The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, January 29, 1897, Image 1

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,aAii t ,
r :3: m ' IE W SjH AmmmX H IB HI SB ia .W j HW i jTVh "i -"--a
"sst . I N Ir'L---. wytldf m--A JL1 I'll aV-r-1 fL ii.!
Mi H '""""" l-wi !! HIHIIM " '" """ I III. II I I M ! MM I 1 1 I - J M MM 1 I I HiilWll !
j j . A llll'lll III JllllHIII'J Ml'ia'llll llilllllMI
Tolift Tln-irir' ClVfk lttWif7i Kn U'liiu'i'mini; the forculii.-tiiii! iirni'i't'iiiiiK
19K6 r91D6S u616FY bOiDpOilDQ.ti..,i umi ..!. ti, ! wi,y ,
J 4 I oil'i'ii'il the rasoluliiin, which wns
If Yoa Heed 9
Health Is Too Preeioas to Listen to the
Preaehing of Quacks.
Paine's Celery Compound Makes the
Sick Well Again.
The Wonderful Prescription That
Eesults from the Life Work of
America's Greatest Physician, In
vestigator and Practitioner.
There is onti direction, as Dr. (ieorRe
F. Shraily, America' llrst surgeon, tlis-tim-tly
htiys, in whic'h peopl seem to
nceil onliKlitemnoiit at present more
than they have for many years past.
"This is tho rational appreciation of
the ilanner of ipiumkery anil fakociires."
Dr. Shraily's artiele in the Now York
World of Dec '27 should ho icad hy
oveiy man and woman who is over in
clined to listen to the iioiimmisIcuI, hut
to often plausible, rambling of traders
in p-jtent medicines
When I'u.f. Kdwaid lCI'lii'lps, M. 1) ,
I. 1.. D , of D.ntmoiith college, after a
long life of study in the mot recent
Hcienlillc iiiTestigation of dUeiiMi,
evolves the marvelous foi inula of
Paine's celery compounil when after
the closest posulble obervuuee by tho
best practitiouers it is found that this
greatest remedy of our generation not
only does all, but oven accomplishes
more than the modest doctor tho
uiant among men that lie litis proved
to be more tliaii lie was wumig io
first claim when thousands of suffer
ers in everi walk of life, sulTeiers from
the ailments that come from overwork,
deranged digestive organs, impaired
nervous systems, too poor or two rich
Jiving, iunttentiou to hygienic, laws,
have been absolutely restored to
health bv Paine's celery compound,
after vainly trying every other possi
ble remedy, and being dosed by well
meaning but incompetent so-called
Was Meant for Richmond,
When you are living among the com
mon people don't try to use tin big
words, aud in promulgating your
astrio cogitations, or articulating
your superliciul sentimentalities, nnii-o-ible,
philonophicixl or physologlcal
observations, beware of platitudinous
ponderosity. Let your conversational
communications possess a classified
conciseness and a enncontennting co.
geney. Kschew nil conglomerations of
flatulent garrulity, jiijnue babblement
and asinine affections. I-et y"i' x
temporancous doscanliiigs and un
premeditated oxpatiations have in
telliL'tblllty and veracious vivacity,
without shemomado or transoni bom
bast. Sedulously avoid all pollysyila
bin profuudlty. Shun double ententes,
prurient Jobosity and pestiferous pro
faulty, obscure or apparent. In short,
if you want to talk, and must talk, talk
United States -Heaver ValleyTribune.
Or. Price's Cream Baking Powder
WerM's Pair Highest AUdalaod Diploma.
jlZSj" AJ.fti.'-'r'wo, " '-"v v " .-
True Remedy.
When this is taken into consideration
and at the same time we tlnd hosts of
people still willing to be led astray by
the hundred and one nostrums which
irresponsible tradeis try to foist upon
thorn on the prelextthat these prepara
tions are "as good as Paine's celery
compound" but really because they
make a big prolltousucli propitiation ,
it is time for every one who detests
fraud, to warn his neighbors, and take
the warning to him-clt, that when lie
goes to get a bottle of Paine's celery
compound he must not be wheedled
into taking some oihcricuicdj'.
Paine's celery compound makes peo
ple well. These other things woik
Paine's celery compound is not a
patent medicine. lis formula is given
frtrly to every physician.
Theso trashy stuffs that you are
asked to buy are inade'of ingredients
that should never bo taken into a sick
These ordinary nervines, tonics and
sarsaparillas are no more to be com
pared with Paine's celery uompound
than a glimmering caudle is to be com
pared with the wonderful modern
search light.
If r person needs a true nerve tonic,
a real blood purilier, a reliable diuretic
that will restore stteiigth, renew
vitality, regulate the kidneys, liveraud
bowels, and make one well, lei that
person try his or her first bottle of
Paine's celery compound.
A pessimistic writer thinks that the
world is niado up of very peculiar peo
ple He says one is struggling for
justice and another is !cciug from it.
One man is saving every penny ho
can earn to build a house, while an
other is trying to sell his for less than
it cost. One man is using all the
money be can get on some girl with
the object of making her his wife,
while u neighbor is spending good
coin of the realm in an effort to get
rid of the partner of his besom. One
man escapes all the diseases that llesh
is heir to and is killed by a stroke of
lightning, another escaped death by
the breadth of a hair and finally dies
with the whooping cough. One man
stands off his creditors and travels and
lives in luxury, while another pays his
debts, stays at home and saws wood.
Til fie-
CLOUD, NKI5KASKA. JAN. 20, 1807.
iviuinr Allfii lliinU". iln-ii'N iiinii' in
tin hid which lias bi'i'ii n.iulc to lliu
M'cniMUMit for tlio Union r.ii-ilif Ksill
i o:n!s than :i)tuurnin the oilieial .stati-
tnent of Attiiriii-y (icui'tul llaiinini
adopted by the senate, diicctiug tho
attorney general to inform the senate
whether ho had mado any ileal with
what is cmniouly known as tho re
organisation committee of the U. P.
railroad, respecting the foreclosure of
the government lieu thereon, together
witli the amount that the said commit
tee is to bid in tho event of the foicclo
sure. Ho is further directed to furnish
the senate the full text of the agree-
laoui, together with the names of the
members of the committee aud Ids au
thority for enteiing on the foreclosure
proceedings and for making such an
agreement. There is a suspicion that
tho bid mailu to tho government rep
resents the present U. P. management.
No proceeding can bo taken against
the Central Pacific, read and tho branch
lines which owe tho government money,
before next January, aud not then un
less they default in their payments.
The senate was sensationally in
clined during tho past week. In the
first place it held a session every day,
something it has not done before at
this session. Cynical people say, haw-
ever, that it wasn't on the account of
public business but on account of a
light between two Washington electiic
light companies, and tho proceedings
during tho "morning hour" seemed to
bear out what the cynics say. In the
next place, senators on the foreign re
lations committee made public speeches
protesting against public pressure
being brought to bear upon them to
hurry up and ratify the arbitration
trenty. Hut the greatest sensation ef
all was the reading of a piotest against
the Nicaragua canal bill, which is now
before the senate, made by a foreign
minister. Tills was a very unusual
thing. The protest was from the re
cently iccoguied minister of the
(ireater Kopuhllc of Central America,
mis scut to Secictary Ouloy, who in
turn ncut it to Senator Sherman, chair
man of the senate committee on
foreign relation, who had it lead in
open senate. The protest .s;ij in
client that Nicaragua will not rccogui.e
any contract made with the canal com-
pany, which it considered to have for
feited all the concessions It ever had,
and closes by inviting (lie U. S gov
eminent to open direct negotiations
with Nicaragua for, the building of the
canal. The very nature of this com
munication is such that senators be
lieve it to have been inspired by Great
liritain. Senator Morgan made a red
hot speech about it, and there will be
mere, but it lias killed the canal bill,
and it may be found that it has over
shot the mark and also killed tho
arbitration treaty.
Civil service reform circles have
been interested in an incident that will
probably be investigated by congress.
A $1500 position as translator was to be
litlnd in tlio war department, and the
civil service commission advertised
that applicants would be examined and
required to translate into Knglisli
technical military works in French,
(Jurinan, Italian ami Spanish; to do
typowiitingin all these languages; to
do proof reading aud prepare manu
script for the press; to bo familiar
with modern library methods, the
classification of books, cataloguiag and
Indexiug, with tho Knglisli language,
literary composition, etc. Miss Maud
Stalnaker, a young lady ef Washing
ton 1). C, was the only one able to pass
the remarkable crucial examination,
ami was duly certilicd by tho civil ser
vice cuiiiiiiissioii as me only one
eligible, but the war department re
fused to appoint her to the vacancy bo
chiise she is a wouiaa.
flM ...11 , .
i in-.) it io iciiuig a goou joKt on
'Uncle .loo" Cannon, chairman of the
house committee on appropriations,
annum uie capuoi. WIIOII Ills name
was Hist mentioned as a senatorial
possibility, Uncle Joe assumed an at
Or. Price's Cream Baking Powder
A Pare drape Crcaai ol Tartar Powder.
titude iiiili.itiug AJm in liis (;i( at dch
iiignctaiid ihlgiaiidiloipii nlly '.Mr
duly is hen'' m uoids to that t lleet,
which wasduli telegraphed and print
ed in the Spiiugtlclil papers for the
bouelit of the membci.s of the Illinois
legislatuie Later, when tho legisla
lute appealed to bo in a deadlock,
"Uncle .lop" concluded that duty call
ed him to Spriugliold. lie started.
He got as far as Pittsburg, where he
saw In a newspaper that Hilly Mason
had captuieil the .senatorial plum, lie
wont no fui her, but caught tho next
train for Washington, and has over
since been trying to keep anybody
from iiudiug out Miat he really started
lor Spriugliclil.
The national headquarters of the
American federation of labor are now
permanently located in Washington,
and open for business, with Piesideut
(Jumpers aud Seciatary Morrison in
charge. The headquarters aie located
in an office building near the tirasury
building. Mr. (tompers says tlio feder
ation was never iua more llouiishiiig
condition, that ho expects itsgrnwth in
1800 to beat all previous i coords.
Did you over stop to think what in
digestion really means? It means
simply that your stomach is tired. If
mil' legs are tired, we ride. The horse
and the steam engine do the woik.
Why not give your stomach a ride;
thai is, let something else do its work.
Foods can bu digested outside of tho
body. , A1 plants contain digestivo
principle which ,wil do this. Tho
Shaker Digestive Cordial contains di
gestive principles, and a preparation
designed to rest the stomach. Tho
shakers themselves have such un
bounded conlldence in it that they
have placed 10 cent sample bottles on
the market, and it is said that even so
small a quantity proves benolicial in
a vast majority of cases. AH druggists
keep it.
Laxoi. is tho best medicine for
childien. Doctors iccommeiid it in
place of Castor Oil
A Hillsboro man lost his dog, and
thi.s is tho way the newspaper man let
the fact be known "Henry Michel
hasln-t a dog and don't know where to
It tit I li i ii . He wore two ticks upon Ids
neck and a slum stub tail behind him.
He i long and uariow build, witli
spots ot black and white, and if he
jcns a smaller dog ho always wants to
light. He holds his tail up stiff and
straight when he's for war prepaied,
but points it duwnwnidto the ground
whenever he is scared. The .stump tail
dog that now is lost was Henry's
friend and crony, but now, alas, ho
sadly fears he's maife upi In bologna."
Mall and Hrcezc.
Chicera, Pa., "Herald:" KiclianI
Veusel reports One Minute Cough
Cure the greatest success of medical
science. He told us that it cured his
whole family of terrible coughs and
colds, after all other so called cures
had fidled entirely. Mr. Vensel said it
assisted ids children through a very
bad siege of measles. One Minute
Cough Cure makes expectoration very
easy and rapid. C. h, Catting.
When a pastor wants an announce,
inent he goes to the local paper. When
the ladles want a notice of a church
entertainment they go tho local paper.
When apolitical party issues a call or
holds a meeting it calls on the local
paper. In fact a thousand and one
things are expected of the local papers,
aud yet wo lind many men so selllsh
that they refuse to spond a small mite
to support it or give their job printing
in return for the many free notices
they leceived dining the year. -Osborne
"My daughter, when recovering
from an attack of fever, was a gi eat
sufferer from pain in the back and
hips," writes Louden drover, of Surd is,
Ky, "After using quite a number of
remedies without any bouelit she tried
one bottle of Chamberlain's Pain Halm,
and it has given entire relief." Chain
buiiain's Pain Halm is alsoaceituin
cure for rheumatism. Sold by II K.
(Jrico, Druggist.
DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve
Cure Pllei, Scalds Buret.
(.'lire sfck lifad.u lu, ti.ul jag-.
tMo la tliu mouth, cu.iti'il U all
tiiiiKuc, In ttie stiim.icli, III 2k
illlrc mill ltnllK stloii. Do a7
u wrnkvn, Imt lim limlr rlfrrt. Vi font.
Tilt only rills Io Uku nltli llouil'i .Suriaiuirllla.
Entered Into Rest
.Matilda .lane Moi eland was born
October 4lh,18;l0, In Hendricks county,
Indiana, at which place her girlhood
ivtiw i l ii. ti I llur iifir.iiilu imiifiit In Hill. I
" " 'I' I .... ... ...,.
Icy county, Indiana, in 18 til. She was
married t Hubert Hound, October 1st,
1818. She accepted Christ and united
with tho United Hrcthron chii'ch in
Washington county, Iowa, in 180.).
Hubert Huwud aud family movud to
Webster county, Neb., hi 1878, whom
he and his wife have .since resided.
She united with the Indian creek Con
giegatlonal church September, 180d
She had been a sitlfcicr for almost
sixteen years. Her last illness com
menced October 7, aud she was not
able to leave her bed afterwards. Shu
was conscious even to the last.
"Unix were tier MifH'rltixN
droit wok her pnlii,
Sbc burc It hi mcvkiitbh,
And nrTcrromplMncil.
She fell asleep to wako no more on
earth January 24th, 1807, at tho ago of
slxty-Mx years, three months, aud
iweniy-oiio days. She leaves many
friends ami lelalives to mourn her
loss. Hov. (J. W. Hlackwell officiated
at the funeral.
"Why ;lo wo miinni (or dylnn frlonril.
Or like lit letti'ii nlnruin, '
'Tlnliut (he voice of JenunHcml.
'!' mil them to ltl arm."
On the death of Mrs. J.H.HIackmer.
When the twIllKbt gathered ruiind im
Anil Ihu pvenliiK nhidows toll,
Then onrilitrlliiK Muter left nx
Then hu linden lnM farewell.
She Imr crcMC'l (ho inyMlo river
Shu han Klnel the other htiore,
(lime to meet with thn-o that left her
,lu-t ii little while liefure.
II whs In her ii liiiwy New Yrnr
Though to lis Mid ti itny.
Am wo K'Ulicred 'round her rntikel
And we htld Ik r form nwiiy.
Mm. Wm. Hilton
The bogus plant) tuner is in the land
seeking his victims. Howare of him
lie is a smooth, oily individual; but
the fair exterioi it only a mask to con
ceal a heart of adamant ami full of
deceit He will cuter the house, kiss
the children aud make himself so
agreeable that when lie asks to just try
the piano it is not in your heart to re
fuse him. He scats himself, gives one
tremendous Paderowski thump and
bounds from the stool In horror.
"Meiu (iott, here's a mouse nest in
your piano." Ton feel considerable
alarm yourself, as the instrument is
now, very expensive and the mouse is
known to be a very destructive animal
when turned loose in a piano. Tho
deed Is done. Trust tho bogus tuner
to produce a nest apparently from tho
piano. Hn on your guard aud do not
let every Tom, Dick and Harry fool
with your iusti umciit, aud especially If
one of them speaks of a mouso nest go
for a broom and give him a guard of
honor to tho front dwor. On no no
count let him tackle tho instrument or
you are outdone, Kx.
Young man, don't sneer at the hoy
whose pants aro half soled. While you
are cultivating arrogance, sucking
cigarettes aud running to toothpick
shoes, that boy may be gaining an
eminence where you will lie glad to
look up to linn aud beg a handout. K,
C. Journal.
Frkk ta any person suffering from
dyspepsia iu any form. A remedy that
will cm e you. Scud name and address
ta J. Cramer, Box le.Cavington, Ohio
He will send it free af charge. He
wants your name for his mailing list.
Bionnial Conforonoo.
Of Seven Day Advontists at Lincoln,
Nebraska, February 8th, to March 8th,
18U7. Fur above occasion, following
rates ami arrangements will applv.
Fare and a third on the certilicate plan
from all points to Lincoln. Neb., and
return. Cortiticalcs issued on Feb. 7,
15, 22 aud March 1, only. Will be
honored for return at the roiiueril rale,
under the usual certilicate plan rules,
A. Conovku, Agt.
For Sttlo
One hundred a id sixty acres of im
ImproMil laud, tour miles northwest
of Hed Cloud, Ncbr. Perms cash Ap
ply to, Mits Jami:s Kiiikwooi), Fair
fax, MIsourl.
- - -
"When my daughter was nine years
old nhc had a running sine below her
right car. She took tluee bottles of
Hood's Sarsaparllla when the sore was
healed aud there has been no sign of
Its breaking out since that time." W
K Maomison, Arnold, Neb.
I loon's Pii.i.s are easy in effect,
Card of Thanks.
A friend in need is a fi lend indeed.
We desire to thank our dear friends
and neighbors for their kindness
towards tis through the sickness and
death of our dear little chlldieu,
Georgia and Fr: nkie. Friends your
Kindness will long bo remembered.
Mit. and Mks. Ai.iikht Slaby.
The Guise
The ejoet korrible dUeaee to wile
the hunaa Jeailx a safeject ie coata-
ona blood poitea. It fcaa alwaya
iffled the doctors, far BaftwtthitaBdiae:
the pregreee and ia eae breaches si
medicine, they have failed abeolutelv to
discover a cure for it Whether ia the
form of powder, pill orliqaid, the' dec
tor'e prescription ie alwaya the saate
potash or mercury.
Mr. Otto M. Elbert, who reside at the
corner of aid Street, and Avenue N.,
Galveston, Texas, had a severe expert
ence with this dreadful disease, aud
tinder date of April 5th, 1896, writes:
"Several years ago I was so unfortu
nate as to contract contagious blood
poison, and was under treatment of the
best physicians continuously for four
years. As soon as I discovered that I had
the disease, I hastened to place myself
under the care of one of the foremost
doctors In my State, and took his
treatment faithfully for several months.
It was a very short time after he pro
nounced me well, that the dif ease broke
out afresh, and I was In a far worse con
dition that at first, Large lumps formed
n my neck, my throat was filled with
ores,' and a horrible nicer broke out on
my jaw. After being treated again with
ao success, I became disgusted and
changed doctors. I was again glvea
the usual treatment of mercury, and
took enough to kill an ordinary maa.
Of course, I was pronounced cured half
dozen times, the disease returning
each time, until my physician finally
admitted that he could do me no good.
I am sure that no one was ever
in a worse fix than I ray hair had
(alien by the handful, my feet were ao
awollen that I could scarcely work, and
I was in a sad plight.
I bad seen S. S. S. advertised as a
cure for this disease, and determined to
try it, and before I had taken one bottle
I felt much better. I continued to take
the remedy, aud a dozen bottles cured
aie completely, so that for five years I
have bad no sign of the terrible disease.
S. S. S. is the greatest blood remedy of
the nge, and ia truly a God-send to those
afflicted with contagious blood poison."
For fifty years S.S.S. has been curing
this terrible disease, even after all other
treatment failed. It ia guaranteed
Purely Vegetable
and never fails to cure contagious blood
poison, scrofula, eczema, rheumatism,
cancer, catarrh, or any other disease of
the blood. If yon have a blood disease,
take a remedy which will not injur
von. Beware ol mercury; don't do vio
lence to your system.
Our books on blood and akia disease
will be mailed free toany address. Swift
Specific Co., Atlanta, Ga.
A" J