The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, January 29, 1897, Page 3, Image 3

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.InmcH I'rnnri'K MiirrIiiII, Soutlirrii 1111
lliird i:url, mid III. Vutorle on the
tlrccn Cloth Kttiu llollMcr on the
Cinder l'uth Mute mid llonotmi.
LTHOUGH he lias
been before the
public ns a billiard
player for the laut
s!r&' r,
twenty yenrs.Jnmes
Francois Maggloll
says it 1b only with
in the Inst few
weeks thnt he
thought (1 o o p 1 y
pbout the game or
studied It to nny
great exunt. Few of his many admir
ers will know him by his full name, for
he Is always known as "Madgle," or
simply Frank. Few of the experts of
either the short-stop or any other class
can lay claim to having the almost per
fect stroke possessed by the popular
player. Maggloll Is a product of the
south, coining originally from New
Orleans, and claims St. Louis as his
homo nt the present time. He came
naturally by his talent for the "gen
tleman's game," for his father was
quite an expert in his day, and taught
his young son all ho knew about the
game almost as soon as the latter was
big enough to poke his nose over the
rail of the table. Maggloll does not
remember much about the early days
of his career as a billiard player, but
confesses that his fondness for the
game got him into plenty of trouble.
Since he came to be looked upon as one
of the leading second-class experts of
the day Maggloll has played in many
memorable contests on the green cloth.
In 188G he defeated Captain John Miller
for the championship of the south by
a score of 1100 to 241. In the big snort
stop tournament given In St. Louis in
1887 ho won fourth prize, the contest
ants being such players as Carter, Gal
lagher, Catton. Hatlcy, Matthews,
Moulds, Thatcher and several others.
Then ho went to Chicago and com
peted In a shortstop tournnmont
igalnst many of the samo men. Frank
Ives was then in tho shortstop cflkss.
Maggloll and Moulds tied for fourth
money. In January, seven years ago,
ho defeated Hatlcy for tho western
championship and a stake of $500.
Maggloll won by a scoro of 500 to 327,
with an average of over 9. The same
year Maggloll was matched to play Ives
for (250 a side and defeated him by a
Bcore of 500 to 440. His average was
much higher then, over 15, and he
mndo a high run of 121. Since then
Maggloll has been playing in different
parts of tho country. Two years ago
ho won tho tournament for tho stato
championship in Chicago, and also took
part in tho tournament at Recital Hall
a year ago. He is exceptionally grace
ful at tho table and is far more bril
liant in his work than nny of the other
experts, and his only fault Is a tenden
cy to unsteadiness at times.
' Mace nml Donovan In the RIiir.
Thoso past masters of tho art, Jim
Mace and Mike Donovan, faced each
other before a largo assemblage at tho
Broadway Athletic Club, Now York, tho
other evening, and engaged In a sot
to that was altogether scientific, and
proved that both old 'tins were still
fnct that each was in an excellent stato
of physical preservation, despite tho
hnrd knocks they have received during
their career of many years within tho
hempen circle, nnd whnt they havo
gono through outsldo the ropes. The
dlsplny was apparently very pleasing
to thoso gathered about tho ring, al
though so different from the encount
ers between tho more youthful present
dny exponents of Quccnsberry boxing,
and tho applause that followed the de
livery by either of theso llstlc artists
of a particularly clean nnd skillful
blow was most hearty, whllo tho out
burst nt tho close of tho friendly spar
ring contest demonstrated tho good
feeling tho npplauders had for each of
the old timers.
1'rofrMor lllnton'it (inn.
Frofessor Hluton gavo the first public
exhibition of his base ball pitching
muchlno In the university gymnasium
at Princeton, N. J., tho other evening.
Tho gun Is a short breech-loading can
non 24 Inches In length, and placed up
on a two-wheoled carriage. A tempo
rary back stop mado of ennvas was
built in the gymnasium, nnd from the
caution stationed at pitcher's distance
from tho canvas Professor Hlnton dis
charged the bull n number of times,
displaying tho various curves r.nd spcad
thut ho could Impart to tho ball. The
cannon Is smooth bore nnd not rilled,
as muny suppose. The curve Ib pro
duced In uny direction desired by
prongs, which protrude from tho can
non's mouth and against which the ball
rubs In passing, acquiring a rotary mo
tion which causes the curve. Shifting
theso prongs from the right to the lefl
side of the cannon or from top to hot
torn, regulntcs the direction of tho
cu-fo-ln, out, tip-shoot or drop. Tho
speed with which the ball is thrown
depends upon tho amount of powder
placed In the cartridge. Tho exhibition
was u complete success. Many of tho
ball players who were present when
Interviewed stated thnt they bcllovcd
tho cannon would prove a labor-saving
machine, and Captain Bradley will uso
It nt practice during winter months in
the cage.
AiMon on Ilulr.
l'rcbldent Ilnrt and Manager Anson
nro not altogether agreed on tho ques
tion of playing rules revision. Mr.
Hnrt Is opposed to any changes what
ever. Anson accedes to President
Hart's general declaration thnt changes
In rules arc a bad thing, but believes
that tho theory Is not Iron-clad, nnd
that occasional modifications are found
necessary. Anson is In fvor of put
ting the pitcher's slab In front of the
pitcher, instead of having It behind
him. Ho wants this done In order to
stop interminable kicking. Another
radical change thnt Anson Is In favor
of Is allowing tho cupUiln to put players
back Into the game after they have
been taken out. In other words, ho
wants nil restrictions of thlB kind re
moved, the manager being allowed to
play his men just as he sees lit. Anson
Is also, as ho always has been, heartily
In fnvor of the "trapped ball" play
that 1b, picking up a fly in the lnflcld
nnd causing a forced run, by which n
double play can be executed. Anson
also wnnts the "balk" rule, which Is
now practically a dead letter, enforced
or stricken off.
A Kurccmtftil Athlete.
Evan Holllstcr, tho promising ama
teur athlete, was born at Buffalo, N. Y.,
April 28, 1875, and Is, therefore, but
little past his majority. In height In
Is full G feet In his stockings, und his
weight, In condition, Is 152 pounds.
He prepared hJmBolf for college ut the
Buffalo High School, and entered Har
vard University In 1893. Beforo enter
ing college he had never put on a run
ning shoe, and his flist appearance on
the track was on the occasion of tho
freshmen games nt Harvard, held on
Holmes' field, Cambridge, Mnss., In Oc
tober, 1893. Nevertheless he carried off
the honors in the half mile event in
the excellent time, for a beginner, of
2 minutes, J 2-5 seconds. At the dual
games between Harvard and Yale, In
1894, he finished second in the half
mile race, but In tho following year, at
the same annual field meeting, ho was
nioro successful, cnpturlng the event In
1 minute, 58 1-5 seconds, which showed
Improvement most creditable. Ho
was on tho team thnt represented the
crimson ut the Intercollegiate cham
pionship field meeting the samo year,
in May, when ho landed the half mllo
In 2 minutes, beating Ktlpatrlck out
by a yard or so, after n slashing race,
and achieving championship honors.
Ho wns a contestant in the same event
at tho Hanard fall games, in October
of that year, running from scratch and
winning handily In 1 mlnuto 58 sec
onds. In May of the following year
Holllstcr beat tho Harvard record for
tho distance, doing 1 minute 56 4-5 sec
onds ut tho invitation games held May
9. He waB ono of tho Harvard team
that competed in the dual games with
tho University of Pennsylvania, same
month, and distinguished himself by
capturing both the quarter and half
mile events, in 51 seconds nnd 1 minute
59 2-5 seconds, respectively. He had
previously, In April of that year, won
the "forty-four" at tho Harvard spring
meeting in 50 4-5 seconds. Ho closed his
careor for that season by winning the
Intercollegiate championship for the
dlstnnce, breaking the Intercollegiate
record with 1 minute 56 4-5 seconds, B.
B. Hinckley, of Yale, finishing second.
This is certainly a most excellent rec
ord, but it is not at all likely that the
ambitious subject of our sketch, who
may be said to bo "a born runner,"
capnble of giving nny ono a hot rai
will be content to let It rest whore 11
Is, and ho may bo depended upon te
next season ndd to tho laurels already
so cloverly won and so modestly worn
"Thero is no human invention so
nptly calculated for tho formation of a
free-born people as that of the theater,"
It is announced that Margaret, Ma
ther will appear In nn elaborate revival
of "Cymbellne" In Wallack's theater or
the 18th of January.
Elenorn Duso has lately been acting
In Berlin, where sho nppeared In a
revision of Plnero'B "The Second Mrs.
Tanqueray," playod In Italian as "To
Second Wife."
rimm Arc Completed, Work on the
Mrtterhil llitn llecn lli'Riiti nml the
1'lant Will He 1'ut In nt Once Three-atnl-u-lliilf
Minute Truimfcrri.
LANS for the con
struction of tho
pneumatic tubes
which nie to con
nect the New York
and Brooklyn post
ofllccs were com
pleted Inst week,
and the work of
constructing t h e
apparatus begun.
The plant will be
put In without delay and be In opera
tion within ninety days, says the Now
York Herald. B. C. Bntcheller, tho
engineer who Is In charge of the work,
gave this Infoimntlon about It:
"There will be two pneumatic tubes
laid from the basement of the New
York postofllce, running under Park
row and upon the Bridge, where they
will bo cxten led alongside of the car
tracks, and then under Washington
street to the Brooklyn olllee.
"These tubes will be of enst Iron, In
twelve-foot bcjUoiib, boied to the cx
uct diameter of eight and three-sixteenths
Inches. They hnve to be most
accurately bored and fitted together
with the utmost nicety, which Is done
by cnulklng tho Joints with lead nnd
oakum, for they must be nlrttght und
be perfectly true Inside, bo as to Insure
the free passtge of tho cnrrlers that
nold tho mall matter. Then, whero
thero nre short bends, ns there must
bo In making the necessary angles,
brass tubes have to bo used.
"In the basement of the two post
ofllccs will be placed nlr compressors,
together with .ho necessary receiving
and despatching apparatus.
"A very important part of tho plant
is tho carrier, which Is an accurately
constructed stool cylinder, twenty-four
Inches long, weighing twelve pounds,
nnd made to fit In tho tubes, so as
to move freely. When this currier Is
freighted with mall matter It Is placed
In the despatching tube, air from tho
compressor is lot in behind it, nnd
away It goes, under street, over bridge
nnd under street again, to the post
office on the other side of the river,
making tho Journey In three and one
half minutes. The air pressure re
quired to do this Is only six pounds to
tho square Inch. If necessary, the pres
sure and speed enn be increased.
"As ono tube is used for despatching
and one for receiving, n regular stream
of carriers can be kept going In both
directions, with only ten seconds Inter
val between them. As each carrier will
hold COO ordinary letters, this means
thnt It Is possible to despatch 216,000
letters per hour In each direction, and
thnt tho tubes will carry all of tho first
class and most of tho lower classes of
mall matter between tho two post
offices." The plant will cost about $100,000,
and will be constructed nnd maintained
by a Philadelphia company. It Is
known as tho Batchcller system and
1b the same that has been In uso In
Philadelphia for four yours, between
tho general postofllce nnd nub-station
No. 20, tho dlstnnce of half a mllo.
The establishing of a pneumatic tube
mall service over tho EaBt river Is only
tho beginning of nn extended system,
which is expectod In tho near futuro to
connect tho general postofTlco with sub
stations, railways and steamer land
ings. Charles Nnllson, second assistant
postmaster general, who has charge of
tho mall transportation, obtained nn
appropriation for tho Brldgo system
from the Inst Congress, and said 'that
It was to bo tho beginning of an ex
tended plunt.
"Pneumatic tubes between tho Now
York postofllce nnd the various rail
way stations," he said, when nsked
about tho contemplated work, "will re
lievo the department of seventy per
cent, of tho wagon transportation. It
Is estimated that tubes can bo put In
and maintained nt thn present rnto paid
for wagon service In largo cities. Then
the tubes will expedite the delivery of
tho mall and mako close- connection at
the same cost as now. It Is hoped that
on extended pnoumntlc tube servlco Is
In near reach of tho department in New
Booker Would you llko these books
bound In Russia? Smith No, Amer-
J tea will do. New York Herald.
The .Mule In uellliitliiK Compared wltlt
Till Alilinilt,
The boy called "U-pal" to the llamas,
lifting his linger as If to point them up
tho trail. Ordinarily, rcmatks it writer
In St. Nicholas, the animals would havo
obeyed, but the aggrcsslo innnner of
Barton had aroused their obstinacy and
they did not budge. The boy put his
shoulder to the ribs of one and heaved
hard; but the brute stood Its ground.
"Well. It Is to wnlt!" said he: und rnn
about his path, gathering up very small
pebbles until the shabby hat wns full.
Then he sat down on a bowlder that
Jutted fiom the bank, settling himself
as If for a long rest. Then he threw n
mild and measured pebble at each
llama. They turned their heads n little
and wrinkled their disagreeable noses.
He waited for some time and then
pitched two more pebbles which had
the snnie effect. So he sat, slowly and
mcchanlcall.x tossing his harmless mis.
silos iinoti the dense hair of his charges.
i Evidently he was In no hurry: nnd the
two tiu clots, Impatient ns they were,
had too much wisdom or experience to
try to push him. They sat quietly In
their saddles, watching the droll scene.
It was vei ridiculous to need deliver
ance f i oin two stupid beasts and to get
It from such an owlish llttlo tntterdc
ninllon. An hour crawled by, and the
Dtones In Ramon's hat weie running
low. Suddenly the brown llama turned
with a.snort of disgust and stole off up
the trail Tho gray one hesitated n mo
ment, snorted nnd followed. "Thnt
way they get tired, sirs," said the boy,
emptying his lint and pulling it down
upon his thatch of black hair. "I'd
take a good club to them!" growled
Barton, who hnd great confidence In
the Snxon way of forcing things. "No,
the boy Is quite right. It Is another
enso whero you must not try to bo
smarter than nature. The llama Is tho
stubborncst brute nllvo; a mule Is va
cillating compared to him. If you put
n pound too much on his load ho will
lio down; nnd you might beat him to
death, or build a fire beside him, but
he would not get up, Nobody but n
Peruvian Indian can do anything with
a Peruvian camel and Ramon has Just
shown us tho proper tactics. Hurt the
animal nnd ho only grows moro sullen;
but the pebbles merely tenso him until
he can bear it no longer. And really
he repays patlonco when ho behaves
well, for he Is the only animal that can
work effectively at these terrific alti
tudes, whero horses and mules are
practically useless. But udelante (for.
ward!)," the professor concluded.
Mont Mtiipeiulomi llmlerliikitiK Thut Wat
Ker Ilevlneil.
A census of tho world seems Impos
sible, but It is going to bo undertaken,
says the London Mall, Tho unparal
leled labor Is to be ono of the gigantic
projects to celebrate tho advent of tho
twentieth century, and It Is safe to
say that a moro stupendous undertak
ing has never beforo been devised. Tho
scheme had Its real Inception at the
biennial meeting of tho International
Statistical institute, recently held at
Bcrno, Switzerland, where a committee
was appointed to consider ways and
menus. Tho first step In this impor
tant committee's labor was to enlist thn
Interest and uld of LI Hung Chang.
They met him when ho was In Berlin
and secured tho promlso of his Influ
enco In China. In no nation will tho
work of census-taking bo more difficult
than In China. Anything approximat
ing the accurate census of the popula
tion of the earth at tho present tlmo Is,
without doubt, nn impossibility. In
addition to the poles thero nro many
spots on the earth that havo nover been
visited by tho explorer nnd others from
which a census enumerator nover
would get away allvo. Tho population
of tho earth is now estimated at 1,700,
000,000 guesses founded upon tho ob
servntlon of travolcrs and upon other
guesses mentioned In trcntles given by
such countries ns China, Persia, Arabia
and Turkey.
Another llnyeott.
"Now.como right down to the meat
the matter, Shaver; what nre you form
ing this barbers' union for?"
"To boycott tho football players that
nro ruining tho 'halr-cuttlng branch of
the trade." Detroit Freo Press.
1'li'HiU for Kurly Consideration,
Cholly: "What do you think, dear
boy? That beastly tullor sent mo a bill
to-day, and It is a week yet before tho
"I expect he was sending early to
avoid the rush."--Pearson's Weekly.
the ItenpciM of n Hirsute !larct
How They Hurried the I'l-iimuil Women
of Hi It tuny ullli dny I'ettlcoiitH nml
tho fact that In
1862, In this conn
try, long flaxen
hair wns purchased
from tho head nt 10
shillings nn ounce,
w h II o other fine
AM&nr - "nlr 'olclCi1 ,ro,n
W (fl z 5 to 7 shillings for
i tho samo quantity,
says Health nnd
Homo; nnd within tho present century
the heads of whole families In Devon
shire wore let out by the year at so
much per poll, a porlwlgniakcr of lOxo
ter going round at certain periods to
cut thn locks, afterward oiling the
skull of each bereft person. That tho
use of false hair as an aid to femin
ine bounty wns not unknown to tho
undent Is well proved. Tho Greeks,
llomnns and Fgyptlans, long before the
dawn of the Christian era, resorted to
the wearing of tresses ohtulnod from
other persons' heads; they even wont bo
far as to paint bald heads so ns to rep
resent them iih covered with short hair,
also marble caps, so painted, wore
worn. A valuable merchnndlso In tho
blond hair of German women Is men
tioned In ancient Roman history.
A question thnt tins doubtless often
pirscntcd Itself is. Whero did nil this
hair come fiom? This question I will
endenvor to answer. With tho coming
of spring, In the midlands nnd west of
France, appeared what may bo fitly
termed a singular class of nomadic In
dividuals, armed with long, Iron-tlp-ped
staves and bearing heavy packs of
merchandise upon their backs. At first
glance one would have taken them to
be ordlnnry hawkers; yet merchnndlso
was but nn accessory to their strnngo
Industry. They were tho coupeurs, tho
renpers of a hirsute harvest. Armed
with long, keen shears, they went their
way seeking the tresses of willing vic
tims dwelling In outlying hamlets nnd
villages of peasant France, nnd u la
borious business It wub. From "dowy
morn" until the shadows of night guth
oicd thickly thoy did their ten or llf
tton miles a day often fruitlessly nnd
with empty stomachs, their only bed
the wnyslde. In Auvorgno theso seek
ers nftcr hair were known as chlm
ncurs. Tho Bretons called them ninr
goullns. Theso terms havo no fit
English parallels.
Theso curious Journeymen exerted
every effort to gain their ends n good
head of hair; the former preferring
the local fairs ns a work room, tho lat
ter choosing to visit the dwellings of
their possible clients. In summer the
Brittany mnrgoulln was often seen go
ing through the streets, carrying his
long staff, from which hung twists vf
hair, whllo ho cried in doleful tones the
well-known "Plnu! Plnu!" at tho
Bound of which tho cottagers, with an
Itching desire to possess some of his
gow-gaws, attracted tho wanderer'B at
tention. Ho wns only too pleased to
dnzzlo their eyes with his many-colored
wnres, and the bargaining was not
slow to begin. Whllo tho womnn fin
gered his goods the margoulln weighed
her tresses with his hand a proceed
ing at which ho was adopt through long
practice. Tho bargain ended, the wom
an yielded her abundant locks In re
turn for n few ynrdB of cotton stuff or
a gay petticoat, to which, thanks to tho
progress of civilization tho coupeur
had to add a small sum of monoy.
Sometimes tho transaction was not
completed without much discussion on
both sides. Very often tho coupeur had
to return to tho charge owing to femalo
Indecision; and he wus moro than hap
py when sure that a tardy remorse
would not rob htm of half his coveted
Until the authorities Intervened, cut
ting wns conducted In public as nn
initiHcment for onlookors, it being con
sidered highly entertaining to hear ten
or twelve rival coupeurs eulogizing
their wnres, each protesting his to bo
far superior to his fellow's. The pro
hibition of this custom drove tho hnlr
harvosters to erect tents, rent for tho
day unoccupied shops, collars, stables
or nny corner thoy could find wherein
to establish themselves. Sticks wcro
then stuck up, from thorn being sus
pended petticoats as a lure, as an in
dication of what could bo had In ex
chango for tresses; to tho petticoats
were attached twists of hair as trade
marks. Tho ruso succeeded, peasants
halted, casting envious glances ut the
multi-colored gnrmcntn; they were hnn
dlcd, and even tried on, thus affording
an opportunity to the coupeurs to flut
ter their fair customers who did not
long .rest and victory rowardod tho
'cute buyers. In Auvergno whero tho
coupeurs wero most Humorous tho
greatest harvest wns reupod on Bt.
John's day. Tho ingathering extended
from April to September, during which
month tho butchers, bakers, lock
smiths, etc., forsook their ordinary avo
cations for that of tho coupeur, return
ing to their legitimate trades with tho
:omlug of tho dead season. Tho hair
3f different countries was distinguish
ed by certain qualities; for Instance,
that of Auvergno was the coarsest; tho
finest and most flaxen came from Bel
glum; the blackest und longest from
Italy, while that procured In Brittany
was the most beautiful, though least
well cared for.
Happy Vermont.
Vermont's Legislature meets but once
,'n two yeurs, and the session this year
sted but aeven weeks,
A.vwi rv.w s v-
A Summitry of Them in Olmereii hj
Clvlllrrd Nut loin.
The "laws of war," ns at proHcni
forinulntcd by the civilized nations,
forbid the uso of poison nu.ilnst the
enemy; murder by trencherr, as, fot
oyimple, assuming the uniform or ills
pitying tho flag of a foo; th murder
of those who havo mtrronduivd, whoth
or upon conditions or at discretion;
declarations that no quarter will be
given to nn enemy; the use of such
arms or projectiles us will causo un
necessary pain or suffering to an
enemy; tho ubuso of u Hag of tiuce ta
gnln Information concerning an
enemy's positions; nil unnecessary de
struction of property, whether public
or prlvnto. Thoy also docluro that
only fortified places shall bn besieged,
open cities or villages not to bn sub
ject to slrgo or bomnrdment; that pub
lic buildings of whatovor character,
whether belonging to church or statu,
shall bo spared; thnt plundering by
prlvnto soldiers or their officers shall
bo considered Inadmissible, that pris
oners shall bo treated with common
humanity; that tho personal effects
and prlvnto property of prisoners, ex
cepting their iirms nnd ammunition,
shall bo respected; that tho population
of nn enemy's country shall bo con
sidered exempt from participation In
tho wnr, unless by hustllo acts they
provoke tho lll-wlll of tho enemy. Per
sonnl und family honor and tho re
ligious convictions of an Invaded peo
ple must bo respected by tho Invaders,
nnd all pillage by regular troops of
their followers strictly forbidden.
Tho rioucry Kingdom I'meunr to Hap.
ply Uncle Nam Willi Furl.
From tho Detroit Free Press. China
has thrown down the gauntlet to the
big coal miners of this country. An
American bnrk recently brought to the
Pacific const u mixed sample cargo of
anthracite nnd manufactured coal,
mined und mndo In the Tonquln dis
trict. It Is Intended to push the
Chinese fuel at prices greatly below
thoso which Pennsylvania and Welsh
coals of tho samo chnructcr aro now
bringing. Exports have pronounced the
Tonquln coal bod practically Inex
haustible. Tho manufactured coal la
cntlioly new to American matkets. It
Is mado by tho Chlncso natives from
coal dust. Tho dust Is mixed with a
pitchy substance and compicsscd Into
egg-shapnd lumps. Thu Inflammable
cement aids combustion, and tho coal
lnukes a very hot and a very clean fire.
Tho Imported coal Is said to bo of
the finest quality, fully equal to the
best American or British coals, while
It can bo sold probably at u prlco much
below the standard rates. Pennsylvania
and Welsh anthracite for houso use
nro now soiling on the Pacific coast nt
about $13 a ton, The Tonquln coal
of tho samo grado can be sold to glvo a
good return nt $9 n ton, whllo Tonquln
anthracite steam coal can bo quoted at
least $1 a ton under the present price
of Welsh coal of that grade.
(looil Cow Story.
Thero Is a cow with eighteen horns
at Kerrvlllo, Tex. Tho two on her head
nro curved llko tho horns of sheep. The
others take tho place of hoofs, two pro
jecting forwnrd and two toward thr
rear on each foot.
A combination razor and case In
which tho strop slides Into one side of
the case has Just been patented.
An electric roller for massage pur
poses In composed of plates of copper
und zinc und generates Us own elec
tricity. A recently patented solder for alumi
nium consists of thirty parts tin al
loy, four parts aluminium and three
parts zinc.
A newly designed double-barreled
gun bus only one trigger, a lover being
used to chango the action to either side
as desired.
A handy device for opticians con
sists of an Indicator to toll the angle
at which tho nose-piece of oyo glasses
must bo set to fit tho nose.
Blacking brushes for uso with liquid
blacking have a reservoir In the dau
ber, together with a tube running into
the bristles through which the polish
A Massachusetts woman has a pat
ented leather dressing consisting of a
compound of wax, rubber, gutta per
Chn, Spanish licorice and paraffin oil,
tho proportions being secret.
Circular cxtsnslon tables are made
with a number of slots on tho under
sldo Into which tho supports or soml
circular leaves aro pushed to Increase
the circumference of tho table.
A New York woman has designed a
glass oven door In connection with a
dovlco for opening and closing the
dampers by means of the expansion
and contraction of tho glass plate.
A recently designed watch-carrlei
for bicycles has n screw clamp to at
tach It to tho head of tho wheel, the
watch being hold In placo by a number
of springs to grip the stem and watch
Pneumatic roller skates having one
wheel on each skate are Just out. In
connection with tho foot plate and heal
and toe clamps thero Is a brace run
ning up to the calf of thu leg to make
it moro rigid.
Tho latest curtain pole Is cut Into
two equal sections lengthwise, hinged
to each other and havlug uthole bored
through It to hold a rod on which the
curtain Is hung, thus putting tho hang
ers out of sight,
A new combination tool will drive
or null n nail tad can be used as a nine
J wrench. it hn u 10Vlblo beak, one
j side of which .jrlpB tho heads of nails,
the other sldo having teeth to hold the
J pipe solidly for turning.
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