?tWotWWw rHJfi'MBD CLOUD CHIEF, FftlDAY, JAN. 22, 1897. O M Mi i y I 13 l m M "i '5t i Merit It what gives Hood'n HaraapArllla lt ront popularity, Its constantly Iticrcatduu Mtcfl, and onablos It to accornplUli its wstidorful and unequalled cures. Tho combination, proportion and proccM used In preparing Hood's Harsaparllla re unknown to other medicines, and make Hood's Barsaparllta Peculiar to Itself K cures awldo range of dlscose because ol Its power as a blood purlller. It nets directly and positively upon tho blood, and the blood reaches every nook and cornorof the hamuli system. Thus all tho nerves, muscles, bones and tissues mo under tho bcncflccnt inUucucoof Hood's Sarsaparilla The On True Wood Purifier. II cr bottle. .. ,, .tut cure Mvor Mm einy to MOOtl S PlIlS Uke.cantuuptfrjitu.vic. THE CHIEF ruHLiKiiKU nr W. Ii. McMIMAX. One e.ir Sixuioullu ..II 00 to PUIIUSIIKD KVKUT KltlDAY Entered at the poit office at lied Cloud, Nob. as ccaud clan mall matter. Wo wonder If V. J. Bryan Is lending his powerful u Id to the exposition bill Why docs not some enterprising gentleman inaugurate the spring cam paign. It seems to ns that somowhere in tho stipules it is Huitl that the county attor ney slinll keep his oflh'o at the county scat. Is it going to be dune? The populist legislature seems to have done away with lenders, that is men who had the ability to take an honest lead ott tho legislative Hours in the face of tho people. King Caucus and the head of scheming mediocrity seem to have complete control, not only over appointments, but over leg fetation. Hitchcock says his Omaha expos ition will attraet capital to the state. Tho only investment it has ever in de in tMs part of the country is in farm loam. God forbid any more attrac tion in that direction. 2 8 ""3 "O u "o a v 2 M 0 2Q . -a T' g s S I -2 I 8 " 6 C C D u . . ! j2 v. oj M 1 13 8 15 o 3 a S N, g 52 fc S H - a " W 'I o U 2 b O '3 rt "i3 " s " c b .. .s o 2 Si - j o c. b &: .a - .- y u , .- ? ? a. - " I 8 a s rt . x U - "3 t" '" . g i fen t -S y i . S U '72 8J - CD - I a r 4! 2 S Wc have had tlio commissioner y(- tern for nearly a month now and the county docs ntrt seem to have stiflered. The lime serins to be near when the old competition of water freights with railtoad tarllT.s will bo reiuatigttrated. Galveston is rnpoitcil to be the ship ping point of a largo share of western pioducc during the past year. Then how long will It be until there Is an other pooling of rates? We note that two things are neces sary to constitute it good member of Hits so-called "independent" party in this iieighboiliood. One is t sub scribe and pay for a paper which is probably of no earthly use, tho other is never to "bolf any candidate, the most preposterous, reseateil by the caucus. TIiuiaw over the I'acillc railroads recalls the fact that in the near futiiio congress will be asked to pay its atten tion to the Nicaraguan canal. Ameri cans should take care that the, llasco f tho roads Is not repeated in the case of the canal. Hotter no canal at all than one bought by thu government and be longing to another Dates Ames. Ii is n curious fad to note that I'op tilist Hitchcock, whoso paper is thV ex ponent of "equal rights to all, special privileges to none," Is found in Lincoln lobbying mark tho word for an ap propriation of :).ri0,000 for the benefit of Omaha financially, anil the rest of thu state will Miy in tho way In which the peacock gains most delight. And there is another incidental special privilege, probably $20,000 will go for lobbying purposes. WASHINGTON NOTES. There is a wide difference of opinion in congress as to the wisdom of choos ing Senator Sherman to bo secretarrof stato under tho coming administration. Mr. Sliorman's temperament is shcIi that he has never been and could not bo a popular man, in tho common ac ceptance of the term "popular." While everybody admits his extensive know ledge anil experience, thcro nru many iiienjovon among his party associates who doubt his success in handling our foreign relations, which of Into years havu stencil to grow more complicat ed mid difficult all thu time. His enemies, nud he has many, suy that he has made a failm-ci ns chairman of tho senate committeo on foreign telatiens, and point out that only tho other day that committee wuh criticised iu an executive session of the senate an al most unheard of thing for the manner it had handled the Cuban question. The belief, which is general, that Mr. Sherman was virtually forced into bo coming secretary f state by the exigencies of Ohio politics, will notndd anything to his prestige. Senator Chandler, actiag for Senator Wolcott, chairman of tho republican caucus committee, has introduced the bill prepared by that committee, authorizing the piesidcnt, after March 4.. 1897, to appoint representative! to any international conference, called by tho U. S. or nny other country, "with a view to securingby international agree ment, a lixity of relative value between golii and silver as money, by meaus of a common ratio between those metals, wltli freo mintage at such ratio." It will pass without opposition. Few harsher criticisms against an individual have appeared in a report from a congressional committeo than Hint iu a report madu by tho senate naval committee several days ago, on the cost of making armor plates. This report says: "The evil consequences likely to result from allowing navy ollicet s tube interested in patents, or employed by tho owners thereof, are well illustrated by the facts which ap peared to the co uuiittee concerninti Commander Win. M. Foglcr, lain chief of the htucau of oidiiui.ce, navy do partment, and hi.s connection from be ginning to end with what is known as the Harvey pi ocev for face burdening amior for naval vc-.fl, mid the various patents iMied theiefur." Tho report recites the as.Manct given the llurvoy company by Kolgcr in ,i official capacity, and say iu plain words that It wai given to get the lucrative employment from the com puny, which Kolgcr has had since he resigned from thu navy, it also gives other iiihUucos of Kolgei's having been in private employ while in the navy. In 1871 he went to Kurope as agent for tlm Hauling (itiu company, and drew a salary as such for two years. Later bo was empUyed by the SuiiomU Hulling Machine company, receiving as pay both money and stock iu the company, ami afterwards by the American Pro jeutilo company. Congressional intorcst is greater in tho settlement of tho l'ucilio Railroads question than it was before thu Iiouhb defeated thu funding bill, but it is doubtful whether tho conlllcting opinions can be sufficiently reconciled to gel any legislation. It nil depouds upon the house. Thu soiiHtu committee has unanimously agreed to Senator dear's bill, providing for a commission oi memoersot the cabinet to settle the indebtedness of llio l'tiullio Uailrouils, and deiermino how it shall be paid, with an amendment, olYuul by Senator Morgan, reserving to congicis tho right to i-i-gtiliito'iiiitl prcMMioociiaiges made by those 'ipads aid all other rights it has tinder existing lmv. This bill hns been reported to tiie sfimte, but no clTort will be made tt pnb it tuilii tlu house acts upon a similar bill now iu committee. If the bouse docs nothing, the tuptter will be left for the executive branch of the government to deal with The attei'Hcy general Is now working on tlw papers that will be needed In the proceedings for fore closuiepf t lie government mortgage. If the free lioaiastead bill, which was last week passed by the senate, is kill ed in the house committee on public lands, where It now is, Its friends will Maine Speaker Heed, and accuse him of being in sympathy with thu entrii oppHsillon to the bill. When the bill was originally reported fiom the house committee on public lands, It only pro vided for f ri homesteads in Oklahoma, and it required hard work to get the fiiTorublo report, which had only a majority of one in the committee. The house passed tho bill as It wn re ported, nn the senate has added amendments extending the free home steads t all lauds acquired fiom Indians When the bill went back to the house, Speaker Heed referred it to thncoiuiniltew on public lane's for con sideration of the senate amendments. Is it "overwork" that has (Hied this country with nervous dyspeptics? that takes the lle.sli oil their beues, the vitality from their blood, and makes them feeble, emaciated? No. It Is bad cooking, overeating of indigestible stuff, anil other health-destroying habits. The remedy is an artificially digested food such as the Shaker Digestive Cor dial. Instead of irritating the already inflamed stomach the cordial gives it a chance to rest by nourishing tho sys tem itflolf aad digestingjother food taken into it. Se flesh and strength roturu Is not Hie idea rational. Tho cordial is palatable and relieves unmediatly. No money risked to docldeon its value. A 10 cent trial bottle does that. Laxol is the best medicine for children. Doctors recommend it in place of Castor Oil. CHURCH NOTKS. MKTHQIMST. Pleaching at 10:30 a.m. Sunday school at 11:30. Junior League at 4 p.m. Senior League at 0:30. Evening service at 7:30. Prayer meeting Wednesday evening at 7:30. Chapel Sunday school at 3 p.m. each Sunday. Tho public is invited to all these ser vices. Hkv. J. M. Dahiiv, Pastwr. CUNOKKUATIONAI.. Her. S. Williams, the popular minis ter of Kiverton will preach in this church next Sunday morning and evening. The morniug subject will be "The Drawing Power." Evening, "Short Beds nud Narrow Spreads." Morniug servicu at 10:30 a. m. Sunday schovl 11:45 a.m. Junior Society of C. E. 4 p.m. ' Y. P. S. C. E. 0:30 p.m. Evening services 7:30 p. m. Prayer meeting Wednesday evening at 7: 30. All are invited to these services. Young men especially invited to tho Sunday evening service. 0. E. Tiuknou, Pastor. IIAVTIST. Preaching at 10:30 a. m. Sunday school 11:30 a. in. Young People's society at 0:30. Sub ject, "The Call of Matthew Folio at Me." This is to be a special servico of the young people. Musio will be fur nishuil by the male quartet and ladies quartet. Following this meeting at 7:30, the pastor will preach to tho young peo pie, taking us his subject the motto of the society, "Loyalty to Christ at All Times in All Things." All young men and young women nru especially in vited to this service. Prayer meeting Wednesday at 7:30. C. H.Wki.dkn, Pastor. El'IftCOfAL. Services Sunday morniug tit 11 o'clock. Sunday school at 10 o'clock. Services in the evening at7:30. The piogrcssive ladies of Westlield, lud., Usued a "Woman's Edition," of the Westlield News, bearing the date of April 3, 181)0. Tho paper is lilled with matter of interest to women, and we notice the following from a corres pondent, which the editors printed, realizing that it treats upon a matter of vital importance to their sex: "Tho best remedy for croup, colds and bronchitis that 1 have been able to lind is Chamberlain's Cough Hemedy. tor family use it lias no equal. I gladly recommend it." 25 and 00 cent bottles for sale by II. E. Grice, Druggist. ...... i m iii. . For Salo. One hundred a id si.xty acres of un inipri.vid land, tour lilies northwest of lied Clotu!Nohr, Terms cash, Ap ply ii', Miis Jams Kikkw'k D, .'nil-. oa.gjja-oxixv. Til f. iiBlie MTutart et laca itiry 4U '" tyi'v ! i','" "V!" w C&rttfffiZ S7 scnooii NOTES Hooiu 7 has No 8 this week. The Kindergarten has the banner. Mr. Yelsor called Friday afternoon. (ti'ticiu Krisbie was a pleasant little visitor last Friday. Aitu Smelser an old time pupil visit ed iu the 0th aad 7th room Tuesday. Mr. Overlng Is a teacher of art as well as science. One bov's lesion was a study in black (the corner.) Otto Pope came up to .say good bye Wednesday. Ho has n position as traveling man. Wo cannot afford to lose any more of our already few senior boys. The literature class linMnkuti up tho study of Washington livings wciki. This author becomes more popular with thu pupils ns 'they learn more of his character. The Cicero class have taken up the Philllplcs. This is only a samploof the Latin work done in our scIiohI ami shows great progress en the part of the Seniors. e are proud of them. Tlie(5ennietry ligures present quite a complicated iiieshwor!, but tin seniors t-cwm to disentangle them iu their minds and wind the knowledge gained thereby into their fast nlnrg ing reasoning powers. Irene Miner brought quite a curiosity Tuesday iu the shape or a.small porous jar which was tilled with water. On the outsido adhered blue grass seed which were growing by the moisttite couductvd through the jar. Miss McClelland has been reading Cnnaii Doylo to the seventh room pupils in place of singing. These are stories to which one must pay the strictest attention in order to get and enjoy the philosophising and proceed ings of the chief character, Sherlock Holmes. Tho philosophy class is tukiiigsouiid. One division treats of musical instru ments. Tuesday tho organ was brought in and taken apart to Hud out whether or not there were pipes in common organs, also to demonstrate more accurately the principles of vibtnlion of sound. Tlinrsday morning the chemistry class performed nn experiment of de composing water by menus ef metallic .sodium. An explosion was the result of the oxygen and hydrogen coming in contact. Vknika. Farmers' Institute. There will be a meeting of t lie Far mers' institute held at Cowles Thurs day, January 28th, 18H7. A large at tendance i3 desired D. J. MvKtts, Sec. BATIN. Mrs. Peter Jensen is very sick. O. E. Ramoy sold his steers Monday. Hank Wisecarver was iu this vicinity Sunday. Otto Jensen was transacting business in Hastings tho other day. Miss Eva Mutkin was tho guest of Miss Grace Bean Sunday. Anna Gcuseii is visiting friends iu the north part of the state. William and J. Brctthauer were vis iting at J. Beau's last Monday. Morris Sharp of Superior was hero last week shaking hands with old friends. A. Phillips bought forty-live head of hogs and a horse from A. N. Wilson the other day. Peter and Ellis Jespersou from Ellis county Kansas were here visiting among old neighbors last week. Mrs, Anna Gage, wife of Ex Deputy U. S. Marshal, Columbus, Kan.! says i ."I was delivered of TWINS in less than 20 min utes and w i t h scarcely any pain after using only two bottles of A-'MuTHFIK' gp ITIU i llbllV FRIEND" DID NOT SUFFER AFTEItWARD. IVSantby lCxpi.MoriiiHll, on receipt of nrlc Hl.OO per huttle. Iloult "TO MOTI1UKS" uimioa tree. BBiDFIKI.ll ItKOULATOlt CO., ATLANTi, Qk. SOLD 1JY ALL. DltUGGISTS. ItKt'OIlT OK TIIK CONDITION or tuk t PEOPLE'S BANK of RED CLOUD cha!'ti:kno,3io, iU licit Clmnl, In tho Stntu of Ncliruskn, nt tho clO!C()f liiihltiesn Ik't'cmtier Jllxt, 18'JO IIKMJIIIIOKH. I.OHim mill Dhcoiiiita liUttl ! lYcnlrnflH. porwred mill unsecured.. i ::o County mid city wurrnut -. ItiiiikliiK limite fiirnlturo nnil llxlureit. chfekf nml oilier chhIi Hems Un from other nntlaunl. tttnte mid private bank ami tiankem I I3,70rt 44 1MU M Mi M Six-cte 2.272 M Nlrklca uh) rentH 13 U) Hlllatr other bunkH 1.810 iki I.ckrI teniler notew ............. l,(Ki IX) Totnl iiith on Imud I8.ro; m TotnL I5S.491 A LUBILITIK. C,llttl "took nli III r fA,IU) IM Vinllviiieil rotlt 0,K17 HS IlidlMUinu iiepoHiia miujcci to check .O.H84 07 Deruiiiid cert 111 en I cu of do no.lt .. l Time ceittllciilen of ojKult.. H.y.'a 00- .tti.tUS 76 Totnl K2.I0I f4 State Nrhiunka, I... t'uiinty of WelMitir, 1. V. A. sliemtiod. crtxulcr of the ulxnu imnu'il lunik, do holemuly hwenr Hint llio iihoiu HitU'iiU'iit In truo to tliu U'A of in) knowl edKf ond belief. ... , ,, , , (ATrtnil W bntliwoob, I'nthlcr, .1 I.. MiMUt. Iilrtetor V. l MiMiii, i'lrevloi MiUaerlbod Mini woru to brfnK me tlilhtUh ilnVof Jiiinmri. ntor, ItAMWU'ii "rtn.NiTT, iiiuy rubllc. My fbim)'ljttMi txpirti r Mii; s, Ji,. Ptaapi- i4W trliAfBHSinBWe9' .A The Greatest Cure on Earth for Pain. Cures permanently Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Sciatica, Sprains, Cuts, Bruises, Scalds, Burns, Swellings, Backache or any other pain. SALVATION OIL is sold everywhere for 35 cts. Refuse substitutes. tow UNGE'S PLUGS. Tt Brut Tokicce AtKIti,toc. Dukn or nilAC.Meir C BtHo.,M, lie! IT'oi Corn k4 During the JVIonth of January, . 0 65 n n H M u 0 0 0 Out ti'l; I the Inie All goods marked in plain ligurei. Our prices the lowe.. Thi Is an ellort iu your behalf. Kmhriiee H. Cincinnati Cash Shoe Store. r""" II6 J or Corn lA SHERWOOD Humboldt, Minnesota CROC8RS AG15NTS FOU Chase & Sanborn's Coffees. KKKSH VKUKTA1H.KS AND KKUITS OF ALL KINDS IN SKASON. Harness! Harness! Harness! J. O. BUTLER, The Square Dealing, Low Priced, Best Grade HARNESS MAN In Red 'Cloud. Prices right for cash. POULTRY - WANTED ! Th Atasou of th raar has arrived when you will h prevailed upon by NUMEROUS COMMISSION HOUSES U forward them fiit consignments f POULTRY, - GAME, - BUTTER, - EGGS, PURS, HIDBS, PBLTS, BTS.. Take n chances but ship direct to the old establishes linn of J. - -A. - MoCutolieon - & - Co,, 12a South Water St., Chicago, III. Tliejr will five tu tp prices ami quick returns. Writ thain fr quotations KEFERENCE First National Bank, Cuban, Illinois 12g PAID AT MRS 1'. NliWIlOUSli'S I N ? T R K D E The liutt linoof Hoods, Fascinators, Ice Wools, Woolen Squares And prettier and cheaper than ever Many other things suitable for Xmas Presents. All my Pi e Goods at Greatly Reduced Prices. limHaB ! iiiiHLM MvBki 'I Wiral iH H H H H BTSj 1 1 i Bja ! kat ''k'ljBjj Careats,and TradcMarki obtained and all Pat-; eat Dtuineia conducted tor MaorRATC rtt oun orriec is OrrcaiTc U, s. patcnt orriot andwecantecure patent la leu tuao uaa tni remote from Waihinton. Send model, drawins or photo., with descrlp-' tlon. We advise, if patentable or not, free of chmrra. Our fee not due till natent la aeeured. i A PAMPHLCT, " How to Obtain Patenu," with coat oi hub in mo u. e. uu iuvcju kuuumici tent free. Addreaa, I C.A.SNOW&CO OM. PATINT OrriCt. WatHINQTON. D. c. CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. Th hi' itclls (denture Cf "Uca crity nsjpii. w, rfJXttZi "rvrt -cucA II le ix Trade. t i 0 C 0 n 3 Wu will exchange shoes for corn at 1 1 cents per bushel. Corn to be deliv ered when goods are purchased.. 13 and most complete. CD (D iix Tract. lift 't K, & ALBRIQHT, ;iwl Ambov Flour - FOR - CORN SAMPLE ROOMS. JOHN FOLNICKY, PROPRIETOR. DEALER IN Wines, Liquors, California Brandies. DICK BliOS QUIKCY BffiU ALWAYS ON TAP SOOTH SDK "MfW,ijia.'iiijilwMiiininnif im iiaFwn nKjHwoMni w -v H A " -r . i4 i .. ' - . ... Kt'tV .ft.,Vt.,V.. IL. '&&mm