ru!iMiwWiliWlt,itJ.- - THE RED CLOUD CHIEF, FRIDAY. JAN. 2. 1897. f V fc H YOU vllfl&SCffle TTH AT SmrSh I 'I', .yJT"i Ml!1' !'P You wl" flnd ono couPon I Cw RMfes:!! ill '''"1 ' ,n8,,u' eac'' lwo 0,lnco '"'" ('!tL Xt$M. Iff i " n Bn'1 lwo C0UI)0" Jnsltlo each ilkir IMP vSwkSAII I1 ! fourouncobiiRoflllnckuoU's NHIm!! JaPwl :wSW II1 Durham, liuy abagof this lUI" fwM tffffflMjjJM celebrated tobneco ana read BUT THE WWW'" " tl10 eoupoii-wlilch K'vc n ' ,,,u r5Hli5P1' J Hut of vulunblo presents aud GENUINE X?Pf-!H& howUiKcttUem. E THE CHIEF and Farm ft BOTH A ONLY $1.35. IiioIikIIiik tlio FARMERS' ALMANAC Described Below. lly special nrrniiKniiriit with tho publishers wo nro ennhlt-il for tliu llrnt (lino tuulTcr tlio OltA.MIK .HriMi, tho IctiilliiK iigrl cnltiiriil wei-kly of tin) Central Went, In club With till paper. Tim OlIAMIi: JtlDI) l'AUMKIl Mid-Wintor Holiday Hatos. For Christmas tintl New Year holi lays, will well tiekct.i tt point within :j(IO miles at rate of faru and third fer round trip. Minimum selling rat of llfty cents. Dates of halo December SMtli, te 26th, ntul, 18J0 hiiiI Jutuiary 1st, 1807; llniil return limit Jaiiuno 4th, 1807. A. CoNOVKli, Apt. Comfort t California. Kvcry Thursday afternoon a tourist sleeping ear for Salt Lake City, San Francisco anil Los Angeles leaves Oiualia anil Liiiuoln via the lliirlitiuton Route. It is carpeted; upholstered in rattan; lias spring scuts and barks anil s movided with out tains, budding, towels, vl('ii Me An iprinnced e.- In rcmnrkublu for tlio variety uiul Inturost of (.msii ,-olniui-tor mill iinif ciriilfil l'llll Its rontcniK, ntul Is tlio oldest, best, ami Mmn ter uccompati ll through to most prnctlnil paper oflls kind. I the pueille coast While neither as ex- ITG FARM CFATIIRCQ Pitch ns Mvo stock, pensively lin'sheil nor im lino to look at 110 rHnm rtHIUncoj Duiryi,, nrt. !l(-i amce si 1 pel. it's jits-l n good to rum In. second i-i'tks iickcis ntu honotcd ami tin prim of a berth, vvliltt Almanac ciillurr, 1'oultry, Mnrket Oiirdrnluir mill other topics, written by iirurt Irul ntul Minrit fill farmers, siipplomcuteiHYlth Illustrations by nlilo artists, combine to luukoll liiviilualilo to thoso who "furm It for a living." Thn latest Markets and Commercial A;rlctilt urn nro features In which Tiik I'aiimkii Ih un excelled. THE FAMILY FEATURES: Kit81;:'.?. loin, Fancy Work, Tlio (looil Cook, I'tmln Contests, Library Corner, ntul Young Folks rag, combine to nuiko this Department of us much vnlun nml Interest as most of thaHpeclal Fiimlly Tuner, w-A SAMPLE COPY Frm" mulled to you by addresslnc tho OltANUK JUDI) KAKMKlt, ChlcMO. 1 rlllnllS rn their nubucrlix mm m m mr linn 111 lu v u l I I ltely,woliichulo " tlio AMEKICAN AmiCUI.TUUI8T WKATHKtt KOUECA8TH AND KAIIMKUS' ALMANAC. Thli Rrrnt book of MX) pages rontalnt BTATIHT1CH ON AOlllCUirUUK, UAIf nOADH, Hl'IIOOl. POLITICS, WKATIIKH, CITI1-.S, COUNTIUS, STATUS, COUNTIUES, VKOPI.H. mill a thoiismul things on would never think of nnlll yon hnd conxiitted this giant of useful Information. It iiWucoiitnliu wewtber forernntn fur every day In tho year, mid will li" found of tlio j;rculest, una In uiiwcrliin tin) thoiiH.inils of iuustloiiH that constantly tirlsu In recant to dates, places, pontons, HtatlHtlcs, etc. SltlilllFF'S SAI.K Nollcu Ih liereli) kIMii thivt uiulcr ntul by rlr tile of an order of mlw lni'd trom ili'toitiroof . iiim-n lliinlcu 1 lcrU of tlio DMrlet four) of the Tenth nuirlct, w I1I1I11 11111I lor Web titer count) Nelintfl.ii upon inlti koIiiiiiiiii llou cnillUK ilicrelu, nliirctu llcnrtte I'. I.ewlx U rliilutltl nnd iikiiIuM DiuikIiib .1, .M)etH, Mimd Mcr, .Icllcixm (i M)vrN nml Min, Mjith. wluc rciil llrht uiime l uiikuou ilefelnlniitN, 1 Mhiill oiler for ciilo tit pub. In endue, to tlio lilKhcbt bidder for ciuh lu IihiuI at the cast door of the rourt littihr, at Ited clou". Neb raiiku, (tlutt beliiK the bulldllie wherein the hint term of Mild (tun whn holden) on the 4th day of Jninmry. A. 1). lsw, at one o'eloek p.m. of vhIiI dny. the follow Iiik proerty, low If. I.oIhoiic (1.) two (U,) three (It.) four (-1.) slid five (A) lu blork inuiiber tnentylwo ii.) In hinlth hiiiI MooreK addition to the city of ltfd Cloud, Nobruhkii. (liven under my hsiid thin .tl day of Decem ber, A. I), until. J. W. UtiNiiiKV. Shcrlir. .Iamks McNknt. t'UliitltT'H Attorney. This milo Is eontlntied for whuI of bidder until Kebrimrjr i:tth. 1N1I7, st one o'clock p.m. (liven under my hnnd this Tth iUt of .Inimury. A. II. IWrt. I. W. Uum'iirt, SherltT. noiijjh anil lilt; ciioiirIi for two, is only 85. bor a foliler uivinir full pattH'ti lars, call nt tlm noitrusl It. & M. K. K. tit'ket ofllri). Or, writit to ,) . Francis, General I'atsctiKcr ARi'tit, Hiirliiintou Kotito, Omalia, Nob. PARKER'S CINCER TONIO tbuit Lnsf TrantilM, DtbUltr, dlMmitnc ftomicn ftdU ul Md U nstin for nuklat nrw whtn all a truuntol Ml. Snr? mothtr ud Inrtlid thaold hr It ARktR' HAIR BALtAM aa MtimiM ia atm. A mmrlABl tHnlk. Kgm Falls to BMtoreOnyj OlMUM nmott JUlf to IM Toathfal Oetor. a. .a t m . ruMa PIWMWII al?JS&T.-si Com scalp immmm fcalr .fall JSMSL CsnfW MOnaMs. Miss Maria Parloa Says, Is Hdmlltsd to be the lendliiK American nuthorltyon cookliiKtsbe "Use a Kood stock for the foundation of mips, Ntiiees mid many other thliiKN, Hihl the hot stock is Leiblg Company's Extract of Beef." 100 or mi.s pnriov recelis yeut Krmls by Dnueliy A ( o . 17 Park Placo Now York lUNDOLI'H McNI'lT, ATTOBNEY an. COUNSELOK AT LAW, Special attention to Comiiuuoial anil r 10 bale. Litigation. ' MOON BLOCK, RKD CLOUD, NEBRASKA. TlftiE TATII.E. n & M. R.Y Kun ri.orn, xi:nii. 1.1XCOLX OMAHA CHICAGO ST. ,IOK K ASS AS CITY ST I AW IS nml all points fast anil south. DKSVKU 1IKI.KSA IIUT'J'K SALT LAKH ("V VOIITI.ASI) S.I.V WU.YC1SC0 anil nil points west. tiuinh rsTS s rou.ows: No, f.n. V'relsht, dully except fuuday for Wjnioreandallpulntciikt No. IS. I'asKuiiKer. dally for St. Joe, Kaunas City. Atchlrou, Ht. Louis slid all points east and kouth . 18 :0ft a.m. .". -.'. Accoiniuouniiou, uany except Is. LESTER. Miss l)aly Frisbiu is boarding in town. Mrs Clia. FtKbie was in town Weil nesilay. Clins. Lewis nml wife- wero in town ay. .Mrs. Clms olnmti's baby Is some bolter at tbls wiithiK. Alex. Callahan visited his family at Dine Hill on Sunday. MissTilllu ltasser was visiting John Sataileu last Sabbath. Miss Gertie Ilrow'n was the (jilest of Miss Aithea linker last Sunday. C Oliver is taking earn of Mrs. Kitiscr's chleks while situ mid Jakuttrn absent. It Is rumored that the "littul miller" Is iohK to house keeping about tho lltt f Muicli. Tho happiest jotiug people In Luster uiu IjIIcIiis and Grace Fii.sblu. Can you guess thu reason wh t Delia Auxlcr Is still at the old stand presided over by a new mistress, viz: Mrs. 1. Frisblc! Curds nro out auiiuiiuelng the wed ding of two of the most popular young peopleof Loster on February !2!2d. There was a light seen wandering up the Devil's Lane north of Emick's Wednesday evening. Look out for ghosts. Christopher Russer was in town 011 Sunday with a view to engaging 111 the Ihikery business, having failed as an organist. Died, Sunday evening, January 10th, 1807, tho Amboy Y. 1 S. C. K. The ftumrnl was attended, sad to relate, by u solitary mourner. Wo learn with regret of the Illness uf Kiimm llirchflrid. She is uftliclcd with rheumatism in one of her arms. Christ Ilusier can tell you what caused It. (Jen. Manager MeKinnoy who has been confined to tho house for the past week with thu grip, was able to go over tho road Monday in his special. Tho people of Lester availed them selves of lliii opportunity to congratu late Mr. and Mrs. I. Frisbiu at tho meeting in thu school house on Sunday. Al Man-lit has returned from Blue Hill where he has been rusticating for tho past few mouths. He denies the report that he was married while away. Mr. and Mrs. R. G. Rasmtisicu, former residents of this city, are dally seen wending their way to Pleasant Hill, accompanied by Birdolikiu and tho buggy. Antonio Green is going to move his family to Guide Rock next week. Ho Ih going to wield the brush anil razor. Those in need of u closo shave will do well to call on him. We nro sorry to bo compelled to in form their many friends of the depart ltir of IUbt. and James Mitchell from this thriving burg to Red Cloud, where with their brother William they arc engaged in tho hardware business. Tiik Ghost. How's This. Wo Oiler Ono Hundred Dollars Ho ward for any case of Catarrh Hint can not be cured by Hall's Catarrh Curo. F. ,1. CHhNF.Y &Co , Props., Toledo, O We the undid signed, have known F. I. Cheney for the last 15 jcarjf, and be lieve him peitectly hotiorablo in all busiucs transactions- and financially ablo to carry out any obligations madv by their Unit. Wkst oi TuuAX,WliolcsalcDruggist.s, Toledo, O. Waldinu, Kinnan & Mauvin, Whole sale Druggists, Toledo, O. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken inter nally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of thu system. Price 75o per bottle. Sold by nil dnif gists. Testimonials tree. Hall's Family Pills are the best. STATE LINE. The roads are good enough that pen-ph- arc hauling corn again. Mis Louie ltowlcs has gone to make h islt to friends near Republic; Cliy Tue meetings at Maple Grove closed hc-i Thursday night. They icportslx eoinci si o us and two joined the church. .Mr. J. W. Hccniau bought Mr. Kenwot th's farm and traded it to Mr. Glover for hisshate of t lie Mine. He Is now tho only one left in the com pany. Thu young pcoplu of this vicinity had a skating party Friday night on Henry Parson's pond. Tltcio wero about forty present mid all repot t a jolly time. Mr. Arrauts folks got a box of Christinas and Now Yetti's presents flora their daughter Mrs. Skilliugs of Colorado Springs. They were rather late but much appreciated. Mr. Arrants took four horses and Mr. Sticklcy, his son-in-law, took his span of mules to tho buyer Mondai . The mules were sold for llfty-live dollais but tho horsed wero not bid on. Last Saturday night tho Davis gills and tho Tolaud girls started out for some f tin. They coasted down tho long hills in tho pastures until the sleds were bioken. They then rcsortul to tho spi lug to skate. Their shouts were so loud that the neighbors thought the house was on lire or some one had fallen into thu well, but their laughs rung out and dispersed all thoughts of fear. Uloou IsLikk mid upon the purity and vitality of the blood depends thu health of tlio whole system. Ex perience proves Hood's Sursaparilla to be the best blood purifier. o. HI. No. ot. M. NOTION. Notice Is hereby glvsii that ths undrrh(uud havs Misdated iliemislffs togctlier for the pursM af lieeemlnr lncorora(ea' under tat laws of ths stAle of Nsbrskka. Ths name of suck corporation shall be the Pint A PreesCeiapsny. The principal plaes af trausactliir Its bimliittK absll be at Had Claud, W't btler conutjr. Nsbras ks. The teatrsl uiturt af the bushiest to I irarmacteu sellltif and and tiiilldli of eanltal slock aulharl.ed Is Tan Thoiuuml dollais the whole aineunt of which sIihII be Is the Imjlug. bv said carieratla Ins and efesllnE iteiierslly la caal. lumbar and bulldlac Material af all kinds. The amouat pale In within ten days after ths tlilmr of ths ar tides of liieornorstlon. The time of ths cam lutncestf at of said corperstlea Is Jasuary Hlh. A. 1). IMC. aad the saute shall be terminated an OieMUdsToMsauary, A. I. 1017. The tilthest asaaaut af Indebted uess or liability to which aid eerperatloa shall at any time subject Itself Is Mx Thousand Bollars. The affairs af the 4'orporelteii will be conducted by a board of inrcr uirri'iura wno snail rieci irom inrir ewu number a president, rice nresldent. secretary and treasurer, wlie shall have such pewere in tliesetlvemsusieiaent ef said cerporatlen as may tie enaferred upon lliem by the by-laws nr the articles of Incorporation of said cor poratlnu. Dated, Itd Cloud, Neb.,. Isnuary Kill. IW. . M. Kuris, C.J PI.4TT. M, II. PI.4TT. Sunday. Ilastlius. tlraud ivuii. iiikck inns nun all points in the uortliwest, Accommodation, dally except Sunday, Oberllu, Kansas, and intermediate stations, via lie publican 12:06 p.ra KrelKhl. dally, Wymere and St. Joe and Intermediate Junction points FretRht, dally for Itepubllcan Orleans, Ox ford and all points west. ... 10:.t) I'ssaeiiKsr. dally. Ueiiyer. all points in uoiurauo, man and California 8:40 n.M . Sleeping dliiliiR, and recllnlns chair cars' (seats ires) on liiroiiKii trains. Tickets sold aud bagKsx.0 checked ta any point la the Halted swies or uanana. For Information, lime tsbles, maps or tickets cnll en er address A, Conover, Agent. Ited Cloud, Nebr. or J. Francis, General Paseenrtr Agent. Oiaha. Nshraska. No. No. 10. Hood's Pills act easily and prompt ly on tho liver and bowels. Cure siok hcadaehe. Fiiki: to any person sttlleriug from dyspepsia iu any form. A remedy that will cure you. Send name anil address ta J. Cramer, Box It, Ceviugton, Ohio. He will send it flee ef charge. Hi wants your name for his mailing list. JUDSON. Mis. Meuntford visited her sister iu Red Cloud Tuesduy. Mrs. Corbett spent a week lu Ked Cloud with her mother. Fiuo weather at this writing. On Sunday evening; a little son camo to the homo of Mr. aud Mrs. Charley Barrett to make its abedo under their parental roof. Set 'em up Charity. Died, Saturday evening after a pain ful illness, of consumption, Mrs. Emma Williams, wifo of Jake Williams. She went to C0I01 ado to improve her health but only grew worse and at lust hud to answer the call. Shu was burled at Mt. Hope cemetery on Monday. Ruv. Spnotier spoke words of comfort to the bereaved. She leaves a husband, little daughter mid a brother to mourn her deini. Thu bereaved have the sympathy of the entire neighborhood. Death has again entered the homo of Albeit Slaby and their little son Ed ward passed away to that wot Id be yond to join his little sister, Geotgia, who was called to join tlu angels aboti a week ago. Mr. and Mrs. Slaby have thu .sympathy of their many triutitls nml may llm look to him who is able to eomtott them. In memory of Georgia mid Kdwurd: Our diirlliiK children nro koiio to ret, Their sullurliiKs now are o'er. The .siulor nlMi)s knows the best, lie's trod the way before. Thoutch rust down wo' re not fortnkeu, ThoiiKh nllllcted not alone. Thou didst kIvo aud Thou hast taken, Mossed Lord thy will bo done. PCbtrhr.Ui'n dmll.h DUmanJ tlrsni. ENNYR0YAL PILLS -STw OrliaalasdOlyt)caulne. A ltrsril.l I"' niriMirt iwu In-, A mHj Bren.l In ItVd 01 oJti Tut.nt! lsj win, kiu rl'iis-u Take ,f aaalkrr. Awti(S;iriii4,uSffifH. V tlosxanj iatUiitliMt XI Uruf vl.ia. or mi4 1. a iudip-i rur nicaikft. ir.iiaMsui h,. w jS At Mr Wdkl UUr tkr l.a.llt ," In loi.r. S; r lues 1L 111.111111 Tr.llnm..l.l. -.i.lL:. .,Ti.n. -.i-.':.. :.. - .,' ' HsiL 1 UhMl.kl Utal brsasUU, .OOO Tnllmolil.l. Icul C., M 4Ui-m .i r -;& R. T. Potter, Attorney. LNUAL NOTION. In the District Court of Webster Couuu, Ne-nr.ska. ClIITord J. Povo. 1 rininun, Wllllsm I). Heed, Lydla M. Heed, Ssmiiel K. Heed, Defendants, 'I he aboo named defendant Sauiuel I'. Used will take uollrotlmt on the asih day of Decem ber, lritu, plslutlir herein died his petition in the jpisKiei i ouri or ei)siur noiinie. i-iirstLii . . icieiiiinius,iiie oiijeciauu prser or wlileli are ! foreclose a certain mort gagii eM-culed h the defendants William I) Hied ami Lydla M. Iteed to C. L.Pope and, which said nntri mid mortKnxe ero before miturlty did) ssslned. di-riereAl and trans ferred lu till- plnlnilit. upon lot number four (li In block inuiiber three (.) in Morel's addition to thu town of llluu Mill, .Nebraska, to si'inre the ps)ment of a rcrialn promissory noli dated SepUmberUth.lMr.t. for the sum ofliNUio. duo and psyablo ono )oar from date tbereofj that lltoro Is now duo upon said nolo and morUaKO Ihusumiif (IS0.IO llh interest at the rate of ten tier cent per annum from the lrtth day of Oetubvr, IK3I, forwhleli sum plaintiff pras for a decree Unit defendants bo required to pay thu sumo or Unit said premises may he sold in sstisly the amount found duo plalntlil. Von are leipilred to answer said petition on or bo tore tho 1st day uf .March IM17. Dated lauuaiyllMstrr, . . CiairoRu J. Pom. lly Kobt. T. Potti.ii, IHs attorney, 4 It INAVALE. W.N. Richardson Is shipping hay from here. Miss Kaley and Miss Sherer weut home last week. Last Saturday C. Hunter took in lilOO bushels of corn. Dr. Dumrerell is going to put up another crib that will hold 0000 bushels. Charley Hunter and Alf McCall wero iu Kansas City the first of the week with stock. There was a large crowd went from bora over to district 70 to ua oyster supper last Friday night. Mr. Olmstead and son, S. E. Wol eott, Rob Moore and Elmer Simons weut down to M. W. A. Indgo Wednes day night. There vus a social at thu home of Miss Maud Knight Wednesday evening. It wai given by the Y. P. S. C. E. All report a good time us they always have when Mrs, K. has auytuing to do with it. Mr. File- Eddy's house was set on lire Inst Mouday tilght while he was down town. After tho train went he left aud tho heuso was sacked aud lilted with smoke. He broke a window and then it blazed up so some of the neighbors saw it. It seems some one hud goae in ami teak his best clothes and sot lire to his bed. It burned his bed and damaged the house some, Apiion'Stimnhs. So we trust them with the Savior, lu lllsnenlle loMnn chre, And when our life Is ended, We shall meet each other there. KIDNEYS-RHEUMATISM A Great Sufferer Could do no Work Other Kidney Medl- elno Failed. AvMkmtjf9mWmWmmmmWAmWmm rMhwtv 11 " ' "" ' "" ' " ' i 1. 11 1 in 1 1 CASTDRU .AYcgclablcPrcparationfbr As similating ihcFoodfltulRctf ula lliig the Stomachs mulDowcls or f..l.. SI II f-tfr HMIt t iiHtitnlBB V axH T H I ' 'i 'in rr 1 1 1 1 11 r i' j SEE THAT THE FAC-SIMILE SIGNATURE OF- PromolcsDicslion.CiKcrful ncss nndRcsl.Corilalns neither Opium.MornhitiC norJiiiaal. Not NAiic otic. &am afOMDrSAMVELnitUm JimyJhn Stid" JbcSauut iilOrtontcSoia. t Ctmfitd Siiatr . Apcrfccl Hcmcdy for Constipa tion, Sour Stomach.Diarrhoca, Worms .Convulsions .Fcvcr i sh ocss and Loss of Sleep. MasMSSSaBBBBM Tac Simile Signature of NEW VORK. 3&0&iZ EXACT COPr OF WRAPPER. IS ON THE WRAPPER OF EVERT BOTTLE OF CASTORIA Oaitorla it pnt np In one-ilze bottlti only. It Is sot sold In balk. Don't allow anyone to tall you anything else on the plea or promise that It is "Just as good" and "will answer every pur pose." f Bee that you get O-A-B-T-O-B-I-A. Tho iis- Stalls tl;sttut( ei SX ll (3 mzfo Jii wtijpsr. TWU tUK iHfc Hr- vrit si aMssnw-w 1 , V.'iil pay for thl 5 P.-tier for ( . o t(-"i 1 y .1- i r -5 rr J""' 'J M r " " ' "N "' " V; I .j p.. v ( - J AkLf to fb4, 3 Kuia.a bVvtiiia CHICAGO, ILL. The Old Reliable Farm and Family Journal, $1.00 a year. A Farm Paper that is always in the front rank, priis'.inif each week from 32 to 40 pacs of such matter as will inform the mind and sv.xii the pockct-1 00k, as well as delight the hcaits of the Fa:r:crs!. Id, To this co.niil.talloii of two leaders of their da"s V"-v ilie" seeds n t'- ,. r ... t , . i .- .. - fr ' g5oe4eo39eo"oe)e)e)e)ae)aaec I $1.00 -the- si. 00: I Weekly 1i1teii OceaM. : The Greatest Republican Paper of the West. S ,,,,,N,S J TT is the most stalwart and unswerving Republican Weekly pub- -L lished today and can always be relied upon for fair and honest re- J ports of all political affairs. e ntsJ The Weekly Inter Ocean Supplies All of the News i rrm IKZS3 I l &XI and the Best of Current Literature. (s4J It is Morally Clean, and as a Family Paper is Without a Peer. Its Literary Columns are equal to those of the best magazines. Its Youth's Department Is the finest of Its kind. psss-.srfs I It brings to the famllr the Newt of the Entire Wrld and glvea the best and ablest discussions on all questions of the day. The Inter Oeean ulvcs twelve pastes of reading matter each week sou ueiuar pnonsnea in mcaco is oeiier aaapioQ so me neeas or tho people west ot tho Alleghany Mountains than any other paper. 5SI.00 WMfigjQgJ5SWtARJ SI.Oo! w The Daily and Sunday Edl- Hods of The Inter Ocean are I toe best or tneir kind .... M00 per year ,z.uu per year; .16.00 per year J Csnstipatian in it.s worst forms, dys- popsia.blekheadache, billioiihiicss and ilcrangemont of the liver are readily mired by DeWitt's Little Early RNers. Thee little pills never gripe, Small pill, safe pill, best bill. O. ! Cotting, 'ATTbW. Hamlkt, N. Y., July .lie. Dr. M, M. FxKmtn, Frcdonla, N. Y. Dear Sir: I bad been sick aboutS months with a complication of ailments, chief among which was Kidney complaint, tlad lame back, pain aud soreness across my kidneys. Bad been contlncd to my bed much ot the time and bad been able to do no work. I had taken 4 bottles ot another kidney cure, highly recommended, but It did no good. Finally I procured a bottle of your Kidney and llackache Cure, and com menced tiiUtnir It. I Immediately Imiksii to Improve. A sec ond iKrttlu completed tho cure aud now I am as well as evur." FOR SALE BY C. L. CO TTINU. Price ot Dally by mall,. i-nce or uunaay oy man Dally and Sunday by mall Address THE 1NTBH OCEAN, Chicago. ee)4kea)AS)sieeeeeeeseeeV The Chief and Weekly Inter-Ocean one year lor $1.35. Bar" Huerl aSSraaVJsK" Warn 1 "l ! M IMM rAtrnsf rwis. wt CU.Iih WHtll! bVUHII R7r,l,. .Ul In tli'ia Fold by drutccius. All flJ,f FAILS . Tastes iiootl. Vsel -- --M-)MsiriMiSi wsiwsaaasiai RIPA-N-S The modern stand ard Family Medi cine : Cures the common every-day ills of humanity. Pavfta J. S. EMIG-H, DENTIST. PAINLESS DENTISTRY IK YOU WANT IT. Criwn Bridge Work or Teeth Without Plates. PORCELAIN INLAY, And all the latest ImproTemem la dental neeh anltm. Wanted-An Idea ll-r. Tlis Dss Hkg Pfsriesi F&rni Paper will bo r.dded, provided advantage is taken of this ofTer at once both one yi-ur, postpaid, at tht- extremely low price of $ in nr1 v.t'.i . nnd will ftv " ach subscriber to thisi comLinaiion offer who pare ten coi s .dditionai lor ;i .i and pac :in., .'" TV PACllTTC? OF rErOR . 1 I I v- 4. m ' -f .l.l.lll .! iv, m. .MWS.' srrissrsy 15m3$&w. v - . , -s i mu. i rt i, . , 41 J