fyfpOi-t&TTtW H'..HW,; V' THE RED CLOUD CHIEF, FRIDAY, JAN. 29, 1897. If 1 !? ftOYAi ft. tl IK J SJW; tS kOYi i POWDER Absolutely Pure. A en ,itu of tiiru ' ik' , i . . All In lemi'iiliii; ir i t. Oorn i, mi nr h a 'J If i' ' ItOVAI. HuKiMi 1'owiifn I ll'J..t "f Ni York. CTI'V 'U':S. "Itroiuo-ljiiino " lloiiieinber tin li.uul concert. Pnpu Doll was In Gulilo Hook Thurs day. Kubbcrs a. and 10 cents at Cincinnati Shoe Store. The Nebraska A: Kansas Farmer and TlieCinr.r for$l. Ceo. W. I'onso of tin- Chicago Cloth ing Co. was in Lincoln this week. Carl .Jenkins lias moved in tins resi dence south ofthr liaptist Church. Thu V. T. U. U. will meet during the month of February with Mrs. V. Shur wood. Fm Sam: on Kknt: The Congrega tional parsonage building. Knguiro of tristecs lhomo-l.iixino will cure the grlppo or a hard cold in one day. Sold by Cutting. .lu.st twenty-four boys il-piace Mills left. To bo closed at most any price at the Chicago Store. The ice being put up by numerous people around town U between ten and cloven inches thick. The cold wave which arrived last Saturday caught a number of our far mers in the city without overcoat-. The ice harvest in this city has com minced. It is from ten to twelve inches thick and of a very good quality. C. 'J'. Collins brightened our hopo of ettling with the coal man by bring ing u in a couple of dollars on sub scription Wednesday. The Decree of Honor will give a 15 cent .supper on S.ituiday evening, .January iJOth in ilic room formerly oc ctipied as a Hryun llemlqunitcr.s. Will Ward has accepted a position as "devil" on the Nation, and as a conse quence the paper is considerably im plored in typographical appearance. If you want to see a nice store- ami a good stock of furniture you want to go to the large store room in tho Moon b.oek which is occupied by Taylor. Mrs. Jo. Williams-of Hloomhigton, accompanied by Mrs. Andrew Cum miiigs of this city were pleasant cullers on Thursday. Mrs. Williams gave us a dollar on subscription. Miss Jennie Morrison left Tuesday morning for Council Mulls, Iowa, where she will reside with her ntint and look after the old lady's welfare during her declining years. If there is a reliable man among our readers who can .sell Minnesota grown trees, he can .secure .steady employ ment and good wages by writing the Jewell Nursery Co., Lako City, Minn. A torpid liver means a bad com plexion, bad breath, indigestion ami fieqiieiit headaches. To avoiil such companions lake De-Wilt's Idttle Kttrly liters, the famous little pills. C. U, Coiting. The quarterly mas-, meeting of tho W C T. U. will be held next Sunday ovening, Jan. illst, in the Haptist church. Address by Hev. Ticlinor pas tor Congregational Church. All are cordially invited. The band has lately added two grand overtures to their repertoire- and these will' bo heard at their concert at the opra house next Friday night, Feb. 5th. Vocal duets, solos, quartets and instruunntal solos etc., will tnako up an excellent program and lovers of good music should not miss this enter tainment. Seats now on sale at dice's drugstore. See program elsewhere in this issue. Awarded Highest Honors World's Fair, Gold Medal, Midwinter Pair. DR w CREAM BAKING A I'urc drape Cream of Tartar Powder. 40 YEARS THE STANDARD. mi Ft Aitorxn Towy, C. 11. Knleyis homo from Missouri. J. A. Itauiu was here this week visit ing with Ins family. Mrs. C. W. Kaley came home from Lincoln Tuesday night. Chas. Mehiig'in, the popular clothing salesman n here Wednesday. M. M. NoNoii of Faiillelil was heie this week to attend the funeral of Ml" Robert Hounds. T. (i. Wilder was in Wednesday and had us put hi subscription ahead to January 1, 1SU8. The many friends of II. K. (Jricc ate glad to eo him again able to be about after hi late sick spell. Ceo. W, Pease has gone to Mexico wheichewlll take a position as civil i lighted on a ne.v railroad The little eighteen months old child of Chailes Xolmuii, living near Amboy, died on Thur.sd.iy morning. J. T. Moon of llyeison, Michigan, was in the city tho fore part of tho week looking after his lutmcls. When you want a nice smooth -have or hair cut, give (ieo, Fentress a call. One door south of the lion Uakery. Newton Macy of Longford, Kansas, was here this week, having bcun called hero by the .serious illness of his mother. Saner kraut for sale at 121 cents per gillon. Will trade for corn ami hay. Will give a gallon fr a bushel A. ScilAKKlt. Sheridan Francis of Cowlos was de clared insane by tho board and will bo taken to Lincoln as' soon as there is room for him. Children's knee pants at most any price to olnso. Few suits of nice tindur wear at a price that will interest you at the Chicago Store. F V. Taylor has moved. He has the linest furniture licadquaitors in the. valley. His store room in tho Moon block i a picture of neatness. II. K. Fond has lately been honored by tho appointment of aide-tle-canip on the statT of T. S. Clarksou, coin-niaiulcr-ln-chief of the Cm ml Army of the Republic A lire broke out In the ear shops of the Hurlington at Pluttsmnuth on Monday evening and burned tho coach shop containing several roaches. The paint simp was alo badly burned. All tho different forms of skin troubles, from chapped hands to cc.eimi and indolent ulcers can be readily cured by DoWitt's Witch Hazel Salve, the great pile cure. C. L. Cot ting. Cloyd Ctinnniugs and Charles Cole man were over from lied Cloud Tues day. Charley was among his old neigh bors and Ciiminings was holding him as level as possible. Lebanon Journal. The length of life may bo increased by lessening its dangers. The majority of people die from lung troubles. These may bo averted by promptly using Ono Minute Cough '.Cure. C. L. Cotting-. For the lirst time since its organiza tion the lire department failed to send representatives to the state meeting of volunteer flrcmoii last week. Lack of funds seemed to be the trouble Why Is it not possible to have the depart ment better supported? The Argus suggested In its last issue that a nrt-salaiiod mayor and council should bo the idea for next year. We coincide witli the gentleman, the kicks and culls of tho public arc recompense enough for the job. Lot's elect the Argus man mayor. This is no joke. Minutes seem like hours when a life is at stake. Croup gives no time to si ml for a doctor, delay may mean death. One Minute. Cough Cure gives instant relief and insures recovery. Tho only harmless ictnedy that pro duces immediate results. C. L. Cut ting. Tho programme for tho S. of V. band concert and nmslcalo nt tho Opora Houso noxt Friday ovoning will be found in another column of this issuo. Tho programme in quito an ox tonslvo one and dosorviug of tho hearty support of our citizens, and tho baud is certainly deserving of all the support that can bo uccordod thorn. Last Sunday, during the rain a young Erie sprig, with an umbrella, overtook an unprotected lady acquain tance, and, extending his umbrella orer her asked tho privllego of acting as hor rain-beau. "Oh," oxclahned tho young lady, taking his arm, "you wish me to be your rain-dear." Two souls with but a single umbrella, two forms that steppod as one, Erie Sentinel. The progressire ladies of Westfield, Iud., issued a "Woman's Edition," f the Westfield News, bearing the date f April 3, 1800. The paper is filled with mutter of interest te womon, and wo notice the following from a corres pondent, which tho editors printed, realizing that it treats upon a matter of vital importance to their sex: "The best remedy for croup, colds and hroiichitls that I have been able to llud is Chamberlain's Tough IN medy. l'oi i 1 iini i i 1 1 i. . iii i I u' 1 1 I One Minute Cough Cure, cures. That Is what It was made tor. ODDS AND ITSTDG. Harry Hcale of McCook was here this week 1). J. Judsou is out again atter quite, a severe slek spell. A good horse belonging to Ficd I'luinb died last night. Al (Jahisha was looking after busi ness matters in Lincoln this week We will furnish jou the Nebraska A: Kansas Farmer and The Cllil l for $1 Winllold Palmer living noithuest of tho city lias lo-t thirteen lions from cholera Twenty-eight children's '-'-piece suits nuit be closed out at once at most any piice at the Chicago Store. Tailor Is nuw comfortably shunted in tlie Moon block. You arc in need of furniture. So call on him. The Cincinnati Shoe store wants your corn as II cents per bushel and will exchange shoes for it. The citizens should Hut over the keys of the city to "Hos Walsh" and son hit revolutionize things, Friday night, February nth, is the date of the baud coueoi V and musicalc. Don't forget it. Seats at (Slices. (ivo. II ad ell hasgoneto St. Joe where he has taken a position in the dry goods house id Toullc, Wheeler and Motter. Foil Ili'.Nr One of the best located biick stoic rooms in the city ','1x100, with cellar. For particulars address coirespondrncu to P. O. Hox 1!I7. A weed in the garden be easily des troyed when it lirst starts. Consump tion can bo nipped in the bud by One Minute Cough Cure. C. L. Cotting. Sam Liudsoy returned on Tuesday from Kansas whoro he aid his brother Frank were called last Friday by a telegram aiiiiouiiuing the .sudden death of their father. Soothing for burns, scalds, chapped hands and lips. Healing for cuts and sores. Instant relief for piles, stops pain at once. These are the virtues of DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salvu. The American Agriculturist Almanac a book which treats on hundreds of subjects, The Orango Judd Farmer, one of the best farm papors published and The Cliinr all one year for $l.:i,". Lost A dear little child who made home happy by its smiles. And to think, it might havo been saved had the parents only kept in the house One Minute Cough Cure, the infallible remedy for croup. C. L Cotting. Stiia vi:t on S roi.CN Fi om the stock pasture on section '-.'!), town 1, range It, known as tho llinaker ranch, one baj horse colt, coming four years old, star in forehead, heavv tall and foretop, blocky build. Suitable reward will be paid for information or its return to L. A. llaskins or leave word at this oflice. List of lottcis remaining uncalled at the postotllce at lied Cloud, Neb raska, for the week ending January '.'0th, 1897. Ming, 11. K. Wires, Ned. Those letters will be sont to tho dead letter olllce, Feb., 12th, if notcalled for before Fiiank W. Cowukn, P. M. Tho cold wave of the pnst week has boon ono of tho most extensive ex perienced for sovornl yearH, extending over tho larger portion of the United Statos, and considerable (lanugo to stock from tho west and northwest is roportod. In sovornl localities the thormoinetor went as low as forty do greos below zoro. In the Nation's editorial in regaid to the Australian ballot, Jack seems to intimate that theie is considerable il literacy in the populist ranks and that if the voter could just son a plow ami a sheaf of oats hanging at thu head of tho ticket, ho would vote it straight notwithstanding that the other party might hang up a scythe and a growing Held of alfalfa. Your Cough, like a dog's bark, is a sign that there is something foreign around which shouldn't be there. You can quiet the noise, but the danger may be there fust the same. SCOTT'S EMULSION of God-liver Oil is not a cough specific) H does not merely alky the symptoms but It does give such strength to the body that it is able to throw off the disease You know the old proverb of "the ounce of prevention?" Don't neglect your cough. A book which will tell you more on the subject sent free on re quest. Your dtjr -1st Lcps Scott's Envd ai t of ' r tV, Put ' J 1.UV.M-, New Yoik. i I slAli i Jl "WHHHHSOI Fits Vow VA.JvTnt y JfeftiSV Ii-of. w. n. rxe, vriia mnkes n spoctnltr of Itpllepsy, tm without doubt trrntod ninl cur ed morocixnM llinn nnjr living riiylclnn; his nncccM Is nstonUtilng. Wo hnve hiril of emes oC to years' numlltitf Curedl curou oy htm. lib tmhmiiciA vnlunblo work on this dlit. ciuc, which lio ncuua ,v 1 t ti ft lnrini bot tlo olMtls ntMoluto euro, trro to any sufTcrori who in iv bc ul tlivlr 1'. (). find F.xM-cm nMreM. Wo ndvla nnv ono wlihimr nru'o tonddrets ProMY. U. VtZSZ, V, D.i 4 CcJorSt.. Hew York 1IKUK AND T1II4IM5. Iluhlicis'J.Hiud 10 cents at Cincinnati Shoe Stoic. Junius Huiden and wife ueto in l.in coin Ibis week. Jos. Uoliy called In and left us some money on subscription tills week. Ur-o. DuWitt of (Initio Hock called on Saturday and left us a dollar on sub scription. C. I.. Cotting lias built an lee house at his residence ami will till it fiom the pieseut ciop. C I). Crone was presiding oer the olllcoof district clerk this week in the ubencnof Cleik Burden. MIssCufYnian of Wymorc wnsheie the lirst of the week visiting with James Umdflii and family. Tim Oraime Jtttld Farmer ami the American Agriculturalist Almanac to gether with The Cilir.i" for t lift. J. S. bite and son Walter were in Lincoln this week. Mr. White went up to make his annual .settlement with the state trrasuier. The lerivalmeetingsat the Methodist church aie increasing in interest, and well attended A iiumbvr have asked prayer, and some hare been converted. (. W. Dow has moved his frame store buildintr which was located across from the Chicago lumberyard to bis lots on the northeast sldo of Webster street. John Foster wishes us to announce tliat two shoulder cupc.s, blue hi color, one ehllds size and the thor larger, have been hi the Masonic hall since tbe campaign. Owner can havo same by calling on John Co'istlpation in Its worst forms, dys pepsia, sickheadache, bllliousuess and derangement of the liver aro readily cured by DeWitt's Little Karly Risers. These little pills never gripe. Small pill, safe pill, best bill. C. L. Cotting. SritAVKii Frm the farm of 1). V, Trunkey, Monday January 'Jfith, dark brown colt coming fonryaiK, wire cut on front foot, weight about 1100 pounds. Drop eard to Oscar Kmick Ked Cloud, who will givo suitable re ward for return of animal. Mrs. Delilah Macy, the aged mother of Mrs. Verlinda Lutz, died this morn ing at the residence of her tlaughtor southwest of town. The old lady had reached the ago of eighty-live, years and three months. The remains wer taken this morniug to Longford, Kan sas, for burial, Mrs. Lutz accompany ing them. Persons who are troubled with in digestion will bo interested in the ex perience of Win. II. Peun, chief clerk in the railway mail service at Dcs Moines, Iowa, who writes-. "It gives mo pleasure to testify to the merits of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrlnca Kennedy. For two years I hnve siill'ercd from indigestion, and am subject to frequent severe attacks of pain hi the stomach and bowels. One or two doses of this remedy never fails to give perfect relief. Price W and Wl cents; sold by II. K. drier, Druggist. Save a dollar on a mackintosh at tho Chicago Stole. Save 15 cents on a pair of overalls at the Chicago Stoic. Save 25 cents on a sliht at Iho Chi cago btore. Save 50 cents on apalrof jeans pants at the Chicago Store. Save $1.00 on a pair of pants at the Chicago Store. Save 10 cents on a linen or celluloid collar at the Chicago Store. Save ono half price on a trunk or valise at tho Chicago Store. Save $1,00 on a hat at the Chicago Store, Everything goes at some or no prlco at the Chicago Stole. Married On Tuesday, January 20th, Mr. Peter Molutosh and Miss FUra Emorton Judge Duffy otllciathig. Doth of the contracting parties aro well and farorably known. Tim former having bon a resident of Webster county since childhood and tho lattar having rosided in this city for a number of yoars pait. The ctrtmony was per formed at Mr. Duffy's ofllco iu tho afternoon and but a few intimate friends wore present. After tho cere mony the bride and groom betook themselves to tho residence of the groom's brother, James, living six miles northwest of tho city, where they entertained quite a number of friends during thu evening. Tin: Cilir.K along with other numorons Ifnci.U of the newly wedded eoupH 1 ttkt pei-iuo in wHniji'tliom a l ip nn 'if mi VvC .-. I M -1, " li ea &JU,U www. yj !sli) it 2Urf$S NOW IS YOUR TIME TO BUY YOUR CLOTHING The flnnaal Clearance Sale at Hedaeed Prices IS NOW WIENER'S You can buy , Wholesale Prices. J 10 GEJ4TS IN IflJIDE Paid fof COM Delivered ' V . IliDeF Bros, j - ;f -' . " " . ' Hanch. i . Remember that you get io per cent of your cash purchase in coupons These coupons redeemable in Silverware, Chairs, Irons, Washing Machines and many other articles. CALL AND SEE THEM. TSK I N E R H 8 6 1 1 ON AT Good Goods at B ROS. & J .$1 it u 1; 1 ta 'i' i l ;i 'Art ' .MJvl mt ' w$M: w