'.knMrj&$mZJiJLA'&J2:Mi -. ---. zM.nmr,. 8 THE RED CLOUD CHIEF, FRIDAY, JAN. 29, 1897. 1 & in sttr.-z? ,,?KifrMttiMiylf'& W W w "7 vv v u .! t r,y w w 'r w w w Pa'Iis from a Bad CS Liver and enn be Cured by Using V ;'-! frjnrn fcHFUMATEM 1 MEAN'S LIVEB AND KIDNEY BALM A Certain Rcnrdy for Diseases of the Liver, Kidneys and Urinary Organs AT DnUG(ItST3 imce, st. oo pen DOTTLC m THE Dn. J.H. Moti AN ML DICING CO., ST. uouin. mo. aAA. a ti i..,....T.i...i.. i. mnnRcT MnnvR lo t X IUUlllll.i;W IUILUIC IU UIU U1UUUJI IIUIVIMU t SCIATICA. Q Inrnhc Oil ' - . - w a. UUVVIIU wm t It turns back the screw. -It unwind the twist IT S00TIIU5.-IT CURI2S. NO KIKTIIIW PAIN. THE CHIEF AND Farmer BOTH S ONLY $1.35- STEPS IN BEEKEEPING. EXCELLENT HAY CAP. flow to Protect Murks Kffertiially from lluln unit Suit. Whore liny In stacked out of doors for re eril months, It will pay to hecttte Jnuluillii); thn FARMERS' ALMANAC Described Below. liy apticlM arrangement with t he ptil1lhrrs we nro enntilcd for tlio II ml time tonfrcr thn OltANlIK JUIID KAIIMKIt, tlio lend III); ngrl cultiiriil weekly of tlio Ventral Wrul, In club with (hit pnpur. Tlio Oiiamik Juun PAIlMKIl la rcmarknhlo for tlio vnrloty nml Intercut of Its content, nml l tlio nlilrat, Iseit, and tnoit practical paper of IU kind. ITS FARM FEATURES, SJ.Sr.K'.l: culture, 1'oultry, Market Hardening and other topics, written liy practical mid aticccss f ul farmers, supplemented with llluatratlnna tiy able artists, comhliio to tnnko It Invnliiabln to those who 'farm It for n living." Thn latest Market and Commercial Agriculture nro features In which TliK Faiimkh In un excelled. THE FAMILY FEATURES: E!,8'!: loni, Fancy Work, Thn Good Cook, I'liiiln Conteiti, Library Corner, mid Young Folk' Page, coniblno to make thin Department of ni much valtio and Interest as most of the Bpoclul family I'apers. W-A SAMPLE COPY XXSTXxflt mailed to you by addressing the OltANOK JU FAItMKlt. Chicago, III. r I 1 T" " Mndlna; rinnirs rrir r their .ubicrip. BfSTSafj ej siwi. sin uiwtn- I llLataly,wu Include " "" the AMERICAN AORlCIILTimiHT WKATHER FORECASTS AND FARMERS' ALMANAC. Thla great book of 600 paw contains BTATIBTICS ON AUUltlUI.TURK, KAIL ROADS, SCHOOLS, POLITICS, WKATIIEK, CITIES, t'OI'NTIKS, STATES, C'OI'NTRIES, VEOI'LCniid a thniuiiiiil thliiRi you would never think of until ymi hnil consulted this Kliint of useful lufornintlnn. It nlsocontalii wrntlicr fori'ensts for everyday In tlioyenr, and Villi lo found of thn urc.'itcat u" ' nuswrrlnK tlio thoiitauds of iiucstloim Hint constantly arise In regard to dates, places, persons, statistics, etc. SlIlilllFF'S SAl.F. Notice Is hi'icM kImmi tint iiuilrr iitul hy vlr tue of an nnler hi sale lsurd from ilioilircof .mines lliirdfii clerk of the District Coiul of the Tenth .linllelitl IHMrlrl. wlililn Hint to.- Well Mert'ininiy XvIiiiiIh, iioii iitlecreeluiitiHrtlou elnlliiK llit'telu, uheri'lu tn'orce I' Lewis Is 1'liillilin and HKiilust IIiiiikIiis .1 Mjt'l-, .Maud Miers, .lelU'iMin (1, M)ets. ami Mis, .Myers, utilise real tlrsl mime l unknown ilefenilauts. I shall oiler fur sale ill pillule uimtuc. to the lilKhest hhhler for cash In IhiihI at the east iloor of the court liur. at Iti'il ( loll . Neli rHska, (that helnK the linllillm; wherein Ihn last term of sulci evurl was hidden) on the 4th din tif .litiiuitr). A, I). IMiT. at tine o'clock p.m. of said day. the follow lue property, towlt: I.olsoue (I.) two ('.,) ttiree CI.) four (1.1 "'l the (." ) In hloek iiuiaher twenty two CI-'. In hmlth and Moores ii4dltlou In the city of llrd ('loud, Nchrusln, (liven under my hand tlUs M day of Deieiu her. A. II. imw. J. W. ItitMiiBV. blicrltr. Jaxk Mc.N'int. 1'lslntlirs Attorney 'I'lils sale Is loiitluucd for want of didders until Kehruar) lltth. IWlT. at one o'clock p.m. (liven under my hand this Till day of .Iitiiuary. A. I), I WW. .1. V. ItUMilKT, sherllT. Mid-Wintor IToliday natos. For fJlii'lHtiunt anil Now Vinr ltoli ilnj", will sell tioktdx In pnlnH within !)0D mill's at into (if faro titnl llilril for lottml l.'ip. Mliiliiiiini selling rutu of llfty cottls. Dales of s:lc DcL't'inljcr 'Jlth, tu'Jwlli, mid lilst, 1BUI) nml .luniiury 1st, 1!7; llniil icliini limit .Iminiifv llli, I8!)7. . Conoveii, Agl. - - Comfort to California. Kvdiy Tliiirsiltiy iiftoi'iiomi ti tourist sliicpiiig cur for Salt Luk City, San Frmiiiihco mid I.o.s Angeles luavcs Ointiliu ami Lincoln ria tlio lttirlitiL'ton Hoitti'. It is cai'iudi'il; tiplKilstiMcif in i .tttiiti ; liu.s spring .scat.s nml Imuks mnl w prnviilcil wild curtains, hriltliii";, tuvvcls, .iiiap, cir. An tixiii'i ioni'oil ex cursion I'ontliictor anil itiiifniiui'il I'ull iiiiiii poller acciiiuPtiio it t In oiiIi in tlio paeillc fnast. Wliiii- ni'ltlicras ex pensively linUlicd nor at linn to lookid hh a piilacii .slfupor, it ih jutt us good to riile in, Seeoinl elnss tickets mo honored and the priuu of a north, wide enoiiffli and dig enniiRh for two, is only t5. For a folder uiviutr full particu lain, call at tlio neui est U. & AI.lt. It. tickut oflU-o. Or, write to .1. Francis, (ionoral l'as.soiiKi'r Agent, HurliiiKton Itoutn, Onmlin, Neb. Item to Amid Hie lloeLsoii Wlilrli lle'n ners I stetlly Spilt. The first Htep l to gi t ti (,'ood txt liook on iK-e-Kecpliitr tii.d siii 'y It thoroughly, 1 in n (- I .ii :hci i . f nnd Bttidy that. I'nm a third eotildlio prolltahly ndd d to f." li-f. If n hcv It co pern' comeution should Imj held ucnr by, attend that; If not, visit neighbor-hip; liepkeipers unil "Uilk IhhV with thcni jK-rhapH thU would be bettor than tlio oidinary boo eoinentlonn, though botJi are good. After thi, If It Is the Inten tion to make of beekeeping a simuiiiI LiislnuNS, niuch time may be saved by spending nt lonatone sciuton with fonio professional nplitrist. If this cannot lxi done, the bct vwi.v will lx to Ixgin fit linnie with ii few colonic, nnd allow the lwt") ami the knowledge to keji pace one with the other. Thu beginner In quite likely to intikeMmemlitnkei', ami It Ih better to n.uke them with umnll number of colonic. I'enhop tn tol oniea would IwHitflleieiit to begin uilli. Many reeonimend buy ingeIieiipeiilonle of lilncliH In box liiien, traiusforring them to mn cable frames, and Italian izing them; hut tniiiiifcrrlng an usunlly doni! Ih a ery diwigreeable job, rcqu'r ing some Irene, patience and skill, and Eeetiit nenreely (he proper work nt ..1.1. 1, i 1 !.. 1.. ,l..ll...t .1.... VWllVll to S'-l II iium-v. in Jiiintiiii'.IMK KennUItM nt u llun. ltr...lrr theie la nlso a ri-U of losiut ntiocnn. ' in it... knr.i...r,li i.....ii... ,r ,... imrtieularly If the wot k is done by an I ,; ,, breeder must br a lover of the horn cap to ran. GOOD HAY large sheet of old ciiiimik and Htreteli oertlle utack, pinning the corners b. i driving a peg in the stnek. The Ian N ii niodillc'ition of the sninller liny citjiv ii ed tixieiiMely In the field, during tip- hi liaiMKt. when rainy weather pirl d -lily eoinex on. Htieh a eap will ef- ! fci fnnlly Keep rain and t.n..'.. from ('", ' li.i,-. tiiii" r-ni.epng It f.ir mote nil' lions nnd imlaUible to mock. Farm j nod flotne. ' VANKirt OINQIII bM Uag TraubtM, DtbUltrdiitiM wnuiwiii irnu. wnry TONIO ur. auoMuaf mauum Bitltaf nnswMBSlli rooUtw ud Imlid tkcmii hr It Almanac tUASSBPSISft PARKIR't M HAIR AHAWf , Hint MIim Minanf TW Mcufc Miss Maria Parloa Is Admitted to he the IchcIIiik American authority on cooklnicshe Says, "Use a Kiioil stock for the foiiiiiliitlou nf soups, sauces ami ninny other things, and the hest slock Is Leibig Company's Extract of Beef?' too of Miss Parloa's rccc!pl ent lirmMiy llaucliy .V. Co.. tr I'ark 1'laie New York mil TIME TAHLE. H & M. U.Y Mil) Cl.uriK XFIlll. UXCOL.Y ' OMAHA CHJ 'A10 st .(: am.v.sm.s ci tv ST I.OFIS ,nul all mints fit.! nml south. ni:x i :. HFl.KXA IWTTK SALT LAKE r'V FOllTLASb .S'..V FII.IXCISCO mul nil tuiuts iir.il. RANDOLPH McNl'lT, ATTORNEY ui COUNSELOR AT LAW, Special attention to Coniineiviul unit Probate. Litigation. MOON BLOCK, IiF.l) CLOUD, NF.BKASKA XOT1CH. Notice Is herrhy iftven tlmt th umlrrsUned hae usioclsled thrinselres ui:vtlier for the purpoie ef hceomlii liirorpurtted under the laws of tae stst of Nehrnkkit. 'I'll name of such corporation shall ho the I'litt AKteenCempimy. The principal place ef transaction Its basinets shall he nt Red I'leud, Wehster county, Nchras' ka. Tlie tenernl nature ef the bushiest to he IrHnssctrif hy Mid corporation Is the Inlying, elllii(aiid deilllil Kcnerally In real, luinhtr and hulldlng material ef all kinds. The amount of capital stock autherlr.nl Is Ten Thousand dollaia the whole aineiuit of which shall he nalil In within leu data after the llllnir of the sr iloles of Incorporation. The time of the cam meucrnealof said corporation la January Htk. A. I). 1WT, aad the same shall be teriulualed on theKthdayof.lanuary, A. D.IBI7. The hlxhest anion u t ef Indebtedness or liability to which said ceriieratlua shall at any time subjact Itself Is lx Thousand Dollars. The affair ef the corporatlen will te conducted by a board of three director! who shall elect from their ewn number a resident, vice president, secretary and treasurer whe shall have such pewers In tbe actlto maiiaieiaent ef said ceriKiratloii as may be ceaferred upon them by the by-laws ur the articles of Incorporation ef salil cor poratlnn. I)atel. Red Cloud. Neh January Hth. IW. . M. KlIKIK, I'.J ri.4TT. M.M. 1'I.ATT, TIIAISS IKATK AS 1'OLI.Ons: No, ill!. Krelcht, dally eitept ."unday for Vniuie mid all point east :i)T a. in No, trt. I'asseUKer, dally for St. Joe. Kansas City, Atrhlson, St. bonis and all points east and south ..... tftitXia in. N. 11'.'. Acroniuiodatlou, dally except Minday. HastliiL's. Oram! Is lvnd. Illark lllhs and all iioluts In the northwest 1 :" p.ai, n, III Acconimodatloii, dally except Sunday, Oberlln. Kansas, and Intermediate stations, via lie publican.. . .... . I2:h.'ip.ia. No, fd, Freight, dally. W nitre and M. Joe and Intermediate Jiiuciloii tailnts , l:'Jup.M. No. M. Kremhl. dally for Kepiihllraii Orleaiis.tlxforilaudall points west iu::1m,bi, No. 10, 1'ii'aeiiKer. dally, llenver, all points ui coiaradn, Ulah and tauioriua H:llln nepiiiK, oiuiiiK. ami reciiuiuit cuair cars' (scats free) on through trains. Tickets sold and baginiKit checked to any polat In the t'ulted Slates or Canada. for Information, time bibles, maps or tickets cull on or address A, Cenovcr. Aiicnt. Iter! cloud, Nebr. or J. Francis, (leueral Passeuxer AKcm. 'wniia, .icaraiaa. P JhMtf Ckltktstr, l.vallth laaM llraad. EHHYROYAL PILLS Arte tvlwftji rtlUWl. iadi k I UruiM tut Cktchnttr JWnA . X ww4 M rm4 to Kr4 uJ Ooi I LifullwXVr Mm. tlil vlib Muo rif)hn. TaiWo W inoltir Meu9tianftrMiMmUutu tiomanU imttMH'H$ Ailruf(ifti.r nt l i tUni M HrMculr, -tli-tiiiiti Ulleaaf ffalf I.UilIl It titttt It e.li.n nw Ul R. T. Potter. Attorney. LFUAI, NOTICE. In the District Court of Webster County. N nr ska Cllllord J. I'ope. I'laluiill, I s. WlllUm II Heed. l.ydlaV M llted. Sinuel V. I Heed, Defendants, 1 The sjiote named defendant f auiiiel Y Heed will I le uollce llial on Ilia'Jsih iIhv of li,im. Ier. Is'.si, (ihilniltT herein lllcd his petition in thu Dlsiilei Court of Webster eouiily, Nehiaska. iiK'ilus still defeudanis.ilie nbjei t nml prujer of whh h are 1 1 foreclose u rertalu murt iraire I'Mculed hy the ilefemlauts William D Ih I'd ami l,iln M. Heed lo C, I,. I'ope nnd. which suld not" ami moriKSKe were before inul'Mll) dul as. lined, delheied and trans lemd in thl nhilu I tr. upon lot number four id In block umber ihtce (it), In Murey's addition bit if town of It uellill, .Nebraska, to serine thu pa)iiicul of a rertalu promissory nop) ilaltil September Ulli. IMr.'. fer Iho tuiu of Wl.i,du an i tf)Hble nun jear from dale thereof; that Ihcie Is iiowdtie iisiit said nolo and ninilKitstt ine -nut f I',U) with Intereat at tlio rate of leu per cent pur iiuiuuu from the lath da) of (icioli.T. '!, tor which nuui plaluillT pras for a id ice lion iii-iiiiniitiiip nil ciiiircn in pay tut) Minn1 or Unit suld premises may be suld to s .1 s j the iiiimuni found due plaintiff. You ii-c reiiiled limn wer said petition on or be i ii '-tdnyvf Maieh IH'IT. 1) PI liinneryiu, IVJT, Ci.uroHu J. Poric, Hy Hoar. T. I'itteh, Ms attorney, 411 Inexpetleneed person. Still, ifonehtiH plenty of determination and little money tills coin se may be ad Isable. It Is much more pleasant, hoeer, fortho beginner to liegin w 1th ItaJians In mov tiblo comb hlve.s. Spring Ih the beat, time to buy bees, and it w better to get them uu near homo us powdble, n.s exprcMt oluirges nre very heavj'. and long journeyH uro likely to Injure the colonics. 1 would iuIvIhc een a beginner to buy black Isees In box hives uwir home, and then traiiHfer anil Italianize, rather than have bee nhipped many hundreds of miles. The cost of beginning in lee-keeping might be estimated something aa fol Iowb: ' Bee literature 6. no Hee-Hinokcr and veil I.W) Ten colonies of tiers nt 15 tn.CO New tilveH for swnrms 10. 00 Sections und comb foundations........ 10.00 Total S7G.G0 It might be well for the beginner to produce attracted honey at first, In which cose an extrnotor would be need ed. ThU oofits about ten dollars, but no sections would be needed, nor ho much foundations, though there would be seeded some vessels La which to store the honey. The one thing that the be ginner need to avoid in producing ex tracted honey la extracting too closely, taklngr away too much honey and leav ing the bee short of store. No honey should be taken from tiie brood neat. Another rock upon which the begin ner la likely to split, la dividing colonic too early, too frequently or too late. To allow each colony to swarm once, if it will, and prevent after-ewarminfr, would be a safe plan for a beginner to foUow-untry Gentl THE aiRL LOVID A PEELER. Iks Married Hlao, Too, and Gave Him a Fortune. Some man are born lucky, and ex Policeman Thomas James Macfarlane Is one of them, says the London Daily News. Macfarlane has Just retired from the metropolitan police force after three years' service, with a "good con duct" certificate, and he leaves the 'orco because of the acquisition of riches by his marriage with an Irish lady residing in Llnilcnganlens, Ohl wlok. She is, according to tho Ulch mond and Twickenham Times, a lady belonging to a wealthy and historic Irish family, claiming on tho maternal side descent from the undent Irish race of the O'NcIHh, the O'Hagens nnd ' tlio O'Donovans, the first of which claim In early days an unbroken line of kings In Ireland for some hundreds of yearn. She is said to possess Im portant estates In Ireland, which she had made over to her husband, so that tho ex-ChUwlck policeman has now become an Irish landlord. Tbe story of the Introduction and courtship as de scribed hy the local newspaper is inter elng. It stated that Police Constable Macfarlane first attracted the attention of his future wife by the manner In which he acquitted himself In stopping a runaway horse In the high road, Chls- wick. A casual acquaintance soon sprang into fast friendship. The lady herself admits it was a case of love at first sight. But as soou as her friends became aware that u policeman was paying his addresses to her they tried by all means within their power to stop the acquaintance and even went to the length of reporting .Macfarlane to the commissioner. The policeman, how ever, was not to be deuled and the op posit lea, a in alt true love affairs, de feated U object and brought the parties closer tegsthsr, with the result of an early marriage. It must indeed bavo been a pleasant experience for Macfar lane, when out on a long tour of duty, as well as a source of amusement and profit to the Galswtck cabmen, to be followed on his beat, as It la said he was, by his sweetheart In a hansom ladsn with refreshments; or, it by chance she felt indisposed, the servant would, it is further atated, be sent oil a similar erraad. Doth have now left ChUrwlok aaa intend, It is believed, to lead a retires life In the west of Eag aaafj. Mrs. Maotarlans, prior to her aiamage, was Miss Kathleen Batham raoraaill, aad was born at Castlekerla, aear Mallow, Oeunty Cork, which rer fenerettoaa was tbe seat of the Thorn alii family la tae south of Ireland. She la highly accompllshod and has a grao Is highly accomplished, and has a gracstil Igure and handsome features. What l, as somo will think, more te the purpose, she has Inherited a con siderable fortune. Up to a few years ago oho was a well known figure In Dublin society, never miming u state ball or concert. The Dadham-Thorn-sli are a well knows Oeunty Oerk family. n tp.e llrst reqtrjiiu.', ami, Kocotid, r." . ti ust be a person of horse sense nml ' I'.impt'jn, ii ml v.!,cn lie has lhee i-i rii'Flt"s he will le cnurftantly sttid ' I. ,; the subject anil getting what light 1: cat from thu live stock journal, ii' d In IiIh study of the animals tinder h's care will hooii learn what foods are best suited for each individual animal, 'intl thus fred so (lint his eolta will thrive and his horses will remain free 'nun disea.we. while, his neighbor, lock 'i g these requisites, will be constantly liavlngsleknessnnd misfortune. Rural World Life was a Burden Nearly Distracted. Doctors ami Medicine Failed. CUBED BY TWO BOTTLES. .-..-- m r mmmaaw - OTS mm Dunkiiik. N. Y., May 8, 18M. Dr. M. M. Fknnkr. Fredonla, N. Y. Dar Sir: I was bilious and nervous and my life becamu u burden to me. Lost appetite and strength and had terrible hoaduchus, liotli nervous und bilious. Doctors and remedies hud failed to bene fit and I wu:i nearly (IHti acted. Finally a bottles of your Illood and Liver Remedy und Xnrve Tonic complete lv restored inc. I thank you fur making it possible to nrociiro u remedy nt Mien power lor gooa. I feel that I own my II fo to it" FOR SALE BY C. L COTTINfi. SOUTH SIDB SAMPLE ROOMS. JOHN POLNIOKY. i'ROlMUKTOR. DKAI.i:it IN Wines, ' Liquors, California Brandies. I iV l)Dl? DlHKi HIlMl l)IU0 ipiM ALWAYS ON TAP. iv',a',.fxeasaa lMHBiaBHMWmlBSgrKarSJ Careata, and Trade-Marks obtained and alt Pat ent butlneu conducted for MaacnaTC rets. OUNOrrtecisOrpesiTcU.a.PATCNVOrriecf, and wecaaierure patent in lul time tuan tneMS remote irom nasningiun. ... . ' Send model, drawing or photo., with descrip tion, we aavite, u patenuuie or not, trca ui 'li.rM Ou, fm nnt tin. III! njtnt Is secured. a Paal'HLIT. " Uo" Obtain Patents," with cost of aame in the i tent tree. Address, C.A.SNOW&CO. A P4MPHLKT, liowiouutain raicnis, wim I aame in ins u, o. ana iweibh """' oep. pare nt Orncc, Washinston. . C. CASTOR I A For Infanta and Children. nihf alls 6d la mm Wc&JL t5 i I i a AN'cCclablcI'rcparalioitrorAs slmitaliutl ilicFood niulI2ct ula- UnrJ Hie StonKiclis mvlDowcb of ar iTirZ-i uaU.JiJI'W ProniolesDitfcslion.Cliccrfut ncssnndnob'.Coiildlnsnclllicr Opnim.Morphinc norMincial. NotN Ait COTIC. .WeofOMrrSUaTLHlTMll Jiit!J,tn Sit it ' .llwStimii Stiit Jlfinwit -Ji Qiftuna&SoJit 4 limn Si td - Climfiid imiiir UinAiyntfi flaitn Apcrfccl Remedy forConstipa lioit, Sour Stomach.Diorrhoca, and Loss OF SLEEP. Tae Simile Slgnolurc of NEW YORK. SEE THAT THE FAC-SIMILE SIGNATURE OF- EXACT COPY OF WRAPPER. IS ON THE WRAPPER OP EVERY BOTTLE OIP GASTORIA Castorla la put np In one-slzo bottles only. It 1j not gold In bulk. Don't allow anyone to tell yon nnythlng die on the plea or promise that It Is "Just as good" and "will answer every par pose." See that joa got O-A-B-T-O-K-I-A. The fi:- stalls SIX SYJaZ&. ii ea vlJiAJ7w&&JltAt "" najjrw ef TWO FOR THE PRICE OF ONE sj ianxsi, k 4ai4 $1 Will pay for this Paper for Ono Year, and a Yoar's Subscrip tion to The Western r?l CHICAGO, ILL. The Old Reliable Farm and Family Journal, $1.00 a year. A Farm Paper that is always in the front rank,' printing each week from 32 to 40 pnges of such matter as will inform the mind and swell the pocket-book, as well as delight the hearts of the Farmers Household, To this combination of the two leaders of their class Tlis Sooi Keis PipGiv Best Farm Paper will be added, provided advantage is taken of this offer at once bot'i one year, postpaid, at the extremely low price of $ in nivai.;c. nnd v.""'l gi"c c each subscriber to this combination offer who pays ten ci.n1 a additional for ron"e and pn.:kiug, TWSKTV PACKfTS OF SEEDS .""fPIsv Thcw seeds 1 ret' ' r' 11 ' mw- .-'":" " ' -'.. ' " 1st '.' ' . '" ;;. .tfc.uJHriii d. -. - 1 1 n e -t . ' . '. 1 .s. , nr '1 "1 ' I 11,-1,. 1 I M. -s 1. I U' I i .i Vu Alo J I. oo:;aaesasoovcis ii if LOG- -the- $1.00: Weekly Iiter OceaN, i The Greatest Republican Paper of the West. ! s J TTls the most stalwart and unswerving Republican Weekly pub- X lished today and can always be relied upon for fair and honest re- j 2 ports of all political affairs. 1 HrSfA. The Weekly Inter Ocean Supplies All of the News btv iHS and the Best of Current Literature. SPii It is Morally Clean, and as a Family Taper is Without a Peer. 1 Its Literary Columns are equal to those of the best magazines. tts Youth's Department is the finest of Its kind. IttirlnKB to the family tbe Naw of the. Kntir World and gives the best and nblcii illscuanlons of all questions of the day. The Inter Ocean lves twelve pare of roadlne matter each week und being pnhllshed In hlrntro Ih better adapted to the needs of tho people west of tho Alleghany Mountains than any other paper. : $1.00 KJWSgjaNEjooyMtf $1.00 a a iSAiaHi LIMfS W.-Okl ilL ftSfc I llet t ti'iklt nrup. 't'ostva (iisio. Usui 1 1 iin.iv w. 1 liy tinui'ists 0 33s33afBal i ails. smi UsbSJI lavtaGflsaH The Daily and Sunday Edl- tlons of Tbe Inter Ocean are (be best or tbeir kind a a I'rlce of Dally br mall H.00 ncr vrari r'rlce of Sunday by mall $2.00 per yrar Dally and Sunday by mall 10.00 per year Addrraa TUB INTKH OCEAN, Chicago. J The Chief and Weekly Inter-Ocean one year ior $1.35. RIPA-N-S ui - The modern stand mm m ard Family Medi- w cine: Cures the Jjj common every-day " ills of humanity. U rsassrsw O Ssaif J. S. EMIG-H, DENTIST. PAINLESS DENTISTRY ! YOU VfANT IT. Cmwd Bridge Work or Teeth Without Natts. Y FOItCEUIN INLAT, And all tbe latest Improvement Is dental utch aultru. Wanted-ln Idea &$ Kpwswiv,,-arJftB-r s. j,i,v- .x "-t rrs- ri w wipwiit iisjtjaa mm imhi itijajmn aut(m m i nsw, -a X,- ti 4. j4jjj-