upon Mr. Kighmy of, of tho three preachers In tho house, to invoke tho divine blessing. Immediately after the reading of tho journal the house, on motion of Mr. Sheldon went into committee of the whole, with Mr. Sodermau m the chair. 11. It. 00, by Mr. Clark of Lancaster, to mako chicken stealing, the know ing purchase of stolen chickens or the linrborlng of thu chicken thief a penal offense, punishable bv from one to tcu years, wus first on the file. After bomo debate the bill was killed by u vote to not adopt tho report of I thu committee, EED CLOUD CHIEF, FRIDAY. FEBRUARY 51897. II. It. 02, by Mr. Ilich, to authorfto publication of notices of application for liquor licenses of any paper of general circulation was the next bill to bo considered, It nlso authorizes the same power that grants a license to author ize a transfer of the same to another plnce or person. Mr. Chirk of Lancas ter opposed this, and pending tho con troversy thu committee arose nnd tho house took a recess until 3 p. m. At the after recess session tho house took up bills on third reading. Tho clerk read house roll No. f, tho ro-canviiss bill. Mr. Hull of Harlan stated that aftur close scrutiny of the bill he had found an error in thu engrosseil copy. The word "three" in tho original copy had been copied "live." IIu moved that the bill bo recommitted to the commit tee of thu whole for correction. A very bitter nnd extended debate was hnd ou thu motion, but after several motions to take action thereon immediately had been voted down, the bill was recom mitted to the commlttco of tlio whole for correction. Mr. Jenkins moved to go into com mitteu of tho whole to consider houso roll No. r immediately. Tlio motion did not prevail, uud on motion of Mr. Sheldon of Dawes thu regular order of business wits taken up. After disposing of reports on tho Douglas county contests the house re ceived reports from standing commit tees. The library committee favored houso roll No, 171, to provide for travelling libraries. The report was adopted and the bill went on general Hie. House roll No. 117, to provide for tho issuance of state warm tits receivable for taxes, wns reported by the major ity of the committee on bunks and cur rency with the recommendation that it pass as amended. There was a mi nority report signed by Walto and Wlmberly of Lancaster. Tho majority report was adopted. Tho houso adjourned till Saturday morning. Tho Iteeunvnua lllll. The fuslonlsts in thu house nre short of the required two-thirds vote which is necessary for the passage of the bill to recount the voto on the constitution ul amendment relating to supremo Judges. Thero are two fusion mem bers sick, uud unable to attend tho sessions. It is now thought thnt oven if tho house should pass tho bill that It is reasonably certain not to get through the senate, as it is reported thut niuu fusion senators are opposed to tho measure in its present form. Tlio senate committeu ou constitution al amendments has appointed n sub committee to draft n bill having for its object tho submission of the returns to tho supreme court for a decision on the question of tlio majority necessary for tlio adoption of u constitutional amendment. Two of the committee will insist on a recount of the ballots us at llrst proposed, and they will pre sent u bill with thnt end in view in cuso tho present bill Is not passed. Judge Reese in his talk before tho committee, gnvo it as his opinion that a majority of all votes cast at the election is necessary for adop tion, lie said this rule was laid down in the Muxttell opin ion and nlso in the opinion of Judge (Jant in thu Lancaster county case, re ported in the Sixth Nebraska court re port. Judge Itceso said he might bo somewhat biased as ho was a member of the constitutional convention and re membered distinctly that discussion of this subject showed a prevailing senti ment in opposition to permitting a mi nority to change tho constitution. Tho same argument is found in Judge Max well s opinion on wlilcn tliosu tavoring n recount base nil their hopes. Tho DiiiirIu County Content. In the matter of unsunting the re publican members of tho houso who represent Douglas county, tho fusion ists nro very much divided. Tho ma jority members of thu commlttco on privileges and elections submitted a report which they had drawn up, fa vorable to unseating the republicans from tills county, and the whole uf ternoon was spent lu discussion of tho report. Very warm speeches wore made, which, toward evening, becumo decidedly spirited. The caucus ad journed without action, divided in opinion. It is almost certain that u majority und a minority report will be sent to the housu. Those of the com mitteu who constitute the minority nre: Sheldon of Dawes nnd Kager of Sew ard, of tho majority members, und House of Hull and Dyram of Hurt, of tho ropnbllcans. The presentation of these reports will probably precipitate u tight and may result In the houso go ing into tlio evidence. Tho Roto of Jericho. Among tho numerous pretty trad! tions relating to flowers, may bo men tinned tho popular legend of tho far famed rose of Jericho, which Is re garded with superstitious reverence In the East from thu story of its having blossomed at tho moment when the Lord was born, and continued to do so on each anniversary of this event. Hence, the flower has been credited with special proportion, and in some parts of tiic continent it is popularly designated ho "Itosoof tho Madonna," and Its presunco generally considered of propitious inlluencu when children wero born. According to another vari ation of tho same legend, tho rose of Jericho has been called St Mary's rose, because, when Joseph and Mary wero taking their flight Into Egypt, ono of these flowers sprang up to murk every spot whore they rested. i:ieotrlclty llrnti Gold In ft Way. Electricity has now, It sooms, bonton tho record of tno gold boutor nnd ran produce a foil of tho motal froi t vo to ton tlmos thinner than ordinary gold loaf. Josoph Wilson Swan, tho well-known chemist of olectrlo lighting famo, has prosonted to tho Hoy ul bocioty spoolmons of this wondorfuily thin foil mado by deposit ing gold on copper with tho olootrlo cutTont and then dissolving nwny tho copper from It with porohlorldo of iron. Instruction to Tliuraton. Lincoln, Neb., Jan. 20. The senate lias adopted by a party voto u joint resolution directing United States Sen ator John M. Thurston to voto for any measure favoring free and unlimited coinage ot silver ut tiu ratio of 10 to 1, SENATE PROCEEDINGS WORK ACCOMPLISHED BY THE UPPER BRANCH. A Condenaeil nnd Conclto Ileport of the Work Acciiniptlnlieil During tlio 1'asl Work llrlcf Note of the Session's Doing. Monday, .lanimry 2.", When tlio senate convened at 2 p. m. several senators were absent. Senator Murphy of (Jage oirered the following concurrent resolution, which was reiul tho llrst time: U'liniKXH, The rotemic laws of this state nre defect!! o In miuiv particulars to provldu for a rluld collection by township and coun ty officers whose duty It Is to collect und enforce collection of taxes for township, county und stale purposes; und Wiikukas. Tho deficit nnd falluro to real ize sunicli'iit funds to maintain tho current cxpcnttsiit the various departments of gov ernment Is duo to tho liMileutiacy nnd Im perfections of tho reicmio luwsof the state: hercforc, bo It Itesohed, lly the senate, tho houso con rurrlnif therein, that a committee of thrco be unpointed bv tho ptesldent of tho senato to net In conjunction with u lllto commllleo ofthrcotobo appointed bv tho siieulierof tho housu, to prepare n bill rev Isltut und uiiif'tiillnK the prcciil rovonuo laws of this state, or such sections thereof as they think proper, mid i epott the samu to tho senate und house jor their uctlon. Senator Howell of Douglas presented a resolution instructing tho secretary of stato to turn over to the committee on privileges nnd election all papers and abstracts of evidence in tho con test case Instituted by John Jcifcont ngainst Senator Evnns of Douglus. The resolution wns adopted without debute. The following new bills were Intro duced: S. F. 1.M, by Senator Schaal To amend sec tion 3. urtlclo 2 of ehupter Kl ot tho compiled ktatutesor Nebrasku of lsf relating to fees payable to tho secretary of state. S. V. 152, by Scnutor Talbot To amend sec tion 'Mi of the compiled laws of IKKi of tho stuto of Nebraska, rclutuiK to erdlcts of Juries. S. F. IfiS. by Senator Talbot -To amend sec tion 2M. belnu Keiicriil section BsiS of tho com piled laws of IH." of tlio stuto of Nebraska, rc latlni' to trials before Juries. S. F. IM. bv Senator Howell Provldlnif for tho foreclosure of a trust deed or mortgage of real proiicrty by adortlscmcnt. S. F. 1.VS, bv Senator Murphy Providing for thodefenso of ill voire suits by county attorneys on behalf of tho statu, w hen tho defendant fulls or refuses to nuikii uny defense. S. Fs. I WW. bv Senator Itansom Prohibiting the giving of pusses or free scrvleo by urious corporations. S. F. l."8, by Senator Itansom To preient the blacklisting or publishing of dtschurged em ployes, und making such an uct u felony. Adjourned. Tucdy, iluuuary 30. A letter from Senator Win. V. Allen Was read in the senato this morning, acknowledging tho receipt of resolu tions passed by tho senate expressing sympathy for Cuba. Senator Allen stated thut he had presented tho reso lutions to the United States senate, Had them read nnd pioperly referred. Senator Cuuuduy of Kearney county introduced a concurrent resolution re lating to the prevailing destitution in Chlcniro. Ho culls attention to tho fact that while 10-cent corn is rotting in the west people iu Chicago aro starv ing. The resolution usks the people of Nebraska to send aid Senator Howell of Douglas Intro duced a resolution instructing tho gov ernor to issue n proclamation calling attention to tlio Xrnns-.Misstssiiinl ex position and to extend an invitation to tho several states to participate there in with exhibits, etc. Tho fact that many bills havo been held back when tho rules require them to bo reported back four days uftcr be ing referred, raised a rumpus iu the senate when Senator Mutz arose and moved that tho secretary notify the ennte what bills had been in the hands of the various committees more than four days. After a short dobate the motion was lost. The commltto on miscellaneous sub jects reported n substitute for Senator Johnson's bill, S. F. 38, imposing u tux on bank deposits for the creating of n safoty fund to bo used for tho payment of losses to depositors caused by bank failures. Tlio substitute was read, and It will take the pluco of the original bill. The same commlttco reported fu vorably on Scnntor Deuring's joint re solution, calling for the enforcement of tlie anti-trust law against elevator men. Thirteen new bills and one substi tute were introduced, among the num ber being: S. F. 101. by Senator Mutz A bill for nn uct toapportlrn the state Into judicial districts, and for the appointment and election of oftlccrs thereof, S.F. 16S, by Senator Dearlng To regulate the churges for uso of telephones, S. F. 169, by Senator Heal To provide for the appointment mid election of clerks of tho district court In counties of sooo or more, ut other times than ut tho general election for clerks ot the district court. S. F. 170. by Senator Ileal To establish a stute board of civil engineers. S. F. 173, (sutMltiite for S. F. as), bv commit tee on miscellaneous subjects A bill to nro. Yldo for the greater security of deposits In tho banks of thu stato. und to repeal sections lit nnd ao, cnapiora oi inecompiicil statutes otNourus- km oi irvo. Adjourned at noon till Wednesday morning. Wednesday, .January 37. Senator Mutz of Keya l'aha, backed by the majority element in the senute, aided by republican votes, took steps today to compel standing committees to get to work. Aftersomu dubate the scuuto passed a resolution calling upon chairmen of committees to report iu writing. Tho committee ou highways and bridges reported favorably on senuto file No. 71 and 52, relating to the con struction of irrigation ditches across roads. Senato file No. .13, relating to tho sumo subject, wns Indefinitely post poned. Among the new bills Introduced wero the following, thu most important bo it senate file 170, introduced by Sena tor Mcllunn, which Is tho Lincoln char ter bill. S. F. 171. bv Senator Murnhv Providing for iho payment of taxes iu Installments of not less man : per cent ot tne amount uuo nt time ot payment. S. F, 10, by Senator McQann Lincoln charter bill. S. T. 177, by Senator McOann To locate und establish a stuto norinul school at Scottn. S. F. 170, by Senator Heupy To prescribe tho typo in which legul udertlsements sliull bo pnnica. S. F. 181, by Senator Mutz To provldo for tho establishment of a public, school library lu each county of thu state. S. F. IK1, by Senator Schnnl To provldo for the building, equipment nnd tho maintenance of a union depot, und connecting switches In ottles, Ullages und towns In this stuto where two or moro railway lines truusuct u gencrul rallwuy business. S. F. IH6, by Senator nruhnm To amend sec tion 3. chuptci II, of pait III, compiled statutes ot 1KU5, mid to repeal tho death penalty ami ull ucus aim puns oi ncis permuting tneruto, S. F. 1S8, by Sonutor Howell To utile nd sec tton 19, ehupter 1H of tho compiled statutes of 18W, aud to repeal bald original section. S. F. IfO, bv Scnntor Howell To provide fr the descent nnd ullenntlonot cemetery lotn. Concurrent resolution 8, by Senator Spencer - Kelatlvu to press dispatches reflecting on So credtt of Nebraska, Under tho head of bills on second reading, senate lllu No. 173, a commit tee substitute fora bill providing for a tax on bank deposits iu state banks, to bo used as a fund for the safety of de positors, wns placed on general file. An extended debate was had over Senator Ransom's concurrent resolu tion instructing United States Senator Thurston to voto nnd work for a free coinage law. Tho resolution was o posed by the rejniblleun side but waf passed by a strict party vote. Adjourned. Thursday, .January 38, The senate listened to the reading of a petition from sugnr beet raisers this morning. Tlio petition wns a type written document with n blank space for the niiniu of tho town or county uud came fiom Adnms county. The judiciary committee recommend ed that sennto file No. 2.1, by Senator Sykes, authorizing sheriffs to give purchasers of tux stile certificates ac tual possession of premises upon con firmation of sale, be Indellnitely post poned. Tho report was laid over un der the rules. The following bills were placed on general file ou recommendation of the judiciary committee: Senato file No. 17, by Senator Titlbot, relating to niodlllcntioii of judgment: senate file No. 11, by Senator Johnson, for tho appointment of assistant county attor neys In certain cases; senate Ule No. II, by Senator ltnnom, reducing tho number of county commissioners; sen ute lilo No. 18, by Senator Talbot, re lating to appeals in equity cases. Senator Sykes of Adams asked for leave of absence for the committeu on soldiers' homo to visit the homes ut (rand Island and Mil ford ou Friday und Saturday, with a view of consider ing the advisability of discontinuing the home ut .Mllfonl. grunted. Several new bills among which were: The request was were introduced, Concurrent resolution 0. bv Senator firalmm - Helming to u ieiiiest to Nebrusku's senators und represeiituthes lu congress to usu their ef forts to secure n uniform national dhorco law. S. F. Hid. by Senator Ileal Creating u state board ot agriculture, dctlulng tlio duties, pow ers and goeruuient, mid providing for its .sup port. S. 1. 197. by Senator Itansom To provldo a state boanl of Immigration, to dotlno their du ties, provide for their salaries uud expenditures una to uppropnuie -j.u"ju mercror. S. F. WJ. bv Senator llraham For tho estab lishment, maintenance uud management ot public libraries lu school districts. The concurrent resolution of Senator Spencer of Lancaster, indorsing Sen ntor W. V. Allen for his defense of Nebraska's good name, and pledging thu payment of the sugar bounty, came up on a ruling from Lieutenant (lover nor Harris, who held thut thu motion by Scnntor Itansom of Douglas to in definitely postpono wns In order. Tho motion to postpone precipitated u genurnl discussion. Speeches were mndo ngninst tho res olution by Senators Mutz, liondring, Heal. Fnrrell, Lee, and Itansom. Rea sons given were that its adoption would virtually pledge the senate to pay tho bounty now duo. At 12:30 Scnntor Hansom was still spciiking.inswerlng Seuutor Conowny's question, which wns m form something like this: "If it is not right to tax tho people for a sugar bounty, how can It uu right to tax tliem lor the benctit oi uti exposition to be held in Omaha?" In tho midst of Senator Hansom's speech tho senate adjourned to 10 a. m, Friday. Friday, .Inunary 30. Senator Itansom resumed his remarks on Senator Spencer's resolutions favor ing tho payment of the sugar bounty in the sennto this morning. While ho was still . willing to indorse Seuutor Allen, ho was not ready to extend his indorsement to includo tho sugar bounty. Ho declared that the minor ity wns not honest In tho matter nnd had no sincere intention of indorsing Senator Allen except for tho purpose of countenancing und Indorsing the sugar bounty. At the close of tho debate tho motion to Indefinitely postpono tlio resolution carried by a voto of 24 to 8. as follows: YKAS-21. Ileal Canudny Hearing Dundas Furrel Fcltz Fritz (lomlrlne Cntdwell Connwuy r.Miiis (ir.iham Orothan Heapv Howell John, on Miller Muftly .VAYS-a Hnllor Murphy Mutz Osborn Itansom Ititchlo Schaal Svkes Watson Woller Steolo Talbot Spencer AIISKNT-I. McOann S. F. 251relatlng to revenues, and S. F. ni, to cut down tho salnries of tho secreturios of tho state board of trans portation wero Indefinitely postponed. A resolution Indorsing Senator W.V. Allen'sspeechliitho United States sen ato upholding Nebraska's good name, was passed under a suspension of the rules. In commlttco of tho wholo tho sennto recommended for passage S..F 0, allow ing district judges to name day for tho jurors to appear. S. F. 40, to compel street railway companies to protect motormen and conductors by vestlbuled cars, was dis cussed at considerable length and rec ommended for passage. After the noon recess H. R. 3,ropeal- ing the sugar bounty act, was read the second tlinu and rofurred. S. F. 13. bv Senator Ransom, roduc- inir tho pay of county commissioners in Douglas and Lanenstercountlesfrom 81,800 to 31, r()0 a year, was recommend ed for pnssage without discussion. S. F. 14, by Senator Itansom, reduc ing number of county commissioners in Douglas county from five to three, uud providing for their election by dis tricts in Douglas aud Lancaster coun ties was amended to except tho latter from tho provisions of tho bill, and recommended for passage as amended. Tho sennto adopted tho report of tho committee of tho whole. Some of the bills introduced wore: lly Senator Heapy, to repeal the act creating a state llvo stock commission; by Senator Leo relating to tho prohibi tion of the manufacture and sale of elL'iirettes: a lolnt resolution by Sena tor Sykes proposing to amend suctions 1 and 2 oi nrticio ir oi tnu consiuuuon of tho stato of Nebraska so as to pro vide for submitting constitutional amendments at special elections and providing thntii majority of tho votes cast on tlio proposition Is snlllolent for udoption, Adjourned to 10 a. m, Saturday. A NEW APPORTIONMENT. A Mill Itoduelnic tho Itepreneiitoton of ewxllieMterii Counties. rteprc'cntatlve Sheldon of Dawea county has Introduced a bill for a reapportionment ot the state for Icf-lnUtlve purposes. Thu bill Is based on tho vote of lsS6 and ro duces the apportionment of the southeast ern counties ot tho state taken as a whole, though Douglas county H given three teiiutora and twelve representatives, Hired representatives more thin ut present, and Lancaster county Is given an additional rpprcientltlve-at-InrgB to be elected by O.ige and Lancaster county electors. That pjirt of the state west of the sixth prin cipal meridian got llfty-three represcn tatlvos. The number of senatorial on iric's are reduced from thirty to twenty eight nnd the representative districts In creased from slxty-elht to soventy-slx. SENATORIAL DI8TIUCTS. The senatorial districts uro a3 fotkws: First ItlchanWon und Pawnee counties, one senator. Second Nemaha und Johnson, one. Third (Jage, one. Fourth-Otoe, Cass and Sarpy, two. Fifth Lancaster, two. Sixth Douglas, three. Seventh-Suunders and Dodge, one. Klghth Washington, Hurt und Thurston, Nlnth-Cumlns;. Wayno nnd Stanton, me. Tenth-Dakota, Dixon and Cedar, one. Kleventh-PUtte and Colfax, one. Twelfth-Madison, Pierce and Knox, one. Thirteenth Polk and York, one. Fourteenth llutler and Seward, one. Fifteenth-Hamilton, Merrick and Nance, one. Sixteenth-Saline and JcffeMon, one. Seventeenth Fillmore nnd Clay, one. Dlghteenth Thayer. Nuckolls and Web ster, one. Nineteenth Hall, Hgvard and Sherman, one. Twentieth Adams and Kearney, one. Twenty-first Buffalo nnd Dawon, one. Twentv-pecond Custer. Valley, Oarlleld, Loup, Blnlnc, Thomas, Hooker, and arant, lino. Twenty-thlrd-Antclopc, Boone, Greeley nml V-hwlpr. one. Twenty-fourth-Holt. Boyd, nock, Brown, Keya Paha nnd Cherry, one. Twenty-fifth Lincoln, Logan, McPher son, Arthur, Deuel. Keith. Cheyenne, Per kins, Chaio nnd Dundy, one. Twenty-slxth-Sherldan, Dawes, Sioux. Box Butte. Scotts' Bluff, Banner and Klmhill, one. Twenty-seventh Franklin, Harlan, Phelps and Gosper, ono. Twenty-olghth-Furnas, Bed Willow, Frontier, Hitchcock and Dundy, one. IIKPHESUNTATIVH DISTRICTS. The follow iiiB are the representative ills trlcti: First Richardson, two representatives. Second Nemaha, one. Third Johnson, one. Fourth Pawnee, one. Fifth Richardson, Nemaha, Johnson and Pawnee, one. Sixth Otoe, two. Seventh Cass, two. Eighth-Cam und Sarpy, one. Ninth Douglas, twelve. Tenth Washington, one. Kleventh Burt, one. Twelfth Cuming, one. Thlrteenth-Cunilng, Burt and Wash. liiKton, one. Fourteenth-Dodge, two. Fifteenth Saunders, two. Slxtconth Saunders and Dodge, one. Seventeenth Lancaster, live. Eighteenth Gage. two. Nlntecnth Lancaster and Onge, one. Twentieth Saline, two. Twenty-first Jefferson, ono. Twen'y-second Thayer, one. Twenty-third Fillmore, one. Twcnty-fourth-Jefferson, Thayer and 'Fillmore, one. Twenty-fifth Seward, one. Twenty-sixth Butler, ono. Twenty-aovonth Butler and Seward, one. Twenty-eighth York. one. Twenty-ninth Hamilton, one. Thirtieth Polk, one. Thirty-first York, Hamilton and PolK, one. Thlrty-iecond-Colfax. one. Thirty-third Platte, one. Thirty-fourth Madison, one. Thirty-fifth Madison and Stanton, one. Thlrty-flxth-Platte, Madison, Stunto and Colfax, one. Thirty-seventh Wayne, one. Thlrty-elghth-DIxon, one. Thlriy-nlnth-Ceilur, one. Fortieth Dakota and Thurston, ono. Forty-first Knox, one. Forty-second Knox and Pierce, one. Forty-third Antelope, ono. Forty-rourin iioone, one. Forty-fifth Nance and Boone, one. Forty-.slxth-Merrlck, one. Forty-seventh Hall, one. Forty-elKhth-IIall and Sherman, one. Forty-ninth Howard, one. Fiftieth Buffalo, two. Fifty-Unit Valley und Oreelcy, one. Fifty-second Custer and Logan, two. Fifty-third Holt. one. Fifty-fourth Holt, Hoyd ana Rock, one. Flfty-llfth-Greelcy. Valley. GarlelJ. Wheeler, Loup, Blaine, Thomas, Hooker and Grant, one. FIfty-sIxth-Cherry, Brown and Keya Paha, one. .,,, Fifty-seventh Box Butte and Sheridan, Flfty-elshthDawes and Sioux, one. Klfty-nlnth Dawson, one. Sixtieth-Lincoln, one. Sixty-first Scotts' Bluff. Banner, Kim ball, Cheyenne, Deuel, Arthur and Mo Pherson, one. Slxty-second-Clay. one. Sixty-third Nuckolls, one. Sixty-fourth Webster, one. Slxty-llfth-Clay, Nuckolls and Webster, one. Sixty-sixth Adams, one. Sixty-seventh Kearnoy, one. SIxty-elRhth Kearney and Adams, one, SIxty-nlnth-Franklln, one. Seventteth-IIarUn, one. Seventy-llrst-Phelps, one. Seventy-second Furnas, one. Soventy'-thlrd Gosper and Frontier, one. Sevemy-fourth-Red Willow, one. Seveniy-nfth-Hltchcock, Hayes, Chase and Dundy, one. Seventy-sixth Dawson, Perkins, Lincoln Keith, Frontier and Gosper, one. Dr.tmr.tlo Jealousy. Urst Thosplnn I guoss wo will have unothur Italian actor besides Salvlnl protty soon. Second Thosplnn What's his name? First Thosplnn I don't know yot. All I know Is that I read In a paper tho other day that n statuo of a boxer bus boon takon up from tho QulrinaJ hill in Homo. Texas Slftlngs. A Younir 1'lillosoplicr. lie is only G, nnd he has beort quoted in print boforo. Ills humor la natural und unconscious, aud in ad dition ho has a faculty of reasoning by analogy that would bo vuluublo toV many an adult head. Ills little sister ' was visiting u neighbor girl, and his iimnimu requested him to go und on cort hot' homo. "Mummn," ho replied, "whon we woro in tho country lust utimmor Mrs. Myers uskoil Mr. Myciy to go and get tho cows. Mr. Myors said, You po und get thorn yourself,'" and the llttlo philosopher consldcrod ttio sub ject bovond furtUor debute. I 1 .-! 4 4 rsasi iWi.nVKmnt WMUaVSIMtf-tM KM mimT,a mmrnmmmwq fcA.1 M-A