The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, January 29, 1897, Page 6, Image 6

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lT""ft$iRHyE "WWWIlK'
Can of the Mnnlnr Hun llrtitiitly Kill
lilt Father, nnil Thru tho Iti'inulnilrr
of the. Family lUrrU'Kilo Thcmaelve
la tho Cellar.
norco encounter
with neighbors and
officers put an end
to the wild ravings
of the rollgloiiHly
InsaneJorlo family,
JiiBt outside Vine
lantl, N. J., tho
other day. llccauso
his father, having
evidently recovered
torn hlfl craze, refused to continue- In
iho weird actions of his household and
had endeavored to quit his wlfo and
cons, ho wn-i cruelly hoaton to death
by Antonio, tho oldest boy. Tho shock
ing tragedy occurred In sight of Hsvernl
near-by farmers, who were anticipat
ing n tragic otttcomo of tho singular
case. They wcro powerless to prevent
tho murder, however. Tho maniacs
barricaded their houso when surround
ed and finally took refuge In the cellar,
to which tho ofTlcers had to cut their
way In order to take the fanatics Into
custody. The insano delusions of tho
Jorlos and their wild actions havo
given the authorities no end of trouble
Blnce August last, when a favorite son,
Betlsta, died. Then a bitter wall went
up from the farmhouse, and Under
taker W. K. Hates had difficulty In
burying tho body. Lulgl, who was tho
most violent, nailed a photograph of
the dead man on the codln. One night
Lulgl nrousrd tho family and told them
that he had been visited and Inspired
by tho Virgin Mary, and that everybody
must do as ho commanded. From that
day tho family entirely neglected their
farm and spent their tlmo supplicating
tho Virgin Mary by songs and prayer
on tho BtepB ut the Church of tho Sa
cred Heart and at the graveyard. Tho
trouble came to a crisis threu weeks
ngo, when the family was ancsted for
disturbing meetings of tho church. Tho
complaint wiu niado by the pastor, tho
Rev. Father filetrlck. I.ulgl, tho "In
spired" one, and Cliarles were sent to
Jail for ten days. The father at llrst
tried to pacify the sons, hut finally he,
too, caught tho Infection and danced
and saug around them;
Tim l'mully (Iron Wilder.
During Lulgl's Incarceration tho
Bother, father and Antonio, at homo
expected every mluutu that he would
shatter his coll, "smlto his oppressors,"
and return to his home. The fact that
the "Messiah" failed to perform that
miracle- did not weaken their faith Jn
hlra. Every day after Lulgl's return
homo the family grew wilder and mora
boisterous. Finally they closed and
barred the doors and windows, and
turned thotr barn-like houso into a ver
itablo fortress. Tho neighboring fann
ers lived in constant fear of tho crazed
Italian family, and often sat up nights
with windows open listening to tho
wild songs and dances, the sound of
which echoed over tho fields. Mr. J.
E. Cosman, a neighbor, said that pre
vious to tho son's death tho family
were perfectly sane, and wcro consid
ered good neighbors. Since then, the
neighbors say, tho family have acted
llko devll-wnrshlpors, and left their
crops to rot In tho ground. On Friday
last tho neighbors saw tho mother and
three sons hunting through tho woods
in all directions for tho father, who
apparently had conic to his senses nnd
-wanted tho family to stop their wor
ship. At noon on Monday tho father,
with four friends, one of whom was
John Dorglo, who canio from Italy with
him, walked up tp tho Jorlo farmhouse.
When tho father neared tho window
watching Antonio kill his fattier,
walked In an unconcerned manner
back Into tho house. Jonnthnn Wilde,
who wns working In n field near by,
and who witnessed tho foul murder,
rushed ta Farmer Cosman, who lives
opposite. Mr. Cosman then went to tho
next neighbor's, where lived tho Mac
Mshon family of three stalwart sons.
Samuel MacMahon seized a double-barreled
shotgun, Frank MacMahon IiIb re
volver, and both ran to the Jorlo farm.
With leveled weapons tho MacMahon
men chased Antonio Into tho house.
Yelled I.llie. Mniilttr.
William Camp, who also saw tho
murder, ran to Vlneland quickly and
aroused tho police. Constables Nick
erson and Fowler, with several depu
ties, wcro driven In hasto to tho Jorlo
farm. On tholr arrival they found tho
house was securely barred and all was
quiet within. Tho constnblcs ordered
tho family to come out, but tho sons
hurled back oattm of defiance. Tho con
stables, assisted by Messrs. Joseph
Spencer and Dixie Harris, seized nxes
and proceeded to batter down tho
door. In a few minutes the houso was
surrounded by fully a scoro of farmers
and hunters, armed with rovolvcrs nnd
officers wcro breaking In they descend
ed to the cellar and commenced to
scream. The ringing of a bell was
heard at Intervals. Tho officers nnd
deputies wcro finally forced to tear up
the floor with axes In order to reach
tho maniacs. With great difficulty they
hauled up tho cntlro family. Lulgl,
"tho Inspired one," appeared In a dying
condition. Ills feet wore swollen and
covered with blood. Antonio screamed
and fought tho officers, who finally
lauded him In a 'bus and held him
They Will (lunril tlm Upper t.nke In
Time of Feitec lint Will 1'rovo Vittn
Jc Weapon Hhoiilil Kngtutid llciomn
Ohtrepcrou. i
(Washington Letter.)
Y AN net of tho
last congress the
revenue cutter Bcr
vlco was so fortu
nate as to secure
appropriations for
two new steel ves
sels for duty upon
the great lakes. Tho
pluiiH for these
boats havo Just
been completed,
And In n short while tho contracts will
bo nwarded to tho builders. These ves
sels are two of the five modern ciaft
Intended to supplant the old wooden
ships of the sorvlco, no, longer equal
to tho present demands for greater
speed and wider efficiency, and every
thing contrlbutlve to their effectiveness
and tho comfort of tholr complements
has been carefully considered. Hy
them tho government and commerce at
largo will be appreciably aided, and,
too, our lake fleet will be augmented by
a. couple of handy craft nusccptlble of
quick and easy conversion into effec
tive fighting ships. The agreement of
1817 between our government nnd
Brent Britain, following upon the treaty
3f 1814, limited the nnval display on the
great lakes to one vessel on the part
3f each power. To that end the Unit-
room and n dining-room. Forward, on
the berth deck, there will bo four stnto
rooms for tho stcernge officers, togeth
er with n mess, and ample space with
out for the accommodation of the crew.
The regular armament will consist of
one slx-poundcr rapid-fire gun mount
ed on the forecastle deck; but In case
of naval co-operation, they are so de
signed and constructed that each may
parry a. main battery of six four-Inch
rapid-fire guns und an auxiliary force
of eight or ten slx-pounder guns. So
nrmed, they would prove very valuable
dispatch boats, blockaders or effective
commerce destroyers, and with the "t
tlng of the handling nnd launching
mechanisms for the ordinary empty
bow torpedo tube, these boats would bo
welcome factors to our naval force. In
everything contrlbutlvo to efficiency,
habltnblllty and comfort the vessels
are essentially modern, nnd thcro 13
nniplc room for n larger complement
and tho storage of ammunition should
they be called Into requisition for na
val service. Aside from their possible
usefulness hb nnval co-workers, these
vessels arc but needed agents In a serv
Ire at once pitted ugnlnst development
in every direction where power and
speed may mean tho preservation of
property nmountlng to millions, aside
from the collection of customs dues and
tho performance of Its distinctively
routine duties.
Vim tJelnha nnd Her llrllllint .Mind
.lohii IIiiU'n DiiuRhter f.ueMng In
Mini Thing lUrept Kitting and Lawn
Ilniwn County, Nulirimkn, Ha Fair
I'opnlUt Lawyer.
Chadron (Neb.) Letter.
Miss Estcllo Mae Davlsson, who was
recently elected to tho office of county
attorney In Drown county, Is one of
the best and one of the brightest law-
down. Some of tho men shouted to
burn tho houso down In order to get
the cntlro family; but finally tho ma
niacs wcro removed to tho lockup at
Vlneland. There they screamed and
yelled llko caged demons.
jSM-. rr op&i&iwr-
A Funeral (lift.
Tho queen Is nn expert nnd Indefat
Igable knitter. During tho last Egypt
Ian campaign she and tho Indies of tho
household employed themselves In
knitting quills, 'which, nt tho end of the
war, were sent to Netley hospital for
the use of the wounded.
Ono of these, mado entirely by Her
Majesty and bearing an elaborate V.
R. in the center, was tho covering par
excellence of the Institution, and In
universal demand for a tlmo.
In nsscssing tho claims of tho candi
dates for the honor of slcoplng under
It, tho mcdlcnl staff naturally gave tho
precedence to tho most sovoroly wound
ed, nnd tho ono most likely to die.
Very soon, alas! an ovll omen attached
Itself to tho distinction, tho climax of
which was reached ono night, when a
poor soldier, feeling something touch-
lug his bedclothes, woke up with tho
perspiration pouring down his face,
nnd cried out:
"Oh, sir, do anything you llko with
me, but for heaven's sako don't give me
the quilt."
Petroleum from Llnneed Ol.
That petroleum enn bo produced, or
at least Imitated, by proper treatment
of Unseed oil, has been announced by
Prof. Stadtler It was shown that by
subjecting this oil to destructive dis
tillation, under pressure, various pro
ducts Identical with certain petroleum
hydrocarbons can bo produced. This
fact Is of great significance and Im
portance. It beats directly upon and
affords proof of ono of two theories re-
d States steamship Michigan wns built
n 1844, and, with her four thlrty
munder rifles nnd n recorded speed of
en and a half knots, has had the nom
nal nnval guardianship of nearly 0,000
lilies of coast line, nearly equal to tho
vholo length of the Atlantic senboard,
tor tho past fifty-two years. In tho
meantime Orent Britain has reared a
leet of speedy revenue cutters and oth
sr civil service craft, easily available
(or nnval usefulness, und In so much
jf likeness in our own boats we are but
following the pace she set.
Tho boats will bo built of steel
throughout, will be rigged as fore-and-aft
schooners, nnd will carry a spread
of steadying sail only. Each vessel
will have n single Bcrow of manganese
bronze, ten feet In diameter, which
will bo driven by a vertlcnl, direct-acting,
triple-expansion engine, having
high Intermediate nnd low pressure
cylinders, respectively, of twenty-five,
thirty-seven and one-half and flfty-Blx
md ono-fourth Inches In diameter, with
a uniform stroke of thirty inches, and
a turning speed of 100 revolutions a
mlnuto when developing tho required
Indicated horse power of 2,000 and In
ducing tho contract speed of sixteen
knots nn hour. Tho recent pcrformanco
of the Qreshnm, a sister ship, which
mndo seventeen knots with the promlso
of more on the official trial, Is a fair
example of what Is to be expected in
theso Inter boats. Steam, at n working
pressure of 1G0 pounds to the squaro
Inch, will bo supplied In each boat by
four Scotch boilers of the return fire,
flre-tubo typo. In diameter eleven and
one-halt feet by ten feet long. Each
ycrs In northwestern Nebraska. One
of the surprises in the political kelcl
doscope of the counties in this sec
tion of tho state was the election of a
Populist over the Republicans. Brown
county's normnl Republican majority
has been about 300. But this year the
fair candidate for county attorney was
elected without nn effort, although pit
ted against a strong nnd popular gen
tleman on the Republican side. Miss
Davlsson is a native of Iowa and has
not yet reached the age of 23. She Im
bibed her first notions of law on her
father's knee. Miss Davlsson is an able
lawyer and a graduate of Michigan
university. Sho attended tho public
schools of Sibley, Iowa. In 1886 sho
enmo to Long Pino, Nob., her present
homo, and finished her secular educa
tion In tho high school. In 1894 she
entered the law department of the
State university nt Lincoln, and two
yenrs later came out of It a full-fledged
lawyer. She waa nominated as a fu-
gnidlng tho origin of potroleum. Theso Poller will have two three and one-half-theories
nro: Ono thnt petroleum Is of f00l corrugated furnaces; and a struc-
nmmni origin, mo otucr that it Is of
vegetable- origin. Possibly, porhnps
probably, both aro true. Without dis
cussing tho theory of animal origin,
Prof. Sadtler's results would eem to
prove tho other. Popular Sclenco
eno of the sous beckoned him to cumo
in, nt tho Baiuo tlmo motioning his
companions to go away. Tho father
hesitated and then, In Italian, Bald:
"No, I won't; you want to kill mo,"
nftcr which ho walked away and re
turned to tho homo of Borglo.
Kluw tho Aged Futlutr.
Later In tho day on Monday tho
neighbors saw tho father aguln ap
proachlug the farmhouse alone, with a
club over tils shoulder, nt tho end of
which was a handkerchief full of
imnll articles The neighbors then
watched from their windows, expecting
trouble. They wcro not long In wait
Ing, for In n very few minutes unearth
ly shrieks Issued from tho houso and
presently tho father was sedn running
from the building, followed by Antonio,
swinging a club nbout thrco feet long
and four inches In diameter, Antonio
quickly reached his father, und with
ono blow felled tho gray-haired man to
the earth. Blow after blow tho son
rained upon tho old man's head until
life left the baly. The bead was bat
tered beyond recognition. During tho
murder one of the sons coolly walked
Co the front of the house, and, after
KtrmiKP Keeentrlclty of 1'nte.
A short time ngo an eccentric old
lady could not bo Induced to tnko train
from a certain station In Yorkshlro
to ljccles, near Manchester. Sho said
sho had recently heard a lot about
railway racing, and wns going to run
no risk. So tho old lady decided to do
tho Journey (nbout fifteen mllca) on
foot. Following tho main road, sho
was compelled, at about thrco miles
from tho starting point, to pass over
the rnllway lino by a level-crossing.
Being, It Is supposed, a little deaf, sho
was unablo to hear an approaching
train, which ran over her and killed
nor on tho spot.
. llurglar Blared hy u t'orpm-.
Burglars at Blddoford, Mo., entered
through the front window of n houso,
but encountered n stretcher upon
which a corpse lay. Tho burglars woro
so badly scared that they mndo a hur
ried retreat. Three ladles, occupying
a chamber, wcro awakened by the
Servian kings were formerly
called clcazars or lazars.
tural peculiarity of tho boilers will bo
In the uso of but two steel plates In
their longitudinal construction, by
which ndded strength with a limited
number of seams Is secured. The holl
ers will bo worked from a common flre-
room.and two largo blowers.oxhaustlng
directly Into the ash pits, will Induce
forced draught. By this means the
pressuro under ench boiler will bo un
der Independent control, admitting of
tho most economical service when run
ning at cruising speeds. A steam cap
stan will raise tho anchors aad a hy
dropneumatlc ejector will carry tho
ashes from tho llreroom nnd discharge
them overboard without tax upon tho
fireroom crow, whoso efforts are other
wise cased by mechanical facilities for
nassltiK coal and slicing the fires when
under forced draught. Tho normal coal
supply will bo about 225 tonB, promis
ing a radius of action of 2,000 miles at
a cruising speed of ten knots nn hour.
An englno and dynamo of sufficient out
put will generato the electrical force
for tho numerous lncnndcsccnt lamps
and tho searchlight on the pilot-house,
by which tho field of their usefulness
Is extended to night work. Commodious
and healthful quarters aro provided for
tho complement of about sixty persons.
The captain's quarters will consist of
a forwurd nnd after cabin, two state
rooms, two baths, four locker-seat
berths and an office. In the wardroom,
on the berth deck, there will be eight
comfortable staterooms, four locker
seat berths, two baths, a lounging-
slon candidate and won easily. Miss
Davlsson is the only woman in Nebras
ka, perhaps In tho country, thnt has
been elected to tho position of county
Artinelut HllkH.
A high degreo of lustre Is ono of tho
principal characteristics of tho arti
ficial silk now being mndo in Europe.
Another merit which tho produce pos
sesses Is that of taking dyes much more
readily than tho natural silk, a fact
made abundantly evident by tho colors
nnd extreme richness of the specimens
which have been exhibited to tho Lon
don public. The main difference In
appearance between tho natural and ar
tificial silk may, therefore, bo said to
consist In tho greater lustro of the lat
ter, though It Is also found that, on
taking a slnglo thread of each, tho ar
tificial breaks differently from the
natural, and has about eighty per cent
of Its strength. Tho success which has
been secured by this new process in
Franco 1b great; and Its mnnufactur
Is to bo begun in England.
HE average Amer
ican girl knows all
about Europe and
without n moment's
hesitation could
rattle off the names
of the various rul
ers of tho old world.
But It would be
difficult to find one
gentlewoman In a
hundred In England
who is acquainted with the Identity of
the president of tho United Stntcs, who
has the faintest conception of the dis
tinction between the two great national
parties hero 'or who does not Imnglnc
that Boston Is only u few hours' dis
tance from New Orlenns. This Ignor
ance of the English woman as a class
Is so general that when nny one of their
number can really put forward nny
claim to accomplishments thnt are,
ifter all, ordlnnry, she Is at once con
ddercd In the light of a phoenix, nnd
her nnmo Is heralded forth In the press
i0 such a degree as to convey nn alto
gether wrong Impression abroad In re
gard to tho intellectual caliber of the
English woman.
Were nccompllshmcnts more general
tmong the fnlr sex of Great Britain, It
Is doubtful whether wo should hear so
much about the attainments of tho
young Duchess of Sutherland as a pas
'ry rook, of tho late Duchess of Leln
iter's skill In trimming bonnets, of
Lady Warwick's knowledge of hortlcul
:uro, of Mrs. "Dodo" Asqulth's mastery
)f English politics nntl of Lady Rcay's
icqualntunce with foreign tongues and
In Franco the gentlewoman Is equally
lacking In accomplishments. True,
.hero nro daughters of the old aristoc
racy who, In spite of the affluence of
heir pnrcnts, have mado a point of bo
ng graduated from the public schools
ind of tnklng up tho diplomas that
Hiallfy them to earn their living either
ts governesses or ns teachers nt tho va--ious
educational Institutions of town
3r state. But this la the exception rath
r than the rule, and although the prac
tice has been adopted by the daughters
of some of these socalled "princes of
finance," who nre forever endeavoring
lo place themselves on tho same social
footing as the old nobility, yet It Is by
no means countenanced by the average
French woman, who Is of the opinion
that blue stcklngs are not the par
ticular form of fcmlnino hosiery thnt
finds the most grace In the eyes of the
jterner sex. What the French woman,
however, lacks In the lino of accom
plishments she atones for In grace, elc
;ancc nnd chic to such a degree that
ittulnmentri of nn intellectual order
A'ould positively seem Incongruous nnd
nit of place In so captivating an em
bodiment of frivolity.
Austrian and Hungarian Indies pos
sess much In common with their
French sisters in this respect. What
.hey lack In chic nnd In elegance 'they
nako up In beauty und In native grace.
But they cannot be considered as ac
:omplished In tho true sense of the
A'ord and an intellectual Austrian or
Hungarian gentlewoman seems Just as
Tiuch of an oddity as n spirltuello
Prenyl woman. Tho only accomplish
ments which the fnlrer portion of tho
nibjects of Emperor Francis Joseph
may be said to possess arc those of
riding and dancing, both of which arc
nheritcd rather than acquired.
Whatever accomplishments tho Gcr
nnn gcntlowomnn can boast of aro of
the domestic order. She prides herself
upon oxcelllng In tho art of gastron
omy, which In her case Is only the
3omewhnt barbarous cooking of Ger
many, nnd although she makes nn ex
cellent mother and a devoted wife she
Is quite the reverse of Intellectual and
:nnnot be said to possess any of those
graces of mind which are feminine ac
complishments In the strictest sense of
tho word. Tho rango of her mental
vision raroly extends beyond her own
Immediate circle and surroundings, her
views nro narrow and everything out
Jldo the borders of Gertnnny Is to her
terra Incognltn.
Italians and Spaniards arc distin
guished nhovo all other women In Eu
ropo by reason of tholr profound Ignor
ance, duo In tho mnln to tholr Incurable
Indolence. They do not oven possess
tho art of elegance or of dress, nnd
while tho fair Spaniard may bo said
to oxcol in tho management of the fan
and In tho wearing of tho mantilla, her
Italian sister Is without a slnglo re
leemlng point to save her beauty.
Perhaps tho most accomplished wom
in in Europe, at any rato tho most
bvllllant, Ib thq Russian, who unites to
her vivacity of temperament a marvel
ous facility for tho acquisition of for
slgn languages and a power of adapt
ability that Is altogether American.
Sho picks up knowlodgo quickly and
makes the most of It. But her nttaln
monts aro Invariably of a superficial
character, and It Is difficult to recall
tho namo of even ono Russian woman
who has over achieved distinction by
tho reason of her accomplishments.
Jetternoiitlllc a Iteeonl-llrenker In tie
Number of Knoll Tied.
No city In America has mado qulto
such a good record In the number of
knots tied for elopers ns Jcftcrsonvllle,
Intl., this year, says tho Indianapolis
Journal. Last month thcro were elghty
fivo such marriages. Located on tho
Ohio river the town draws from two
stntcs and has special attractions for
the romantic Kcntucklans. Tho squires
nnd ministers are winning a reputation
for tho way In which they dispatch the
nervous nnd love-lorn who como to
their doors. A couple, total strangers
in tho city, will step from a train or a
buggy or bicycles and nsk for a cer
tain squire. So well, however, havo
the magistrates arranged things that
no couple can manage to reach tho city
without having first been spotted by
some of the numerous runners, who
kindly volunteer to escort them to tho
office of n mlglstratc. For this kind
ness the i tinner always receives a fee
from the officiating Justice. Tho Justice
having the widest reputation Is Squlro
John Hausc, who occupies n ncnt olllce
Just at the head of the ferry landing,
mndo consqplcuoiis by the Inviting
sign "Matrimonial Parlors" und other
placards showing to the public the na
ture of tho business transacted by the
Justice. During the last month at least
fifty of the couples wcro united in tho
tie that binds by this dignitary. The
emoluments resulting from this chan
nel are from $1 to $5 and sometimes $10
each. A handsome Income of from $100
to $200 per month Is almost always as
sured him. Many are the queer re
quests which accompnny the applica
tions for the marriage ceremony. Re
cently one of tho couples wanted to be
married while on their bicycles, and the
xequcst was compiled with. Tho scene
wns strange. The brldnl couple seated
on wheels supported by friends, with
clasped hands, were mado one. Another
couple were married by request stand
ing under the approach of the Big Four
bridge, which spans tho Ohio at this
point. Recently Squire Hause married
a young lady who was tho fifth and last
daughter In u family of five girls and
four boys, all of the blrls having eloped
nnd been married, three of them by
Squire Hausc.
Tlm eu Indulgence of the. Kojul l'mully
ami the ICIeli Set In London.
Perfumed butter on the dinner tabic
Is the fad of royalty and of the very
rich in lyondon. The dairies where this
butter Is made are ns odorous as a flor
ist's shop or the laboratory of a per
fumer. On all sides there arc flowers
nnd Jars of leaves, pica3cd and loose.
At first glance It might be supposed
that the butter receives Its subtlo odor
by working It with somo sort of es
sence. But this Is not the case. In the
first place the butter Is made In small
pats like those in ordlnnry use. Each
pat Is wrapped In a bit of flno muslin
and placed on a bed of rose leaves spe
cially prepared In nn earthen Jar. On
top another layer of the fresh and dcli
catc rose leaves Is placed, before the
Jar Is filled with a solid chunk of Ice.
Then the Jar Ib placed In a refrigera
tor and allowed to remain there for ten
hours, when the pats aro ready for tho
customer. This Is all there Is to It, but,
simple us the Idea Is, it has made
for Its discoverer a fortune, nnd he
Is now permitted to nnnouncc that he Is
"by royal appointment" purvoyor to
Her Majesty the Queen und the royal
Itiinil Mull lloxm.
The new rural mall delhery in Cum
berland county, Maine, has brought out
somo queer mall boxes. A half bushel
basket, a big coffee can, soap und splco
boxes, and even receptacles that havo
onco held patent medicines, nre among
those that grace one neighborhood.
A Iluil HIbii.
"1 bcllcvo the professor Is begin
ning to lose confidence In his theories."
"What makes you think so?" "He
seems unwilling to listen to arguments
against them." Boston Journal.
(letting Down to ClRaretit.
For the ten months ending last April
the total production of cigarettes in tho
United States for home consumption
was 3,338,147,300, an increase of 600,
000,000 over the supply of the previous
Tho Old Unite.
"I Just hate that old Mr. Browne,"
said tho Newest Girl. "Really?" "Real
ly. Wo girls are going In for hunting,
you know, and when I told him how I
had killed a dozen birds ho only said,
'Oh, that wasn't so bad, but I've got a
dog that killed thirty rats in thirty
minutes.' Hateful old fogy!" Cincin
nati Enquirer.
A Kansas
woman has become a
The truly great aro thoso who con
quer themselves.
If there Is good In us, it will bring
out good In others.
In whnt wo can do best, only God
can be our teacher.
When duty Is hard, remember that
Jesus never shirked.
Somo people look happiest when they
havo bad nows to tell.
Every saloon keeper has the devil
for IiIb business pnrtner.
Tho man who controls himself, may
hope to reform other men.
Wo will always find good, when wu
look for It with a good heart.
Self-rlghteouBness never hus any
mercy on itself or anybody else.
The hotter the flro, tho sooner l.
enemy will bo out of ammunition.
Wo have dono too little, when
have not dono our prayerful best.
It Is a step toward henven to cenib
under tho Influence of good people.
Tho man who would bo wise, must
sit nt tho feet of thoso who aro wise.
Many children go to tho bnd, main,
ly because God is misrepresented to
Tho devils Jesus cast out, always
made tho most fuss Just as they wcro
Thero are no emergencies with God.
No BurprlBCs for which ho li not pre
pared. How many fathers and mothers make
religion such a cruel thing that their
children hate it.
Tho Christian should not become dis
couraged because the devil is still
working at his trade. Ram's Horn.