.n S!5SSaSifi5iiF r. Mvitaww ft " rf rHJfi RED CLOUD CHIEF, JPRJLDAl , JAA. 29, 1897. h h w Oman's ork In never done, nnd It li especially wearing mid wcnrlsomo to thoso whoso blood l iinpuro nnd uiilll procrly to tone, hIh tnln, nnd renow the wnstltiR o( nervo. musilcnnd tissue. It In nioro becnuso of this condition of the blood Hint women nre run down, Tlrocl, Wonk, Nervous, Tlinn bci'AiiBo of tho work knell, livery physlrlnn snyimo, and Hint Hid only icin-i-dy In In building up by tnklntf a ku-mI nervo tonic, blood purifier nnd vltnli-T like Hood's Snrsnpiirlllfi. For tlio Iron bits i'rciiifdr In Women nt clintiRO of boiooji. climate or life, or remiltini; Ironi Imrd work, nervousness, nnd linpuro blood, tVoiiHiuulii have found relief and cure In Hood's Sarsaparilla The On' 'I mio Woud Purifier, f 1 'r boltlo. Prepared only l) I Mood fi ('.. Lowell, !aii. ij 11 ivn nro Hie wily pllli to tnko nOOCl S HlIlS with Uooil'-i.S.irssparllU. THE CM IKK runU'iiKii nr W.L. MoMIM,AN. Our rfr... slxinanllii t Oil JO PUllLlblll'.U UVKItV KIHI1AY Hutercd at thu pom omro at Itcd Cloud. Neb.as lecondcliusmnll matte;. Tliu question now Is, who worn .lack Walsh's coat t Mi In Probably our Cubiin batalllou mid thi' creamery will go into operation about the name timo. Wo undor.stund llint a now daily paper is to bo esiabli.shed in Hustings. What could possibly lutvu been tint in Some people actually lejoice when our usually balmy utnio.sphero ehatitfos to bitter cold, that is tho loo men mid ii'fld lea ill inker. Col. Sapp'tf Cuban coiniiii.ssiun has not yet, arrived, but we. iiiii'er.sland that preparations are being made by the junta for renewed aelivlty. Ilufru election we were informed t hilt Mime capitalists from Knnltieky wero ready to buy thu old mill she In unsu of MeKinley'd election. Whcic are the r Wo hiip'st to the lion. I. U. Heall that it might bo u very good idea to null a grand jury for tho next term of court. There-nro several things which need investigation. Does. anybody know why a populist should have any objections to diJec. t!"n from the democracy. Senator Allen puts his objection to thcMcIiugh appointment on that ground. For thu bonellt of many magistrates who are overseers of thu poor we sug gest that the county attorney prepaiu mi opinion as to thu relative duties of justices and tho hoard of eonimiv sinners. The condition of the streets and crosswalks at. the intersection of Web ster -trec.t mid fourth avenue timing thu last storm should ut be forgotten whim warm weather comes. The gradu ought to be changed or the crossings raised How olllcial responsibility doc mod ify the extreme Ideas of reforms. Not long ugo Senator Allen represented populism in its earii puiity. Now lie norms to have become conservative, largely, something of a diluted demo crat, in his opinion", and strange enough the party lias performed about the siiiio evolution. KCKLEY. Elmer Col burn is visiting his parents The infant son of George Mutter is (laugeiotisly III. Mrs. .lolin Kniggu was in Ked Cloud Friday. Quarterly meeting was held at Hekley on Jan, 17. Mr. Thos. Kinney has been qtiitu sick for several weeks past but Is repotted some bettel at present. Alva Dunham of Lawrence was visit ing friends and relatives In this com munity last week. Mr. and Mrs Andy (Jul denier and ons Mae and Chester, of Hastings visited several days of last week at tho homo of Mi . (i. Thos. Kinney, Will Kinney mid Halle) Hudson were in Ked Cloud on iiiislnessono day hint week. (icorgn Huntington lias been .sueu in our midst .several limes of late. Who can guess his mission. Will Orr and and Almon I'aikes left Mondaj morning for Otoe county. They will be gone about thiee weeks. K. It. II. IIow'dThitt We Oiler One Hundred Dollars Ke wind for an cum! of Calm ih thai euu not boomed by Hall's Catarrh Curo. K. ,). CHLNK.r A: Co., Props., Toledo, O. We tlio undersigned, have known K. J. Cheney for the last l.r years, and be lieve him peifectly honorable in all business transactions mid linaiieially able to oarry out any obligations made by their linn. Wi:st A: 'ruilAX,Wliolpsalel)ruggists, Toledo. O. Wai.iiino, Kixnan AcMakvin, Whole sale Druggists, Toledo, O. Hall's Catarrh Curo is taken inter nally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous sui faces of thu system. Price 7ie per bottle. Sold by all drug gists. Testimonials free. Hall's Family Pills are the best. A fuw Inontlis ago, Mr. Hymn Krery, of Woodstock, Mich , was badly alllleled with iheiimatism. His right leg was swollen the whole length, causing him great suflcrlng. Ho wis acivised to try Chamberlain's Pain Halm. The lirst bottle of it helped him considerably mid the second bottle ulTected a cure. The '.'." mid 50 cent slx.li. for sale by II K. Grice, Druggists. BLADEN. Representative (iiaudstalT cuine home f ia in Lincoln luit Thursday somuwbat Indisposed. His wife who was visiting at Hastings returned also. Henry Hounds is visiting friends at Tobias this week. Mrs. 1). Appley leflTuesday morning to spend a few days with her son at limning, this stale. Chas. Clark bid Iiladeu adieu Mon day morning when he left for Tenn essee whine ho has secured employ ment as engineer in a saw mill, His family will soon follow. People who are wauling to put up ice urn pleased with the pros tut cold snap. Mr. and Mrs. Wright of Tecitmsus, Oklahoma, who have been visiting witli their uncle Henry Hounds, left Tuesday morning for a sojourn in tho eastern part of the slats W. 11 HolYmaii has at last secured a luck for his store dour that be can unlock without boi rowing oycry fel low's pocket knife Joseph Pashby was not al his placu of busine-- Mouiia V. S Hall ha- about ,0,000 bushels of corn cribbed and ho Is going to put up another 100 foot ciib. (nnd A: Co. are expecting ihoir lum ber to eiecl a ei ib on the south side of the track which will hold about 10,000 bushel We note that so far the procedure ( foreclosing the government lieu on thu UniouPacitie lailroad is uninterrupted. From al) thai can bu learned tho in tention is that the government shall lie paid its debt practically in full. Still we think it would be wise tu liavo the attorney general report any agree ments or understandings hu may hayo willi the reorganizes to tho sonnto agreeable to tho suggestion of Senator Allen. Rev.W.M. Slaughter, OF WE8T VIRQINIA. Write of the Benefits Received From Or. Mile nettoratlvc Nervine. m itli the best f intentions mid in friendship wc desire to suggest to our numerous correspondents and contrib utors something about obituary poetry. Wo luivo had a groat deal of it of Into, some- of It was poetry, or nearly so, more was simply rhyme without rythmo and not expressing any very distinct idea except Hint the writer deiired to sympathize with bereavement. Pootry Is an art frequently dlllleult of acquire ment, mid ought not to be abused. Let us have good plain prose express ing good plain sympathy. It reads better and those bereft by deatli ap preciate it more because It is free from seeming ulVeiiion. At thusametimo we desiie to thanl; our corrcMiondcuts fot tin generous eoiitrlhti'' ns they lnake. v;v I wb'it ett 1 ke to i ,,!, mil I' I e till s it ( 1 ' ' ' ll' DtfWIU'B Uhc & Cholera Cure. UirtcMy cure Dysentery un J Dlarrlnva. JksrZi?X1i i SCHOOL NO i :s The .eveuth room lias No. i this week. Hooin three at the south ward has the banner. Miss Josie Karner, a former pupil, visited last Thursday. Mr. Dennett returned to school ngn'u Wednesday morning. Miss McClelhiiid lias completed the reading of t'onaii Dolc, Professor has iwarrmiged his ollleo It looks vwy tileu in there. Miss lllaueho Winfrey lias retuiiied agaiti after a week'e HJiiess. The ph.sies class had an e.peiiinent in electricity Monday. Seveml were shocked anil some should have'Jieeii "shooked." Miis Cleo Cllno entered the 11th grade Monday morning. She is quite a blight little girl and quite an ad dition lo the clusf. H. ('. Wuhle.li, the Baptist ministir, visited in the soviinth room last Frida) afternoon. Being qiilteu scholar him self he takes gieal interest in school work. The chemistry class has been enter taining the soernl rooms each morn ing by trying to blow thi! building up, judging by the tremendous racket we hear. A short visit to thejcottage.jscliool room -hows a neat and tidy home for thu little ones. It Is a well lighted loom mid contains many "objects of interest for the little inmates. Prof. Wilstiii .conducted tii devo tional exercises Thursday iiiorninu, making u few remarks to the ell'ec.t that today (Thursday) is college primer day and is obsurved almost univers ally. Tho Hlietorie. class pupils are re quired to write essays on "Western Hesourens." It is a Tory good topic and excellent manuscript may bu de rived by a little consideration of the subject. We liavu in reality a school housu cat. Thursday afternoon vit invaded the Domain of Wisdom mid unassum ingly took a stand where it "eyed" (it had but one eye) the dignified seniors. Miss McClelland extinguished it. Monday morning Mrs. Damn's room was frozen out by the new stove which was put up and wouldn't work. Thu pupils went into tho Prof's, ollico where they remained until recess. During the e.vurcises thu sixth ,,'and seventh and 11 ft 1 1 rooms entertained each oilier alternately by singing. "It is an ill wind thatblowsjiiobody'good." Wednesday afternoon while'all were busily plying their wits thu door gently opened. There was nothing jintisiiiil about that, but someway thu 'pupils were, impressed witli a sense that a certain familiar presence hovered near. Tlio atmosphere .seemed laden with the indescribable, intense feeling and on looking up they behold good old Pro fessor Castor there in llosli and 'blwnd, smiling pleasantly as hu recognised ach old time face. They wore so sur prised ami pleased that "they didn't do a Hung." Hu spent the entire aft ernoon listening to the recitations. We are always glad to see our former professor. Silence reigned supreme; not a mis demeanor was noticeable; seniors lost in the depths of Cicero; juniors puz zling over quadratics; suddenly unan nounced and unattended entered Ills Majesty. One pupil was beckoned lo uccnmpnuy him to the chamber of demopoly. Vaguo were tho suppos itions as to his fate. Soon however, hu returned; hud passed through thu cleansing lire with iiuscorclied gar ments, nor was the. simdl of lire upon him He gave thu order for another lo pass through thu ordeal In this manniir, one .summoning another, al most the entire class had been entei tallied. Had you noticed that there weie no notes passed lately? Vkniua CIIUnCIINOIKS. , Sotlfcu .. HOHSCHII CONOIIKUATIONAI.. Morning service at 10.80 a. in. Sub ject, "The Kssentials of a Hcligloiis Life or How Can 1 Tell That I Am a Christian." Sunday school 11M5 a.m. Junior Society of C. K.-l p.m. Topic, "If We Are Lojal lo Christ How Shall We Show it?" led by Mrs. .J. O Hut ler. All yuiing people me invited. Y P S. C. K. 0-ao p.m. Topic, "Kn deavorers Lojal to Christ; What Will They Do?" The" union service of the W. C. T. U will lake the place of Hie usual even ing service. Service in the Baptist Church. Suhjeel, "The Devil of Our Times." Prayer meeting Wednesday evening at 7:110. Subject, "The Duty of the Church; What Is It, How Will It Be Miulfesteil." Oui chinch extends a heirty wel come to all at any of their .services. Ali are invited to those services. Young men especially Invited to the. Sunday evening sei vice. O. K. Ticknoi:, Pastor O" R. MILES' Reatorattvo Nervine Is particularly adapted to tho restora tion of health broken down by hard montal work. Rev. W. M. Slaughter of New Haven, W. Va., wrtteai "I suffered with cx tremo nervousness, dlnlncss, dull and ner vous headachos and sleeplessness. My heart came to troubling mo, I waa short of breath from tbo least exertion, and suffered much pain In my left aldo. Modlclno and pnysl ciunsgavo me no re lief. I procured Dr. Miles' Uoatorative Norvlne, Now Heart Curo utid Nervo and I.Ivor Pills, and I am Riiro mi words of com- momlnt Ion as to t ho results can bo too strong. I sloop well, tho dlrztiuvs and confused f eel InRhwudl'tnipf r i nyh ir troubles mo in, u .,r,I' ', f ' . it ' i .Udrug- .' iKAtlO ti ,i. j i . ' UihiI: on Ucu.1 1 u.id KorvobMut nu to ull applicants. IK. MIMM MRUIOAL CO., Mlfcuart, Ind. KlMervinel Tii;H hpr-lrno-A nf rich and noer. has saved many a life. For Throat and Lung affections It is invaluable. It never fails to cure Cough, Cold, Croup and Whooping-Cough. DR. BULL'S COUGH SYRUP is the best. Price 25 cents. Chew UNGE'SftUGS.Utf Great Uliacc Antidote.lOc. Dcalin of mail.A.CMtier & Ce., 0aHo.,Md. vvwwvt mi:tiioi)ist. Pleaching at KhiiO a.m. Sunday school at 11:110. .Junior League at 4 p.m. Simior League at 0:110. Preaching at ?:!I0 on "Seven Abomi nablo Things." Prayer meeting Wednesday evening at 7:X0. Chapel Sunday school at ! p in. each Sunday. The public, is invited to ail these ser vices. Kr.v. .1. M. Daiiiiv, Pastor. Kimscopal. Services Sunday morning ut II o'clock. Sunday school at 10 o'clock. Scrvires in the evening at 7:;i0. DeWitt's Little Early Risers, The famous little pills. Totter, Salt-Itheum and lCczcnia. The intenso itching nnd sumrtiiifj inc;i dontto theso disewsea is iiistmitly alhiycf' by applying- Chainberlain'u Eye and Skin Ointment. Many very lud catcs havo been ponnnnently cured by it. It Is equally oilicient for itching piles and n favorito remedy for hovo nipple; chapped hands, chllbluins, frost bites and chronic soro oyes. 25 cts. per box. Dr. Cndy's Condition Powderi, nro just what a horso needs when in bad condition. Tonic, blood nnriiler and vermifuge. They aro not food but medicine and tho best in uso to put a horso in prime condition cents per package Price Notice to Tcaohors. Notice is hereby given that I will e. aniiiiM ull persons who may desire to wITer themselves as candidates for teachers tf the public schools of this county, al Hed Cloud on the third Sat urday f each month. Special examinations will be held on the Friday preeeeding the !ld Saturday wf each month. The standing desired for :.'d nnd 3d grade certificate is the same n grade below 70 per cent., average 81 per cent; for lirst gratU certificate na grade be low 80 per cent., average 1)0 per cent in ail brandies required by hiw. I) M. IlUNTKit, County Supt. We Offer You REriEDV Which IN5URB5 Safety of Life to Moth ' cr and Child. EXPECTANT MOTHERS, "MOTHERS' FRIEND" Robs Confinement of lis Pain, Horror and Risk. ( Mvwifo used "Miniums' fiiikniv io- I fori) birth of lirr tlrtil clillil, she did not S. of V. Band Musicalc. Tne following i the program for tlio iiiiisieale and eourert to be given by thu Hed Cloud S. of V. band at tho opera bouse next Friday evening. Feb ruary Oth. Kilter I'aivr. March, "Semper Fidelia" S.uf V. Unml, Ovectiirc, " Semwruuililo" . .. S, of Y.L'Hiiil, .SopMiio hole, '-Tlie Holy Cll" MlanJeuulo 1111. Violin Obllunto, MIh MnrRnrct Miner. I'lmio AiTompaiilnciit, MUr Miiry Miner. "MlrnlcllnIWc"i. Krllar Jenklnt Orclieuru, ten plercB. Piano Duct, "Selected,' Mlateii I.lllio Hmttb, draco Fort. Mnle (Juartet, "(lolilln's'lll Oet Vo" . Parks Clark, CoUIiik, Jcuklim, blckerson. ' Urati Quartet llell, Msnn, Kmlgh, Clark. Creole Dance ... 8, ofV.IIaud SECOND PAUT. Overture, 'Toot am! Pennant," Suppe S. of V. Hand. Violin Duct 1), C. Jenkins, Mint MnrRarcl Miner. Coiuert Mazurka, '"llmlla" S. of V. Hand. Vocal Dust, "lluiipyTlmit I'alo Mom,"..., (I. S. Allirlwlil, Mls iwutrlx Mirer. Mniitlollii mid ijiiitir Dint . . . ' I' I I lllli V, i, "Slur Mpitlii:!. ii inn r' ' ( i i ! O .', ; JXXT A.. 'HU tit- , i surterfroml'IIAJII'SiirlMINS wiHpilckly , rnik i ' recovery via rapid. i rolimcd at tlm critical hour xufTcrhit: but . little Sim bad no pains afterward ami her ' K. K. Johnston. Rufaula, Ala. Sent by Mall or Kxnrrcs. onrccclntof , priff, 91. uu per uuwr. uook "to juoiu ' ers" inallod t'reo. BniDHELI) nEGDLiTOB 00., AUaaU, Oa. BOLD BY ALL DRUOOISTS. ! i IIKI'OHT OK TIIK CONDITION or TIIK PEOPLE'S BANK of RED CLOUD ClMltTKKNO,3l6, at licit Cloud. In the State of Noliraxka, at tin clone of lumlneks Deconiticr.llnt, 1MV0 lir.SOUIlCKH. I.oaunand Dlncoiintit Ml.CM 91 iiYcrdrnflti. secured and uiibcciireil 18 3U County hiii! clly warrantu 1M1 (A let iT'oi Corn io rJCxrctl& PWaaamaaajc 0 C3 u u 0 10 Daring the JVIonth of January, . . We will exchange shoes for corn at 1 1 cents per bushel. Corn to be deliv ered when goods are pur chased. V '.MUMP Our lnek 1 llie largi i ami uios.1 eouiplele. All gooiK marhed in plain ligutes Our prices the lowc-at. "IhU i' mi ellort in yotii behalf. Kmlraee . Cincinnati Casli Shoe Store. Q lie! For Oora Sax 110 do. 4. ,4 yy ' H 0 1 C o n 0 9 p" lie SHERWOOD & ALBRIGHT, GROCeRS 11)01(11 11 (l (i AGJSNT& VOW Ainbov Chase & Sanborn's Coffees. kkksh vk(;ktahu-:s and Kiturrs of all kin'ds in i:ason. Harness! Harness! Harness! J. O. BUTLER The Square Dealing, Low Priced, Best G-rade HVrIVKi MAN In Red Cloud. Prices right for cash. POUIvTRY - 72VrVJVT EI ! Tht season of tha T:ir hai Arrived whrn you will ba prevailed upon by NUMKHOUS COMMISSION 110USKS t forward tliem your consignments f POULTRY, - GAME, - BUTTER, - EGGS, FURS. HIDES. PELTS. ETS.. Tak !! chances hut shin direct to the old estuhllshco linn of J. - iV. MoCutcheon - & Co., 122 South Water St., Chicago, III. Thy will pitR yu tap prices and quick mturns Writ them fr quotations ICKhKKENCK FiKvr National Bank, CIiIchu. Illinois 12e - PAID - FOH - GOHN 911 .10 IIHI B'J tti.KHM llanklim home furniture nnd Uxtiiren. cliecWHsiul other Cttuli Items -... Due from other natlatml. mnle mul private banks ami hankers 1 1.3,706 44 fijiecle i,2"i N) Nleklcs ami cents i:i CO Hills at other hanks 1,810 00 I.eRiil tender notes 1,000 00 Total rash on hand .... Total 'J,401 M MABIMTIES. Capital tock paid In. tlft.000 I UndlNlilcd jirotltii 11,637 BU Individual deposits subject to chock L'O.RHI C? Dcmiind cvrilllcntci ( de- iiM,it a.fM 09 Time ceitlflcntea of dcpoilu (1,3 00 ai,8M 70 AT MRS R NEWIIOUSIi'S I N T R A D The liue.-l line ut Hoods, Fascinators, Ice Wools, "Woolen Squares And prettier and cheaper than ever Many other things suitable for Xmas Presents. All my Dri'M (iootlN uttJreatly Hediieed Prices. Tot nl , 'K m1 Ni Count-of Vi'bmr, . M2.I91 M 8TATK III' NhllllACKl, I I. W. A. Miorwixid. rnlikT of (he uIkho iiauii'iI haul., do tolciuul) hwonr Unit Iho uliovii .lad iiii'iit Ik irue In the bent ut liu LihuI I .! 1 1 1 , Hi-' Jo r ., "' S'i.iiim , i .ili i 1 I I l S I lllii 0 MM! vSI you r, :u !' Ijfftif.i ilw .til i'i.i )ty iHiininll(ni tixptiUs lu fi. 1)1 mi . day of ,laimm, tVt IUKiti M llcNiTT, Xolaiy llillli , ii TAND 113 bK 1 & .ssss rasBsW' KiK VH mwrirf;irinr r isEorirsoa l mx ssEF&WKm M - m v, . r " m """" k aiv - nwni mWjSShZmlmS You w' flnd on coupon VJKw-iMN!v0rl! lnldBch two ounce bag- Sl II IIWMI Mil II I I LIHL.1i: III I v TU S.UU LJ1AB lIlBSIlt Mil fin BB YSmSs'I II I'lil rurouncebaeorQlaclcweira ffH iLTOBWBmJ I r"'l fl Durhnm. Buy a bag of tbla T vlin''' 'll t,elebratea tobacco and road U FT . ' viuil mucii fives n vvW I how to genu Jm. , '- ,.-,aMJ!! i J. . -.- I'lS-ASLklia "Am I ttilWEL lllisinsWllsWlsllsWWnsWIIsllsmiMsBMAMaa.. , I nothing BUT THE GENUINE 1 4. Y is.. dtfiL; .''. WIT i !' '1LliitiJiIVjJ-mwiWL'Be; .i ,,-' ... mgsosvwjwJr1 r;.r.vv"r-:vr,T- St!T.t$ek1m,r,m)i4immi iTiiiii sWiM'1 him i1 hi isjsji i ' i'iI i Mi 'i ' m m WBMMBBjs2afiBrtMaSLMniU3Br9HB&BEM f i -lf4Tffii"Fr"'"J1",Tu